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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

Victoria visibly relaxed once Alexander began massaging her shoulders with his strong hands, glad to have a friend who was so good at giving massages. She was now able to focus on the positive side of things instead of the negative ones. Alexander was right, she could divorce Andrew after killing her father and they didn't actually have to act like a couple! Everyone knew they weren't in love, so there was no reason to fake being happy. Besides, the last few weeks hadn't been so horrible. Her friends had gone crazy taking her to fun places to lift her spirits before the wedding, the bachelorette party had been one of the best nights of her life. With a small smile, Victoria finally nodded and looked at her friend's reflection on the mirror. "You're right, you're right. I should try to enjoy my wedding day like any other girl would do." She replied, her smile disappearing once she noticed the bags under his eyes. The guy looked like he hadn't slept for weeks? Why hand't she noticed before? "Merlin's beard, Alexander! What happened to you? You look like you got into a fight with a giant! When was the last time you slept?"
EmilyPower said:
Robert turned around and gave the Headmaster a smile as he shook his hand. He was surprised that the Headmaster had accepted the invitation in the first place, thinking he wouldn't agree with marrying his students at such a young age. Still, the man was here and he was glad to see that he wasn't there to cause any trouble. "Theodore! It's wonderful to have you here." Robert exclaimed as his wife walked away to make sure that their children weren't causing any trouble. "Ah yes, big day. It seems like it was only yesterday when Victoria was sorted into Slytherin. Children grow up so quickly, good think Victoria is ready to fulfill her marriage with Andrew. I know how horrible it is to father a child who won't... cooperate. You understand what I'm saying don't you? You do work with children, after all."
A twisted smile spread across Theodore's face in response to Roberts question. He had dealt with his fair share of uncooperative students, but he wasn't sure they had the same ideas of how to deal with them. He laughed darkly," yes oh dear yes, its only natural that you get a few nosey rule breakers to deal with in my line of work. Children who think they're going to find some adventure in the school like the olden days. Of course i make sure they find no such thing, and deal with them properly." Theodore said with a icy tone to his voice as he placed a hand on Roberts shoulder."Come lets go get a drink before things start up shall we?" Theodore suggested gesturing toward a empty area where they could talk more privately, and snapping his finger to get a house elfs attention."You know I was very displeased to hear one of my students was getting married so young. I mean it seems like a waste of such talent. Sure they don't have much longer at the school, but still I would hope they'd get to find they're place through society before they went getting married. But then it occurred to me that just because they're getting married at such a young age doesn't mean they can't still find they're place in society," Theodore said speaking in a friendly tone, or as friendly as his tone got." Although I'm sure you have a place picked out in society for your daughter already, with your connections and her skill I'm sure she can find a position anywhere," Theodore said as he went and picked up a glass of butterbeer sipping it ever so slightly. He nodded to the house elf who had given him the drink and turned to hear what Robert had to say. @EmilyPower
thefan1 said:
Victoria visibly relaxed once Alexander began massaging her shoulders with his strong hands, glad to have a friend who was so good at giving massages. She was now able to focus on the positive side of things instead of the negative ones. Alexander was right, she could divorce Andrew after killing her father and they didn't actually have to act like a couple! Everyone knew they weren't in love, so there was no reason to fake being happy. Besides, the last few weeks hadn't been so horrible. Her friends had gone crazy taking her to fun places to lift her spirits before the wedding, the bachelorette party had been one of the best nights of her life. With a small smile, Victoria finally nodded and looked at her friend's reflection on the mirror. "You're right, you're right. I should try to enjoy my wedding day like any other girl would do." She replied, her smile disappearing once she noticed the bags under his eyes. The guy looked like he hadn't slept for weeks? Why hand't she noticed before? "Merlin's beard, Alexander! What happened to you? You look like you got into a fight with a giant! When was the last time you slept?"
He sighed, one problem with raising Victoria's spirits is she became more watchful of other peoples problems. He shook his head as if denying something and it was obvious something was troubling him and most likely it was not the wedding which he had actually taken in stride. "Would you believe me if I said I lost a fight to a giant?" He asked his voice not to hopeful before he sighed. "60 hours probably, maybe up to 72 since I lost slept." He said admitting it now just made him seem all the more tired.
