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Fandom ~ A Certain Scientific School ~ R.O.S.E Academy ~

Anna looked around curiously at all the people around her as she made her way to where she'd been instructed to go beside the boy who'd been speaking with her. She frowned, trying to remember his name as she walked, chewing on her lip. She looked around nervously, her heart thudding. She didn't know anyone really, and she was worried about what she'd have to do.
Haru looked and then into her eyes he only felt a bit nervous he didn't feel like he was gonna have a panic attack. "Yeah that's bad sis also had this hardcore training she made me go through and if you don't know any boxing styles I could teach you!"
"That would be great. I'm glad I met you I was scared that I would be that weird girl no one wanted to talk to." Cass said looking into his eyes a small smile on her face.
Haru shook his head. "No I should thank you I was scared I wouldn't make any female friends but who would had thought my first friend would be a girl." He chuckled.
Quin stood among the other fourth and fifth levels. She watched the lady in the labcoat steadily, curious as to what they were going to do. A few students looked at her curiously, and she couldn't blame them. Again, she cursed her unique outfit of all black. She'd definitely be easy to weed out from the level fours like this, since only the level fives were given little trouble for custom dress.
Lance let out a long sigh deciding to look around again upon doing so. He noticed a girl with choppy hair, and remembered there was an incident involving her earlier. He decided to approach Anna considering the girl looked absolutely terrified. He walked up beside her, suppressing his ability, considering he didn't want to terrify her more. "Hello, I'm Landon Pierce. We met briefly earlier. Can I help?" he said holding out his hand. A smile on his face. Trying to look as non-intimidating as possible.
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Anna nodded slowly, her eyes downcast and big. "I'm Anna..." she whispered, her voice soft and airy. "What can you do..?" She asked, chewing on her lip softly. She flinched when someone bumped into her, making her stumble slightly when she did.
Landon's eyes widened a little. "It' looks like you could use a little space." Landon starts walking around making space and placing retractable mettle rods about 3 feet in length floating in the air un-moving to even the strongest shove. Effectively three square feet of space. "By the way what's your last name?" He says turning around smiling. "And is that better?" His hands settle into the pockets of his jacket.
Anna looked at him, biting her lip harder. "Coon...my last name is Coon..." she said. "And yes, thank you..." Anna seemed to shrink into herself, making her seem smaller than she already was, even more so because the clothes she wore were too big. She looked around the small area he had made. "What is your power?"
Landon smiled a bit more recognizing the name. "You should relax a little." He said leaning on one of the bars. "My ability is the maintenance of variables. Position, speed, direction, sound." Lance pulls a small cheep looking phone out of his pocket and glances down at it's screen before handing it to Anna, "Here since were gonna be dorm mates, we might as well have a way to get a hold of each other." His smile turning from friendly, to genuine." pausing for a second "What's your ability?"
Eni looked around among his fellow...uhh...lower levels, yeah, let's go with that. He was excited to see different powers, especially from level tacos. And by tacos, he meant level fives. He casually pulled out a potato with a smiley face crudely drawn on it with what seemed to be a marker and started to converse with it. "So what do you think Tony Starch, are these people good?" He asked the potato before staring at it and nodding sagely "True, true..." He muttered.
Elizabeth arrives late, she couldn't get a break. First her shower refused to work, then every taxi ... ever ignored her. Now she was late. Standing at the gate her duffle bag tucked under her arm slightly unzipped a handle always within reach. Elizabeth looked around lost. There was no one within sight of the gate, so she walked through it and upon listening she decided to go left. Of course she had no idea where she was going, and no Idea where anyone was she pause to examine aboard and find her room. Committing the room to memory she pulled a campus map out of her duffel bag and found the dorm building. "Guess I'm unpacking." She whispers to herself.
Anna stared at the phone for a moment. "I can manipulate water in all its forms..." she said, waving her fingers to pull the water from the air around them and make the shape of a flower. She pushed it back into the air a moment later."How do you know that we'll be dorm mates?" She softly asked, looking at him curiously.
Cass looked at Haru biting her lower lip. She wanted to learn more about her new friend like where his from, whats his favorite color, or movie but she deiced to ask one of the more obvious questions "So what are your powers?"
"Well I checked the board." (Overview) Landon spoke away at the finesse of Anna's ability seeping in. "You have such amazing control of your ability." Landon glanced from side to side. "I'm a level five and I'm still trying to gain that level of control." Landon's Eyes widened as a realization hit him. "You don't mind being my room mate, do you? Because if it will bother you I can talk to someone." Landon made a face that looked mildly worried despite the smile.
Walking past the field Elizabeth, finds the large gathering of students. "I guess I'm not unpacking yet." With a quick hop she turned and strode confidently onto the field. "Perhaps I should ask someone whats going on." Elizabeth approaches a girl and boy both sitting on a purple block. Walking up beside them she asks "Could either of you explain to me what is going on?" looking at Haru and Cass. (^.^)
Anna smiled a little. "I do not mind..." she said. "I just didn't know how you knew already...and I don't have very good control...at least not in a useful way...I can't fight with it or anything that well..." she took a deep breath, pushing her hair behind her ear.
Sorry about being so inactive! Surprise camping trip with some friends really ruined my schedual.

