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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

Paige Kingsley

Up the stairs they went, and as soon as they neared a room with voices errupting from it, Alexander moved to the wall. Paige, holding his hand with a firm grip from sheer nervousness, continuously looked back to the stairs, in case anyone was coming up. At this point, the petite Hufflepuff girl was more concerned for herself than Alexander. He was basically invisible and she was too, but she was afraid she mightbaccidentally give them away. The two could hear voices raising with in the room. Alexander, the unseen, quietly and slowly turned the knob and push the door open. Paige bit her lip, when the knob seemed to turn on its own. She squeezed his hand tighter and tensed the muscles in her arm, fighting the urge to pull him back. If Victoria and Andrew notice the door open, they might come to scope it out! Her eyebrows furrowed with concern, the last thing she wants is to get caught eaves dropping on Slytherins.

Every second they stood there, Paige's anticipation and anxiety to leave grew stronger. Her hand starting getting clamy, she could hear the strong thumps of her heart beat in her ears, and butterflies were whipping up a hurricane in her belly. Then she heard Victoria's yelp, which distracted the girl from her fears of getting into trouble. Paige gasped, and immediately covered her mouth with her free hand. She turned her head, back still against the wall, to face the door Alexander had cracked open. All she could think of was how she got herself into this with Alexander, and the possibility of Andrew doing what ever it was he was doing to Victoria, to her if they get caught. Guess thats what happeneds when youre friends with a Slytherin. Suddenly the tone changed. Paige was a little thrown off when Victoria had suddenly fallen back in love with her abuser...


Paige jumped. She wasnt sure who had hit who until she heard Victorias voice again, threatening her betrothed. Their relationship was strange...and Paige didnt understand them at all...


Mentioned: @thefan1 @EmilyPower
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Karver Riddle

He entered the dormitory, taking out his wand and starting to practice the spell "Stupefy". He was not paying attention to his surroundings and all of sudden he heard a loud sound coming from behind, he turned and screamed out: "STUPEFY!" At his cat, that felt on a flower pot, making the loud noise. He said:

"Oh gosh, sorry Moonlight." Then, he put away his wand, starting to read a book.
Andrew knew something was wrong as soon as Victoria began apologizing for accusing him of never helping her. Victoria wasn't someone who would give up so easily and she wasn't someone who could overcome her anger so quickly. Andrew was ready to tell her that he didn't believe her but he was stopped by Victoria's breath on his neck. He didn't want to admit that that was his weakness but he couldn't pretend that he wasn't eager to have "fun" with her. He began caressing her lower back when she kissed him but was quickly stopped when she hit him between his legs. He instantly dropped to his knees and gave Victoria a murderous glare. How could she dare? How could she dare to threaten him when he'd never done anything bad to him? Oh, she was definitely going to pay, sooner or later the tables would turn.
Alexander decided by this point now would be a good time to intervene. The look that he saw in Andrews eyes were making it seem this may soon esculate quickly. Dissolving the charm he pulled Piage in holding her hand. "Hey Victoria I found a way to replenish your make up." He said with a smile making an intentional effort to flaunt his apparent unhurt body in the face of Andrews suicide mission. "I made Piage wear and bring make up today so your in luck." He said bringing Piage forward. He looked at Andrew disdain in his eyes. "You know Andrew you don't need to get on your knee's, Robert already did the proposal for you." He said mockingly making it obvious he had seen everything.

@HoneyBear-Kat @thefan1 @EmilyPower
Paige Kingsley

Just when she thought it couldnt get worse, Alexander proved her wrong. He pulled off the charm, and Paige looked down at herself, red dress and all,"What are you do--" before she could finished she was pushed into the room. She stumbled after him, their hands still connected. As soon as her electric blue eyes landed on Victoria with Andrew on his knees, she shut her mouth, immediately retreating into her shy, mute state. "Hey Victoria I found a way to replenish your makeup," Alexander spoke up. Paige looked at him with a cocked eyebrow and a scrunched face, wondering how he came up with that. And what was he trying to imply? That her make up was awful? How rude....(remember, she didnt know about Victoria crying and all) "I made Piage wear and bring make up today so your in luck," he continued, his hands on her shoulders, pushing her forward. Made was an under statement, more like forced. She refused but of course, Alexander got his way with the submissive "little bird" eventually.