"Are you mad?" Victoria asked, finally getting up from her comfortable chair to confront him. The poor man looked like he's been hit by a train, his exhausted expression told her everything she needed to know. There was clearly something bothering him, something he hadn't told her. Didn't he know that she was trustworthy? Alexander was a smart man, Victoria was sure the reason for his sleep deprivation was a good one. He wasn't the kind of guy who would stay up for 72 hours writing some essay or thinking about some girl like the other boys in the school. "May I ask why you haven't slept for 70 hours? Do you want to die? Think about the Ministry, what would you do if they decided to attack you right now? I'm sorry to tell you but people who look like they're about to collapse usually don't last very long in duels." She scolded him, grabbing his arm to lead him to her queen size bed. "You're gonna tell me what's keeping you up at night and then you're going to sleep. We still have half an hour before the ceremony begins, I know it's not much time but you need as much sleep as possible. I won't have you collapsing during my wedding."
thefan1 said:
"Are you mad?" Victoria asked, finally getting up from her comfortable chair to confront him. The poor man looked like he's been hit by a train, his exhausted expression told her everything she needed to know. There was clearly something bothering him, something he hadn't told her. Didn't he know that she was trustworthy? Alexander was a smart man, Victoria was sure the reason for his sleep deprivation was a good one. He wasn't the kind of guy who would stay up for 72 hours writing some essay or thinking about some girl like the other boys in the school. "May I ask why you haven't slept for 70 hours? Do you want to die? Think about the Ministry, what would you do if they decided to attack you right now? I'm sorry to tell you but people who look like they're about to collapse usually don't last very long in duels." She scolded him, grabbing his arm to lead him to her queen size bed. "You're gonna tell me what's keeping you up at night and then you're going to sleep. We still have half an hour before the ceremony begins, I know it's not much time but you need as much sleep as possible. I won't have you collapsing during my wedding."
He threw up his hands in exasperation. "I'm not gonna collapse at your wedding." When she grabbed his arm pulling him he actually swayed for a second like he was about to fall but righted himself scowling. "If I sleep now I'm never gonna want to get up in 30 minutes, I'll be out then the Giant who kicked my ass wouldn't be able to wake me up." He said crossly staying standing though his posture was still a bit wary and fallen. "Besides... I can't tell you, at least till after the wedding." He said of all things sounding subdued, very very unusual for the cocky Slytherin. His snake slide to his side and got on the bed looking at him flickering its tongue, snakes weren't good for expression emotion on their face.
"You're right, you won't be able to collapse at my wedding if you collapse in my room!" Victoria explained with a frustrated groan. She really didn't have the patience to deal with a stubborn Alexander at the moment and she could feel the stress returning, which only fueled her anger. "Alexander. If you don't fall asleep right now I'll make sure to curse you until you fear me more than the giant." Victoria growled, throwing him on the bed and making her way towards the shelve filled with books and potions. "There must be a potion to help you return to normal around here. Why don't you tell me why you haven't been sleeping while I search for it? I mean, it can't be too bad... right?" She asked, worried about the fact that he seemed to hehistant to tell her right now. Did it have something to do with Andrew? Was we hurt? Maybe he was planning something to get her out of the house as soon as the ceremony was over, which was something she wouldn't mind at all. "You didn't harm Andrew, right?"
thefan1 said:
"You're right, you won't be able to collapse at my wedding if you collapse in my room!" Victoria explained with a frustrated groan. She really didn't have the patience to deal with a stubborn Alexander at the moment and she could feel the stress returning, which only fueled her anger. "Alexander. If you don't fall asleep right now I'll make sure to curse you until you fear me more than the giant." Victoria growled, throwing him on the bed and making her way towards the shelve filled with books and potions. "There must be a potion to help you return to normal around here. Why don't you tell me why you haven't been sleeping while I search for it? I mean, it can't be too bad... right?" She asked, worried about the fact that he seemed to hehistant to tell her right now. Did it have something to do with Andrew? Was we hurt? Maybe he was planning something to get her out of the house as soon as the ceremony was over, which was something she wouldn't mind at all. "You didn't harm Andrew, right?"
He seemed torn, he trusted Victoria but every part of him told him not to tell her, that he couldnt tell her and bring such pain into her life. That it would be better to imagine he was in hiding. Never the less he knew he would tell her because he could not hide it from her, but if he told her now there was a chance she could fall to pieces and he didn't want to say that. "It has nothing to do with Andrew." He said his voice heavy with unwillingness. "I can't tell you now, I don't want to ruin your pretty make up right before the wedding." He said making a lame joke about the last time she cried shifting on the bed. "Just fine a restorative potion I'll live through your wedding, this is not the first time I've done this to myself."
Paige & Greyson Kingsley

