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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

Alexander never believed in false modesty, so he knew he looked good in a suit. He always looked good in black and he had gone all out for this event. His hair was slicked back and his suit was newly made. Combined with his cold looks and devious smirk he looked like the devils better looking younger brother. Only the shadows under his eyes ruined the picture. He had been very busy this last month. While helping out with the Order (he was not exactly the best person for recruiting given his reputation) he had also gone out often by himself at night to gather information on his plan to create the order Shadow. He had gotten closer with the Order, especially Victoria who he had grown to respect greatly. However the arguments about the future of the Order still lay between them and was the one sore point between them. However as his relationship improved with Victoria almost in tandem his relationship with James and Andrew had simultaneously worsened. He found Andrew over controlling and cruel and several times when he thought it had gone to far it had nearly come to blows, as for James he was moody and while he was brave he could not speak much on his intelligence (especially on relationships) and honestly could not see why Piage and Victoria were so attached to the boy.

Piage was another thing that had changed over the last month and he had honestly never expected the relationship that developed between him and the shy girl. They had formed an interesting relationship where he had grown exasperated by her shyness and modesty. After the tests (which he would never speak of again) he had replaced her entire wardrobe to cloth that if not more reveling were more form fitting which had been an interesting argument between them. Never the less he had come to respect the shy girls intelligence and while they had an interesting teasing relationship he could consider her his second friend. Of course he wasn't sure she would be happy with him considering he chose her dress.

@HoneyBear-Kat @thefan1
Paige & Greyson Kingsley

A Christmas ball! How exciting! For...anyone but the siblings. Greyson was never one for getting dressed up, the appropriate clothing was too stiff for an active lad like himself. And Paige, well, she just never liked dresses. Neither of the Kingsley siblings had known about this Ball, infact, they didnt quite know the family hosting it. They came along soley because the members of the New Order were all going, so naturally, they followed...reluctantly. Even the contents in their luggage seemed to miss the appropriate clothing for this outing. Before arriving, Grey had bothered his younger sister for her charmed bag to retrieve the suit he kept at home, saved for special occasions. Paige, at first, announced she wasnt going simply because she didnt have anything to wear....but Alexander had other plans. He picked out a dress for her, to her dismay... She didnt like it, but the submissive, passive girl (after some resisting) gave in.

Walking into the ballroom was a big step for the girl, but luckily she had her brother at her side...and Alexander too. When the doors swung open to reveal the morbid decorations for a Christmas theme, Greyson looked around with his hands stuffed in his pockets,"Blimey, they went all out didnt they? A little too dark for my taste," he critiqued but shrugged it off none of the less. Alexander entered before them, with Paige hooked arm-to-arm with her older brother, hiding behind him slightly. "Paige can you stop hiding in the corner, you look quite pretty actually," Alexander spoke to the girl behind him. Greyson grimaced at the Slytherin boy talking to his sister. He still couldnt understand how a sweet creature like his sister could befriend such a boy. Paige leaned her face into her brother's shoulder, becoming bashful after Alexander's compliment,"I dont want to," her words were muffled into his sleeve. Greyson jerked a head to Alexander,"She said go away."

"I did not!" The girl quickly looked up at him with a scowl. Greyson chuckled before raising his arms from his pockets, making Paige let go of him,"It was just a joke." The boys eyes scanned the crowd, looking to see who else had come, well...looking for one person in particular (@indiedarling ). The younger sister took notice of his strange behavior, he never really payed attention to others when they came to gatherings such as this, but she was too preoccupied with being shy to say anything. "I'll be back," he patted Paige's shoulder and walked off before she could say anything.

"W-Wait!" She reached for his hand but it barely slipped past her grasp. Now that her brother was gone...what was she going to do now? Her big blue eyes looked to Alexander, and she sped her pace to catch up with him, sticking pretty close. He was Greyson's replacement now. Now the new friend was her shield, hiding her away from potential interactions.


