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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

thefan1 said:
Logan Knight
"I'm not a Knight," The young boy growled, his lips curling at the mere mention of the name. Even after betraying her family, Victoria had managed to maintain the Knight name, she had always been proud of being a Knight. Logan was a completely different story. If he was going to betray his family, he was going to do it right. He would not carry the name that brought so much pain to the world, he would not be a monster. "The Minister couldn't care less if I left, that's why I didn't have any protection in the pub. He's tried to turn me into one of the heirs he desires, it has all been in vain. You could say he's given up on me. In other words, no, I am not with any Death Eaters or other relatives." Logan answered, looking down at the teenagers who were probably still expecting answers from him. While his words were harsh, his stare wasn't. The young boy looked down at the group with respect and admiration, any friend of Victoria was probably more than trustworthy. "Victoria never mentioned her friends when she was younger," Logan commented in response to the Sebastian's puzzling reply. "She said she didn't want us to know about her friends, or we would try to spend time with you and get in trouble with the teachers. So, no, I don't know who she was friends with before the Order." Logan explained, his eyes watering at the memories of his sister. Thinking about the few Knights he cared about usually helped him forget the war, but it was definitely not helping under these circumstances.

Then he spoke about the possibility of her death, and Logan's eyes widened. He'd forgotten about the few details the public had gotten from the battle in the wedding. Only a few people know where Victoria and Alexander were, and their old friends surely wouldn't know about their whereabouts. It was the perfect opportunity to show he was worth keeping, to show he could help them by providing information. "Of course you don't know," Logan breathed out, mentally preparing himself to tell them where Victoria and Alexander were rotting. "I haven't heard anything about her since the wedding, but I thought you might have some extra information. They're smart people, I thought they might be with their friends. Well, it's not like it's easy to escape from that fortress in the first place." Logan explained, his mouth now forming a small frown. All hope of his sister escaping from Azkaban were nothing but dreams, and it had been a mistake to think Victoria had been able to escape.

The young Gryffindor let out a small, relieved sigh when Sebastian (or Arnaldus) revealed they were the remaining members of the Order. He was in front of everyone's heroes, the young teenagers who had given up their lives for the greater good. As a Gryffindor, bravery was a trait Logan considered to be extremely important, and there was no braver group than the Order. Where they accepting new members? Logan didn't care, he was going to join them no matter what. A new sense of hope filled his body. If they were the Order, they could surely bring back his sister. "As the Order, you would help the innocent, right?" Logan asked innocently, his grey eyes filled with hope. "My sister and Alexander, they were captured and taken to Azkaban the day of the wedding. I don't know much about what happened afterwards, but I know they've been visited by Andrew and the Minister for these past two months. You'll bring them back, wont you? You need them to take over the Ministry!" Logan exclaimed, pleading for their help. He was so desperate to get his sister back that he was ready to get them out himself.
A turned up eye and slightly tilted head darted toward Logan at his mention, his growl that he was not a knight. It was rather shocking to Arnaldus... Sure he never really met the boy before but he knew Victoria for years, even with her differences to her family she was still partial to her name, the family name of Knight. That alone was enough reason for Arnaldus to think all Knights were the same in that regard..... After all the name carried weight in the wizarding world. A power of name as it were and that power seemed to draw loyalty to the name itself.

So when Logan responded the way he had it was surprising. "Couldn't care less? Even for a elitist after maintaining power that seems unlikely. Keeping power in th bloodline and having a respectable elitist heir seemed rather important to him. Am I wrong?" Arnaldus posed the question and keeping watchful of his body language. " Giving up just seems...... Well perhaps I am wrong. If death eaters are not in tow or relatives not far behind, perhaps we have some time then to speak without restriction." Arnaldus spoke

The following was rather surprising, even while making some sense it was still surprising to learn Victoria didn't reveal such information to her own siblings.
"I see well..... It makes for some telling piece of news. I wasn't aware we were still unknown to Victoria's siblings. For the best I suppose all things considered and that have transpired.... It was fore thinking on your sisters part. In more ways then perhaps known at the time or maybe it was well scouted to foresee its worth."

Watching Logan closely noticing his eyes widen, the eyes seemed to give away a spinning of wheels in a manner of speaking. Perhaps a idea came to mind..... Knights always seemed to cooking up ideas so the possibility wasn't so far fetched the young knight was doing the same now. "Little News spreads beyond what the minister would want public or I would believe as such based on certain historical truths and tactical maneuvers. Leave those who have survived in the dark as much as possible, cut off safe houses, force them out into the public eye and capture them. That's not to mention taking from history and how past regimes limited and outright his the truth about past events and dangers." Arnaldus began to ramble in response detailing his thought yet needlessly so for aided them none on the present topic and main importance. "Ah..... Anyways no nothing is known to us about what happened to Victoria and Alexander after the battle. Odds pointed to death...... Yet you speak of capture and taken to a fortress?...... I suppose it makes sense. Why kill an heir of your a minister of power?" He began to drift mid way through into audible thought for a time before looking back to Logan. "Never doubt their intelligence, they are smart indeed. But they haven't reached us as far as I am aware. And I've been watchful for such things. They too I suspect and bet you." Arnaldus spoke with nod pointing to Paige and Greyson as he referenced them.

Watching the boy Arnaldus couldn't help but notice the boys reaction to his reveal. When he went on to ask them about would they help the innocent, it was more of a fact then question the way Arnaldus saw and took the question. Of course they would, but what was he up to? Joining them? Have them try their hand at cracking the fortress defenses and free their friends and Logan's sister? Both? Time would tell and soon it did. Arnaldus saw hope in his eyes filling them with a new life, a new energy.
"Of course, Logan that's what has brought us and the order together. Helping the unjust find justice and end this reign of horrors. But....." Then he paused looking at Logan and then toward everyone present. A slight shake of his head and listening to everything. "Bloody hell...... Azkaban. Fortress of ruins and water, how many have truly escaped Azkaban after Sirius black? Sure a mass breakout a turn or two but escape...... Dementors are quite skilled at taking away everything good and every ounce of hope you have. From what I hear.... Their kiss as they call it, is quite horrid. Now days it must be advanced in security adding to the steady strong force. It's a nightmare of a task....... We need one of hell of a plan and fallback options just to attempt it." The more he talked about it the more he was convincing himself to attempt it. Though little doubt existed that he would do any different. On top of that he could see Logan plead with them and hear him plead, it would prove difficult for any to refuse that. "Lad..... Needing them to take over the ministry wouldn't be my first reason for helping them. It just follows........ I can't speak for the others but I no doubt suspect they would join in or help in ways they could or would be willing. But I'll go..... Always wanted to see the famed castle esque ruins of the prison that stands alone out in the middle of a ocean. Now I have cause to pay a visit." Arnaldus spoke with a smile and chuckle, a sort of reaction that told his mind was racing with thoughts. A small shake of his head from time to time processing everything and working it into reality of the situation and coming move.

"I'm not promising anything Logan, but the best effort shall be placed into this cause. If they can be freed the order shall try everything to see it done..... Everyone who shall go will see to that. Now it's down to planning isn't it?" Arnaldus asked knowing the answer already and merely speaking it aloud. While scratching his head and pulling his messy hair back into a tight pull, thinking, rapidly processing and viewing different thoughts and tactics for starters. Dismissing some and taking a deep breath and exhaling to try and relax himself, slow down his mind and think more clearly. Then turning to Quinn and looking toward her now closed eyes and holding her hand with both of his own hands now. " I've gotten you into some trouble these past few months, haven't I? You could have turned me in and save yourself long ago. I thank you for standing by me Quinn.... It's a brave thing to face certain risks while knowing a way out, so I won't ask of you more then I have taken already. nor would I wish to risk your life any further then I have already. So I'll understand if you don't wish to come along, I'll even be glad to know your safe.... Well safer atleast. But if you could help us, I'd be quite in your debt and appreciative. A capable wand is always in need against a army of death eaters and a dark lord." Arnaldus spoke offering a smile and caring look from his eyes toward her and giving a gentle but tighter hold of her hands before turning back toward Logan and Paige and Greyson while stepping aside a bit to allow him the ability to look at everyone a bit easier now.

"Well..... If your with me then let's start planning. Solid tactics need a lot of work and a masterpiece to mold into form of we'll have any hope of success as few as we are and fewer depending on who all comes. The first step would be safe and covert passage across the sea and to Azkaban itself, the first obstacle of many in this mission. A following method of moving about unseen and undetected by Dementors or other guards who may be there. Other who come may not have my advantage in that regard. Reactions?" Arnaldus spoke looking around at everyone and seemingly becoming more serious and collected as he went and awaited reactions.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Rui @Solemn Jester

(not a great post and somewhat rushed. But here's mine and what I could do from my phone and at work.)
(I think this is where our collab/appearance of Arabella and Adam may be convenient xD @Akio what do you think??)

