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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

Looking into her eyes and keeping his smile as it had been, sharp, mainly at the corner and charming. "I shamelessly accept your flattering words. It's quite the boost coming from you." He spoke before almost feeling her searing gaze as she softly spoke and leaned into him. Feeling her lips brush against his own then moving to his cheek for something more, a kiss followed by another at his jawline. The pleasant feel of her soft lips against his skin was quite catching of his attention and tempting in their ways. He couldn't help but playfully think of her brush against his lips as a tease but well received as she continued on and spoke of sweet as she kept contact with his eyes all the while talking to him. "Sweet...... You tempt me Quinn. And It may just work..... But in who's favor?" He playfully spoke while looking deeper into her eyes and smiling softly. He slowly leaned his lips lower to her jawline and gently kisses her jaw and onto her neck, while cupping her face in the palm of his hand and looking into her eyes with intensity and desire to kiss her on the lips. But instead paused after kissing her jawline and upper neck allowing the pause to see her reaction to him, her response to his kiss and stare as his hand gently held her chin and cheek in its open grasp. "Soft and sweet..... But something more, no?" Arnaldus spoke in question but not quite meaning it as one. @Rui
"I see you still have your eloquence, even in situations like this," she smirked, "and, I believe this would benefit us both, perhaps myself a bit more than I'd let on..." Her hands abandoned his shirtfront, sliding around him in a loose embrace.

"Mr. Arnaldus," she murmured, gently nuzzling his hand which cupped her cheek, in the process, further bearing her pale swan-like neck to him, "I much appreciate this torture, it's...exquisite." She closed her eyes for a moment, simply taking it in, before they fluttered open once more. She watched him expectantly, perhaps a little predatorily, like a circling wolf, waiting for him to make a move.

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thefan1 said:
Apparently, the urge to kiss one another was extremely contagious, for Victoria found herself pressing her lips against his a few minutes after he finished speaking. She was just so grateful to have someone who would always be by her side. Someone who she could trust with her feelings and human emotions she never showed in public. He was right, she was fighting too hard for the Order and would probably fall apart if she didn't give herself a break. After all, she was still a human. A human who had a breaking point just like everyone else. She broke the kiss shorty after it'd started but didn't seem ashamed as she stared into his beautiful blue eyes.
"I should apologize for that, should I?" She asked, running her hand over her chest as she rested her head over his strong chest. She was glad the others were too occupied enjoying the grand festivities going on in the other side of the manor, she wouldn't want anything to ruin this moment. "Well, I'm not sorry. I don't know why I did that, perhaps I'll never know. But I know that there was nothing in the world I needed other than that. I know it might seem odd, but I truly care about you. I want to be your pillar as well, Alexander. That is, if you let me of course."
When she had kissed him he was surprise to say the least. "Now I've kissed both of them." He couldn't help but muse as be had very little time to react to the kiss before she broke it, looking up at him with unrepentanting, challenging eyes. "That's my girl." He couldn't help thinking with amusement and great affection. His blue eyes met hers as she looked at him and found himself smiling slightly. He tilted he head up slightly so she was in an easier position to lean down to and to get her slightly off his chest. "Jeez, it's just like you to surprise me like that, you really are unfair sometimes Victoria." He said kissing her her again this time on his own accord.

He wasn't as gentle as he was with Piage, Victoria was far from innocent and didn't need him to be gentle nor did he think did she want him to. He kissed her deeply, his lips locking with hers as he pressed them hard against her own so she could mirror his own movements and deepen the kiss. He could smell he scent, taste her breath, feel her skin as his hands moved up her harms to tangle in her hair as he pulled her towards him as fire ran through his veins as if he had drunk and entire box of fire whisky all at once. For now he didn't think of his complicated feelings with her, himself and Piage. Right now he only focused on the girl in his arms. @thefan1
After enjoying the grand party with the rest of the guests, Andrew decided it was time to go look for Victoria. They were married, after all. Spending time together was something married couples did, even Victoria's parents spent all of their time together! When he took a turn to head to the west wing of the enormous manor, he was greeted with the sight of his wife and his enemy, kissing on the ground. At first, he didn't believe it. It was probably the light playing a trick on his eyes. There was no way Victoria would kiss his enemy on their wedding day. Unfortunately, the image didn't disappear like he wanted it to. Instead, they just continued kissing. Enraged by this, Andrew left the hallway to look for Robert.

"Traitorous bitch, evil witch from hell..." Andrew muttered as he walked through the manor in search of Robert. His heart was torn to shreds, any warm feeling he'd ever felt were lost because of what Victoria had done to him. How could she? They were married! It was their wedding day! Well, he wasn't going to stick around and risk his neck for a woman who was in love with another man. No, the Order had gone on for too long and it was time for the Ministry to shine. When he found Robert speaking to the guests, he asked him to follow him to a secluded corner of the manor. Where he told Robert everything he needed to know about the Order. From members, to plans, to their headquarters. Robert came out with a grin on his face as he looked at the members of the Order his daughter had invited to the wedding. Oh yes, it was time for hell to break lose. "Guards, I need you to apprehend the following people." He ordered to the nearest guard and watched with a smile as the guards began to apprehend the members of the Order.
Rui said:
"I see you still have your eloquence, even in situations like this," she smirked, "and, I believe this would benefit us both, perhaps myself a bit more than I'd let on..." Her hands abandoned his shirtfront, sliding around him in a loose embrace.
"Mr. Arnaldus," she murmured, gently nuzzling his hand which cupped her cheek, in the process, further bearing her pale swan-like neck to him, "I much appreciate this torture, it's...exquisite." She closed her eyes for a moment, simply taking it in, before they fluttered open once more. She watched him expectantly, perhaps a little predatorily, like a circling wolf, waiting for him to make a move.

"Does it surprise you? I'm more then a pretty face after all." Arnaldus chuckled softly as he looked deep into her eyes and smiled with a charming grin and cheeky one at that. "I hoped you felt the same. It would be quite selfish of me to benefit from such a beautiful tempting woman such as you without some mutual benefits." He spoke with a gentle tone as her hands abandoned his shirt front and slid into a loose embrace. Bringing his smile back into form with a corner sharp grin. He was enjoying this game, finding himself in this very situation and his mind thinking only of them at this very moment and nothing else. "Yes?" He spoke softly in whisper to her calling his name while nuzzling his hand with her cheek. "It's a mutual feel my dear.... A moment to marvel and enjoy as we stand here." Arnaldus spoke responding to her with a strong but gentle tone still very much with some charm present in his sound. He watched her eyes close and open once more in flutter as they watched him, the way she watched him was alluring seemingly drawing him towards her as he smiled and felt himself leaning in and wanting to make his move now, but paused just short while looking into her eyes almost in tease. She was quite something, their back and forth in this situation, their shared moments and the way she looked at him and touched were only building up his desire to make his move. A strong willed man with wit could still find himself in struggle in Quinn's presence, not that Arnaldus truly struggled for he wanted to make his move and thought of nothing else. But it was the way she made him feel that really caught him and the way she looked at him that distracted him from all else, all his troubles and stress fading into the beyond even if for only a moment.