The Snazzy Siblings


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Screenshot_20160416-235408.jpg.5252f54d389c9a32c834f2cff656bb63.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118857" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Screenshot_20160416-235408.jpg.5252f54d389c9a32c834f2cff656bb63.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (this was the closest I could find to her in the dress you picked out​
xD @Akio

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Screenshot_20160416-234737.jpg.20200753bc7fd59e741d826a8bc21f2a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118859" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Screenshot_20160416-234737.jpg.20200753bc7fd59e741d826a8bc21f2a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (hes not exactly the suit and bow tie type so...this is as formal as he'll get

xD )

@Akio @whoeverelse xD



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A fancy ball over the holiday after being accepted into the order and passing his test to join them. It was quite the time for Ezekiel while Arnaldus liked such events well enough and dancing with the women and flirting the night way well enough, Ezekiel always seemed to have even more fun this brother at these sort of things. A mansion or hall and wherever else such balls and events were thrown meant endless opportunity to flirt with as twice as many girls then normally. Plus he did rather enjoy getting dressed into his best suits and looking as sharp as ever, something his brother was ok with himself but preferred more practical clothing in place of suits. He did after all get into enough scrapes, adventures and all around cause for getting his hands dirty so to speak and as such preferred the comfortable, sharp looking and practical attire and not the James Bond look that Ezekiel so enjoyed and preferred. It just wasn't something that made sense to Arnaldus. Which such preferences could further explain Arnaldus's dislike for any form of ties and usually wearing his suites and dress shirts without them and his top few buttons open outside of his school and hufflepuff house uniform that was. Ezekiel walked about the ball and began flirting with a woman by the far table and carrying on a conversation with her for a time.
He chucked as Grayson left and Piage hid behind him seeking a new shield. He looked at the shy girl basically clinging to his arm with a chuckle. "You know I'm not gonna let you hide behind me all day, I didn't pick out such a nice dress for nothing. Besides if you hang so close my arm people will think were dating." He said with a smile lightly teasing the girl. Their relationship was never very harmonious and more often then not Alexander had to force Piage to come out of her shell and the absolute fit she had thrown when he had changed her wardrobe had been a sight to behold. Still he usually won their fights with his cool logic and unflinching determination. Still they could not have set more of a contrast then they had now, while at the same time seeming to complement one another. He was dressed in a black and she in a fiery red dress that held her figure probably a bit more then she was comfortable with, her face was shy and earnest and his confident and dark, his eyes cold and powerful and her gaze bright and luminous. Two sides of the spectrum yet they seemed close all the same as Piage hid behind him and unintentionally or not for now he protected her from most of the crowd.

Alexander managed to catch sight of Victoria more clearly now talking to two other students who seemed to be hosting this thing, if their odd style of dress gave him any capacity to guess. The entire ball seemed kind of dark and more focused on the now passed Halloween then Christmas but he let in slide, he was never one to be scared of the dark things of the night and he found the atmosphere fit him quite well. He walked up to Victoria and her two companions with a devilish grin as his dark eyes moved to catch her own. "Hey Victoria!" Victoria and Piage had by far Alexanders closest friends during this time despite the general pushy relationship he had with Piage (though she tended to give into him) and Victoria and his own arguments about the Order itself. So far they had not been put in a position to permanently put a death eater out of commission due to most of their missions thus far being training mission and small actions against the ministry while the death eater usually pulled back their own wounded but Alexander knew it would be soon his and Victoria's ideals clashed more violently but he set that aside for tonight. When they weren't arguing they had plenty of fun, Alexander saw how much the situation with Andrew and James could stress her so he made it a point to take her on random days away from the two men bickering like a married couple and took her hiking, sparring, slowly teach her how to probably ride a broom (though he never let her live down what happened on the Quittich field) among other distracting activities to take her mind of it or some days just hearing her own and offering advice or sympathy. James friendship with her had taken a toll thanks to Andrew and Andrew continuously made a git of himself in front of James so he tried to fill that place as best as he could on days when things weren't going well. "I see your speaking to our hosts." He said moving slightly so Piage was more visible to the small group not letting her hide behind him. "Having fun this far?" He asked Victoria with some affection in his tone.


