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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)


Paige & Greyson Kingsley

Greyson stood along side his younger sister, protecting her by any means necessary. He knew she could just about handle herself, after all she was pretty quick with a wand in hand, but as an older brother its his duty to stick up for her regardless, even if he put himself at risk. Paige wasnt completely defenseless, all those social-less years allowed her to really dig deep into her studies, and practice spells and charms. She had an arsenal of spells that come to mind in heated situations like this. Her deep knowledge lets her pick the spell she wants in an instant, making her reactions quite swift. However, the death eaters had experience under their belts, plenty of practice for powerful spells. Paige found herself struggling. Even though she sucessfully managed to block their incantations, or counter them, their forces were pushing her back, inch by inch. Slowly she was being forced to move back, and the death eaters only drew closer. Greyson had a natural talent when it came to defense. He was no where near as quick as his sister, but he managed to keep track of the death eaters' movements, even some that Paige might have missed, where as his sister had a hard time taking on four eaters at once and preferred to focus on them one-at-a-time. The death eaters were a little sloppy at times, their attacks flying into chairs and tables, shards of splintered wood and glass raining everywhere. The siblings got a little cut up, Greyson had a small cut on his jaw and arms, with one small shard of stuck in the back of one hand. Paige had a thin but long cut on her cheek bone, just under her eye, another on her forehead and a long cut running along her forearm. But they layed no attention to the tiny wounds, they had more inportant things to look after, like their lives.

But they had help, Alexander's snake intervened where it could, dodging the enemy's spells. But the crossfire grew heavier as the siblings grew tired and there wasnt much the serpent could do with out being caught in the middle. To their luck Alexander gave aid. His appearance noticeable by the surge of green that errupted from his wand with the words 'Avada Kedavra' roaring from his lungs. The flash of green tinted Paige's fair skinned face as she watched in shock. She had never seen the curse performed in person and it was a fearful sight to behold. The power with in that curse, the ability to instantly kill your opponent in just a fraction of a second. Sapphire eyes blinked, the bolt reflecting in them, bumps raised on her soft skin from the sheer power of that unforgivable curse. And what was even more frightening, was the very fact that there is no known counter to that spell.

Alexander continued, with out another thought as to what he had just done. When she looked over at Greyson, even he didnt seem to care. Grey knew that in certain situations, sometimes death was necessary. Death eaters wouldnt even think of granting them mercy, sparing them from death, so why should they? Guess thats something Paige would need to get used to. The siblings lowered their wands when Alexander went after one of the death eaters that was on them, ending his life with nothing more than a knife. Killing with your own hands was something that stirred Greyson, it just seemed brutal. Paige raised her weapon again, non-verbally casting Stupefy on the last victim, stunning him and sending him backwards a little ways beforw landing back onto the ground.

The guards were off their backs, for now, as most of them had split up to seek out the others,"Paige!" Alexander called to her. Paige lowered her wand when the last death eater was no longer a threat. She panted, her adrenaline calling for more oxygen and heavy breaths. The tired girl liftes the back of one hand and swiped it along her cheek, cleaning off any blood that may have seeped from the slice. When she heard her name, she raised her head, everything was so fast she had almost forgotten Alexander was there. While Greyson checked himself for any wounds, Paige ran to Alexander, crashing into him with a hug. "Youre safe," she huffed, before pulling her self away. Her hair was a mess, with some strands in her face, her dress had tears in certain areas, and her skin was speckled with a few cuts here and there, including the one on her forehead and cheek. None of it mattered, she was safe for the most part, and felt even more relieved when she saw Alexander,"Where are the others? Wheres Victoria and Andrew?" She raised her self on her tippy toes, trying to get a look over his shoulder,"Are they alright?" Concerned, azure eyes searched the garden around them for any familiar faces.

"We shouldnt stay here for too long," Greyson said to them, looking down at the piece of glass stuck in the back of his hand. He took a deel breath and with his free hand pulled it out with a firm grip. Grey let out a groan from the brief pain, then shook out his hand,"We should find the others, and leave before things get any worse than they already have," he turned around to look at the manor, looking up at the windows, hoping to see any familiar faces. Neither of the siblings wanted to stick ariund for much longer,"Hes right, we should leave as soon as we are able to," Paige said to Alexander with pleading eyes. She rubbed her wrists, her skin a little red and slightly purple from the tight grip of the death eater that litterally had her by the hands. She felt like her bones were going to be crushed, her skin was sore and bruised.

On the other death eater the massive snake slid off the death eater leaving him with a torn neck rapidly turning black as it slid over to its master with a pleased hiss causing Alexander to scratch his head almost subconsciously hissing to the snake a thank you for protecting Piage. When Piage ran to him however he caught her with the barest hint of a hiss of pain but pulled her deeply into the hug, eyes closing at he leaned his head against hers. The outer layer of his suit was torn in several place including one of the sleeves being completely cut off and there was a large cut in his thigh and his hair line was matted with blood with his knife arm red to the elbow, smearing some blood on the back of her dress and his ribs were a bit fragile. He had obviously fought hard to get here but he never let a whisper of complaint as he held her.

Never had he ever felt so relived then how to felt now holding Piage in his arms. Her small hurts and injuries made him boil in rage that anyone would hurt this small, gentle person but she was safe, she was alive. The intensity of his relieve surprised even him and he held her in such an intimate and protective way that he had no doubt their relationship had changed slightly that even Greyson could see.

When she pulled back he just smiled at her putting a hand on her cheek lightly. The first person he had thought off when everything went to shit had been her and he was happy to see her. "I'm glad your safe little bird." He said softly before dropping his hand looking at Greyson a bit sheepishly giving him q nod. At mention of Andrew and Victoria he glanced back a bit worried about Victoria. He had been unable to shout back when she mentioned going after Robert and now worry flooded him. Usually he wasn't worried about Victoria, she was intelligent and tough and being a member of the Knight family no one here would be willing to kill her usually but she went after Robert and he couldn't help remembering Robert already killed one child. The thought made him feel so cold he felt weak. "Victoria went after Robert, I don't know where Andrew is." He said face drawn. "You two need to leave, now. I'll get Victoria and apparate out in the clearing." He said knowing Piage wouldn't like the idea of leaving him. He looked around, while they were winning in small places the order was losing and were etheir being forced to retreat or brought down by curses and hexes. They had not been prepared for a fight and it showed. Alexander wondered how Robert had known. "I'll catch up with you guys." He said but couldn't help but wonder if he could really get through that as tired and exhausted as he was. @HoneyBear\-Kat
Paige & Greyson Kingsley

Alexander cupped Paige's cheek in his hand gentley, and like an affectionate cat, the shorter girl leaned into it, feeling comforted now that she saw he was okay....for the most part. "Im glad youre safe little bird," Alexander spoke softly. This time, her nickname felt like less of a tease and more of a term of endearment, and she didnt mind at all. She savored the sound of his voice and feel of his hand on her face. She lightly wrapped her delicate hands on his arm, pushing his hand closer to her face and holding it there for a moment longer.

Greyson looked at the two who were completey engulfed in themselves. He grimaced, emitting a low and quiet groan that rumbled from his throat. It was unsettling. Seeing his darling, baby sister with a boy. What brother wants to see that? And even more so, it was Alexander, sure he was charming and well mannered...sort of, but never in a million years did he ever imagine his little sister, a delicate rose like herself, friends with a Slytherin. Wait, does she like him?! Greyson shook his head and ran a hand through his tousled black hair, getting rid of the thought and looked away when Alexander gave him a nod. At least he respected the fact he was in the presence of her older brother. Still, Greyson didnt want to be too over bearing and in their business,"Im going to...." he tried to think of something to say but nothing came to mind, so he just walked away anyway, scouting for any remaining members of the Order, making his way around the side of the manor to the front yard, being as quiet and stealthy as he could to avoid any roaming death eaters.

Alexander turned back behind him, at the house before stating,"Victoria went after Robert, I don't know where Andrew is."

"Well, we have to find them! We have to make sure theyre okay, then we can leave--"

"You two need to leave, now," Alexander interjected. His voice was stern and demanding, as usual.

Paige looked back at him, a little confused. "...What?" Her eyebrows furrowed together, and her pink lips shaped into a frown. Her big doe eyes were just about ready to cry again, in disbelief of what he just said. It sounded like...he was asking her to leave without him...

Alexander continued," I'll get Victoria and apparate out in the clearing." Those were words she hoped she wouldnt hear. He just confirmed her thoughts.

Paige stared at him for a moment, directly into his eyes. Something the shy girl rarely did, she typically almost always avoided eye contact. Her lips curled inward, and her lower lip quivered, a clear coating glossed over her puppy eyes. She couldnt decide whether to be sad or mad, mad at the fact he really thought she was going to leave him just like that. Well he was dead wrong.

Suddenly Greyson came back, jogging around the corner and back into the garden. He stopped when he saw them,"Paige, some members have already left!" He notified them both as he saw Arnaldus and another leave just as he arrived at the front yard,"We need to go," he pushed, pointing his thumb over his shoulder.

