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Fandom ~ A Certain Scientific School ~ R.O.S.E Academy ~

Haru looked around a little scared. "Crap crap crap I'm super lost if sis found out she'd get really mad oh man where do I go?" Haru began runnign around like an idiot worrying about being lost.
"I'd prefer it if you just called me Landon." He smiled. "So your the third rank, Daniel the Architect?" Landon's curiosity, getting the better of him, silently wishing he could have a chance to examine something created with the ability. He turned to Anna, "Hello, I'm Landon." Noticing Haru to his left, he excused himself. "Excuse me if you would." Landon began walking towards Haru. "Excuse me, you look like you could use some help."
Cassandra made her way though the crowed toward the sports fields with a bored look on her face. She was not the most thrilled to be here. Not knowing anyone, and in an unfamiliar place took her way out of Cass' comfort zone. Finding a tree away from the large crowd she laid down with her back to it, and closed her eyes to give the appearance of sleep.
Anna's blush deepened, if that was possible, when someone else walked up. She mumbled an apology for taking up their time, hugging her knees to her chest. "I'm Anna, by the way..." she said softly, her statement sounding like an apologetic question. "What is your power, if you don't mind?" She was curious because of the wings, and the beautiful dust they created once dismissed. Even as they spoke, Anna was making herself seem smaller and less noticeable, her large eyes questioning. She wanted to pull more water around herself as people started to get close again, then thought that it would be rude to the boy who had helped her.
Daniel Vorsch

Daniel nodded examining Landon carefully , his profile mentioned something about Vectors..."That's me" He'd grin slightly, he quite honestly liked being acknowledged. His eyes trailed Landon as he quickly excused himself to help someone who seemed very lost...He turned as Anna introduced herself, she seemed like the shy type by the way she acted along with the way she talked. "My Power...Hmph..Well according to the Scientists It's called Exotic Dark matter manipulation...Though It doesn't relate to actual dark matter in anyway to be honest...It allows me to create an unknown material to form things such as those wings I used..Or I could convert it into Plasma and make it function like White lightning, I can also make it so the Material or energy reacts or functions differently to create barriers or induce an explosion though its a bit more complicated than it sounds.." He attempted to put it simply , The actual power itself was rather complex and required a large number of calculations to create things..course over the years he had managed to make himself smart enough to form things in a rather short time interval. Course he didn't mind explaining it or getting recognition because of it...
Haru ran some more trying to find his way around not looking where he was going he tripped over something looking at it was a person a girl no less she was resting under a tree. Haru froze but he had to stay calm if he just didn't say anything besides she looked to be asleep.
Landon decided to ignore both of them and instead wandered off to attempt to find his dorm assignment. His mind wandered silently calculating the the exact amount of force he would have to throw a 9 pound Iron ball to force it through a persons body instead of just have it push them. He settled on at least 30 miles an hour, if he maintained it. Lost in thought he wandered toward the front gate. Shutting out most of the world, in order to think. He just couldn't wrap his mind around the calculations to alter vectors. He could keep them in exactly one state, he just couldn't change them. Landon started mumbling to himself. "If i were to throw a marble, I could throw it in such a manner and maintain the forward velocity as well as the rightward velocity, it would fly in a perfect circle, but if I ... AGH!"
Cass' eyes pop opened not even flinching from where he hit her. She sat up from her place at the large tree, and stared at Haru with a blank look before giving him a small smile and saying. "Hi. are you okay?"
Haru looked away. "Y-yeah fine more importantly. " He bowed his head. "I'm sorry really sorry it was all my fault I should had been looking were I was going I know an idiot like me needs to pay attention so sorry!" Haru was close to having a panic attack she was smiling but Haru didn't notice he just looked down avoiding eye contact.

The Large Billboard flickered slightly revealing Dorms.

Unsurprisingly everyone was seperated into a double Dorm , Assigned with a Letter and Number such as B54 , A24 Etc Etc.

The Loud Speaker then emitted a Static like sound.

"The Power Curriculum Program will now Begin, Everyone please Report to the Field!"

The Large gates made a metallic groan like sound as they slowly opened revealing the Towering School Itself in all its Majesty.


The Rp Will now be put on hold Until I Get back from School Tomorrow.

( Any Posts on the Rp Thread starting from now Will be deleted Until The Rp Has been resumed. )

This is to allow people who have not yet participated in the Rp Thread to read what's been happening so far and write up a proper response once the Rp Resumes.

