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Fandom ~ A Certain Scientific School ~ R.O.S.E Academy ~

Anna hesitantly took the jacket, wrapping it around her shoulders. "Thank you..." she said softly. It looked like a huge dress on her. "Are they nice, do you think?" She asked softly, her voice soft and airy.
"Fer is interesting to say the least, and I only know Marvin by name." Lance smiled. "That looks good on you." He couldn't help but say that. Landon Sat up and examined her eyes. "You have really pretty eyes." Landon could only stare at them smiling gently.
Anna blushed a little, looking down. "Thank you..." she said softly, feeling her neck heat up from her blush. She smiled a little. "You are very kind..." Anna said. "And you have no reason to be. Thank you..."
-== Fer Drastinlien ==-

Fer heard Landon say his name and looked over his shoulder. He was conversin softly with a girl wearing his jacket. Completely leaving the conversation he had been engaged in, Fer slowly walked towards them. The girl, very small, was seeming constantly embarrassed while Landon was trying to keep her calm. Judging by this behavior it would be best to be rather passive so he wouldn't get himself hurt. The passiveness would be easy, but not overcomplicating the situation would be the worst part of this conversation. Conversation was not high on Fer's list of things he looked forwards to doing, which admittedly only contained sleep.

He finally closed the gap of distance in the quietest and least frightening way possible, stepping in both fields of view at once. "Hello. Are you a friend of Landon's?" He asked in the softest voice he could make. That was the least embarrassing question he could ask given the situation he created. He made sure to have his hands in his pockets and have a relatively relaxed posture so he wouldn't seem too intimidating. He took his glasses off and rubbed them down quickly to make it seem like he was actin casual.
Landon smiled happily before Fer stepped into view. His expression became much more neutral towards Fer. Deciding not to answer for her unless she got overly uncomfortable with Fer as it would be rude to answer for a stranger and he was clearly talking Anna. "Maybe I'm not going to the dorm too early then." Landon thought. Landon then went to reach into his coat pocket for the small metal sphere and remembered it was in the jacket and he had nothing else in his jeans. "Damn that was careless."

Blue= Thought
Anna looked up, her face still flushed. "I...I suppose so...though we've only just met..." She said, her cheeks darkening as she prayed that she hadn't answered that wrong. What if he wouldn't consider her a friend yet? "I'm Anna...what is your name?" Anna asked, thinking that it was the boy Fer that he had mentioned knowing. She unconsciously made herself seem smaller and pulling the large jacket around herself a little tighter.
"Ah I see", Marvin slowly said, " I'll remember that"

In his mind he very carefully went over the reason or reasons Fer didn't honor the deal they just made, where they told each other their powers. After a few moments of dedicated thinking, he's fully convinced that Fer is trying to scout out the crowd, but not reveal his own hand. He must be dealt with before he understands the playing field, but at the same time, Marvin can't injure another student....directly at least. Coming to a eureka, Marvin concentrated and began to use his power.

Marvin focused for several seconds, and over the course of a minute I converted .65 grams of magnesium in his bloodstream to that of iron, simultaneously giving Fer minor magnesium deficiency and extensive Iron poisoning.

Immediately a headache should set in, along with mood shifts and fatigue. Over the course of several hours he will start puking, maybe bloodily, and will need to be taken to the nurse, perhaps a full doctor, otherwise the symptoms will fade by 48 hours. However, if untreated it will result in extensive heart liver and brain damage, but that can be easily negated if treated by a medical professional.

(Note: This is designed to stun him until I learn more about his power, and I fully plan on visiting him during treatment. I will let Fer decide how to deal with his symptoms, as that's the most fair way on how to play out any form of influence.)
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-== Fer Drastinlien ==-

"My name is Fer. It's a pleasure to meet you." He said casually. The girl was truly seeming embarrassed at all times. Social interaction was not one of his strong points either so that was something they shared. He looked up at the clear blue sky and sighed. "Am I the only one who enjoys having some clouds in the sky?" He asked trying to make some idle conversation.

With nothing better to do, Fer may as well try to talk to people. Then an intense pain set in in the frontal love of his brain. "Excuse me for this, but I am going to bleed myself out a bit." He said as he took off his jacket. This was somebody's doing. It was most likely something to do with his blood, so using his power, he made a small cut in his upper arm. He swowly ripped off a shirt sleeve and wrapped the cut in it. He would have to drain blood for around ten minutes of blood before closing the wound. Taking a quick look around, he spotted Marvin acting like those who wish not to be noticed. It wasn't safe to say it was him, but Landon couldn't and he seemed the only person who had any reason to do so.