Rey Andromeda Lupin

Rey was not one to back down from a party, let alone a full fledges ball, and her grandmother definitely wasn't. Every member of the order was going, literally, all of them. So, naturally, Anduromeda hoisted her daughter from her broomstick, the girl half hearted, and sat her in a chair after the tests. What a rush those had been. She was only glad that she had passed well, really well. Now, back to that hoist. Adromeda took control of Rey fast as she could, making sure that she looked her best. Rey just sat, she wasn't going to complain, no way. Adromeda would hex her. So she sat, and sat, then pulled on a dress. And all in all, she liked it. Guilty pleasure is no curse.

I'll be with Harry and Ginny, they arrived sometime earlier my darling. And Teddy, you will be with me, I need to have a talk with you before our fun starts." Teddy Lupin nodded his head and gave a small smile to his grandmother while he walked. "Of course." Asromeda smiled. "And Victoire dear, do take care of my Teddy." The girl nodded to her, the grip on Teddy's arm tightening lightly. "I will." Adromeda's heart was moved and she waved them forward. "Run along before me." And the two did so, walking faster up the steps of the Addam's manor and through the door. "As for you Ms Lupin, you I am giving a chance. I want you to be on your best, and I mean absolute best behaviour..- Rey. Tsk- Rey!"

The so called turned her head to her grandmother and gave a questioning look, then took a bigger look around. "
Where did Ted and Vic go?" She wasn't in her right mind it seemed; distracted. "Were you paying attention to anything?," Adromeda questioned, and Rey shrugged, looking thoughtful before settling and shaking her head. "No. Not at all." Adromeda sighed and Rey bit her lip a little. "Rey, darling, please. Be a good girl for me, no idiocracies, and no games. You look absolutely beautiful, you know that." She took her granddaughters hands in her own and Rey pursed her lips. "Please promise me you won't run." Rey began to roll her eyes at her grandmother but Adromeda hushed her. "Rey." Somewhat reluctantly, Rey nodded. "I promise Andy, you have my word." Adromeda shook her head and gave her granddaughter a kiss on the cheek before pulling away and making a flight up the stairs. "I'll see you soon!!," she called back, before dissapearing through the doors like Rey's brother.

I swear she gets faster everyday," Rey muttered. She paced on the spot, her heels clicking against the wide stone steps of the house. She kept telling herself to head on in, but she felt like it wasn't a wise option. Maybe she should just leave, maybe she would make a break for it, hitch a ride and snuggle back under covers like the last ball she had been to. Why the hell not? Rey picked up the fabric of her dress and let it go with a small grunt. "Addams family this, Ball that, Quidditch this, Dress that....," Rey was mumbling to herself while she paced on the steps, really undure of why she was this way after what she had managed to achieve, besides the who what test results and glam up. "Ugh."

Rey looked up, beyond the manor and to the moon, simple glistening chalk in the sky, and he rgreatest fear. The moon was so close, so close to being full, by this time tommorrow, she wouldn't be herself. Breathing out, Rey set her eyes on the door and started heading up the steps, to find the door inviting, and she waltzed in.

Wow." Look at that for a first impression. "This place is beauftiul." In actual fact, it was quite grand, if you counted out the good couple of more gothic touches, not that those were bad either, and Rey was already inspecting everyone she saw. Dresses long and short, ties or bow-tie, everyone looked spick and span. "Ok, this is actually fine." Rey was going to fit in perfclectly with her elegant dress and glam up. She spotted Teddy literally at the other end of the place, and Adromeda heading over but she strayed her eye. "Drinks first..." And now she was heading across the floor with as much a grace as she could, and the same air about her she held everyday.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c931da740_images(14).jpg.025d495be1b6aa099c556a869b6406e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118872" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c931da740_images(14).jpg.025d495be1b6aa099c556a869b6406e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Whole Outfit I Guess...



