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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

He didn't even let her make two steps, grabbing she shoulder and turning it around. "I..." He said as if to start something important. "Am a fabulous dance partner and all woman in my presence should dance with me at least once. Grayson should be thrilled such a well dressed man as myself wants to dance with his sister." He said in his usual arrogant tone his body posture cocky before his eyes softened. When Andrew had threatened her it made him antsy and now almost as if to affirm she was fine even if there had not been a chance to do anything he wanted to dance with her.

"Besides, right now Piage I want nothing more to dance with you at the moment, clumsy or not. Can you please honor me with a dance?" He asked holding out his hand acting like the perfect gentleman, a gentle smile on his face.
Paige Kingsley

Paige stopped immediately after feeling his hand on her shoulder, and turned her to face him. When she looked at him, Alexander began to brag. Typical. An amused smirked tugged at the corner of her lips. Watching the way his chest puffed, the way he talked of himself, all he was missing were the fanned out tail feathers of a male peacock. She wanted to ask if he was trying to impress her, but instead she bit her lip, trying to keep herself from laughing in his face. Then his face softened, causing her to look at him with interest.

"Besides, right now Piage I want nothing more to dancewith you at the moment, clumsy or not.
" He had her attention now. For once he didnt use his silly nickname for her, which showed that he was being serious. How could she say no to him? After all, he was her only friend, the least she could do was give him just one dance. "Can you please honor me with a dance," he asked officially. With a hand extended and a genuine smile on his face, she stood there, savoring the moment of an Alexander that wasnt being harsh or picking on her. With out a word she hesitantly she reacher smaller hand out before finally taking a risk and placing it into his. Looking up at him, she gave a curt nod, giving him the okay.

He took her hand lending her some of his almost supernatural self confidence before looking at Victoria. "And you still owe me a dance to." He claimed cheekily as he heard a song about to end so he escorted her to the ballroom, stepping lightly into the ball causing several pure bloods to look at his way slightly dumbfounded. Everyone had seen him go after an angry minister so why was he alive with a beautiful girl on his arm. Putting a hand in hers and another on he waist as a slow song started he began to move, dancing gracefully without overshadowing her and even showing her thensteps at the same time. Seems he was not lying, he was very good.

"You look beautiful Piage by the way, though I guess that's a bit of tooting my own horn since I got the dress." He said smiling as he rotated her with him, helping her keep pace with the rhythm of the song. "Though I can't claim the credit of you looking good in it." He said continuing their slow circle around the bar. "How I'm the only one who's danced with you tonight I'll never know." He said leaning a bit closer.
Paige Kingsley

As soon as the pair stepped back onto the ballroom floor, Paige tightened both of her hands. She was comfortable with eyes being directed toward them,"Why are they all staring at you," she whispered, moving her gaze to the ground. She felt very uncomfortable. Alexander turned her to face him, his hand supporting hers and moving his other hand to her waist, just under the small of her back. She gasped at his touch, it was a foreign feeling. She tried to fight it, Paige couldnt help but burn red. "Sorry," she apologized for her obvious display of embarassment. When the music started, it was like her body moved for her, with out another thought. Like riding a bike, it was muscle memory. She inhaled, the air in her making her almost weightless. Her steps were light anf fluid, one constant motion.

She had to hand it to Andrew, despite his narcissistic attitude, he really was a good dancer. However, her attention remained else where. Where ever they went, how ever they moved, she was distracted with their on lookers. "You look beautiful Piage by the way," Alexander pulled her from her stage fright.

"Hmm?" She looked at him.

"Though I guess that's a bit of tooting my own horn since I got the dress," he added.

Paige huffed, there he was. There was the proud Alexander. She looked down between them, smiling,"Yes Alexander," she laughed to herself, giving him the satisfaction of self-praise.

"Though I can't claim the credit of you looking good in it," he added. Making Paige blush even more madly. "How I'm the only one who's danced with you tonight I'll never know."

Being the shy doe that she is, Paige only smiled still averting her gaze. She had never seen such a charming side of him before. Was he always like this? She couldnt help but wonder. Perhaps there was more to him than she knew. Maybe balls and parties brought out a hidden flirtatiousness about him. She caught his gaze with her own liquid blue one,"Because youre the only one who asked," she shrugged.

