A New Kind of Force [Inactive]

"What the..?" He looked at Y'drenna for a moment, sighed, lowered his head and rubbed his forehead with his palm for a couple seconds. It was clear he was discontent with the situation. He raised his head and said "Alright, were you going to give me that lift to the space station, then?" He pushes his hair out of his face, and looks at the sith. "If you ain't got time I could always ask someone at the temple."
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Y'drenna stood up, almost in shock at her victory, and spontaniously hugged him. Realizing what she was doing, though, she let go, shyly. "Oh, um, sure. The geosynchronous station?" she turns away so her blush won't be visible, as she ties up the sith and calls her ship.
"Uh.. Yeeeaah.. That's the one." Hex conemplated whether or not he should mention what just happened, and then decided that no, no he wouldn't. She seemed to be weirded out by it enough already. "I have a friend up there, and I'm sure he'll be able to help me out with my less than stellar equipment... Especially now that I've got creds."
She smiles and says: "Hah, credits, civilizations aphrodisaic. Anyhoo..." she attaches the sith to the bottom of her ship, pulling him up into it, and setting off towards the station.
Hex leans back. He closes one eye, and looks at Y'drenna with the other. "You really don't look that old, do they really give out the paperwork you need for piloting at that age?"
"Well, i got this from the humans. My people would never tolerate it. But me being about 170 years old was fine with the humans. So they gave it to me.
Hex laughed. "Well, heh, that's understandable.... That's one helluva life span though." He says, and almost immediatly falls asleep, almost making it look like he faints.
She smiles, and reaching the station, she picks him up, (she is curiously strong), pays a man at the counter, and finds where his friend was. Getting there, she puts him down, tapping his shoulder slightly to wake him up before she begins walking back to her ship. Pausing, she thinks to herself, "Well, my ship needs some upgrades, i may as well stay for a while. And she begins conducting business with the man at the counter. "NO! A stealth unit is worth HALF that much!"
"Nah, not his stealth units." He sits up scratching his head. "Don't tell me I've slept. That would mean... Ah nevermind." Hex looks a little shocked, but he doesn't mention anything else about that. "So, heeey (Uh..) Sam! Remember how I wanted you to fix this, upgrade the stealth unit, add an internal AI, and switch the armoring to something less crap? Yeah, that. I'll give you 500 creds for it! And uh, I took care of that one thing you wanted me to take care of.." Hex blushes.
Y'drenna finishes her deal with sam, then prepares her ship for take-off, and, as she walks inside, you can hear her saying in a call, "Tell the Master that i am coming... Yes, with two siths... Yes, but i am not sure he would come... no, i will NOT force him, idiot, he is a freed!... Yes, i am fine... remember? i am the martial artist?... Fine, i will see you later." she sighs and slumps down in the captains seat of her ship, muttering a few curses in another language.
"Whatever, I'll come back here to pick it up whenever it's done." Hex walks back to the ship, and by experience he figures he won't get a straight answer out of Y'drenna, so he innocently asks "So, where are you going now?"
She glances up, and says, "To the person who assigned me this mission, of course! Mercenaries need to get paid, remember?" she sets some of the gears on, not meeting hex's eyes.
He leans on his arms against the back of her chair. "Yeah, yeah, tell me about it." He sits down in the co-pilots seat, and starts fiddling with his hair. "I should cut this sometime." He states as he realizes it reaches down to his waist.
Y'drenna once again becomes the shy teenager mode, sitting in her chair, looking down, quietly fiddling with her "Hair" (she actually has the nautolan tentacles).
Whilst still fiddling with his hair he says "If you don't mind, I'll tag along to.. Wherever you're going. I could use a vacatio- Oww" He quickly clutches his forehead. "It's coming on real bad this time.." He whispers to himself. When he opens his eyes he notices Y'drenna acting weirdly. "Eh? What's up?"
"Well, I ain't got nothing better to do, so I might aswell. Besides, I don't have a lot of money atm, and I need to go... Somewhere, and I wouldn't be able to afford that."
"Oh, no, no, wait!" Hex falls out of his chair and hits his face on a multitude of buttons and bits. As the ship stabilizes he says "Argh, you could've warned me.." Holding his nose, which now is a small fountain of blood, and spitting out a couple teeth he says "I'm not great with hyperdrives.."
She jumps out of her seat, walking around over to him, pulling off a shred of her outfit, and using it to quench the blood. "I-I-I am so sorry, i am so sorry!" she stammers.
"Thanks. I'll be quite fine, it's just for future reference.." He looks down at the floor. "Eh, gross. Imma take care of this." He says, mopping the blood with towel he keeps with him (For "The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" reasons) and gather the teeth. "Wonder if I can have these reinserted, heh."
"I see, you can go. You're are cleared of suspicion and can stay here for a few days if you like." said the councilman.

"Thank you, but all i want is some books copied for me." said Klowde.

"Hmmmm, fine, but you're responsible if they end up in the wrong hands." said the man.

Klowde exited the room and dashed for the library.

He began picking out a whole lot of books, including books about the force gods, and other force techniques that jedi don't normally use. He made a copy request for the titles and got them all copied onto a crystal and holocron which only jedi can use.

He returned to his ship somewhat later and began preparations for take off.
Mondas opened a channel to where the message had been sent from. "Hello? Is there anything important that we should know before we go charging to these coordinates?"
@Michael Dineen

"Just the fact that the presence has moved." The voice sounded iritated, and anxious to get back to whatever it had been doing. "You're a bit late, yah know that? I'll send you all the recorded Hyperspace jumps made in that vicinity in a moment." The com crackled off. A few minutes, a very small list appeared on the screen.

[Y'drenna's hyperspace jump is included]

Jagat smiled secretly as he lay perfectly still. Finally, he would find out more than legend. [Prim, no playing god-mod please. Y'Drenna cannot detect the fact that he's still awake.]

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