Finally after a pause in close proximity of her lips, Arnaldus moved in kissing her cheek and then placing a soft kiss on her lips that soon became more passionate. While his hand gently held her neck and cheek bringing her closer to him, while his other hand fell from her elbow and moved to her back gently placed at the middle of her back and fingers slowly tracing her dress where his hand was kept in place. As he did Arnaldus noticed in sounds the commotion going on elsewhere. He couldn't help but think the universe was a tricky one, he could imagine what was going on, he had a pretty good idea with the wedding and eventual risks being brought to reality. When the guards came into view seemingly coming towards him with some purpose. Arnaldus stopped despite not wanting to quit in his kissing of Quinn, he did looking up towards them with a quick glare and shaking of his head. "It was only a matter of time before the order was found out or suspiciously pursued if they weren't discovered while attending such an event." He thought to himself and turned his gaze back toward Quinn looking into her green eyes and giving a smile.
"Would you look at them...... They must be jealous and have come to break up our fun, no?" Arnaldus chuckled with a soft volume while sighing just a little at the guards poor timing. If they were sent to capture him like he imagined they were, then his path was clear the next move he would make would be one of him fighting back. Arnaldus Smith was not one to go down easily and quietly. But first he would ensure his position was strong, he wouldn't want Quinn to become harmed in the cross fire because of his own status as a wanted wizard by the ministry for his own part in the order, he was stubborn enough to go down fighting but he was still caring and thoughtful enough to do so carefully when others were present. "I must apologize Miss Quinn..... It seems our friends here are coming to end our fun. It may get a little, dangerous...." Arnaldus spoke though something about her told him danger and risk were not something she feared. He moved his hand away from her back and shook his sleeve to activate his little device he had to hide his wand. Soon after his wand shot from within his sleeve and appeared in his hand.

Arnaludus then looked at the approaching guards and then toward Quinn. He kissed her once more gently on the lips as his hand slid from her face and to his side, while he took a step and positioned himself before her side and between the guards. Ready to fight back if he must and prepared to give one hell of a fight. He looked to her once more over his shoulder and smiled.
"I look forward to a time when our fun can be renewed and relived." He spoke to her and smiled. While he couldn't say what side Quinn would take if any side was or would be taken, with her being a Carrow and him only just having met her not long ago. And while he was sure she likely was a strong witch in her own right and one who could be a threat on either side she took if she so chose. He still stood firm in his position between Quinn and the guards all the while speaking to her about their moments together and how he looked forward to the next. Arnaldus raised his wand and quickly thought of how he would respond to the guards first, with a smile and getting into his stance Arnaldus cast the blasting curse toward the approaching guards aiming to cause an explosion with the first guard or thing it hit with the flick and motion of his wand. @Rui @EmilyPower
"Oh what a bunch of bullocks," she muttered, quite bloody angry they'd come along and spoiled her fun,

After all, she was on a speedy course to getting laid.

She had her wand out at a moments' notice, green eyes practically blazing, narrowed in fury towards the guards.

"Would you like to go first, or shall I, dearest Arnaldus?" She asked, glancing up at him.

Merlin, he's attractive, especially like this, all ready to fight...

Bloody hell, he's getting laid.


(This was so fun to write xD )
Paige & Greyson Kingsley

Greyson wandered to the drinks, he indulged himself quite generously. The boy had a knack for holding his liquor so he could afford the splurge. He mingled with whom ever, whether they be the pureblood extremists or not. A glint in the sun caught his attention from the corner of his eye. It was a reflection of the sun from the expensive sunglasses of a very well made up girl. Straighting the collars of his suit, he picked up another slim glass of champagne, the yellowish liquid blubbling in its containment. He approached her,"Whats a rare gem like you doing all alone?" he asked with a small smirk,"A girl should never be alone at a party."

Across the garden, Paige moved from touching the snake with the tips of two fingers to petting it with her whole palm. In the midst of the crowd Andrew had come out to exchange a few words with Robert. And after the Minister's order for the guards to seize the members of the Order (which Paige was out of ear shot to hear) one guard was headed straight for the innocent girl. The children around her silenced, and looked at the on-coming officer. When Paige noticed how the children fell silent, she looked up, and her own smile faded. She pushed herself up to a stand, watching as he came closer. There was something about the way he walked that said he was coming for her. She took a few steps back instinctively, like a bird cornered by a cat, her eyebrows furrowed and her periwinkle eyes looked up at the guard with fear. Her breathing sped up as she entered a state of fear.

The guard didnt even have to utter a word, she knew she was in trouble, she could see it in the way he walked, the way his eyes were fixed soley on her with a menacing stare. She wanted to freeze up, to close her eyes and wish the situation wasnt happening, but she couldnt. Paige opened her bag, rummaging for her wand as quickly as she could. But the guard grew closer still. Her mind a scramble and her hands slippery with a nervous sweat she couldnt grab a firm hold of her wand, and when she finally did she dropped her bag to the ground, not caring for it. She opened her mouth to call out a spell but the guard was already too close and grabbed her arm with wand in hand, preventing her from using it. Paige struggled to pull away, she was small and easily man-handled. Everytime she struggled, the man's grip grew tighter,"Youre hurting me! Let me go!" she winced, using her free hand to pull at his fingers to hopefully get herself free,"Please," she begged him. "Keep still, brat," he hissed and moved to hold both of her wrists in one of his massive hands, binding her. She pulled harder, using her body weight and as much fight as she could gather. She was small, and physically disadvantaged to those that are bigger than her,"Greyson!" she called out in desperation, her voice ringing with fear,"Greyson," she called again. Still she squirmed with all her might, some strands of her silky, honey-brown hair dangling in her face.