Alexander barley seemed to notice the gazes till she mentioned them, his eyes flickering yo to one of them snorting with a bit of wary amusement. "Probably because I'm still alive." He said with a shrug, as if the topic was not important. "I did chase after an angry minister." He said as he moved his hand to her waist he noticed that she was blushing red. He had made her blush before but never in this fashion before, it felt more.. Intimate. This made him give her another fond smile, it was just like her to embarrassed from something like dancing.

She averted her gaze letting him know his compliments had their intended affect. Whats more is he was not just giving lip service. Piage had always been beautiful, a more muted beauty then say one like Victoria but comfortable and homely where Victoria was striking. The longer you looked at her the more beautiful she seemed with her shy large eyes and soft smile. "Then I apologize for driving away all your suitors, with how you were hanging on my arm earlier they must have thought you were with me or I'm sure a few would have tried to steal a kiss or two." He teased lightly as they went around the dancing hall, the gazes around the dinning all directed at them making it feel like they were always in the center of the room.
Paige Kingsley

"Then I apologize for driving away all your suitors," Alexander said. Paige couldnt help but laugh a little,"Its because youre so scary," she teased lightly. She was aware that with Alexander's large personality he might come off as threatening to some. It was kind of amusing now that shes gotten to know him a little better. He was nice to her, and even though he was a little demanding, he treated her kindly.

"With how you were hanging on my arm earlier they must have thought you were with me or I'm sure a few would have tried to steal a kiss or two," he added. Paige replied with a nervous laugh,"Dont be daft, Im practically invisible," she joked. Though...there was some truth to it. The girl was always so secluded no one really payed much attention to her. Someone even sat on her once because they didnt notice her there.

Alexander smiled at her claim that he was scary leaning close. "But your not scarred of me little bird, yet your scared at almost everything and everyone else thats a lot less scary then me, what does that say about you?" He asked lightly teasing her with the nickname again before pulling her a bit closer as the song passed its half way more growing a slight bit slower then before.

"Hey Piage what will you do if we beat the ministry? When this is all over?" He said just quiet enough for her to hear as he danced with her, now he realized he had never asked, which he now saw as a bit strange. He had talked to Victoria about what his future would be like, even argued about it but never Piage before now.
Speaking to Rey and observing the room with a little curiosity of what was going on around him. Arnaldus looked on pondering of what had happened to Victoria since she last disappeared from the ball room. He since has noticed Alexander and Paige in the room once more while the people of the ball seemed to dislike the presence of the returning students since ones chasing after the minister. He pondered if Andrew had played a role in whatever may have happened or if he knew of it. They were engaged Andrew and Victoria it was likely to think a connection was there, but many connections could be made here and though Arnaldus was curious he left it alone. Instead focusing on his conversation with Rey while allowing thoughts to cross his mind about certain things and the future and what he may do. It ranged from his future if the order succeeded and beyond when it was time for him to select a career. Arnaldus never did reach a decision even with his years at hogwarts nearing the end as a student, he was a sixth year and only one more year remained. He still hasn't decided, perhaps write books, maybe spell books, he had been working on a new spell for some time now and was close to accomplishing its creation and ready to use status. But it could become dull if that was his only career, maybe become a professor and teach charms or perhaps defense against the dark arts, maybe flying and Quidditch. He was quite skilled in each of the categories and subjects, maybe oversee the duel club another favored subject of his and one he had plenty of skill in. Or perhaps he could become a Auror? He loved the idea and it suited him, he was skillful and excelled in enough areas and classes to achieve the acceptance level. But Aurors were only useful and a option if the order succeeded in stopping the minister and his dark followers reign of terror. He could go pro as a Quidditch player but he didn't quite know for sure if that's what he wanted out of life. Even as much as Arnaldus loved Quidditch.

He continued to think of his future and spoke with Rey. While also observing the room from time to time keeping a eye out for his fellow order members. Noticing his brother with Joey and Alexander with Paige so far, but he get had seen Victoria return or had seen Andrew in awhile now.

@HoneyBear-Kat @thefan1
Paige Kingsley

"But your not scared of me little bird, yet your scared at almost everything and everyone else thats a lot less scary then me, what does that say about you?" It was true. There were much less scarier people out there, but Alexander was the first to approach and talk to her. She admits, he can be a little scary, even for her, but she can look past it. "What does it say about me?" Paige tilted her head like a confused puppy, thinking of an answer, "That...people arent as scary when you take the time to know them," she said. Alexander pulled Paige closer and instantly took a deep breath,"A-Any closer, Alexander, and we'll fuse into one person," she stuttered awkwardly.

