A New Kind of Force [Inactive]

Hex woke up to the sound of a mans voice shouting. "Agh, my head. What was I doing?" Hex sat up, and realized he was in some sort of forest. "Oh right.. That was a sweet party." He leaned forward and placed his head between his legs, trying to stop the pounding headache. He sat like this for a couple seconds, until he heard the loud voice again. He flinched, and thought to himself "Woah, wait, what's someone doing out here? I MYSELF shouldn't even be out here?!" He activated the stealth unit on his armour, and crept closer.

He arrived at the part of the forest where the sound was coming from after hearing a gunshot, and other raised voices, just in time to hear the man closer to him say. "I bet you're just as dying to kill something aren't you?" He recognized the use of force in his tone, and noticed the lightsaber at his side. Even without knowing the man was levitating in midair, Hex would've known he was a jedi. "What kind of jedi enjoys combat?" He whispered to himself. He noticed a female Nautolan standing close to him, and a dark figure a bit further away. He wasn't sure, but it seemed like he had encountered a jedi and a sith having some sort of negotiation. Normally he'd dive headfirst into combat, but he didn't like the way he felt about this so he decided to stay back for the while being, ready with a vibroblade in one hand, and a heavy blaster in the other.
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"Yes," the nautolan reminisced. "I was born on that planet. It was peaceful. But then, i woke up. the world was never perfect, it is just an amalgam of cruelty. To make it, you have to ride it." She once again glared at the sith, saying, "Well? Too chicken to kill me? That is sad, i was looking foreward to this."
Cielo and Jagat had been listening with interest to the conversation, Cielo more out of boredom, Jagat because it gave him insight into his opponents. Now, Cielo stepped up into sight, her sword pointed at them. "I will willing accept your trial by combat. If you honestly think that you can beat me-" Jagat raised his hand, and she fell silent. "Indeed, we will battle. But in a different place."
"One more thing. It will not be to the death, merely to the point where one of us cannot battle." She smiles, beginning to stretch. She looks up frowning, into the woods, and says quietly, "Who is that?"
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Hex flinches. There's no way she could've seen through this stealth field. It isn't the best but without some sort of special training, or force sense, there's no way. But then again, there seemed to be something about this girl. As a matter of fact, she felt a little bit like himself in some way. "Oh well" He thought, "I might aswell do this." He holstered his gun, still holding his sword, he deactivated the stealth unit and walked around the tree he was behind. He leaned against the tree and said just loud enough for them to hear it "Oh, nothing but a spectator, really." and he slid down into a sitting position against the tree, leaning his arm on his sword.
The nautolan visibly sighed in relief. "I heard you speaking to yourself, and then you took a few steps, and you were behind the tree. She pauses as her eyes dilate, and she sees something odd, and says in addition. "I also saw that you were untouched by the force, freed." She smirked slightly, adding, "Don't be so overconfident in ecquipment, it will always let you down in the long run. Then again, so will using the force. Why do you think you are called free? Its because you are unchained by the power of the force."
"...?" This was the first time in forever Hex had feeled utterly fazed. "Freed? Is that what they call m.." He looks at her for a moment, and then says "Is that what they call us?"
She smiles, responding, "Yes, that is what they call us, and i would educate you in the historical nuances, but i feel like i would be like pfiffikus, my history teacher. Sufficeth it to say, a girl trapped herself and the universe with the force, but we, the freed, are unchained and unaffected by it."
"Heh. This is interesting, I thought I was alone in this universe. I've already figured out that part, but I'll have to inquire about more later, for now, I do not wish to interrupt this play. Go ahead, and don't get yourself killed." He says and winks at the girl. Of course, due to his helmet she has no idea, but it's the thought that matters, isn't it?
Klowde walked down to the hangar after his ship was supplied. It was a nice small shuttle like ship, no bigger than the Millennium Falcon was. He boarded it and at the last minute his partner staggered in and took the co pilot's seat at the bridge. He started up the ship and the Navi Computer instantly went to work plotting a course for the temple. His ship went upward and then shot out of the hangar. In a couple of minutes he was in space and entered Hyper Space. Soon he'd be at the Jedi Temple.
Just as she had suspected the slave traders seemed to have followed her out of the bar, trailing after her cloaked form in the crowded red light district. Shame they wouldn't be able to keep her in their sight, not once she dodged around the next corner and took off. She was quick, sprinting into the alley as the black hood of her cloak slipped from her bright hair. One corner, then two, finally a third. Slowing to a walk she easily merged into the crowd of the regular street, blending in with the normal citizens of city as she aimed her direction for the place she had left her swoop. Not long after she was flinging herself onto the seat and starting up her vehicle, glancing over her shoulder at the confused look of the slavers.

