A New Kind of Force [Inactive]

HK-1000 "the A-series assassin droids will take us in. But I have no idea where they are , or what happened to them after the clone wars. And geonosis is occupied by the empire , so that's not an option. We could try to go to lehon. It's only inhabitants are dead rakatans. Not many know it even exists"
"Well, I do see one very strong option..." Y'drenna begins. "Simply join the freed. I am certain if you joined, then you would have protection, literal and legal, as the kings assault would violate the agreement disavowing damage to a freed on a mission."
HK-1000 "I just arrived back into the known galaxy a few years back , and have been a fugitive since. So , I know almost no current events. However , I know at least 4 A-series still exist , but where they are is unknown to me"
Hex breaks out in laughter. "I was born this way, I thought I already was 'Freed'. But alright, it's my best bet for now. The least I can do is check out this little faction you've got." 
"I see. Perhaps I should inform you that the empire has been wiped out for longer than I've lived. And the clone wars... Things aren't what they used to be. There's basicly not even sith left in the universe."
HK-1000 "can I join too? Because being a droid , I have no force flowing through me. And because this is as well the only option left to me , because the A-series's location is unknown. They're worried to holonet is being listened in on , and won't tell me. They're fugitives too , and all 4 remaining ones I know of each say they're worth 10000 each as a bounty." He then thought "this has been a long time. I've been a fugitive since before galactic civil war ended , but I thought the empire won. So... Holy crap. This is great! But I'm still a fugitive to this king."
"I'm sure you can, but not directly as a freed I would take it?" He looks at Y'drenna. "You see, we are, literally, and ultimately, unaffected by the force. Jedi could still use force push on you, or mess with your electronics. They can't do that to us."
HK-1000 "then can I please become one? I'd like that. Anyway , I'm glad your accepting me. The only other option would be.. Undesirable."
"Hm-m. Alright. I'll go sleep for another... Day or so. I get almost narcoleptic after one of my attacks.." And he lies down in a corner of the ship, covered in his robes. OOC: And I'll that in real life too. It's past 4am, and I've slept a total of 3 hours in the last three days. I wanna avoid dying. See ya'll.
HK-1000 "goodnight human." He then turned to y'drenna "I have a confession to make... Remember I said I wanted to meet an iron knight? Well... I kind of... Am one."
HK-1000 "I also figured you were 'freed'. But please , don't tell anyone. Your the first one to know besides the A-series assassin droids. I can use the force , but I really only use it as an enhancer to myself. I became one long ago , only a few years after my creation , before I found the builder forge even. You'll still let me into the 'freed' won't you? Because... Well , there are still sith out there , angry because I sort of decapitated one of them at the battle of Rusaan all those years ago , before I escaped. And when I became what I am , it got worse. So please , I need this"
"Ooh, decapacitation is good!" Y'drenna said, excited. "How much did he bleed? I like to hear them SUFFER." She pulled out a couple of badges out of her pocket, placing them on the droid and on the mandelorian. "Here. Wear these, if you don't want to get blasted."
HK-1000 accepts such a badge "bleeding causes a mess , and it is not efficient enough. Also , suffering suffers the same faults. It was one quick strike , and I was out. Then I became... Me... And the rest is quite literally history. Also , is this some kind of club? And won't such a droid as myself be detected?"
HK-1000 noticed the human didn't hear him. Good. The longer he doesn't tell this guy is the longer his alternate self won't tell anyone. Because he trusts this side... But this other side of this meatbag? That's the one he doesn't want to let this slip to. This person in front of him knew already - he detected that , and let it slip to her. That way he's trusted more. And more trust means they're less likely to dump him out at any garbage compactor.
(sorry lost track)

"You control...My ship? Ok..."He said with a hint of uncertainty. He got up from the driver seat and went to the passenger seat."Your funeral at the slightest scratch. Good luck."

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Y'drenna says quietly, "More like 30 nuclear turrets Yes, however, they will know, and quite frankly, will think you better of it. They will call you a 'repentant sin'. "
HK-1000 "another fine example of meatbag logic. But anyway , as long as my destruction is avoided I shall be perfectly fine. Now , will sleeping meatbag over there like it or not?" He said , trying to emulate a 'worried' tone.
Argimon smiled reassuringly. as she sat in the pilot's seat. "Don't worry too much. It's not like I can't fly something." She flew the ship toward another mountain that sat like a jagged spire piercing the sky. Upon reaching the mountain, she slowed, and piloted toward a small cave.
"Easy, easy, she has a wide behind." He said nervously as they approached the mountain, going as far as to lean next to her. " In any case, what is the play her?"


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Argimon frowned in concentration. "Like I said...don't worry." She continued to pilot the ship closer, and Selesar's Force senses realized that there was something else there.

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