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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)


(Im so sorry ughhh my mom is terrible with technology and she needed help -.- at the worst time)
Alexander saw he stiffen like a dead caught in headlights as he caught her by surprise, they had barley had a serious conversation since their little fight and he found himself thinking his sudden seriousness was a surprise to the young girl. He had a bit of a prepared speach in mind but now standing here he couldn't help but thinking it sounded pretentious and stupid. "Piage, I don't want to fight anymore, especially not over Andrew of all people, but since that day you've been avoiding me like the plague and I'll admit I didn't do much to help." He said a bit self conscious. "But I felt like I've lost your trust and I hate it. Can you tell me what I can to make it up to you because other then my promise I have no clue what to do and obviously that didn't work." He said a bit desperately looking at her. "Why are you so angry at me little bird?"
Paige Kingsley

Paige felt a little saddened when Alexander explained how he felt. He wasnt being demanding, or cocky, or bossy, he was being real. Hearing him put his feelings out in the open like that, reached out to her. She wasnt mad at him, at least not anymore. She was at first but quickly got over it. The only reason she seemed to be avoid him was to prevent awkward tension. Hearing Alexander talk like this, almost made her feel guilty, she felt like she was being mean to him. Just with a few honest words, her heart had formed a lump in her throat, nerves were on edge, and she was at a loss for words.

"Why are you so angry at me, little bird?" That got to her. Her soft blue eyes glossed over with forming tears. For once hearing her nickname wasnt such a bother, and it was quite relieving, for her anyway. There was always a fear that when ever an argument took place between her an another person, that the other person would remain upset with her. That mentality also kept her from being around that person, she didnt want to be reminded that they were still upset with her, so she just avoided them all together. Paige bit her lower lip, fighting the urge to just break out crying like the sensitive girl she was. "Im not angry," she clarifyed, her voice a bit shakey. "I am not angry," she repeated, moving her arms to hug herself now. "I just wanted a chance for them to be happy together, and Andrew was so upset," she tried to explain. Paige took at seat at the same chair she sat in before she initially left,"He seemed jealous of you, and said youd take advantage of her. And in that moment, I just saw my father all over again," she didnt go into too much detail. There were many thoughts racing through mind at the moment, and each one just spilled, one after another in disorder. She was feeling too much at once. "I was avoiding you because I was scared," she confessed," I was afraid you were upset with me. I was afraid you might have thought I chose Andrew over my friendship with you," she looked at him from her seat below. Paige gripped the edge of her chair with her hands and leaned her cheek onto one of her shoulders,"You havent lost my trust."


Paige Kingsley

Paige felt a little saddened when Alexander explained how he felt. He wasnt being demanding, or cocky, or bossy, he was being real. Hearing him put his feelings out in the open like that, reached out to her. She wasnt mad at him, at least not anymore. She was at first but quickly got over it. The only reason she seemed to be avoid him was to prevent awkward tension. Hearing Alexander talk like this, almost made her feel guilty, she felt like she was being mean to him. Just with a few honest words, her heart had formed a lump in her throat, nerves were on edge, and she was at a loss for words.

"Why are you so angry at me, little bird?" That got to her. Her soft blue eyes glossed over with forming tears. For once hearing her nickname wasnt such a bother, and it was quite relieving, for her anyway. There was always a fear that when ever an argument took place between her an another person, that the other person would remain upset with her. That mentality also kept her from being around that person, she didnt want to be reminded that they were still upset with her, so she just avoided them all together. Paige bit her lower lip, fighting the urge to just break out crying like the sensitive girl she was. "Im not angry," she clarifyed, her voice a bit shakey. "I am not angry," she repeated, moving her arms to hug herself now. "I just wanted a chance for them to be happy together, and Andrew was so upset," she tried to explain. Paige took at seat at the same chair she sat in before she initially left,"He seemed jealous of you, and said youd take advantage of her. And in that moment, I just saw my father all over again," she didnt go into too much detail. There were many thoughts racing through mind at the moment, and each one just spilled, one after another in disorder. She was feeling too much at once. "I was avoiding you because I was scared," she confessed," I was afraid you were upset with me. I was afraid you might have thought I chose Andrew over my friendship with you," she looked at him from her seat below. Paige gripped the edge of her chair with her hands and leaned her cheek onto one of her shoulders,"You havent lost my trust."


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A few drinks already downed and feeling somewhat like himself. Arnaldus turned toward the doors and contemplating to join the others or wait for the call or signal of the wedding ceremonies start. Deciding the latter was a poor idea he walked to the area where everyone else was located and took a spot near the back, leaning against the wall and taking a drink from a glass. " Hmm...... It looks like everyone might be present. Ceremony must be close to starting." He thought and observed the crowd. Keeping his wand hidden up his sleeve and ready to appear at a moments notice with a new device on his arm and covered by his shirt and dress robes.

Arabella Crawley

The Crawleys had finally arrived, on the line between late and just on time. Her parents were first to burst through the doors, demanding attention like always,"Are we late? Are we late?" Her mother would frantically ask whomever is running about the manor. Behind them, Ara walked calmly, her dark sunglasses contrasting against her fair skin and blonde hair that was made up with out a hair out of place,"Oh mother, why must you always make a ruckus about everything," she sighed, boredom escaping her exhale. As soon as she entered the home, she removed the spectacles off of her face, looking around at the foyer. She hadnt seen these walls in years, since she was but a wee child. Her inner self was full of nostalgia, but she remained her regal composure.

The family was directed outside into the garden to claim their seats. With her parents leading, she walked slowly behind them. Touching the tables, the vases, running her hand against the same, unchanged walls. Her eyes were solemn and her face was emotionless. Once they reached outside, she squinted in the sun, eyeing the set up, being her typical, picky, critical self, she made mental notes on the couple changes she wouldve made, for her own personal taste, then brushed them off. Belle always wore a displeased look, like she was never satisfied (which was usually the case). She walked with her head held high, radiating a presence that suggested she had no time for messing around. Her parents had picked a seat for her, she wouldve preferred something a little closer but her words and opinions were often ignored by her parents, so just went with it. Ara sat beside her mother, who patted her knee when she finally came to sit. God, was she a wretched woman.


Paige Kingsley

Paige smiled a little at Alexander's joke about Victoria and her drinking. But only for a brief moment did it make everything feel okay. Now she just started to feel bad for not trusting her friend in that moment. Alexander pulled another chair to sit beside her, she was a little relieved he did that and watched as he did so, while he continued about Victoria Knight and Andrew Williams. Appearantly it wasnt all that it seemed, and Andrew wasnt all that he said to be. Alexander put an arm around her, pulling her into a comforting hug, the kind Greyson would give after their parents would argue, and it felt just as soothing. With anyone else she might have shyed away from the gesture, but with him, it was soothing. Paige, in fact, moved closer to him. Her moved about the room with a puzzled look, not inspecting the contents of the room, but looking around, lost in thought. She knew about Victoria not feeling the same way Andrew did, but she didnt think it was that drastic. "It isn't fair to etheir of them to be stuck in a relationship if one of them doesn't want it," he added. That was something Paige couldnt disagree with. Why should Victoria remain in the marriage when she doesnt want to. Then again, Paige assumed thats just the way pureblood families work, and if you loved your family you would go through with it...how awful. But that wasnt the case, in fact, Victoria didnt care for her family too much at all!

