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Fandom ~ A Certain Scientific School ~ R.O.S.E Academy ~

"I'm Cassandra Shiva, but you can call me Cass." Cass said giving him a friendly smile. She then noticed that his hands had bandages wrapped around then. Obvious to any sort of personal space she grabbed his hand, and brought it up to her face to inspect it. "These are really well done did you do them yourself?"
Tatsu was sure that Anzu was about to reply but sadly the two girls lost each other in the crowd of people heading to the sports field for the power curriculum program. Sighing now that she was alone again Tatsu decided to follow the mob of students guessing they would know where to go. Taking a look at the students around her Tatsu got to thinking, she wondered how many of them were weak in the scientist eyes or more clearly how many of them would be weak, she wondered if they were level ones and twos around her. She felt slightly bad thinking about this, so she decided to stop thinking about it and instead begin thinking about flowers. Before she knew it Tatsu along with a large amount of other students were in the sports fields waiting.
Haru yanked his hands away. "Please don't touch me!" He paused then rubbed the scar on his head. "N-no my sister taught me how to she was always into boxing and so was I she actually went he before me she graduated as a level 5 Smiling Death they called her."
Though Cass' mood doesn't seem to have change inside she couldn't be happier. "No way my parents are boxers. They got my three brothers and I into it."
-== Fer Drastinlien ==-

Fer looked in the direction of the sports field and began walking towards it slowly. He spotted the Landon boy lying down and levitating a small metal ball. He drew the phone from his pocket and clicked on the single number in the contacts. Fer spotted a nice tree and leaned against it. "That's interesting." Fer punched into the messaging function. He sent the message and waited. The boy was complex and had some secrets but he had a few faults, like all things human of course. "But how many of us are actually human..." He muttered. This little prank would tell him lots about this boy. The shade of the tree felt rather relieving in this manufactured city. It all felt so perfectly designed to hold one dark secret. Not that that it would be an easy task but it seemed like a challenge the Landon boy would enjoy. It would also giver Fer an excuse to challenge the rank fives.
Landon without losing focus on the ball pulled out his phone phone, reading the message. His phone read "prepaid 1-Fer" .He responded slowly not quite understanding the topic. "What is?" Upon sending the message he sat up and looked around. Just spotting Fer. Landon smiled genuinely. Landon wondered what this boy Fer's ability is. He decided to look into it later. Tossing the sphere into his pocket, and looking around, he noticed the number 2 ranked esper Tatsu. He eyed her trying to recall her ability. Some sort of telekinesis if he recalled correctly. Landon felt a shiver run down his spine as he imagined the contest between their abilities, as level five's it's hard to tell who's ability would win out.
Momiji peeked out from her hiding spot in the crevice under a stairwell. Already she'd lost confidence to even look at anyone. It was fine when everything was clear. But when a crowd of students started passing by the area near her, she bolted and hid in the nearest secluded space. It was comfortable alone but also lonely. Nevertheless, if she didn't want to end up face first on the floor after someone said hello again, she'd just have to keep hiding.
"Hmph True....They're probably going to go through the Combat Aptitude test for anyone higher than level 3..." He'd begin to walk through the Field , A Few scientists seemed to have assigned themselves to the tables waiting until the voice would once again commence the Power Curriculum Program.

"All Level 4's and 5'S Please report to the Middle Of the Field"

The Field seemed to have a clear divide between the area where the Level 4's and Fives would be performing compared to the Level 3's and under who were assigned into the corner of the field. In the center of the Field would be a brown haired female with a Lab coat draped over her shirt, while the peculiar looking nurse stood beside her standing like a Statue. Behind them would be an assortment of things such as Cars , Tables , Engines all of it most likely pieces of which they would be using , subtlety hinting at how much money the school itself had and willing to spend for the Higher levels.
Landon stood up and walked toward the the gathering crowd in the middle of the field. Landon loiters in the back watching the crowd in front of him. He recalled that only three people particularly interest him Fer, Tatsu, and the third rank, whatever the hell his name is. They each were either an enigma to him, or posed a question he had to have an answer to.
Tatsu sighed at the next announcement "And so it begins." Tatsu muttered to herself talking about the separation between the levels, however with Tatsu being a level 5 she had to make her way to the middle of the field they was only a slightly problem, she was fully jammed in the middle of all the other students. Trying to push past them Tatsu was getting no where a major downside with being small. Tatsu began to get annoyed, she has had enough of trying to simply push past people without saying anything. Taking a deep breath Tatsu shouted. "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY, BEFORE I FORCE YOU ALL TOO." Tatsu slightly panted after shouting since she didn't do it all that often, however her shouting was effective as a line to the middle of the field opened. Tatsu tilted her head and smiled. "Thank you~" Tatsu said happily before walking down it to the middle.
Fiodor followed the rest of level 4 to the designed area ,he didnt want to fight because it looked that it will be a fight demonstration in the field , he wanted a normal school but this is what he had , maybe the others like the level 5 would be likely to fight and he wanted to see it , but he knew that in some moment he will fight too and he disliked the idea , he waited for the next to come
Momiji cursed under her breath. Just when she got away. And the field was going to be full of students... of people?! How on earth was she going to make that? Knowing though that she had to go, she dipped out from under the space and began walking with her head down and her gaze fixed on the floor. Her palms sweated as she got closer to the group, knowing she was closer because her keen ears picked up on the many voices and only seemed to make her anxiety worse. Upon arriving outside, she stood to the very edge, using a small shrub as cover. If they said anything important, she could hear from there probably.
Turning away from Haru towards the middle of the field where the level 4's and 5's crowd was forming. Walking over to the area at a leisure stroll. Once there she decided that instead of standing she would rather sit so she created a soft violet brick to sit on.
Good, a single room, now nobody can lose his books, might as well play along for now. Martin walked to the middle of the field, time to see his competition. he scanned over the crowd looking for anyone starting to use their powers. He also started looking for anyone who might know who lab coat is. Might as well try to start a conversation with someone to pass the time, since I already finished his book.
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Haru followed behind he was pumped. "Isn't boxing great the thrill the sweet taste of winning the bitterness of losing!" He had completely forgotten about his phobia and was completely hopped up on boxing. "My sis taught me three boxing styles!" He said proudly.
-== Fer Drastinlien ==-