"Sorry about that." Fer remarked to Anna and Landon. "I just had a sudden onset of a headache and I feel it was related to my blood. I will be leaving to go to the nurse unless whoever did this is satisfied with the effect in five minutes." He finished. Fer decided it would be best to remain silent for a bit.
"It is nice to meet you as well..." Anna said softly. When he made his comment about the sky, Anna looked up to the sky. "Yes, clouds are nice..." she murmured. Anna watched, concerned when he cut his arm open. "So you...cut yourself?" She asked, a little confused and worried. "Didn't that hurt?"
Marvin slipped past the crowd, bobbing and weaving through the students before stopping behind Fer for a moment and continuing through the crowd, apparently looking for his brother.
Landon smiled a little when Anna said she was her friend, he didn't know why but his blood pressure shot up a bit at it. Landon's expression turns to one of surprise when Fer cut his arm.. "So that's his ability." He decided he in no way could deal with Fer's ability. "How am I ranked five before him?" Landon spoke up. "And so it begins, the esper fighting." He sighed "It was bound to happen." Landon looked around. if to much started he knew there would be innocents caught in the cross fire. He began making a backup plan in case fighting broke out. Granted he always thought of escape routes. But around Anna he had let his guard down and hearing Fer's comment about someone messing with his blood got him thinking contingency plans.
Tatsu sighed looking around, she was bored she wanted something to happen and something to happened now, most the levels fives and fours seemed to already be here must were socializing but Tatsu didn't want to or more clearly couldn't be bother to. "They do like to make use wait don't they." Tatsu said angrily before she began pushing at the people around her to make some room before Tatsu sat down on the floor and began messing with her hair, a sigh that Tatsu was bored.
Anna looked back over at Landon. "Esper fighting?" She asked, a little confused. "What's that?" She drew his jacket a little tighter around herself, biting her lip. She tucked her hair behind her ear as a breeze went through, blowing it in her face. She wiggled her arm a little to get the sleeve up enough so she could use her hands, since the sleeves were so long. She blushed, praying she didn't look stupid since the jacket was so long and large on her. "Are you sure I didn't look silly?" She asked Landon, biting her lip.
Sorry! Had school. Lousy american timezones...

-== Fer Drastinlin ==-

Fer felt Marvin slip something in his pocket and pretended no to notice. The look on Landon's face was quite amusing. "Thank you for concerned about me, Anna, however I simply chose not to feel the cut as it happened. It may seem like a very dangerous skill to have and indeed it is, but I do not fully understand it. I believe it has something to do with changing a frame of time." He replied to Anna's question. He may have been feeling like his normal self, but the question posed to him had hit a different way. He had never been asked if he was alright before. Genuine concern or even truth was something he had been raised to reject.

This was an unusual feeling that had never been brought upon him before. He had his fair share of metals in his bloodstream at this point and was worried something may occur. He had revealed his power to three people, who all seemed to be... Reliable. The headache was slowly intensifying, but if somebody could change the substances in his bloodstream it meant they chose not to kill him. He made eye contact with Marvin and nodded, coming into the conclusion he had done this. Fer slowly walked away to the nurses office as he read the note. It read "we need to talk" which was not surprising. "If anything happens that I need to know tell it to me when you visit the nurses office." Fer said over his shoulder to Landon and Anna. The blood flow had slowed. Something Fer had never achieved before.
Anna nodded slowly. "Okay, if you're sure...do you need one of us to walk with you?" She asked, biting her lip. She didn't want him to faint or something. She looked at Landon to see if he shared her concerns, or if he thought that Fer would be alright. If he did, maybe she'd worry a little less.
Miss Harimama

Her light brown eyes slowly surveyed the large crowd of Espers , Anticipation running high as she tapped her Clipboard lightly with the Pen. "Now I'm going to take a Guess and think that most of you are Wondering who I am. I am Dr Harimama Chief Scientist in Esper Related Phenomena and Ability," Stating in a rather calm laid back tone , her face with a Neutral Expression. "Now you're wondering why you are gathered here on this little field, Well Today we're going to be assessing your Combat Ability First seeing as it's the most easy to measure...And helping me today will be my Lovely Assistant Nurse Jormagrandra" She'd motion her hand to the Petite Nurse figure with Pink Clothing , who had a rather blank expression as she bowed her head. " First I will be assessing The Level 5's and their Combat Capabilities." She'd smile lightly , She always liked seeing the Surprise on people's faces when she announced this. " Number 2. T.K Force And Anna The Water Manipulator If i'm not Mistaken. Will you please Launch your Strongest available attacks at Miss Jormagrandra?" A Thin smile plastered her face as Whispers jolted through the crowd , The Nurse standing their blankly "Don't worry , Everything will be fine I assure you. Each Level 5 Will do a Little Spar with my Assistant. Number 4's will be paired up with One of the Level 5's."

@Bills352 @HonestlySurviving
Tatsu stood up and smiled finally something to do however it wasn't the best for Tatsu, her strongest attack would cause a large amount of collateral damage involving most of the level fives and fours around her. "I would prefer not to unless we did it in a more controlled space. After all my strongest attack would have to be a psionic explosion which could potentially destroy most of this city." Tatsu said like it was no big thing. "However I will do my best with another attack ." Tatsu said she, she trusted that the Nurse would be okay and since she wasn't one to simply give up just because she could use her real strongest. Putting her weak right hand forward and pulling her left hand back readying for a punch and then switching the hands position as quickly as possible much like a punch, a large gust of force was exerted exiting in a telekinetic razor wind form. As it traveled it ripped apart the floor like a knife cutting threw melted butter, it also caused the wind and air to seemingly shift direction to the way Tatsu attack went, the attack traveled at such a speed that it was hard to see when it left and when it hit her target unless you tracked the destruction.

