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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

It was dangerous for a child to visit a bar so far away from his home. It was even more dangerous considering the war going on around them. Fortunately, Logan was a Knight. Maybe not as well-known as Robert and Victoria, but the Knight blood still ran across his veins. The bar was grimy, everyone around him was suffering because of the war and most people around the bar looked like the criminals mothers would tell their children to stay away from. Still, the criminals knew better than to harm a member of the Knight family, especially after his father had executed the members of the Order in front of the Wizarding World. Wait, if he was so protected from the war and relatively safe wherever he went, then why was he so scared?

Because of the war, that's why. Without Richard and Victoria with them, Logan and his twin sister were the only ones left to carry on the Knight legacy. Robert had finally realized what a terrible job he'd done with his youngest children and had forced them to go through some very... harsh... training methods so show them what the real world was all about. It went from killing animals, to killing humans and to watch the prisoners of Azkaban slowly lose their sanity. He'd always been protected by Richard and Victoria, but Richard was dead and Victoria was in Azkaban, meaning that now he had to face the world on his own.

It had been hard to face reality. He was still mourning the loss of his beloved brother, hearing about his death had been devastating and had fueled Logan's hate towards his father. He was a monster, killing his oldest son for having a child with a mudblood was no reason to kill a teenager. Richard had his whole life ahead of him, and it had been stolen by the man who had given him life in the first place. Just thinking about his brother made his eyes start to water and he quickly wiped them with the sleeve of his brown coat. Members of the Knight family weren't supposed to cry, especially in front of others.

At least Victoria was still alive, right? He knew she was still in Azkaban, learning her lesson about loyalty and what it meant to be a Knight. But he'd been in Azkaban just a week ago and seen what the effects the prison left on the prisoners. Victoria was a strong woman, but would she survive? Robert wanted her alive, so she would still be breathing by the time she returned but would she still be his sister? Would she be another crazed Death Eater, one her father would train like a dog? No, that wouldn't happen. Everything was going to be alright! Richard was going to come back from Rome and reveal that he'd been alive all along, Victoria would be fine and the war was going to end! Right?

No, things didn't work that way in the real world.

This time, the sleeve of his coat hadn't been enough to cover the stream of tears that followed the harsh realization of life. He wasn't a child anymore, his cold glass of butterbeer wasn't going to stop the tears. His siblings weren't going to save him this time, he was all alone. A few heads turned in the direction of the crying child, sobbing uncontrollably next to a window with a mug filled with butterbeer in front of him. Seeing a Knight cry was something they would never see again, so they all stared and a few of them began laughing. Why wouldn't they? It was clear that the Knights were enemies to most people in the Wizarding World, so seeing one cry was amusing for everyone.

(it was gonna be longer but I decided to stop there)
Paige Kingsley

"No Paige...." The voice was stern and firm, making the girl immediately freeze in place, her wand was already out, ready to make her move, but when the badger spoke up, it was like everything around her came to a screeching halt. She didnt know what to think, had someone been spying on them? Are they friend or foe? Paige remained there, even her tears stopped themselves from falling. It only took a few seconds for the badger to reveal its self. An Animagus, even more so a familiar Animagus. Arnaldus from the Order. Suddenly Paige's heart dropped to her stomach, her hands shook with a loose, faltered grip of her wand, and her knees felt weak. Perhaps it was the remainder of rage and anxiety still coursing through her veins playing on her nerves, but her heart wasnt feeling either of those things at the sight of a familiar face.

"Arnaldus..." she whispered with disbelief. Then there was guilt, guilt for behaving the way she did, snapping at him unknowingly. "I've searched far too long now just to turn back." No, she didnt want him too. All this time she thought being alone would make her feel better, but the weight that was lifted off her shoulders upon seeing him said other wise. Paige moved her hand to her forehead, tilting her head downward slightly blocking the gaze he was shooting at her. "I thought....I thought you all had died," her hand slid down the side of her face to her mouth, and she looked up at him, eyebrows furrowed, the tears just waiting to fall. She felt the exact way, she thought everyone was dead too and she eas glad to hear she wasnt the only one who dug herself in an isolating hole. She had abandoned hope and now, seeing him here, she definitely had some conflicting thoughts, and feelings to process, it was too much. His hazel eyes met her blue ones "Lost, not just hope but friends and family. So no I will not leave here now, you'll just have to suffer my presence." Suffering was the last thing she was going to experience with having him here, in front of her, alive.

Paige exhaled, a tiny, barely visible smile playing on her lips for the first time in a while. The girl, even barely knowing him, threw her arms around into a relieving hug, testing if he was actually, physically there. She pulled away her hands on either side of his arms,"Please, I dont want you to go," she shook her head,"My brother should be back shortly, until then, please," she turned her body slightly, one hand gesturing toward the house behind her,"Come inside, we should catch up on things," her tone was serious again, suddenly remembering that her celebration should be short lived, in respect of the other Order members that were lost.

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Alexander liked to think he was a strong person. He had never lost a fight, though he lost occasionally back in the dueling club he had never lost a fight where he meant to win and could use all his tools and considering his main form of magic was banned in hogwarts dueling in didn't count. Never the less his talent, unflinching temperament, knowledge of the dark arts had kept him ahead for a good portion of his life. But there was a big difference between what went on in school and what went on in the real world. As much as he had disliked Andrew before he had never imagined betrayal, maybe he wanted to believe in what Victoria told him or maybe he just didn't see him as a threat. Well it had cost him a great deal, he just never imagined how much it might off.

He shifted where he sad wincing a bit at the omnipresent pain in his back. A gift from one of the overseers while people looked on like it was the funniest thing to see a young man brought to as stage and whipped to the point where his flesh had been flayed off his back with a whip till ribbons were what remained and some of the more cruel guards had mocked that they had been able to see bone. He had been healed thanks to Victoria but the cost she had to pay... He had gotten the beating because he had killed two guard who had busted into their cell at night trying to rape Victoria. Robert hadn't cared about their lives but brought his punishment on him to punish Victoria. Even then the healing had been the bear minimum and to this day there was always a slight pain in his back and he would likely bare those scars for the rest of his life. "Though at this rate my life might look shorter then I may have thought." At first he had thought Robert planned to use them, but after two months he wasn't so sure.

Even one who thought they would be able to survive Azkaban for extending periods at a time he would have called them suicidal and ignorant. Even he was like this at one point till he found the true horror of Azkaban was not the prison itself, the Dementors which haunted his dreams with every bad thing he had ever seen or done, or even the humiliations, the tortures. Perhaps for other thats all the prison was but for him he couldn't help but know he had a far worse punishment. A personal horror perhaps only tailored to him.

His torture involved watching Victoria slowly deteriorate as the strong independent girl he knew and had watched her condition slowly get worse that made the most physical and even mental torture on his mind by the Dementors mean nothing to him in comparison. Every day he watched her slip farther away from him, every humiliation and pain brought her further inside herself becoming increasingly unaware or uncaring of her surroundings, every time a Dementor flew in the cell and drove her to the edge of madness so all he could hear was her screams echoing in his ear... Well the pain was not possible to describe. He got the benefit of not being alone, to be able to love, yes love, and touch another human being who cared for him and comfort each other in the darkest of nights. But in return he got to see her fall from up close and every day he could see the Abyss get closer to her and it was driving him to his own point of insanity.

He remembered every insult, every humiliation, every visit by Andrew, and a few by Robert that left her shattered every time, especially the last time he came by. He knew as far as the physical went woman suffered far worse in this prison. Any woman was raped daily if not more and some had even been raped to death at the hands of the guards. He remembered in the very first few weeks when they weren't even allowed to wear cloths. Every day like clock work Andrew came in when he could causing pain and suffering only compounded by the guards, even by the prisoners who hated the name of Knight so much much they were willing to dump all their hatred on the first knight they got their hands on.

He heard a smack and half turned his head from where it was resting on his knees to look at Victoria as she smacked herself and called herself stupid before abruptly calming down, cowing something under her breath to her stomach which only caused his heart to break more. At some point they had pretended to be strong and keep things as much as they could, now it was impossible to even pretend. He tried to be strong for her, to keep himself close to her but now he was starting not to know where even to begin. He was beginning to feel he had no way to stop the decline that was happening to Victoria.

"I don't believe they are dead." Alexander said quietly, he was a lot thinner then he had been where he entered the prison despite his best efforts. His head rested against his knees were pulled up to his chest. His entire frame seemed weaker, like he would temple in a breeze. "Even if Robert didn't know Andrew knows exactly who the inner circle of the order was and who we were closest with. If they were dead we would know." He said his voice quiet, barley more of a whisper as if assuring himself. "Even if not for you, for me. I would also be dead if Robert thought he had no use to me." He said in an almost curious tone of voice. So what if he died, he had watched so many hundreds of people die he had begun to lose what value he had once saw in life. Never the less there was one he hoped was safe. Piage. The last time had seen her she had been screaming and crying, crying for him. Yet he couldn't help but remember the tender look on her face as she leaned into his hand, her feather light touch on his wrist. What would his little bird think of him now? He had broken his promise. "They're still alive." He said trying to cling on to hope, like trying to keep a flickering light dying away.
Robert Knight felt no emotion as he watched muggle villages burn to the ground. The children screaming and crying at the sight of their dead parents, muggles trying to grab their belongings and being killed because of it, and muggles trying to put out the flames in their body. It was like an attraction for him and his Death Eaters, who happily watched the show behind him. Muggles soon found out about the existence of the Wizarding World due to the war hitting their cities at full force. Terrorist attacks? They wished. Muggles had been sent to small camps after watching their cities being destroyed right before their eyes, which just made it easier to kill them.