With out turning to look at her brother she raised a hand, silencing him and telling him to wait. Her eyes were locked on Alexander's, her usual soft expression turned into that of someone upset and emotionally hurt, but trying to keep herself collected. Grey cocked his head back, surprised to get that response from his little sister. He lowered his hand back to his side in defeat. Paige was a lot like their mother, quiet, down to earth and kept a very low profile, but she could be firm if she must, and this was one of those moments. Paige lowered her hand, both now tightened into fists,"No," she went against them. There was a brief moment of silence,"No, im not going to leave, I am going to help," but it was more than just wanting to help. She didnt want leave Alexander's side, and if something bad happened to him or the others she would blame herself for not sticking around to help.

"Paige!" Greyson called from behind her.

The small girl closed her eyes and tilted her head to the ground, ignoring the call of her brother. "I'll catch up with you guys," Alexander tried to reassure her. Paige scoffed, the tears gathering at her water line, she took a deep breath to keep herself from crying,"Dont promise me something you cant guarantee," she spoke truthfully,"I want to help," she looked back up at him, with a serious expression. Her voice said one thing, but her eyes said another, the begged to stay with him.

Greyson, standing behind her a little ways away and facing Alexander, gave him a nod. A nod that said he was going to restrain his sister, and during that time, giving Alexander the chance to leave. Greyson, like his sister, wanted to stay, and help the others, but Paige would never leave with out Alexander and her brother, so he had to leave with her...reluctantly. It was times like these Grey wished James was here.


Briefly Mentioned: @thefan1 @EmilyPower @Saru @Rui
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Quinn took his hand and climbed into the carriage.

"The horses know where to go. The manor isn't far...luckily my family is absent." As usual.

She smiled breifly, "let's go, quickly."

Arnaldus followed suit and got up onto the carriage after Quinn. Giving a smile at her words telling him the horses knew where to go. "Smart horses.... That will make things easier then for me. But good, we can let the others know with another signal later when we arrive." He spoke taking a closer notice to Quinn as she spoke of her family being absent. Something about it stuck wih him as she said that maybe there was something that bothered her about it? Or maybe he was wrong or shouldn't ask. But felt he should anyway, even if the Carrow family had a history with dark lords and magic. They were still a family and cared for one another, right? "Right lets go." Arnaldus smiled briefly in turn and took hold of the reigns giving them a snap and driving the horses and carriage onward as the horses led the directions and sped off towards the Carrow family manor. "Everything alright Quinn? Are you hurt or want to talk?" He spoke softly in question and brought up his hand to her face and gently held it for a moment. Arnaldus couldn't help but smile a bit as he looked to her eyes and thought how quickly everything escalated from their flirting and seductive meet to the interruption of guards and the ensuing battle that led to everyone's escape or would have most likely.

Since the horses knew where to go Arnaldus kept the reigns in his other hand and controlled them as he drove the carriage. Not always looking ahead toward the road but not ignoring it either as he spoke with Quinn and had his wand inside his robes once again.
She shook her head, "No, no, I'm fine..."

She fixed him with a wicked grin,

"But you won't be when I'm finished with you."

She smirked, "that is, if my offer has been accepted?"

She offered a hand, "do we have a deal?"

Arnaldus gave a nod of his head to answer and smiled to her wicked grin. "Good to hear your fine." He replied to her and gave her a sharp grin in response to her words in reminder of her offer. "Have I accepted? If we speak of the same offer. Allow me to say if not for the guards interruption and what followed. You would have had a passionate animal unleashed on you, my dear Quinn." He spoke showing a little of his charm and smooth tone as he did, while taking her offered hand and driving them off toward the manor. "But yes, I think we have a deal." Arnaldus added @Rui
"Then I intend to start, right about..."

She paused,


With that, she closed the carriage curtains, and pounced.

(Listen to uh, this, to get the memo...


Rui said:
"Then I intend to start, right about..."
She paused,


With that, she closed the carriage curtains, and pounced.

(Listen to uh, this, to get the memo...


Arnaldus was driving the carriage with one hand and spoke with Quinn as the horses drove on and carried the carriage closer to the manor. "Start when....." He paused and eyes in slight shock widened as she said now and closed the curtains and pounced. He ignored his side and shoulder as the pain was seemingly off his mind while the moment took a turn and drew his attention.

*Fade Scene to black*

Some time later as the carriage neared the manor and pulled into the drive coming to a halt as the horses stopped before the manor doors. Arnaldus opened the carriage and stepped out with his hair showing his adventurous day as it was messed out of place and from its usual style. His energy spent but had enough strength and will to move out of the carriage and stand outside looking about the place and around the area just in case they were not alone.
"A charming manor you have, my dear." He spoke turning back to look to her and offer his hand. "A good place for a regroup and processing the day. Would you mind if I signal the others with a spell?" Arnaldus asked taking his wand out with his other hand. The past while had been a mix of fun, passion, adventure and risk to more then he could have expected after a battle. But he did not overlook all the fun and exciting moments he shared through it all with Quinn, though he did once more think of his friends. In the past when they were in such dangerous moments and separated it was common to escape at first chance and regroup else where, it was a means of survival and ensuring their order continued on to fight the ministry and continue their work. But it didn't mean it was easy to leave them and not go looking for them, but they always escaped so Arnaldus had to believe this time was no different. They had escaped this time as well, right? Their was one way to find out and if they hadn't Arnaldus would have a difficult time to navigate and situation to handle in their absence. But for now he thought positively and would go ahead with the plans to signal and bring together the order away from the knight manor and not to far away for a signal to be out of sight. But just in enough distance to be seen. @Rui
She nodded quickly,

"Yes, of course, signal away."

Besides her dress being slightly askew, and her hair being a little wilder, Quinn was unchanged. She smiled pensively,

"There are rooms if they seek refuge here. We have a whole unused wing."

She kissed his cheek, then made off towards the gate.

"Follow when you're ready."

If it weren't for the times and the nature of what they found themselves in. Arnaldus knew his mind would preoccupied with Quinn and their chemistry, the mutual attraction and physical nature of their time spent together since meeting. As she nodded and said to signal away in approval of his plans, Arnaldus smiled and looked at her with his hazel eyes still focused on her lightly but with a small hint of attraction in his look to Quinn. He perked his lips into a sharp corner grin and gave a nod "Thank you Quinn, I and the order appreciate it." Arnaldus spoke honestly after her mention of spare rooms to be used as refuge and and unused wing in the house. "I will and if I can do anything to show my appreciation, let me know." He added with a wink as Quinn kissed his cheek and walked away and spoke to follow her when he was ready.

He could still feel his sides fair slashes and the pain it caused him, he could still feel his shoulders burning pain as the mark from some unknown spell was still visible on his shoulder and burned. But thanks to Quinn and the situation he was distracted by them and not thinking of the pain and found it easier to ignore. The bleeding stopped for now at least and his toned body was used to pain after years of Quidditch and adventure before and after the order. He was strong and could stand it though it still was bothersome to him. Pain often was after all. As Quinn walked to the gate and he could feel the breeze on his chest and abdomen while blowing his open shirt in sway about him as it fluttered at his sides. Arnaldus looked up into the air thinking clearly of his spell and pointed his wand toward the air though just a small distance away from the house once the spell would hit the sky and light up in flare fashion the general location of where he was but without being to obvious to death eaters if they were to see it. Arnaldus proceed with his spell non verbally and repeatedly firing off red flares into the air writing out the initials A.R for Arnaldus with the decent drawing or outline in the form of a badger just below it. It was his own way of signing his presence in signal form when far off or somewhat far, it was his own bat signal.

With a nod and proud of his improving signature and badger drawing with repeated red flare spells, Arnaldus turned and looked to Quinn walking to her in following to the gates.

@Solemn Jester @ ?????
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Briefly Mentioned: @thefan1 @EmilyPower @Saru @Rui
A look of tender affection entered his eyes as she leaned into him that perhaps had only been seen by her. While he could say he was as close to Victoria even he was not sure in their relationship characterized by movement and passion that he had time to have given her a look of such affection. Her soft hands rested on his arms, so small and fragile while his calloused hand brushed her cheek as he hardened his resolve. She had to leave while she could, he could not put her in harm's way.

At first when he told her she needed to leave her eyes slid to him confusion at first. As he pressed the point her doe eyes filled with tears and her gaze became hurt and for one moment Alexander faltered. Hurting her and seeing her tears like this and her pain was nearly enough to break his resolve. All this emotion, and it was for him? Was she scared for him? Were those tears in her eyes for him? The idea seemed so inconceivable to him, not because he thought she worried over nothing, he was walking into the jaws of death. But rather he had a hard time believing he was worth crying over.

Greysons return shattered him out of his revalry causing his glaze to shift, his eyes insisting. It seemed he had an ally in wanting to protect Paige, if for different reasons. However he was stopped short by Piages pointed expression he had seen only once before, when she had believed Andrews story that be was trying to steal Victoria had be true. His eyes widened, shock in then when Piage of all people, not only denied him but held her ground for the second time ever. He was momentarily rendered speachless, surrounded by an army of death eaters and she wanted to come with him? And while her words said she wanted to help, something he might have expected her eyes were pleading, begging, to come with him even after he tried to assure her he would be coming back. Greyson all but forgotten as he stepped forward leaning his forehead lightly against her own.

