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Fantasy ๖ۣۜ༻яєα¢н ωιтнιη (Closed)

"Oh- Haha... I didn't mean to sound rude." She quickly said.

"Yeah, she was."

"I will hit you."


"My name is Cereth. It's a pleasure to meet you. ...And I hope you are alright from that fall..."

Ayane said:
"Aha, the kid says he's a private, hahaaha. I'm sorry, but when do you see privates at times like this? What a joke." Thea said as Sana rolls her eyes. "She's actually quite weary of you as I am." Thea rolls her eyes at her persona, but didn't say anything. Sana turned to Cereth as she was a bit embarrassed to say. Thea spoke up, "We went in places we weren't supposed to...who knew the massive lake in front of the castle led to that room!" Sana sighs as she remembered that it was her suggestion. "Ahem. I don't know why. Maybe she keeps her serious thoughts with me. Trust me, she's not always like this." Thea looked at the raccoon persona and guy with a smile, "We should check if they are still there! Cereth, you can fly, right?" Thea points to her persona.
@Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @Epax @RP Marshall
She turned to Thea.

"No... I actually can't. Liafort is really quite useless-"

"What did you say? Oh, really?! What about all those times I've saved your a-"

"If you were relying on me for flight, I'm sorry..."

"Geez, cut me some slack, Cereth!" Liafort screeched, "Without me, you probably wouldn't be here today!"

MuffinRPs said:
"She has the right to be scared. I wouldn't blame her 36 confirmed kills with this," He drew his sword, "I could easily make it 37." He smiled evilly.
"Caleb don't," Bear growled.

"You're right," He put it back, "Wouldn't want the Sergeant and Captain on my ass. Now why don't we end all this petty fighting and save Arcandia? That would actually be a good use of my time," He smiled a fake smile and picked Bear off of the ground.
What a violent kid... I wonder how that happened... but who am I to judge?

She turned to him, "...Yes, I agree... By the way, Is it a normal thing for minors to be let into the military?"
MuffinRPs said:
"She has the right to be scared. I wouldn't blame her 36 confirmed kills with this," He drew his sword, "I could easily make it 37." He smiled evilly.
"Caleb don't," Bear growled.

"You're right," He put it back, "Wouldn't want the Sergeant and Captain on my ass. Now why don't we end all this petty fighting and save Arcandia? That would actually be a good use of my time," He smiled a fake smile and picked Bear off of the ground.
"Not if I dunked you with water. Now that would be funny." Thea retreated slightly from her position as her weariness rose from Caleb. "I caught over 500 fish with my hands. Now THAT'S a skill." Thea mumbles this mostly to herself, but it was easy to hear. "Thea, stop. We should go, now." Sana told her as she crossed her arms. "What time does the skyship leave to The Severed Tops?" Thea checked her device, and said, "Ten minutes. 5 minute wait...Let's go!!" Thea started to run towards the sky docks with Sana at her side. "Last one is a rotton arachnid!" She was going to the Severed Tops for the first time! "Forget them here, we might be outnumbered."

@RP Marshall @Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc
Ian was packing for florence. "Okay I have clothes, a toothbrush. I'm all set." Ian took a running start. And ran as fast as he could. "So calculating the speed I'm going. I should be there in about... 3..2..1..2..3 And Here!" He went into Florence. He was wearing a Shirt he got from a traveling Tailor who always once a month. Stopped in Balnor. He had saved up enough money to buy a shirt and A pair of pants. Because he saw no need in them He never wore shoes.
Ian saw a sign. "Stop the Rolling Tide" He read. Thats probably what my tiger was warning me about". "What do they mean 'Rolling Tide'?" He questioned
Ayane said:
"Not if I dunked you with water. Now that would be funny." Thea retreated slightly from her position as her weariness rose from Caleb. "I caught over 500 fish with my hands. Now THAT'S a skill." Thea mumbles this mostly to herself, but it was easy to hear. "Thea, stop. We should go, now." Sana told her as she crossed her arms. "What time does the skyship leave to The Severed Tops?" Thea checked her device, and said, "Ten minutes. 5 minute wait...Let's go!!" Thea started to run towards the sky docks with Sana at her side. "Last one is a rotton arachnid!" She was going to the Severed Tops for the first time! "Forget them here, we might be outnumbered."
@RP Marshall @Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc
Dragging the boy along with him, Roma followed Thea and her persona to the skyship docks.