Still, as he killed muggles he knew he hadn't won all the battles he was facing. The Order. The bastards from the inner circle were still alive, with the exception of the Potter boy of course. He'd looked for them everywhere, but they were impossible to find. It was like they dissapeared from the planet, leaving no trail to help them. Well, at least there were two members under their control.

Victoria and Alexander, the strongest members of the Order were rotting in Azkaban. It was almost too good to be true! Watching his daughter slowly slip away from the world and turn insane had been surprisingly enjoyable, not just because of the multiple tortures he's inflicted on her. Victoria Knight was still there, but she was slowly losing her mind. Unfortunately, they hadn't been able to make her like him and Andrew, but that could easily be fixed. With the baby growing in her stomach,it was likely that she would end up loving the father and grandfather of the child.

As for Alexander, well, he was not to easy to break. While he had a few injuries, he was still as sane as ever. Probably because Victoria had been getting the worst punishments and tortures while Alexander had gotten a few lashings and curses. But Robert knew he would come along, he simply had to. They were needed to hunt down the remaining members of the Order, their destiny was becoming a Death Eater and serving the Minister. Robert was going to make sure their destiny was fulfilled.

As Andrew walked across the prison, he felt a smile start to sneak into his mouth as he recalled what he had planned for his beautiful wife. It was almost too easy, turning Victoria into an insane monster. To her defense, she'd lasted a long time without losing her mind, more than the other prisoners would have endured if subjected to the same torture she'd been exposed to. Unfortunately, he could hurt her physically due to the baby but he could break her mind as much as he wanted. The guards had informed about dementors in their cell, which would just make everything easier.

Ah yes, more pleasure for Andrew Williams. During the past two months, he'd gotten the power he always desired, the woman of his dreams was carrying his child and everyone feared his name. Life was just too damn good for Andrew, especially when it came to his relationship with Victoria. Sure, the girl hated him, but she would come around. It was not like she had a choice in the matter.
Greyson Kingsley

The boy had been stopping at several places for an assortment of food and supplies him and his sister had to replenish. Greyson went out every week like this, not just to replace what they used but to get out of the house. His sister turned the safe house into a breeding ground for negativity and dreary emotions. If he stood with her every second of every day he wouldve fallen into the same deep pit she did. No, he had to get out.

But even the village seemed a little drab. Word was going out about what the Death Eaters had been doing. Terrorizing muggles, murdering students involved with the order, and destroying the bits of hope everyone else had. But they tried not to show it. They tried to live on with their lives. Greyson carried a brown paper bag filled if several items, mostly food. On his way out of the buzzling plaza he decided to stop at the pub he visits every time he has an outing. He never drank himself into unconsciousness, but had a pint or two to loosen his nerves. Besides, with that scaley beast always hovering around his sister, he knew shed be alright. The tall lad stepped in, walking straight to the pub's counter, setting the heavy bag down with a thump,"More shoppin' aye?" The bar tender raised an eyebrow at Greyson with a small smirk. Greyson smiled,"A boy has to eat," he shrugged casually. The tender and regulars had come to recognize the boy after coming every week. However Greyson wasnt dense enough to give out his actual name, he used a fake one instead. With the Death Eaters lurking about for any Order stragglers, no one could be trusted, not even the mental drunkards. The tender hobbled off, searching for a clean pint. Greyson made himself comfortable, taking a seat on one of the tall stools, swiveling while he waited.

Off to his left, he heard faint sniffles. The choppy sniffs made Greyson take a glance with is azure gaze, and took a double take when he saw the sound was coming from a child. A child? In the pub? Thats peculiar. And he was alone no less. Still, there was soemthing about him, the kid looked, sort of familiar.... Greyson slowly turned away in his seat, the kid was probably with an adult anyway. The young man knew about the Knight family and their reputation (oh yes, he experienced it first hand) but he never payed much attention to the children that held the name, besides Victoria. All he saw was a small boy crying near the window of the pub, all alone. When the bar tender came back with a foaming pint of the usual, he slid it to Greyson. He nodded with a smile in thanks, picked it up, and wandered to the boy. He set the mug down across the table the boy was sitting it,"Hey," Greyson's voice was tender,"You know, if you want to pass as someone older, you should at least wait till youre a wee bit taller," he tried to crack a joke. The older boy took the seat across from him,"So why the tears? Whats making you drink your worries away," he pointed to the glass of butterbeer that belonged to the little lad. Greyson was trying to keep things lighthearted,"Really," he folded his arms on the table and rested his chin on them, looking up at the boy,"Why all the tears, lad? Why are you all alone in a..." he looked around,"Dingey, smelly place like this? Not a very happy place to be, specially for a chi--" Greyson cleared his throat, quickly thinking about his words,"Young man like yourself."

Standing there as he did tall and sturdy of posture looking toward Paige with a gentle and gladdened look. He smiled simply at her mention of his name and the seeming disbelief in her voice, a whisper of a tone but he could tell by the way her lips moved and the likely response in quiet of words was his name. "You seem in shock..... Rightfully so with everything," he paused still coming to realize his last place to look for them was finally the one that brought him news, brought him something more then nothing at all. He didn't say much not now anyways instead he observed her and processed everything that came to mind, processing his feelings, his guilt and his relief of seeing other survivors. He wasn't quite certain of what to say in truth, two months of nothing from the order and believing them dead....... What could one say when that belief is corrected and that fading hope changes into something real, turns around your thoughts and brings back hope? It's almost enough to leave one speechless.

He paused still uncertain what to say, it was almost to good to be true. The order was still here..... They weren't all dead after all, Paige survived and Greyson. It was a great start after so long of doubt and fading hope. Atleast four survived the attack at the wedding three of the order and one new friend, one new ally. When Paige hugged him suddenly and pulled away her hands to the sides of his arms Arnaldus was shocked himself, surprised but happily so. The physical touch of her hug solidified her to him, she was real as he thought and hoped, seen and heard. She wasn't just a mirage, a dream, or in some ways a torturing nightmare to bother him further if she wasn't real. But she was and the hug eased his mind a bit. As she spoke to him and said to not leave Arnaldus smiled and shook his lightly with a chuckle just looking to her lightly of eye.
"I am not going anywhere Paige." He spoke firmly but gentle enough in response to her. He thought of adding something funny, something like before or something like he often did in the past in such situations. A little humor in spots to cheer things up.... But decided against it. The reality of it, the serious and real feelings and emotions and everything was just to high for any of that right now.

"Good..... It's good to hear. We all have much to catch up on don't we? Among a great number of things." Arnaldus spoke his tone more serious and remembering his thoughts about it all. He had trained, tested, searched and buried himself for some time now, it was only fitting he put all that to use and start making a difference. Others survived and the order still had a small glimpse of hope, of strength, of opportunity to continue on. Everyone in the world has suffered if they were not on the ministers side. Others of the order could still live, much was left to do and discuss in Arnaldus's eyes, it was time to renew the people's hope and rally what forces remained. They all suffered long enough, far to long. Upon Paige's gesture to come inside Arnaldus turned back to look at Quinn and gave a nod and smile, "You can trust Paige dear Quinn. Come let's join her inside before we start to attract attention." Arnaldus spoke to her and looked back to Paige, realizing they may not have been properly introduced. "Ah right, Paige this Quinn and Quinn this is Paige. Since the attack and our escape Quinn and I have been hiding out together, she has helped me from losing myself entirely in our work and situation. With all that's happened..... It's been a great help to have her with me over these past months." Arnaldus spoke honestly even as buried as he was in his thoughts and state of mind, training, testing himself and working on his spells and all, he never lost sight of Quinn and appreciated all that she had done for him.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Rui
Victoria Knight

People in Azkaban only laughed if they were about to receive the dementor's kiss or had gone completely mad. Victoria's laughter was a product of the second reason. The dull, frightening crackle that came from her scratchy throat was caused by her mental health. There were times were Victoria would regain some control over herself, regain some of her sanity for a couple of minutes before losing herself in her own mind. However, this was not one of those precious moments were the Victoria Knight everyone knew made a brief appearance. She didn't know why she was laughing, perhaps she would never know. They were having a serious conversation inside of a grimy cell in Azkaban, it wasn't a comedy routine between two clowns in a circus. Little did she know, she was laughing because of her fear.

Members of the Knight family were not allowed to show fear in front of anyone, even the youngest members of the family lived by this fact. Victoria had always masked her fear with confidence and had been wonderful at making whoever she was afraid of fear her. One could say she wasn't ready to show fear, even with her broken mind. Laughing was her new mask for fear, her replacement for her confidence and threatening demeanor. She'd lived the past two months plagued by fear. Between the torture she'd gone through, the humiliation and the dementors, not being terrified was impossible. Needless to say, she spent most of her time laughing. "You-" she began, but was quickly stopped by her own laughter. "You actually think they're still alive?" The girl asked mockingly, her laughter now being easier to control. "We're surrounded by idiots! Aren't we, little monster? Poor

delusional fools, thinking all they need is hope. You wont be different from them, you're just a waste of time and space."
Victoria spoke with a pout, most of her insults directed at the baby growing inside of her rather than the man trying to help her.

"They're all burning. Their ashes are being scattered around Hogwarts as a memorial to the fallen students. Oh, don't you wish we were burning instead of them?" She asked, her dark brown eyes focusing on the floor as she slowly crawled her way towards her companion. Fortunately, the shackles only restricted them from reaching the door, so getting close had never been a problem. The frightened girl wrapped her weak arms around his skinny body and squeezed it, getting just a small amount of warmth from their embrace. "I'm so cold, I wish we could burn next to them. Is that why they called it the Order of the Phoenix? Because they knew they would eventually burn? What a clever little name, I wish we could've used it."