"I can't let you come with me, I'm entering a pit of killers and it's not your world. Your not a killer." HD said his calloused hands on her cheeks, monuments to the hours of practice and dedication he put into learning how to fight while he hands had been small and soft on his arm. "I won't be able to fight like I need to, I'll be to worried about you to care about my own safety." He closed his eyes. "I want you safe." He said his body shivering. "More then my own life if necessary." He said his eyes meeting hers.

"I'm glad however that you would cry for me. Me who was once gutter trash, and outcast with a bit of a rep I've never had anyone to cry for me." He brought their faces a bit closer to each other. "It's a nice feeling... Your a much better person then away Piage. I'm not sure I deserve your tears." He said one finger whiping back a tear at the bottom corner of her eye.

Alexander didn't know what complicated thoughts lay between him, Piage, and Victoria, but he knew he loved both of them, for their own reasons and ways but with the same feeling that made his chest burn and his body sing with delight when he was with them. "I'm not sure how to express what I mean all the time but I love you Piage." He said moving his face back a bit, his words a mere whisper like a breath of promise only she could barely here. "And because I love you I can't let you follow me and possibly get hurt." He moved back lightly pushing her into Greyson as he turned expecting him to grab her as he looked at Jörmungandr. "Be my stand I'm when I'm gone OK? Protect her, please.." He said repeating the order in parsaltongue as he gave him one last head rub. "Get her out of here, go to 76th Wingpark Blvd. The door is open." He said to Greyson starting to walk away trying to ignore her cries and keep his resolve before glancing back at her one last time before entering the house. "Little bird." He said his voice carrying on the breeze with so much affection and promise, and then he was gone. Disappearing into the house.
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It didn't take long for Robert to take out his wand and point it at Victoria while she killed the members of the Knight family. "You filthy little traitor, do you have a death wish?" Asked Robert, looking the remains of the family members she'd just blown up. As easy as it would be to kill her, he decided to keep her alive. After all, she was still a valuable member of the Knight family and killing her would be a waste. The girl could be fixed, he was sure of it. "Incarcerous!" He shouted, and multiple ropes were quickly wrapped around Victoria.

Andrew had been waiting for this moment for a long time. The opportunity to capture Alexander was not one that could be declined. Unfortunately, Robert didn't want the boy dead so Alexander couldn't kill him. At least not yet. No, they needed to see if he could be used as a weapon. One to use against their Order, one to show the others how powerful they really were. Still, he couldn't blow his cover just yet. "Alexander ! There you are! Have you seen Victoria?"
Akio said:
A look of tender affection entered his eyes as she leaned into him that perhaps had only been seen by her. While he could say he was as close to Victoria even he was not sure in their relationship characterized by movement and passion that he had time to have given her a look of such affection. Her soft hands rested on his arms, so small and fragile while his calloused hand brushed her cheek as he hardened his resolve. She had to leave while she could, he could not put her in harm's way.
At first when he told her she needed to leave her eyes slid to him confusion at first. As he pressed the point her doe eyes filled with tears and her gaze became hurt and for one moment Alexander faltered. Hurting her and seeing her tears like this and her pain was nearly enough to break his resolve. All this emotion, and it was for him? Was she scared for him? Were those tears in her eyes for him? The idea seemed so inconceivable to him, not because he thought she worried over nothing, he was walking into the jaws of death. But rather he had a hard time believing he was worth crying over.

Greysons return shattered him out of his revalry causing his glaze to shift, his eyes insisting. It seemed he had an ally in wanting to protect Paige, if for different reasons. However he was stopped short by Piages pointed expression he had seen only once before, when she had believed Andrews story that be was trying to steal Victoria had be true. His eyes widened, shock in then when Piage of all people, not only denied him but held her ground for the second time ever. He was momentarily rendered speachless, surrounded by an army of death eaters and she wanted to come with him? And while her words said she wanted to help, something he might have expected her eyes were pleading, begging, to come with him even after he tried to assure her he would be coming back. Greyson all but forgotten as he stepped forward leaning his forehead lightly against her own.

"I can't let you come with me, I'm entering a pit of killers and it's not your world. Your not a killer." HD said his calloused hands on her cheeks, monuments to the hours of practice and dedication he put into learning how to fight while he hands had been small and soft on his arm. "I won't be able to fight like I need to, I'll be to worried about you to care about my own safety." He closed his eyes. "I want you safe." He said his body shivering. "More then my own life if necessary." He said his eyes meeting hers.

"I'm glad however that you would cry for me. Me who was once gutter trash, and outcast with a bit of a rep I've never had anyone to cry for me." He brought their faces a bit closer to each other. "It's a nice feeling... Your a much better person then away Piage. I'm not sure I deserve your tears." He said one finger whiping back a tear at the bottom corner of her eye.

Alexander didn't know what complicated thoughts lay between him, Piage, and Victoria, but he knew he loved both of them, for their own reasons and ways but with the same feeling that made his chest burn and his body sing with delight when he was with them. "I'm not sure how to express what I mean all the time but I love you Piage." He said moving his face back a bit, his words a mere whisper like a breath of promise only she could barely here. "And because I love you I can't let you follow me and possibly get hurt." He moved back lightly pushing her into Greyson as he turned expecting him to grab her as he looked at Jörmungandr. "Be my stand I'm when I'm gone OK? Protect her, please.." He said repeating the order in parsaltongue as he gave him one last head rub. "Get her out of here, go to 76th Wingpark Blvd. The door is open." He said to Greyson starting to walk away trying to ignore her cries and keep his resolve before glancing back at her one last time before entering the house. "Little bird." He said his voice carrying on the breeze with so much affection and promise, and then he was gone. Disappearing into the house.
Paige & Greyson Kingsley

"I can't let you come with me, I'm entering a pit of killers and it's not your world. Your not a killer." He denied her wish again. Paige took a deep breath, still trying to keep her self together. She couldnt deny that he was right. Paige didnt have the heart to kill, at least not right now. But she could help, at least. If anything ever happened to him, and she wasnt there to help, she wouldnt find the capacity in her heart to forgive herself. "I won't be able to fight like I need to, I'll be too worried about you to care about my own safety." He closed his eyes, leaning against her, "I want you safe." Once again he was right, she would be more of a liability than help, and if that was the case there would be no chance of him coming out alive. Paige sighed, silently agreeing with him with out saying so. She wanted to speak, she wanted to protest but his points just made it impossible for her to do so. When his eyes met hers, she looked away. She didnt want to look at him. She didnt want him to see her heart break, to see the sadness manifested into tears, so see how upset she was. Alexander continued, grateful that she would cry for him because she cares for him that much.he trued to look at her, bringing their faces closer together,"It's a nice feeling...," he said softly. His words were genuine, she could hear it in his voice.

The more he talked the more she wanted to cry. Her heart sank further and further. One droplet managed to break away, but Alexander quickly caught it before it could roll off the side of her face. She turned away again,'Stop crying. Stop crying,' she told herself. How was she supposed to prove to him she was strong enough to be by his side if she was crying like this? "I'm not sure how to express what I mean all the time," his voice made her glance at him from below, "but I love you Piage." Love was a strong word, and even here and now, she wasnt sure if he meant what she hoped it meant. Paige bit her lower lip, and her face was streaked now, with streams of liquid emotion. "And because I love you I can't let you follow me and possibly get hurt." Alexander stepped back, looking down at her, and gave one good push. "No!" Paige yelled. She reached out for his arm, and almost made it too, but Greyson grabbed a hold of her before she could even lay a finger on him."NO!"

Greyson, who had snuck up behind her, caught her as she staggered back, his arms around her waist tightly. Paige grabbed onto her brother's arms, frantically trying to pry her way free,"Stop! Stop!" she screamed at her sibling,"Stop it," she cried, sobbing now with sharp, panicked breaths. Paige dug her nails into him, and as a quick reaction Greyson let her go for a second. Paige sprinted toward Alexander trying to make a run for it, but yet again her effort failed. Greyson lunged for her wrist and pulled her back into him, this time constricting around her, with her arms trapped at either side of her body. She leaned from side to side, trying to wiggle and shimmy her way out of his hold, screaming out of sheer desperation and frustration,"Go!" Greyson yelled with impatience to Alexander, who stopped to talk to his snake. The elder brother began walking backwards, struggling to pull her further and further with him. She continued to shout and scream, begging to be released with one hand extended toward Alexander, the other pushing against Greyson. The boy slid his arms lower and raised her a few inches from the ground so that he may move quicker. It broke Greyson's heart just as much to have to do this to her, and to have her this upset, but it had to be done.