-== Fer Drastinlien ==-

Fer chuckled lightly at the question. "I quite frankly do not want to be a level five at the moment. I would rather not be the center of everyone's attention. Lots of the others are from my observations... Interesting people in a slightly negative way." He replied. Interesting suited them well. The possibilities of what could occur from this group of people was truly limitless. Some were able to control states of matter, others control the physical motion. This many dangerous children at an impressionable age, as Landon had pointed out earlier, was bound to make something happen.

That something would include Fer. He was sure of that. Not in the main light, but standing off to the side of the stage clapping lightly with a thin smile as the main actors did the dirty work. If he could play his cards right he could become a god to these people. "But that wouldn't desirable." He thought. His smile had almost moved in thought so he made sure to steel it for anything coming in the future. One slip up and these people would not be useful. He would play the role of an ordinary piece until he saw an opportunity. The pawn moves forwards until the opponent slips up and it takes the most valued of pieces. That was what Fer was here for. He wasn't here for his power or education, however those were added bonuses, he was here to pull the strings for fun.
"Well I looked at the list earlier all you had to do was stop by a terminal by the entrance and run your student ID through." Landon smiles brightly "You can pull water from the air, the smallest thing I can affect is this." Lance pulls out the small metal sphere he keeps in his pocket. Lance Decides rather quickly that while he's here he want's to get to know Anna, that she could become quite the person and even a powerful level five. "What brought you here?" He gestures around him. "To rose academy I mean."
Anna thought a moment. "I guess...my parents just didn't know what else to do with me..." she said quietly, not upset about the fact driven statement. "What about you?"
Landon thought about it for a minute. "I'm not entirely sure." Landon looked at his feet. "Perhaps I just felt bad about ignoring my parents for so long I couldn't turn them down when the promised to let up on the whole take over the business thing If I would just disappear for a couple years and so I found a school I like and came." Landon sat down on the metal bar turned around and leaned back until he stopped laying in the air head turned toward Anna. "Either way I'm here, with no financial responsibility except food, which by the way ... can you cook? I can't." Landon's face flushed slightly.
Anna smiled hesitantly. "Yes, I can cook..." she said softly, biting her lip. "What do we do now...?" She was shaking just a little.

(Sorry these are short, I only have a few minutes for each post)
Landon smiled. "Great, I have no clue what's going on no one told me anything. If something doesn't happen soon I'm going to the dorm. I'm not very patient." Landon started to stare at Anna, admiring her face, her eyes and her voice. Landon wasn't showing it but he was nervous around her. He noticed her shaking "Are you cold?" he asks taking off his jacket and handing it to her.

(It's Fine :)
Anna shook her head and smiled. "Thank you, but no..." she said softly. "I don't want you to be cold..." Anna bit her lip softly, looking around the area at all of the kids around them. "Do you know anyone else around here yet?"
Landon continues to hold out the jacket. "Trust me I'll be fine. My body temperature doesn't fluctuate." Landon looks around and starts pointing to people. "That's Fer, and the one standing next to him is Marvin Degrace. That's about all I know."

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