Logan Knight

Most wizards would never dare to cross paths with a Knight, let alone join the son of the Minister in a bar without a proper invitation. Logan felt the urge to shout at the man, force him to leave his table and let him suffer in peace. He didn't need pity from anyone, especially from a stranger. No, that was a lie. Of course he wanted the stranger's pity and kind attitude, he needed a small amount of kindness to help him move on from his problems. His siblings usually had that covered. But with Richard and Victoria gone and Charlotte being trained by their mother, he was all alone. The thought forced him to bite his tongue to stop more tears from coming. There was no need to scare the kind stranger who just wanted to know why he was in a bar, drinking away his problems like some depressed adult.

As much as he wanted the stranger's kindness, he couldn't afford it. What if Robert found out? He would surely send him to Azkaban to suffer along with his sister, maybe he would show enough mercy to kill him, both consequences were horrifying and easily avoided. While this stranger was stupid enough to join a member of the Knight family and try to start a conversation without receiving an invitation, he couldn't be stupid enough to think that he was just a normal, innocent child.

"A war is not a happy place for a child either, is it?" Logan replied solemnly, following the act he'd taken from Victoria and Richard every time he'd watched them act like mindless Death Eaters in front of their parents. It was harder than he'd imagined, especially with tears still trying to escape his eyes, but if Victoria and Richard could do it then so could he. He was a Knight, after all. Sure, maybe he wasn't a Slytherin like his siblings, but that didn't mean he couldn't use a few of their tricks. Besides, if one of his father's spies was hiding in the pub, he would tell Robert about his son's proper attitude in front of the stranger.

"If you really must know, I'm here because I've got nowhere else to go. My parents are... busy, and my siblings are all gone. Coming to a pub seemed like a good way to spend my time," the Hufflepuff boy replied softly, a hint of misery in his weak tone. It felt good to tell someone, it gave him the opportunity to free himself from all of his worries for just a couple of minutes. "Besides, I'm not that young. I happen to be thirteen years old, thank you very much."

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Quinn was still tense, but relaxed ever so slightly.

"Hello there, I'm Quinn." She left off her last name, not wanting to build distrust in this girl so quickly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

She then attached herself to Arnaldus's side, her green eyes watching him closely.
Paige Kingsley

"I am not going anywhere, Paige." Boy did that sound nice to hear. The instant his words played into her ear, she was happy. Happy to have the luxury to believe in that security, to have him firmly state that he is not going anyway. But as Paige knew, sometimes you cant always keep your word. Again her heart grew dark, and the happiness left as quickly as it came, being reminded of what happened with Alexander. Still, she showed no emotion toward it. She didnt know Arnaldus very well and who knows, maybe he actually sticks to his word, but for now Paige left his declaration unresponded to. "Good..... It's good to hear. We all have much to catch up on don't we? Among a great number of things," Arnaldus added.

"Yes we do," Paige replied, the cheer of her voice when initially seeing him, now disappeared.

Arnaldus and Paige mimicked the serious tone off of each other. Not to match the other person, but because they both (perhaps) had the same thoughts about all this. Nothing about past events was happy, and Paige didnt feel like she should be. Her friends were in danger, presumably dead, but she didnt want others to lose their lives as well. For too long, shes sat in the room and done nothing. For too long, she moped and drove herself into a secluded depression. For too long, she shut her self in, ignoring the occurances going in in the world around her. Seeing Arnaldus sparked a fire in her, a fire of determination. Like the phoenix Paige had died inside, but now hope has revived her into a new person.

Well....maybe not entirely. It was clear Paige's timid nature still lingered when Arnaldus called to someone over his shoulder. She didnt even see anyone travel with him. "You can trust Paige dear Quinn. Come, let's join her inside before we start to attract attention." yes, they didnt want to attract unwanted attention. Paige turned again to fully face the animagus again and whom ever it was that came with him. The fire in her eyes subsided, at least for this moment while shyness enveloped her. Standing shoeless on the cold pavement, Paige raised her arms to hug herself in the crisp air, her head lowering in submission. Her behavior was always the same around unfamiliar people. She grew silent, avoided any eyecontact, and retracted into being a no body in the background. Her luminous blue eyes looked periwinkle with the grey of the clouds reflecting off them, a softer color with no luster, perfectly matching the sudden "shy-fox" demeanor that rose to the surface. "Ah right, Paige this Quinn and Quinn this is Paige," Arnaldus broke the silence. He probably felt the tension too. Not an unbearable, agressive tension, just...an awkward one. Between a girl who never really held any real social skills, and a girl whom she has never met. Arnaldus trusted her, but could she? With time, maybe, but as of right now Paige would have to be cautious. Greyson usually did all the talking, he was a social butterfly and loved getting to know people. And despite his care-free recklessness, he was a pretty good judge of character. As was Paige, but it took longer for her. Paige looked up at the long lost Order member who continued,"Since the attack and our escape Quinn and I have been hiding out together, she has helped me from losing myself entirely in our work and situation. With all that's happened..... It's been a great help to have her with me over these past months."

His words made Paige's stomach churn. Perhaps for a moment a tinge of green envy tinted her eyes. Paige wasnt the jealous type, but knowing he had someone there for him made her resent Alexander even more so. Yes, she had Greyson, but it just wasnt the same. Greyson loved her, but it was also his duty as family to be with her, he had no choice. The petite girl forced a solemn smile when Arnaldus spoke, but behind it was just a broken heart. "Hello there, Im Quinn," the girl at his side quickly spoke up. Paige glanced at her for a second, then looked down at the ground,"Hello," she mumbled with hesitance. Gathering courage, Paige looked up at her, maybe not directly in the eye but at least at her face,"Im Paige....Paige Kingsley," she introduced.

"Its a pleasure to meet you," Quinn added.

Paige couldnt tell if she was being genuine. Maybe that was her paranoia speaking for her again. All she did was give a curt nod, and when Quinn clung herself to Analdus' arm, looking at him with fawning eyes, Paige's eyes averted else where. There was a weight on her heart, pushing and pressing on her. The emotionally worn out girl wasnt sure whether to be angry or sad. Her emotions fought to claim Paige. Anger wanted her to tell them to leave, to get out of eyesight! It wanted to tell off Arnaldus for leaving with a strange woman, with out looking back for the other Order members being attacked! Sadness wanted run in the house and lock the door, leaving them outside....and letting them in only when she left like doing so.... Jealousy wanted to be anything but kind to Quinn and Arnaldus, to yell at them and say,"This isnt the time to be in love!" .....but how could she....when the girl was in love herself, her heart stuck in the palm of a dead man (assumingly dead). Neither of those emotions were in Paige's emotional vocabulary, it just wasnt her to hate, to be jealous, or to be sad. No, Paige was kind, she was welcoming, she was loving to anyone, who ever they maybe, and love always prevails. And it had won her over this time,"Please," she turned from them, heaving a sigh,"Come, make yourselves at home...." she tried to sound as friendly as possible, to sound like the normal Paige, but it was hard. Pretending to be alright when youre not....

@Saru @Rui
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Greyson Kingsley

"A war is not a happy place for a child either, is it?" the boy asked. Greyson sat up again, looking at the boy with a rather perplexed expression. Answering a question with a question? And what child should be thinking about this war. Well then again, its gotten everyone riled up, child or not. The older bot sat back in his chair, toned arms crossed over his chest, eyes blinking at the boy infront of him,"No..." he shook his head,"As a matter of fact, its not." he answered. Observing the boy further, he could tell this boy acted a lot older for his age. Hell, even Greyson seemed more immature than him. But the young boy suddenly reminded him of his sister, who he seemed to have suddenly grown home sick for. He was just like her, intelligent, often acted older for her age, and sensitive. And so seeing the strange boy cry was like watching his sister cry.

"If you really must know, I'm here because I've got nowhere else to go. My parents are... busy, and my siblings are all gone. Coming to a pub seemed like a good way to spend my time." Spend his time? What boy wants to 'spend time' at a pub full of drunken adults? Greyson stood silent for a moment, trying to think of what to say,"Busy?" He looked out the window next to them,"Are they out shopping? If youve got no where else to go, you shouldve stayed home, theyll be worried," he spoke with care. When the younger boy corrected Greyson his age, the older lad chuckled,"My sincerest apologies, youre practically a man!" He stated. Not in a mocking way, but he went along with how the boy reacted. "But...men dont run away when ever they feel like it....Hey um, lad, Whats your name?" He asked, people should always learn eachother's names if they were going to talk. Its just manners. However, Greyson had no idea this boy was a Knight, if he did, he wouldnt be so casual. But maybe thats the beauty of it, treating the boy as a boy and not as the Minister's son. "You dont have to tell me if you dont want to, cause of the the whole stranger thing," Greyson shrugged, "but i will make a nick name for you," he pointed at him,"and you probably wont like it." he smiled, trying to cheer the sad lad. "Or if it helps, Ill give you my name first?" Greyson wasnt supposed to give out his name, not even to a child. Children tend to be more honest and open with their mouths, even if they (most likely) didnt know the members of the dispersed Order, word still might get out at the mention of his name. So he would still have to give his fake one.

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Quinn's eyes returned to the girl, watching a myriad of emotions flicker through her seemingly dead gaze.

A snake's eyes see all...

