A New Kind of Force [Inactive]

Her hyperspace stops, as she parks into a small station. Seeing a small man, her face immediately transformed. "Weasel, get me The Master. I finished my mission. Any trouble?" The small man, nervously looked up, responding in a nasal tone, "Yes, your high-" *noticing the other man in the ship*"...Y'drenna. Er... yes, ma'am, but little more than inquisitive jedi and fighters. Naught to worry 'bout." he checked under the ship. "Your mission was completed, then." he checks his watch quickly. "The master shall see you at 1837 flat."

(I intend to make a character for weaslel, if i may, as a secondary to add more plot...)
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"Tsk, I have a feeling you're about to witness something pretty bad about me aswell. See it as a mutual agreement, and you can bet your ass I won't."
"Argh, heh, that is good to know."He said with a slight chuckle before moving towards the bridge."Well, i guess we have to get this sith hunt started. The issue is where? All i have is a presence which i cant sense anymore...Maybe."He turned on a device on the bridges console, in a instant com chatter irrupted from the device. He began adjusting a nob changing the chatter coming from the device."This receiver paid itself more times than i can count. This could take a while though, you have anything for me that might help?"

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Argi listened to the chatter for a moment before replying. "Not necessarily. I'm not good with technology..." her voice drifted off as she lapsed into thought. "Of course, I might be able to help in picking out anything important." She sat cross-legged on the ground and began to listen intently to the receiver.
"I meant on our sith friend, or any leads of any strange occurrences. Has the king been meeting with any new people?"He explained still keeping one ear on the reciever. Nothing in particular came through, some white noise the occasional personal calls. Eventually he stamped on the security forces com link.

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DarkWolf13 updated A New Kind of Force with a new update entry:

Help on Location

I added some little guides on where stuff is, so I recommend reading that to help prevent Ethereal Nyan Cats from passing over your character. This causes confusion, and often results in the roleplay being unrealistic.
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Argimon nodded, still listening, but finding nothing. "A lady came to visit him the other day, and he wasn't the same after that. I suspected they had a little 'fun', but I wouldn't be too surprised to learn that it was for another reason." She twirled her staff in her hands, becoming somewhat bored. "I wasn't in the throne room, so I couldn't hear what happened initially."
"That man having fun...yikes. Thanks for that image, its enough for me to hurl on my voice box."He said only half joking a visible sundering at the thought." Still its something, any more on the girl? Strange things like greying skin or yellow eyes...Wait.."

"...Unit 9 to central, armed disturbance in sector e27 dissipated. Visual sighting of jedi confirmed. " The receiver sounded.

"That sounds like something to look at. Know were is that sector."He said somewhat excitedly already prepping his ship for take off.
Laughing, Argrimon managed to respond to his question. "I didn't see her, but my fellow soldiers said she was remarkably pretty. So probably no graying skin or yellow eyes." She sat in one of the seats and buckled herself in. "Sounds good. I'm sure Jedi would have heard of these Sith by now, but wouldn't they have it under control?"

[Though Cielo does have the red, demonic hand it shows in the picture, she used Sith Illusion at the time]
(He doesnt know that.)

He said taking off, flying toward the sector.

"We cant count on them, trust me"He said a slight venom in his voice, he knew too well what waiting for the consul to act results to. "If even the get they find out, the council has to convene and discuss it so the figure out what to do. That is if they are going to do anything so spread out they are on other problems or wait for for more information to come in to confirm it. By the time they act this planet would be a sith world and one sith becomes a hundred."
Argimon frowned. "You don't have much respect for them. I won't pry though. I'm just here to kick butt." She shifted in her seat as the landscape came up into view. The large mountain rose before them, dominating the view screen. a single ship could be seen at the very top disappearing out of the atmosphere.
"Something like that."He mattered, he noticed the ship fly off himself but didn't give it much thought at first concentrating on his flying. But something bothered him as it approached the plateau, a sense of emptiness like a hole then suddenly something rushing to fill it. He stopped the ship setting it to hover."Strange...Did you feel that?"
Argimon studied the plateau carefully. "Feel what?" She hadn't noticed the ship, being more occupied with watching the mountain. "I think they got off before we got here though. Doesn't look like much of a battle either." Argimon frowned as a mountain goat jumped up onto the plateau and began to walk to the other side.
"Nevermind it was nothing."He said the feeling he got disappearing to normal. He looked out on the field it self."Strange, there is nothing here to indicate a duel and i don't just mean physical. The are is no change or shift to the force you get in fight between force users."