(Sorry its a little crappy xD trying to shower atm)
Akio said:
When she had kissed him he was surprise to say the least. "Now I've kissed both of them." He couldn't help but muse as be had very little time to react to the kiss before she broke it, looking up at him with unrepentanting, challenging eyes. "That's my girl." He couldn't help thinking with amusement and great affection. His blue eyes met hers as she looked at him and found himself smiling slightly. He tilted he head up slightly so she was in an easier position to lean down to and to get her slightly off his chest. "Jeez, it's just like you to surprise me like that, you really are unfair sometimes Victoria." He said kissing her her again this time on his own accord.
He wasn't as gentle as he was with Piage, Victoria was far from innocent and didn't need him to be gentle nor did he think did she want him to. He kissed her deeply, his lips locking with hers as he pressed them hard against her own so she could mirror his own movements and deepen the kiss. He could smell he scent, taste her breath, feel her skin as his hands moved up her harms to tangle in her hair as he pulled her towards him as fire ran through his veins as if he had drunk and entire box of fire whisky all at once. For now he didn't think of his complicated feelings with her, himself and Piage. Right now he only focused on the girl in his arms. @thefan1
Unfortunately, the wonderful kiss didn't last for long. At first, Victoria tried to ignore the commotion outside, to busy being happy for once in her life to care about what was going on with her family. The kiss was deep, passionate and fitted their relationship perfectly. The kiss went on for a long time, Victoria losing herself in a wonderful dream that didn't seem to end. But it did. They had to breathe, after all, and when Victoria broke the kiss to take a breath she finally heard the screams. She quickly stood up and looked through the window that gave them a perfect view of the guests in the garden. There they were, guards and Ministry Officials everywhere, running after the members of the Order. "Bloody hell!" Exclaimed Victoria, who didn't have to waste more than a second thinking about why they were following the members of the Order. They had been discovered, and in the Minister's house of all places. Turning her head back to look at Alexander, she took out her wand and look a quick look at the guards attacking the people outside. "Alexander, take out your wand. Now!" She ordered, taking cover behind a small pillar that used to contain a vase after a spell flew past her head.

"Wonderful, simply wonderful." Victoria growled as she began exchanging curses against the guards. There were at least five guards on the other side of the hallway, all of them trained Death Eaters and skilled with a wand. Victoria knew that if she tried to stand up to cast a curse against them, a curse would be sent her way and she didn't want to risk her safety. Victoria Knight would not die in the hands of some pathetic guards. It was then when she noticed the chandelier hanging above them and she smiled mischievously. All it took for the chandelier to come down was a weak cutting charm and three guards standing under it. Now, only two guards remained and three of them were crushed the large object. "Alexander, you play with those two."
Rui said:
"Oh what a bunch of bullocks," she muttered, quite bloody angry they'd come along and spoiled her fun,
After all, she was on a speedy course to getting laid.

She had her wand out at a moments' notice, green eyes practically blazing, narrowed in fury towards the guards.

"Would you like to go first, or shall I, dearest Arnaldus?" She asked, glancing up at him.

Merlin, he's attractive, especially like this, all ready to fight...

Bloody hell, he's getting laid.


(This was so fun to write xD )
After Arnaldus cast the Confringo spell toward the guards, the explosive blasting curse to catch their attention and make them see their mistake of poor timing and interrupting his dance with Quinn. He looked to Quinn as spoke to him with her pleasing voice and glancing up at him. He smiled and thought more of their dance, oh and yes it was a dance. Not the tango, not the waltz nor any other but one of passion..... The dance of two playing off one another, stepping as they stepped, moving as they moved and swaying as they swayed in motion with the breeze. It was like a game of wizards chess met the art of dance, bringing passion and wits and creating something entirely new and even more fun. A challenge yet seductive when met and played. The beautiful miss Carrow certainly drew from him something rarely seen in public, she drew out of him a passion and burning desire he hasn't felt in some time and was dying to unleash and see where the night took them..... But it was cut short and by these guards. They were discovered and wished captured or maybe killed or both knowing the ministry. He still cursed mentally the universe for allowing this to happen now of times. But kept his eye on Quinn with a smile and spoke. "I greeted our guests though I'm sure they would be disappointed if we did not greet them together, my dear Miss Quinn." Arnaldus spoke softly to her but with a cheeky way. Even now amidst all the danger and nearing guards, likely ready to fire off more curses at them in response to his own and hers. He kept his charm and did not lose a step from his prior scene. It was not uncommon for Arnaldus to be skillful and knowledgeable and agressive in his duels, quick in his draw and actions while responding to his foes spells and attacks, moves and tactics. But it was like previously said..... Quinn brought out something in him. He was even more aggressive and fiery perhaps it was in part due to his built up energy raring to unleash, his burning desire and passion from their scene moments ago. But he was either way quite fueled and driven, if he must postpone what could have been and what was happening between him and Quinn then he would certainly use that as added motivation to fight back against these guards and go out with a fight. "Your up my dear Quinn..... Unleash some spells and let's end them together." He added with a playful wink and clear sign in his look and expression to her, he was driven, his strength and energy was like a caged animal to be unleashed on these ministry guards. While lookin ahead and back toward the guards ready to react and witness their responses and actions. Arnaldus often the calm and level young charmer who didn't appear so dangerous and energized often, was almost a completely different man when dueling and competing, still controlled, keen, tactically strong and smart but far more agressive and quick then normal or would be expected and in his current state... He seemingly doubled in that regard making him more dangerous and powerful to his enemies. @Rui
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thefan1 said:
Unfortunately, the wonderful kiss didn't last for long. At first, Victoria tried to ignore the commotion outside, to busy being happy for once in her life to care about what was going on with her family. The kiss was deep, passionate and fitted their relationship perfectly. The kiss went on for a long time, Victoria losing herself in a wonderful dream that didn't seem to end. But it did. They had to breathe, after all, and when Victoria broke the kiss to take a breath she finally heard the screams. She quickly stood up and looked through the window that gave them a perfect view of the guests in the garden. There they were, guards and Ministry Officials everywhere, running after the members of the Order. "Bloody hell!" Exclaimed Victoria, who didn't have to waste more than a second thinking about why they were following the members of the Order. They had been discovered, and in the Minister's house of all places. Turning her head back to look at Alexander, she took out her wand and look a quick look at the guards attacking the people outside. "Alexander, take out your wand. Now!" She ordered, taking cover behind a small pillar that used to contain a vase after a spell flew past her head.
"Wonderful, simply wonderful." Victoria growled as she began exchanging curses against the guards. There were at least five guards on the other side of the hallway, all of them trained Death Eaters and skilled with a wand. Victoria knew that if she tried to stand up to cast a curse against them, a curse would be sent her way and she didn't want to risk her safety. Victoria Knight would not die in the hands of some pathetic guards. It was then when she noticed the chandelier hanging above them and she smiled mischievously. All it took for the chandelier to come down was a weak cutting charm and three guards standing under it. Now, only two guards remained and three of them were crushed the large object. "Alexander, you play with those two."

Paige & Greyson Kingsley

Greyson wandered to the drinks, he indulged himself quite generously. The boy had a knack for holding his liquor so he could afford the splurge. He mingled with whom ever, whether they be the pureblood extremists or not. A glint in the sun caught his attention from the corner of his eye. It was a reflection of the sun from the expensive sunglasses of a very well made up girl. Straighting the collars of his suit, he picked up another slim glass of champagne, the yellowish liquid blubbling in its containment. He approached her,"Whats a rare gem like you doing all alone?" he asked with a small smirk,"A girl should never be alone at a party."