Quinn removed herself slightly from Arnaldus, without making any move toward the girl. She simply held his hand and followed like a shadow.
Logan Knight

This man, Logan concluded, was the strangest person he'd met in this bar. That statement meant a lot, considering the bar was filled with people who were probably criminals and drunken fools trying to erase their memories with strong alcohol. Not only was he speaking to a complete stranger in a time were strangers couldn't be trusted, he was speaking to the Minister's son. Sure, maybe he wasn't as feared and respected as his father, but Logan was still a well known member of the Wizarding World. Everyone knew the Minister had four children, and one of them was Logan Knight. Maybe the stranger wanted to join his father, perhaps he was suicidal and was trying to anger the Minister. Both were logical explanations for the man's desire to speak to him. Logan wiped the tears away from his cheeks and snickered, thinking about the only other reason why he would think that speaking to a member of the Knight family was a good idea. The mere thought of this man not knowing who he was talking to was preposterous.

Or was it?

The more he thought about it, the more the idea became believe. While it was unlikely, it wasnt impossible. Most people knew about Logan Knight, but not everyone knew how he looked like. Sure, he shared some similarities to his mother and father, but that wasnt enough for a stranger to deduce he came from the Knight family. And if the man had no idea who he was then he could be whoever he wanted! Make up some fake name, say his parents were dead and he was all alone in the world. Maybe the stranger could help him remmeber how it felt like to be a normal child. If he didn't know who he was, that meant he couldn't judge him because of his lineage.

"My parents left to look for my brother and sister, they said they would be back in a few hours." Logan replied, a small pout forming in his lips as he made up a lie. He absolutely hated lying, especially when it meant lying to a kind stranger who didn't deserve being lied to, probably one of the reasons his father was so disappointed of him. But he couldn't take any chances with this man, not when a opportunity to escape his life was just showing up. "They said that one week ago. I found my sister and she told me they had been killed by the Minister, she was taken to Azkaban yesterday." Logan finished, taking a small sip out of his butterbeer to calm his nerves. While the lie was believable, his face usually gave him away every time he tried to lie. "My name is Logan, Logan West. It's a pleasure to meet you."

thefan1 said:
Victoria Knight

People in Azkaban only laughed if they were about to receive the dementor's kiss or had gone completely mad. Victoria's laughter was a product of the second reason. The dull, frightening crackle that came from her scratchy throat was caused by her mental health. There were times were Victoria would regain some control over herself, regain some of her sanity for a couple of minutes before losing herself in her own mind. However, this was not one of those precious moments were the Victoria Knight everyone knew made a brief appearance. She didn't know why she was laughing, perhaps she would never know. They were having a serious conversation inside of a grimy cell in Azkaban, it wasn't a comedy routine between two clowns in a circus. Little did she know, she was laughing because of her fear.

Members of the Knight family were not allowed to show fear in front of anyone, even the youngest members of the family lived by this fact. Victoria had always masked her fear with confidence and had been wonderful at making whoever she was afraid of fear her. One could say she wasn't ready to show fear, even with her broken mind. Laughing was her new mask for fear, her replacement for her confidence and threatening demeanor. She'd lived the past two months plagued by fear. Between the torture she'd gone through, the humiliation and the dementors, not being terrified was impossible. Needless to say, she spent most of her time laughing. "You-" she began, but was quickly stopped by her own laughter. "You actually think they're still alive?" The girl asked mockingly, her laughter now being easier to control. "We're surrounded by idiots! Aren't we, little monster? Poor

delusional fools, thinking all they need is hope. You wont be different from them, you're just a waste of time and space."
Victoria spoke with a pout, most of her insults directed at the baby growing inside of her rather than the man trying to help her.

"They're all burning. Their ashes are being scattered around Hogwarts as a memorial to the fallen students. Oh, don't you wish we were burning instead of them?" She asked, her dark brown eyes focusing on the floor as she slowly crawled her way towards her companion. Fortunately, the shackles only restricted them from reaching the door, so getting close had never been a problem. The frightened girl wrapped her weak arms around his skinny body and squeezed it, getting just a small amount of warmth from their embrace. "I'm so cold, I wish we could burn next to them. Is that why they called it the Order of the Phoenix? Because they knew they would eventually burn? What a clever little name, I wish we could've used it."[USER=17665]@Akio[/uSER]
When Victoria mocked him his brows tightened, in truth he had no idea if they were alive or not. For all he knew some over zealous death eater, or snatcher, or dementor had already killed them without even realizing who they were and left their bodies to rot. His body shivered and the image of bodies of members of the order both ones he had been shown and the images of his nearest and dearest friends flashed before his eyes. His eyes hardened, death meant almost nothing to him now but he swore that if they had killed them all they would swim in their own blood. Watching Victoria go from a strong woman to because what she is now had been tearing him apart. There had been nothing he could do to arrest the decline of her mind and body. 2 months before he would have considered himself in bad shape, but he would have been unable to imagine the frail, broken girl Victoria had become.

He didn't refute or answer her insults like he might have before, at least not at first. He stayed silent as she crawled over to him, a gentle clack of chains as she crawled over him sounding like a death rattle of a last breath causing him to tighten his arms on his knees. They were doing what they had to in order to keep alive but every time Victoria slipped farther away from him he could feel her falling, dying.... How many people had he seen die in the last two months? Some cruel, some kind, some somewhere in between. Man, woman, child, animal, hero, villain. All of them died the same, they were not exempt and some days Alexander couldn't help but wonder if it would be wiser to kill himself and Victoria, the idea of escape was getting hard and harder to hold on to and if Victoria was no longer Victoria what was the point of escaping? He might as well kill Robert and Andrew or die in the attempt if Victoria wasn't there anymore. Hadn't all the suffering he took on himself been for Victorias sake as she had grown increasingly fragile?

"When a Phoenix burns it never truly dies.... Only comes back stronger then ever." He said his voice soft and raspy as he turned towards her, holding her close to his body as he shivered. He felt cold, the cold was ever prevalent in Azkaban, a fact he attributed more to the massive numbers of Dementors more then anything else though the castle was open to the elements and the walls were covered in slimy firth and much along with the floors that had once had him on the edge of death from sickness and chill when he had over worked himself at the beginning of Victorias decline. "It was about life, not about death." He said quietly, holding her to him. "Our friends are still alive." He said thinking, they had to be, or there was nothing left.
There was always thing Arnaldus could claim in the early days of the order and that was nothing should be taken lightly. Every move had risk, every action had its error, every thought had another to counter. It was never easy and nothing ever would be when lives were on the line, one wrong step, one calculated decision either would be your downfall one way or another. He took things seriously but always found the light of it to jest about when a smile was needed or simply his presence for another to have his ear and listen and nothing more. But personally it was always serious, never did he take things lightly and every personal move had his own personal self criticism, he loved tactics because he knew them, he was sound with them, he had experience. But he also hated them, because not all tactics were for sports, for quidditch, some required lives and placing them on the line when they were not his to place or risk, work such as the order was doing demanded risk by simply being, simply existing. But they were needed and every precaution had been taken as far as one could or entire order could. But it wasn't enough, things happened, they just happened and you couldn't control them, as much as you joke and call them dumb, call them idiots..... Enemies often never were. They were smart, atleast smart enough to take from you..... Your friends, your allies, your family perhaps everything. It had taken almost every original member and oldest of the members who came after, so many gone, so many lost amidst the chaos, the war. Arnaldus couldn't stand the simple thought of what happened to them, where they gone because odds were against any happy ending. They were likely all dead. Andre and Dorian two original members of the four besides himself and the founder of the order Victoria, then James and Apus, Joey and Reagan, Camilla and Morgana..... Gone...... Dead perhaps and most likely. Then There was also Cassandra and Iggy who came later at the potter house and so many others along the way who were lost to them, the order was simply dangerous business.

They all knew and signed up, even were tested. But still no matter how many came since and had replaced those lost, they would never truly replace them nor their memories, his memories. Only the numbers were replaceable not the people and that was true for them all both past and present, alive and dead. Arnaldus had been there since the start, he had seen and once had a hand in much of it if not all, he recalled nearly every moment it seemed. He always remembered their names, the names of every member and friend of the order, kept their memories with him long after they were gone..... Because it was the least he could do and the most that ever could be done, to never forget and always remember those you have lost. But perhaps it also made those memories and what has happened since all the more painful, because they were now gone and he lived. He survived. He remained where others were not able to be...... With them.

When Arnaldus took note of Paige's response and seeing her reaction to his words, his introduction and his attempt at easing things between two strangers. He could almost guess what was going through her mind, the struggle, the battle of emotions and what was going through in thoughts and desired reactions, undesired reactions and what was left. Still he didn't know for certain and wouldn't push her to reveal it, not now and not until she spoke of it. It may have been his place if he was correct, explaining everything...... But how could one explain when one still fought it himself, blamed himself and had for months now, weeks, days, hours down to minutes since the horrific day when they were caught off guard and attacked. Pinpointed even by the guards, the ministry like they knew exactly who they were and who to attempt capture. But they did.... Didn't they? What other explanation was there? Simple luck? No...... It wasn't luck, they knew. It was just the matter of how and perhaps even who....

Even the comfort of Quinn's grasp around his arm and all else that was present between the situation, emotions, the unknown. Arnaldus could tell another struggle remained, perhaps added to it all. He could only say what it was.... After all he didn't know Paige well not that well anyway, she was often with either her brother Greyson or Alexander and even Victoria at times. But rarely beyond the sight or presence of them or Andrew. It was similar for all of them really. Arnaldus only really knew Victoria any more outside his brother of course, the others he just knew a little. Truth be told he had become more outsidish of that was even a word and it wasn't. He became more and more isolated and focused on work, spells, training, testing himself, preparing, missions, his own continued adventures outside of the order. Wrapping himself up in it all on top of his responsibilities as captain of house hufflepuffs quidditch team and his studies and pseudo head boy acts, helping others and the younger years get by and through it all. He was becoming more and more self sufficient in his schedule and balancing it all, even if he was less present socially then he once was he was still capable of old charms and social graces.