"Stupid." She laughed, a smirk playing across her face as she took off. She needed to find a quieter place to relax, otherwise she wouldn't get any sleep. A small town or village would work best, one that didn't know to look out of the fire-haired smuggler.
Cielo snorted. "Freed? Well, we'll see just how long you last." Jagat sighed inwardly. Sometimes, his apprentice just didn't know when to keep her mouth shut. "Meet us at the plateau that sits at the top of the mountain, the Crown Mountain." He added.

[Crown Mountain sits above the Central City]
Ghost was in the Jedi Temple, looking over the corpse of a dead padawan. "This was clearly not an accident" was the first thing that the Mandalorian said when she saw the clear burn mark on the boy's forehead. She sighed and looked up. "Who are the suspects? I need a clear target, I'm not some kind of police man you know.".

The Temple Guard sighed, he pulled out a holodisk and flashed it to life, showing the camera's recording of the incident. The padawan was walking with his master, and a robed figure came up, the laser flying out of the person's robes before it struck the padawan, and the master pulled out his lightsaber. After stepping back and deflecting a few hits he goes out of frame and the camera is destroyed with a stray shot.

"Black robes... the Sith are extinct, so it shouldn't be them, but we have to leave options open....", Ghost muttered, before a rumble came from the right. A thermal detonator had been set off in the nearby hall and the robed figure ran out of the smoke, blasting the Temple Guard down. With a quick draw Ghost drew her blasters and discharged shots, hitting the figure's side.

Now all she had to do was paperwork. Which would take about three hours, great. At least she wasn't alone, the Janitors had to clean up the mess, and the bodies after they were examined.
Hitching a ride on her ship, and flying over the jedi temple, she saw the explosion, and, pulling up her weapons, shot a paralysis bolt at the robed figure running from the temple, sending it flying into a side alley. "I wonder what that was... Ah, well, i have an appointment to keep!" she commented, flying up to the mountain, and pulling out some old gear from a case. "Aha, here it is, my Kwan Do!" she says brightly as she pulls out a long pole with a blade at the end, like a glaive. she begins practicing, doing spirals in a balerina-like dance, for until her fores arrived.
Finally exiting Hyper Space, Klowde gazed upon Coruscantas he decended to the Jedi Temple.

"Come in, this is Klowde of the Mandalorian Order, requesting permission to land." Klowde said as he pulled his ship to a kind of halt in mid air.

"Roger, permission has been granted. I repeat permission granted." The Operator said.

Klowde set his ship down on one of the protruding platforms from the temple. He let down the boarding ramp and stepped on to the platform. His partner also joined him. Then he noticed that a group of jedi were running as if to an emergency and then he heard a boom he knew all too well. He heard the bang of a Thermal Detonator. Klowde ran to see what is was about, he felt a Sith like energy run out the room before he go there and gazed at the group of dead jedi laying in the room. He decided to go back to the platform to be greeted. He made it there a couple of minutes before a greeting party showed up. It was a jedi master and his padawan. The two were followed by a Temple Guard and two jedi knights.

"Hello, my name is Klowde and i'm here for some sort of check up i guess."

"We know that we'll guide you to your examination." the master said.

Klowde signaled to his partner to stay with the ship and followed the Jedi Master.
As the small fighter flies away Hex thinks to himself "Hm. I guess we'll have to take that history lesson later." He gets up and starts walking towards the jedi "Hey, mr. jedi sir, is this something you'll need help with?"
Mondas continued looking over his shoulder, "You better get out of here while you still can chief. Thanks for the offer though."
"Heh" Hex smirks. "It wasn't exactly an offer. I want in on the action. Besides, I get payed by your superiors to aid jedis in between real contracts, and I get payed depending on deed, so this'll look good in the report later on." "And well, you ARE a jedi right?"
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Hex removes his helmet (Which really is more like a mask) and draws back his hood, still with a smirk on his face. He draws his second vibroblade, and stands with his arms relaxed next to the jedi. "Psh, civilian and schmivilian. I like to consider myself a bit above that. You see, when you jedis spend your time learning how to control the force, I've got time to hone my sword skills. And as you've heard, your force doesn't apply to me." He looks over at him. "We could always spar sometime, I've won a few competitions." He follows the sentence with a short laugh. He does kind of enjoy combat. At least the adrenline is always refreshing, and he could really use anything to dull the headache about now.
"I must warn you, I was raised as a warrior on Glee Anselm before this. I'm sure you've heard the stories. Shall we?"
"And I must warn YOU, I was brought up by..." Suddenly Hex feels dizzy, he falls to his knee and supports himself on his swords. "Whenever I try to remember that name I.." He shakes his head and stands back up. His smirk is gone and he's got more of an annoyed facial expression. "Yeah, yeah, we shall." He says and gets into his slightly changed version of Form II: Makashi, made more fit for dual wielding.
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