"Hey Piage," Alexander started.

"Yes?" she asked with a hushed volume.

"What will you do if we beat the ministry? When this is all over?" He finally asked. Paige looked up at him, she had never thought of it. She raised her eyebrows,"Finish at Hogwarts....I suppose." Truth was, the girl wasnt all that sure. She didnt think that far ahead,"If not," she added,"Well then maybe I'll just go home," paige added a shrug. After a pause and a moment of silence she asked,"What about you?"

He grins and almost as if challenging what she said pulled her a bit closer spreading art their arms more as he danced with her and she could feel his powerful chest. "Go home and do what? You don't have any plans for a career? I'm defaintly not letting you be a shut in all your life." He said as the song winded down. "I will help head the order, and maybe travel the world like most Wizards do after graduation. Maybe you'd like to come with me?" He asked as he danced with her finding himself a bit hopeful. He would keep up with Victoria because of the Order but he didn't want to lose Piage etheir.

The music stopped as the song ended and Alexander stepped back, bowing and bringing her delicate hand to hos lips kissing her knuckles. "I thank you for the dance, you did quite well." He said smiling at her. "Usually this is the point where the guy kisses the girl but I don't want to scare off any chance you have of getting another dance or maybe even another kiss." He said teasing her.
Victoria knew she should've confronted Andrew for pulling his wand on Alexander, she should've cursed him for threatening her friend. She knew she shouldn't be sitting on a chair conveniently placed in the corner of the room with three empty glasses in front of her. Drinking her troubles away was not her best idea, far from it. But quite frankly, she didn't care. Did she deserve a couple of strong drinks after killing herself during the last few months? Yes, she deserved it more than the people from the Ministry walking around with drinks in their hands. She noticed Arnaldus speaking to Rey and gave him a gentle smile. It had been a while since they'd had a proper conversation and she sure needed his advice. With more attacks and the wedding coming, Victoria was going to need as much support as her friends could give her to make sure she wouldn't escape to Asia. With a heavy sigh, Victoria grabbed her fourth cup of firewhisky and downed it down.

(sorry for crappy post, I'm on my phone and don't have a lot of time)
After awhile seemed to pass and his conversation with Rey was reaching an end. Arnaldus looked around the room once more, still many thoughts running through his mind and his mood showing just that along with his expression. He paused in mid gaze in notice of Victoria and her gentle smile towards him. Arnaldus gave a nod and returned a soft smile while politely parting with Rey as he walked over toward Victoria. He took a notice at her empty glasses before her and another following it. Approaching Victoria casually with hand in his pocket and glass in his other hand, he looked toward her with a straight and concerned expression. "You Victoria look quite determined to out drink me tonight." He chuckled starting off light and grabbed a near chair to sit next to her in. While looking once again around the room and shaking his head at the looks he received from a few people. Maybe it was just his black eye or maybe it was something else? He didn't know for certain but didn't care for it enough to matter and phase him. "It tells me I've become challenged to a drinking contest without even knowing it..... Or something troubles you and drinking just seemed right." Arnaldus continued keeping a light tone and caring manner about him.

In truth it had been awhile since they had talked, Victoria with her pending wedding and all and him with his own distractions. They hadn't spoke much lately and now seemed like it was a good time to catch up.
"I wager it's the latter, or else you have quite the head start on me." He joked before taking a pause. The order was increasingly under more and more pressure to keep things tight and organized, careful and well planned. It was only a matter of time before the stress of it all and everything else going on, that it took effect on them, any of them. "But seriously Vic, you have my attention anytime you need it. Now what's wrong? Wedding jitters or second thoughts about it all? Maybe a combination of everything." He asked downing the rest of his drink.

"You poor, naive fool." Victoria replied with a small smile, shaking her head at Arnaldus' joke. She took notice of his black eye and raised her eyebrow. She'd forgotten how he'd gotten that and made a mental note to ask him afterwards. Of course everyone was giving them disapproving glares, Victoria knew adults were always displeased with everything the children did. But they weren't children anymore, the glares that mimicked the ones she'd gotten many years ago confused her. Maybe it was because most of them had seen an angry Minister drag her out of the manor, maybe it was because of the amount of empty glasses surrounding her. Either way, she couldn't care less. She was there to enjoy herself and that was exactly what she was going to do. "You think you have a chance of winning in a drinking contest against me? You clearly don't know me at all." Victoria replied, ignoring his question about what was troubling her. As much as she wanted him to give her some advice and comfort, she wasn't looking forward to speaking about her problems, even to one of her closest friends.