The day of the wedding had finally arrived. Its been some time since Paige, the typically quiet girl, had gotten into an argument with her friend Alexander. Weddings were usually a time to be happy an joyous. But for once, she was not. Al she could think about was the argument she had. She told Alexander about the way he was acting toward Victoria and how Andrew felt about it. Both Victoria and Alexander were close, but after their dance at the ball, Paige began to suspect there was something a little more. She didnt think it was respectable to be flirtatious with a soon-to-be married woman. Paige never liked affairs and the like, thanks to a family experience with her father, so she took it seriously. Finally they had come to an agreement that Alexander wouldnt try anything until Andrew was given a chance. She agreed to it, but even after that she had come to lose some respect for her friend. It just wasnt right.

Paige sat on a chair in the room Victoria was waiting in. She was dressed and ready to lock her life with Andrew's. She sat in the back while Alexander brushed the bride's hair, attempting to calm her pre-wedding jitters. When Alexander looked at Paige through the mirror with an amused expression, she looked away, with out a word or a smile. Yes, she was still a little upset, Andrew had definitely suceeded in turning the poor girl against her only friend, but she could help it, she felt bad for Andrew. After expressing a clear annoyance of silence from Victoria, Paige stood up, fixing her dess. The dress she wore was colorful and positive, the complete opposite of how she was feeling. Truth was, Paige felt rather uncomfortable herself, she felt like she was third-wheeling the two, and they werent even the ones to be wed. With out looking at them through the mirror, she looked down at her shoes,"Im..." she tried to think of an excuse,"Im going to help the elves with decorations," and with that, left the room.

Her short heels clicked down the halls of the manoras she made her way to the elves who were running about and setting things up. One little elf had a hard time carring a centerpiece for one of the reception tables,"I can help you with that," her honey sweet voice called. She quickened her pace and picked up the vase full of flowers, careful not to spook the little creature. After a few words of gratification, Paige smiled reminding him it was no problem,"Where does it go?" she inquired. The little elf pointed his long, wrinkly finger at a table,"That-a way," he said.

"Right, thanks!" She walked to a table that was bare with out flowers and set it on its surface. Behind her was a stack of house elves, balancing on one another's shoulders to try and hang a garland of beautiful white roses and lilys. With a simple swish and flick, she silently used the Wingdardium Leviosa spell to raise the garland from their tiny little hands. The elves guided her as to where to place it, and together they continued to decorate.

Greyson of course was wondering the halls, inspecting the choice of decor of the Knight manor. When he saw his sister helping the house elves he gasped and rushed to her. As inconspicuously as possible,"What are you doing?!" He whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" Paige, her wand in hand, stopped and looked at her brother with a raised eyebrow.