"And I wasn't afraid of losing you to Andrew.... Well maybe a little but more then that I was afraid Andrew was gonna hurt you."

"Hurt me?" She pulled away slightly, to look at Alexanxer in disbelief,"Why would he want to hurt me?"

Then Alexander moved onto explain how Andrew put up a facade for Paige. God, did she feel stupid. She couldnt help but feel that she ended up being the one taken advantage of. She had begun to care for him, and now hearing this, made her feel so confused. Was she really that naive? Alexander admitted he hated the rift between himself and Paige, set there by Andrew, and she felt mutual. But she was glad she had a chance to say her piece, and grateful Alexander understood. "And I just wanted you to be OK even if away from me, and maybe have another friend even if it was Andrew." Where was the Alexander Paige met at the Potter house? Certainly not here. Paige had never heard him be so selfless and thoughtful, at least not this much.

Paige sighed, shaking her head. She wasnt sure what to think at the moment, she wasnt even sure if she should continue to consider Andrew a potential friend anymore. This person made her turn against her only friend, and for a fake reason too. She did exactly what he wanted. "I dont want him to hurt you either," she started. Alexander said that Andrew would use Paige to hurt him. Well, then there was an obvious solution right? Paige turned her head and looked up at Alexander, most likely going to regret her next few words,"Should we remain friends then?" tears welled even further. Hearing that question fall out of her mouth even hurt herself. But that seemed like the only logical thing to do. She thought she could ask with out feeling anything, but as soon as the words fled her mouth, her heart immediately begun shattering. Right now, Paige didnt want Andrew to have leverage against Alexander, even if that meant distancing herself from him. However the thought just hurt her further, and though she hated to admit it, it seemed like a good idea...for Alexander's sake.

He looked up shock and a bit of panic in his eyes. Did he say the wrong thing or give off the wrong impression? He was unused to speaking like this and now he was afraid he screwed up massively. The idea of not being friends with Piage was so startling painful it stole his breath for a second like he was suddenly breathing ice and the idea was as foreign as the sun suddenly disappearing from the sky. He wasn't sure he had the right words for this so he turned her towards him his dark eyes meeting her pretty blue ones sparkling with tears. He wrapped his arms around her resting his chin lightly against her head keeping her close to him, his powerful arms around her as gentle as a prayer yet as secure as armor for her against the rest of the world need be.

"Of course I want to be friends with you." He said sounding shocked by the suggestion that they would not be. "I'm not scared of Andrew. Do you know what I told him when he threatened you? That if he hurt you I would take everything he loved and turn it to ash around him." He said in a steady voice that left little doubt he would. "Of course I want to be friends with you, Piage I don't think I can imagine a life where I'm not friends with you." He said realizing the truth of those words even as he said them. Piage had always been one firmly in his corner since they met, sweet and gentle and so innocent and pure some days he was afraid to touch her because he was afraid of screwing her up with his own darkness. He couldn't help but remember their conversations, his gentle teases and her flustered responses, her light touches and gentle concern when he was wounded or worried that always made things seem better. "The relationship between me and Victoria and you is complicated and sometimes I feel I'm being pulled in both directions with you two but you'll always be my friend, I promise I'll never leave you alone." He said his voice gentle.
Paige Kingsley

Paige watched him closely for any signs of thought as to what she said. There was an uneasy silence between them, and the girl had no idea what he was thinking. Until, Alexander turned her to face him, she waited a moment or two, expecting him to say something, but instead he pulled her into a hug, both arms wrapped around her. She could his chin on the top her head, her face buried into his chest. She took it all in: his comforting warmth, his distinct scent, his secure embrace, and the next few words he was going to share with her.

"Of course I want to be friends with you." He didnt have to say anymore, just that was enough to ease her. She was so grateful he declined her idea, as much as she wanted to go through with it (to keep him safe) she wanted him to go against it even more. She released a breath that she wasnt too aware she was holding, a breath that signified relief. Alexander mentioned that he responded to a threat with a threat. Normally, Paige wouldve disagreed with that but she didnt care at the moment. "Of course I want to be friends with you, Piage I don't think I can imagine a life where I'm not friends with you."

"Im so happy to hear that," she whispered between shakey breaths, muffled in his shirt. Like Alexander there was a moment she was scared she was going to lose him, her only friend.

"The relationship between me and Victoria and you is complicated and sometimes I feel I'm being pulled in both directions with you two but you'll always be my friend, I promise I'll never leave you alone." Well now hes done it...

Paige didnt know what to say. The tears shes was fighting so hard to hold back, couldnt be restrained anymore. She wrapped her own arms around his torso and held him tight. She let the hug do the talking. Never has she ever gotten as close to anyone as she was with Alexander. People always scared her, and she was always too busy studying to make friends. But she was glad he approached her when he did, she was glad she got the privilege of experiencing this new found love of friendship and bonds (with someone other than her brother). She couldnt bare the thought of being all alone again, and it made her wonder, how has she made through all these years on her own?

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Paige Kingsley

Paige watched him closely for any signs of thought as to what she said. There was an uneasy silence between them, and the girl had no idea what he was thinking. Until, Alexander turned her to face him, she waited a moment or two, expecting him to say something, but instead he pulled her into a hug, both arms wrapped around her. She could his chin on the top her head, her face buried into his chest. She took it all in: his comforting warmth, his distinct scent, his secure embrace, and the next few words he was going to share with her.

"Of course I want to be friends with you." He didnt have to say anymore, just that was enough to ease her. She was so grateful he declined her idea, as much as she wanted to go through with it (to keep him safe) she wanted him to go against it even more. She released a breath that she wasnt too aware she was holding, a breath that signified relief. Alexander mentioned that he responded to a threat with a threat. Normally, Paige wouldve disagreed with that but she didnt care at the moment. "Of course I want to be friends with you, Piage I don't think I can imagine a life where I'm not friends with you."

"Im so happy to hear that," she whispered between shakey breaths, muffled in his shirt. Like Alexander there was a moment she was scared she was going to lose him, her only friend.

"The relationship between me and Victoria and you is complicated and sometimes I feel I'm being pulled in both directions with you two but you'll always be my friend, I promise I'll never leave you alone." Well now hes done it...

Paige didnt know what to say. The tears shes was fighting so hard to hold back, couldnt be restrained anymore. She wrapped her own arms around his torso and held him tight. She let the hug do the talking. Never has she ever gotten as close to anyone as she was with Alexander. People always scared her, and she was always too busy studying to make friends. But she was glad he approached her when he did, she was glad she got the privilege of experiencing this new found love of friendship and bonds (with someone other than her brother). She couldnt bare the thought of being all alone again, and it made her wonder, how has she made through all these years on her own?



Paige Kingsley

Alexander raised Paige's head to look at him. Yes she had some tears, but at least they werent sad or upset tears. He cupped her face with a hand and rubbed off a droplet that had not yet rolled off her face,"Youre such a cry baby sometimes," he teased. Paige stuck out her lower lip, and she narrowed her eyes at him. She knew she was a cry baby but he didnt have to point it out. Then she smiled, laughing at the fact. She knew she was sensitive, but she didnt let it bother her too much.