With a pained laugh, Victoria set down her empty glass and sighed. "Of course there's a problem. There is always a problem." The girl complained, rubbing her forehead as she remembered everything that the alcohol had erased for a few seconds. Luckily, Arnaldus already had an idea of what could be going on in her mind and she didn't have to explain everything to him. It almost seemed too good to be true. Then again, Arnaldus was an incredibly smart man who was more than capable of finding our what was wrong with her without even saying a word. "Everything is wrong! The Ministry is planning to attack the Order once they find out who we- who they are." She began, quickly changing her words as to gentlemen from the Ministry walked past them and headed towards her father. "Andrew's being impossible, we got into a fight just a few weeks before our wedding. I'm not even sure if I prefer the wedding over death anymore!" She exclaimed, loud enough for the few guests close to them to hear but not loud enough for everyone else to hear more than a few muffled words. "I haven't even started my Herbology essay!"
"Niave? Well I never thought. Poor yes..... But Niave only sometimes." He smiled in response and signaled for another drink where he then picked it up and looked to Victoria. "It's a fools best repertoire, you know." Arnaldus continued now taking a drink from his glass and shrugging off the people around them and their glances. They gave purebloods a bad name though they would say the same about purebloods like them. "Oh don't I now? I think I do and it's that very reason why you can't keep a guy from trying." He chuckled and downed his drink while allowing some observations to click within his mind and thoughts to follow them. "Eventually after enough attempts..... I may just win." Arnaldus smiled and sounded sure of his claim even if they were in light attempts to keep his friend smiling. A nice exchange of jabs and jokes, while discussing what troubled Victoria and ignoring the prying eyes of the crowd near them was seeming like a good plan and way to converse after some time since their last one.

Arnaldus looked toward Victoria a look of sympathy on his face and in his eyes as she spoke. She was strong, intelligent and capable of many things but she was still Human and could become troubled by stress and problems especially ones like she had been experiencing.
"Problems always exist. Troublesome buggers aren't they?" He smiled and placed his glass down on the table keeping a listening ear to what Victoria said and shared with him. He simply observed for a bit and listened to her without a word spoken for a time. It was something he was good at or getting better at the more he did listened as well as observed. He had a keen eye and could be ones shoulder if they needed it or wanted to share with him. As Victoria spoke of the ministry and the attacks being planned against the order, the mention of everything going wrong. Arnaldus shook his head and dismissed a few thoughts he didn't wish to confront at the moment. "It was coming. We knew that once the start of it all came to be and we were aware of the future ahead." He spoke trying to make sense to her without giving anything away to the others trying to listen in and eavesdrop on their conversation. He thought himself decent at speaking of the order without actually saying anything direct, such as hidden meanings and read between the lines sorta way of talking and phrasing things. " I'm sorry to hear about you and Andrew but it was only a matter of time before your first fight or second, well however many you two have had. Either way it may be for the best it happened now before the wedding and not after, you know what I mean? As for which you would prefer....." Arnaldus paused and gave her a soft smile and look towards her. "As for that a third option always remains out there. Every situation, every play has a third option and not just the two obvious moves before you. It's just a matter of finding it and executing that move." He added referencing his own view on life and tactics. He never saw just one or two options to every play and move in life but always believed a third option existed and it only meant you hadn't found it yet.

"I'll make you an offer, you take my potions exam and I'll take your essay on herbology. I could use a break from it." Arnaldus joked. He didn't hate potions or was he terrible in that class, he just never found it terribly exciting and was stuck in a difference of opinion with the professor.
Paige Kingsley

The pair were chest to chest now. Being that close made the young girl a little nervous. She had never been that close to a boy except when hugging her father or brother. A little distracted with their physical contact, Paige couldnt help but wonder if Alexander could feel her heart beating out of her chest. Each thud or pulse matched the tempo of the music quite rhythmically. She could feel each breath he took in, expanding his lungs and in turn pushing him closer to her. "Go home and do what? You don't have any plans for a career? I'm defaintly not letting you be a shut in all your life," he broke the silence. Paige cocked an eyebrow,"Why not? Besides...dont you think we're a little young for thinking about careers?" She asked him. The song was in its last few bars of music,"I will help head the order, and maybe travel the world like most Wizards do after graduation. Maybe you'd like to come with me?"