"Purebloods, especially Slytherin purebloods, dont exactly help house elves." he tried to warn her. Greyson didnt want any trouble today, it was sad but he had to tell his sister, and hed rather have her hear it from him than through a lecture from one of the purebloods themselves.

Paige pinched her eyebrows together and redirected her attention back to the floating garland,"Well Im not a Slytherin, am I?" She was a submissive girl, but her passive nature didnt keep her from dismissing her beliefs. She was brave when she had to be, and she believed it was okay to help lowly elves. If someone had a problem with it, only then would she deal with the matter.

Greyson flailed his arms in frustration, stuttering and muttering, not knowing what to say. He groaned,"Youre going to get in trouble!"

"I dont care..." she shrugged, her back still to him.

Greyson gripped the leather strap of the camera around his neck firmly,"Fine, fine," he said. Rue, his tiny companion crawled out of the pocket of his suit, her nose twitching and whiskers wiggling. Grey raised his camera to his eye and began to take a few test photos to pass the time.

@Akio @thefan1

Mentioned: @EmilyPower
@Akio[/URL] @thefan1

Mentioned: @EmilyPower
Drake would sneak in the house, taking out his wand, whispering: "Stupefy." At all the domestic elves. He absolutely didn't want the marriage to take place. After he knocked out all the elves, he would use his wand again, looking at Victoria, whispering: "Aguamenti." Then he sneaked again out of the home.
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The comforts of the past were comforts easily known to all who possess them. Arnaldus was such a one he always felt most comfortable when his mood was normal and polite mixed with a touch of charm and a little intuition rounded out by a level head and clear thinking mind. It was the balance of one Arnaldus Smith that made him who he was and has been. He knew his comforts like he knew himself or simply the back of his hands, but now days comforts were harder to come by and peace far from achieved, the order was going to be attacked they all knew at point this very thing. But when? How and where? These were questions left unanswered and couldn't be until it happened or they had a inside man or woman, a vital piece of information regarding the details. Of course, it all could change like a switch being flipped on to off. But it was atleast a start and something more then they had now. As much as he attempted to comfort and ease others stressed by the order, coming war, hell they were at war the enemy just didn't know their faces and names just yet only their existence. Add the everyday and you had a over stressed group of folk trying to set things right and doing so under great efforts of keeping protected from harm, security was a strength but never did it easily comfort and found easily by those who sought its safety. It was comfort that troubled Arnaldus most these days, his moods were becoming less balanced and level and more effected by stress, after a long and continued journey of trying to do right in a modern world of wrongs, whether it was the small battles or the large one the order has been fighting for a few months now. It was all becoming effective to Arnaldus's way, silent of his problems and helpful to others that was Arnaldus and that was his way. But even the strongest wills and psyches break and bend at some point perhaps it was only a matter of time and though his mood in public didn't show it. Arnaldus was starting to bend finding troubles when he tried to cope and find his comforts, find his peace to retain his balance.

Standing outside dressed in a older yet well kept and fashioned dress robes, Wearing his shirt loose and open near the collar without a tie of any kind in sight. Arnaldus looked up toward the sky simply observing and seemingly studying the clouds, sun and blue skies above paying little mind to anything else for the moment. He cleared his mind and exhaled a breath in soothing flow and pace to ease his soul and body before entering the manor. A number of thoughts crossing his mind and leaving traces of existence along the pathway through his inner system of process and thought. Little time remained to simply observe and try to comfort ones self to ease the stress not for Arnaldus anyway, perhaps others found a way to ease the stress but Arnaldus hadn't yet found such comfort. Which brought to memory a old saying his father used to tell "
The comforts of the past were easily known to all who possess them" Arnaldus recalled. But what if such comforts were forgotten? Or simply didn't work like they once had for those who possessed them? Perhaps it just required time to be remembered and then it would once again be a comfort. Yeah maybe that was it...... Just needed time. While it was in thought and others crossed him Arnaldus walked around a bit out front enjoying the nature around him and the weather as well as the simple clouds, skies and sun above. Allowing himself to regain a stable and firm grasp of Arnaldus and his outward appearance, putting on a small smile and giving a nod to guests who walked passed him to get inside with everyone else at the wedding. He traced the hilt of his wand that rested on the inside of his robes with a finger or two contemplating a few things before bringing his hand back into view and back to his side. While he walked around and quietly observed his surroundings and happenings.