"You know I don't think I could let anyone else steal your first kiss like this."

Paige pulled back an inch or two, looking at him in the eyes,"What? Wh-what do you mean?" He called her bluff but she still tried to cover her tracks. Being so close to him like this made her a teeny bit nervous, and being called out on a lie made her even more so. Because of his comment, the thought of him kissing her had crossed her mind and she blushed profusely. But she rejected her own thought, never in a million years would she have thought she was his "type", if anything he must see her as a sister, right?

His hand moved to her chin, raising it slightly. Now she was forced to look into his eyes. He towered over the small female, feeling the sudden rush of body heat to her face made her wonder why she was feeling this way. Her stomach was aching with the flutter of butterflies, her heart was pounding in her ears and some small part of her wanted him to actually kiss her. 'Oh no...' she began to think, sliding a foot back in attempt to take a step back,'Have I gotten over James Potter?' her foot bumped into the chairs they were sitting in, just behind her. The sudden collision made her eyes dart off to the side, and before she could turn her head Alexander had pressed his lips against hers.

Paige instantly froze, the sudden act made her react quickly, in less than a second she had peeled her arms from around him and grabbed onto his wrist that held her head up. Her grip was tense and tight at first, along with the rest of her body. It was a suprise attack that she didnt forsee so naturally shed react that way...or perhaps she just denied the possibility. However, the sensation was surprisingly soft and sweet, especially from a harsh young man like himself. It wasnt forceful like she expected it to be...not that...shes ever thought about it or anything... Ahem, in anycase, his gentle approach made it hard for her to protest or pull away from him, and quite frankly she didnt want to...sort of. The experience was new to her. She has never kissed anyone before. And out of the blue, she found herself feeling self conscious about it for the first time.

She wanted to pull away now, to end the terrible nightmare he was probably in. It was obvious this wasnt new to him, and she wanted to end his misery, that is, kissing a newbie like her. But as if he read her thoughts, Alexander only deepened the interaction. One arm still around her, she was slowly being pulled closer and closer. Their bodies were close, his wrist and arm that she held with both hands was now against her chest, and her tight girp softened into a light and feathery hold, a touch of affection, savoring the feel of his toned forearm underneath the suit he wore. Though her body reacted different that her mind, chanting 'yes, yes, yes,' while her mind and heart were still wondering if this was right, if she still had an attraction toward James, and now beginning to wonder if her heart turned to...well...to someone she didnt expect (hormones are great, arent they).

Ah, the never ending maze that is the heart of a woman~

Paige relaxed into the kiss, even her lips were more inviting than the first initial contact the two made. They were warm, flushed like her face, she was even sure Alexander could feel the hot fever through her lips but she tried not to think about it too much. But what now? She didnt know how to kiss back, the most she could do now was let it happen, and let Alexander know it was okay through body language.


Paige Kingsley

Alexander raised Paige's head to look at him. Yes she had some tears, but at least they werent sad or upset tears. He cupped her face with a hand and rubbed off a droplet that had not yet rolled off her face,"Youre such a cry baby sometimes," he teased. Paige stuck out her lower lip, and she narrowed her eyes at him. She knew she was a cry baby but he didnt have to point it out. Then she smiled, laughing at the fact. She knew she was sensitive, but she didnt let it bother her too much.

"You know I don't think I could let anyone else steal your first kiss like this."

Paige pulled back an inch or two, looking at him in the eyes,"What? Wh-what do you mean?" He called her bluff but she still tried to cover her tracks. Being so close to him like this made her a teeny bit nervous, and being called out on a lie made her even more so. Because of his comment, the thought of him kissing her had crossed her mind and she blushed profusely. But she rejected her own thought, never in a million years would she have thought she was his "type", if anything he must see her as a sister, right?

His hand moved to her chin, raising it slightly. Now she was forced to look into his eyes. He towered over the small female, feeling the sudden rush of body heat to her face made her wonder why she was feeling this way. Her stomach was aching with the flutter of butterflies, her heart was pounding in her ears and some small part of her wanted him to actually kiss her. 'Oh no...' she began to think, sliding a foot back in attempt to take a step back,'Have I gotten over James Potter?' her foot bumped into the chairs they were sitting in, just behind her. The sudden collision made her eyes dart off to the side, and before she could turn her head Alexander had pressed his lips against hers.

Paige instantly froze, the sudden act made her react quickly, in less than a second she had peeled her arms from around him and grabbed onto his wrist that held her head up. Her grip was tense and tight at first, along with the rest of her body. It was a suprise attack that she didnt forsee so naturally shed react that way...or perhaps she just denied the possibility. However, the sensation was surprisingly soft and sweet, especially from a harsh young man like himself. It wasnt forceful like she expected it to be...not that...shes ever thought about it or anything... Ahem, in anycase, his gentle approach made it hard for her to protest or pull away from him, and quite frankly she didnt want to...sort of. The experience was new to her. She has never kissed anyone before. And out of the blue, she found herself feeling self conscious about it for the first time.

She wanted to pull away now, to end the terrible nightmare he was probably in. It was obvious this wasnt new to him, and she wanted to end his misery, that is, kissing a newbie like her. But as if he read her thoughts, Alexander only deepened the interaction. One arm still around her, she was slowly being pulled closer and closer. Their bodies were close, his wrist and arm that she held with both hands was now against her chest, and her tight girp softened into a light and feathery hold, a touch of affection, savoring the feel of his toned forearm underneath the suit he wore. Though her body reacted different that her mind, chanting 'yes, yes, yes,' while her mind and heart were still wondering if this was right, if she still had an attraction toward James, and now beginning to wonder if her heart turned to...well...to someone she didnt expect (hormones are great, arent they).

Ah, the never ending maze that is the heart of a woman~

Paige relaxed into the kiss, even her lips were more inviting than the first initial contact the two made. They were warm, flushed like her face, she was even sure Alexander could feel the hot fever through her lips but she tried not to think about it too much. But what now? She didnt know how to kiss back, the most she could do now was let it happen, and let Alexander know it was okay through body language.


Paige Kingsley

Alexander deepened the experience still, and even though she was very inexperienced, it still doesnt mean she wasnt enjoying it. Still, she felt as childish as ever. If they werent as close as they are now, Paige might have started crying and run away, grieving over the theft of her first kiss. But she was happy her first was someone she really cared about, and someone that genuinely cared for her too. Time felt non existant, but as soon as she remembered they were in the midst of a wedding, she felt guilty for consulting into her own lovely feelings than celebrating two people being wed. The day was about Victoria after all. Paige took the liberty of pulling away first, even though she didnt want to,"U-umm..." she stuttered, avoiding his gaze. Now the awkward begins Paige to set in,"What was that for...?" she mumbled to him, though she didnt really expect an answer.