Adam & Arabella

(With some Greyson and Paige)

It was settled, under some heavy convincing, Arabella was going to help Adam, in in turn helping the Order return to its former glory. Of course a lot more was at stake for her than him. It was past her expected return time, and that in itself was enough to receive punishment from her parents. But the long term reward was worth it. She would risk her very existence to reunite the divided order. Betrayal was not treated lightly, and she's witnessed it first hand with Alexander and Victoria. There was only one difference, the Minister needed them alive. She was just another pawn, only kept close for her family’s wealth, nothing else. A wealthy family was always replaceable. Her clock was ticking,”I'm leaving now, if you're not ready,” she paused, taking a few steps away from him to allow enough room for her transformation,”Then I'm leaving without you,” as soon as she finished her sentence the girl morphed into a raven. The black of her dress seemed to spread and completely envelop her skin. The dazzling white of the jewels around her neck morphed into the white feathers on her chest, and in a matter of seconds she was airborne. Breaking for the tops of the trees and heading the direction she came.

Arabella was risking more than Adam knew, but she had agreed to guide him back to the Order’s hide out. How they were going to greet them, Bella did not know. She was never good with words, her brutal honesty was almost always disliked, and her high-and-mighty attitude often came off as offensive. And how were they going to feel knowing she worked under the Minister? Adam may not know it, but he was the one going to do all the talking, if she did it might just end in getting herself killed.

Adam watched her fly off, changing into a bird as she backed off in the rain, taking off in the rain causing him to stare after her for a moment. He couldn’t help but admire that ability, to be able to take off into the sky whenever she wanted unaided, how many times had he looked up at the sky and wished for wings? He shook his head once he realized with a bit of a panic she was really leaving without him and raced over to his broom mounting it. It had taken a moment to stop staring at her body when her dress hugged her frame and he couldn’t help but smile remembering that he had actually been a little starstruck by the girl. “You’d think I would have been able to say something a bit more witty or intelligent.” He said muttering himself as he had no idea how he managed to convince her to follow him. He knew she was risking death at the very least, but he perhaps would never know how much. He took off after her, flying steadily in the storm thanks to his constant trips as he followed her closely, trying his best to keep an eye out for any danger on the horizon.

Bella guided Adam through the storm, keeping an eye out for dementors, and leading him to avoid them. Once they managed that, she continued through the clouds. The flight took about an hour before returning to civilization. Down below, Ara began to recognize the the rooftops of the homes, and took note of the suburban lifestyle. Large spaces between homes, hardly anyone driving on the roads, ’Just about here,’ she thought, and directed herself downward, to land on the empty road below.

As soon as she was close enough, the animagus morphed back into her human form. Her heels clicked as she touched down. Her hands reached down for the bottom hem of her black dress, gathering some of the fabric and wringing it out, water dripping onto the pavement. She was still soaked in her human form, and hated it. Spring was just barely beginning to come around the corner, so it was still chilly. Patches of old, hardened snow was scattered around the area. She shivered while she fixed her hair, moving strands out of her face. Emerald green eyes looked behind her, for any sign of Adam. She waited with arms crossed, one leg slightly in front of the other, her slender frame and elegant mannerisms making her look like a posing and poised ballerina.

They flew for a long time but Adam didn't have much luxury to get lost in thought. He was after all following the bird's wings and she was quite fast even compared to his broom. He could feel the chill in the air and if he was honest with himself it likely wasn’t just the rain either. He could feel his soul shiver and he was sure dementors were out in the night sky and every once in awhile he caught a flash of one as they left the storm but his vision was not as good as the girl in front of him, whose transformation allowed her the sharp eyes of a bird along with the wings and they were able to avoid them easily.

By the time they got back to civilization they had managed to leave the storm and the dementors behind. He could see her standing on the road trying to ring out her dress which caused him to land close to her. He saw her messing with her still wet dress and held up his hand and without warning cast a spell on her that made it seem like a breath of fresh air and warm breeze to warm her body and dry her clothes. “Better?” He asked with a slight smile looking at her.

Arabella shut her eyes when the artificial breeze of warm air hit her. She she opened them she looked at Adam, the source of said wind, with her typical icy gaze,”Hm,” she huffed as a response. She didn't want his help. Arabella had tough childhood, if she had one at all. She had to grow up quickly, at least that was the mentality of her parents. They taught her to be self sufficient, to reject charity or help because it was a sign of weakness. Bella turned away, her nose in the air, designer boots clicking against the pavement and onto the concrete driveway. She didn't ask for his help, which irritated her, and because of that, she wasn't going to offer any gratitude. The snooty girl stopped halfway up the driveway, and pointed to the house with the curtains still shut,” They're in there. I think you should talk,” she retracted her hand and inspected her nails,”I think they'd be more willing to listen to someone like you,” she looked Adam up and down with her eyes,”Than someone who’s parents swore loyalty to the dark lord…” she crossed her arms, waiting for Adam to pass her and approach the door first.

Doubts began to flood her mind. On the surface she remained calm, collected, and uninterested but inside she was worried. What if her presence made them turn Adam away too? Perhaps staying in an animagus form would be wise. But...no...no she couldn't. She has information from the inside that Adam does not, so she is obligated to speak at some point. Maybe they won't recognize her. I mean, they haven't exactly seen her with the dark lord….but her detailed information will certainly give it away, not to mention the signature all black clothing of death eaters that she's wearing, along with the white jewels around her neck that state wealth. She will definitely raise questions. What if they don't trust her? Because of her family, the burden she has of having their name, they can easily turn her away, or even kill her. But….it's worth a shot…. In truth, Ara didn't care much for the order (or people in general) but she did care for their cause. If they succeed, then she's free.

He watched her turn away, nose up in the air and couldn’t help but laugh a bit to himself. This girl was a mystery to him in some ways but he could certainly tell she had an overpowering sense of pride. Perhaps if Alexander was here he might have compared Victoria’s and Bella's pride though if anything Bella might have seemed even more prideful than Victoria at least when they met. Adam watched her point out one of the houses then make a show inspecting her nails. While she had a valid point he knew she had all the information in all honestly and therefore when they got into the details she would have to talk. He walked up next to her and lightly touched her shoulder. “We’ll go together, we both have a part in this and you're the one risking the most out of us. Besides if the information is correct you're not the first to turn away from the dark lord so they can’t be too aggressive.” He said walking towards the door, kind of gently leading her along, his fingertips on her shoulders so she stood next to him as he knocked on the door.

Arabella cringed when the rugged, filthy lad who had been camping out near Azkaban placed a hand on her. Her eyes peered down at his hand on her shoulder while he talked. She didn't say anything as Adam led her up the porch stairs, stopping at the door. But when he knocked she pinched one of his fingers in a manner that said she didn't really want to touch him, and removed his hand from her shoulder. After that, she patted the skirt part of her dress, straightening it before folding her hands together in front of her,’Always be presentable,’ her mother’s bothersome words echoed in her head. Her eyes were locked on the door, preparing herself for any reactions, her fingers tapping nervously on her thigh. Bella turned her body inward, slightly toward Adam, but her head turned over her shoulder, making sure they weren't being followed.

Greyson felt relieved when he realized how much Arnaldus and himself were on the same page. The guy pretty much took the words out of his mouth. However, as soon as his comrade’s speech had ended, the sound of a door knock penetrated the voices inside. Grey’s head swiveled to the door behind them, his guard raised once again. The only familiar faces were here, currently in the house. So who else could be knocking? Paige’s attention was grabbed by the sound as well. Who else discovered their where abouts? Her eyes blinked, looking at the door then at her brother so watch his move. Greyson looked back at the others for a moment, a serious look on his face before creeping to the window silently on the tips of his toes, bringing a finger to his lips as looked back to the others again, keeping them quiet. When he reached the window, the lad just barely split the curtains to see, with making any obvious movements. There was a boy, about their age, but definitely unfamiliar. Grey’s eyebrows pinched together at the strange face, that is until, his eyes landed on the girl beside him. Her blonde hair, emerald green eyes, and expensive taste in clothing, had sparkes a memory. Greyson gasped, a smile sinking the corner of his lips inward,”I know one of them...” Paige raised an eyebrow,”Them?” her eyes followed her brother making his way to the door,”Whos them?” With out looking at her, the older sibling replied,”Remember that girl i was speaking to at the wedding?