Across the garden, Paige moved from touching the snake with the tips of two fingers to petting it with her whole palm. In the midst of the crowd Andrew had come out to exchange a few words with Robert. And after the Minister's order for the guards to seize the members of the Order (which Paige was out of ear shot to hear) one guard was headed straight for the innocent girl. The children around her silenced, and looked at the on-coming officer. When Paige noticed how the children fell silent, she looked up, and her own smile faded. She pushed herself up to a stand, watching as he came closer. There was something about the way he walked that said he was coming for her. She took a few steps back instinctively, like a bird cornered by a cat, her eyebrows furrowed and her periwinkle eyes looked up at the guard with fear. Her breathing sped up as she entered a state of fear.

The guard didnt even have to utter a word, she knew she was in trouble, she could see it in the way he walked, the way his eyes were fixed soley on her with a menacing stare. She wanted to freeze up, to close her eyes and wish the situation wasnt happening, but she couldnt. Paige opened her bag, rummaging for her wand as quickly as she could. But the guard grew closer still. Her mind a scramble and her hands slippery with a nervous sweat she couldnt grab a firm hold of her wand, and when she finally did she dropped her bag to the ground, not caring for it. She opened her mouth to call out a spell but the guard was already too close and grabbed her arm with wand in hand, preventing her from using it. Paige struggled to pull away, she was small and easily man-handled. Everytime she struggled, the man's grip grew tighter,"Youre hurting me! Let me go!" she winced, using her free hand to pull at his fingers to hopefully get herself free,"Please," she begged him. "Keep still, brat," he hissed and moved to hold both of her wrists in one of his massive hands, binding her. She pulled harder, using her body weight and as much fight as she could gather. She was small, and physically disadvantaged to those that are bigger than her,"Greyson!" she called out in desperation, her voice ringing with fear,"Greyson," she called again. Still she squirmed with all her might, some strands of her silky, honey-brown hair dangling in her face.

(Sorry its a little crappy xD trying to shower atm)

The snake seemed very content to be pet by her, arching into her palm and probably would have rolled over if it was a dog and didn't have a small collection of children on its back. Right now for a massive almost 20 foot long snake even to Piage who was somewhat afraid of them it wouldn't seen so bad. Not to mention this was Alexander's snake so that likely helped.

And it was because of those children and it's supposed docileness that the death eater ignored it, reaching and grabbing the girl that was his target. He was likely one of the new death eaters who had never served under Voldemort, who had never seen what creatures like Niagi could do and how fast even something that big could move in close range in a matter of moments. He should have known better. Even as Piage struggled with the death eater both of them heard a hiss of anger and menace as with one powerful flex of its body the children fell of it and it struck with speeds like lightning as all its muscles bunched up like a spring and released at once with the force to break bones and crush organs. It wrapped once around from his waist to mid chest, if his hand had been on his wand ready he might have had a chance to retaliate but while wrestling with Piage he never had a chance. The snake appeared behind his neck, striking out fangs reveled and mouth open as if threatening to swallow the man whole. It bit down on his neck, tearing into his throat giving him time to scream only once as the rest of its body wrapped around him causing the death eater to let go as the bones in his arms and chest where crushed with brutal snapping sounds and the ripping of flesh, some of the rips actually stabbing out of his chest and arm broken and others reduced to splinters under the snakes constriction. The man fell dead before he hit the ground but for several seconds the snake didn't let go, pumping his poison into him causing his veins to go black around the area of the bite as his heart slowed and grinded to a halt, menance it it's muffled angry hiss as it protected Piage as fiercly as Alexander might of.

Alexander was not fond of death eaters and he was even less find if being interrupted, especially if he was kissing as someone as beautiful as Victoria. He got up with a snarl reaching for his wand but was forced to dive behind a pillar as the five death eaters sent hexes and curses flying their way. He managed to pull his wand out of his pants and looked for an opening, he couldn't engage 5 men carelessly. His opening came when Victoria took down the chandelier on their heads turning a 5 on 2 fight to a 2 on 1 as she handed the oppents to him.

"Go get Andrew. We could use him!" He admitted gruffly, he didn't like Andrew but they needed all hands on deck. "If he's fighting he'll be in the way to your room, go pack everything you need." He walked towards the two death eaters. He was tired truth be told but battle rage surged through his blood and he found himself more alive then ever. "Come then." He said engaging into a duel with the two men, using the speed and thought advantage of none verbal spells to keep up with both of them as he struck with lethal intent, meaning to kill as green killing curses met each other in the air as lethal curses left his wand one after another. Even for one as skilled as him a full on duel versus two was hard but he pressed on. He managed to use a shield charm to reflect a curse forcing one to jump almost into the wall to dodge thanks to the small hallway. "Reducto!" He called put aiming at the wall causing it to explode where he was leaning against, the exploding wall killing him instantly and dazing the other. "Avada Kedavra!" He called out striking his dazed opponent before he could counter or Dodge and he was blasted back killed instantly. "Hmph..." He said looking at the two bodies before stalking through the halls looking for more death eaters, he would need to kill as many as possible to give the others a chance. He would look for Piage in the meantime
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Quinn grinned wickedly, and extended her wand,

"Expelliarmus," she commanded, watching in pure bliss as wands flew from the hands of their remaining opponents, "Levicorpus,"

Thy now dangled by their feet in the air,

"Oh yes," she giggled, stepping forwards and leaning into her hip as she commanded a final curse,


Now the dangling men burned.

"Lovely. Should I let them down, maybe douse the flames, or do you like them medium rare, love?" She asked, turning to Arnaldus with a curious gaze.

"Tsk, their cries are so bloody loud; langlock!"

They were silent.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." She murmurs.
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Arnaldus grinned in watching Quinn take her wand and besting one guard after another. The sight was delightful and fighting alongside her was exciting and fun for him. "When fires burn and intruders hang by their feet, I'd say lets burn them to a crisp. It's hard to control such strong....... Flames when they are fueled like never before." He spoke and gazed onto the guards once more. "Though I do enjoy medium rare. Shall we?" He asked with a smile as she cast a final curse and then silenced their cries. He gestured for them to move on, planning to cut off the paths of more guards before more could arrive and take the advantage. "We could move ahead and see about saying hello to their friends. Maybe a welcome as we set our advantageous situation into motion." He spoke and prepared another spell. Taking a moment of thought to consider a few possibilities. He then cast "Avis" to conjure some birds in the air before them and watching them fly about before and above ready to be used at a moments notice in combination with another spell once more guards arrived to greet them and back their fallen fellows. @Rui
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Quinn paused, a full on smile gracing her features is a most evil manner,

"Good sir, I hope you don't have plans tonight, because I have some freshly laundered sheets, a king size four poster bed, a good months worth of contraceptives, and an attraction to you that makes me want to rip off this dress and your trousers."

She paused again, composing herself,

"But for the sake of time, I'll wait until tonight, over a nice bottle of Chardonnay, and when the present danger is no longer present."

She extended her arm,

"Now let's end this, so I can shag you, yes?"