"Get her out of here, go to 76th Wingpark Blvd. The door is open." Alexander shouted to the other male. Greyson turned away from him, his sister still being carried while she continued her tantrum, and gave a nod to signify his acknowledgement. He continued to walk a little ways, waiting for the serpent to catch up with them, and when it did, Greyson turned around to look at Alexander once more, his piercing blue eyes narrowed, mentally threatening the Slytherin boy to come back, for Paige's sake. And in the blink of an eye, all three aparated out of view....

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EmilyPower said:
It didn't take long for Robert to take out his wand and point it at Victoria while she killed the members of the Knight family. "You filthy little traitor, do you have a death wish?" Asked Robert, looking the remains of the family members she'd just blown up. As easy as it would be to kill her, he decided to keep her alive. After all, she was still a valuable member of the Knight family and killing her would be a waste. The girl could be fixed, he was sure of it. "Incarcerous!" He shouted, and multiple ropes were quickly wrapped around Victoria.
Andrew had been waiting for this moment for a long time. The opportunity to capture Alexander was not one that could be declined. Unfortunately, Robert didn't want the boy dead so Andrew couldn't kill him. At least not yet. No, they needed to see if he could be used as a weapon. One to use against their Order, one to show the others how powerful they really were. Still, he couldn't blow his cover just yet. "Alexander ! There you are! Have you seen Victoria?"
Alexander had been blocking out Piages cries after him, his body shaking lightly as he resisted every urge to go and comfort her. To allow her to come with him or even the desire to leave with her but thought of her dead body and not knowing what happened to Victoria prevented him for trying to escape, his eyes hard. He stalked through the corridors all his senses in-tune too the world around him. He didn't feel any kind of exhaustion, despite his earlier tired state. Part of that affect was the potion but as much as sometimes he disliked to admit it very few things could awaken him like a duel. When he was fighting his world was clear and his blood roared in his veins, rarely did he feel so alive then during a fight. When Andrew started walking behind him he raised his wand incredibly quickly a spell in his thoughts though once he recognized the voice he lowered his wand. "Last time i saw her she was looking for Robert before focusing back on his hunt, moving low and fast, right now avoiding detection as much as possible was the best move, though he had little idea his enemy was already at his back.
Quinn waited up a for a moment, allowing him to catch up. She wrapped her arms around him, and leaned up to whisper:

"I do hope you're into handcuffs."

With that, she tugged him inside, and shut the door, the large dark oak creaking with the intensity of her slam.

( xD )

Rui said:
Quinn waited up a for a moment, allowing him to catch up. She wrapped her arms around him, and leaned up to whisper:
"I do hope you're into handcuffs."

With that, she tugged him inside, and shut the door, the large dark oak creaking with the intensity of her slam.

(> :D )

Arnaldus upon catching up and feeling her arms wrapped around him. Feeling her voice as she whispered to him and hearing her words, "Oh, Have ideas do you?" He smiled and felt the tug of him by Quinn and taken inside the manor, the sound of the door shutting behind him and the intensity of her slam. He followed her once they were in and kept close as her arms held him close.

Meanwhile his mind was torn and covered several topics and form of tactics and Quinn all at once. The fun, the danger, the situation and still having heard nothing from the order not a signal or a sign. He was mentally overrun while physically active and energy being spent in different ways, much so he wasnt thinking of his injuries and messy hair, nor his open shirt that was left as it was. He was experiencing much and dealt with it quickly and slowly, somethings were easy, some were not. But his experience in such times and dangers was enough that he knew the past operations would hold true here, escape and meet up later. You couldn't always find one another and it wasn't always the best move to try.

Arnaldus for now looked to Quinn and kissed her gently, walking into the house and knowing time was all he had left before all was known and everything caught up to speed and worked out.
EmilyPower said:
It didn't take long for Robert to take out his wand and point it at Victoria while she killed the members of the Knight family. "You filthy little traitor, do you have a death wish?" Asked Robert, looking the remains of the family members she'd just blown up. As easy as it would be to kill her, he decided to keep her alive. After all, she was still a valuable member of the Knight family and killing her would be a waste. The girl could be fixed, he was sure of it. "Incarcerous!" He shouted, and multiple ropes were quickly wrapped around Victoria.
Andrew had been waiting for this moment for a long time. The opportunity to capture Alexander was not one that could be declined. Unfortunately, Robert didn't want the boy dead so Alexander couldn't kill him. At least not yet. No, they needed to see if he could be used as a weapon. One to use against their Order, one to show the others how powerful they really were. Still, he couldn't blow his cover just yet. "Alexander ! There you are! Have you seen Victoria?"
In a moment of glory, one could say Victoria had been blinded by the fact that she was actually attacking her father, blind enough to let herself be captured. It was a stupid thing to come out of such a brilliant young woman, but she didn't care. No, the fact that she'd lost the battle seemed like such a small problem. It was a small, pitiful excuse of a problem compared to the joy she'd felt during the small amount of time were her father had been suffering under the influence of the Cruciatus Curse. Oh, it had been glorious. The curse he'd used against so many innocent victims was used against him by the one he trusted the most. It had been Victoria's golden moment, and everything seemed unimportant when compared to it. With a ropes preventing her from moving, the bodies the members of her Order scattered across the manor and the Death Eaters celebrating their victory, Victoria smiled. Almost as if she were celebrating along with them.

Maybe the throat around her neck was preventing air from entering her lungs, maybe she could see little grey spots in her vision, maybe everything was getting blurry. Maybe. But she still stood like a Queen, looking down at the others with a triumphant smile. "There's no reason for me to kill you if there's no one around to see it." Victoria commented, her eyes scanning the crowds for any sign of her friends. No, there was no one alive amongst the members of the Order. She would mourn them later, hold proper funerals for her fallen friends. Well, she would if she survived her father's wrath. "Kill me now, and I'll die like a hero. The Order still stands, there are more leaders and someone will take my place. Kill me all you want, it will just make them stronger."
thefan1 said:
In a moment of glory, one could say Victoria had been blinded by the fact that she was actually attacking her father, blind enough to let herself be captured. It was a stupid thing to come out of such a brilliant young woman, but she didn't care. No, the fact that she'd lost the battle seemed like such a small problem. It was a small, pitiful excuse of a problem compared to the joy she'd felt during the small amount of time were her father had been suffering under the influence of the Cruciatus Curse. Oh, it had been glorious. The curse he'd used against so many innocent victims was used against him by the one he trusted the most. It had been Victoria's golden moment, and everything seemed unimportant when compared to it. With a ropes preventing her from moving, the bodies the members of her Order scattered across the manor and the Death Eaters celebrating their victory, Victoria smiled. Almost as if she were celebrating along with them.
Maybe the throat around her neck was preventing air from entering her lungs, maybe she could see little grey spots in her vision, maybe everything was getting blurry. Maybe. But she still stood like a Queen, looking down at the others with a triumphant smile. "There's no reason for me to kill you if there's no one around to see it." Victoria commented, her eyes scanning the crowds for any sign of her friends. No, there was no one alive amongst the members of the Order. She would mourn them later, hold proper funerals for her fallen friends. Well, she would if she survived her father's wrath. "Kill me now, and I'll die like a hero. The Order still stands, there are more leaders and someone will take my place. Kill me all you want, it will just make them stronger."

The Red Viper

I walk slowly, intentionally towards the girl. The mooks step aside clearing the way, the only sound being my slow foot steps and the softest dripping sounds from my bloody red gloves.

I approach with the smallest of smirk. "You my dear, should have taken my class and perhaps we would not be having this unfortunate confrontation."

'Maybe you would have won, and I'd be killing someone important right now'

I slip off my gloves letting them fall to the ground with a soft splat as blood splatters.

"I'm not going to kill you, your father is one of my oldest friends, and all he has ever wanted was a loving devoted daughter and I'm going to give it to him." I chuckle lightly.

"I mean, I do owe him a few birthday presents, and he is always kind enough to send me more gloves"

'by which I mean he has played far to nice and well for me to kill, and likes to flaunt that'

I draw my wand give it a solid Flick so it points directly at the young ladies forehead. "No you see, I'm rather skilled with memory charms, I'm going to make you love your father, and hate The Order. I won't kill you, Crass and simple, besides that would make me a horrible uncle, well uncle in all but officially. No I'm going to make you kill your friends with false memories of them doing the most horrible things to you. Then, at night I'm going to let you remember who you really are, just so you can feel the guilt of having brutally killed those closest to you."

'I have to make them trust you, I'm sorry to scare you'

I walk a little circle around her. "You see once that breaks your will, you will want to live the lie, so that there deaths mean nothing, you will crave it and then the charms will be all but unbreakable, you wont be a martyr. You will be the one that breaks the spirit of the order as the hesitate to kill you and lose faith in there cause."

'I hope your ready to live a pile of lies like me, my new apprentice'

My free hand gestures, and one of the mooks comes close.

"Put her to sleep, there are some blocks in her mind, I will be taking her to my lab, for some of my potions and tools so that we can get everything we need and she can become our newest happiest member."

I sigh and replace my wand, drawing the knife to cut her free as soon as she is asleep.