The song ended, and Paige stopped, a sign of longing in her sapphire blue eyes. Shes always wanted to travel, "Come with you?" she asked with a heavy amount of disbelief in her throat. She stared at him, her lips open a little ways, thinking what to say next. There were so many answered questions! Where would they go? For how long? Why her? Unfortunately, her chance to speak was over as soon as her dance partner reach for her hand and bringing it to his lips, "I thank you for the dance, you did quite well," he planted a kiss as light and delicate as her on the back oglf her hand. The sensation sent shivers up her spine, shed never been treated with such chivalry; a nice experience. Alexander looked up from her hand, his typical mischevious smirk forming on his lips, "Usually this is the point where the guy kisses the girl but I don't want to scare off any chance you have of getting another dance or maybe even another kiss." Neither were likely to happen but at least he cared enough for those things. Paige retracted her hand from his, moving it behind her. "Thats a couple's thing," she said, bringing it to his attention that even if he did, rumors would definitely spread about them. Bashfully, Paige looked down, sweeping a piece of her hair behind her ear,"Thank you for being a wonderful partner," she sighed with nostalgia, looking around the ballroom,"I had almost forgotten what dancing felt like," looking back at him, she gave a solemn smile.

"To young to be thinking about our careers? Aren't we courting death doing what were doing now, I think a career is minor to that. As for not letting you be a shut in well I enjoy your company to much." He said with a smile, feeling the best if her heart he could tell she was nervous and he thought to allay her fears slightly.

"We could always dance a few more dances, now or later if you want." He said with a smile. "Still with the way your speaking one would think you never had your first kiss." He said teasing her not knowing that was actually the case for the poor innocent girl. He looked at her from out of the corner of his eye as he looked to where the band was choosing their next song. "I am serious about you coming with me, if we get that far that is. Most wizards take a companion with them as they visit other continents and I'd really want to take you if you allowed me to." He said his offer casual but his tone calm without his usual note of playfulness, it seemed lile he was serious about this.
Victoria's lips formed into a small pout as she lowered her head when Arnaldus mentioned the problems they knew they were going to face as soon as they formed the Order. He was right, they had been more than aware of what they were getting into that night. She was just not ready for such a big responsibility, not yet. When they'd formed the Order, Victoria had not been expecting so many things to happen so suddenly. The attacks, the Ministry, the new recruits... it was too much. "I thought we would have more time." She whispered sadly, lifting her glass and taking a small sip. "Some of us are ready to fight the Ministry but have you seen the new recruits? They're skilled, but they're just children! I doubt they'll survive against fully trained dark wizards." She admitted solemnly. While sending the youngest recruits wasn't a problem for her, it still pained her to see how young some of their new friends were. They were throwing their lives away to fight in a war that shouldn't even exist in the first place. This was the reason for the heavy training she made the young members go through. Maybe they hated her, some of them were even afraid of her. It didn't matter, she just wanted to make sure they were ready. Thinking about what would happen to her siblings once they joined sent a shiver down her spine, a uncomfortable feeling she wanted to ignore for the time being.