He recalled his brother was already inside and though he probably should be as well. Arnaldus decided to remain out front for awhile longer to mentally prepare for the wedding that was to take place and be witnessed by all present including him. Some traditions were sadly still in practice and though he didn't know all that was going on with Victoria he knew enough. The wedding was of arranged variety and didn't seem for the best not for all anyways.
"Victoria is hardly a child, Theodore. I'm sure the wedding won't affer her nor will it affect her future. I trust my daughter and I'm sure she won't throw her life away because of this wedding. She'll finish her education, have children and work at the Ministry." Robert explained, raising his eyebrows as if he were challenging Theodore to say something negative about one of his plans. He wasn't one who would take being mocked lightly, and wasn't going to let the Headmaster make a fool of him in any way.
Theodore laughed a friendly laugh," of course as I just said,I assumed you had a plan for her. Or has your mind been focused on other things, so you miss heard me?" Theodore suggested referring not only to the wedding but the attacks on the ministry."So tell me have you determined who it is yet? Attacking I mean?" Theodore asked his eyes filled with suspicion as to what Robert knew. He wasn't stupid and didn't intend on taking Robert on surrounded by his peers. He was sure they had plenty of death eaters and other guards around so he didn't make a attempt at infuriating Robert, but he refused to hold his tongue. He'd only try his best to soften his words, so maybe Robert wouldn't take offense. Along with him making an attempt to keep away from others while they spoke, so that even if Theodore did say something Robert saw as insulting he wouldn't do anything as long as no one was around to hear, being as he wouldn't want to ruin the wedding he had been waiting so long for. @EmilyPower
~ Yuuya ~

I look like a waiter, was the only thing that went through the Hufflepuff's head as he adjusted his rather uncomfortable collar. He couldn't believe that he had been invited to this wedding, and personally, he didn't really get it. What was the point of forcing two people to marry? It was just...stupid. He didn't see any use for marriage if there was no love involved. He looked himself over once more; Yuuya couldn't help but laugh. "Waiter for hire," he joked. "What may I do for you?"