When Paige mentioned to please come in and make yourselves at home as friendly as she could. Arnaldus gave a small nod and walked toward the house and inside, feeling Quinn's hand slide down and held his own. He gave her hand a soft tighten of his hand holding hers in turn. While offering a short smile coming to a decision and finding it perhaps best the more he thought about it. As Arnaldus walked inside with Quinn and Paige he turned to face Paige face to face and eye to eye, not sternly, not in anger or even calm but because he felt the air needed be cleared for them to have any chance moving forward.

"Paige....." He paused and couldn't find the words exactly, he didn't know Paige well enough to just start off easily not when the times were like they were now. He looked into her eyes and were showing of his uncertainty, his scarred state, his pain not the physical though he had scars and felt such pain before, it wasn't physical but the emotional and mental toll he and taken for some time now it would seem.... Longer then even the past two months. He watched to many recruits, friends and fellows die, pass beyond their reach never to be seen alive again to not have scars, to not feel something. He had been their since the start and he was showing it, starting to show his handling things himself when it came to his own emotions of the more troubling and difficult variety and how he did, was wearing on him. "I..... Uh..... Look I don't know exactly what troubles you, the obvious troubles yes, we share that much in kind.... Don't we? But the other struggles...... Some exist don't they?" He asked his normal way with words and easy spoken nature not present in his speech and in his tone. It was more honest, more sincerely uncertain of what to say or how to say correctly. It was real and it was meant to show he struggled too and perhaps they could work it out together. Just because it would be difficult didn't mean to Arnaldus to not try, the opposite In fact was more true.

"Let me start..... Perhaps it will clear things up a little." Arnaldus spoke taking another pause and turning to look toward Quinn and then back toward Paige. "These past months have been difficult. Obviously right? On all of us..... But for me it's also self doubt, self critique and blame of myself. I don't handle my own troubles as well as others. I don't listen to my own attempt at self reasoning and fair counters, just lock them up and beat harshly by my own thoughts and everything. I haven't slept much in days longer even..... I blame myself for what has happened and what did happen at the wedding, I've been overly deep into thoughts and burying myself in working harder, training harder, going over every speck, every second of tactics and past tactics.... Replaying all those tactics and images over and over again. Perhaps you see myself to blame as well?" He spoke getting to his point, if there was a problem with his presence or both of theirs or just something that it represented or reminded..... Then he needed to know and do what he could about it. As difficult as it may be. It was needed for them to continue atleast in Arnaldus's mind.

"If so I wouldn't blame you..... Hell I have already blamed myself. Still do. But hiding it, bottling up those emotions and fighting them doesn't help, trust me atleast on that much. Sometimes it's best to confront them and let loose in sharing them. It also would be best for our continued part in this order or what remains of it..... To clear things up now so perhaps we can continue forward." Arnaldus spoke uncertain how the girl would respond, what she would think or even certainty of what she had. It was all mere guessing and reading her the best one could. Knowing how he himself felt and getting it out there to find out what for the better of atleast the order. They couldn't afford distractions, one side lacking trust of the other or visa versa. Such things only led to further destruction and destruction from within a order was the ultimate defeat because you would have allowed yourself to beaten before you could be. Making it all to easy for your enemy to pick you apart and ultimately win unless you somehow overcame.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Rui
thefan1 said:
Logan Knight
This man, Logan concluded, was the strangest person he'd met in this bar. That statement meant a lot, considering the bar was filled with people who were probably criminals and drunken fools trying to erase their memories with strong alcohol. Not only was he speaking to a complete stranger in a time were strangers couldn't be trusted, he was speaking to the Minister's son. Sure, maybe he wasn't as feared and respected as his father, but Logan was still a well known member of the Wizarding World. Everyone knew the Minister had four children, and one of them was Logan Knight. Maybe the stranger wanted to join his father, perhaps he was suicidal and was trying to anger the Minister. Both were logical explanations for the man's desire to speak to him. Logan wiped the tears away from his cheeks and snickered, thinking about the only other reason why he would think that speaking to a member of the Knight family was a good idea. The mere thought of this man not knowing who he was talking to was preposterous.

Or was it?

The more he thought about it, the more the idea became believe. While it was unlikely, it wasnt impossible. Most people knew about Logan Knight, but not everyone knew how he looked like. Sure, he shared some similarities to his mother and father, but that wasnt enough for a stranger to deduce he came from the Knight family. And if the man had no idea who he was then he could be whoever he wanted! Make up some fake name, say his parents were dead and he was all alone in the world. Maybe the stranger could help him remmeber how it felt like to be a normal child. If he didn't know who he was, that meant he couldn't judge him because of his lineage.

"My parents left to look for my brother and sister, they said they would be back in a few hours." Logan replied, a small pout forming in his lips as he made up a lie. He absolutely hated lying, especially when it meant lying to a kind stranger who didn't deserve being lied to, probably one of the reasons his father was so disappointed of him. But he couldn't take any chances with this man, not when a opportunity to escape his life was just showing up. "They said that one week ago. I found my sister and she told me they had been killed by the Minister, she was taken to Azkaban yesterday." Logan finished, taking a small sip out of his butterbeer to calm his nerves. While the lie was believable, his face usually gave him away every time he tried to lie. "My name is Logan, Logan West. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Greyson Kingsley

"My parents left to look for my brother and sister, they said they would be back in a few hours." The boy explained. Greyson cocked his head back slightly, and wondered why the boy was upset if his parents were going to be back. He shook his head slightly, leaning in to wait and listen to what the boy was going to add,"They said that one week ago..." Well that explains it. Greyson's face snapped into total seriousness. He was familiar with the pain of death, especially with recent events, and didnt blame the boy for stucking him self in a crummy bar. Azure eyes took a quick scan at the other customers around them and thought perhaps this was why most miserable men congregated in places like pubs, it was because in their lonliness, they were miserable together. There was a dark comfort here, but comfort was comfort. He looked to the boy again, his eyebrows slightly together in thought, while he gave undivided attention to the younger male," I found my sister and she told me they had been killed by the Minister, she was taken to Azkaban yesterday."

Greyson clenched his jaw, the outline of it being more predominant than it was before. He was sick of hearing the stories as to how the Minister was still ruining lives, even after the massacre of several Order members. His eyes looked to the drunkards again, wondering how many of them lost a daughter or son to the minister, or lost their homes and life savings when villages were pilaged. Greyson's unarmored under-belly began to show, growing soft for those that have lost loved ones, like the young boy infront of him. He lost everyone, parents killed, and siblings stolen. Greyson thought about how he would feel if Paige was taken by the minister, and his heart only wanted to reach out to the boy even more. His gaze traveled back down, watching the lad take a sip of his butterbeer through an awkward silence. 'Hmm," Greyson raised an eyebrow, he was a child once too, and it took a while to master the art of lying. The boy's sudden change of emotion, and act of breaking his gaze while nonchalantly sip his drink, made the more experienced male suspicious. But diring these times he didnt want to take chamces, and would have to trust the little guy.

"My name is Logan, Logan West. It's a pleasure to meet you." Such manners for a boy of only thirteen. At thirteen, Greyson was still sticking candy in Paige's hair, and pulling pranks on girls with the spells he just learned. This child came from wealth, or high class. Greyson was a very observant boy, hes been here and there, going around and talking to people from all walks of life. He starts to see some patterns and recognize things about them just with in a few minutes of conversation. But as previously mentioned, if what the boy was saying is true, Greyson didnt want to turn away and leave him alone. Clearing his throat he acknowledged the lad,"Logan, hm? Well its a pleasure to meet you as well. Im Carter Thorne," his voice went light again, untik suddenly changing into a lower, hushed tone. He sat up, laced his fingers together over the table and looked at the boy in the eye,"Im going to propose an offer, just this once, though," he paused, making sure the boy understood,"My sister and I dont live too far from here. We too have suffered losses from the Minister..." he trailed off a little, hating to talk about it,"And quite honestly, I dont think being alone during a time like this," he turned to face the window, watching the long, sorrowful faces of pass by-ers, then returning to Logan,"Is very safe out here for a bo-- for anyone," he corrected himself. "You are more than welcome to stay with us until youre reunited with this sister of yours. If you come with me, my sister and I will vow to keep you safe until we find your sister. She'll take care of you when ever Im out getting things we need," Greyson gestured to the paper bag full of necessities. He sighed,"I just...I dont feel comfortable leaving you alone...If I had lost my sister...I would go mental," he explained, putting his heart on his sleeve.

Greyson stared at him for a few seconds, letting his proposal sink in before pushing away from the table, the bag in one arm, while his free hand raised his untouched mug,"Ive been gone long enough and i need to get back, so its best to make your decision now or never," he nodded, bringing the pint to his lips and chugging it. When he finished he set it back down on the table infront of Logan,"I mean, you could stay here, who wouldnt want to," he joked sarcasically.