"Do you want to hear a secret?" Victoria whispered, leaning her body on the table as she tried to get close to him. "I'm scared, terrified, shaking and screaming in my sleep, however you want to call it. I'm scared of being captured, scared of the Order falling, scared of the Ministry, scared of marrying someone I don't love and who's not afraid of hurting me, scared of failing everyone. You know what the worst part is? I can't tell anyone I'm scared, because I can't show weakness in front of friends and enemies." Victoria whispered with a small smile. The alcohol was clearly taking it's toll on her, making her admit things she wouldn't admit in front of another wizard. Still, she couldn't deny it was relieving to finally tell someone.
Andrew didn't waste time in returning to the party after his fight with Alexander. He wiped the few drops of blood on his neck away with his handkerchief as he spoke to his friends. While Alexander proved to have some skill, his threats hadn't faced him. He still wanted to see the little mudblood dead but he wasn't scared of him. There was no way he was going to let him take the things he loved away from him, the tables were going to turn. As the mudblood danced with Paige, Andrew decided it was a good time to start befriending Paige. "I'm going to take care of something. Keep an eye out for Victoria, make sure she doesn't drink too much and throw herself off the balcony." He said to his friends, putting the handkerchief back in his pocket and walking to the other corner. He rested his back against a wall and rubbed his forehead as he gave Victoria longing looks. The song was over and they were probably going to separate, which meant Paige would be free and would notice him looking at Victoria like a sad dog.
thefan1 said:
Victoria's lips formed into a small pout as she lowered her head when Arnaldus mentioned the problems they knew they were going to face as soon as they formed the Order. He was right, they had been more than aware of what they were getting into that night. She was just not ready for such a big responsibility, not yet. When they'd formed the Order, Victoria had not been expecting so many things to happen so suddenly. The attacks, the Ministry, the new recruits... it was too much. "I thought we would have more time." She whispered sadly, lifting her glass and taking a small sip. "Some of us are ready to fight the Ministry but have you seen the new recruits? They're skilled, but they're just children! I doubt they'll survive against fully trained dark wizards." She admitted solemnly. While sending the youngest recruits wasn't a problem for her, it still pained her to see how young some of their new friends were. They were throwing their lives away to fight in a war that shouldn't even exist in the first place. This was the reason for the heavy training she made the young members go through. Maybe they hated her, some of them were even afraid of her. It didn't matter, she just wanted to make sure they were ready. Thinking about what would happen to her siblings once they joined sent a shiver down her spine, a uncomfortable feeling she wanted to ignore for the time being.
"Do you want to hear a secret?" Victoria whispered, leaning her body on the table as she tried to get close to him. "I'm scared, terrified, shaking and screaming in my sleep, however you want to call it. I'm scared of being captured, scared of the Order falling, scared of the Ministry, scared of marrying someone I don't love and who's not afraid of hurting me, scared of failing everyone. You know what the worst part is? I can't tell anyone I'm scared, because I can't show weakness in front of friends and enemies." Victoria whispered with a small smile. The alcohol was clearly taking it's toll on her, making her admit things she wouldn't admit in front of another wizard. Still, she couldn't deny it was relieving to finally tell someone.
"Think about it." He said gently, knowing Piage would probably need some time to make a decision. He had given her a few choices that could not just be made on the fly. She would have to have time to think. He turned seeing Andrew returning to the party, making him smirk remembering how their encounter had gone. He followed his gaze and saw he was looking at Victoria talking Arnoldus and it seemed Victoria was drinking quite a bit. Stepping back he gave a last comforting smile to Piage letting her know he was not in a hurry for a decision as he turned on his heel walking towards to pair. He could see Victoria was out of sorts though he couldn't hear her words so he decided to make his presence known. "There you are Victoria, I was waiting for NY dance." He teased lightly before narrowing his eyes at the amount of alcohol she had drunk. "Are you alright?" He asked with some concern. @HoneyBear\-Kat
Theodore had been busy as always with matter of the utmost importance at Hogwarts. He dressed in some of his best robes, showing off his houses color. His robes were blue and copper, the Raven claw colors. He then waved his wand disappeared, only to apperate at the Adams ball."I apologize for my tardiness," he told the person nearest to him as he looked around the ball at all those who had already arrived. @Anybody
It didn't take long for Victoria to notice Andrew was looking at her, giving her one of those sad looks she'd seen countless of times before. He always got what he wanted every time he used that face on someone but it wasn't going to work on her. She fixed him with a cold glare and finished her fifth cup of the strange, alcoholic drink the house elves were serving. Her vision was now slightly blurry and her head felt lighter but she was still able to make coherent thoughts, which was wonderful considering her parents would kill her if she got too drunk during a party. Turning her head to focus on Alexander when he arrived, she gave him a fake smile and shrugged. "I'm wonderful, dear. Why do you ask?" The girl asked in a bored tone. His concern probably had something to do with the amount of empty glasses around her so she waved her hand as if it were nothing and chuckled. "This? Oh, this is nothing. I just wanted to have a bit of fun and the Addams always have the best drinks, quite a pity they don't have these in Hogsmeade...oh well. Do you still want to dance?"
thefan1 said:
It didn't take long for Victoria to notice Andrew was looking at her, giving her one of those sad looks she'd seen countless of times before. He always got what he wanted every time he used that face on someone but it wasn't going to work on her. She fixed him with a cold glare and finished her fifth cup of the strange, alcoholic drink the house elves were serving. Her vision was now slightly blurry and her head felt lighter but she was still able to make coherent thoughts, which was wonderful considering her parents would kill her if she got too drunk during a party. Turning her head to focus on Alexander when he arrived, she gave him a fake smile and shrugged. "I'm wonderful, dear. Why do you ask?" The girl asked in a bored tone. His concern probably had something to do with the amount of empty glasses around her so she waved her hand as if it were nothing and chuckled. "This? Oh, this is nothing. I just wanted to have a bit of fun and the Addams always have the best drinks, quite a pity they don't have these in Hogsmeade...oh well. Do you still want to dance?"
Alexander gave her a look that said he wasn't buying it in the slightest. He had gotten pretty good at telling when she was faking it though he didn't catch her every time and Victoria usually did not drink this much. "Well I should probably stop you from drinking in some way before you do something silly which means you very well might kill me when I laugh at you." He said slightly worried but hiding it behind a joke. He looked at Arnoldus. "I hope you don't mind me cutting in." He said smoothly offering a hand to Victoria as a new song was about to begin, this one a little faster paced then the one he had danced with Piage which kind of made him wonder if Victoria was even in the condition to dance at the moment putting away 5 strong drinks. @thefan1 @Saru
Paige Kingsley