Paige paused for a moment in thought,”I believe so?

Well shes at the door!” His hand wrapped around the knob, and before turning it, he muttered,”Guess she couldnt stay away from me,” despite remembering the cold shoulder she had given him. The lad opened the door with a grin,”Hello!” his eyes only fixed on Arabella, “Come to join us?” Perhaps having someone like her was a good suprise, she was at the wedding, and clearly experienced what happened. Maybe she could shed some light on the matter. Of course….Grey had no idea her information came from inside. Arabella rolled her eyes when it was Greyson who opened the door, but she remained quiet, and instead looked at Adam for words since she vowed to herself he would do the talking. But a part of her was grateful that one person recognized her, maybe the others will grow to trust her too.

@Rui @Saru @EmilyPower @thefan1 @Solemn Jester
Alexander could hear Victoria screaming, but the days that might have concerned him were long pass. She was always screaming, or crying, or begging, it had been some time since she had broken and left him alone. The Victoria he knew was gone, and he could feel Azkaban claw at his mind as well as if the prison was alive and hungered for the last vestiges of his sanity. "When you gaze into the Abyss." He thought musingly to himself. He glanced down at himself, his body was filthy but he found no motivation to wash himself even when he could. He no longer cared about his well being, hadn't his time in Azkaban showed him his life was worthless, unable to even protect his friend and dare he say lover. Only two things sustained him now, his promise to Victoria and revenge. His hands tightened on his elbows, digging his nails into him. He was to blame for not being able to protect her, but he had not forgotten who put them here.

As his eyes flickered with hatred he looked up to tell Victoria for the seventh useless time to get away from the bars less the sadistic guards notice them when the door suddenly opened. He shot to his feet, a long silver knife almost seeming to appear on its own accord on his hand as his entire body radiated lethality. He had killed before but since entering this prison after Victoria got pregnant he had been allowed to defend her in earnest, since then he had lost track of the numbers he killed and his imposing manner was infinitely more terrifying then before, with the look in his eyes promising death as Robert and Andrew walked in. He stays silent watching them enter, if he tried speaking he may say something that would make them hurt Victoria so he just watched to see what they wanted till he realized they were being let out, and worse seperated. "I'm not leaving without her." He said his voice gravelly and raw, killing intent seeping into his voice with enough force to be cutting. It had been a long time since he spoke to anyone other then Victoria.
Robert's lip curled with disgust when Alexander took out his dagger. Sure, he'd given to him in case his Death Eaters wouldn't control themselves around him and end his life. But the boy was annoying, almost to the point he wished he wasn't related to Salazar Slytherin so he could be killed. The only good thing about letting him protect Victoria was that he was helping her retain some of her sanity, judging by those short moments were she'd made a sane comment or remembered something from life before Azkaban, he couldn't have a completely insane Death Eater, after all. Andrew, who simply smiled and placed a hand on Victoria's shoulder and ran his fingers over it soothingly, enjoyed the moment as he silently mocked Alexander. It was glorious to know he'd gotten Victoria despite everything and he had nothing, absolutely nothing.

But Robert wasn't playing around, there was no time for that. So he took out his wand and pointed it between Alexander's eyes. "You will do what I said, or I'll be forced to hurt your little friend right here. You don't want that, do you? She's still recovering from last time, having to suffer more because of your mistakes won't help her injuries." Robert replied firmly, his cold eyes turning to look at Andrew, almost as if he were ordering him to speak. "Victoria, my wife, she's being released today. If she's a good girl, of course." Continued Andrew, now running Victoria's back. "But I could always give you some extra days, Vicky. It all depends on wether your friend decides to cooperate or not. How do you feel about that, dear?"
EmilyPower said:
Robert's lip curled with disgust when Alexander took out his dagger. Sure, he'd given to him in case his Death Eaters wouldn't control themselves around him and end his life. But the boy was annoying, almost to the point he wished he wasn't related to Salazar Slytherin so he could be killed. The only good thing about letting him protect Victoria was that he was helping her retain some of her sanity, judging by those short moments were she'd made a sane comment or remembered something from life before Azkaban, he couldn't have a completely insane Death Eater, after all. Andrew, who simply smiled and placed a hand on Victoria's shoulder and ran his fingers over it soothingly, enjoyed the moment as he silently mocked Alexander. It was glorious to know he'd gotten Victoria despite everything and he had nothing, absolutely nothing.
But Robert wasn't playing around, there was no time for that. So he took out his wand and pointed it between Alexander's eyes. "You will do what I said, or I'll be forced to hurt your little friend right here. You don't want that, do you? She's still recovering from last time, having to suffer more because of your mistakes won't help her injuries." Robert replied firmly, his cold eyes turning to look at Andrew, almost as if he were ordering him to speak. "Victoria, my wife, she's being released today. If she's a good girl, of course." Continued Andrew, now running Victoria's back. "But I could always give you some extra days, Vicky. It all depends on wether your friend decides to cooperate or not. How do you feel about that, dear?"
Surprisingly Alexander didn't look fazed, he didn't even glance at Andrew when once he would have snapped. Azkaban had chanced Victoria more obviously then him it too had snapped his mind and now he stalked towards Robert till he stood in front of him, meeting Roberts eye level in a way perhaps not many had try to do in quite some time. In his reflected a sense of coolness, as if something had died inside of him. He leaned his head forward, so the wand was nearly touching him almost as if he was making a small mockery of a bow. The gaze in his eyes no less ruthless then the highest death eater.

"You know for the past several days I've been debating killing her myself." He said suddenly. "She wanted that you know, for me to slit her throat if she fell apart. But I made a promise..." He said glancing at Victoria for a moment before looking once against at Robert. "The Victoria I knew is gone, if your gonna kill me then do it and stop talking. I am not scared of you Robert, not anymore." He said throwing his dagger into the ground between them. "Ethier I go with her, or I don't go at all. How much time I spend in here makes no difference to me nor how many screams I hear, you'll find I've grown quite familiar with them." He said and possibly most insulting was no falsehood rang in his voice, he truly did no longer care about his life. This however, only made him all the more dangerous. In its own way it made him even more dangerous then Voldemort, whos fear of death led all his actions, it was impossible to tell what this man would do.
Victoria's glassy, unfocused eyes moved to look at Andrew, then at Robert and then at Alexanded as they spoke. She couldn't believe their words, it was like a dream come true. She was being released... No more Azkaban, no more suffering, no more dementors. She was going to be free... Free at last. "Released..." Victoria whispered, resting her head against Andrew's shoulder. She tried not to think about the negative aspects of leaving with the people who tortured her and drove her to insanity, to share a life with the man who'd ruined hers. Those words would only lead to trouble, they weren't meant to be had by a member of the Knight family. Instead, she focused on the good things that would happen now that she was fighting for the right side. The remaining members of the Order would be killed, she would start a family (despite her complete reluctance to do so), maybe even go back to Hogwarts and finish her education. It was hard to think all of her classmates were probably fussing over some Quidditch Mach while she was rotting in hell, but it was all going to end soon.

But no... Something was stopping her. Someone didn't want her to leave? Who could it be? What kind of monster would prevent her from leaving? Her once beautiful eyes scanned the room until they settled on Alexander, and they narrowed when she realized what he was doing.
Betrayal, she thought, her hands now forming fists. He was doing this in purpose, he wanted to make her suffer. Probably for not being a good friend, or a good lover. But the reason why he was doing this didn't matter, what mattered were the consequences. She wouldn't stay one more night in Azkaban, even if that meant she would have to kill Alexander herself. There was a strong voice, telling her to stop this foolish act and side with Alexander. Telling her joining the family she spent most of her life hating was not the right way to go. It was telling her to be loyal to the Order, at least to respect the memory of those who had died. But Victoria wasn't listening to that strong voice anymore, she was listening to the part of her personality raised by Knights. The one that pulled her deeper into insanity. It was telling her to kill Alexander, to stop him from ruining her one and only chance of escaping. Since everyone was busy focusing on Alexander, Victoria slowly slid to the floor to retrieve the fallen dagger. After rising again, Victoria wasted to time in pointing the dagger at Alexander's neck. "Alex..." She began, her eyes flashing dangerously, almost as if she were ready to attack. "I will not spend another day in Azkaban, and I won't let some filthy little animal stop me from escaping. Follow my husband's orders, or I will cut your ugly little throat myself. Understand?" Victoria threatened. And for one minute, they were able to see the small part of the old Victoria Knight who still lived inside of her. That small part that told her that she wasn't completely lost, that she could still return to the life she once had.
Robert, being taller than Alexander, simply took a few steps forward and met Alexander's eyes, not affected by his cold stare. "You really are an idiot." He spat, gaining a few laughs from the death eaters around him. "Victoria is going outside, you're staying inside. I'm sure your brain can understand that." He snarled, retreating his wand when Victoria pointed the dagger at his chest. Robert looked like Christmas had come early, for this was the perfect gift. He had finally formed his daughter into the perfect Death Eater, now loyal to her family and the cause. It was almost too good to be true. "We're not going to kill her, that won't help anyone. However, we can make her suffer as much as we want to, it's up to you. You either come with me without a fight, or you can hurt her yourself. It's your choice." Robert replied, to which Andrew replied with a twisted smile. "You've seen us hurting her before, haven't you? This can be your chance to stop her torment, to actually save her for once. And I'm not taking about the time you killed those guards, that was nothing. I'm talking about the moments when she needed you the most, but you weren't able to save her. It's your fault she's insane, it's because of your own weakness that you two ended in this situation in the first place. Be a man, Alexander." Andrew spat, clearly taking too much pleasure when mocking him.