Akio said:
He seemed torn, he trusted Victoria but every part of him told him not to tell her, that he couldnt tell her and bring such pain into her life. That it would be better to imagine he was in hiding. Never the less he knew he would tell her because he could not hide it from her, but if he told her now there was a chance she could fall to pieces and he didn't want to say that. "It has nothing to do with Andrew." He said his voice heavy with unwillingness. "I can't tell you now, I don't want to ruin your pretty make up right before the wedding." He said making a lame joke about the last time she cried shifting on the bed. "Just fine a restorative potion I'll live through your wedding, this is not the first time I've done this to myself."
Victoria simply rolled her eyes as she grabbed the restorative potion from the shelf. It was no secret that she didn't take kindly to her friends hiding information from her and she certainly didn't enjoy surprises, so the fact that he was going to tell her after the wedding didn't bring her any comfort. "Distressing the bride with important news just a few minutes before the wedding isn't exactly polite, you know." She commented, leaving the potion on the table next to the bed. The thought of using some slight manipulation techniques to get some information out of him briefly crossed her mind but she quickly pushed the thought away. It was a predictable thing to do and Alexander was bound to find out what she was doing. They were pretty pretty similar, after all. "Can't you give me a clue? Please, I really need to know and the suspense will surely kill me. This can be your wedding gift!"
thefan1 said:
Victoria simply rolled her eyes as she grabbed the restorative potion from the shelf. It was no secret that she didn't take kindly to her friends hiding information from her and she certainly didn't enjoy surprises, so the fact that he was going to tell her after the wedding didn't bring her any comfort. "Distressing the bride with important news just a few minutes before the wedding isn't exactly polite, you know." She commented, leaving the potion on the table next to the bed. The thought of using some slight manipulation techniques to get some information out of him briefly crossed her mind but she quickly pushed the thought away. It was a predictable thing to do and Alexander was bound to find out what she was doing. They were pretty pretty similar, after all. "Can't you give me a clue? Please, I really need to know and the suspense will surely kill me. This can be your wedding gift!"
He looked away. "Its not a gift." He said his voice dark and he shivered. "I rather you be in suspense then hear this right before the wedding." Never the less his resolve was crumbling and a part of him just wanted to blurt it out, even if it ruined the wedding or not. He could not say it was about her brother or she would never leave him be till he told her. He picked up the potion draining it quickly feeling some of his strength return though what he truly needed was bed rest, this was just a temporary stop gate to his exhaustion. He fell silent. "You know if you don't want to stay after the wedding I can get you out of here, say you felt ill." He said quietly knowing she wouldn't be able to run away after his words.
Robert's smile faded when Theodore brought up the group that had been messing with the ministry for the last couple of weeks. He hated it when others mentioned this group of rebels, it reminded him that he hadn't been able to do anything about it. Every person that had been executed had been innocent, which had been bringing some negative attention to the ministry. "Not yet, but I have some leads. Most mudbloods are being considered as possible suspects by most members of the Ministry but I've been investigating some suspects." He replied calmly. Just then, his wife began calling everyone to head to the garden where the ceremony was being held. Robert sighed and looked at the door that lead to Victoria's room, he just hoped the girl was ready for the wedding. Taking a few steps towards the door, Robert knocked on it a few times. "Victoria, the ceremony will begin soon. Come on out now."
Theodore followed the others to the garden humming the Hogwarts anthem as he did. He stopped and sat somewhere in the back and watched rather unenthusiastically. He was tempted to tip of Robert and tell him that he was looking in the wrong places, but thought better of it. After all he didn't want to give away the order especially not to the dark lord of all people. He sat on a bench with his hands on his lap humming still and watching as everyone went about they're way.
Akio said:
He looked away. "Its not a gift." He said his voice dark and he shivered. "I rather you be in suspense then hear this right before the wedding." Never the less his resolve was crumbling and a part of him just wanted to blurt it out, even if it ruined the wedding or not. He could not say it was about her brother or she would never leave him be till he told her. He picked up the potion draining it quickly feeling some of his strength return though what he truly needed was bed rest, this was just a temporary stop gate to his exhaustion. He fell silent. "You know if you don't want to stay after the wedding I can get you out of here, say you felt ill." He said quietly knowing she wouldn't be able to run away after his words.