'A Dangerous game I play, if she plays her part poorly we both die. '
Paige & Greyson Kingsley

In a flurry of shadow, the siblings and single serpent appeared in the middle of a road. Normally, Greyson wouldnt have picked to land in such an exposed area, but the boy was familiar with the street Alexander had mentioned. Many years ago, Paige and Greyson's grandmother once lived on the same street, but further down the road. The neighborhood wasnt as occupied as the city was. It was mostly acres of land, with houses that had significant amounts of space between them. Greyson let go of his sister, who pushed away from him with force. The opposing forces caused her to fall onto her knees after he suddenly let go as she pushed. She sat there for a moment, a hand wiping the tears that stained her face. Sniffling, and still crying, Greyson stood there, a somber look in his eye while he watched his young sister sitting on the road. Giving her a few moments he finally spoke up, "Lets go..." his voice was firm, like their father's. When ever one of the siblings was sad, their father spoke with authority. Not in an angry manner, but in a way that said he was their source of security. Greyson had to snap her out of it, she had to stay hopeful and they had to get to the safe house that Alexander instructed them to go to. Paige shook her head with out speaking, her throat choked up with sharp, staccato breaths. Greyson sighed, approaching her and grabbing her by the arm tenderly, lifting her onto her feet. With her other hand she wiped her face, and touched Greyson's hand when he placed an arm comfortingly around his younger sister. The pair walked at a brisk pace down the road, following the lines that symmetrically split the pavement. Paige turned her head back as they walked, her crystal blue eyes looking at the snake for it to follow.

The siblings walked for about 20 minutes in silence, passing fields of cat tails and meadows with tiny daises mixed with patches of four leaf clovers. Houses with wooden fences as borders. They stopped at a house with a mailbox jutting out from its walkway,"Lets try this one," Greyson told her. Most houses they passed already seemed habited, so it couldnt be those. But this one seemed a little quiet and barren. "How do we know its this one..." Paige mumbled somberly, sounding like she forced herself to talk rather than actually willing to. Greyson looked at her then back at the house,"He said the door will be open." Walking forward, Paige and Greyson approached the house, Paige's short heels clopping on the driveway. When they got to the porch, Greyson let go of her and peeked through the window,"Seems awfully quiet in there," he pointed out. He moved to the door to try the knob. It turned with ease,"Its open," he looked back at her. Paige didnt bother to look at him, she hugged herself and watched his hand push the door open slowly and cautiously.

Inside, Greyson allowed Paige to step in first. "Hello?" The boy called, closing the door behind them after the snake slithered in. The tall young man, ran his hands through his dishoveled hair, looking up the stairs,"I dont think anyones here," he said, trying to sound at least a little hopeful, for his sister's sake.

Paige made her way to the couch, and sat on it, her hands running along the upholstery. She looked around, her eyes still twinkling with a layer of tears. She turned her head to look behind her, at the stairs leading to the second floor. Kicking her heels off she stood up again,"Im going to search for a shower, okay?" She told her brother, not really waiting for a response before going up, her hand sliding on the rail. Greyson peeked his head out from the kitchen,"Okay," he said, but she was already half way up.

At the top of the stair case, Paige stopped. There was a long, dark hallway, with a few rooms. She wandered down the walkway, searching for the lavatory. She passed one room with a cool breeze coming from it, the door slightly cracked open. Everytime the breeze blew into her, she caught whiffs of Alexander's scent. She was interested now, following her nose, she pushed the wooden door open, the hinges screeching. Her eyes wandered all over, this was definitely a boy's room, no doubt about it. His bed looked inviting, calling out to her, the poor girl was exhausted, physically and emotionally. She passed clothing drawers and tables as she walked futher in, analyzing everything

the way she usually does. Suddenly a loud whail came from the hallway. Paige snapped her head around toward the door, her wand in hand that she so quickly retrieved from her bag. She stepped into the dim hallway with caution, the tip of her wand lit with a silent cast of Lumos. Paige heard the whail again, coming from a different room a few doirs past her own. Slowly but surely, she went to the door the sound was coming from. She turned the knob, and in a quick motion pushed the door open and jumped back all at once. ...The room was empty.

Well....at least she found the lavoratory.

The sound mustve come from the pipes. Paige blinked, feeling a little silly for reacting the way she did. But she couldnt help it, with the way the Death Eaters wanted to kill them, there was a small part of her that thought there couldve been one that followed them to the house. She lowered her wand, switched on the lights and shutting the door behind her. Paige leaned her back against the bathroom door, catching her breath and taking a moment to grab a hold of herself. She stood like that for a minute or two before pushing off and going to the tub and shower, turning it on. She stepped back, letting the hot water run, and the room fill with steam.

Paige lifed her caramel hair up and around to fall over her shoulder, out of the way. Her hands reached behind to pull at the zipper at the nape of her soft neck. She trailed it all the way down to the dimples on her lower back, seperating the fabric for easy access. Slipping the sleeves off her smooth shoulders, she let the tattered dress, ruined from the stand off, fall to her feet. Careful not to slip, the girl stepped into the tub, letting the warm water soothe her skin and relax her muscles. The water dribbled over her hair, and washed over her skin, a mix of dirt and blood running off of her. Suds lathered in her hair, and when the water poured over her again, the bubbles flowed to the drain, riding a winding river of water over her curves to get there. After she was cleaned, Paige filled the tub a few inches under its edge, shut the shower off, and lowered herself into the steaming water. She tied up her hair, into a loose, scraggly bun, resting her slim neck on the tub's rim. The room, with the walls, floor, and mirror now slick with steam, echoed the sound of water dripping from the shower head and into the pool of water by her feet. The sound was calming. Paige stared at the ceiling, feeling the warmth envelop her into a tranquil embrace, her body feeling more weightless than usual. Her body was relaxed but her mind was still stirred. All she could think about were the Death Eater, about Victoria, Andrew...and Alexander. She sighed, her skin from the collar bone up, shivering with the temperature difference above and out of the water. All she could think about was when the three were going to arrive, when was she going to hear their voices coming through the door. It had only been about 30 minutes since they left, and it already felt too long. Paige grew anxious with the thought, shouldnt they have been here by now? Alexander promised he was right behind them, but the house was silent....dead.



No. No, no they cant be. You see, Alexander gave Paige his word. He said he was going to catch up, and thats what she believes......wants to believe. But still...the thought lingered. Tormenting herself, Paige thought maybe, just maybe, the trio got caught and possibly executed for treason against "the Ministry"... more like against Robert Knight. Well, Victoria had a higher chance of surviving, being Robert's daughter and all, but Andrew and Alexander? No chance (shes still unaware Andrew betrayed them, so shes hoping hes alive too). But then again, its only been about 40 minutes now. Maybe they changed locations, maybe the Death Eaters were on their tail, so instead of leading them to the house, they sought refuge else where. Maybe they were going to lay low for a while, until it was safe to regroup. Yea, that must be it. But still...there was that thought. Growing uncomfortable, Paige shifted, water trickling as it was disturbed. And the drops continued echoing. The rhythmic dripping that seemed so calming at first, began to make Paige grow anxious, each time one fell. Soon the drips turned into ticking. The ticking of a clock, the same ticking that warned Paige of every minute the three werent there. She moved again, the water swishing and rippling when she moved her hands to cover her ears, begging anyone to stop that dreadful sound. She winced....finally coming to terms, and realizing that death is reality, and the image of her friends dead, their blood staining the spotless tiles of the Knight Manor, haunted her. The image of him, haunted her, lying in a pool of his blood. She glanced at her dress on the bathroom floor, slowly lowering her hands back into the water. Paiged looked at the blood he left on the back of her dress, and she quickly looked away. She couldnt help it, she was fighting so hard to keep the possibility out of her mind, but it wasnt. working. The showered continued to drip, and like it, her eyes did too. She thought she had run dry after crying when she left Alexander, but appearently not...

Downstairs, Greyson was stuck in his own thoughts, though he had an easier time containing himself. But it doesnt mean he was anyless bothered. Like Paige, he continuously wondered when they were going to walk through the doors. He found himself periodically glancing at the front door, and each time he didnt see the door knob turn, he looked away, telling himself,'Theyre coming. Theyre coming.' He tried distracting himself, foraging for what ever food or drink he could find in the house, and eating and/or drinking his feelings away. Pushing them down to the bottom of his stomach along with his food, and numbing his heart and mind with a few swigs of...what ever it was, straight from the bottle. Even he wasnt sure what he was ingesting, but he didnt care. He thought of all of them, Andrew, Victoria and yes...even Alexander, but the one who bothered him most was James. James was the boy's brother-in-arms, and after finding out about Victoria's wedding, he went quiet, retreating into his own fox-hole of self pity. Greyson lost contact with his mate, and there wasnt a moment that went by when he didnt wonder about the lad's safety, knowing how reckless and egotistical the Potter boy can be. Greyson scoffed,'Hes probably shagging some girl right now, the dog,' a solemn smile tugging at his lips with extra effort. The boy was just trying to stay positive. He only hoped James knew about what happened, then hed come running back in an instant, there was no doubt about that. James was someone you could count on, even if you wronged him. Greyson knew because the two were so similiar, with the way they thought and acted, they couldve been twins. Greyson heard the shower stop, there was no sign of a door opening on the floor above him. Normally he wouldve been concerned, but after what happened no more than an hour ago, he figured she wanted time to herself. Greyson continued eating, and when he finished what ever was on his plate, thats when he decided he'd check on his sister. The boy pushed away from the table the chair scratching on the floor, and walked to the stair case and up. He made his way down the hall, stoping at the door with light poking out from underneath, he knocked twice,"Paige?" he paused,"Are you alright?"