Getting Paige into a social situation was like trying to put (and keep) a cat in a bath tub full of water. But because she caught on that Alexander was trying to wing it and cover them, her head shrunk into her shoulders and she forced a sheepish smile with lowered puppy eyes, adding a small, shy wave. When Alexander made a comment about Andrew's kneeling, the small girl frowned. She took a step forward and extended a hand to Andrew below, offering a help up. She wasnt social, but she had a soft spot for victims of jokes and getting picked on. And from what shes seen, Andrew seemed like an okay guy. She didnt spend a lot of time in his presence but he left a fairly friendly impression when he first arrived at the Potter's house, going around and introducing himself the way he did. Even if she was too naive to see the true intent behind his facade....

@Akio @thefan1 @EmilyPower
Victoria recalled telling Alexander to stay away from the fight. She knew she should be mad at him for ignoring her request, but quite frankly, she wasn't. The look on Andrew's face implied that he was going to fight back, something that would lead to a fight with no winners. With Alexander and Paige in the room, she was sure that Andrew wouldn't dare to hurt her. They were both talented duelists and Andrew was fully aware of that fact. Pulling our his wand would be foolish and she hoped whatever microscopic piece of brain he had left would tell him to refrain from fighting. "Just in time, Alexander. I didn't want to go back looking like this." She replied, giving him a wink and then turning back to Andrew. "I'll see you in the wedding, love. Maybe all we need is some time away from each other." With a triumphant smile, Victoria left the room. "I owe you one." She whispered, referring to Paige and Alexander.
Unfortunately, Alexander and Paige burst into the room before Andrew could pull out his wand. Maybe it was a blessing, fighting with Victoria in the middle of a ball wasn't a good idea. Still, that didn't stop him from giving Alexander a deadly glare when he began mocking him. He was about to give him a witty comeback when Paige kindly offered to help him get up and a better plan formed in his head. They had been holding hands just a second ago and Alexander seemed very interested in the girl back in Potter's house. Maybe he had a crush on her? Oh, that was just wonderful. The perfect revenge for turning Victoria against him was to turn his girl against him. It couldn't be hard, Paige was a kind girl who could see good things in everyone and one of the few members of the Order who didn't hate him. His murderous glare turned into a sad frown as he gratefully grabbed Paige's hand, accepting her help. "Thank you." He muttered, looking down as if he were ashamed. When Victoria left the room, he gave her retreating form a hurt look and sat down on the bed. "Yeah... I'll see you then.' He whispered, loud enough for both of them to hear. Deciding his performance needed something more, he hid his face in his hands and sighed. "Are you going to continue mocking me? I'm sure there are more things you can make up."
Alexander looked back as he heard his whisper eyes tightening, seemed like they wouldn't be able to get out of this completely scot free. When he started playing the victem act to Piage he quickly saw what he was doing considering he usually just attacked them back. Looking at Piage who helped him up he felt worry, she would never realize if she was being tricked or not or at least he didn't think she would. Sometimes it was hard to tell considering her ditzy attitude he still knew the girl was very intelligent. "You owe me nothing Victoria." He said looking at her then Piage. "Piage can you help Victoria touch up her makeup. It got messed up in the courtyard and I really have no idea how its done." Really she had been helpless with makeup to but he had her learn about midway through the month, because make up even if he didn't prefer it all the time if done right worked well and attracted the idea that one was growing up. Never the less he just wanted to get Piage out of the room. It was obvious he had something to say to Andrew.

@EmilyPower @thefan1

Paige Kingsley

The girl's heart only wanted to reach out more when she noticed the matching frown on Andrew's face on the ground. She grasped his hand as firmly as she could, and with all the strength she could muster tried to help him back on his feet. He still probably did all the work, since the boy was much bigger than she was, but the thought was still there regardless. "Thank you," he said quietly, and with her gentle touch lead him to the bed to sit on. He seemed heavily saddened, and Paige had worry written all over her face, she was a compassionate creature, and always sought to make others feel better even if that meant having to speak. "Just in time, Alexander. I didn't want to go back looking like this," Victoria said, then turned to Andrew, "I'll see you in the wedding, love. Maybe all we need is some time away from each other."