EmilyPower said:
Robert's smile faded when Theodore brought up the group that had been messing with the ministry for the last couple of weeks. He hated it when others mentioned this group of rebels, it reminded him that he hadn't been able to do anything about it. Every person that had been executed had been innocent, which had been bringing some negative attention to the ministry. "Not yet, but I have some leads. Most mudbloods are being considered as possible suspects by most members of the Ministry but I've been investigating some suspects." He replied calmly. Just then, his wife began calling everyone to head to the garden where the ceremony was being held. Robert sighed and looked at the door that lead to Victoria's room, he just hoped the girl was ready for the wedding. Taking a few steps towards the door, Robert knocked on it a few times. "Victoria, the ceremony will begin soon. Come on out now."
While running away after the ceremony did seem tempting, Victoria knew everyone would be keeping a close eye on her after becoming Mrs. Williams. Running away from the celebration that would follow the ceremony would be no easy task, so it seemed fit to make Alexander accomplish that as a punishment for hiding information away from her. "I'll run away with you as long as you tell me what you're hiding from me." Victoria replied in a strong voice, ready to continue their small argument to get some more information when she heard her father's strong voice on the other side of the door. No, it couldn't be true. Wasn't the ceremony supposed to take place in a few hours? She remembered very clearly that her mother had given her one hour to be with her friends before the ceremony began, one hour couldn't have passed so quickly. Taking a quick look at the grandfather clock in her room, Victoria realized she was wrong. The ceremony was about to begin and she was about to become Mrs. Williams, a name she loathed to hear. As much as she despised her family, she had always been proud of being a member of the prestigious Knight family. That name meant power, strength and wisdom, the three values she admired the most. Losing her last name would mean losing a part of who she was, something she wasn't ready to lose just yet. "I'm coming," she replied, trying to hide the nervousness in her tone. With a big breath, Victoria slowly opened the door and gave her father a fake smile. "Let's not keep our guests waiting."
thefan1 said:
While running away after the ceremony did seem tempting, Victoria knew everyone would be keeping a close eye on her after becoming Mrs. Williams. Running away from the celebration that would follow the ceremony would be no easy task, so it seemed fit to make Alexander accomplish that as a punishment for hiding information away from her. "I'll run away with you as long as you tell me what you're hiding from me." Victoria replied in a strong voice, ready to continue their small argument to get some more information when she heard her father's strong voice on the other side of the door. No, it couldn't be true. Wasn't the ceremony supposed to take place in a few hours? She remembered very clearly that her mother had given her one hour to be with her friends before the ceremony began, one hour couldn't have passed so quickly. Taking a quick look at the grandfather clock in her room, Victoria realized she was wrong. The ceremony was about to begin and she was about to become Mrs. Williams, a name she loathed to hear. As much as she despised her family, she had always been proud of being a member of the prestigious Knight family. That name meant power, strength and wisdom, the three values she admired the most. Losing her last name would mean losing a part of who she was, something she wasn't ready to lose just yet. "I'm coming," she replied, trying to hide the nervousness in her tone. With a big breath, Victoria slowly opened the door and gave her father a fake smile. "Let's not keep our guests waiting."
Alexander got up as Robert entered, thus far Robert had ignored some of his trespasses especially his dance with Victoria which had gone on right in his face. While he didn't know why he didnt want to push his luck when he didn't have too and honestly he was relieved to get out of Victoria's relentless grilling for information. He gave a nod to Robert his dark eyes meeting his as he walked out with Victoria. When Piage had left it had just been the two of them in the room and now she was about to head off for a wedding. A rational part of him knew she wouldn't change when she became Mrs Williams but a less rational part of him found himself very sour at this entire wedding suddenly, especially knowing what he did. Regardless of Robert he put a hand on Victoria's shoulder and kissed her temple. "Ill see you after the ceremony, make sure to throw Piage the flowers." He said with a slight smirk keeping up appearances in front of Robert. A murderer and betrayer. "And ill tell you then what you wanted to know."
Paige & Greyson Kingsley