The girl let go of him upon realizing she was still holding onto him. "Sorry," she swiftly tamed her hands behind behind her back and took a step back,"We should...we should probably get going," she forced a nervous, sheepish smile, her voice soft with her body trembling. "Greyson's waiting for me," she pointed to the door with her thumb over her shoulder. Walking backwards to said door, she rambled, her mind still a flutter,"Victoria will be expecting you im sure, so you should go too. Afterall, we're at a wedding and we might be late. Its not polite to be late, and i dont want to keep my brother waiting. I mean you want to see her walking down the aisle, right? Right. Her beauty shouldnt go to waste," she was just saying what ever came to mind...her fuzzy, staticy mind. She contiued to back up until her bum unknowingly bumped into the door. She stopped, feeling even more embarassed than before,"Oops," she whispered then turned around struggling to grab a hold of the knob. Clumsyness, one of her many qualities. she finally got the door to open and before she left, she looked at Alexander,"Um...glad we sorted things out," she gave a curt nod and left the room.

Halfway down the hallway she sighed,"Curses," she hissed, snapping her fingers. Daintly running back in her heels to the room, she burst through the doors, back to the chair, picking up the bag she left behind....again,"Sorry, forgot my bag," she panted between breaths then scurried out the door.


( _ _ll curse writers block... *bangs head on desk*)
Walking over toward Andrew from his prior spot leaning against the walls and drinking from a glass. Arnaldus approached the soon to be groom with a smile and nod. "Greetings Andrew, Looking forward to the ceremony? I'm sure it shall be quite grand." He spoke in kind deciding to interact with the groom as he would be marrying his friend and it may be the correct and right thing to do at such a event as this one. "Maybe the event of the year." He continued while pausing to take a drink from his glass and standing before Andrew with a kind expression. The two probably haven't really spoken much all things considered, but one thing Arnaldus knew was his knack for bringing out strong opinions about him whether good or bad. They were always strong and made for topics of conversation at times. @EmilyPower

Paige Kingsley

Alexander deepened the experience still, and even though she was very inexperienced, it still doesnt mean she wasnt enjoying it. Still, she felt as childish as ever. If they werent as close as they are now, Paige might have started crying and run away, grieving over the theft of her first kiss. But she was happy her first was someone she really cared about, and someone that genuinely cared for her too. Time felt non existant, but as soon as she remembered they were in the midst of a wedding, she felt guilty for consulting into her own lovely feelings than celebrating two people being wed. The day was about Victoria after all. Paige took the liberty of pulling away first, even though she didnt want to,"U-umm..." she stuttered, avoiding his gaze. Now the awkward begins Paige to set in,"What was that for...?" she mumbled to him, though she didnt really expect an answer.

The girl let go of him upon realizing she was still holding onto him. "Sorry," she swiftly tamed her hands behind behind her back and took a step back,"We should...we should probably get going," she forced a nervous, sheepish smile, her voice soft with her body trembling. "Greyson's waiting for me," she pointed to the door with her thumb over her shoulder. Walking backwards to said door, she rambled, her mind still a flutter,"Victoria will be expecting you im sure, so you should go too. Afterall, we're at a wedding and we might be late. Its not polite to be late, and i dont want to keep my brother waiting. I mean you want to see her walking down the aisle, right? Right. Her beauty shouldnt go to waste," she was just saying what ever came to mind...her fuzzy, staticy mind. She contiued to back up until her bum unknowingly bumped into the door. She stopped, feeling even more embarassed than before,"Oops," she whispered then turned around struggling to grab a hold of the knob. Clumsyness, one of her many qualities. she finally got the door to open and before she left, she looked at Alexander,"Um...glad we sorted things out," she gave a curt nod and left the room.

Halfway down the hallway she sighed,"Curses," she hissed, snapping her fingers. Daintly running back in her heels to the room, she burst through the doors, back to the chair, picking up the bag she left behind....again,"Sorry, forgot my bag," she panted between breaths then scurried out the door.


Maybe prolonging the wedding was a bad idea, seeing as Andrew's nerves only increased that way. But the Minister and the bride weren't there and the guests had just finished getting their seats so those extra minutes had certainly been good for something. It also gave him the chance to take the flask from one of his groomsmen to drink some of the alcohol to calm his nerves. Andrew knew he shouldn't be nervous, or at least shouldn't show any sign of distress but it was just too easy. Well, it was normal for the groom to be nervous before the marriage so at least some people would be kind enough to ignore his nervous expression. When Thaddeus spoke to him, he immediately gulped and hid the flask in his elegant robes. Maybe letting Victoria's friend know he was drinking at their wedding was not a good idea. "Oh, Thaddeus. Yes, I'm quite excited, thank you." He replied with a small, genuine smile. Before he could say anything else, the music began and the bride and her father began walking down the aisle.

He couldn't find the perfect explanation to what he was feeling as he saw Victoria walking down the aisle. Nervousness, definitely. He was about to marry the woman he loved, after all. Pride, joy, sadness, they were all there. The fact that he was marrying Victoria Knight was still impossible to believe. He'd been dreaming of this moment for ten years and his dreams were finally coming true. Sure, in his dreams Victoria was in love with him and her annoying friends weren't present but he could fix that, it couldn't be hard to make her love him and separate her from her group of friends. When Victoria was finally at his side, he smiled and couldn't help himself from speaking to her. "You look lovely, wife."

(To be honest, I don't know how marriages work in the Wizarding World.)
Victoria had never been fond of her mother. Katherine Knight was much like her husband and usually caused trouble for her children, it was natural for her oldest daughter to cringe every time her mother called her for something. Whenever Katherine called anyone's name, bad things were bound to happen. The dreadful feelings she'd gotten for 17 years were nothing compared to the unexpected pang in her chest when her mother told them the wedding was commencing in one minute. She wanted to flee, she really did. Being a coward wasn't such a bad thing and she could always find her brother and hide with him for the rest of her life. Thaddeus would do a great job taking care of the Order without her, her friends could take care of themselves and she could take her siblings with her to make sure they wouldn't cause any trouble. Yes, escaping seemed like the perfect plan. She just wasn't ready to get married, not yet. She found herself snickering at the thought of being capable of forming a revolution against the Ministry but not being capable of marrying her friend. The Order, that's what forced her to remember who she really was. She was a Knight! They didn't risk their lives running away from their problems, they didn't let weak thoughts enter their minds. No, they were powerful and so was she. With this thought in mind, she locked arms with her father and began walking down the aisle.

All eyes were on her. Some expressing admiration and respect and others scolding her. Her posture was perfect and her chin was up, just like a respectable pureblood bride should be walking. However, her stance lacked her usual confidence and pride. At this point, she couldn't care less about what the others were thinking about her. She was too occupied taking care of her own thoughts to mind the guests's glares. It was hard to cope with the thought that her life was going to change forever in a few minutes. She was going to have a new name, a new rank in the Ministry and new responsibilities. Did her parents expect her to have children? They did, but when was she supposed to have children? Certainly not before the Minister was dead, that's for sure. She couldn't possibly fight against the Ministry while taking care of some brat she didn't even want. Come to think of it, she wouldn't be able to do much after the wedding. They'd been lucky that Robert had allowed them to go on a honeymoon considering the attacks against the Ministry, but Victoria knew she wouldn't be able to get any work done without the other members close to her and under constant surveillance of Ministry officials. Luckily, her husband knew about the Order so hiding everything from him wouldn't be a problem.

