A New Kind of Force [Inactive]

"I like the enthusiasm Robo-cop, but that's not exactly necessary at the moment." He said with a giggle. "This is almost like a dream come true." He spun around in his chair for a few seconds. "Wait, I didn't even say where we were going! Uh, let's go to.. Diaspora! (This was the suddenly agreed upon name for the Masters planet, by the way! Although, Hex doesn't know that it's that planet)
Y'drenna smiles and says wittingly, "I didn't know people dreamt of me. It feels... weird." she ponders as she sets the destination.
HK-1000 has been in the ship as well. He wanted to demonstrate his ability of stealth. He entered the cockpit , saying "magnetic feet. Best thing the builder forge could've given me. Now , what is a robo-cop?" He pondered "where's disapora? In he unknown regions? Because I know all about that area of space. Jet pack : another gift from the builder forge of the rakatans." He stared at them "why weren't you buckled in? And why am I something you dreamt of?"
(Are we going to space yet?) "Nothing~, don't worry about it, it's fiiine!" He assures the robot, and turn to back Y'drenna. "Let's go, it's a nice place to be, in a region of space where we probably won't be found in for a while!"
HK-1000 "it sure sounds nice. Is it in the galactic rim? Because the unknown regions make better hide-outs." He then decided "I left my blaster rifle back there. I need to get one of those first. May we stop off at an outer-rim world first?"
Hex looks at the droid a bit suspiciously. "Do you have an internal empathy modulator, or are you a programmed guide AI? I've never heard a bot with such independent thoughts.." He turns back around. "It's NOT in the outer rim, it's basicly right smack in the middle of this galaxy. Oh, and here, catch." He throws the droid his heavy blaster pistol.
HK-1000 "I was modified by the builder forge. I am far more than a droid." And then muttered "damn meatbags..." Before saying "then how can we hide out , if this planet is in the middle of the galaxy! we'll get found almost right away. In any case , it'll be a good chance to blast a few meatbags... Is there blaster rifles there for sale?" He also caught the pistol. Not his rifle , but good enough "thanks"
"There's nothing there at all, as far as I know. Not even... "Meatbags"... Unless you're already planning to kill me. And it's not like the empire has spy ships flying around randomly in the center of our galaxy." He sighs. "There's no way I'm not going to have a price on my head after this.." He sits deep in his thoughts for a couple seconds, then looks back at the droid "Actually, there's quite a lot of wildlife on the planet, If you're into hunting."
HK-1000 "bounty hunters , however , may find us. The empire will hire many. But this pistol will be good enough to blast meatbags... Also , I don't plan to kill you. You're a nice enough meatbag. Now , I require your name. I already stated mine is HK-1000 , the centurion , or the last. Pick which one you like most."
HK-1000 "affirmative. Hex it is. Why is being inquisitive a bad thing? I only wished to know what to call you." He also messed with the pistol "finally. A use for that spring loaded holster in my leg."
" I guess there's a limit until it becomes annoying. Oh well, I don't doubt having you around will be useful." He gets up and start walking laps around the ship, seemingly thinking of something.
HK-1000 follows him , seeing how fast he can get in and out his pistol in the hidden holster in his leg while at running pace "this fits nicely! And why do humans find it annoying at a point? I once heard human children ask why the sky was blue. That , is annoying. And yes , I will be quite useful. You don't happen to know if there is Rakatan technology on this planet , do you?"
The ship goes up to space, and she sighs, getting up and looking out her window. "What the hell? she mutters. "But i swear i jetisoned the whore right here?" she mused.
Hex chose to ignore the ranting robot for a moment, and walked up to Y'drenna. "You're right. Well, she may have drifted far away at this point. There's no way she could be alive now anyway."
HK-1000 just said "may I blast them? I would like to try my new blaster , if you are so kind." He just noted they better be at the planet by now or bounty hunters may show up. He himself got an alert for him "your bounty is up , by the way. They just want you. 10000 credits..."
"10000, eh? They must really want me dead. Well, Caedus is an influential man. How did you end up in his service anyway, if you're as special as you say?" Hex looked at the droid for a couple of seconds, and then facepalmed. "Don't tell me one of the things I'm wanted for is stealing you..?"
"I guess..." Y'drenna commented at the droids obvious lack of perception, "Didn't you notice? We are already here." A layer surrounded the ship, of orange and and red gases. "This is an ambush tactic. We send off a tracker radar on the planet below. Then, when a bounty hunter comes, we destroy it. Kapeesh?" she says, looking at everyone.
HK-1000 "this man you speak of , he wants me destroyed too. Because I tried to kill him a few years back , because he was trying to destroy the builder forge. In fact , my bounty is 8000 , for that alone. And for exterminating most of his guards. Your wanted for... It doesn't say! It just says 'murder and treason' whereas mine says... The same. Good thing you have that blaster." He then looked that y'drenna "that's my tactic. Called the centurion strike. So or course I like that idea."
"Honestly, I don't think we're going to be attacked by bounty hunters here, especially since I've only had this bounty for what, 2 minutes?" He sat down and fiddled with his hair again. "See it as a very short vacation."
Y'drenna smiled, and says softly, looking straight at him, and for the first time, allowing him to see the many black rings around her eyes. "If it is a vacation, then i will go and sleep." She walks into a side room, where as soon as she touches the cot, she falls asleep, splayed out on the bed with her Kwan do in her hands, and a blaster under her pillow.
"Not, yawn, a bad idea." He looks at the droid. "I hope you can set yourself on standby or something otherwise you're going to have a pretty... boring.. time..*Falls asleep*"
about 9 hours later, Y'drenna gets up, silently. Opening the comm, she says, "Master? The freed I am transporting wishes to go to Daltara. Should i prevent the arrival?"

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