"Are you mad?" Victoria yelled back after the death eaters were dead and they could speak without worrying about being blasted by a curse. "Andrew can take care of himself and is probably helping the others downstairs. There is only one person I care about and that's my father. I won't let him kill anyone." She declared, not waiting for Alexander's reply. She figured it was only proper that they engaged in a duel. The leader of the Ministry against the leader of the Order, the head of the Knight family against his heir. "If Victoria Knight is going to die in a duel, it will be this one." She mused as she made her way through the manor. Oh, she knew where her father was. She knew it perfectly well. He'd been waiting for this moment ever since he realized the Order was a threat to the Ministry. He wanted to be in plain view of everyone and cut the head of the leader for the whole world to see how powerful he was. As she stepped outside, she got a perfect view of her father. Smiling as he watched his followers fighting against the Order, most of them winning those fights.

"Richard Knight!" Victoria exclaimed as she calmly approached her father with her wand pointed at his head. She could've killed him right there, but there was no fun in that. Besides, if she did kill him then she wouldn't be able to show the world how they could challenge the Ministry. "Do you remember the name, Robert? Or is your brain so small that you have forgotten the name of your son only two years after murdering him?" She growled, watching with a delighted smile as some of the death eaters watching took a few steps back to avoid the fight. "Crucio!" She casted with a smile that could make the devil himself hide under the bed. She'd been waiting to do that since her childhood and it sure felt wonderful to cast it on Robert.

(@EmilyPower did I do well?)
"Tactics I have dear love, but plans vary on the topic of choice. In case of our situation I've none to be had though I was thinking of some before our guests intervened." Arnaldus spoke in reply keeping a soft charming tone and focus about him. Keeping an eye on the surroundings and one for Quinn, a form of multi tasking he had done well to maintain. The attractive way she spoke and sounded to him was alluring, tempting and very much pleasing to him. He couldn't say with any honesty how this night would turn out for them all, how the order would fare and what would be needed to be done. But for now in his moment he was only thinking of tactics, Quinn and the words she spoke and scene she painted on his canvas that be his mind. "Oh, how you tempt me Quinn. It's a wonder how I manage to keep myself aware and active in the present, battling off these dangers alongside you." He spoke and moved to extend his own arm to hers and walked ahead slowly and casually. The guards no doubt would be showing up with more and though it often seemed like bad form to remain separated from allies in situations like this, Arnaldus found it the best option for survival for them all. The best tactics to him were having the order spread out and giving the ministry hell with their fighting back and keeping them all busy instead of getting caught in one place and surrounded. It was risky but no more then being in one place and all the ministries numbers in one collective place.

He strolled forward and set up his conjured flock of birds tactically in position at the different possible entry points. Ready to cast the oppungo jinx on the birds to cause them to attack.
"It sounds quite..... Well words couldn't fully describe the incredible of which you speak to me. I look forward to it, I've been fueled and energy high as the attraction is mutual. But your right for now.... Situation and dangers we should hold off and end this fight." Arnaldus added

"But yes, when time permits you and I can unleash the built up and burning desire." Arnaldus spoke with some quiet passion as he looked to her and spoke. His words with more of a strength and way towards the end of his sentence. @Rui
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Quinn flashed dazzling smile,

"Then it's a date."

With that, she abruptly grabbed him, rewarded him with a fierce, animalistic kiss, and proceeded onwards, spotting guards and guests alike, and merely chanting,


Watching men and women drop all around, unable to move.
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Paige & Greyson Kingsley

Before the young boy could make an initial move, two death eaters grabbed each of his arms and held him there. Greyson tried to wrestle his way out, but it was hard with two grown men at each arm. Pulling wasnt going to do anything, and neither was squirming. In two swift movements, Grey gave one good blow to the face with his elbow to the death eater that was the shorter of the two, and kicked the other one in the shin very hard. Both guards let him go to tend to their wounds for a moment, a very valuable moment that granted time for Greyson to pull his wand out from the inside of his suit jacket,"Stupefy!" He pointed his wand at the death eater woth both hands covering his hands. Too busy to see the offensive move, the man's body surged with a paralyzing magic, rendering him unconscious and collapsing to the floor. The other eater quickly recuperated from the bruising pain on his shin and pulled out his wand, aiming right for the boy. "Expelliarmus!" Greyson blurted first. The guard's wand flew out of his hand, landing in the grass somewhere, a little ways away.

A loud hiss haunted the ears of both Paige and her opponent. The two stopped and their attention moved to the snake under them. Paige gasped when she realized it was going to attack, for a split second she felt like she was its target. When it struck, faster than a blink of an eye, she ducked and the serpent coiled around the death eater. When it constricted, the man instantly let go of her, sending Paige to fall on her bum. She watched from the ground. To her surprise the snake seemed to be...protecting her? Well she wasnt going to question it, but in stead be grateful. The snake opened its wide mouth, curved teeth visibly sharp and ready to sink into flesh. It latched onto the back of the human's neck and with in seconds the body fell limp to the ground. Paige watched in horror as the attack went on in front of her. The snake seemed so docile, and now it completely changed with instinct. Another death eater, who witnessed the attack, had his wand drawn aiming for the snake. Paige's eyes widened, with her nearly instant reaction time, she raised her own wand pointed at it at the death eater, "Incarcerous," she conjured a rope that flew and wrappped around the eater's body, keeping his arms pinned to his sides, unable to use his wand.

"Paige!," Greyson called to her, running to her and she extended a hand to him. He pulled her to her feet,"We need to leave, now!"

A small group of death eaters were beginning to close in on them again, firing one spell after another. Paige silently deflected some, as others whizzed by them i to the dirt or into the chairs used for the ceremony. "We cant leave," Paige said between defensive, counter spells,"We cant leave the others!"
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(Im upset, i was making a post for Arabella but rpn timed out and i lost all my stuffs so out of frustration ._. Im skipping a post)
thefan1 said:
"Are you mad?" Victoria yelled back after the death eaters were dead and they could speak without worrying about being blasted by a curse. "Andrew can take care of himself and is probably helping the others downstairs. There is only one person I care about and that's my father. I won't let him kill anyone." She declared, not waiting for Alexander's reply. She figured it was only proper that they engaged in a duel. The leader of the Ministry against the leader of the Order, the head of the Knight family against his heir. "If Victoria Knight is going to die in a duel, it will be this one." She mused as she made her way through the manor. Oh, she knew where her father was. She knew it perfectly well. He'd been waiting for this moment ever since he realized the Order was a threat to the Ministry. He wanted to be in plain view of everyone and cut the head of the leader for the whole world to see how powerful he was. As she stepped outside, she got a perfect view of her father. Smiling as he watched his followers fighting against the Order, most of them winning those fights.
"Richard Knight!" Victoria exclaimed as she calmly approached her father with her wand pointed at his head. She could've killed him right there, but there was no fun in that. Besides, if she did kill him then she wouldn't be able to show the world how they could challenge the Ministry. "Do you remember the name, Robert? Or is your brain so small that you have forgotten the name of your son only two years after murdering him?" She growled, watching with a delighted smile as some of the death eaters watching took a few steps back to avoid the fight. "Crucio!" She casted with a smile that could make the devil himself hide under the bed. She'd been waiting to do that since her childhood and it sure felt wonderful to cast it on Robert.