Sorry for any inconveniences But I'd rather not leave people in the Dust!


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Marvin eyes up everyone, taking into account clothing, body language and any accents before looking down at his book whispering to himself " I better let the water settle before I start looking for partners". He readjusted his black coat and took a sip from his water bottle before reaching for his coin. soon afterwords he starts flipping the coin in the air.
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Tatsu smiled she had a main reason for understanding Anzu which was the fact that hard work made her a level 5. Still who would have guessed that she already found the one person who according to the board was stronger than her. It was a little awkward talking to Anzu as well she was well very tall compared to the small Tatsu, this caused Tatsu to have to look up at Anzu something that slightly bother her but yet something that she was used too.

"I'm Tatsu Kikuchi, at my old school and place I lived I was a member of judgement, I'm otherwise known as TK Force, may I just say its an honor to meet you number one." Tatsu said giving a little bow with a smile on her face. Hearing another alert on the loud speaker Tatsu noticed it was for dorms and who will be put together in dorms. Taking a look at the board she noticed she would be with Quintel Grewred which didn't bother her too much. "Hmm, what will us level 5 do instead of the Power Curriculum Program?" Tatsu asked they already knew their power levels and all already had their ability so it wouldn't make sense for them to get power checked again.

@Moody Blues
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Quintet glared at the level five rankings, having earlier ignored the attempted scare. She has last on the list, but that didn't not her, she didn't care much to help all the greedy scientists exploit her power to their use.

She couldn't help but smile in amusement at the level fives who were proud to be high on the list. Ha. They would be the ones experimented on. They would be the ones exploited. But not her, even if it meant not putting all of her powers abilities on the entrance form- she would not be used. Not ever again.

She raised her hands, made a pushing motion towards the ground, beginning her shadow travelling. She sped beneath the other students, making an upward motion with her hands to appear in the front of the crowd. She entered the gates, slightly ahead of everyone else, gazing in awe at the simply incredible school grounds.

Noticing several students staring at her, she considered changing her appearance. Sure, she was most comfortable in all black, but perhaps it was to noticeable. She didn't want to stand out as a level five.
Jansen would return to the billboard after hearing the loudspeaker, finding out his room number and roommate. He sighed, unhappy with being in a dorm with another, but of course expecting it. He simply brushed it aside to worry about later, moseying off toward the field.

Arriving, he'd curiously examine the new surroundings, walking about until eventually stopping by a bench, idly taking a seat. Jansen then decided contemplate what he'll be doing for today's program.
Quin shook off the leftover shadows from her shadow travel and they slowly disappeared in small wisps of darkness. Stepping clear if the crowd, she sat on a bench, ignoring the fellow student sitting next to her.
When the speakers finished he limited to follow the instructions which had been given to him , he was very used to this and somehow this made him be nostalgic ,then he thought about his roommate and if he was going to be a level 0 or 5 , for him this was important because he wanted to maintain his normality as much as he could
Jansen would lose focus on what he was thinking about, briefly looking at the figure who had just arrived and took a seat beside him, then looking away toward a random tree for a moment. After some silence he decided to be polite, and introduce himself with a brief, all though clear "Hello there.", remembering her face for maybe any further communication in the future.
Quintel turned to the speaker, smiling to be polite, she replied. "Hey, err, I'm Quintel." She moved her hand subtly toward him, considering shaking his hand, but hesitating.
He'd gesture his hand forward as if to shake hands as well, although pausing a little at her hesitance. "Nice to meet you. My name is Jansen."
She put her hand forward determinedly in an attempt to dispell the awkwardness of the situation. "Nice to meet you, Jansen. Nice name by the way," she commented.
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He'd accept the handshake, having a laid back grip, replying. "Thanks. Your name is quite interesting as well." His eyes had a quite insightful look to them when he'd cease talking, studying the girl.
"Thanks," she said, she rolled his name over in her head a few times. "Are you, by chance Jansen Baer, number four?" She'd taken care to memorize the names of the other level fives.
He nodded, separating his hand from the others, and said "Yep, that's me. Baer the wise." Jansen had seemed to of lost his formality, talking more casually now.
"I'm the Shadow Thief," she chuckled slightly. "I don't know if you..." She trailed off, not many people would care for the eighth, even if it was based on usefulness to further science, not power.

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