The dreadful walk was finally over and Victoria had finally taken her place beside her future husband. She wondered how he felt about the ordeal. Was he glad they were getting married? Scared? Perhaps even nervous? Well, she couldn't blame the nervous look on his face. It was normal for the bride and groom to be nervous during their wedding, at least having someone just as nervous as her helped her calm down. "And you look quite handsome, husband." Victoria teased with a soft smile, giving his hand a small squeeze before focusing her attention on the ceremony official who was just about to begin his speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two faithful souls..." The man began, grasping the attention from the guests and the couple in front of him.

As much as Victoria wanted to pay attention in her own wedding, she found herself rolling her eyes a few times before completely losing interest in what the man was saying. They were all plain lies, the same words he probably used for other arranged marriages. He was speaking of care, love, and devotion, which clearly didn't apply for this marriage. She felt the urge to stop the official just to correct him. "I apologize for my interruption, but everything you've said for the past twenty minutes has been a lie. No, there is little to no love in this marriage. No, I will not be a devoted and ideal wife who will spend her life caring for her husband and children. No, our union shouldn't be celebrated with a wedding. Our union is not the cause of love, it's the cause of our families wanting power and allies. Please fix your speech before you make me throw up all over my dress, thank you." Victoria thought, making her smile wilder as she tried to control a fit of giggles.

Just a few minutes later, they both said their vows. It didn't take a genius to know they didn't mean most of the things they'd written down on the small piece of parchment. While Andrew's vows seemed more genuine, probably because he was actually in love with the woman he was marrying, Victoria's lacked the same honesty and love. It sounded like she was reading a paragraph from a boring tale and she was sure the guests were smart enough to notice that. Well, it didn't matter. Arranged marriages usually didn't involve love and she was sure they'd attended other weddings with the same kind of vows. As much as she hated this tradition, the one about to come was even worse.

The Unbreakable Vow, how could she have forgotten? Everything Alexander had said about the divorce was immediately erased from her mind as soon as the official asked them to hold hands. Arranged marriages were meant to last until one of them died, meaning a divorce was impossible. The only way of making sure they wouldn't try to end the marriage was by using an unbreakable vow. She found herself giving Alexander a panicked look as the official casted the spell and they were forced to vow to never make any attempt to terminate their marriage. How wonderful.

At last, the ceremony came to and end and the official finally asked the groom to kiss his bride. With his hands around her waist and her arms around his neck, the couple crashed their lips together. The guests clapped and quickly began raising from their seats to join the rest of the party inside the manor. Victoria simply continued sharing her first kiss with Andrew as a married couple, not wanting the moment to end. While she didn't love him, she had to admit she was a very good kisser. His lips felt warm and they perfectly matched her lips, transforming into the perfect kiss for an imperfect wedding.
Theodore watched closely as Victoria took her spot next to her husband. As much as she might try to hide it he could always tell when someone was hiding there true emotions. Although to be fair any fool could tell she wasn't Ken to get forced to marry someone she didn't love. Who would be, except someone as power hungry as Robert Knight. He smiled a genuinely pleased smile as she corrected the official, and he watched the rest of the ceremony rather bored. After it ended he clapped rather unenthusiastically with all the others. He wasn't a fan of arranged marriages this was something anyone would know about him, but still he had come for other reasons reasons he wasn't planning on letting anyone else know. He had become painfully aware recently that someone had been watching him closely, and he was interested in finding out who it was. So he came to the wedding hoping that he might catch a glimpse of his stalker.
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thefan1 said:
Victoria had never been fond of her mother. Katherine Knight was much like her husband and usually caused trouble for her children, it was natural for her oldest daughter to cringe every time her mother called her for something. Whenever Katherine called anyone's name, bad things were bound to happen. The dreadful feelings she'd gotten for 17 years were nothing compared to the unexpected pang in her chest when her mother told them the wedding was commencing in one minute. She wanted to flee, she really did. Being a coward wasn't such a bad thing and she could always find her brother and hide with him for the rest of her life. Thaddeus would do a great job taking care of the Order without her, her friends could take care of themselves and she could take her siblings with her to make sure they wouldn't cause any trouble. Yes, escaping seemed like the perfect plan. She just wasn't ready to get married, not yet. She found herself snickering at the thought of being capable of forming a revolution against the Ministry but not being capable of marrying her friend. The Order, that's what forced her to remember who she really was. She was a Knight! They didn't risk their lives running away from their problems, they didn't let weak thoughts enter their minds. No, they were powerful and so was she. With this thought in mind, she locked arms with her father and began walking down the aisle.
All eyes were on her. Some expressing admiration and respect and others scolding her. Her posture was perfect and her chin was up, just like a respectable pureblood bride should be walking. However, her stance lacked her usual confidence and pride. At this point, she couldn't care less about what the others were thinking about her. She was too occupied taking care of her own thoughts to mind the guests's glares. It was hard to cope with the thought that her life was going to change forever in a few minutes. She was going to have a new name, a new rank in the Ministry and new responsibilities. Did her parents expect her to have children? They did, but when was she supposed to have children? Certainly not before the Minister was dead, that's for sure. She couldn't possibly fight against the Ministry while taking care of some brat she didn't even want. Come to think of it, she wouldn't be able to do much after the wedding. They'd been lucky that Robert had allowed them to go on a honeymoon considering the attacks against the Ministry, but Victoria knew she wouldn't be able to get any work done without the other members close to her and under constant surveillance of Ministry officials. Luckily, her husband knew about the Order so hiding everything from him wouldn't be a problem.

The dreadful walk was finally over and Victoria had finally taken her place beside her future husband. She wondered how he felt about the ordeal. Was he glad they were getting married? Scared? Perhaps even nervous? Well, she couldn't blame the nervous look on his face. It was normal for the bride and groom to be nervous during their wedding, at least having someone just as nervous as her helped her calm down. "And you look quite handsome, husband." Victoria teased with a soft smile, giving his hand a small squeeze before focusing her attention on the ceremony official who was just about to begin his speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two faithful souls..." The man began, grasping the attention from the guests and the couple in front of him.

As much as Victoria wanted to pay attention in her own wedding, she found herself rolling her eyes a few times before completely losing interest in what the man was saying. They were all plain lies, the same words he probably used for other arranged marriages. He was speaking of care, love, and devotion, which clearly didn't apply for this marriage. She felt the urge to stop the official just to correct him. "I apologize for my interruption, but everything you've said for the past twenty minutes has been a lie. No, there is little to no love in this marriage. No, I will not be a devoted and ideal wife who will spend her life caring for her husband and children. No, our union shouldn't be celebrated with a wedding. Our union is not the cause of love, it's the cause of our families wanting power and allies. Please fix your speech before you make me throw up all over my dress, thank you." Victoria thought, making her smile wilder as she tried to control a fit of giggles.

Just a few minutes later, they both said their vows. It didn't take a genius to know they didn't mean most of the things they'd written down on the small piece of parchment. While Andrew's vows seemed more genuine, probably because he was actually in love with the woman he was marrying, Victoria's lacked the same honesty and love. It sounded like she was reading a paragraph from a boring tale and she was sure the guests were smart enough to notice that. Well, it didn't matter. Arranged marriages usually didn't involve love and she was sure they'd attended other weddings with the same kind of vows. As much as she hated this tradition, the one about to come was even worse.