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Logan's relief and joy could not be expressed with mere words, and he was certain Arnold's didn't want to hug Logan as much as he wanted to hug him. He simply couldn't believe it, they were going to rescue his sister. He was actually going to see her again, the Victoria he'd always loved and cared for. Not the pureblood princess the Minister and her own husband wanted to turn her into. He'd known his sister was meant to be released after a few months, but the fact that she was going to come back without any injuries was enough to make tears of joy cloud Logan's vision. Thousands of plans began to form in his mind, ideas they could use to get them out of prison and destroy the Minister while they were at it. It wasn't going to be easy, but Logan was willing to do anything to get them out. His eyes moved to Greyson to give him a small smile to show his gratitude. If he hadn't taken him in, he would still be crying in that filthy pub without a friend in the world. "My father said he wants to take me to Azkaban, something about making me stronger and making me see what happens to blood traitors." Logan commented, a plan slowly forming in his mind. "If I can separate myself from him during out visit, I might be able to distract the guards to let you come in. I can even try to perform a patronus, although I must warn you we haven't learned the spell in class so it won't be very powerful." Logan replied excitedly, a triumphant smile plastered upon his face. He was convinced that his plan was flawless, completely ignoring the obvious flaws that came with it. "Can't believe Victoria didn't want me to fight with you guys, this is almost too easy." He commented proudly, his sister's obsession with keeping her younger brothers safe completely leaving his mind.

It was then when someone knocked the door, and left everyone but Logan on their guards. He had no idea who was in the Order, after all, there could be members he wasn't aware of. He was practicing how he was going to introduce himself when Greyson mentioned whoever was outside the house had been in the wedding. Now, this wasn't a big deal. Most of the Order had been invited to the wedding, according to his father. But then why would they be so nervous around someone who was clearly their friend? As Logan made his way downstairs to be able to see who was outside, a thought creeped it's way into his mind. What if the person was dangerous? Had the Death Eaters followed him here? He knew most of the Death Eaters had been at the wedding, so it was a possibility. Now with his wand out, Logan pointed it at the girl with expensive clothing, ready to defend his new friends.
"I know you!" Logan exclaimed, trying to move past Greyson to get a closer look at the girl.

Oh yes, he knew exactly who they were dealing with. He'd seen her before, at the multiple parties he attended with his family every year. He remembered being introduced a few years ago and remembered speaking to her in a couple occasions, but he didn't know her well. All he knew was the fact that her parents supported his father, and that was enough for him to rule her as an enemy. He was about to shout that she was with his father, when he lowered his wand and walked back inside without a word. Maybe shouting wasn't the best idea, they could be ambushed by others. Logan made his way towards Arnaldus, who seemed to be the wisest of them all and probably knew what to do.
"I've met her before, her family is with the Minister." He whispered to the teenager, his hand firmly clutching his wand as he waited for the girl to say something. If they tried to attack, then at least he knew Arnaldus would know what to do and would be able to protect the others with him.

(I know it's crappy, but it's late and I'm super tired.)

@Akio @Rui
Arnaldus had stood there turning his eye to everyone in the room gathering reactions to his words and pondering the situation at hand. Curious of how they would all respond and yet certain he would not be the only one to join up the cause for the attempt of invading Azkaban and rescue their friends. It was the manner of the order to not shy away from danger, it was the way of the order to attempt the impossible and make it possible. Turning his his head to Grayson he saw the man agree with him and what he had said, atleast through silence the pair seemed to agree. While he turned toward Paige wondering of her reaction then to Logan. Seeing the lads look of great joy and relief that seemingly was beyond words. Even through the obvious danger, risk and potential death Arnaldus was rather at peace, rather calm and looking forward to getting this done, if they could anyway.

Now that he had time to process and slow himself down, he was getting used to the idea of taking the next big move of the orders and breaking into Azkaban just to break out again. A odd phrase to utter in ones mind...... Breaking into the great prison of ruins and despair then to break out. Two great and seemingly impossible tasks rarely done and accomplished before would be attempted in the same night by one group in order to complete one big rescue. He was as ready as he could be for such a task and seeing Logan's response, seeing him get that familiar look of ideas running through his mind after Arnaldus had asked for thoughts and ideas to throw into the mix. It may not have same exact look to Victoria's but it was close enough for Arnaldus to recognize that look of idea, of the old knight wheels turning into the formation of a plan...... He had seen it many times over the years and it brought a smile to his face seeing it again now from Logan. Even chuckling a bit as he spoke of his plan not in rude manner but of cheerful one for it reminded him so much of Victoria and bringing back memories of their younger years and all the trouble they would get into with the many plans she had over the years. Many great ones among them and now seeing her kid brother form one of his own.

"Not bad Logan..... You'll do fine planning and scheming." Arnaldus spoke meaning to compliment the young wizard and gave a smile. "Perhaps you wouldn't mind a little expanding upon that plan? Maybe a little touch or two of mine added to your plan.. After all it's a good start but never hurts to cover a few areas for precautionary reasons." He began to speak and raised both his brows and lowered them in widening his eyes and starting to process his train of thought, looking to where he would expand upon Logan's plan and offer some additions to the plan. " Alright now first you mentioned your father wanted to take you to Azkaban. Right? Hmm..... A nice opening and from the man himself." Arnaldus smiled a cheeky grin and looked toward everyone with a brief glance. "Let's start there..... Cover your plan with some fortification to reinforce the opening you have for us. Azkaban requires some or actually many back up plans in my opinion, every move needs a fall back.... Every action needs a defense to the reaction. You'll provide a nice opening for us to come in and by taking advantage of your fathers soon to be mistake.... Your sister would be proud." Arnaldus added with a smile and confidence in his tone.

"But we can't use the same method.... some can use flight and others perhaps through the ocean once we get close enough... Conjure a boat to get us into the reach of Azkaban." Arnaldus spoke starting to elaborate on his offerings. "Distraction is key for the guards.... But don't worry about the patronus. It may provide to much attraction to you and garner suspicion. After all the dark lord wouldn't like a patronus used on his dementors or so I would think its not after all a dark magic spell. He may wonder why you would use it. But keeping the guards busy will be good, the dementors on the other hand we will need a great effort of acting commonly for guards there and give them no reason to try us. Blend in for other words." Arnaldus continued before coming to a pause in notice of the door, Greyson and Paige as well as Logan's response.

As far as he knew they were not expecting and the order was mostly here. Alexander and Victoria were the only ones left outside his brother and he knew it wasn't him at the door. When Greyson spoke of knowing one of them and opened the door with his opening greeting to them with seemingly most of his attention was on the girl. Arnaldus shook his head with a chuckle and observed quietly until he knew more of what was going on. Meanwhile producing his wand once more from his sleeve keeping behind his back now while they all learned more of the situation.

When Logan exclaimed he knew one of them Arnaldus perked his head and raised his brow. It wasn't seeming good news first Greyson recognized the girl from the wedding which brought mixed reactions as it were but now Logan to recognized her and that further made the hufflepuff wonder. While Logan made his way to Arnaldus the wizard turned his eye to Logan and listened to him speak making mention of the girls family being close to the minister. Arnaldus dimmed his eyes and made little motion from his head nor body as he took Logan's Intel on the girl, though becoming more and more suspicious of the two especially the girl. While he knew not all from dark families were dark themselves he also knew the odds were not favorable enough to give her a open welcome and kind hello before all was known.
"Oh? What are the odds she would be here to assist us?" He whispered back though seeing the lads hand clenching his wand told Arnaldus enough to expect low odds of favorable standing. He looked ahead and eyed the room with a thorough and passing glance, taking in the situation and playing the different moves in his head.