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Andrew's holiday hadn't been too horrible. Stressful, yes. But not horrible. He didn't have to worry about gaining the Order's trust, now that he was part of the Order and almost everyone now accepted him. He was also in the Minister's inner circle and was one of his most trusted followers, keeping him away from his master's fury every time the Order attacked. The only stressful part of his holiday had been living with the other Order members in Potter's house and the wedding. James and Alexander were gits and they spent their free time trying to make his life impossible. Andrew did the same thing, but it was just in self defense... most of the time. His parent's had spent some time doing the same thing. The decorations and guest list were being changed every day and they blamed everything on the teenagers who had nothing to do with the wedding preparations in the first place. To top it off, the adults were banning alcoholic drinks for everyone younger than 20 to avoid the teenagers getting drunk and making a fool of themselves. There were only two good things related to the wedding. One, he was marrying Victoria Knight. Two, he could complain about it with his mates, exactly what he was doing right now. They were congratulating him for the wedding and finding such a beautiful bride by using some rather obscene comments, making him laugh and nod. One of his friends caught a glimpse of Victoria speaking to a mudblood and wasted no time in telling Andrew, who quickly ran towards Victoria and possessively placed his hands around her waist and gave her a kiss on the neck. He wasn't going to let Alexander speak to her if he was around. He had enough of waiting for them to come back after he finished arguing with Potter. "And here's the beautiful bride." He said, narrowing his eyes at Alexander. Being reminded of the wedding seemed to piss Alexander and James off, so naturally, he spent most of his time reminding them of the wedding. Their reactions when the howler with the invitations arrived were simply priceless.

Robert Knight had been keeping himself busy speaking to the other guests for a while now, they all had countless of compliments and questions that he simply had to reply to. Why wouldn't he? They were asking about the new group of delinquents, who most people saw as a threat thanks to the Daily Prophet. They wanted to know how he planned to exterminate them and he was more than happy to give them details to calm them down. His followers seemed pleased and more people seemed interested in joining the Ministry, the more the merrier. This past moth had been hellish for everyone in the Ministry. From the unnamed group's attacks to the daily executions taking place every day, things hadn't been easy for the Minister. Planning public executions wasn't as easy as it seemed but it was now necessary to murder anyone who seemed suspicious to give the delinquents an idea of who they were messing with. His blue eyes scanned the room until they found Victoria, speaking with the Addams children and a mudblood. Robert's blood began to boil as the mudblood chatted with his daughter with a smile on his face. Didn't he know who she was? His daughter had a lot of explaining to do and he was not going to let her form any sort of friendship with any mudblood. The fact that Andrew was now with them comforted him but it wasn't enough. Not to mention the fact that his hands were wrapped around her waist made him even more uncomfortable. He politely excused himself from the group and made his way towards the group, smiling when he saw Andrew's hands moving away from his daughter's waist. "Victoria." He spoke firmly, roughly pressing a hand on her shoulder. "Are you enjoying the party, dear?" He asked, the mockery in his voice more than noticeable.
Victoria simply replied with a nod to the sibling's strange words. While she liked them well enough, they always seemed rather odd and Victoria never payed much attention to them. She didn't have time to make another comment, for Alexander and Paige had just arrived to the scene. Judging by the way Alexander was smiling and Paige was blushing, it was clear that she wasn't exactly comfortable in the party. The shy girl was clearly not used to wearing that kind of clothes, it was probably just a plan of their elaborate plot to make James notice her. She wasn't a stranger to the plan and had given them a small amount of help in certain occasions, but that didn't mean she was happy with the idea of Paige and James together. It was selfish, but Victoria simply couldn't help herself. Even if the wedding was just a few weeks away, her feelings towards James were still there to Victoria's dismay. "You look wonderful, Paige." She commented with a sweet, fake smile as she grabbed an odd- looking drink from one of the trays.