"Pssssh. 'Cute,' he said. Well, I'm flattered." Liafort happily chirped. "Why don't *you* say such nice things to me, Cereth?"

"Because its weird."

She then turned to the boy, "I am genuinely glad about that. And you do not have to be involved if you do not wish to. But I'd agree with your persona. It would be a great deed. However, nobody will push you. I'm personally just here for..." She didn't want to say it. She'd lose if she said it. "...money."

"I told you. How many times did I tell you?" Liafort jumped at the opportunity.

"Anyway, It's always nice to have extra numbers, believe me. And I heard there's rewards."

She smiled as warmly as she could. She made that last remark thinking back to the boy referring to stealing.

I'm always for people turning their lives around... But I understand the need all too well...

"Disgusting." Her persona gagged.

"...Leave me alone, I'm having a moment..."
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Ian was caught up in a street Riot. Millions of soldiers were firing their guns at innocent people. Ian saw that a nearby sky ship was moving. "Why not". He said And he snuck on board
"You two act like my parents," Caleb said, "An old married couple,"

"Ohhh." Bear said, "Roasted. Brutal-e." Caleb scratched behind the dogs ears as a thank you before getting on the skyship.
MuffinRPs said:
"You two act like my parents," Caleb said, "An old married couple,"
"Ohhh." Bear said, "Roasted. Brutal-e." Caleb scratched behind the dogs ears as a thank you before getting on the skyship.
"Regrettably I concur, sir!" Locke said to Celab.

The Raccoon and the frustrated boy endeared the ship as well.

"What the heck did we get ourselves into Roma?" Locke said.

"No one has to call me sir. I'm a Private not a Sergeant or Captain so don't."

"Caleb, you could've made everyone your bitch."

"Shut up Bear. Rest. You've been on your feet for 2 days straight." Bear obeyed and nuzzled into Caleb's chest.
Ian could hear some voices. 'Oh crap if they hear I've gotten on here. They'll throw me off'
@Ayane[/URL] @MuffinRPs @Epax
"Great! I'm glad you're coming along." Cereth said happily.

And she genuinely was happy. She thought of this as a cute little adventure. And she was no stranger to these sorts of things. She still didn't quite take this seriously, but she figured as long as she got her share of profit, she'd be fine. Well, if this all was any true at least. She also wanted a free ride! She'd never been to the Severed Tops, and she longed for a new atmosphere. The city had taken its toll on her. She was truly more of an outsider.

She also decided not to regard what the boy had said about his past. She figured that if he was like her, it would have been best to just move on with the situation. And she did just that.

She waited for the departure of the skyship.

"So, how do you feel about this?" She asked her companion.

"Grand. We're going to be rich I tell you."

"There's always a possibility of the opposite. This could end up as just a cute trip around Arcandia. Don't get your hopes up."

"Cereth, please. Please, for once can you just lead me on and pretend that things will go my way?"

"I don't know... your way of thinking isn't very realistic..."
"Heh.." Said Kyle. "S'Been fourteen years in Linewell and still haven't got one friend.."He said as he wandered around the streets of Linewell.
"I have the feeling to call you sir for the fun of it." Thea snickered as she caught Sana smiling. "Sir, assuming you are the most skilled, you'll take the front if we get attacked...look at how high up we are!" Skyships were free, but she had only ridden it once with her parents. Thea took her phone out to take pictures with Sana. "I'm sending this to Jacob back home." She forgot what she was saying to Caleb once she started typing on her device. "The Severed Tops...those mountains look like hell to climb. Hopefully we won't have to."

"Hopefully." Sana agreed.