Similar to his methods of wizards chess and quidditch Arnaldus was trying to keep several steps ahead of others. Namely those he would either face or potentially be against in some form, Arnaldus played each move and calculated the likely responses and playing them out in seperate thoughts. Quickly but done none the less in his mind his eyes almost seeing them visually as his mind played them out.
"Right. Just in case prepare yourself disarm and defend first though..... Anything offensive may turn into friendly fire and do more harm them good." Arnaldus turned his head away from view and whispered to Logan. Offering a little advice tactically though he likely didn't need to as Logan was a smart lad and could see that as well.

Arnaldus then turned to the two arrivals and kept a fair but firm gaze toward them.
" You Have quite the timing whether you know or not. Greetings however I wouldn't wish to seem rude though times considered you understand. No?" Arnaldus spoke with a brief smile then back to a stoic expression. " Well..... What brings you here?" He asked aiming to break the silence and gather some details on the situation. While looking to Paige and Greyson for their own reaction and thoughts, before also looking to the new arrivals.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Akio
Paige & Greyson Kingsley

Paige listened in on Logan's rough draft of a plan. Generally, it sounded like a good one, but once it went into play, Paige knew it would be different. The company would only have to worry about a distraction if they manage to get in in the first place. The dementors were going to be tricky to pass. Paige, who exceled in Defense Against Dark Arts, would have no problem against them....thing is....if they alerted the dementors, then surely those inside the prison will be alarmed too. So, they would have to slip past them unnoticed. But how?

Logan mentioned he could cause a distraction with a patronus, but continued by mentioning he doesnt have enough experience,"If worse comes to worse," the gentle girl spoke up,"I could summon my patronus," she put her hand to her chest sincerely. Paige didnt even want to think about setting foot in a place like Azkaban, but she wouldnt let Logan go alone either, and if a patronus was needed then she was more than capable of performing the task,"Its almost second nature to me now," she offered a gentle smile before looking to her brother at the door, and it vanished. Two strangers stood in the door. She noticed one, the girl with sandy blonde hair pulled into a high pony tail. It was the lass her brother attempted to woo at the wedding....he had no luck...for once. But that. But that was beside the point. Why was she here now? She already expressed she didnt want to have anything to do with him.

Logan spoke quietly to Arnaldus, to hushes for her to hear, so she moved down the steps to stand closer with the group, and closer behind her brother. Arnaldus spoke up again, toward the strangers this time. "Well...What brings you here?" Paige wondered the very same thing, and stood silently, waiting for an answer. Her wand was still tucked between the waist band of her pants and her back, she didnt need it in hand (yet). She didnt want to come off as hostile if she didnt need to. Besides, the girl may not look it, but she was very quick to react. She may not be the strongest witch, but her speed was definitely worth being aware of. Greyson's smile faded a little, remembering their situation, Arnaldus' question bringing him back to reality,"Why are you here?" he asked, still keeping himself between them and the inside of the house.

(Tis short sorry, but i wanna keep the rp going so i posted, i was really waiting for Adam to speak before i posted xD @Akio )

@Saru @thefan1
When Victoria put the knife to his neck Alexander didn't even flinch. Instead he actually rested his head against the dagger, pressing his neck against it and let out a sigh that almost seemed like a sigh of relief or release. He glanced at Victoria his eyes dark as a line of blood lightly bead around the dagger. For a moment he ignored Andrew, ignored Robert, ignored them all to glance at Victoria. "If you want to slit my throat then I'm not gonna stop you Victoria." He said simply looking at her. "If you want to kill me and prove to them that your exactly what they want then do it, if you kill me all that happened for us is over anyway and my life is meaningless." He said, there was one fact holding him near but if she killed him then it wouldn't matter not. "I won't follow, he wants me to be a weapon and I can do it for you but if not then I don't care. Kill me and it doesn't change a thing for me but I won't go without you." He said with a shrug as he stood there, waiting to see what Victoria would do.
As much as she wanted to kill him, as much as she wanted to hurt someone to feel the joy her tormentors had felt during these past few months, Victoria lowered the knife. She couldn't kill him, not because she knew why they were keeping him alive, but because there was still a part of her that still cared for him. She'd tried to ignore the side of her that still held the old Victoria Knight, but it was something that couldn't be ignored, not now. "I won't kill you." Stated Victoria. "You're still needed. And killing you would only make matters worse for me. You will join the Ministry, whether you like it or not." She explained, her hand gently caressing the blade as if that could stop her from losing her self-control again. Then she thought about the Order, about how they were most likely dead and the survivors would surely die soon. She hated them. If they hadn't agreed to join the Order then this wouldn't have happened. It would be wonderful to burn them all, to torture them as a payment for her sacrifice. "I'd still go to the funeral" She muttered softly, her eyes glued to the blade to prevent them from focusing on Alexander. "Let's just go... please..." Victoria begged. Why was she thinking about going to the funeral of her enemies? It was probably because they were still in the prison, it was messing with her brain. She couldn't feel sympathy and love towards the Order, they were the ones she was fighting against. "Come on, Andrew. I- I can't stand this place anymore."
"Have it your way, then." Robert replied coldly. While he wasn't pleased with Alexander's behavior, he didn't want to miss an opportunity to torture Alexander. Maybe keeping him away from Victoria would have an effect on him, perhaps he could turn into a Death Eater he wanted him to be. Victoria, on the other side, was more than he could wish for. Robert turned to face Andrew and Victoria and smiled. "Take her to Knight manor, try to get her back to her normal state. It will be a matter of time before the Daily Prophet finds out about her return and I will not have her looking like a maniac. Don't give her the wand back yet, the Death Eaters have already been instructed to keep an eye on her, not that they haven't done so for the last few moths." Robert ordered, to which Andrew nodded and grabbed Victoria's arm. "Do not fail me again, Victoria Williams." Robert spoke forcefully, and in less than a second, Andrew had dissaparated out of the prison along with Victoria. "As for you, Alexander. I say you need more time with my Death Eaters to understand why you must join us. You two, take him away."
Paige, Grey, & Arabella

The room fell silent for a short moment, as the remainder of the order awaited an explanation. Greyson was probably just happy to see a girl other than his sister, but he still wondered who she was traveling with, though it didnt bother him too much. Paige, on the other hand, had her antennas up, with quiet steps she moved down the stair case, her hand sliding down the rail. Blue eyes never left the strangers at the door. Greyson looked at Adam when he told the Order to relax and introduced himself,"Information?" Grey repeated, his smile disappearing with a cocked eyebrow. Paige came from behind her brother and hugged him from his side. The older brother looked down at her concerned face and put an arm around her shoulders. He looked back up at the soaking wet pair,"What information...." All of the usual, cheery optimistic-ness in the boy's voice had left him. Adam had his attention, and his interest. The more Paige studied Arabella, the more suspicious she became. Maybe it was the all black clothing, or the expensive jewlery she wore, or perhaps even the high and mighty way she carried herself. What ever it was, it made the small girl skeptical wary.

Arabella thouroughly inspected the siblings for a moment. Their body language, their faces and attitudes. 'Shes too weak,' she thought,'She wouldnt last long'. Her green eyes moved to Greyson,'And hes too careless,' she blinked,'He'd get himself killed.' Arabella sighed through her nose,"So this is what the Order stands on...lovely'. When Adam looked to her, the wealthy girl exchanged an unfriendly glance with him for throwing her into the conversation to provide some explanation,'I thought we agreed you were going to talk,' she mentally hissed at him. But nothing can be done now, except to comply.

Both siblings gasped in unison,"Azkaban?!" Paige spoke up at last. The energy among the group spiked suddenly. Though it was unsure to say whether it was good or bad energy, change had definitely taken place. What were they to think? Should they be happy Alexander and Victoria are alive? Or grieving further because theyre in Azkaban. At this point, being happy theyre alive gives the same reason to be unhappy theyre alive. If theyre alive then that means they were tortured in the prison. If the Minister wanted them dead, they wouldve been a long while ago. Paige was horrified, more so than her brother. All sorts of thoughts and scenarios played with her mind, and overwhelmed her. Her stomach constricted, her throat tightened, and her breaths were deep. There was a heavy feeling in her chest, thinking about what couldve happened to her friends. Paige detached herself from her brother and turned away, her hair swinging around. She pushed past Logan, Arnaldus and Quinn to sit on the couch in the living room. Lowering herself to sit, her eyes landed on the crackling fire. Her eyes said she was absent, but she continued to listen to those at the door. There was just too much to take in....