"Yeah... I'll see you then." Was all Andrew said.

Paige turned her head between the two, watching exchanged words and then watching Victoria leave with out a care. What has the poor boy done to deserve this treatment? Paige remembered hearing Victoria's yelp,'Maybe he hurt her,' but in the end he was a lot distraught than she was (so it seemed). When Victoria left Andrew covered his face with his hands,"Are you going to continue mocking me? I'm sure there are more things you can make up." Paige knelt infront of him (with some difficulty in the tight fitting dress and heels), and gentley wrapped her small fingers around his wrists and moved them aside,"No, no he wont," she shook her head and looked back at Alexander with a disapproving scowl. She returned to Andrew,"Things will get better between you and Victoria, okay? Dont give up on that." She whispered and gave him a curt nod. "Piage can you help Victoria touch up her makeup." Alexander cut in. Paige stood up and gestured toward an "upset" Andrew before her,"But Im trying to--"

"It got messed up in the courtyard and I really have no idea how its done." Alexander continued regardless. Paige sighed, and with reluctance she obeyed, "Okay...," she lifted her dress slightly, making it easier for her to walk. She passed Alexander and up to the door,"Take care of him, please," she said to Alexander as she turned the corner to catch up with Victoria.

Little ways down the hallway Victoria was making her way back and Paige followed, opening her clutch and searching for the make up items, pushing her wand aside. "M-maybe..." she forced herself to speak,"Maybe theres a lavoratory around here somewhere?" She asked, looking at the doors they passed.

@thefan1 @Akio @EmilyPower
Alexander raised his hands in a bit of exasperation. She really was to nice of a person, he would have to shatter her view of him before she got hurt. "Don't worry little bird, I won't hurt him." He said with an exasperated affection before turning to Andrew. He wouldnt hurt him, at least not physically. Unless he attacked, god knows Alexander would look forward to destroying him in a duel. He turned to Andrew with such heavy disdain in his eyes like he was resenting this waste of time so low was his opinion of him. "Let me make a few things clear Andrew." He said his voice growing low and powerful.

"I did not push her against you today, I simply asked why you never helped her. This was her decision that your own actions caused." He said his hand near his suits pockets where his want was kept ready to counter just in case of a surprise attack. "That argument is between you and Victoria and she's asked me not to get involved and I trust her enough to be handle your sorry ass." He said narrowing his eyes further.

"But Piage is different. She is the sweetest, kindest, and most innocent creature I've ever known a d I won't stop her from interacting with you because she needs to have a few friends but if you manipulate her or try to hurt her to get to me I will hurt you. I will steal all you think is precious and good and burn it till it is ashes in your mouth. She's a good person so she may even forgive you but I will not because I'm not a good person." He said starting to grin cruelly. "I have no qualms about making your life a living hell if you hurt my little bird. So before you declare war on me I'd think of the consequences." He said taking a step back and starting to turn watching him for an attack.
A parting smile and receiving a kiss on the cheek from the girl he was speaking with for a time. Ezekiel turned and began walking around the room noticing his brother speaking with Rey, he continued on taking notice of everyone he knew that was still in the ball and pondered his time back at the potter house. Normally it was his brother who thought of such things with recollection and review but at times Ezekiel did as well. The joining was truly a test meant for a purpose and it seemed to meet that purpose every time, originally he thought it would be simple. Discover the order, speak and join and you were done. But he was wrong...... Definitely wrong. He learned his brother was a founding member along with Victoria, Andre and Dorian. Perhaps he helped devise such tests? Perhaps he had a different role for a founding member? Either way it was no laughing matter and tested Ezekiel more then he had expected. He still could picture every moment of the test and replay it all through his minds memory bank, when it was finally over Ezekiel certainly felt accomplished and proud of making it into the order. But they still needed a name he thought often to himself. Truly he was glad he was finally apart of the order but also glad to have the test be done with and time for less testing times to commence.