(@EmilyPower did I do well?)
(yes, you did great)

Robert was going to show them what happened when anyone tried to mess with the Minister of Magic. He was going to fulfill his revenge dream once and for all. Well, with a few minor adjustments. It had surprised him to hear that her daughter was behind the Order, to say the least. He couldn't kill Victoria. There was too useful to be killed, so he decided it would be easier to break her. Turn her into the Knight she was meant to be. When he felt the horrifying pain of the Cruciatus Curse, it took all of his power to stay still. He knew his daughter was powerful, but he hadn't realized how powerful she really was. Obviously a child worthy of the Knight surname. "Robert Knight was a filthy traitor, Victoria. There was a time when you hated those traitors as well, don't you remember?" He growled out, taking out his wand despite the pain. "And yet, here you are. Now the leader of that horrible Order of yours. The leader of that little suicide mission. Tell me, Victoria. Are you proud?"

Paige & Greyson Kingsley

Before the young boy could make an initial move, two death eaters grabbed each of his arms and held him there. Greyson tried to wrestle his way out, but it was hard with two grown men at each arm. Pulling wasnt going to do anything, and neither was squirming. In two swift movements, Grey gave one good blow to the face with his elbow to the death eater that was the shorter of the two, and kicked the other one in the shin very hard. Both guards let him go to tend to their wounds for a moment, a very valuable moment that granted time for Greyson to pull his wand out from the inside of his suit jacket,"Stupefy!" He pointed his wand at the death eater woth both hands covering his hands. Too busy to see the offensive move, the man's body surged with a paralyzing magic, rendering him unconscious and collapsing to the floor. The other eater quickly recuperated from the bruising pain on his shin and pulled out his wand, aiming right for the boy. "Expelliarmus!" Greyson blurted first. The guard's wand flew out of his hand, landing in the grass somewhere, a little ways away.

A loud hiss haunted the ears of both Paige and her opponent. The two stopped and their attention moved to the snake under them. Paige gasped when she realized it was going to attack, for a split second she felt like she was its target. When it struck, faster than a blink of an eye, she ducked and the serpent coiled around the death eater. When it constricted, the man instantly let go of her, sending Paige to fall on her bum. She watched from the ground. To her surprise the snake seemed to be...protecting her? Well she wasnt going to question it, but in stead be grateful. The snake opened its wide mouth, curved teeth visibly sharp and ready to sink into flesh. It latched onto the back of the human's neck and with in seconds the body fell limp to the ground. Paige watched in horror as the attack went on in front of her. The snake seemed so docile, and now it completely changed with instinct. Another death eater, who witnessed the attack, had his wand drawn aiming for the snake. Paige's eyes widened, with her nearly instant reaction time, she raised her own wand pointed at it at the death eater, "Incarcerous," she conjured a rope that flew and wrappped around the eater's body, keeping his arms pinned to his sides, unable to use his wand.

"Paige!," Greyson called to her, running to her and she extended a hand to him. He pulled her to her feet,"We need to leave, now!"

A small group of death eaters were beginning to close in on them again, firing one spell after another. Paige silently deflected some, as others whizzed by them i to the dirt or into the chairs used for the ceremony. "We cant leave," Paige said between defensive, counter spells,"We cant leave the others!"

The snake unwrapped away from the death eater hissing angrily at the collection of death eaters. It slid close to Piage as she defended it wrapping up the death eater and decided to stick close to her. As the second group showed up it hissed dodging in between tables and chairs, it knew what the light did and not to get hit even if it didn't know the exact effects. The snake was fast and incredibly quick despite its massive size, that it managed to dodge anything not blocked though sometimes he got hit by splinters.

The four death eaters were starting to drive the group back and the snake couldn't get close with the barrage of spells. The two student duelist had little chance against four death eaters. However luck was on their side as a deep voice Piage knew well shouted. "

Avada Kedavra!" A bolt of green light came from behind the death eaters eater and before any of them could react one of them fell like a puppet with its strings cut and suddenly a man leapt into the middle of them with a flash of silver and magic in a shocking surprise attack leaping from one of the other floors.

A silvery flash and one guy was backpedaling away clutching at his ruined throat while a non verbal Sectumsempra took off anothr mans wand hand while the knife flashed again while a figure holding it ducked under a nonverbal killing curse, missing him by inches as he ducked, slicing at his tendon sending him to his knees. With a delighted hiss Jörmungandr shot forward taking down the man the man with no hand with a quick snap and one of Piages counter spell took out the last one, sending him stunned to the ground. "Piage!" Alexander called out his knife red with blood, his voice thick with relieve. @HoneyBear\-Kat
Even now as Arnaldus noticed her smile and it's beautiful flash, amidst all the danger and risks, Quinn could manage a smile making a terrible situation seem pleasant. Following with a fierce, animalistic sort of kiss onto him as he was taken hold by her and rewarded, he savored the moment as he slid across his lips with a short bite and a sharp smile. The feel, the looks, the situation all built up inside him and not just made him wonder and think, but make light of a bad situation. He could see the good of today when it was all over, he could cling to one moment at the very least if it all turned bad, and that was a valuable tool for every and any person who ever suffered. Taking the good where you can get it and allowing it to guide you back from the depths of what happened, what darkness looms deep inside and corrupting your heart with depressing and sad thoughts or memories. Now if only they could make it out alive, if only they all could make it out alive, then this day wouldn't just end on a high and limit the troubles. But make things far more enjoyable later....

As Arnaldus proceeded on alongside Quinn, noticing guards, guests and all sorts of chaos about. He prepared his wand and sharpened his gaze while tactics and different playouts rapidly crossed through his mind like lines through paper. The immobilus spell worked helping the numbers game, but more seemed to arrive. The manor certainly a lot of them...... Too many of them for his liking though it was not unexpected. They were present for the ministers protection, for his complete upper hand. How the order was found out was unknown, but Arnaldus was sure that was the reason for all of this chaos. The guards coming after them, coming after them all by the sounds of it.

As the guards came Arnaldus raised his wand and cast another spell. "Oppungo" he softly spoke and caused the conjured flock of birds to attack, providing a small and useful amount of aid and distracting them for now. Meanwhile he looked to Quinn and then toward the manor, ideas swirling through his mind and a cheeky smile forming on his face. He couldn't yet see his fellows of the order, he couldn't say where they were at as of now in this moment. But he knew one way to signal them and distract if just for a moment...... A good deal of guards. "You my sweet, could help me make a lot of noise and leave a lasting mark here. Care to join me?" Arnaldus spoke with a soft tone but wicked smile. He had many plans and potential back up plans, but only one sure fire way to signal the others in a effective manner and better yet it could double for a aid against the growing number of guards around them, as curses and spells rapidly flew past him and narrowly missing as he seemingly danced in place near Quinn. While bringing up his wand and silently casting one shield charm after another to fend off their attackers.

