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A forced love, With Creepylover

Charles had lived in England all his life, and it was for the most part a miserable existence. The king and all the peasants were not to fond of homosexuals, however, he had learned to hide the fact for his own safety. He even had a girl friend, and he was lucky too because it drew attention away from him. Charles needed her more then anyone knew, because he lived within the walls of the kingdom and people were especially harsh there. He was sitting within his house preparing his work for the king, he was the king's personal soccer. his house was for the most part empty except for a table, a few chairs, his bed, a cabinet, bottles of herbs, books and maps. He was sitting in one of the chairs by the table mixing herbs and studying his magic books.
i have lived in england all my life...but i only lived with my mother because my father went into the army and never came back.i always hated where i lived me and my mother lived in a house that was kind of small but luckily it had 2 bedrooms and not 1.but the only time i like living in england is because of the wonderful friends,stores,food and clothes they had...i even had a wonderful boy friend that i liked to visit often...no other boys likes me because of how i dressed but charles was different...i have known him since i was a teen and we've been friends ever since...i needed him more than people knew and thats why i visited him alot even without him knowing...

i was on my way to charles house to surprise him with something that i had gotten him.once i got to his doorstep i knocked on the door and smiled"C-C-CHARLES...ARE YOU IN THERE"i waited at the door for him to reply.
Charles looked up from his book and replied "come in," snapping his fingers and which opened the door. The he waved his hands and a chair walked next to him, inviting Lizzy to sit down. "I haven't got long this morning Lizzy, but I can always be squeeze time in for you. If you want you can come to work with me, I could use help today." He said this, closing his book and gathering the last bit of herbs he had. "The king fears his enemies are using magic to poison nobles staying in the keep and I am trying to figure out what poison is being used." Under the mountain of papers on his table Charles dug out a small box and hid it behind his back before Lizzy could see it.
"thank you"i sit next to charles and listen to what he says."well i got something for you and i couldn't wait to show you"i chuckle and show him what i got him "i-it's a gem i made i kind of wanted to give it to you you so here"it was a red gem that hung from the necklace."u-um i hope you like it"i smile at him.
Charles took the gem smiling as he did so and he pulled out to box he had. "I got you something too, it is a little something from the palace." Inside the box was a small flower made out if silver stones with a white stone in the center. He handed her the box and then he put on the neckless she gave him. "So what do you say, do you want to go into work with me. Maybe I could introduce you to the prince." On days he wasn't serving the king, Charles was a sort of man servant to the prince and a tutor.
i open the box and see a a flower out of silver and had a whit stone it...and it was beautiful."i-i love it charles thank you"i smile and kiss him on the cheek"i would love to go with you...but i dont need to see the prince...y-your my only prince"i smile and blush,and put the flower that he gave me in my hair.
Charles smiles as Lizzy puts the flower in her hair. He then got up and quickly changed his clothes into a thin white shirt with a leather vest, and black pants. He grabbed the herbs and a few books. "Thank you, you make me feel as though I deserve you." He then took her hand and began to lead her out the door. "You dabble in magic, don't you. I may need your help tracing the poison."
i chuckled"you do deserve me silly"i walk out with him and look at him"well yes i use magic...but i might be hard for me...because im not very good"i look in my purse and grab a book i had.
The walk from Charles' house to the palace walk a half mile or so, a decently long walk. "I forget, which area do you practice?" He said as he closed his door behind him, in the distance there was yelling and screaming, however, this was comman around this time of year.
as i walk out of charles house i start to hear yelling and screaming but i ignore it as im looking in my book for different spells.i turn around"well...i believe it's called light and dark magic..." and think about what it was always called.
Charles practiced neutral magic the most, however, he was talented in all three, more so then others. A man ran up to Charles and Lizzy, he was shortwr then the two with dark hair and dress in ragged clothes. He was yelling, "come quick, the king needs you another one is dead!" Before they could reply he was running to find a doctor.
i look at the boy in confusion,"w-what"i looked at charles"oh no we must hurry before more of them are dead"as i say that i start to run to the castle.
Charles chases after Lizzy, rushing to the castle with her. Charles see smoke rising from where he guessed was the court yard and yells to Lizzy, "I believe we should start our investigation in the court yard."
once we get to the castle i could see smoke coming from somewhere,i hear charles say that we should go to the court yard to start the investigation."ok i'm coming show me the way" i follow charles to the courtyard.
In the middle of the courtyard was a small gathering of people surrounding a dead body, immediately Charles could tell that magic was used against him. Charles tried to work his way to the center of the crowd to no success and finally yelled for everyone to go back to where they were needed. The body was of an older man, his face was pale and his tung was black. "Do you know any spells that could do this Lizzy." Charles already had an idea but needed it to be confirmed. He pulled the herbs out and mashed them together in his hand.
i look at the mans tongue and pull out my book."i believe i do hold on"i flip through the pages of the spell that could have done this."Ah here it is"i show him the page of the book that had a man with a black tung and a pale white face.
Charles looks at the book with a seldom face, "it is as I feared, one of the worst curses due to the fact that the soccer has to be found and killed." He lights the herbs in his hands on fire holding them so that the flames are far from his hand. The smoke from the herbs reveal a trial that appears as a black mist leading away from the courtyard. "The next step is to follow the mist to its source, you may not want to follow me in chase we find the soccer, they may be dangerous."
i look at charles "i dont care i'm coming with you...because if you get hurt then i can help you...i'm a tough girl...plus you know i wont take no for a answer when it comes to this kind of stuff...im hardheaded what can i say"i chuckle and begin to follow the black mist to see where it goes.
On normal circumstances Charles would be able to cure and heal someone even if magic was involved, however, this was not one those times. This magic was more advance then what a common soccer could use, and could not be easily undone. Not even by the great sorcerers of old. Charles smile at Lizzy's answer, it was always good to have company. "You know Lizzy, I am teaching the prince basic magic, maybe you could join us during his lessons and widen your horizon. You would be a great addition in the palace, and when I finished teaching you, you could join me more often when I am investigate cases like now."
Wyatt said:
On normal circumstances Charles would be able to cure and heal someone even if magic was involved, however, this was not one those times. This magic was more advance then what a common soccer could use, and could not be easily undone. Not even by the great sorcerers of old. Charles smile at Lizzy's answer, it was always good to have company. "You know Lizzy, I am teaching the prince basic magic, maybe you could join us during his lessons and widen your horizon. You would be a great addition in the palace, and when I finished teaching you, you could join me more often when I am investigate cases like now."
i look at charles and smile "i would love that"i look ahead and see the black smoke infront of us.
The black mist lead into a cave as the herb burned down to nothing, no longer revealing the magic. When they entered the cave it was abounded, there was a small cauldron, alter and random ingredients for different spells. "It looks like this is the place where the spell was cast, however, the soccer is no longer here. I will have to gather more recourses to trace the magic back to the caster, and that may not work. Although if this is the source of the curse, we maybe able to stop it by destroying it."
i look around for any trace of any Dna or something,i cast a spell on the small cauldron and alter to see if i could get something.when i cast the spell on cauldron it picked up something and a red mist formed in it and around the small cauldron."charles look i think i found something"the red mist swayed around us and was leaving the cave."look it's leaving come on"i take his hand and begin to leave the cave.
we follow the red mist to a dark and big sorcerer's castle,"u-um charles i think we found it"i stare at the castle and back at charles."s-so i guess we are going in now..lets go".

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