As Ezekiel walked around the room taking note of everyone. He paused in his step and looked toward Johanna giving a smile which crossed his lips as he walked over toward the girl. "Johanna my dear it's good to see your around. I barely recognized you at first in such a fine dress." He spoke in greeting and taking a glass from a passing house elf and his tray. "You do look quite beautiful though if I may say." He continued with his usual charming look in his eye and sounding tone. "Having fun at this ball or wishing we were else where?" Ezekiel asked with a chuckle knowing Johanna was likely preferable to Quidditch or perhaps anything else then at such a event as this one.

Andrew felt a slight relief when Paige followed Victoria out of the room. He wasn't a fan of keeping up his innocent facade for long but he really wanted to speak to Paige before the night was over. Not only would it help him to gain more information regarding some of the other members of the Order, it would be a perfect way to mess with Alexander. Maybe even mess with Greyson if he began hating him as much as James did. When Alexander finally began to speak, Andrew simply rolled his eyes and waited for him to shut up. He knew that he was trying to intimidate him but it wasn't working. He raised his eyebrows and began slow clapping with a bored expression. "Nice job, really nice. There's some work to be done but you're not a lost case, not yet." He began, slowly getting up from the bed and taking a few steps forward. "It takes more than a low voice and menacing glare to intimidate someone. Do you want to know the trick?" He asked in a mocking tone, taking out his wand in one swift movement and pointing it under his jaw. "To intimidate someone, to make them afraid of you, what you need is to let them know that you're stronger than them. Not that you weren't doing a good job, you just chose the wrong person to try it out with. First of all, I've got more power than you. Try to attack me, see how many seconds does it take for every Ministry official to come running up the stairs to kill you. Let me remind you that in this world purebloods are seen as higher beings than muggleborns. Personally, I never believed this but try to explain that to the Minister. Secondly, your threats mean nothing. You know why? Because you wouldn't be able to destroy everything I love. I only love two things, Victoria and magic. Try to take that from me." Andrew replied, copying his cruel smirk to add to his humiliation.

"Your little bird, huh? It would be such a shame if someone like me harmed her. Who knows what would happen to her pure, innocent mind if we got our hands on her." He continued, raising his wand to raise his head, a trick he'd learned from Robert. "Fortunately, I do not wish to hurt her. Yet, I want to hurt you. How about we make a deal? Something quite simple, not hard to accomplish even with a brain as small as yours. I will not harm Paige in any way if you promise to stay away from Victoria, forever."
"There is," Replied Victoria without even glancing at the girl behind her. She'd been in the Addam's manor so many times before she practically new the layout of the manor. That is if she didn't count secret rooms, of course. It didn't take long for her to find the lavatory, even if she had chosen one as far away from the room as possible. She knew nothing would come out of a room that had Alexander and Andrew in it without any supervision. In fact, she wouldn't be surprised if one of them actually died. "I know you two listened to the conversation." She commented, grabbing a tissue to wipe the smeared makeup off her face. While she didn't want to speak about the rather violent conversation with Andrew, she didn't want Paige and Alexander to walk away with erroneous ideas about what had happened. "What do you think about it? Did I do well? I mean, I know I was able to set some things straight but something tells me he's not gonna change."
Saru said:
A parting smile and receiving a kiss on the cheek from the girl he was speaking with for a time. Ezekiel turned and began walking around the room noticing his brother speaking with Rey, he continued on taking notice of everyone he knew that was still in the ball and pondered his time back at the potter house. Normally it was his brother who thought of such things with recollection and review but at times Ezekiel did as well. The joining was truly a test meant for a purpose and it seemed to meet that purpose every time, originally he thought it would be simple. Discover the order, speak and join and you were done. But he was wrong...... Definitely wrong. He learned his brother was a founding member along with Victoria, Andre and Dorian. Perhaps he helped devise such tests? Perhaps he had a different role for a founding member? Either way it was no laughing matter and tested Ezekiel more then he had expected. He still could picture every moment of the test and replay it all through his minds memory bank, when it was finally over Ezekiel certainly felt accomplished and proud of making it into the order. But they still needed a name he thought often to himself. Truly he was glad he was finally apart of the order but also glad to have the test be done with and time for less testing times to commence.
As Ezekiel walked around the room taking note of everyone. He paused in his step and looked toward Johanna giving a smile which crossed his lips as he walked over toward the girl. "Johanna my dear it's good to see your around. I barely recognized you at first in such a fine dress." He spoke in greeting and taking a glass from a passing house elf and his tray. "You do look quite beautiful though if I may say." He continued with his usual charming look in his eye and sounding tone. "Having fun at this ball or wishing we were else where?" Ezekiel asked with a chuckle knowing Johanna was likely preferable to Quidditch or perhaps anything else then at such a event as this one.