"Ready to make some noise, dear miss Quinn?" He spoke and quickly turned his eye to the manor shooting his wand outward toward it, "Bombarda Maxima!!!!" Arnaldus shouted needlessly but intentionally with force and power in his tone. Sending a powerful blast to the manor hitting with force and in explosive effect as the manor shook a bit and sent chunks of the home falling to the ground, allowing for some aid in distracting the guards and even one or two getting it by the pieces of the home. While doubling as a signal for others to hear.

Just as Arnaldus turned and saw the guards blocking off their back exit point and the guards before them regrouping and cutting off the forward option that likely led to where the others were if they did not travel far from the last time he saw them. Spells were already fired, he raised his wand and countered one with a quick shield charm but as his motion came down and went for another.... Arnaldus was hit, causing his body to react as so as the spell struck his shoulder and a searing pain coursed through him. He cursed in muttered form and rose back to his feet countering another, quickly and quietly countering as many spells as he could with shield charms, but the numbers, the rapid pace, the countless spells being cast at them. They were surrounded by guards, the air filled with spells whizzing past them going one way or another, to and from, cut off from any exit and left with few options.

Arnaldus looked around merely staring them down, a wince of pain and several thoughts running through his mind. All the while keeping an eye on Quinn pondering of their next move or if she had something up her sleeve. They were in need of a tactical retreat, but few options remained and the others were still a sent from view.
"Know o......ughhh" he spoke his eyes widening in shock as he hadn't seen the guard to his right appear, a slashing cut striking at his side and shortening his breath, cutting off his words as he looked to the man and cursed him. While bringing up his wand and getting into form darting his wand out and toward him "Confringo!!!" Arnaldus reacted casting the blasting curse and violently ended the man with a explosive end.

He looked back to Quinn watching for a moment, seeming at a loss. It had occurred to him they had no where to run now, no safe harbor to escape to..... Not one he would suggest anyway. All previously used locations, even they were only used once by the order would be ruled out for Arnaldus. He wouldn't even dare it. While his shoulders searing pain was distracting clear thought, his sides cut bled with blood rolling down his body and dripping from the torn shirt and robes, Arnaldus couldn't think of any place to appirate, he wasn't certain he could at the moment. His mind was to overrun with tactics, absence of useable locations and a nagging pain.
"You my dear.... Wish to share a retreat? You and I escaping this mess and going somewhere we and my friends could hideout for awhile?" He asked her with a smile and ignoring all else except her and countering the spells that flew towards.

Arnaldus had but one useful escape plan left that seemed possible. While hoping the others could do the same and would notice their Bombarda spells. He could manage a powerful spell that was large enough to fend off spells for a time, but he couldn't concentrate properly enough to appirate and he couldn't think of anywhere safe just yet. But perhaps Quinn could? He hoped she could and she did mention a place earlier that had a bed and Chardonnay both sounded quite pleasing just as they had before. But now were also a useful location perhaps for them to use as a hideout for a time to regroup and settle things.
Quinn nodded quickly, some urgency displayed on her typically stone-set face.

"Yes...Arnaldus, you're hurt." She winced. She should've been quicker. Damn it all...

She hissed an exhale of breath, and grabbed his hand,

"My home is but a short bit away. My carriage should still be awaiting me. Come!" She pulled him with her, trying to be delicate despite the rush and impending death. As promised, there was a carriage; but an unattended one.

"Bloody..." She growled in anger, "Damned bloody idiots." She muttered, and glanced back at him.

"Ever driven a carriage?"

EmilyPower said:
(yes, you did great)
Robert was going to show them what happened when anyone tried to mess with the Minister of Magic. He was going to fulfill his revenge dream once and for all. Well, with a few minor adjustments. It had surprised him to hear that her daughter was behind the Order, to say the least. He couldn't kill Victoria. There was too useful to be killed, so he decided it would be easier to break her. Turn her into the Knight she was meant to be. When he felt the horrifying pain of the Cruciatus Curse, it took all of his power to stay still. He knew his daughter was powerful, but he hadn't realized how powerful she really was. Obviously a child worthy of the Knight surname. "Robert Knight was a filthy traitor, Victoria. There was a time when you hated those traitors as well, don't you remember?" He growled out, taking out his wand despite the pain. "And yet, here you are. Now the leader of that horrible Order of yours. The leader of that little suicide mission. Tell me, Victoria. Are you proud?"
"I was foolish, thinking you were right all the time. Then again, I suppose I can't blame myself for following my father's wishes since I didn't know anything about the world. That was a long time ago, and we both know I've changed, the only traitor here is you." Victoria growled, forcefully grabbing his neck and squeezing it hard enough to leave marks. She'd been waiting for this moment for so long... she was going to do her best to savor it. She noticed the explosive spells making damages on her home, the bodies of members of the Order and Death Eaters scattered across the ground and the multiple battles going on. The destruction only powered her hate. "See, all of this is happening because of your incompetence. You are a stain, a stain in our family's name!" She screamed, stopping the curse for a moment.

There was a group of Death Eaters conformed by various members of the Knight family fighting the members of the Order. They were all together, making sure the others hadn't been hit and taking care of themselves in the process. "Look at them, truly respectable members of the Knight family." Victoria commented with a devilish smile, pointing her wand at them and giving her father a brief glance. "But all traitors, deserve to die. Don't they?" She asked innocently, narrowing her eyes at the group and making her smile grow. "Bombarda Maxima!" She shouted, and the group of Knights was no more. "You see, dear father. I happen to be the only member of the Knight family who doesn't betray the name. Therefore, I am the only member of the Knight family who deserves to live." She spat, looking at her father like he was nothing but dirt. Well, children were alright since they could still change, Victoria mused. "Being a Knight has nothing to do with blood! It's about who you are and the qualities we were taught to embrace since our birth! Just look at them!" She pointed at the Order. "They're muggle borns, half- bloods and purebloods fighting against your people! Just look at how many of your followers are dead on the ground, think about how full the Knight cementery is going to be after this battle. How does it feel to be defeated by some mudbloods in your own home?" She asked, her eyes shining as she pointed her wand at him one more time. "The only thing I can do is kill the King." She commented.
Rui said:
Quinn nodded quickly, some urgency displayed on her typically stone-set face.
"Yes...Arnaldus, you're hurt." She winced. She should've been quicker. Damn it all...

She hissed an exhale of breath, and grabbed his hand,

"My home is but a short bit away. My carriage should still be awaiting me. Come!" She pulled him with her, trying to be delicate despite the rush and impending death. As promised, there was a carriage; but an unattended one.