There was some silence on the other end. Paige looked at the door, wiping her face before softly replying,"What do you think," her voice cracking a little, followed by more sniffles with a quivering lower lip. Greyson frowned,"Sorry..." his tone was heavily somber with the apology. Paige listened as his footsteps diminshed while he left. With one last sigh, she heaved herself to her feet, gripping the tub's edge. When she stepped out, she grabbed onto a towel that hung on a hook next to the shower, and wrapped it around her trembling body. Preparing herself to feel the rush of cold wind when she opened the bathroom door. Greyson, who was back down stairs, plopped himself on the couch, legs spread apart and his arms extending on either side of the sofa's back. He leaned his head back, closing his eyes for a few minutes.

After some time, Paige came down the steps, clothed with dripping hair. She packed clothes in her charmed bag (she was always prepared) and even stowed some for Greyson. But when she came down Greyson had already fallen asleep. She quietly stepped around the couch. Looking at her brother's face, she could tell he was just as exhausted as she was. He never went to sleep this early, or that quickly, he had too much energy. Not wanting to disturb him, she helped him lay down on the couch and returned to the bedroom upstairs. Being in what she assumed was Alexander's room, was comforting. She slipped into bed, hugging the pillow that was emitting his familiar scent, a scent that just made her weak in the knees. Paige layed there, for hours, tossing and turning, exhausted but unable to actually sleep. And with more torturing thoughts, clouding her mind, she cried herself to a rest at last.


So TWO months have passed, Victoria and Alexander are still captured, and sent to Azkaban under the authority of Robert. Mean while whats left of the Order is supposed come out from hiatus and meet again. This is where the other characters of @Akio and I are going to inform the Order that Victoria and all thems are still alive just...in Azkaban (cause thats any better). Anyway so...lets figure out how the dispersed order is gonna discover eachothers where abouts? Perhaps @Saru can send out another signal and the siblings will actually see it this time xD @BeamMeUpScotty maybe you could jump back in here? @Solemn Jester do you want Felix to come in here?

Also, i was actually gonna continue with my posting
xD but.. i think what i have is already long enough xDDDDD so ilk wait for further planning and come back in lolol
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Arnaldus & Ezekiel Smith

It's been a month since the attack and the seeming end to the order. No contact, responses, signals, nothing in over a month from the others of the order. Meanwhile what news Arnaldus did have and come to know was horrid news...... Ezekiel escaped but barely survived the encounter. He showed his age and experience and his overly daring ways in that attack though in surprise it was something Ezekiel had the sense to know better then to attempt anything big on his own. He showed the behavior that Arnaldus feared but couldn't blame completely on Zeke alone. He was only doing what anyone would in his shoes, try to help and save as many as possible. He didn't have the experience others had and perhaps didn't see that it was a case of getting out and trusting others would do the same when the situation was extreme enough to keep them scattered. Ezekiel was now back at home with their parents under watch as he recovered and hid from the ministry. Arnaldus's blood boiled in anger and his emotions were filled with mixed feelings of both anger and worry, sadness and motivation to make something happen. Even now after much time has passed he still felt himself losing control of his emotions and living through them and acting on them. He was helpless, forced into retreat, forced to hide out until things improved enough for travel into more public areas. He hated every moment of it, even being with Quinn and thankful for her manor to hide out and spending time with her as he did. Arnaldus still possessed a hate for being forced into hiding and knowing nothing good must have happened for the order to not respond or try to knowingly to him in over a month. They were likely dead...... Captured? Left for scraps for the animals in the forests...... Left for dead and lay out there cold, injured and dying a slow death. Nothing good could have happened and if they lived and were in hiding they were likely under the same impression as him.

Over the past month Arnaldus had trained, took care of his wounds and looked at the scars left behind, every day as a permanent reminder of that fateful day. Reliving it all over and over in his mind, what good were tactics and hope when they nothing good came from the actions? He escaped with Quinn. But who else escaped? Did anyone escape? Ezekiel had yes..... But he barely survived and got help in time to live. He relived every moment over and over in his mind, every time he looked in the mirror, looked at his scars, he couldn't do a thing but relive the bad. Not did he relive the few good moments of that day..... But only the bad. They knew the order would be attacked, they knew it was coming...... But at the wedding? Who would of thought a wedding would used as a set up and how did they know who to go after? Was it random? Were they betrayed? What in the hell happened? Answers..... ANSWERS!!!!! But none existed..... His blood only boiled and his rage was bursting out, breaking free of his control as he punched the wall before him again, again and again as he collapsed to the ground tears rolling down from his eyes all the while his face reddened and teeth grinded together..... He was a wreck of mixed emotions. The more he thought about it, the more he relived the more desperate he became and the further he roamed out of sight from his usually controlled and composed manner.

Arnaldus had turned to old tricks and habits trying to find something useful, some signs, something. He even went to places he ruled out due to the risks..... He had gone everywhere connected and found by the order in the past..... But nothing came in result of it. He used his animagus form to travel far and wide in search while remaining out of sight and knowledge of the order of his presence. A lone badger traveling streets, through bushes, in alleys and looking about different buildings and locations. But nothing was ever found. No trace. No nothing for Arnaldus and his attempts.

Now days in the present hour Arnaldus walked the streets of a muggle neighborhood, in his badger form observing the times, hard times the people had been through and were perhaps still. Much was abandoned and only one place remained that yet been checked by him..... One last hope, one last try to find trace of his fellow order members. He though in badger form still was cautious, walking along using bushes and buildings and homes to hide behind or in as he peeked around the corners and pathes ahead for signs of trouble. Still his mind overrun with thoughts, emotions running at a high and boiling over, itching to get even.... Seeking to fight on and rid himself of he uses less feel he has been in for awhile. It was not a state Arnaldus enjoyed being in, he was not quite himself, he had tendencies to bury himself in thought and in his work no matter the dangers both personal and mental and physical and fatal. He still buried himself, keeping busy and fighting himself and pushing himself more so then ever.

It was like he was alone yet obviously he wasn't. In reality he had been with Quinn and often looked to her and checked if she was fine and with him when and if she followed him in his travels and even now. But still Arnaldus was stuck in his head and couldn't free himself of his habits, he dealt with problems quietly and with himself keeping his troubles inside him and to himself often. It was a old habit and one he never quite shook, it's why his losing control and having lost it at times already, made it worse for him. He struggled to keep his head from losing its wit and from doing something stupid.

As Arnaldus in his animagus form traveled up and down the streets looking about and keeping his guard up. He turned back to look for Quinn seeing if she was near while then looking over curiously toward a house..... A familiar looking house. He titled his small badger head and looked up towards the door with his eyes recalling something in relation to the home. This...... This place has to be the right place...... It must. Standing in the center of the road on his hind legs looked toward the house a bit longer and pondered a few possibilities while watching for Quinn.


With the constant screams of the prisoners begging to be given the dementor's kiss, the laughter from the guards and the dementors visiting the prisoners every night, not going insane was remarkable. One does not understand the dangers of Azkaban until having to experience it first-hand. Every day was a nightmare, a horrible nightmare were the only escape was death. Even the strongest witches and wizards trembled in fear by just looking at the enormous fortress, even the strongest Dark Lords shivered at the thought of being sent to hell-on-earth. The rooms were dark and grimy, adorned with chains to make sure the prisoners wouldn't escape, a metal door and a tiny window to let the prisoners know that there was still a world outside their cells. It was the way the prison mocked the prisoners, showing them a glimpse of the violent sea that would swallow them if they ever managed to escape the fortress.

Azkaban was even worse under Robert Knight's rule. The guards had the power to torment the prisoners whenever they wanted to, dementors were taken to the cells of the prisoners who hadn't lost their sanity just so the guards could witness every second of their descend into insanity and a random prisoner would be executed every day. Why? Because they weren't fun to look at. For Ministry officials, Azkaban was like a freak show. They would go in, laugh at the unfortunate prisoners, and leave with smiles glued on their faces. When a prisoner went completely insane, to the point were they wouldn't even react to their surroundings, the prisoner became uninteresting to look at. They became a waste of space, so what did the guards do? They disposed of the trash, leaving an empty room that would soon be occupied.

One of the rooms kept an interesting pair inside, Victoria and Alexander. Former members of the Order who had been captured during the wedding. They were the only two prisoners who had to share a cell with another human being, a gift from the Minister's second-in-command, Andrew Williams. The man wanted them to suffer, he wanted them to see the other one lose their sanity and be forced to take care of the insane member of the Order. This had backfired for Andrew during the first month, considering a relationship had developed between the pair. Somehow, they had been able to form a romantic relationship despite the dangers they were constantly surrounded by and the agonizing fear of being in Azkaban.