Joey could be found standing by herself, with her wand in hand, drawing little shapes in the air for no particular reason except to make bunnies and squiggles in the air. Simply in order to entertain herself. But before long she found herself being bothered by the younger brother of Arnie, Ezekiel or something. "... First of all," she said, sticking the wand into her stocking stiffly, "Don't call me dear. Second of all, drop the charming gentlemen act. And third, I'd rather be dropped into a pit of Dementors then be here." She grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest self consciously. "I hate dresses, I hate dancing, and I hate big crowds..."
Ezekiel put up his hands up lightly with his drink in hand and chuckling a bit. "Alright, alright only complimenting you and saying hello. Nothing to get defensive over, I call many girls dear it's meant only as a term of...... But I receive your notice and shall cease." Ezekiel replied with a smile and taking a drink from his glass. "As for dropping the act, well it's really not natural for me. I'm a charmer and a fun seeker, trying to balance that or drop it is quite boring. But I'll try to tone it down around you, fair?" He added with a offering of a compromise and placing his free hand into his pocket. "Well...... I've learned these events aren't for everyone. Arnaldus has been tugging at his bow tie all day, he usually comes to these things without one and simply keeping it loose near the neck and chest." Ezekiel spoke noticing her with a studious gaze for a moment. "I can see that..... it will probably die out soon. People can only dance and talk for so long in big crowds, well you would think anyways." He added taking a look around the room before turning his eye back toward Johanna. "Dementors might be fun though, a nice little bit of excitement and adventure before the nights end. Don't you think? It couldn't be to difficult to simulate one and make it more interesting in here." Ezekiel grinned with a wicked idea forming in his head. But still putting some touches on his plan before saying much else as he took another look around the room with a curious look in his eye and suspicious one at that.