"Bloody..." She growled in anger, "Damned bloody idiots." She muttered, and glanced back at him.

"Ever driven a carriage?"

Arnaldus looked to her face with a soft smile and shaking off the pain and ignoring his own blood. "I'll manage, I've got something beautiful to distract me." He winked as she grabbed his hand and took him along with her to the carriage. "Really? That's good. It might be unexpected for us to hideout there." He spoke giving a parting nod and look into the manor noticing a group of death eaters fall to a explosive spell. Arnaldus followed as quickl as he could and hoped the others were not far off in their escape. "Everything....." He paused noticing her carriage and making a note of the unattended status. Hearing Quinn's growl at the absent attendant before looking back to him. He gave a reassuring look and pondered the question for a moment and though he had never driven a carriage he had ridden atop a number of things, ranging from brooms to horses. Arnaldus still smiled and gave a confident nod "sure, I can drive it. I've been flying for years and riding horses from time to time, I'm sure I can do this." He spoke offering his hand to help her up and onto the carriage seat. "After you my dear," Arnaldus smiled kindly and would get on after Quinn. @Rui
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Akio said:
The snake unwrapped away from the death eater hissing angrily at the collection of death eaters. It slid close to Piage as she defended it wrapping up the death eater and decided to stick close to her. As the second group showed up it hissed dodging in between tables and chairs, it knew what the light did and not to get hit even if it didn't know the exact effects. The snake was fast and incredibly quick despite its massive size, that it managed to dodge anything not blocked though sometimes he got hit by splinters.
The four death eaters were starting to drive the group back and the snake couldn't get close with the barrage of spells. The two student duelist had little chance against four death eaters. However luck was on their side as a deep voice Piage knew well shouted. "

Avada Kedavra!" A bolt of green light came from behind the death eaters eater and before any of them could react one of them fell like a puppet with its strings cut and suddenly a man leapt into the middle of them with a flash of silver and magic in a shocking surprise attack leaping from one of the other floors.

A silvery flash and one guy was backpedaling away clutching at his ruined throat while a non verbal Sectumsempra took off anothr mans wand hand while the knife flashed again while a figure holding it ducked under a nonverbal killing curse, missing him by inches as he ducked, slicing at his tendon sending him to his knees. With a delighted hiss Jörmungandr shot forward taking down the man the man with no hand with a quick snap and one of Piages counter spell took out the last one, sending him stunned to the ground. "Piage!" Alexander called out his knife red with blood, his voice thick with relieve. @HoneyBear\-Kat
Paige & Greyson Kingsley

Greyson stood along side his younger sister, protecting her by any means necessary. He knew she could just about handle herself, after all she was pretty quick with a wand in hand, but as an older brother its his duty to stick up for her regardless, even if he put himself at risk. Paige wasnt completely defenseless, all those social-less years allowed her to really dig deep into her studies, and practice spells and charms. She had an arsenal of spells that come to mind in heated situations like this. Her deep knowledge lets her pick the spell she wants in an instant, making her reactions quite swift. However, the death eaters had experience under their belts, plenty of practice for powerful spells. Paige found herself struggling. Even though she sucessfully managed to block their incantations, or counter them, their forces were pushing her back, inch by inch. Slowly she was being forced to move back, and the death eaters only drew closer. Greyson had a natural talent when it came to defense. He was no where near as quick as his sister, but he managed to keep track of the death eaters' movements, even some that Paige might have missed, where as his sister had a hard time taking on four eaters at once and preferred to focus on them one-at-a-time. The death eaters were a little sloppy at times, their attacks flying into chairs and tables, shards of splintered wood and glass raining everywhere. The siblings got a little cut up, Greyson had a small cut on his jaw and arms, with one small shard of stuck in the back of one hand. Paige had a thin but long cut on her cheek bone, just under her eye, another on her forehead and a long cut running along her forearm. But they layed no attention to the tiny wounds, they had more inportant things to look after, like their lives.

But they had help, Alexander's snake intervened where it could, dodging the enemy's spells. But the crossfire grew heavier as the siblings grew tired and there wasnt much the serpent could do with out being caught in the middle. To their luck Alexander gave aid. His appearance noticeable by the surge of green that errupted from his wand with the words 'Avada Kedavra' roaring from his lungs. The flash of green tinted Paige's fair skinned face as she watched in shock. She had never seen the curse performed in person and it was a fearful sight to behold. The power with in that curse, the ability to instantly kill your opponent in just a fraction of a second. Sapphire eyes blinked, the bolt reflecting in them, bumps raised on her soft skin from the sheer power of that unforgivable curse. And what was even more frightening, was the very fact that there is no known counter to that spell.

Alexander continued, with out another thought as to what he had just done. When she looked over at Greyson, even he didnt seem to care. Grey knew that in certain situations, sometimes death was necessary. Death eaters wouldnt even think of granting them mercy, sparing them from death, so why should they? Guess thats something Paige would need to get used to. The siblings lowered their wands when Alexander went after one of the death eaters that was on them, ending his life with nothing more than a knife. Killing with your own hands was something that stirred Greyson, it just seemed brutal. Paige raised her weapon again, non-verbally casting Stupefy on the last victim, stunning him and sending him backwards a little ways beforw landing back onto the ground.

The guards were off their backs, for now, as most of them had split up to seek out the others,"Paige!" Alexander called to her. Paige lowered her wand when the last death eater was no longer a threat. She panted, her adrenaline calling for more oxygen and heavy breaths. The tired girl liftes the back of one hand and swiped it along her cheek, cleaning off any blood that may have seeped from the slice. When she heard her name, she raised her head, everything was so fast she had almost forgotten Alexander was there. While Greyson checked himself for any wounds, Paige ran to Alexander, crashing into him with a hug. "Youre safe," she huffed, before pulling her self away. Her hair was a mess, with some strands in her face, her dress had tears in certain areas, and her skin was speckled with a few cuts here and there, including the one on her forehead and cheek. None of it mattered, she was safe for the most part, and felt even more relieved when she saw Alexander,"Where are the others? Wheres Victoria and Andrew?" She raised her self on her tippy toes, trying to get a look over his shoulder,"Are they alright?" Concerned, azure eyes searched the garden around them for any familiar faces.

"We shouldnt stay here for too long," Greyson said to them, looking down at the piece of glass stuck in the back of his hand. He took a deel breath and with his free hand pulled it out with a firm grip. Grey let out a groan from the brief pain, then shook out his hand,"We should find the others, and leave before things get any worse than they already have," he turned around to look at the manor, looking up at the windows, hoping to see any familiar faces. Neither of the siblings wanted to stick ariund for much longer,"Hes right, we should leave as soon as we are able to," Paige said to Alexander with pleading eyes. She rubbed her wrists, her skin a little red and slightly purple from the tight grip of the death eater that litterally had her by the hands. She felt like her bones were going to be crushed, her skin was sore and bruised.
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