While they were the only two prisoners allowed to have any human contact that didn't involve insults or torture, they were also the most unfortunate prisoners to ever step into the fortress. They were both tortured, beaten and humiliated daily to the guard's amusement, were barely given enough food to survive and were the only two prisoners who couldn't be killed. They weren't allowed to have the sweet release of death and were forced to watch how the other prisoners were killed every day. It was enough to envy the lucky bastards, able to be released while they were destined to stay in Azkaban until they were broken.

Yes, broken. That was the goal the Minister wanted to reach with the two prisoners. Both Victoria and Alexander would be perfect for the Minister and Robert was able to recognize that killing them would be a waste of time. There was a strict policy for former members of the Order; if you had anything to do with the Order then death was your penalty. Over twenty members of the Order had been executed during the past two months, setting an example for anyone who tried to bring down the Ministry ever again. So, what made Alexander and Victoria important enough to be kept alive? Not only were they gifted duelist with brilliant minds, they were perfect examples of who Robert wanted to work for him. Cunning, brave, intelligent, manipulative and skilled in the dark arts, it was a surprise that they had joined the Order in the first place! Both of them were meant to be broken, taken away from their beliefs to turn into the perfect Death Eaters. Their task would be to hunt down the reminder members of the Order and kill them, much to Andrew's dismay, who wanted Victoria to himself. Robert, however, didn't want his daughter to be wasted just to become a mother and spend the rest of her life caring for her husband and children. Learning about Andrew not being able to use her as he wished had been Victoria's last victory.

"Insanity," Victoria Knight thought out, her body shaking as she rocked herself back and forth as a futile attempt to forget the latest dementor attack."Is this how it feels like?"

She'd been plagued by the same question for weeks now. Weeks? No, had it been months? No, that was too much. Days? Not enough. She didn't know how long had that question been stuck in her head. Keeping track of time was impossible in Azkaban, just like it was impossible to keep track of her multiple injuries and times she'd had a mental breakdown. It felt like years since that horrible wedding, so she must've been there for at least two years. "Two years, two months, two days, two souls. Two years, two months, two days, two souls," the girl mumbled to herself, her eyes scanning the room to check on the second soul.

"Three souls, you stupid girl! Three souls! Two years, two months, two days and three souls!" She exclaimed, slapping the left side of her head and placing the other hand on her slightly bloated stomach. Azkaban was no place for a baby, she didn't want to have a child in Azkaban, the creature wouldn't survive the dementors. At least the father would take care of the thing, right? Not like she cared, she hated babies, especially this baby. "Worthless little monster, product of a worthless little marriage between two monsters." Victoria mumbled, humming a lullaby she'd invented while massaging her stomach through her filthy grey robes. Maybe singing a lullaby created by a half-mad teenager in Azkaban was not a good idea, but Victoria couldn't care less. After all, the song did mention beheading kings and burning witches, something the baby was going to learn sooner or later. Maybe hearing it while still inside his mother was a good idea.

Victoria knew she wasn't insane, she knew there was some sanity left in her brain. She still remembered the Order, spells and the hatred towards her father and husband. Maybe she had twisted ideas and had the occasional outburst but that was normal, wasn't it? Yes, it was completely normal. She couldn't be insane, for insane women are not supposed to plan funerals for fallen friends.

"The Order of the Ghosts, how does that sound, Alexander?" Victoria asked, her brown eyes looking at the man in front of her. They had never chosen a proper name for the Order, maybe she should choose the name now that everyone had been killed. Oh yes, they were all dead. She'd seen their deaths over and over again every time her father visited her and shown her memories of every member of the Order being killed. Sure, she hadn't seen the deaths of her closest friends, but she knew they were all dead. "Dead, gone, poof!" The girl exclaimed, almost as if it were some kind of joke. It was a joke, in a twisted way. Wasn't it ironic that they were being kept alive just to kill the other members of the Order? "You can't kill someone who's already dead! Silly father, thinking they're still alive. It's only a matter of time until he gives up and accepts their deaths. Until then, we're stuck here together, little thing."
Paige & Greyson Kingsley

Its been two months. Two months. Two months with out a word from anyone. The day after the ambush, Paige grew worried, she expected them to arrive the same day they left but...there was still nothing. The siblings rested uneasily that night, and the next day, they waited yet again. Waited for any sign, anything to return the quickly descending hope, or ....what was left of it. Days of waiting, turned to hopless weeks. And soon those weeks extended into dark months. For two months Paige didnt eat, she didnt sleep, nor did she set foot outside. Every night she lost sleep from nightmares, waking up screaming, crying, with a cold sweat, and Greyson lost his rest everytime he had to wake up and coax her. During the day, the girl locked her self up, away from the world, wallowing in her own cess pool of misery and despair. For two months Greyson was the emotional pillar, struggling to hold up his sister. He served as her anchor, her crutch. And still, he failed. Paige, who was so optimistic and lighthearted, had fallen into a dark abyss. For days she remained silent, only keeping to herself and her thoughts. When they sat at dinner together, or occupied the same room, it was like she wasnt even there. Greyson felt so alone, even when his darling sister what physically at his side, mentally she was absent. He hasnt seen a smile on her face in weeks, and he often finds himself wondering where his sister disappeared to. Though, he cant blame her, shes come to accept that the Victoria, Andrew, and Alexander are all dead, but her grief still hasnt subsided. Greyson, however, hasnt accepted it quite yet. Theres still a spark of hope in him. He hasnt denied the possibility, but hes come to realize that isnt the only outcome. After all he saw Arnaldus get away, and yet they havent come into contact. So, the same couldve happened to the other three. In the mean time hes tried to find any stray members but when he would get a name, hed soon catch word they were killed in Azkaban.

Oh no, the Death Eaters were slaughtering Order members there. Was it possible thats where they were? It seemed like a very mistakeable idea, but at this point he just wanted to know exactly whats happened to them. Whether they were dead or alive, he wanted to know. If they were alive, he would try harder to find other members, if they wefe dead, well...at least he would begin his journey of closure. Everything was up in the air right now, neither sibling knew what their next move was. Paige just wanted to sit in the room and live out her days in silence and grief, but Greyson didnt want the Ministry getting away with this, even if has been two months. If word was getting out that members of the Order were disappearing and getting killed, then that meant the Ministry wasnt resting, they were only starting. And so was Greyson. If it meant he was would have to do this on his own, then he would, or he would die trying. A huge part of Grey hoped James would turn up soon too, but he was beginning to think he might have to do this with out his friend as well.

Times were looking very bleak, and while one sibling had already given up, the other was not about to. During these months, Greyson helped his younger sister with spells (among other things), even if she didnt want to. And in return, Paige would teach the things shes mastered to her older brother. During this period, Paige had finally learned to apparate and dissaparate. Her skills were still a little rocky, but she could manage. She even learned a few destructive spells she couldnt do before. Greyson took defensive lessons, and focused on the spells he already knew to hone them and call upon them in an instant, much like his sister did, though he still had to work of his reaction time.

The siblings had changed slightly, Greyson knowing when to be serious, and Paige gaining a bit of a firm fist thanks to a harsh reality. Winter was slowly melting into spring, a season of new beginnings and life, and some welcomed it more than others. On this particular morning, Paige was already up and awake. Not because she had things to do, but because she tried to avoid sleep a much as she could, to escape the reoccuring nightmares that haunted her. She sat at the window, staring into nothingness. One would think she was taking in the scenery, the clumps of old, hardened snow, with patches of new green tearing between them. Greyson knocked at the door before opening it, belonging to what once was Alexander's bedroom, but over the past weeks became his sister's. She spent the most time in here,"Im going into town. We've run out of some food...care to join me?" Each time he asked the same question he sounded hopeful, but he always got the same answer: a shake of the head or (rarely) a small mumble of "no". But today he got the third response, the one he hated the most, Paige didnt turn around, she didnt look at him, in fact, all she did was take a deep breath and ignore him, the sparkle of her sapphire eyes now dulled into a grey, watching time continue to pass and carry on with out her. "Alright then...." Greyson sounded defeated, he stepped back, the door in hand,"I'll be back in a little while," he shut the door. Paige remained silent, hearing his body apparate on the other side. She continued to watch the world from the comfort of the room, inside looking out. She remained that way for a few minutes longer, until movement caught her eye. Being out in the suburbs you dont get much of that, and the girl blinked for once, moving her attention to the corner of the window. There was a small creature in the road, to small to be a dog, and too large for a cat, with markings similar to a skunks,'Skunks are nocturnal,' she thought. Paige watched a little longer as the beast moved about. Unlike most animals. He seemed to know where he was going. Other animals would have their nose to the ground, searching for food, but this one had his eyes up, ears perked in one direction, not even stopping to sniff the air for any predators (or prey). Things grew even curiouser when the little beast stopped infront of the house, and proceeding to sit on its hind legs for a better view. Paige's widened, something wasnt right.