First Arnaldus and Quinn appeared in the morning, then Greyson with Logan, and now these two strangers that came in, stating two of the member are alive...it was just too much. Greyson, however wanted to know more. The more information they can gather the better...but, what about Arabella? Adam said she had seen them in their cells...how? Looking past her pretty face, Greyson began to who wonder just who this girl was. He opened the door wider, his face a little more serious than before, with his eyebrows pinched together slightly,"Perhaps this subject should take place inside," he stepped to the side, looking past the duo and into the street, checking for any one who couldve spotted the recent activity of the other wise quiet and peaceful house before the others arrived.

Arabella gave a nod of the head, agreeing with him. They definitely dont need to attract attention now. If Bella gets caught by a death eater, who knows what'll happen. She shot Adam a glare, silently announcing she was going in first. Her heel clopped on the wooden floor of the home as she stepped inside, thought she didnt go very far when she saw how the others still seemed on edge. Then she spotted Logan. Arabella froze for a moment, staring at him. He was her friend's little brother, and seeing him with the order was a definite surprise,"Logan," she greeted with her silky voice,"Well this is a surprise," her eyes roamed the inside of the house, in all its dingey dustiness,"This is the plast place I'd thought I's see you," her lip curled slightly with disapproval of the home. In her easy life, she was used to larger houses kept in top condition. But she wasnt here to critize. Ara looked back at the small boy,"And with the Order no less," she spoke honestly, bravely stating she knew who the group was, or rather, what they were. "What would your father think..." her tone behind the words couldve easily been taken as a threat, but she was just simply reminding him. She wasnt one to show her care toward others, and she didnt know Logan too well, but she knew Victoria, and considered her a friend.

Greyson scowled at Ara's comment toward Logan, but ignored it for now. After Adam had followed in, the boy shut the door and locked it. "Please, sit," he gestured to the two chairs infront of the window, facing the coffee table and sofa directly across it, the same one Paige was partially occupying. He leaned on the side of the second sofa that was perpendicular to the coffe table, between the first sofa and the chairs. He croassed his arms and glanced at Arnaldus, wanting him to be a part of this, since he was much better at getting a point across than Greyson was. Arabella showed no gratitude but took his offer, crossing the room to sit on one of the chairs, looking to Adam to take the other one if he wanted. Then she looked back at Greyson, with her legs crossed, and her posture confident. Greyson returned his attention to her, half-sitting on the sofa's arm, his feet still on the ground,"Lets get straight to it then," he adjusted himself,"When was the last time you saw our friends?"

"This morning," she replied promptly.

"Are they okay? Healthy?" Greyson first wanted to know the basics of Alexander and Victoria before he got down to questioning Arabella herself.

"Okay? In Azkaban?" She scoffed. 'Okay' was an over statement,"I suppose theyre as 'okay' as anyone in their position...Theyre alive, if thats what you mean," she reassured.

Greyson chewed in the inside of his cheek, that was such a vague answer. He paused for a moment, then opened his mouth to ask another question when Paige beat him to the punch,"How were you able to see them?" she asked, eyes still glued to the fire.

Arabella's head turned slightly to the side to look at the girl who suddenly decided to speak,"With my eyes of course," she replied smugly. Paige glared at Bella through the corner of her eyes, then her head followed the motion to face her,"I mean how did you get in there, in Azkaban. Who allowed you tonsee them?" her voice seemed to grow impatient. Greyson was a little taken back. The angry, self-isolated Paige had returned. He had hope for her after the way she went back to her normal, soft state when Logan arrived, but now she just relapsed. Paige continued,"You cant exactly just walk in here."

Arabella was amused by the sudden change in the girl's attitude,'So theres a spark in her after all...' Bella eyed Paige,"Oh, but I can," she didnt show it, but you could hear the smile in her voice.

"How," Greyson cut in, trying to reclaim the interrogation.

Arabella silenced herself. She didnt want to say it, she sidnt want them to find out. She didnt want them turning hostile, or begin accusing and assuming. Paige watched her with a fierce gaze, waiting for an answer. Arabella started tapping a finger on her thigh, trying to think of the words, and how to explain that her and her parents work of the Death Eaters and the minister. She sighed, there really wasnt any other way around it, and Ara isnt the time to sugar coat and beat around the bush. Guess she just has to lay it straight.

"Oh my god..." Paige mumbled, quickly getting Greyson's attention to look at her. He blinked, waiting for her to explain what seemed like a sudden realization. "Shes with them," she said quietly at first.

"What?" Greyson looked at the blonde girl, then back to his sister,"Paige, what--"

"Shes with them!" Paige raised her voice, her eyes tearing again. She stood to her feet, and reached behind her for her wand, gripping it firmly in her hand, the whites of her knuckles showing themselves. Greyson did the same, but pointed his at Arabella,"Why are you here," Greyson spoke calmly but firmly. The roles were switched this time around. Usually Paige was the one giving chances, asking before judging, remaining calm before assuming. But not this time. All the stress, the worry, the guilt, it was all bubbling like a potion gone wrong. "What do you want?" He added.

Arabella kept herself collected,"What makes you think I want something?" She looked down at her lap and fixed the skirt part of her dress to cover her leg more,"Im just here to help," her emotionless face looked at Greyson, who was slowly inching closer with his wand.

"Liar!" Paige hissed.

Greyson watched Arabella. He wanted to believe her. But trusting her can get them into a lot more trouble then theyre already in. When Paige barked, Greyson barked back,"Paige!" Greyson wasnt sure what to do. And what about Adam? Was he working with her? With four experienced wizards and one beginner, could they take them on if things get nasty? Arabella unfolded her hands from her lap and grabbed onto the arms of the chair to get herself up. Her movements were fluid, relaxed, and elegant. When she stood to her feet she walked closer to Greyson,"Dont let your feelings keep you from taking advantage of the opportunity that literally came to you." She stopped just a few inches away from the wand pointing toward her chest,"I have information from the inside," she whispered, trying to appeal to him. Ara reached out and took his wrist,"But if youre going to get rid of me, do it now, spare the conflict," she raised his hand to her neck and his wand with it,"Believe me, you would be doing me a favor," she stared him down. It was sad to admit that she was speaking the truth. Death would mean immediate freedom from her family and the Minister, she couldnt be happier.

Paige watched her brother. She didnt want Arabella to get killed, but she was certainly angry to have one of the people who imprisoned her friends here, in a place she thought was safe. Both Bella and Paige awaited for Greysons answer,"Arnaldus," he finally spoke up,"See what she knows," Greyson started, putting his wand away and taking a step back from Ara, their eyes still locked,"I need to have a word with my sister," he turned away and walked with a heavy stride toward Paige, grabbing her by the arm and oulling her to the stairs. "Youre going to let her stay here?" She was in disbelief. Before she was being dragged against her will, Paige looked back at Bella angrily, and the siblings disappeared into the second floor of the house.

(Kay Im gonna stop here to let yall be apart of this too @Saru @thefan1 @Akio )

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"Arnaldus Smith: The knack for Survival"

There was a sense of old meeting new as Arnaldus stood in place and listened as Adam spoke. A test of trust in these uncertain times that have stood to last longer then the wizard would have liked, now looking toward Adam and Arabella firmly of gaze and suspicious of mind, he was cautious to trust them when the one known as Adam spoke of " Meaning no harm and possessing information" to paraphrase in short his quote. Arnaldus watched Adam move away from his wand in sign of meaning his side of things, showing peace to the order of who kept wands in preparation to act. "Simple enough to say, less so to actually achieve." Arnaldus spoke in response to the earlier claim to relax. It was perhaps true they meant no harm, maybe they were here to provide aid through information. But he was suspicious still, first was how did they find them? Second was how did they know of Victoria's and Alexander's present state and location without repercussion? Seemingly unharmed, little spoke of battle to get here. Yes they were wet, but no harm to speak of through observation of their being. Yet here they are knowing and safe...... Giving little detail as of yet in explanation atleast not enough for Arnaldus's liking. But it was early maybe time was all that would be needed to uncover more from them and see what holds. Early judgement after all would get them nowhere fast and could prove foolish later.