Akio said:
When Victoria mocked him his brows tightened, in truth he had no idea if they were alive or not. For all he knew some over zealous death eater, or snatcher, or dementor had already killed them without even realizing who they were and left their bodies to rot. His body shivered and the image of bodies of members of the order both ones he had been shown and the images of his nearest and dearest friends flashed before his eyes. His eyes hardened, death meant almost nothing to him now but he swore that if they had killed them all they would swim in their own blood. Watching Victoria go from a strong woman to because what she is now had been tearing him apart. There had been nothing he could do to arrest the decline of her mind and body. 2 months before he would have considered himself in bad shape, but he would have been unable to imagine the frail, broken girl Victoria had become.
He didn't refute or answer her insults like he might have before, at least not at first. He stayed silent as she crawled over to him, a gentle clack of chains as she crawled over him sounding like a death rattle of a last breath causing him to tighten his arms on his knees. They were doing what they had to in order to keep alive but every time Victoria slipped farther away from him he could feel her falling, dying.... How many people had he seen die in the last two months? Some cruel, some kind, some somewhere in between. Man, woman, child, animal, hero, villain. All of them died the same, they were not exempt and some days Alexander couldn't help but wonder if it would be wiser to kill himself and Victoria, the idea of escape was getting hard and harder to hold on to and if Victoria was no longer Victoria what was the point of escaping? He might as well kill Robert and Andrew or die in the attempt if Victoria wasn't there anymore. Hadn't all the suffering he took on himself been for Victorias sake as she had grown increasingly fragile?

"When a Phoenix burns it never truly dies.... Only comes back stronger then ever." He said his voice soft and raspy as he turned towards her, holding her close to his body as he shivered. He felt cold, the cold was ever prevalent in Azkaban, a fact he attributed more to the massive numbers of Dementors more then anything else though the castle was open to the elements and the walls were covered in slimy firth and much along with the floors that had once had him on the edge of death from sickness and chill when he had over worked himself at the beginning of Victorias decline. "It was about life, not about death." He said quietly, holding her to him. "Our friends are still alive." He said thinking, they had to be, or there was nothing left.
Victoria Knight

Victoria asked, not even looking at him as she spoke. Her eyes seemed lifeless, not focusing on anything in particular. The girl often found herself like this, staring into the distance as she lost herself in her broken mind. Just a few weeks ago, she would've been seeing hallucinations of her friends as ghosts. Flying around the cell, recreating the gruesome ways they'd died just for Victoria's eyes. Back then, it would've taken Alexander quite a while to calm her down from her horrendous hallucinations, the ones that pulled her into the dark hole known as insanity. But Victoria had gotten better, she knew she wasn't insane. Insane people could see hallucinations of their death friends, but all Victoria could see was the grimy cell. Sure, she could hear her friends crying out for help, giving out their last dying breaths before being killed by some Death Eater, but that meant nothing. Sane people could hear things, right? Right. There was only one insane person in the cell, and his name was Alexander.

Poor Alexander. He'd gone through so many horrible things, Victoria wasn't surprised he'd gone insane because of it. The poor guy was delusional, stuck with the foolish thought that their friends were alive. Ha! How pathetic. What a pitiful sight. Victoria wished she could do something to help him, she really did. But she knew there was no cure for insanity. Besides, losing your mind brought a few perks. Alexander wouldn't have to think about the Order, the dementors or the Ministry ever again. He'd be so lost in his own head that things like that wouldn't bother him. She should know, she'd been living like that for an entire month. Now shaking from the cold produced by the dementors, Victoria tightened her grasp on Alexander and nuzzled her cheek against his shoulder. The man was just as cold as she was, but at least they had each other too give them some extra warmth.

"Oh, Alexander. I'm afraid you've finally gone mad, my dear." Victoria whispered softly, almost as if she were telling him a secret. No, their madness was no secret, but it was a fun way to put things. "You're deranged. Crazy, mad, insane, bonkers." The Slytherin girl continued, letting out a small giggle as she mumbled every synonym for the word. It was odd to think of the things that kept them entertained, but Victoria found it simply hilarious. Then again, she found most things hilarious these days. "But don't be sad about it! Act like me! I never cry, because that wont take me anywhere and it will just anger the guards. Every situation can become bright if you laugh. Torture, rape, the fact that we're slowly losing our little minds in this place, it's quite funny when you think about it. Come on, love! Lighten up! I'm sure our friends wouldn't like it if we cried at their funerals!" The deranged girl continued, her head rolling as she spoke with a small grin on her face.

Suddenly, she rose from the ground in one swift movement and began moving around the cell. Her weak feet and the chains making it hard for her to move properly, so her twirls began to look like an uncoordinated dance. "In fact, I think we should have the funerals right now! Just think about it! The coffins will go here, the flowers over there and the other prisoners can be a band! After all, some of their screams can be quite lovely!"



Greyson Kingsley

"My parents left to look for my brother and sister, they said they would be back in a few hours." The boy explained. Greyson cocked his head back slightly, and wondered why the boy was upset if his parents were going to be back. He shook his head slightly, leaning in to wait and listen to what the boy was going to add,"They said that one week ago..." Well that explains it. Greyson's face snapped into total seriousness. He was familiar with the pain of death, especially with recent events, and didnt blame the boy for stucking him self in a crummy bar. Azure eyes took a quick scan at the other customers around them and thought perhaps this was why most miserable men congregated in places like pubs, it was because in their lonliness, they were miserable together. There was a dark comfort here, but comfort was comfort. He looked to the boy again, his eyebrows slightly together in thought, while he gave undivided attention to the younger male," I found my sister and she told me they had been killed by the Minister, she was taken to Azkaban yesterday."

Greyson clenched his jaw, the outline of it being more predominant than it was before. He was sick of hearing the stories as to how the Minister was still ruining lives, even after the massacre of several Order members. His eyes looked to the drunkards again, wondering how many of them lost a daughter or son to the minister, or lost their homes and life savings when villages were pilaged. Greyson's unarmored under-belly began to show, growing soft for those that have lost loved ones, like the young boy infront of him. He lost everyone, parents killed, and siblings stolen. Greyson thought about how he would feel if Paige was taken by the minister, and his heart only wanted to reach out to the boy even more. His gaze traveled back down, watching the lad take a sip of his butterbeer through an awkward silence. 'Hmm," Greyson raised an eyebrow, he was a child once too, and it took a while to master the art of lying. The boy's sudden change of emotion, and act of breaking his gaze while nonchalantly sip his drink, made the more experienced male suspicious. But diring these times he didnt want to take chamces, and would have to trust the little guy.

"My name is Logan, Logan West. It's a pleasure to meet you." Such manners for a boy of only thirteen. At thirteen, Greyson was still sticking candy in Paige's hair, and pulling pranks on girls with the spells he just learned. This child came from wealth, or high class. Greyson was a very observant boy, hes been here and there, going around and talking to people from all walks of life. He starts to see some patterns and recognize things about them just with in a few minutes of conversation. But as previously mentioned, if what the boy was saying is true, Greyson didnt want to turn away and leave him alone. Clearing his throat he acknowledged the lad,"Logan, hm? Well its a pleasure to meet you as well. Im Carter Thorne," his voice went light again, untik suddenly changing into a lower, hushed tone. He sat up, laced his fingers together over the table and looked at the boy in the eye,"Im going to propose an offer, just this once, though," he paused, making sure the boy understood,"My sister and I dont live too far from here. We too have suffered losses from the Minister..." he trailed off a little, hating to talk about it,"And quite honestly, I dont think being alone during a time like this," he turned to face the window, watching the long, sorrowful faces of pass by-ers, then returning to Logan,"Is very safe out here for a bo-- for anyone," he corrected himself. "You are more than welcome to stay with us until youre reunited with this sister of yours. If you come with me, my sister and I will vow to keep you safe until we find your sister. She'll take care of you when ever Im out getting things we need," Greyson gestured to the paper bag full of necessities. He sighed,"I just...I dont feel comfortable leaving you alone...If I had lost my sister...I would go mental," he explained, putting his heart on his sleeve.

Greyson stared at him for a few seconds, letting his proposal sink in before pushing away from the table, the bag in one arm, while his free hand raised his untouched mug,"Ive been gone long enough and i need to get back, so its best to make your decision now or never," he nodded, bringing the pint to his lips and chugging it. When he finished he set it back down on the table infront of Logan,"I mean, you could stay here, who wouldnt want to," he joked sarcasically.

Logan Knight

It was quite a relief that Carter had given him some time to let the proposal sink in, for Logan was still staring at the older boy in astonishment. What he said was probably true, judging by his behavior when he mentioned he and his sister had been harmed by the Minister. Those were the kind of genuine emotions that couldn't be faked, not even by the best actors around. So Logan didn't think he was up to something bad. However, his proposal had a huge effect on him, even if Carter didn't know it. The older male probably thought he was just offering shelter to an orphaned child, but he was everything but orphaned. In fact, his parents were very much and live and currently making sure muggles and mudbloods weren't. What would his parents say if they found out their son had run off with some stranger? They'd be furious! Logan knew he would probably end up in Azkaban or dead for betraying the Knight family. He knew there was only one thing to do, and that was to refuse his offer.

Just as he was about to leave the boy without an answer, his foot stopped just before it could reach the floor and Logan turned his gaze back on Carter. Staying with them for a couple of days wouldn't hurt, right? Katherine and Robert didn't care for their youngest son, in fact, there were times when they'd forgotten he even existed! War was no place for a child, especially a child like him. So his parents had been paying less attention to them than usual. Besides, hadn't he been complaining about the world just a few minutes ago? Yes, he'd complained about it with the bartender for a couple of minutes as the man prepared his drink. He'd said he wanted to escape, and this was his only chance. It was not like he was running off with a mudblood, since a mudblood wouldn't even dare to leave his home during this hard times. He wasn't joining the Order like Victoria, and he certainly wasn't running off with his mudblood lover to have a child with her. So living with Carter couldn't be too bad, right?