She jumped to her feet, and ran to the bedroom door, picking up her wand from the bed and stuffing it in the waist band of her slim jeans on her back, pulling her shirt and hoodie over it so that it was concealed. She didnt even bother for shoes. On the way down the stairs, she was trying to ask herself if confronting the poor creature was just the result of paranoia (her brother did warn her that Death Eaters were still searching), or anger. Shes seen countless countless of wild animals in the area, so why did this one bother her so much? She pulled her wavy hair (that has grown a little longer) up into a high ponytail, before swinging the front door open furiously,"Get out of here!" she yelled at it from the porch. But it remained there. Suddenly all her emotions came to a boil. The months she spent alone, silently dealing and pushing away her thoughts and feelings, began to over flow. She was angry, and sad at the same time, and she was taking it out on the poor little wandering badger. Tears swelled, conjured up by frustration, loss, and heart break all at once. Paige tightened her small fists, stomping down the few steps of the porch that lead into the front yeard,"Go. Away!" She raised her voice again frowing her hands in the air in attempt to scare it off, Her throat began to tighten and choke up, the same way it did when she wanted to burst into a puddle of tears. When the animal didnt budge, she strode toward it, moving her hand behind her to pull out her wand, eyes fixed downward at it.....


(I tried not to make it too long this time xD )
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Arnaldus Smith

Over two months had passed and nothing, two months since the day of the wedding, the day of the attack, the ambush. Signs were nowhere to be seen, hints yet found, signals of another absent from existence, hope fading until ones heart was feint with a last door of hope closing slowly as each stop brought nothing more then ache as nothing turned up. Hope...... Wasn't hope that once was connected to this war, what Arnaldus once called this brutal and long fight against the ruling, terrorizing power known collectively as the ministry. Yes, the War of Renewed Hope....... That was what he once called it. It was a war, they were meant to end the reigning ministry and its nightmare rule over all, constantly judging, picking apart the lesser viewed and punishing them in some way for simply existing, daring to live amongst them, enjoying life in anyway they could despite the hatred and terrorizing world in which they lived. Even a pureblood couldn't stand to watch it, stand by as it happened all around, it was what led Arnaldus to secretly learn and study, train and master something useful such as Animagus ability. The branch of transfiguration magic you were required to register even in the old days, but Arnaldus never did, he secretly learned and used his form to help others in secret in small but effective ways, trying to help when and where he could. When the order came about and Victoria came to him about the idea and asking him to join her and the new order. He happily agreed and never looked back. The order was meant to be the hope for all who suffered, who hated the ministry and what they were about and had done. Hope....... That was it, but what remained? What hope did the badger have left? He searched time and time again, nothing ever found, pain from the ache his heart felt draining him.

It took his strength to keep looking, to keep searching, if two signals of his were left without notice and none were seen by another's attempt to contact him. What was left? He was emotionally draining with every passing day, his body tired, mind overrun, mentally absent and distant at times. Even as physically present as he were with Quinn and knowing she was there, he was not. Atleast not always and not the same way. He had tendency to bury himself in his work, his goals and all that distracted him and kept him busy. He didn't share easily his troubles if did, mostly keeping them quiet and to himself, dealing with them in his own way. It was difficult but he managed, he often had a control and balance to him rarely losing control of his emotions but eventually he would bend, at times he would break. It was during these times when Arnaldus needed another most but only buried himself in work and thoughts even more, becoming distant until the storm was over, not meaning ill towards another or anyone..... But it was his way of dealing with it all. It was his habit and one rarely curbed. Arnaldus wasn't the typical pureblood of today, he wasn't a hater of blood status outside his own, he wasn't a coward to stand aside while others suffered, he was Arnaldus smith a fighter, a charmer, a lover, a sportsman, captian and intelligent man who cared for others and for change, he didn't fear what happened to him, he did not fear his death, he did not fear his torture, his pain nor his ultimate loss of sanity as it blasted into the beyond, into the oblivion and forever lost. But he did fear....... He possessed fears just as any other. Today he feared, the recent he feared, what Arnaldus feared was what has happened in the now. The death or possible deaths of his family, his friends, his fellow mates and the feeling, the reality of him being useless, helpless to stop it to stop any of it, he feared the day when the ministry won and continued its reign of terror and hate, unchallenged, unchecked, left alone as nobody remained to fight, to try and stop them...... To bring hope.

Those were his fears and they were now, reality........ They were meant to bring hope. They the order of this era were meant to end this ministry once and for all and bring about change. But..... They didn't, they failed, they were by all see able accounts gone, vanished, dead, completely erased from existence. Were they to young? To over themselves and confident to see this ultimate end? Were they sloppy? All the effort, all the efforts into forming the order, keeping it quiet and their identities hidden, they tested themselves and trained, they went to great lengths to ensure their members were loyal, worthy, worthy of their trust and had the upmost courage. It would be courage that would be their greatest weapon, loyalty their greatest shield and trust would be the greatest boost to their confidence..... When their quiver would run empty of arrows, it would be that trust and confidence that could act as a endless supply of arrows to fire from your bow as you brought justice and meant to help fight the corruption, the evil. A metaphoric way of talking perhaps...... But it was all true. As Arnaldus in his form stood on his hind legs to better his view of the house, noticing the parting appearance of Greyson. Arnaldus had a smile, a small but present smile, cross his face and give just a boost to his feint, fading hope that others lived. It allowed three possibilities to enter his mind......

It meant either both siblings survived or only one. It meant that while Greyson left perhaps Paige was inside and survived, right? Either that or she died or was captured or was with Alexander. But it was something atleast far more then he had found and had up until now. When Greyson left and Paige came out to the porch looking at the badger, shooing him away, telling him to leave, meanwhile Arnaldus did not budge, he did falter to her words and her attempts, he could see her emotion, he could tell she was going through much of what he had gone through. The more she spoke and demanded him leave, the more Arnaldus as his badger form looked to her his eyes peering into hers and showing no intent of moving. Not giving a inch to her, he knew she was unaware of him being the badger before her, he could tell she didn't know. Few actually did. But unlike the last time he was seen by others of the order and his friends in his form, he wouldn't tease, play with their minds in jest and joking with them. He had done that back at the potter house when Camilla and Apus found him a badger outside by a tree. But that was a different time and different scene. This was serious and did not call for his jokes. He also wasn't in the joking mood either way, he was far to troubled for that. When Paige strode toward him, eyes darting downward to the badger with a hand moving to behind her back likely going for her wand or some other weapon she may of had or simply hiding it from view. Arnaldus did not budge, he stood tall and strong, unwavering in his badger form almost appearing human with the way he stood and how strongly and unwavering he was, his eyes meeting hers telling her no seemingly, but not harshly or mad in his gaze. Just a simple no and a curious way of looking to her, curious because of his badger eyes and appearance made him seem unlike any normal animal ever seen.

Finally after staring back at her with a soft and adamant look of his eyes. Arnaldus broke his silence and spoke. "No Paige...." Arnaldus spoke his badger appearance starting to change before her eyes and returning to his normal and human appearance. A denim coat with a grey hood worn over top his white half unbuttoned shirt and dark blue faded jeans and shoes. The look of his hair as blonde and styled as normally as ever with its messy style and darker blond appearance. He looked to her with his hazel eyes showing his tired, emotional and relieved mixture of state of appearance. "I've searched far too long now just to turn back." He continued after a brief pause keeping his eyes level wih hers and looking to them. "I thought..... I thought you all had died. Lost, not just hope but friends and family. So no I will not leave here now, you'll just have to suffer my presence." He struggled to say as he choked up a bit and turned a smile though struggling to keep with his state of emotion and relief, he tried still and kept it up while showing a bit of his old self. Finding a way to bring something smile worthy and laughter able to light. He may have struggled with sharing his troubles and handling them in other ways, but he always tried to brighten others day with his humor, charm and positive spins. All the while hiding his own pain and troubles the best he could.

Arnaldus has been punishing himself for some time. Hating his choice of tactics, thinking keeping scattered and apart would be there best chance. Thinking of they were found together and fought to reach each other they would be all in one place and surrounded easily by the ministry forces, making their victory all the more easy and sweeter. He blamed himself greatly for it, thinking if only he had stayed and fought on to find he others, maybe it all would be different or better, together atleast. But he didn't stay, he escaped as he thought and hoped others would, to meet up later and regroup. Cold tactics, setting aside his emotion struggling so and doing what he thought was tactically wise for the good and survival of the order. He and Quinn got out of there and waited for the others, looking for them, trying to signal them. But nothing was ever found...... Until now. Seeing Greyson and now Paige who stood before him Arnaldus had a burst of strength bolster his spirit and receive him greatly, not entirely for not all were found yet, but still greatly his fading hope and scarred heart and body ached less, renewed his hope so it may shine a little brighter. It was a start and he would gladly take it.

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Quinn, who had followed silently behind Arnaldus, watched them with a cold stare. She knew he liked them, so she'd try to attempt friendliness...but she was calculating, sizing them up. If things went south she needed to be prepared to kill them without a second of hesitation.

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