Meanwhile he observed the girl, remaining silent after his prior and brief reply. He took notice to the studious nature of the girls looking up and down at Paige and Greyson, making her own assessment? Now that was either in attempt to discover her chances if a fight broke out of the orders strength should she join them or aid them in any way. Perhaps deciding now which side she'll play? A advantage seeker maybe, but for now Arnaldus stayed quiet letting Greyson and Paige handle this from here. Moving just as the others did and staying in view of everyone while not losing a proper view point and vantage point should a fight break out, which as of now Arnaldus couldn't say if one would or would not. But he wasn't about to make things easy by falling behind in readiness and preparation.

All in all the girl was not only recognizable to Logan but he was recognizable to her as well. She seemed surprised by his presence and more noticeable of the others then himself so far..... That may prove either a compliment or a slight, but an advantage either way for him. While she spoke to Logan and answered Paige and Greyson not appearing effected by the situation at all. A common trait amongst death eaters........ And she was one of them. Now it made for more sense though it only raised his suspicion and reminded him of old and new events, he trusted one witch from a dark lord following family in recent months, so why was this any different? Well he knew why..... A convincing side by side fight against death eaters and guards at the wedding followed by a couple months stay at her home and hiding out in various ways while searching different locations was enough to prove trust and loyalty to Arnaldus. But this girl just showed up at the front door with Adam both claiming information that may hold truth but only brought suspicion, not to mention it could be used for setting up a trap for the order. No nothing yet has shown Arnaldus reason to give them a opening, a letting down of their guard.

While noticing Greyson's glance and crossing his arms. It seemed the quiet position Arnaldus took was becoming the opposite of what Greyson had wanted, giving reason for Arnaldus to believe it was time for him to get involved here, aim for the gathering of information and getting points across. Maybe it was time to step in and take some time to get his thoughts out there and speak his mind, but how it would help was yet uncertain. Arnaldus was still in the process of playing out the variables and gathering his own settled opinion on the matter.

It was obvious the girl knew how to use her looks to play on her appeal to men. Using her looks to get close and whisper to them, in this case it was Greyson.... Taking his hand and wand with it toward her neck and telling him to do it. Rather daring, risky, confident of her or perhaps wanting it to happen after all. Then as Arnaldus stood there observing and staying quiet, despite the earlier look of get involved from Greyson, the man spoke in calling Arnaldus's name and telling him to see what she knows and making mention of needing to speak with his sister. Taking her by the arm and walking out of the room with Paige not approving.

Arnaldus gave a nod and shook his head briefly, looking toward Arabella and Adam for a moment. Keeping eye contact and expressionless of face while giving a sigh before speaking his mind and opening the door to his turn of getting information out of them.
"Right...." He paused and looked up toward the second floor then back to Logan and Quinn. Before setting his sights on Arabella and Adam. "So your a death eater.... Glorious. You have found our humble abode with valuable information knowing full well it could prove useful to you as well as us. No?" Arnaldus opened in remarks to the pair of them though so far referencing more the girl then Adam, due to knowing more so far about her then he had of him. "Daring move with Greyson..... Telling him to go ahead and kill you. It would be a favor, right? We now know of your position in all of this and how you came to learn this information about Victoria and Alexander with out missing limbs, tortured bodies and disturbed features. But what of you?" He continued now looking toward Adam. Still pondering how he came to fit in all of this and how he came out of it seemingly fine. "Now why don't you both spare me the time and trouble of getting answers through more unpleasant means. By telling me how you fit into all of this and how you can be trusted to not lead us into some trap set by your fellow death eaters and the dark lord himself?" Arnaldus spoke strongly and firm looking to each of them for answers either verbal or physical. Not giving signs of whether he was serious or not about using other means of getting answers.




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Logan Knight

Logan's eyes took in the couple in front of him, every passing second becoming torturous as he tried to contain himself from drawing out his wand to kill them both. He didn't know the man, but what was Arabella doing here? Her family was close to his family, too close for his liking. There was a time when the Knight children stayed up late, joking around and causing problems while their parents slept and the house elves were the only ones who could tell them to stop. Logan remembered a young Victoria teasing their brother, Richard, for having to marry Arabella in the future. It wasn't official and Logan didn't know who was meant to marry Richard before his death, but he remembered everyone thinking it was going to be Arabella because of her family. And after these two months being trapped inside the manor with Andrew boasting about his position in the Minister's ranks was enough to tell him that anyone who wanted to marry a Knight was not to be trusted.

When the siblings gasped when they learned about where their friends were being held, Logan couldn't help but roll his eyes and let out a loud, dramatic sigh. "Yes, Azkaban. Didn't I mention it before?" He asked, wondering how they could've forgotten about the fortress their friends were rotting in. He usually wasn't mean to strangers, especially ones who'd welcomed him into his home. But he couldn't help but hate their relationship, hate the way Paige was hugging her brother. It reminded him of what had happened to his own siblings, it reminded him that he was the one who had to deal with a broken family while Paige and Greyson were still together. "It isn't fair," Logan thought. "They shouldn't show their relationship like this, can't they think about us?" The young Gryffindor thought, fixing the siblings with one last cold glare before focusing back on the new arrivals.

Then Arabella spoke to him, and it took every single once of self-control the young man possessed to stop himself from hexing the woman. She was threatening him, reminding him of the dangers he would have to face if his father caught him with the Order. He would either end up in a cell like Victoria, or dead like Richard, and he didn't want to think about the other twisted ideas his father could come up with. "I'm not the only one who's not supposed to be here," Logan spoke, his hands now formed into fist and his teeth gritting together to muffle the countless of swears that were coming out of his mouth. "I'm sure the Minister would be horrified to learn one of his guards is fraternizing with the enemy." The young boy continued, a small smile spread across his lips as he imagined Arabella's shocked expression, begging him not to tell the Minister of her betrayal. Sure, he was betraying the Minister as well, but his father would believe him and his twin sister would have his back, right?

He remained silent as the siblings questioned her, mimicking Arnaldus' folded arms and expression as Paige yelled at the girl. He knew exactly how she served the Knight family and was about to explain how she knew his family when the siblings fled the living room. "Just to get things straight," Logan said, his eyes focused on the door that lead to the room the siblings were hiding in. "Arabella is some sort of...guard, in Azkaban. Or at least her parents are, but that's all I know." The young Gryffindor explained, now taking the seat in front of the pair.

He knew he probably looked out of place, such a young boy in an adult situation, but he knew it had to be done. They had to know if they could be trusted and he had to prove his worth. However, when he found himself looking right into their eyes he realized he didn't know how to question these dangerous strangers. Should he be friendly? Should he be mean? He didn't want to mess anything up and didn't want to lose possible allies. "You're- you used to be Victoria's friend, right?" The boy began, thinking a personal approach could help their case. "Then you must've payed close attention to their cell. Have they been treating her right? I know she doesn't like dementors - always been afraid of them. I know they've been tortured, but it can't be too bad, right? I mean, they're not supposed to go mad!"

@HoneyBear-Kat @Akio @Saru
Arabella Crawley

Arabella followed the siblings with her eyes when they retreated up stairs. The older brother taking a firm grip with his sister, as she reluctantly complied. As soon as they disappeared she looked back to Arnaldus as he spoke and turned around to walk back to the chair. She had a feeling that standing may seem a little forward, so sitting was the best option to create a more relaxed environment. Once again, she put one knee over the other and sat with her spine straight and her hands in her lap. Arnaldus started off by labeling her death eater. That was bold of him. The wealthy girl swallowed, holding back a surge of emotion that wanted to arise. She hated being called that. It suggested she was associated with her parents, and she didnt want to be...but it was the truth. "Im afraid so..." she started by admitting,"but not by choice," she confessed again. Arnaldus continued, and threw out several points. About how this location could come in handy for her, and how they new of her position, was that a threat? Then asked how the two could be trusted. Arabella couldnt speak for Adam, she had only met him too, but she can speak for herself. There was a short moment of scilence, her eyes locked on her interrogator. She stood quiet to gather some words. Which question should she answer first? She looked around at the home again,"I have no interest in exploiting the Order's members, nor its location and whereabouts," she landed back on Arnaldus,"If I did that, then there wouldnt be anything to come out of this for me. Nor would I have any reason to show face here." Arabella leaned forward, placing her elbow on her knee and her chin in her palm,"I spotted this place hours ago, if I wanted to have you killed I would have told the rest of those rats in Azkaban," she hissed when she mentioned them. Bella continued,"If you know of my position, then you should also know the risk Im taking to be here," she added, "Im doing you a favor, and in return, doing myself one." The girl straightened up and leaned back in her chair a little, remaining a calm composure with them. She had basically just stated that she was in this for herself, which was...pretty much true. But part of her, though she would never admit it, was doing this for Victoria too. But like Arnaldus asked, where did they come to play in all this? Arabella's eyes squinted slightly as the corner of her lips tilted into a small, almost unseen, smile,"How do I fit in this?" She repeated, slight amusement in her tone. How did they not see it already. The girl leaned her body slightly closer to the remainder of the Order,"Im all you have." she felt kike she had the upper hand now. Bella moved to the edge of her seat then stood up, walking around to the chairs side, facing the curtains of the window that were behind her. Pinching one of the ends with her fingers, she peeked outside,"You need someone who can go in and out of the prison with out question. I can. You need to find a way to get into contact with your friends, well, Im the only medium you have," she stated, looking out the window, and onto the street. "As for trusting me," emerald eyes glanced back at the lad,"Thats a decision you have to make for yourself." She turned her body to face them again, letting go of the curtain and leaning an arm on the chair's back,"I can go on a tangent about how much I despise the dark lord and his death eaters, but in the end the decision is still yours. You lot make up the Order. A symbol of hope for the rest, right? Well, consider yourselves my savior," she replied, her voice monotone. She didnt want to go into detail about what that exactly means, but she meant it. The Order was her only chance to get rid of the Minister, and that was what she wanted. That was why she was here. That was why she risked showing up.