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Argimon sighed. "Great. So something must of happened here though. Think they had some sort of talk and decided to battle someplace else?" The wind was strong here, and the ship shook slightly from a particularly large blast.
Before taking off back to Mandalore, he saw someone very interesting outside and decided to halt the takeoff. He got out of his chair and walked over to another platform. It was the Mando Girl he saw at the Council Room. He removed his helmet and walked closer.

"Hey, remember me from the Council Room. You know, my name is Klowde and they wanted to examine me."
"Hu-uh? What's this place?" He asks Y'drenna. "I'm not sure why, but I had the feeling we were going to a planet." He contemplates something for a moment and then says "We've got to go to some place secure soon enough, preferably one where you've got contacts. I know places myself, but I don't want to deviate from your course." He looks at her and says "Don't ask. If it comes to it, I'll let you know."
"Wow there, girl!"he said adjusting the ship to make up for the wind. "Sorry about that. I don't talk between jedi and sith is not a good sign, it could mean a turn coat jedi...."He thought for a minute."But if so, hey is there anyway nearby to check on hyperspeed incursions?"

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Argimon clenched the arm rests of the chair as she thought, while keeping herself stationary. "Well, there's some technology we have that automatically records all detected Hyperspace jumps." The wind gust passed. "We could check that."
Y'drenna frowns, and says to weasel, "Take two guards and Interrogate the master sith." then, after a moment of thought, she added, "Kill the apprentice. She is of no use to us." She stalks back to her ship, detatching Jagat, then saying. "Nah, i will kill the whore myself!" she pulls hex in with her, and after going about 1 hyperspace jump away from the planet, she releases cielo into space. Smiling sweetly at hex, she asks, "Did you have a place in mind?"
"Dont worry about the wind, the old girl is sturdy and responds to my control."he said proudly, controlling the ship against the wind."Those records is what we need an chance they are easily accessible with no need for some lightsaber work?"
"Well." Hex watches as Cielo slowly drifts away, with a disgusted look on his face. "If you're already done, I suppose we could go to Coruscant." He turns around whispers to himself "This isn't helping." He looks up at Y'drenna and says "Have you ever met the royal Caedus Morfal?"
"Heh, sometimes it's nice to have contacts." He smiled. As they approached Coruscant he pointed out the coordinates. "As we're approaching, hand me the comm, unless you feel like being blasted to bits by at least 52 auto-turrets." Hex says. "141863722 was security code last time I was here, how about letting me in?" He says into the communicator. A surprised, and and seemingly scared, voice responds "W-what? Is t-that.. Axel?" Hex looks surprised, and then responds "Yeah? What's up?" The comm goes quiet for a few seconds. "You.. You.." The voice now sounds angry, and after a few seconds it cuts out a new voice is heard "Axel! My old friend! What brings you to my humble abode?" Hex smiles again and responds "Hey, Cad. I was just checking in, wondering if I could crash here for a few days!" He looks over at Y'drenna. "I've got a friend here with me aswell, I hope you're okay with that?" The comm goes silent for another few seconds.. "Odd." Hex says. "Yes, yes, no problem! You know we enjoy company! Just come down here, and we'll send a party to pick you up!" "Alright, we're coming down." Hex puts away the comm. He leans back in his chair "I once saved this guys brother from Acklays, so he's pretty friendly. This'll be fun!"

Argimon nodded, and rested a hand on the controls. "Allow me. It's not kept in the city."

Cielo blinked awake slowly. Something was wrong. For example, the increasing cold and feeling like there wasn't enough air. With a start, she jolted to full awareness. She was in space! Closing her eyes, Cielo concentrated on the Force. Jagat. He'd created a Force bubble around her, keeping air in. But it was fading, which must mean he was out of range. Carefully, Cielo began reforming the Force bubble. She could see almost nothing....no wait, there was something nearby. But not close enough. How did that meditation work again? It took her a few tries, but Cielo managed a meditation, allowing her to use minimal air and energy. Now, she just had to alter the motion of the Force a little to push her toward that object...
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