"Would you really let me stay?" The boy asked innocently, for once forgetting everything he'd been thought to do as a Knight and reacting as a normal child would. "I mean, I don't want to cause you any troubles and I don't know if your sister would like me to live with you. If there's no problem, then I'll be glad to live with you! Er, just for a few days of course."
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Greyson Kingsley

Greyson stood there about a minute longer, cocking an eyebrow, silently asking for an answer. When there was none given, he shrugged,"Alright then," he turned for the door after giving a nod,"I hope you find your sister," he wished the best of luck. He really did hope he would find her, seeing a child with no one in the world, the only person he had was missing. His hand pushed the knob to the pub when he heard a young voice call out to him,"Would you really let me stay?" The boy sounded surprised. Greyson stopped, turning his head slightly to look at him with his usual boyish smile,"Of course," he responded, mimicking the same amount of innocence Logan had given.

"I mean, I don't want to cause you any troubles and I don't know if your sister would like me to live with you."

"Nonsense," Greyson waved his hand dismissively,"She'll love you, shes like our mother away from home. She'll take good care of you. Besides, if she were here instead of me, she wouldve done the same thing," he chuckled, thinking about her and how concerned she wouldve been for Logan. She would have immediately taken him under her wing, she has a very vulnerable spot with children. Paige isnt shy with those younger than her, they arent so intimidating and she thinks theyre quite cute. "If there's no problem, then I'll be glad to live with you! Er, just for a few days of course."

"Of course," Greyson reassured. He beckoned him with his hand,"We should get going," he held the door open for the lad, and when Logan stepped out, Greyson put a hand on his shoulder,"Ready?" he peered down at him, and without really waiting for a response, he apparated them both out of view, in a swirling storm of black wisps.

In seconds the two reappeared infront of the safe home. Greyson let go of Logan and walked briskly off the road onto the driveway,"Come on! You can meet her!" he said excitedly, walking backwards to face him. Greyson jogged up the steps and barged in the door,"Paige!"



Paige Kingsley

Paige turned from them, as quickly as possible, she wanted them out of her sight. With a turn on her heel, she trailed back up the drive way, the cold wisping through the bottom of her socks, but with the sinking feeling in her chest, it didnt bother her. She went up the porch steps and opened the door for the pair, looking elsewhere when they crossed infront of her. When Arnaldus and Quinn were inside, Paige closed the door behind them, looking around to see if anyone else might have seen them. She moved to the windows, shutting the curtains and leaving the house in dim light. Next, Paige moved to the fire place, wand still in hand from pulling it on the animagus earlier, she bent down, whispering,"Incendio," lighting the bundle of wood. A warm glow flickered in the dark chimney, its light spreading slightly. The petite girl stood up, turn back around to head for the stairs, wanting to lock herself back in again, until Arnaldus blocked her, "Paige....."

The girl sighed. She knew that tone, the way his voice dipped, ready to say more. She didnt want to hear it though, but despite her current emotions she still couldnt be firm enough to tell him so. There was a silent pause between them, Arnaldus searching for words, Paige looking at the wooden floor under her. There was that awkward atmosphere again. When the silence (which was short but felt long) became unbearable, she tilted her head back up, looking at him, growing a little impatient. He looked down at her, and it was like looking in a mirror. With out words, those brief seconds of silence, Paige could see Arnaldus is/went through everything shes currently going through. The emotional and mental turmoil, hes been there. But often times, we dont like what is seen in the mirror, and Paige looked away again. The animagus spoke up again,"I..... Uh..... Look I don't know exactly what troubles you, the obvious troubles yes, we share that much in kind.... Don't we? But the other struggles...... Some exist don't they?"

She didnt want to answer. She didnt think she had to, it was obvious he could read her, and she wasnt doing that great of a job to cover it all up either. But her lack of speech spoke for her, it was clear, yes there was something else but she didnt want to tell him. Not because "its personal" or cause she didnt know him that well, it was because she didnt want to complain, or make them feel uncomfortable for being affectionate. But there was more, Paige felt a pang of guilt, in the form of a wooden stake in her heart, she felt like it was her fault Victoria, Alexander, and Andrew are dead. She couldve helped, she couldve stayed and at least tried, but her brother forced her to leave, which is part of the reason he often gets the silent treatment. She knew she couldve done something, even if the help was minimal. Arnaldus continued, explaining the exact same things she was feeling (except the whole Alexander thing). The guilt, the self loathing, the distractions to make themselves feel better. Her eyebrows furrowed, still turned away from him, fidgeting here and there with what ever chencould get her hands on, but she was listening. "Perhaps you see myself to blame as well?" Arnaldus asked. Paige's fiddling stopped, and her sapphire eyes immediately darted to him, looking up at him from the corner of her eye, then turning her head to face him. It was true, a small portion of herself did give him partial blame. Would she admit? Of course not, Paige wasnt one to blame others, and she tried the best she could to dispell the opinion from her head. "If so, I wouldnt blame you...." Arnaldus dismissed her. Paige averted again, but continuednto listen while the taller male, towering over her, explained that he blamed himself too. He pressed on, beginning a lecture about bottling up your emotions and confronting them instead. Arnaldus finished with putting things behind them in order to move forward. He was right, and she hated it. Arnaldus was saying things the old Paige would say to someone else, it was uncanny how similar they were (in this was at least).

Paige took a small step back, looking to him once more from below, "Theres just too much..." she shook her head, eyeing Quinn behind him,"May I go upstairs now," she looked back up at him, fighting the urge to cry yet again.


Mentioned: @Rui


Paige and Greyson Kingsley

Paige was about to push past Arnaldus and Quinn to head for the room, when her...less subtle brother burted through the door yelling,"Paige!" Her head whipped around to look at him at the sound of her name, wondering what his excitement was all about. Greyson walked to her, still holding the bag of things he bought,"Guess what---" he stopped when he saw Arnaldus and another stranger,"You guys are..." he was a loss for words.

Paige nodded,"Yes, theyre alive," she finished for him, enthusiasm missing in her voice.

"Youre here!" Greyson smiled, relieved to see them standing there, unharmed and alive. But his smile vanished when he realized he had Logan coming behind him,"Bloody hell, youre here....." his voice sounded a little panicked. Before Logan came up he frantically instructed the group,"Make up fake names! Oh, and dont mention anything about the Order!" he sped walked to the kitchen to set down his things and passed Quinn along the way. He stopped,"Who might you be," he asked his flirtatious self awakening. He meant no harm, and didnt have a clue about her and Arnaldus, this was just...his default setting around women, especially attractive women.

Paige followed him,"Whats all this, why do we need to make up names? Whats going on?" She asked a little concerned. Greyson's energy was up, he was taking out the various food items in the bag,"Well you see I stopped at the pub before I returned back home, as usual, when i spotted a small lad sitting alone, upset at the table. Anyway, in summary, he has absolutely no one so I invited him to stay with us," he talked quickly, slightly panicking over the thought of Logan meeting what was left of the order, but also very excited to have more Order members. Paige hated when her brother was high strung like this, he was easily distracted and his energy made her nervous. "You...invited him to stay with us? What about his parents? Siblings? Greyson, Arnaldus is here."

"No, his parents were killed by the Minister, Paige, and his sister was taken by him as well. He has absolutely no one," he faced her, leaning on the table with arms crossed,"I didnt exactly expect any of the members to arrive either Paige, how was I supposed to know? I thought they were....you know..." Greyson shrugged his shoulders like it wasnt a big deal. For a short period, Paige had forgotten about her feelings, and only worried about how they were going to keep this from who ever it was Greyson brought a long with him,"How old is he..." Paige asked him.

"Thirteen," Greyson answered. Well she couldnt deny him now. She thought of the poor boy and the loss of his family, but she also thought about the safety of the Order. "Now hush, he was right behind me," Greyson shooed her back into the living room, following close behind.

@Saru @thefan1

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There it was done. Everything that needed be said and cleared was spoken and though Paige didn't say much, she didn't seem ready to say her peace or wanting to by the looks of it. Arnaldus had said what was needed and wouldn't keep her from going upstairs. When Paige spoke of there being too much and shook her head he gave a nod and moved aside while noting her look back toward Quinn and saying may she go upstairs now. Arnaldus still stayed quiet there was simply no more he could say and forcing the issue was no better, it would just have to remain enough that they were members of the order and hopefully that was enough to carry on. Whatever came and whatever plans would be made if any, he would be present and make another stand against the ministry and stand until there was no more of this era of terrorize and horror and unjust was over.

But soon Arnaldus heard a familiar voice sound in calling Paige's name. Seeing Greyson enter and look at a loss for words upon seeing the animagus present along with Quinn. He gave a small smile and nod. As Paige spoke up and finished for him. "Yes I'm alive. We both are here and living." Arnaldus realizing what he knew already and that was the signals back at the wedding and after were never noticed. But still that was months ago and much had happened since then so even if they were death could have still claimed them either way. When he spoke of making up names and not mentioning the order Arnaldus looked puzzled and had many questions in response, what possible reason was there for making up names and not speaking of the order. Was there a purpose for this?

Noticing Greyson's flirtatious question to Quinn and hearing Paige speak up and ask the same question he was wondering himself. Arnaldus looked toward them and listened to both speak back and forth. The tale of this lad sounded familiar and that was because it had been the same for so many during this reign, it was sad and unfortunate and reminded him of one of the reasons the order was created way back when. During the schools first night and the next day's full recruitment and tasks.
"A young lad alone in these times...... Sad and also curious but anyways. Alright I'll come up with something and keep silent about the order." He spoke up in reply to it all and looking to Quinn in wonder of what may be going through her mind and what name he was going to use. Arnaldus then looked toward Greyson and gave a nod then looked toward Paige for a moment, shaking his head while walking over toward the fire thinking of a number of things on top of his name he would use. It was now official today has just about everything involved in the day and made for a eventful if awkward evening.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Rui @thefan1
Logan Knight

He'd never met someone so excitable in his entire life. Not even his brother, the carefree guy he once knew, was as euphoric as Carter. However, it didn't stop a small smile from appearing on his face. Being able to keep a positive attitude was a talent, especially with the war taking place right beneath their noses. It was relieving to see that not everyone had lost hope and he wouldn't be staying with some moody teenager like the ones he'd seen back in Hogwarts. Logan remained directly behind Carter as he practically dragged him inside the house, just to leave him a few seconds later.