The Unbreakable Vow, how could she have forgotten? Everything Alexander had said about the divorce was immediately erased from her mind as soon as the official asked them to hold hands. Arranged marriages were meant to last until one of them died, meaning a divorce was impossible. The only way of making sure they wouldn't try to end the marriage was by using an unbreakable vow. She found herself giving Alexander a panicked look as the official casted the spell and they were forced to vow to never make any attempt to terminate their marriage. How wonderful.

At last, the ceremony came to and end and the official finally asked the groom to kiss his bride. With his hands around her waist and her arms around his neck, the couple crashed their lips together. The guests clapped and quickly began raising from their seats to join the rest of the party inside the manor. Victoria simply continued sharing her first kiss with Andrew as a married couple, not wanting the moment to end. While she didn't love him, she had to admit she was a very good kisser. His lips felt warm and they perfectly matched her lips, transforming into the perfect kiss for an imperfect wedding.
Alexander was sitting in his chair when Victoria started preceding down the aisle. He favored her a comforting smile from the front row, curtsey of Andrew who had been tried to wound him by giving him a front row seat, a fact he had taken in stride. To most other people she might have fooled them putting on arrogant airs with her nose so high up in the air it was sniffing up gods ass but he could tell she was nervous and beaten down by the whole thing. He tried to give her as much comfort in a glance as he could, roaming her body with his eyes before looking back at her face raising an eyebrow in amusement.

The ceremony was boring and when the priest was speaking Alexander couldn't help but pretend to try and choke himself from the absolute boredom. However the ceremony still managed to hit him with a surprise twist at the unbreakable vow. He looked at Robert. "So you would go this far." He thought distastefully. Victoria through him a look only to find him deep in thought for a moment going over possibilities before looking up at her and grinning trying to tell her everything is alright. How could he be a Slytherin without being able to break the rules.

The second the ceremony and the kiss ended he remembered what he promised and his face became a bit dark but he quickly composed it into a smile walking up to her. "Congratulations Victoria!" He cried with a big smile for once likely better at faking things then her as he walked up to give her a hug. @thefan1
Paige & Greyson Kingsley

When she left the room a second time, Alexander was close behind her, following to make his own exit into the garden. He patted her head as he passed her, sending shivers up her spine with his unsuspecting touch, "No reason to be nervous, it was just a kiss. See it as practice for James."

When he passed her, continuing on his way, Paige stopped at his words. She forced a fake chuckle,"Right, just a practice kiss," she whispered to herself. Alexander wouldnt have heard it, but now Paige felt like fool. She felt almost guilty for thinking it couldve meant something more, and now she just wished it never happened.

Paige quickly took her seat beside her brother in the sea of guests tha were already sitting and waiting for the bride to arrive,"Where were you?" he wondered as she prepared herself to sit.

"I was..." she cleared her throat, thinking of an excuse,"I...I found my bag," she smiled, but it was solemn.

The music began, and the guests stood up while Victoria was walked by her father down the aisle. She could hear the sniffles and breathy sobs of Knight family members around her. Paige was the emotional type when it came to weddings too, but after what Alexander had informed her, Paige just felt bad for Victoria. She could only imagine what the pureblood was going through. Then her eyes moved to Andrew, in a glaring fashion. Seeing him made her sick now, she was played, taken for a naive fool, manipulated against her only friend, Victoria deserved so much better.

When the bride stood by her groom, the audience sat back in their seats and the ceremony commenced. Greyson watched, bored as ever, he never liked the mushy, vow parts of the wedding, it was too...flowery for him. However, Paige was hardly paying any attention. Her eyes were locked on the couple but her mind strayed else where. She involutarily raised a hand, a finger touching and running along her lips. She went back to the kiss, then back to what Alexander had said. Either he was really good at mimicking a genuine kiss, or he lied about it being "just a kiss" to him. The fact that she didnt know, bothered her. Reminiscing the sheer bliss of his soft skin pressed against her lips was distracting, and it was appearant. Greyson leaned into her ear,"Are you alright?" his deep voice inquired.

Paige blinked, coming back into reality,"Hmm?"

"You seem...bothered.." He eyed her from the corner of his eyes, inspecting her closely, raising a suspicious eyebrow.

"No, no, Im alright," she glanced at him for a moment then looked back to Victoria and Andrew, believing that looking someone in the eye often proved honesty. Although, with how quickly she looked away it couldve said otherwise.

Greyson wasnt buying it, but he didnt want to keep whispering while the rest of the guests were quiet,"Alright then," he said, shifting his position in his seat. Paige let out a long breath of air, grateful she got out of that one. "At least try to look happy, for the bride" Greyson pleaded.

Paige looked down at her lap, crossing her arms,"Believe me Grey, if you knew more about the wedding, you wouldnt be..."

Suddenly the wedding took a surprising turn, at the mention of an Unbreakable Vow, Paige perked up, looking back to the altar. She shifted to the edge of her seat, even Greyson looked at her funny for his sister's 'sudden interest'. She couldnt believe it, whos idea was it to finish the wedding with an unbreakable vow, things were not looking well for Victoria. Paige again glared at Andrew, assuming it was his idea so that Victoria had no chance of wriggling her way out of the marriage, little did she know it was her own father that would do such a thing... the ceremony ended, rather quickly too. And while most people clapped, Paige didnt. Greyson applauded with a smile, for once he was kept further in the dark than his own sister. She wanted to tell him to stop, but refrained from doing so. It wasnt her place to gossip, nor was it the right time. All she could was silently hope for the newly wed bride...

Mentioned: @thefan1 @Akio @EmilyPower
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The kiss eventually came to its natural end and Victoria found herself mindlessly running her fingers across her hand. There was no going back now, not after an Unbreakable Vow. She was going to be Mrs. Victoria Williams forever, but the Knight name was not gone. Her thoughts regarding her family were definitely confusing. While she loathed them, they were all pureblood elitists with no souls after all, she still admired them and was more than proud of being a Knight. Carrying the name was an honor and losing it was frightening. Maybe she could find a way to keep the Knight surname... yes, that seemed like a reasonable thing to do. Surely her father wouldn't want his heir to carry the name of a less noble family.

Thinking about her name was surely a reasonable way to deal with the mess of thoughts forming in her head. To be honest, she didn't know what to think. Was she mad at her father for not bringing up the fact that there would be an Unbreakable Vow to seal the Union? She was, but not as mad as she would be. After all, she wouldn't have to worry about Robert forcing Andrew to kill her in case he ever found out about her betrayal. Alright, he would probably murder her himself but forcing Andrew to do it would surely cause him pain that could be used as a punishment. The situation was entirely possible and it helped Victoria find a reason to cope with the idea of being Andrew's bride forever. Well, at least she would be marrying one of her best friends. She could've been forced to marry a complete idiot instead of marrying someone who truly cared for her. Who knows? Maybe that could help her learn to live her new husband!

"At least I'm safe," Victoria muttered, ignoring her family's compliments and occasional scoldings for looking disinterested during the ceremony. She couldn't care less, they would all be dead in a couple of months and she wasn't going to dwell on the thoughts of dead people. She didn't turn until Alexander walked over to congratulate her. She didn't miss the way he looked at her father, there was so much hate in that state that she wondered if her father had done something to Alexander or his family. "Thank you." She simply replied, not caring to put any kind of emotion into her words. The wonderful thing about arranged marriages was that no one had to fakd being happy or in love. Who would care?

