A New Kind of Force [Inactive]

Hex smirked, but decided to pay attention to the fighting instead. The weaker of the two sith seemed to be struggling with the situation. After sitting still for a couple of seconds, Hex's armours stealth unit kicked in on it's own. "Eh? What the... Godamnit, this is gonna drain the power!"

OOC-EDIT: The way I'm picturing the way the stealth field works is that the air where I'm at gets blurry the more I move, and It's completely undetectable by anything but thermal vision or force sense whenever I'm completely still. Alternatively also by people with special training, just to make it less OP.
Y'drenna smiled, and pulling her arms wide, invited Cielo to strike, saying simply: "Try, please, try. Its funny, and you will need to learn from it."
Jagat glanced over. "Obviously not my fault." He looked back to the fight, still impassive at the fact his apprentice was probably going to die.

Cielo growled, and lunged. Sword out, she swung for Y'drenna's head. "You dare?!"

The girl smiled. "Because he knows that you're more powerful than anyone who would be dumb enough to go up against you." She walked over to the entrance to his ship, impatient to go. "Besides, it's not like he can stop me anyways."
"Right, well far be it for me to look a gift tauntaun in the mouth. Especially when its prettier then one."He said thought he was still a bit suspicious of her. With the feeling he got from the king, he needed to watch his back. He noted the girl looking impatiently to get into the ship. He took a step inside."Care to step inside my office? Its not much but it was on a Jedi salary."

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Hex started to slightly panic. "Godamnit, where's the manual release?" He got up and it must've been a ridiculous sight to behold, as it looked like the air was fondling itself. Eventually he forcefully tore the mask/helmet off of himself, causing a shortcircuit and the suit powered down. "Shit, that's not going to work again." He rummaged through his backpack for a few seconds, then switched out his now broken armor for a pretty normal hooded cloak, under which he slid on a pair of gloved vambraces while putting it on, having the sleeves cover them.
Silver finally got to the meeting and since running there, she had pulled her black hood over her head and she walked through the open door."Okay im finally here."
The female nodded, and followed the Jedi inside of the ship. "All right. Let's get those [insert swear word of your choice]." She started to stretch, and twirled her staff a little bit, but was wary of the small confines of the ship.

Jagat looked over again, now watching as the air rippled. Normally, he would be able to see with perfect clarity what was happening inside, but without the Force, all he could make out was the general shape. As Hex took the broken armour off, Jagat commented "Ah, technology. Easy to dismantle, easy to create, hard to invent."

Those in the meeting nodded to her, and Almira spoke. "Do you need a ship, Silver?"
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Cielo's eyes widened as, too late to stop herself, her blade was batted away by the hilt of the kwan do, as Y'drenna neatly sidesteps, placing the ball of lighning on her and releasing just enough to knock her unconscious. "As I said, this was to the disable, Cielo. Perhaps your master would provide more fun?" she inquired of Jagat, who simply stood, calculating how he could defeat her.
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"Well, before we get started its only far to exchange names: Selesar"He said extending his prosthetic hand for her. As prosthetic goes his hand was very basic, while more common prosthetics were made to pass of as real hands, His, on the other hand was just made for function otherwise it was a mechanical skeleton.

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Silver shook her head."No i do not need a ship, now shall we all go and kick some butt?"She said while grabbing the keys to her ship which was in one of her cloak pockets and spinning them around on one of her claws, she was quite the confident little thing for only fourteen years of age.
Klowde was guided to the Jedi Council Meeting. The master in front said "Excuse me, but the Mandalorian you wish to see has arrived."

Klowde stepped out from behind and said "My name is Klowde i am a Mandalorian who was trained how to use the force. It's my understanding you wish to examine me to see if i'm dark or light."
Ghost was just leaving the Council Room as Klowde walked in, smiling as she spotted another Mando here. Ghost had just completed her paperwork and talked to the Council before they dismissed her.

Another job completed.

She took her reward, around three thousand credits, and made her way to her docked ship. The Jedi had insisted that she could stay in the Temple for a few days, due to the large asteroid storm that hurtled past Coruscant this week.

Ghost took up on the offer and now worked on her ship, a much larger and customized version of an old TIE fighter.
Klowde smiled back as the Mandalorian girl left and his thought was i need to get her number(or something). He turned his attention back to the Council as one of them pulled out a file. "I'll take the lead in this discussion as it's my job." the Jedi Master said.

"Based on this Dossier, you have been trained by both a jedi and a sith. Tell us more about the time with the sith." The Councilman asked.

"Sure, well i do remember is how cruel his training was, i learned a few supposed Sith abilities. But, eventually i managed to get away from him and joined the Mandalorian Order. But i do know a way to speed up this process as any info i will tell you is in that folder. Do you know of the Force Gods? They are

these being that are as old as the force itself and as such any force techniques of their respective sides

they know, the point is one was blue and the other was red. You can search your books in your library for more information.

more information on the Force Gods.. The true way to distinguish Jedi and Sith is the color of their force. I'll collect a little lightning in my hand and you'll see it's blue. A true sith's energy is red." Klowde explained. He gathered a ball of lightning in his hand and it was blue. He then shut it off.
Maika, a strong-hearted red head with her trusty sword at her side at all times, walked around a meadow with her shy sister, Kayla, a girl who was scared but powerful and fierce at heart. Kayla and Maika continued to walk as they, together, watched the sun set behind the trees of the flying flower petals.

"Guess that calls out night time." Maika grumbled.

"I'm scared..." Kayla whispered.

"It's okay, little one." Maika soothed Kayla.
Ghost was completely getting busy on her large TIE fighter's wings. The singes left by Trandoshan slavers were not worth the credits the Wookies promised they'd reward her. With a sigh she got pieces of scrap metal from within her ship and brought it out to meld it together with the right wing, which was the one who was targeted by the slavers.

That Mando was cute though.

"Osik" (Mando'a for the S Word). Ghost sighed as the metal fell off after welding. She looked over to see a Temple Engineer looking through the Holonet. He was a clear Mando, due to the markings on his Pilot Outfit. "Vod! (Brother)", Ghost called out with a wave. The Engineer came over with a smile and the two began working on the wing together.

She was glad to have other Mandos here.
Silver turned her head for a moment and looked at him."Oh just to kick some butt."Soon enough she reached her ship and opened the top of it and climbed into the driver's seat.
Silver turned her head slightly and looked back at him then she rolled her eyes before putting the key in the ignition and flying off to where the coordinates had been when we got that message.
Strolling over to Jagat, Y'drenna quietly says, "yes, hex, i can go soon." she looked Jagat in what was visible of hi eye, and said, "Goodnight." as she hit his temple with the lightning fist as hard as she could, while sweeping his legs from beneath him, catching him as he fell.

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