The events that took place in less than a minute were hard to understand, especially for a child who didn't know who they were and what they had gone through. For all he knew, they were probably just friends reuniting after a long time. When there were no more teenagers in the room, Logan decided to give the place a close inspection while there was no one to stop him. He could be dealing with dangerous people, after all. The only source of light was the fireplace and nothing seemed out of place. Well, it was not like he could search the house for any dangerous artifacts when the others could be watching him. Snooping around a stranger's house was incredibly rude, something Logan would hate if it had been done to him. However, it was necessary for his survival and his decision on wether he would stay in the house or not.

The boy decided to spend his time checking if the cushions were comfortable. According to the way he'd bounced when he'd thrown himself on the couch declared that it was comfortable enough for him to sleep in. He wasn't expecting Carter and his sister to have a room ready for him and he wasn't going to take their rooms, so sleeping in the sofa would be just fine. As nice as this was, it didn't stop him from jumping up from the seat when hearing the footsteps coming his way. Had they seen him? Logan could't tell, but he could regain some of his dignity by properly introducing himself to the seemingly kind girl. "Hello, my name is Logan West. It's a pleasure to meet you Miss..."

(Sorry for crappy post, busy ATM)

@HoneyBear-Kat @Saru @Rui
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Paige & Greyson Kingsley

As Greyson ushered his sister into the living room, his light eyes spotted the boy enter the house. The older brother's face lit up instantly,"Welcome!~" he smiled, moving past Paige and the others to stand next to Logan, unaware the boy was already there for a short while, exploring while he waited. Paige looked at the boy, eyes blinking at him curiously. He resembled someone she knew but she couldnt quite put her finger on it. The poor girl hasnt seen Victoria in so long, it would be hard to make the connections between them. "Hello, my name is Logan West. Its a pleasure to meet you Miss..." he trailed off, askimg for her name. Paige seemed a little lost in thought, trying to recognize his face. Maybe shes just seen him before, at Hogwarts. Yes, thats it. Paige had an easier time making friends woth underclassmen than those in her own year. Perhaps he was a friend of a friend. Her long, dark lashes fluttered, coming back to the here and now,"Well-- Im, umm.."

Greyson's smile grew into a nervous one, slowly diminishing while his sister stalled for a name,"Persephone!" He cut in, then rested a hand on Logan's shoulder, bending down to his ear level,"Dont mind her, she just gets a little shy is all."

"Persephone?" She questioned, until realizing she would just have to go with it. She cleared her throat,"Yes, Persephone," she glared at her brother for giving her such a dreadful name.

"We call her Percy for short," he snickered, witnessing how annoyed she was getting.

Paige pouted, crossing her arms with a scowl at her brother's opportunity to ridicule her. "Shes my sister," he whispered to the boy. Paige smiled at Logan, her sweet, soft smile as a sign of hello before folding her hands infront of her,"If youd like, I can show you where youll be sleeping, after youve met everyone?" Her quiet voice suggested to him.

If the boy was going to be staying with them, she wanted him comfortable, especially after all he's been through. Logan's arrival was a good distraction from the way she was previously feeling. Children always brought out the best in her, even if she was whithering inside. Her motherly insticts showed their true colors, caring and tending to them. And with Logan's situation, she would be extra compassionate, despite the way she really felt. Perhaps having him there was going to turn out for the better, at least for the broken hearted girl. Paige gasped,"I didnt prepare a room!" She darted for the stairs, running up,"It was such short notice!" she told herself, her footsteps thumping on the wooden stairs.

At the top, she ran to the room next to her own, laying down sheets on the small, guest bed, and fluffing out pillows, placing them gently on the bed top. She took folded blankets from a near by closet and layed them at the foot of the bed. Mean while, down stairs, Greyson looked to Quinn, and Arnaldus by the fire,"These are our friends. Theyre visiting us, and actually came unannounced, sorry about that," he chuckled, rubbing the back of his head, his hand tousling his black hair,"But dont worry, theyre trust worthy," he gave a curt nod, stating matter-of-factly.

@Saru @Rui @thefan1

(Sorry its a little short and rushed)
Oh yes, they were certainly an odd couple. While Carter was outgoing and energetic, his sister seemed introverted and definitely lacked her brother's energy. But Logan didn't mind this, not one bit. Seeing the siblings interact reminded him of home and his family. Not the one he had now, but the one he'd grown up with as a child. "You remind me of my brother and sister. I'm should you could've been friends." Logan commented in a rather blunt way, something he apologized for just a few seconds later. Oddly enough, he enjoyed speaking like that to the strangers. It would've ended in a horrible and agonizing punishment if his parents had been present, but they weren't there, and to a thirdteen year old child that meant he had no rules. Complete freedom, not having to care about consequences. This brought a small smile to his face, one that could be described as rather mischievous. He wasn't planning to do anything bad, but the prospect of being free was simply too wonderful to waste with simple words. Besides, he was going to live with a bunch of teenagers who certainly weren't as strict as his parents, which meant they would have a lot of fun around the house.

Logan didn't see the fact that the girl hadn't been able to say her name as nothing more than a minor threat. She was probably just mad because she didn't like when her brother used her full name, it was probably nothing to worry about. "I'd love to, Percy. Thank you very much." The boy said with a small smile, just before the girl ran upstairs to prepare a room for him. "That's not necessary!" Logan managed to yell, hoping the girl could hear him. Then again, Percy seemed to keen in preparing his room that she was probably already finished with it.

When Carter explained their situation when the other two teenagers, Logan nodded and walked towards them for a proper introduction. "Hello, my name is Logan West. It's a pleasure to meet you both." Logan said politely, giving the older boy a handshake before turning back to Carter. "So... is there anything you would like me to do? I don't want to be some extra weight for you lot so I intend to help. Just tell me anything you'd like me to do and I'll do it. "

(Sorry for crappy post, I'm in my phone)

Looking into the fire and having selected a cover name. Arnaldus gazed into the fire like a star gazing down upon the world thoughtful, focused, never fading away from the view of which draws there gaze. He kinda just stood quiet and staring into the crackling fire playing over and over in his mind the wedding, how everything happened and feeling it over and over again just as if he were still there, like it was still happening all around him, the chaos, the attacks, the sounds of panick and pain, death and fighting. All the while unknowing of where everyone was or how they were fairing against the numbers that opposed them. As the images and thought ran through his mind while his ears could distant or seemingly so sounds and voices conversing and introducing to one another, Arnaldus attempted to draw on the few good memories since that night, the meeting of Quinn and her presence since that kept him from losing himself fully. Just then a smile came across his lips and remained as he recalled more recent memories such as today's when he and Quinn found Paige and Greyson alive and in one piece. Even if the situation changed in feel and a bit awkward since it was along with the memories with Quinn that kept him smiling during these dark times and he reliving it all in his mind over and over again.

As Paige's voice caught his ear he turned only to catch her running upstairs and started to return himself fully. He looked toward Greyson and the young lad as they spoke and came over to him and Quinn with a smile kept to his expression and a more present look in his eye. "Yeah..... Uh sorry about that it was a little out of the blue. But since we were here, why not drop in right?" Arnaldus smiled with a chuckle and shook the lads hand with a firm shake. "Logan you say? Logan west......" He spoke looking to him with a wonder in his mind thinking he looked familiar and maybe he had seen him before or perhaps the lad reminded him someone he knew. But soon shook it off and replied to his introduction with a smile and continued to his own. "Well Logan it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Sebastian...... Sebastian Demacles." He returned the introduction with his own and smiled, while giving a look to Quinn and smiling a little more intently and looked back toward Logan and Greyson.

(It's short sorry, phone and work has kept me enough to get much more out.)

@HoneyBear-Kat @Rui @thefan1
Theodore Grunnion

It had been exactly a month since that fateful day. The wedding, the guards attack the members of the order, and Theodore unable to assist in the slightest. Had he know what was going on, had he attempted to know. He might have been able to assist, yet he didn't, and so many of his students were either off in azkaban or on the run. Using his many connections Theodore did all he could to find the survivors, he wouldn't allow the only hope of defeating Robert and his death eaters be destroyed. He attempted many things, but eventually was forced to search anywhere associated with the order. This did not narrow things down much, since the old days when the order was created to stop the dark lord Voldemort they had long since expanded the locations associated with them. Theodore checked everywhere he could think of, until eventually he came to the conclusion they weren't at any of the areas associated with the order. After this he deliberated a bit before making his next move. Eventually he went to speak to all the parents of the students whom had been on the run, or at least those that were in a position to speak. After all Robert would surely have interrogated them. Eventually all his work paid off, when he managed to hear news from a connection of his about supposed sightings of some of the order. After working out where the sightings were, and any houses that any members could be associated with he eventually found himself infront of a old house that had slight signs of being recently reoccupied. This must be it, I hope everyone's ok." Theodore narrowed his eyes suspiciously, and looked around to make sure the coast was clear. Then with a wave of his wand and a few words put up several protective spells to make sure they weren't found. Then he knocked on the door and awaited a answer.

@HoneyBear-Kat @thefan1 @Saru @Rui
Quinn, all the while, remained a ghost behind Arnaldus. She didn't want to interfere. She knew nothing of this whole order buisness besides what Arnaldus told her, which was little. She sighed, messing with her hair as a pass time.

(;- ;)

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