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Fandom ~ A Certain Scientific School ~ R.O.S.E Academy ~

"Cool title." He responded quickly, smiling warmly. "-And, I don't know if you what?~" He perked, repeating what she was about to say, Jansen tilting his head slightly. His glasses would slide down his nose a little at the tilt, probably not tightened enough to stay in place.
"Well, know that I'm a level five, I guess." She got slightly flustered. "It's alright, I don't mind people not knowing, I just thought that with you being a level five and all..." She stammered, worried she was seeming proud.
He nodded. instinctively pushing his glasses back up with his thumb."I see. Well, I don't really mind that much." Jansen shrugged.
"Oh, me neither," she said with a nervous chuckle. "So, why are you here? I mean the school." She crossed and uncrossed her legs.
"Oh, the usual stuff." He'd mumble, thinking for a moment. "I was enrolled here by my parents without hesitation." Jansen chuckled.

When he spoke about himself, or topics he liked, his hands tend to move around a lot.
Quintel watched as he waved his hands about, a nervous tick? She wasn't sure.

"I see," she said, at least some other people weren't here for the fighting, at least, she hoped he wasn't. "I'm here to get away from my father." She looked up, swinging her legs. "I want to get smarter, make a name for myself, and live simply till I die. Nothing great." She found herself opening up to quickly, since she'd never had someone to talk to this about, it was easy to say a bit too much too soon.
Anna nodded as she listened, easily committing it to memory just because it seemed very neat. "I'm guessing you've figured out mine?" She said softly with a wry smile. She drew water from the air to surround them both in a bubble. The water seemed to be moving as it formed the sphere, but she made sure that it wouldn't drown him. "Not all that unusual..." she whispered, her words tenuous. "My power. A lot of people probably have it."
"Oh. I suppose after a bit if contemplation I'm here for sort of the same reasons as you are. Get smarter, make a name for myself..--" He'd trail off at that, having a lot more then just that at mind, returning to talking after a two second pause. "I found that some people are here for silly reasons though, like prioritizing combat entirely."
Quin couldn't help about smile at these words. "Yeah, I agree." She carefully chose her next words. "I hate fighting. You go out of control" she swung her legs, looking down towards the ground. "You become monster. You hurt people," she whispered. She was mostly talking to herself at this point. A sphere of shadows began to form around her. Summoned by the darkness in her mind.
"That's why people like us need to learn how to control our powers." He'd add, watching the spheres calmly, pushing his glasses up once more. "I learn't that the harsh way."
Quin took a deep breath, clearing the sphere before it hardened. "Yeah, control is hard, especially when your taught power, not control." She thought back to her father, rubbing the back of her neck. "I got a harsh lesson, though I don't know if I'm strong enough to have learned it yet..." She turned to Jansen. "What happened? If you don't mind me asking..."
"That's fine, the past has gone by anyway, it is not something I will hold too close." He'd say, sitting up. ".. When I was a child, around eight, I was bullied quite a lot. I didn't really acknowledge it, until people decided to start hitting me." He'd fumble with his hands again. "I kept it cool the first and second days, but on the third somebody knocked out a tooth." He paused briefly, then frowned. "I ended up hurling a swing-set at the kid." Jansen disliked the memory, looking aside. "He died."

His amber eyes trailed the water slightly as it formed a bubble around them, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. "Hmph I've heard about it before but haven't seen it that much.. Though I heard the Swim team conviently enough have quite a few water Manipulators" He'd shrug slightly, looking about as the crowd soon began to flood through the gates towards the Sports Field, Anticipation running high in the air. "I guess we should get going now?" He'd motion his hand to the now open gates , Murmurs of excitement and anxiety filling the air.
She watched him tell his story, then looked at the ground. "I see... that must have been hard." She rested her palms on the bench, leaning forward with a soft look in her eyes. "I envy you for that, being able to let go of the past. I wish I could do that..." She frowned. "I suppose it's only fair for me to tell you how I learned about my powers." She cleared her throat, the story rolling of her tongue easily from how often she'd heard it herself. "I was young, around four years old myself. There was a storm, the lights went out... I panicked. That was the night I made my first cube..." She looked at her hands. "Around my mom, and then the cube..." She clenched her hands into fists, as if remembering the moment. "Then I crushed her." A silence wafted between them for a moment. "I was never scared of the darkness again, at least, not in the same way." She laughed a little. "I don't actually remember it that well, but it feels like I do, I've heard the story so many times..." She cleared her throat. "There you have it, and here I am."
He nodded slowly. "I suppose these things happen for a reason, somehow." Jansen smiled slightly. "If these treacherous events never occurred, we wouldn't be chatting together here in Rose Academy."
"Yeah," she said, smiling and nodding to his words. "You can't change it, so I guess looking at what it brought you is the best thing, hmm?" She sighed. "I hope it proves worth it, the entire experience of course, though it was worth it to get to chat with you. This is nice. Calming after all the chaos recently." She turned to him. "Thanks, by the way, you've helped me find courage."
He smiled. ".. It was great getting to talk to somebody who's down to Earth like yourself, there's not a lot like that here." Jansen said, resting his hands on his lap. "I hope to see you the future again."
"Me too, maybe we'll share a class, if we're lucky." She looked at the students gathering in the field. "I hope no one gets hurt. There were quite a lot of fanatics at the gate. Hopefully they keep it down, don't get to crazy."
"I'm not going to get to close to the crowd.Its packed. As long as I can see where everybody is going so I know where I'm going, that's fine." Jansen said, standing up, eyeing the crowd.
Quin stood with him, "I'll stay with you for now, if that's okay." She moved slightly closer to him. With her shadowy gray eyes, she surveyed the crowd, unfamiliar faces popping out to her at random.
"That's all right." He mumbled, watching the crowd. Jansen's eyes glided through people, stopping at any that could be interesting.
Anna nodded and slowly pushed the water back into the air, standing very carefully. She had to look up at the boy to see him, and it probably looked a little comical because she was so short and he very much was not. Anna pushed her hair out of her face, looking around at the masses of students heading inside the gates. "There's so many of us..." she said, her voice tenuous. "I wonder how many repeat powers there are..." she shivered delicately as a breeze went through the area.
Landon wandered moved toward the board revealing room assignments. He skimmed until he found his name memorizing the room, and the name of his assigned partner. Before walking toward the field. Deciding to follow the instructions. Landon sprawls out across the grass of the field. holds up a small metal sphere perhaps half an inch in diameter. Focusing on its position vector, he lets go the sphere staying in place in the air, six inches above my eyes. Landon closes his eyes maintaining focus on the sphere he simply listens to the students around him.
Cass looked at him with a disappointing look her small smile became a small frown. "What make you think your an idiot accidents happen all the time. Now please calm down before you have a brain aneurysm, because I have no idea where the nurses office is."

@Nenma Takashi
Haru looked away still. "Y-yeah thank you for understanding I-i uh um again sorry." He stood up taking a few steps back from her. "I'm H-Haru Senji."

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