Alexander's promise immediately came to mind and she took a few steps closer to the boy and gave him a mischievous smile. There was no escape now, Victoria was not going to let him go until he revealed his big secret. It did sound like something it involved her, or at least would have a negative effect her. Why else would he insist on keeping it a secret until after the ceremony? This secret was clearly not going to lift her spirits but she couldn't wait any longer. "I believe you have something to tell me."
thefan1 said:
The kiss eventually came to its natural end and Victoria found herself mindlessly running her fingers across her hand. There was no going back now, not after an Unbreakable Vow. She was going to be Mrs. Victoria Williams forever, but the Knight name was not gone. Her thoughts regarding her family were definitely confusing. While she loathed them, they were all pureblood elitists with no souls after all, she still admired them and was more than proud of being a Knight. Carrying the name was an honor and losing it was frightening. Maybe she could find a way to keep the Knight surname... yes, that seemed like a reasonable thing to do. Surely her father wouldn't want his heir to carry the name of a less noble family.
Thinking about her name was surely a reasonable way to deal with the mess of thoughts forming in her head. To be honest, she didn't know what to think. Was she mad at her father for not bringing up the fact that there would be an Unbreakable Vow to seal the Union? She was, but not as mad as she would be. After all, she wouldn't have to worry about Robert forcing Andrew to kill her in case he ever found out about her betrayal. Alright, he would probably murder her himself but forcing Andrew to do it would surely cause him pain that could be used as a punishment. The situation was entirely possible and it helped Victoria find a reason to cope with the idea of being Andrew's bride forever. Well, at least she would be marrying one of her best friends. She could've been forced to marry a complete idiot instead of marrying someone who truly cared for her. Who knows? Maybe that could help her learn to live her new husband!

"At least I'm safe," Victoria muttered, ignoring her family's compliments and occasional scoldings for looking disinterested during the ceremony. She couldn't care less, they would all be dead in a couple of months and she wasn't going to dwell on the thoughts of dead people. She didn't turn until Alexander walked over to congratulate her. She didn't miss the way he looked at her father, there was so much hate in that state that she wondered if her father had done something to Alexander or his family. "Thank you." She simply replied, not caring to put any kind of emotion into her words. The wonderful thing about arranged marriages was that no one had to fakd being happy or in love. Who would care?

Alexander's promise immediately came to mind and she took a few steps closer to the boy and gave him a mischievous smile. There was no escape now, Victoria was not going to let him go until he revealed his big secret. It did sound like something it involved her, or at least would have a negative effect her. Why else would he insist on keeping it a secret until after the ceremony? This secret was clearly not going to lift her spirits but she couldn't wait any longer. "I believe you have something to tell me."
Alexanders face hadnt lost its happy smile at her disinterested look so etheir he knew something she didn't or right now he was a much better actor then he was. "You had proper pureblood poise, with your nose stuck right up gods ass." He teased crossing his arms and bending his head back as far as possible doing a playful mimic of her. However all his good cheer disappeared in a heartbeat when she mentioned the secret. She was right, there was no reason to wait any longer else he might as well not tell her at all. His will wavered for a moment before he sighed and glanced up at her lowering his head slightly.

"In private." He said firmly which let her know this was something serious and probably just not for her. If it just involved her no matter how bad it was he would tell her, Alexander was not one for hiding terrible truths. "Besides something tells me you want to escape the crowds." He said quietly looking at all the various Knight family with some distaste. A bit farther people were congratulating Andrew who was likely much more happy about this wedding. Holding his wand under the crowding people and casted a snake summoning charm causing for a long King Kobra to be summoned who immediately hissed in annoyance at the loud noise. Under his breath Alexander speaks in parsaltongue. "I hope you can do me a favor cousin." He said a bit pleadingly to the snake, snakes were proud and begging was always a good way to get their help. "Snake!!" He called out in apparent fear creating a distraction as the King Kobra hissed loudly in distaste as he casted the disillunionist charm on himself and Victoria as the attention shifted as he grabbed her hand. "Follow me." He said under his breath in her ear and took off, dragging her behind him as cousins, family friends, aunts, and uncles got harassed by the large snake. Only fear of his own snakes injury had stopped them from summoning his own companion on them. He had no mercy for them. He dragged her towards her room, well now her room she would have to share. Once them stopped running panting he stopped the disillunionist charm looking at her. "Well that was entertaining." He said amused before becoming sollom again. "So you need to know the secret don't you." He said quietly. "It's about your brother." @thefan1
Victoria was more than grateful when Alexander casted the charm of both of them, for she didn't want her family to know she was laughing as loud as possible when he summoned the snake. For such a strong family, they seemed pathetic. Sure, some members of the family didn't seen to care about the snake and dealt with the situation quite well but the reactions of the frightened guests was priceless. To think they were the most influential family in the Wizarding World, no wonder her father was always mad at his family. Some of them were nothing but cowards who liked power. "Oh, come on!" Victoria exclaimed after a group of young women ran inside the manor to escape from the snake. "You've got wands! You know how to cast a killing curse!" She shouted, even though no one noticed because of the charm. "You'd think they would know now to deal with a snake, considering they're all Slytherins. Look! Even my brother isn't afraid of it and he's a Ravenclaw!" She continued, pointing at the children who were entertaining themselves with the animal.