When Alexander suggested another, or a few, more dances, Paige laughed, feeling a little flattered. She may have been rusty, but for him to ask that, she felt a little more confident,"Oh no, I think Im going to take a small break," she smiled. "Still with the way your speaking one would think you never had your first kiss."

"What?" Paige blinked,"D-dont be silly," she stammered, trying to cover it up. "Thats not true," she lied. "Ive...Ive kissed plenty of young men," she bluffed, her nose in the air with fake confidence. "I am serious about you coming with me, if we get that far that is. Most wizards take a companion with them as they visit other continents and I'd really want to take you if you allowed me to," Alexander cut in. Her fake pride dissipated when he brought up how serious he was on the matter. The thought of leaving her family saddened her a little,"What about Greyson? Hes my brother. And my family? My home," she sighed,"Maybe we can talk about this another time, okay?" she patted his shoulder. Her blue eyes wandered over to Victoria who was leaning on the table that held the drinks, her brother just on the other side talking to whomever would listen to his mischevious stories. "Think about it," Alexander told her, referring back to the mention of going away. With a nod the small girl picked up her dress and walked off the ballroom dance floor.

Halfway across the floor and she exhaled, relieved to have dodged Alexander's bullet. That bullet being his question about a kiss. Even if she lied, to most it may have been obvious shed never had a first kiss, but she didnt want to admit it. Her luminous eyes, surrounded by the darkened lashes of make-up spotted Andrew, looking upset. "The poor dear," she whispered. And made her way to him.

"Andrew?" She asked, trying to get his attention. He was watching Victoria from a distance. "Are you alright, dear?" She tried forcing a smile, hoping he would reflect one back. She approached him, her voice as soft and gentle as her nature,"Why do you look so upset?"

@Akio @EmilyPower
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"I can control myself and the amount of drinks I have, father," Victoria replied with a sly smile, grabbing one of the cups and drinking the last remaining drops of alcohol inside. As much as she didn't want to admit it, it sure felt nice to have someone worrying about her. It made her realize that she wasn't as alone as she'd thought she was and it was comforting to know Alexander wouldn't let her do anything stupid. With this in mind, she pushed away her concerns about not being able to dance in her current state and accepted Alexander's hand. "Oooh! I like this song!" She exclaimed and quickly dragged him to the center of the room where the other young couples were dancing. "I'm glad you didn't ask me to dance when the band was playing that boring song. Waltzing is fun but it gets incredibly boring after five drinks. Speaking about them, do you think there was some secret ingredient in them? I mean, they had an odd color and they tasted funny. Good funny, not bad funny like the alcohol in my house. My mother likes to drink some really disgusting beverages, did I tell you about that one time when I stole some bottles? Oh it was hilarious, you should've seen my brother after his seventh drink." Victoria rambled on, speaking and speaking like there was no tomorrow. The alcohol always seemed to make her loosen up, especially when it came to speaking. Not only did it make her forget when to stop speaking, it stopped her from thinking before she spoke, one of the main reasons she didn't like to get drunk when others were around, anyone with a brain would take it as an opportunity to hear some of her secrets.

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