@arialc @Kyle Storm @Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs RPs @RP Marshall @Epax
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"But I don't like it. I'm not highly ranked. I don't need you to call me Sir. Just call me Caleb. Honestly, I'd prefer it." Caleb hated being called sir. Most people either called him Caleb, Private, or Andreas. He liked it this way and he hoped they would understand.
Kyle walks around and wonders, "When will new people come to this boring town.." He hears something and looks around."weird.. Nobody lives around this part of town.." He hears a strange moaning noise and whips his head around. "W-whos.. there..?" His face palee with fear.Kyle sees a huge black, dark figure and he passes out.He wakes up leaning against the tree."What t-that just a dream..?" "welp. I'm still lonely so nothing else has changed.."
MuffinRPs said:
"But I don't like it. I'm not highly ranked. I don't need you to call me Sir. Just call me Caleb. Honestly, I'd prefer it." Caleb hated being called sir. Most people either called him Caleb, Private, or Andreas. He liked it this way and he hoped they would understand.
"I'll stop just because I don't want to be number 37 or whatever." Thea says as she sees the mountains up ahead. "I see them!" She started pointing towards three significant mountain. "The left one is Taros, persona of fire and destruction. The middle one is Adros, persona of the earth and housekeeping humans. The last one is Farios, persona of water and aquatic life. There could be a good reason if New Arcandian troops are here. Maybe the myth is true that the pandorium connects here...ah!" Thea felt the skyship decline as they neared the village. "The best bet is the cave. But the locals don't like travelers in there." Sana says to the group.

@Kyle Storm @MuffinRPs @Devious Dilbert @Epax @arialc @RP Marshall
"Huh!" Said Locke looking around the interior of the ship. "Last time I was on a Skyship it was a lot cleaner than this. It's filthy! Graffiti and trash everywhere! What do you think Roma?"

Roma was too busy eating an apple core off the floor to hear him.

"Gross!" Locke said turning his nose up in disgust. He then spoke with Caleb @Ayane as she and her persona were taking a selfie. "How long is the trip to The Severed Tops? I don't want to travel in this vehicle for too long."

Ayane said:
"I'll stop just because I don't want to be number 37 or whatever." Thea says as she sees the mountains up ahead. "I see them!" She started pointing towards three significant mountain. "The left one is Taros, persona of fire and destruction. The middle one is Adros, persona of the earth and housekeeping humans. The last one is Farios, persona of water and aquatic life. There could be a good reason if New Arcandian troops are here. Maybe the myth is true that the pandorium connects here...ah!" Thea felt the skyship decline as they neared the village. "The best bet is the cave. But the locals don't like travelers in there." Sana says to the group.
@Kyle Storm @MuffinRPs @Devious Dilbert @Epax @arialc @RP Marshall
"Oh! We're here. Never mind."

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Ayane said:
"I'll stop just because I don't want to be number 37 or whatever." Thea says as she sees the mountains up ahead. "I see them!" She started pointing towards three significant mountain. "The left one is Taros, persona of fire and destruction. The middle one is Adros, persona of the earth and housekeeping humans. The last one is Farios, persona of water and aquatic life. There could be a good reason if New Arcandian troops are here. Maybe the myth is true that the pandorium connects here...ah!" Thea felt the skyship decline as they neared the village. "The best bet is the cave. But the locals don't like travelers in there." Sana says to the group.
@Kyle Storm @MuffinRPs @Devious Dilbert @Epax @arialc @RP Marshall
-Cereth Pavette

"What a beautiful scene." Cereth said to nobody in particular.

"Sure is." Replied her lovely friend.

"The lore of this place is also fascinating." She turned to Thea and Sana. "If we act fairly natural, we shouldn't trigger the troops if they are here." Cereth then turned back to the scenic layout.

"...But with our party, we might stand out more than usual... And if the cave is our priority-"

She just remembered-

Caleb... He'll blow our cover for sure...

Was it a good idea to come with these people? A grown woman like me... following the lead of kids...

Maybe now is not a good time to think about it. For now we only have one guy to worry about...

"Don't worry about it too much, Cereth. They shouldn't pose a threat. We've done things like this before." Liafort said.