When the charm was off, her cheerful mood dissaparated with it. Now that they weren't with the frightened guests, the serious tone of the conversation returned and Victoria couldn't help but shiver at the thought of what he was going to say. She didn't know why, but she had a terrible feeling about the secret. Something told her it was going to be even worse than she expected. Her thoughts were confirmed when Alexander admitted that he knew something about her brother. For a moment, she wondered how he even knew about Richard, considering she tried to keep him out of conversations and never mentioned him in order to avoid getting sad by just remembering her brother. Ah, the alcohol in the Addams ball, that made sense. She cursed the alcohol for making her speak about her beloved brother, without the alcohol, they wouldn't be having this conversation. "You mean Richard?" Victoria asked with a slight hint of hope in her eyes. She'd been disappointed when her father had told her that Richard wouldn't be present for her wedding but if Alexander had spoken to him... "You haven't seen him, have you? I mean, he only sends one letter a year and that's during my birthday, which was a few weeks ago. I don't see why he would give you anything, unless you spoke to him in person and that's impossible. Only my father knows where ne's hiding and I doubt he gave you my brother's address."
thefan1 said:
Victoria was more than grateful when Alexander casted the charm of both of them, for she didn't want her family to know she was laughing as loud as possible when he summoned the snake. For such a strong family, they seemed pathetic. Sure, some members of the family didn't seen to care about the snake and dealt with the situation quite well but the reactions of the frightened guests was priceless. To think they were the most influential family in the Wizarding World, no wonder her father was always mad at his family. Some of them were nothing but cowards who liked power. "Oh, come on!" Victoria exclaimed after a group of young women ran inside the manor to escape from the snake. "You've got wands! You know how to cast a killing curse!" She shouted, even though no one noticed because of the charm. "You'd think they would know now to deal with a snake, considering they're all Slytherins. Look! Even my brother isn't afraid of it and he's a Ravenclaw!" She continued, pointing at the children who were entertaining themselves with the animal.
When the charm was off, her cheerful mood dissaparated with it. Now that they weren't with the frightened guests, the serious tone of the conversation returned and Victoria couldn't help but shiver at the thought of what he was going to say. She didn't know why, but she had a terrible feeling about the secret. Something told her it was going to be even worse than she expected. Her thoughts were confirmed when Alexander admitted that he knew something about her brother. For a moment, she wondered how he even knew about Richard, considering she tried to keep him out of conversations and never mentioned him in order to avoid getting sad by just remembering her brother. Ah, the alcohol in the Addams ball, that made sense. She cursed the alcohol for making her speak about her beloved brother, without the alcohol, they wouldn't be having this conversation. "You mean Richard?" Victoria asked with a slight hint of hope in her eyes. She'd been disappointed when her father had told her that Richard wouldn't be present for her wedding but if Alexander had spoken to him... "You haven't seen him, have you? I mean, he only sends one letter a year and that's during my birthday, which was a few weeks ago. I don't see why he would give you anything, unless you spoke to him in person and that's impossible. Only my father knows where ne's hiding and I doubt he gave you my brother's address."
Alexander had asked the snake for a favor so while it was hissing and and seemed upset to be pulled out of its habitat it wasn't biting anyone though it seemed extremely annoyed. There was a louder hiss and Alexander's massive snake lazily slid into the clearing, sliding up to the snake causing the Kobra to bow it's head submissively. Alexanders snake personally didn't care if children climbed over it, it was a massive snake with a powerful body and the weight of anything that was not a full adult wouldn't even hinder its movements in the slightest. Having such a big predator near it would keep the Kobra calm, snakes were prickly about their pride but seeing a stronger snake endure would cause the Kobra from getting out of hand letting the children play with them in the most awkward decible at a wedding ever. Robert knew the massive snake was his as did everyone else so now the initial panic was over it was unlikely etheir of the snakes would be hurt as the children took the opportunity to play with the animals, Robert got his vow, he should not care all that much.

"I was investigating your brother, because certain things about your story didn't add up. You said you hadn't seen him in years but why is this necessary? With etheir apparition or the Flu network you could be at his side in moments if he wished or visa versa. If you were so close and he had a good relationship with your family then why did he never come to visit not once? It seemed odd." He said explaining his reasoning with a frown as he continued with his story. "His original disappearance was sudden so there wasn't much information on it so I tried looking at him through his job. I contacted his old runes teacher and chased down anyone who knew your brother. Spent a lot of time using the Flo network and flying all over the country which is why I was so tired." He said rubbing his eyes though that wasn't the truth. For the last 3 days whether to tell her or not and the idea of Robert doing the same thing to her nauseated him and made him feel fear he hadn't in years. He had been terrified of him doing the same to her. "I went to Rome, the wizarding world is smaller then one would think and especially after the name Knight rose to such prominence I learned I was not the only one to question what happened to your brother though for a different reason. I met someone who had been looking for your brother and he reveled to me the missing key." He said his voice quiet and low, speaking compassionately as if it would easy the blow he knew was coming.

"Nine months before his disappearance he went to Saint Mungo's in disguise to speak to a certain nurse there and also registered his name at a muggle hospital under a false name. After some questioning I extracted what he signed up for. A check simple check up which seemed odd given wizards healers are much more effective though the distance is closing with modern medicine it's not there yet. But what was most odd is he signed up for several check ups over a nine month period in advance, all of it well paid. After one of the later visits however he stopped coming and the nurse he spoke to disappeared as well. The nurse had few wizard family members and those she did have suddenly stopped investigating. I eventually tracked her to an unmarked grave in the forest, around a place where even years later while the forest had healed there was still sign of spell damage in the ground and rocks. There in an unmarked grave I found two skelatons. It's usually impossible to identify wizards with dental records or DNA but I was able to identify them both. One was the nurse he visited who was a muggle born by the name of Anna Lecrious who was registered a missing person by her muggle parents and the male as Adam Cavaliere, the Italian word for Knight, whos history showed signs of wizard forgery in the details and his lack of registration in the national registry proving it was newly made entry." He said half rambling, in truth he had known from the moment he looked at the registry and saw that he had the Italian word for Knight as his name, even if they hated their family they all seemed to have pride in the name. "And whos name could only be traced to Richard Knight. Your brother was killed by the killing curse and buried in an unmarked grave." He said his shoulders slooping. "The girl buried with him I believe was his lover, pregnant with his child which is why he scheduled in a muggle hospital for nine months of check ups. I believe Robert Knight found out and killed them both, he's the one who's been writing the letters ever since to hide the truth. I'm sorry." He said his voice breaking slightly.
Arabella Crawley

The ice queen sat in her seat, impatiently waiting for the ceremony to begin. Not impatient in a sense it was taking too long, but she wanted to be up and out of her seat, away from her parents. And she was only allowed to do so after the main ceremony of the newly wed couple. Ara dreaded weddings, being in a pureblood family, she wasnt looking forward to an arranged marriage and she already knew that was the case here, just by watching Victoria. She didnt smile, or show the least bit of interest.

Arabella was just as anxious to get it over with as Victoria was. It was no surprise that an Unbreakable Vow was to be made either. Pureblood families, especially very wealthy pureblood families, were willing to sacrifice the happiness and satisfaction of their children for the sake of a title, power, or money. It was extremely superficial, even for a materialistic girl like Arabella. When it was over, Belles clapped slowly, with a vast amount of unenthusiasm, giving the uninterested look she always wore. She was a heavy contrast to her mother near her, who clapped so quickly with such excitement, that her positive energy was disgusting Ara. She still couldnt figure out how it worked between her mother and father. They were also the product of an arranged marriage but they actually fell in love. Arabella could only assume they were the few who were lucky.

The Crawleys stood up, her parents wandering their way to refreshments, greeting the other families on the way. Bella unfolded her crossed legs to stand, fixing the lower part of her dress, tugging away any wrinkles she might have gathered while she sat. She always made it a point to keep her prim and pristine image. She immediately wanted to go over to Victoria, to exchange hellos and catch up but was stopped when another male (who wasnt Andrew) approached her first. "Hm," she scoffed, guess she'll just have to wait her turn. Her bright green eyes, judged the boy silently from behind. Raising her eyebrows, she recognized who he was, and didnt like what she saw. Why was she talking to him, of all people. The fact that he wasnt a pureblood isnt what bothered her, oh no, bloodline-social matters didnt affect her, nor did she care for such politics. She just never wouldve guessed someone like him would be here. All Bella could do was mentally complain, but since it wasnt her wedding, she couldnt do anything about the lad.

She tore her eyes away from them for a second, looking to see where her parents had gone off to. When she turned back around, the new bride and her "friend" were gone. Arabella scowled, a symphony of panicked screams and yelps coming from behind her. When she turned to face the commotion, looking annoyed and all, she saw a snake,"Ugh what a disgusting creature," she crossed her arms. Where on earth did it come from???

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