EmilyPower said:
Andrew felt a slight relief when Paige followed Victoria out of the room. He wasn't a fan of keeping up his innocent facade for long but he really wanted to speak to Paige before the night was over. Not only would it help him to gain more information regarding some of the other members of the Order, it would be a perfect way to mess with Alexander. Maybe even mess with Greyson if he began hating him as much as James did. When Alexander finally began to speak, Andrew simply rolled his eyes and waited for him to shut up. He knew that he was trying to intimidate him but it wasn't working. He raised his eyebrows and began slow clapping with a bored expression. "Nice job, really nice. There's some work to be done but you're not a lost case, not yet." He began, slowly getting up from the bed and taking a few steps forward. "It takes more than a low voice and menacing glare to intimidate someone. Do you want to know the trick?" He asked in a mocking tone, taking out his wand in one swift movement and pointing it under his jaw. "To intimidate someone, to make them afraid of you, what you need is to let them know that you're stronger than them. Not that you weren't doing a good job, you just chose the wrong person to try it out with. First of all, I've got more power than you. Try to attack me, see how many seconds does it take for every Ministry official to come running up the stairs to kill you. Let me remind you that in this world purebloods are seen as higher beings than muggleborns. Personally, I never believed this but try to explain that to the Minister. Secondly, your threats mean nothing. You know why? Because you wouldn't be able to destroy everything I love. I only love two things, Victoria and magic. Try to take that from me." Andrew replied, copying his cruel smirk to add to his humiliation.
"Your little bird, huh? It would be such a shame if someone like me harmed her. Who knows what would happen to her pure, innocent mind if we got our hands on her." He continued, raising his wand to raise his head, a trick he'd learned from Robert. "Fortunately, I do not wish to hurt her. Yet, I want to hurt you. How about we make a deal? Something quite simple, not hard to accomplish even with a brain as small as yours. I will not harm Paige in any way if you promise to stay away from Victoria, forever."
Alexander's eyes were cool looking up as if actually considering the idea and then he waved his hand almost dismissively and suddenly Andrew found he couldn't speak. Alexanders greatest skill in duels was displayed as he used the Silencio without speaking a word to use the difficult charm and even to do it wandless. Usually nonverbal spells were considered incredibly difficult and only taught to 5th years and up but since he learned of magic he had dived into the deepest part of its practices and learning. Nonverbal spells was one of the things he had focused on the most to give him the edge over most other duelist for dueling club by hiding his spell to the last second and the split edge it gave him on the speed of his cast time. It was only recently in his 4th year he had grown proficient at it though it would weaken the effect of his spells. Andrew would only be silenced for about an hour even without counter charm but that was more than enough. Even as he cast the charm he was moving using the split second of confusion where Andrew would try to cast a spell only to realize he couldn’t speak, Alexander wasn’t sure he could use nonverbal spells so he wanted to solve this quickly before it drew attention of those down stairs or Victoria. He did not reach for his wand but instead smacked his wand openhandingly knocking his wand to the side away from him as he closed the distance in a split moment tangling his hand in his collar. With the hand that originally cast the nonverbal spell. Grabbing him and rotating him with the force of his momentum he slammed him on the bed face up leaping onto his chest to pin his arms with his knees with more physical force and coordination then wizards who lived a simple life surrounded by magic would have bothered learning. He was a street fighter before he was a wizard. Meanwhile while his other hand went to bring not his wand but a long curved knife from under his suit to Andrew throat while his other hand pulled out his wand pointing it at him. All this happened in about two seconds in a blur of movement and it such close range it would be nearly impossible to counter if he wasn't ready for it.

“Alright Andrew.” He said with deceptive calm. “Listen to me closely. What I said earlier was not a threat, it was a promise. Now I'lm gonna threaten you. If you think the Minister can protect you then you are wrong, you see I would kill you before you could even speak a word." He said pressing the knife against him to lightly cut his throat. "Secondly, If you hurt Piage I will make sure you lose everything you want, because I will tell Victoria about this conversation which im sure she would love to hear you blackmailing me use Piage of all people and cock hold you on your damn wedding night if I have to. I will steal Victoria from you, shouldn't be to difficult considering how you treat her." He said still deceptively calm. "As your magic I think ill just destroy your wand." He said looking at his pinned arm letting that sink in before leaning down next to his ear. "Or ill just end your miserable life and save you the trouble." He said killing intent dripping in his voice. "Avada Kedavra." He said into his ear though he put no force in the spell so there was no flash of green light but the treat had been there. He got off him looking at him. "Think about what I said before you act Andrew." He said calmly walking away going to find Piage and Victoria. He walked into hear the tail end of what Victoria said. "Your right, he didn't change." He said his mouth a thin line.

(and thats the one shot ill ever get on Andrew for free thanks Em, enjoy @HoneyBear\-Kat
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Paige Kingsely

"There is," Victoria informed her. Paige's face lightened up,"Oh good, we can fix you up in there," she smiled, until she realized that what she said could he taken out of context,"Not that youre not pretty! Th-Thats not what I meant! Youre a very attractive girl! But...but dont take me wrong, I dont fancy you in that way, I-I just--" she rambled, trying to cover herself up but only dug herself deeper into the hole she put herself in. Suddenly Victoria cut in, "I know you two listened to the conversation." As quick as lightening, guilt had set in. Paige looked at the back of Ms. Knight's head and quickly averted them. Like a small child, caught in the act, she lowered her head submissively,"Oh..." she said with defeat.

"What do you think about it? Did I do well? I mean, I know I was able to set some things straight but something tells me he's not gonna change."