When the decorations looked like they were neatly placed in their rightful spots, Paige stood back, her wand in hand with both hands behind her back, her long brown hair draping down as she looked up at the flowery garland that covered the altar. Before everyone came to take their seats, the garden seemed so tranquil. And with it being decorated beautifully it resembled the images of fairy tale gardens from the books she would read as a child. Suddenly she felt like a kid again, she wanted run through it all, get lost in her own little world, her own imagination. "Its going to start soon, get out of the way!" Greyson yelled from behind her, telling her to step off the platform that the bride and groom were going to commence the ceremony. At the sound of his nagging voice, her innocent images melted away. She turned back to look at him then rushed to his side.

The garden had chairs set up for the guest, with a space for the bride to walk down. Paige started to head back inside just as Victoria's mother was calling everone outside. "Where are you going?"

"I left my bag in Victoria's room!" She replied, with turning back to him. She was trying to hurry. Greyson shook his head, wondering why women are so attached to their bags, but decided he would save a seat for his sister.

Paige squeezed her way past the guests that were heading in the opposite direction, and after them, noticed Victoria coming out of her room. She ran past her, panting and throwing a,"You look gorgeous Victoria," then continued into her room, her eyes darting for the bag she left.

Mentioned: @thefan1

(Sort of a filler post)

(Sort of a filler post)
When Piage returned he was startled, he wasn't expecting to see her again till after the wedding and he found her casually ignoring him more painful then he expected. He had been ignoring the topic for weeks but now faced with it knowing that Victoria would never see the brother she adored and would be forced to live without people that she cared about that he decided to stop putting it off. He turned quickly shooting Victoria a, "I'll see you on the isle." He dashed into the room coming behind Piage. "Piage can we talk?" He asked a little bit desperately before adding, "Please?" To hopefully grab her attention.
Robert shot the mudblood a cold glare as he kissed Victoria's temple right in front of him. If he weren't a parselmouth, he would've killed him on the spot. The Minister clearly hadn't forgotten about their dance in the Addam's ball and was sure Victoria remembered the chat they'd had with her. The boy had to understand that she was taken and that was not going to change, Victoria knew the consequences having an affair would bring. "Come along, Victoria. I need to make a few things clear before the ceremony." He said, grabbing his daughter's arm and dragging her away from the room. "Tell me, how are you going to walk down the aisle?"
Victoria could only manage to give Alexander one last angry look before she was dragged away by her father. The man seemed angry, and she could only assume his anger was directed towards Alexander for kissing her temples. Victoria knew how much her father hated it when other men showed some sort of affection towards her, especially when they weren't purebloods. He'd made it painfully clear that she wasn't supposed to get intimate with any other man now that she was engaged to Andrew after seeing them dance just a few weeks ago. As much as she wanted to blame the alcohol for the accident, she knew her mind had been capable of making coherent and reasonable thoughts during the ball, this time she was the one to blame. Victoria was relieved, to say the least, when the only thing her father asked was related to the way she was meant to walk down the aisle. "Completely straight, chin up and looking down at our guests to show my superiority and power." She replied immediately, almost as if she'd been rehearsing those exact words the entire night. "Don't worry, father. My name might change but I will always be a Knight, I will never forget everything you've taught me."
Robert gave his daughter a proud smile and gently tapped her shoulder. It was good to know one of his children had turned out to be respectable members of society. Logan and Charlotte were hyperactive, rude and obnoxious children who didn't know when to shut up. He didn't have much hope for them, especially with the new group of rebels forming in Hogwarts according to his sources. Richard, well, there was no need to mention the blood traitor. While he had been a good son and a perfect heir for most of his life, he'd decided to rebel against his father in a futile attempt to bring down the Ministry. Victoria, well, she was everything he was looking for in an heir. Hopefully her stupid friends would know better than to get in her way. "I know, Victoria, I know. And I'm proud of you, you've proven to be worthy of obtaining my position after my death."

(I'm just gonna wait for everyone to get to the ceremony to post the beginning of it)

Paige Kingsley

She ran into the room, closing the door behind her quietly making sure not to disturb any guests trying to rush to the garden. She moved to the bench she sat on while Victoria was getting ready, and there it was, on the ground. Paige bent down to pick it up and as soon as she turned to face the door, Alexander was standing there. She stopped, froze, like a deer in headlights, eyes wide.

"Paige can we talk?" There it was, Alexander's seriousness. Paige always hated that question, especially in that tone. It always meant she was going to be talked about something shed much rather avoid. Paige didnt like confrontation, she shyed away from it as much as she could. She regained her composure, fixing her posture and folding her hands together in front of her. With out speaking, she gave a nod, allowing to speak after he asked please.


(Im so sorry ughhh my mom is terrible with technology and she needed help -.- at the worst time)

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