A New Kind of Force [Inactive]

Jagat laughed again, the sound echoing through out the valley ['cause he can]. "If that is what you think, shoot me. Show your superiority." His hands hung loosely at his sides, no signs of an weapon, but they could be concealed by the cloak.
Mondas shook with his sniper. Then finally, he pulled the trigger, but it simply went harmlessly through Jagat's cloak.
Jagat laughed again, this time more of a small chuckle than a booming cackle. "Do you see? Even with the enormous power of the Light Side, you can't fire a simple gun." He spoke in a sarcastic tone, but it was hard to tell, he wasn't very good at allowing emotions to show in words or speech. He planned out words for others to say, it was only for the sake of teaching his apprentice that he was doing this at all.
Selesar followed the noble through the quilted hall of the palace, obviously made to rival the noble palaces of Alderaan while it was still intact. This spoke volumes about the kind man the king was and added with his delivery, he wondered how he would explain himself to him. Even even if he was speaking to a sensible person, Selesar case was weak. A technically fallen jedi claiming sith presence in the planet with just his feeling as evidence.

"His highness is in a good mood today?"He asked the noble.
The noble smiled. "Oh yes! He's in a very happy mood, for today is the day of the feast!" He added under his breath: "Well, one of them." As they walked, some of the guards looked like they were going to speak or block their path, but the noble simply waved them away, and they continued their journey relatively unopposed.
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"Ah...Well, am i gonna ruin that soon enough."He commented under his breath, as they approached the door to the throne room."Any unusual occurrences in you planet recently?"
The noble shook his head. "Not in my sector." The guards standing in front of the door to the throne room stood, and refused to let them in. "I'm sorry, but you can't bother the king right now." The noble turned to Selesar. "I tried, but did try to tell you."
Mondas stood wide eyed. He had never missed a shot before. He searched his knowledge for reasons why. Then he growled. "You must have used the force. I don't miss!"

((OOC: I really hadn't intended to do that, but it was getting really late for me and I was half asleep :P So I'll roll with it.))
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Jagat stepped forward, after all, his apprentice could deal with the other intruder, although it did mean that she would be distracted and unable to watch the scene play itself out. "Perhaps. But why not?" He carefully drifted a few feet off the ground, allowing his cloak to billow about in the high winds.
Mondas chuckled to himself. "You look like a ghost when you try to levitate," he jeered. Mondas whipped off his cloak and jumped into the air. Then he lifted one leg and stayed suspended in the air, bouncing only slightly. He put his sniper on his back again and clutched his lightsaber.
He sighed, he pushed aside part of his cloak to reveal his lightsaber.

"Look, I am a jedi investigator." He lied." so unless you want the Alliance finding out about your contraband smuggling and me to implicate all of you, you will let me in to see him."
Jagat chuckled. "Would that not be the point? You look like a Kangaroo." He still had not pulled out a weapon, although his ability with the Force was no doubt dangerous enough. The other dog came running from the woods and to Cielo's side.

The guard frowned, but recognized the danger, and the two of them looked at each other. "Shou-" "Go." The other guard turned and went into the room as the first guard explained: "Let us tell the king so he may get ready first."
After a few minutes the guard came back, and nodded to Selesar. "He's ready." The noble fidgeted and turned to go. "I...think I'll let you do this on your own..."
"If that is your intent, than I recommend finding somebody else. I am hard to negotiate with, and I certainly wouldn't want to accidentally kill you." Jagat flew forward a few feet, despite what he was saying, and landed on the next rise.
Mondas sneered, "Well, I'm here to make sure you don't accomplish your mission, and I doubt you wouldn't want to kill me. I bet you're just dying to kill something aren't you?" Mondas felt his blood flowing, he could sense a fight coming on, and he was looking forward to it. Unorthodox as it was, Mondas enjoyed battle.
Behind his mask, Jagat smiled. The Jedi was starting to feel the effects of battle, and soon, this would all be over. "Perhaps. I don't prefer to kill though..." He spoke slyly, as if he were lying, though he was technically telling the truth. He preferred to torture, as death was far more merciful.
"Thank you."He said to the group in a way if his voice was normal would indicate contempt rather then gratitude. He walked inside the throne room, having his hand close to his lightsaber for piece of mind. Inside he saw the king sat on his throne and to his surprise the throne was oversized even for the overweight king. Selesar gave a quick bow."Your majesty. My gratitude for seeing me in such short notice."

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Y'drenna smiled as she listened to the conversation, Noting that the jagat was covered in red ribbons."Hah! Negotiate! Tell me, filth, did you try to negotiate, when you destroyed MY planet? No negotiation. Unless you would surrender your head?"
The king frowned, something hardly noticeable through his jowls. "Make it quick." He sighed, obviously unhappy, and unhappy and waved his hand in a bored fashion.

Cielo laughed at the Nautolan's comment, after all, watching two other people battle it out was amusing. "Very true. Of course, the Jedi may be high and mighty, but that doesn't mean that they aren't like the rest of us as well."
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"Trust me, your highness, i don't want to keep you from your meal as much you do." He said meant more od insult than was indicated. "I have come with a warning have reason to believe that the sith are on your planet, and if my sense is right a particularly dangerous one."

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Mondas looked over his shoulder again with a sneer. "What do you mean destroyed YOUR planet? What would you call your planet, huh?"
Seeing the force strands of the shout, she caught them as the streamed at her and deflected them at him. "There is NO need to shout! I am aqt most 3 feet away, you masiochyic bastard!" She took a quick breath, counting to ten and closing her eyes. "Now, no more shouting between you, and maybe, i won't be so interested in mounting your heads upon my wall. My planet, is no more, primarily because of those filth over there. They destroyed Alderaan, and they are not going to survive to do it ever again." She gestures at the sith: "You think you're so tough? Well, then, in the immortal words of Pat Benetar, hit me with your best shot!"

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