Paige thought for a moment. What did she think? No one really asks for her opinion on things, but the freedom of being asked felt nice for a change. "Men usually dont," she gave a small, nervous giggle. "The most a girl can do is hope," she shrugged, frowning," Now matter how hard we try to change people, in the end its up to them," she said quietly. "Youre right, he didn't change." Alexander had snuck up on Paige once again. She turned around to look at him and a smile instantly spread on her pink lips,"Oh hello," she greeted with her sweet, quiet voice,"How is Andrew feeling?"

@Akio @thefan1

Mentioned: @EmilyPower
@Akio[/URL] @thefan1

Mentioned: @EmilyPower
"Probably not to good at the moment." Alexander said cryptically smirking. "Bugger drew his wand in me." He said looking at Victoria and it was obvious to her and probably Piage to more happened then that. He looked at Piage smiling a bit. "Little bird have you been helping Victoria with her make up?" Victoria had already long since become aware of the nickname but still called her Piage. Alexander for someone who was apparently in a fight only his cloths were ruffled and he didn't seem to have any injuries on him. Though it did look like there was a slight depression on his neck from where Andrew was not so gently poking his wand.
Paige Kingsley

Paige followed Victoria to the bathroom, Alexander following behind. "Probably not good at the moment," Alexander said. With her back turned she couldnt see the smile on his face. Instead, she sighed a, "Oh..." with a hand full of make-up she looked up,"I really do hope he gets to feel better," she said genuinely.

"Bugger drew his wand in me," he added.

Paige looked back him, a little surprised, but then again Alexander managed to stir some form of anger where ever he went, and no doubt he did something just as equally threatening. She ignored it. The small girl ushered Victoria into the room as soon as they got there, and looked back at Alexander with a cocked eyebrow, mentally telling him he wasnt allowed.

Paige was no make-up artist, but she would atleast do the basics. Soft foundation, a light dusting of a pretty pink blush, just enough to make the apples of her cheeks pop. Next was a light, subtle lip tint, it smoothed the texture of her lips, and made their natural color smooth. Last were her eyes. Victoria had beautiful eyes, and Paige wantes to make sure that they were the center of the masterpiece. Gentley, she lined her eyes with black, darkening the edges so that the hazel of her iris' caught anyones eye. Next was mascara that seperated and extended her feathered lashes. "Little bird, have you been helping Victoria with her make-up?" Alexander rushed from the outside.

"What else are we doing," she giggled. When she finished she returned her items back into her bag then looked at Victoria,"Beautiful," she announced, moving a piece of her hair off to the side. The sound of her heels clicked louder against the tile when she moved closer to the bathroom door. "Just about finished," she said opening the divider between them,"I did my best," she shrugged, looking up at bashfully, almost searching for approval and praise. Until she noticed a sign of skin irritation on the boy's neck, it was red like pressure was applied there,"Your neck," she reached up on her tippy toes, with her thumb she gently ran over it, making sure it wasnt swelling into a bruise,"Is this where it was?" she asked referring back to Andrew's wand. Paige blinked at it then smiled,"No sign of a bruise, Im sure youll be alright," she landed back onto her feet and smiled warmly at him,"Doesnt look too serious."

Saru said:
Ezekiel put up his hands up lightly with his drink in hand and chuckling a bit. "Alright, alright only complimenting you and saying hello. Nothing to get defensive over, I call many girls dear it's meant only as a term of...... But I receive your notice and shall cease." Ezekiel replied with a smile and taking a drink from his glass. "As for dropping the act, well it's really not natural for me. I'm a charmer and a fun seeker, trying to balance that or drop it is quite boring. But I'll try to tone it down around you, fair?" He added with a offering of a compromise and placing his free hand into his pocket. "Well...... I've learned these events aren't for everyone. Arnaldus has been tugging at his bow tie all day, he usually comes to these things without one and simply keeping it loose near the neck and chest." Ezekiel spoke noticing her with a studious gaze for a moment. "I can see that..... it will probably die out soon. People can only dance and talk for so long in big crowds, well you would think anyways." He added taking a look around the room before turning his eye back toward Johanna. "Dementors might be fun though, a nice little bit of excitement and adventure before the nights end. Don't you think? It couldn't be to difficult to simulate one and make it more interesting in here." Ezekiel grinned with a wicked idea forming in his head. But still putting some touches on his plan before saying much else as he took another look around the room with a curious look in his eye and suspicious one at that.