Logan, beside Arnaldus, spoke up next. "Logan is right. My parents guard your friends from time to time, while they send me off doing....busy work,"she spat resentment. She looked up, at Logan, taking in his next words. Asking if Ara was Victoria's friend, asking how she was treated, followed by saying it couldnt be all that bad. Arabella pursed her lips into a frown for once. The concern in the little Knight's voice, and the worried look in his eye struck a chord in the cold girl's heart. Why was Logan here? She didnt want to have to explain all this infront of Victoria's little sister. It may hurt him. But Arabella had to throw sympathy aside, she had to ignore the emotions. "Logan...." she started,"Your sister is still my friend. Shes one of the few people i can actually tolerate in this world. I grew up with her, and seeing her in that cell bothers me as much as any of you. But I cant do anything to help her, not in my position," Oh no, she showed some feelings, very little but still some. Ara tried to regain herself," As for treatment......" she stopped, glancing at Arnaldus, hesitating to reveal the news to the small boy, the youngest Knight who loved his sister. How should she put this? For once the girl was conflicted about being her blunt and honest self. He was just a boy. No. He was a Knight, and he deserved to know. They all did, she cant sugar coat the way the prison has been treaing their captured allies. And perhaps stating the truth will give them more motivation,"Its not good..." she wont name the specifics but she will admit the treatment was poor. "Its bad," she reworded,"Which is why I need you Logan," she looked at Arnaldus,"all of you," Bella corrected herself. "I can not single handedly take on the Minister nor could i do anything to that snake of a boy Andrew, he follows the Minister almost everywhere. And Victoria, shes not in good shape. Physically and mentally. The other one is tough, hes hanging in there, but because of that theyre harder on him." Arabella blinked at them, letting them soak everything in,"You can not get into Azkaban, not with out getting yourselves killed. Im your only chance, like you are mine." Silence fell, and the ticking of the clock in the kitchen haunted the room they occupied. Her eyes glanced at it. It was getting later and later, she was supposed to be back a long time ago. What will she face when returning now? "I came here with an opportunity to help, so that we both get what we want when all of this is over..."

@Saru @thefan1 @Rui
Paige & Greyson Kingsley

Greyson was just about dragging his sister up the top of the stairs. Behind him, Paige struggled to keep up and she winced when his grip grew tighter. The older brother swung the door open that belonged to her room, that was initially Alexander's, and threw his sister in. The girl staggered into the room and quickly turned around to face her brother who was shutting the door behind him. "What were you thinking? Pull yourself together Paige!" his voice raised. Paige looked up at him with just her eyes, blowing some hair out of her face from his forceful tantics. It was her silent way of saying she didnt care, and Grey continued,"She may be our only chance of getting to Victoria and Alexander, and you immediately wanted her out. We cant afford that right now! Its been two months with out knowing anything. Whether shes setting us up or really trying to help, we need to know what she knows. She is not leaving until we say so, until we can trust her.....Understand?!"

There was silence between them. Paige said nothing, she looked away, her lips forming the same pout she had as a baby when ever she was upset. Greyson sighed, running a hand through his black hair, starting to feel the angry fire fading into an ember after seeing the look on her face. She was still clearly upset about Alexander and Victoria being taken. The older sibling approavhed his younger sister, lovingly placing his hands on her shoulders, "Think of...think of father's situation." Paige turned her head away at the mention of their father. She hated talking about him, but Grey continued,"Remember we couldnt really assume or accuse him of cheating until--"

The more he went on, the more she grew irritated. Her eyebrows pinched together while she tried to block out the sound of his voice but it was useless,"Stop bringing up that man all the time, would you?!"

"Paige.......Im trying to help you understand! Why are you being so difficult?!" his voice raised again.

"I do understand, Greyson!"

"Then why are you acting like this?"

The steaming girl pulled away from his hands and turned around to sit on the bed. Once again she had the urge to ignore her brother, to stay quiet until he leaves. But this time he wasnt going to allow it. Grey took a step closer to her, trying to get into her peripheral vision so he could look at her face but she only turned more. He scowled,"Talk to me," his voice was demanding, and another silence fell, other than a sniffle from Paige. "You havent talked to me for two months, not until today. Youve been sitting her by yourself acting like a big baby and drowing in self pity," that got her to look at him,"Well guess what, this is a serious situation....an adult situation, and you need to grow up and start acting like one cause I cant do this with out you. We're down there trying to do everything we can to get them back, and youre just letting your emotions get in the way," he said, pointing at the door and referring to the others down stairs. "Stop being selfish, Paige. We all feel the way you do, but we're trying to put Order before our own feelings. We're trying to fix things, and get pur friends back and youre not helping! So start helping, stop letting the past creep up on you. What happened, happened and there absolutely nothing you can do about it except try to fix it now." he pointed at the floor beneath them.


Paige still didnt speak. She was trying to take in everything he had said but to him, it just looked like he was being ignored again. Part of her was also kind of impressed with the change Greyson had went under. The once care free and irresponsible boy had taken this situation seriously and it changed him. Well....at least for now. Greyson shook his head when his sister still said nothing. He turned around and walked to the door, feeling defeated yet again, like his advances werent working with her,"Im going back down..." he muttered, and pulled the door open to leave. Paige raised her head and faced him, watching him take a step into the hallway,"I feel terrible."

There. At last she confesses. Grey stopped,"Why?"

Paige didnt want to say it, in fear she would start crying again. She didnt want to cry anymore, she didnt want to be soft but she couldnt help it if thats who she was. So she sat there for a moment, looking down at her lap, trying to think of words to say, where to even begin. Greyson turned around again to look at her and walked over, pulling her up to hug her in his chest, and she responded by wrapping her arms around his torso. "I feel betrayed, and i feel guilty at the same time," she explained, her voice muffled in his shirt. He didnt say anything, just held her there, relieved she finally decided to open up and express what it was she was feeling all this time. He could feel her short breaths hitting him, and her sniffling too. "Is that even possible?" she asked, and Grey nodded,"Of course it is."

"He said he was right behind us, but he wasnt. He said he was going to catch up. And we left him Grey, we left him in that awful place. We left them. Who knows what theyve been through." She paused befofe speaking again,"Ive been so angry, with him and you too, and im so sorry," she squeezed him tighter. Greyson didnt react when she admitted to being angry with both him and Alexander. Alexander had promised to meet with them, and Grey had kept her from helping him, forcefully. He understood why she was angry, and didnt need an explanation. "Paige, you cant blame yourself, or me, or him. Things ended unexpectedly, we didnt count on them being captured. We had no idea where they were until now," he let go of her and rubbed her arms for comfort,"And now we're going to do something about it, okay?"

Paige nodded, wiping her face and taking a deep breath to calm herself. She already felt better getting those things off her chest, and it was reassuring to know they were alive, despite their location. "Okay," she said softly. Greyson gave a curt nod then ruffled her hair lovingly before stepping back toward the door,"I have to go back now. If you dont want to, thats fine okay?" and with that he walked out the door, leaving it open and moved down the stairs to rejoin the group below.
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HoneyBear-Kat] [CENTER][B][SIZE=24px][COLOR=#b30059]Arabella Crawley[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [/CENTER] Arabella followed the siblings with her eyes when they retreated up stairs. The older brother taking a firm grip with his sister said:


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