"It's not you and I that I'm worried about..."
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Ayane said:
"It's landing, landing!" Thea cheered as she waited for the skyship to stop. Once the doors were open, she was about to dash when Sana held her leg with her tail. "Wait for the others." Thea used a bit of Sana's power to make her leg water-like to get out of her grip. "They'll catch up! Come on guys before we're too late." Her leg turned normal in an instant as she continued to run. She took a deep breath up the mountain air and rich green fields. This was nowhere near like back home and Florence. Not knowing if the others followed, she mumbled, "Watch carefully in case you see anything."
Tyra, Now calling himself Ty for gender related issues, looked up the mountains from the entrance of the cave as he listened to the native talk about the mountains. He stood near the back, his face covered with a cloak as he kept his persona inside of him. No need for him to look even more suspicious. Ty hears the skyship from nearby, but didn't pay much attention. He hated ships of any kind. He need the jewels from inside, and was leaving right after. Easy job. "Only three. We can do this." His persona said in his mind. "For New Arcandia."

"For New Arcandia, Golith."

@MuffinRPs @RP Marshall @Devious Dilbert @Kyle Storm @arialc

-Cereth Pavett

"Thea!" Called out Cereth.

"What are you waiting for?! Let's go!"


He jumped off her shoulder from where he had perched all day and finally took flight, racing towards the direction of the ever-so-energetic Thea.

I hope this goes well... Who could predict the outcome when paired with these people?

Cereth began to slowly make her way off of the skyship, taking extreme caution not to trip. As well, that would be embarrassing.

The land was beautiful, it forced Cereth to acknowledge this. It was full of green, Cereth's favorite thing to see.

"Cereth, come on! I'm so glad to be free! Look at all of the new places we can explore!" Liafort had called back, by now he was a pretty good distance away. He would probably only look like a white dot to anybody but Cereth.

"That's great and all, but we're here with a purpose. Please wait for me..."

Although she had to really try her best to suppress her own strong desire for discovery.

"Yeah yeah- hurry it up!"
-Lance Rhenson

It seemed that it was noisy wherever he went. No matter if he was in the city or in the countrysides. or in a sacred mythical land.

The loudness of a foreign party had caught his attention.

Lance peeked out from under the shade of a tree from which he was resting under.

"Look there. What do you think is going on?" He asked his trusted partner.

"Probably just some travelers. Why are you so interested? What's caught your eye?" Replied his trustworthy partner.

"No, it's just that they're so obnoxious. It's the same everywhere we go."

"I think they're having fun. Looks fun to me at least."

"Yeah well- it's annoying."

"Then why don't we move somewhere else?"

"Are you kidding me? We were here first, they're the ones who need to shut up. This is a sacred place, anyway. They should have some respect."

"This land belongs to no one."

"Exactly. So, why should they get to act like they own it?"

His persona sighed.
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Ayane said:
"It's landing, landing!" Thea cheered as she waited for the skyship to stop. Once the doors were open, she was about to dash when Sana held her leg with her tail. "Wait for the others." Thea used a bit of Sana's power to make her leg water-like to get out of her grip. "They'll catch up! Come on guys before we're too late." Her leg turned normal in an instant as she continued to run. She took a deep breath up the mountain air and rich green fields. This was nowhere near like back home and Florence. Not knowing if the others followed, she mumbled, "Watch carefully in case you see anything."
Smelling the fresh air outside of the Skyship, Locke, with Roma hanging from the boys back, sighed in relief.

"It's so great to be away form the city," Locke happily said out loud, "I haven't seen so much wildlife since Summerfields, when I was younger."

The boy immediately recalled his time at the farm, before his parents had abandoned him in Florence. It was tough raising a child on a farm especially with insurmountable debts. The first thing to go was food for the child. His parents just couldn't handle it and against their nurturing instincts left the child to fend for himself.

Roma noticed the boy's sad demeanor; knowing exactly what he was thinking.

She tenderly petted to boy's bent head and said, "Don't think about that, Locke. I'm still with you. Always!"

Locke smiled a little and grabbed the raccoon lifting her in up in the air.

"Yeah! But you're just a nasty little rodent," the boy said in a playful manner.

Roma giggled and said to the group, "Let's find that cave and save Arcandia!"


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