The Light Pink eyes watched as Tatsu stood up and Motioned her hands in a Punching like Motion , Still maintaining that slightly off putting Blank face as she just stood there..looking like she wasn't even going to do anything. That's when it happened. Right before she launched the Razor wind form her Back suddenly tore open as bits of pink metal suddenly shot outwards , forming into a beautiful flower like shape. Her lips moved rapidly as she spoke in a seemingly non human language rapidly , Motioning her own hand downwards as the Metallic Flower let off a vibrant fuchsia glow. Two Large Angelic wings suddenly formed on her shoulders as they suddenly launched her in the air , avoiding the Razor wind with speed and grace. It seemed like she was Mimicking The Architect's ability, which he wasn't exactly happy about grumbling in the awe struck crowd slightly. The Flower suddenly let off another vibrant glow as she spoke at a blinding speed once again, suddenly launching a destructive wave of Telekinetic force at Tatsu.

Anna hesitantly stepped forward. She took a deep breath and watched the other one who had been called out, Tatsu, attack. She shook a little as a wind went through the area, and took another step forward. She pulled the water from the air and formed a circle of it around Jormagranda to make it so she couldn't breathe.
Eni watched the fight with insane interest. "Oooohhh....look Tony!" He said as he lifted the potato into the air. This earned him some looks from those around him and made a few of those around him start backing away. "People are starting to fight! Yay!" He cheered as he brought the potato down.
Cass perked up something was happening. Finally she was getting antsy just waiting here. Cass had not met the two that were called up, but whoever they were the must be powerful to be level 5's and if she herd her right Cass will be fighting a level 5 soon.
Eni noticed someone slumped on a cherry blossom tree. He strode and skipped towards him. "Why hello there good ser." He greeted cheerfully as he sat down next to him. "You seem a bit peeved about something." He added as he looked at him with a grin. His ability passively absorbed solar energy as he leaned his back against the tree. "Pretty interesting tournament isn't it? I quite frankly don't care about these level tacos and teddies, I wanna see what the lower guys can do and how clever they can be with their abilities." He suddenly halted. "I forgot, name's Eni, this is Tony Starch, what's yours?" He said while holding up the potato with a smiley face. @peppycat
Tatsu sighed as this Miss Jormagrandra used Tatsu's ability against her, this was more problematic than most would think as the main counter to Tatsu ability was in fact Tatsu own ability its self that and speed after all if something moves faster than her ability can shoot then she would have to resort to more drastic abilities. As Miss Jormagrandra attack approached Tatsu, Tatsu didn't even move one massive advantage with her ability was the ability to make a near impregnable and self-repairing telekinetic bunker in a moments notices, heck if she wanted to she could make it passive but wheres the fun in that. As Miss Jormagrandra attack looked like it was going to hit Tatsu it just seemed to stop a little shy of her as her barrier stopped it. Tatsu sighed if her opponent could copy her abilities then she didn't want to use to much of it so she decided they was only one thing to do. "Well since you can copy my ability this fights going to suck, SO i'm just going to use my strongest attack and then defend since I don't want to give away to many tools of the trade." Tatsu said sighing as she put both her hands near her chest not touching but not too far apart, she began building up another aspect of her ability, psychic energy in-between the space between he hands. This action caused the very area around her to begin shaking, she was about to do that one attack which if she lost control of it could very well destroy a large amount of the city. She looked towards Dr Harimama to make sure she was okay to use this attack after all its better to be safe than sorry and with Miss Jormagrandra head in water it gave Tatsu a few seconds at the very least.

@Venus @HonestlySurviving
Landon slipped closer to Anna. "Of course you look fine" His smile genuine. He couldn't help but stare a little. He turns to Fer "If you say your fine then alright" he paused a second to collect his thoughts "Esper fighting is when two espers fight." after the announcement of fights he looks up. "Of course." Landon leaned forward and whispered in Anna's ear. "Go ahead. and attack. I promise I will do everything I can to protect you." Landon smiled not entirely sure if he could protect her, but he was damn well going to try. Landon in response to Tatsu prepping such a powerful attack stepped in front of Anna. Looking back he smiled and whispered, "Get down." He wasn't sure if his ability could protect many people from the attack but he was going to try. He knew he has a range of one half a mile. This field isn't even close to that. He just hopes he doesn't over exert himself.
Anna looked at him, worried. "But you'll get hurt..." she said, still moving her hands to keep the circle around her head. She made a pushing motion to start to pull the water from other areas of the girls body and push them into her lungs.

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