With slight dissatisfaction, Fer walked from his resting place into the center of the field slowly. He made sure not to be the last one and not the first. He stood near a few and far from some. Not drawing attention to himself among these people was his goal. The only way however was to be... Unusual. He noticed the Landon standing in the back seeming almost deep in thought. However Fer declined the obvious opportunity to converse with him. "Landon should understand its not hostility." He thought to himself. Many of the people who had shown up were quite interesting to say the least. With the exception of Landon they all seemed either ultra-socially-aggressive or as passive as people get. His smile returned when he realized not one of the people who were watching intently at the group had been looking at him. He chuckled a little and quieted down.
Cass extended the box allowing room for him to comfortable sit "The rush of panting a well timed uppercut right in the jaw causing them to fall flat on their butt. Mom and dad didn't really teach us any styles per-say they just had us fight and kind of mentored us in the way that would help us improve what we were doing." Cass then thought to herself. 'Alright plus one friend already shattering expectations.'
Martin caught the eye of a nearby Esper who also seemed to be measuring the students, perhaps he could make a early ally. He then proceeds to stop flipping his coin and proceeds to straighten himself out, whispering to himself some about first impressions. He walks up to Fer and asked, "I don't mean to come of as one of those in-your-face type, but who're you?"
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Haru punched the air. "I know what you mean sis always loved getting a good counter in her tactic was always attack long range with flicker jabs then when they think they're close in her range she hits them with a Chopping Right!" He stopped the memory flashed in his head. He rubbed his scar.
Cass saw him rub the same scar at least twenty times since she met him. "Are you okay Haru? You keep rubbing that scar." She asked generally concerned.
-== Fer Drastinlien ==-

"One could call anybody many things." He replied. Fer had no prior knowledge of this boy except the fact that he seemed to be one of the 'socially-aggressive' people he had thought about earlier. These people were truly unusual. The boy had looked him in the eye while Fer had been sizing him up and had done the unexpected in the situation. He was either asserting his dominance or trying to make an ally of Fer. Judging by his passive pattern of speech, Fer concluded that this boy was not asserting his dominance.

"I would call myself a level four. I would call you somebody who seeks a companion to aid them when needed. It can be argued that I could in theory provide that, but anything past slightly favorable as a peir is next to impossible for me." Fer continued. He had prepared for situations like this. "Furthermore I digress, that you could possibly count in my aid in some situations were I to know more about you... Say, your power." He said. An air of pretentiousness was what head kept about him in negotiations. It usually got under any person's skin and made them vulnerable to slight pushes.

If he could learn this boy's power that would be placing more people in a uphill fight with him. His plan would take some time and some ethical lapses, but in the end, Fer would be throwing too much weight at people for them to handle. This place seemed to almost encourage combat, which was where Fer was weak in unless he could drop his opponent quickly. Speed would be what got him into any upper hand position. The other students were playing right into his hands as if they were moths to a warm lightbulb. They would touch it and *zipp!* They are dead.
"Ahh, but the most simple of powers, yet the most, how to say...visual of them. I can convert any solid object into explosives of my choosing, well at first it may seem barbaric I find it rather helpful, unfortunately it's not too often I can truly show of the full power of my skills without....unneeded destruction. Relax however, I fully control the size and shape of the boom, although I do hate seeing anything but the target consumed. Now then I have answered truthfully, what about you? What makes you a mere level 4? And, may I ask, Is there any chance I may be of service? You're the first intelligent being I have found here, and I get antsy without something to read." Martin paced himself, he couldn't afford to seem desperate, yet, he might've finally found someone more useful then a piece of laminated paper towel.
Haru looked away. "Huh o-oh y-yeah I just do this wherever I think about sis." The moment flashed in his head again and his face flashed a look of horror then he sighed deeply and went back to normal.
"Ouch I feel your pain I was born the youngest to." Cass lifted her shirt up only enough to see the middle of her stomach. On her left side she pointed at a long scar going across. "I got that from when my older brother was playing with knifes.

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