"...You got a death wish or what?" She said bluntly, her arms crossed. She sighed and looked away from Ezekiel, "Yeah, well, I'm kind of on a different point of the ah, "spectrum", technically." She sighed and blew a piece of hair out of her face, "I'm surprised they even let me into this ruddy event. Like I really wanted to be here, ya know?" She said sourly, her brows furrowed angrily. But then she sighed and let her arms fall to her sides, "But I have to be here, so I'll just stand and take my solitude and the awkward glances from the purebloods that are wondering why a Scottish Muggleborn is here." She blinked then added with a hint of vinegar to her tone, "oh, I'm sorry, I meant 'mudblood'." She looked angered that the term had become common place.
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Ezekiel smiled and gave a nod. "If that death wish meaning living life to its fullest...... Then yes. You did just say tha you hate such things as these type of events, dresses, big crowds and dancing." He spoke looking about the room keeping his plans in mind. While taking a sip from his glass before looking back toward Johanna. "Alright gotcha, you're different then others and I shall keep it in mind." Ezekiel added in reply with a chuckle. "Well you shouldn't really, if you think about it from there point of view. It's all about showing off and saving face, they may be prejudice and evil folk. But public relations are important to them, tolerating lesser people or people they see as lesser for one night is worth it.... If they can throw around their power and wealth in display of their claimed superiority in public events. It's all about them and their face." He stated observing the very people he spoke of to Johanna. "So just keep up the best you can and make the best out of the worst of situations. Otherwise if your miserable and hating this..... They win. You know?" Ezekiel added

"Besides a future will come when is just old news. Remember what is going on outside of these events." He smiled in reference of the order in a casual way to keep from attracting attention. While thinking of his plan again. "Now...... Seriously a boggart should work right?" He joked in the end Ezekiel wouldn't go through with it, he wasn't stupid. A place like this and the numbers advantage for the other side only emphasized that much. But joking about it was harmless and fun enough to him.

He rolled his eyes as his ordinarily docile little bird all but glared at him in her own way telling him not to enter the room, he would never be able to tell what it was with girls and their make up, he preferred his own woman with as little as possible though he could make exceptions for certain people. He didn't have to wait long toll the door was opened and he rolled his eyes. "You know I've seen Victoria from everything to full make up to being completely covered in mud, you really don't need to lock me out." He stated with no real rancor in his voice as he observed Victoria with a critical eye. Piece had done her job well and knew how to make use if Victoria's best features even in the short amount of time she had to practice. He patted her hand, messing with her hair a bit. "Good job little bird, you've learned well." He stated pleased before he noticed she was looking at his neck. She stretched on her tipy toes and he couldn't held his breath thickening slightly as she touched his neck. Even on her tipy toes she wasn't as tall as him and he got a wiff of the scent in her hair. Then she got back on her feet smiling warmly at him and he couldn't help but smile back. "Hey little bird." He said grinning as his next words left his mouth knowing she would hate it. "Were gonna go dance." He said smirking.
Paige Kingsley

Paige raised her eyebrows when Alexander smiled back at her. She always saw him as a stern, serious kind of guy, but this side of him was nice,"What?" She asked, curious to know the reason behind his smile. "Hey little bird," his smile grew to a grin," We're gonna dance." It wasnt even a question! Usually Paige obeys with Alexander's commands but this time was different.

The girl crawled back into her cacoon of timidness with him. She looked up at him, with her puppy eyes then looked away shaking her head,"I-I dont know," she pulled her hands back behind her, fiddling with the back of her dress nervously,"I havent danced since I was a little girl with my father," she moved one hand to rub the opposite arm, her self-confidence plummeting,"And i dont know if Greyson would be okay with it. I dont think you would want someone as clumsy as me as a dance partner," she scoffed,"Sorry," avoiding eye contact she picked up her dress and turned to head for the stairs.

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