Her good mood returned when she felt Andrew's strong hands on her waist and his lips on her neck. Their relationship had definitely improved during the holidays. Andrew had done a wonderful job helping her deal with the stress of leading the Order and come to her aid every time their parents decided to visit them to make sure everything was alright between them, not like they cared. "Andrew, not now. Our parents can see us." Victoria whispered, taking one of his hands and giving it a gentle squeeze. Just a few seconds later, Andrew removed his hands and Robert made his appearance. She kept a straight face while Alexander spoke to him, mentally slapping Alexander to maintain her self control. She knew she couldn't show any kind of emotion around her father since he knew how to use them against anyone. However, not killing Alexander seemed almost impossible now that he was speaking to the Minister himself. She knew her father had no patience for muggleborns and would kill him if he continued this foolish act. Victoria concluded that going along with the story was the only thing she could do to make sure her father wouldn't kill Alexander. "Alexander has proven to be very useful this last few months, father." Victoria quickly explained. "He's provided us with some much needed information regarding the way muggles live. I'm sure you'll get along rather well." She continued, giving Alexander a nod that didn't mach with her inner panic and desire to murder the mudblood. If her father killed her, she'll make sure to come back from the dead to return the favor. "Thank you for the compliment. You look... well, presentable." She spoke with a hint of disgust. Alexander was handsome, she couldn't deny that. But something told her Robert wouldn't like it if his daughter complimented a mudblood's appearance right in front of him and her fiance.

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"Victoria. Outside, now." Robert said firmly, not giving the Mudblood any recognition. He's heard the boy, he knew he was waiting for him to shake his hand, to degrade himself in such a horrible way. Well, he wasn't going to do it. Robert Knight would not pay attention to the stupid Mudblood, that would only make him happy. No, his main concern was Victoria who was in deep trouble at the moment . One of his children had already betrayed the family and he was not going to let history repeat itself. Richard had been his second favorite child, Victoria taking the lead. If killing him had been hard, killing Victoria would be even harder. No, he wouldn't kill Victoria even if she decided to betray the Ministry. Making her change her mind couldn't be hard. "Now!" He said, his voice becoming louder and more angry. He quickly grabbed Victoria's arm and dragged her to the back yard, were the guests who had been there quickly walked away when they saw the angry Minister. Once there was no one on sight, Robert pulled out his wand and pressed it against Victoria's neck, raising her head with it as he stared into her eyes. "You've been befriending a mudblood? Do you have no shame, you stupid girl?" Robert spat, narrowing his eyes at the girl. "You better have a good explanation, or your new friend will be busy scrubbing your blood off the floor."

"Nice work, idiot" Andrew muttered as he watched Robert drag Victoria away from the party. He turned to Alexander with a smug grin and sighed. "I wonder what the Minister is doing to Victoria because of you. I wouldn't be surprised to hear her screams in a few minutes. Did you really think doing that was going to help you? Here I was, thinking you actually had a brain. Too bad I was wrong." Andrew spat out, the hate clearly visible in his brown eyes. He didn't actually want to see Victoria being tortured. He's seen it before and it wasn't a pretty sight. However, be couldn't deny the fact that being cruel to Alexander was incredibly entertaining despite the circumstances.
EmilyPower said:
"Victoria. Outside, now." Robert said firmly, not giving the Mudblood any recognition. He's heard the boy, he knew he was waiting for him to shake his hand, to degrade himself in such a horrible way. Well, he wasn't going to do it. Robert Knight would not pay attention to the stupid Mudblood, that would only make him happy. No, his main concern was Victoria who was in deep trouble at the moment . One of his children had already betrayed the family and he was not going to let history repeat itself. Richard had been his second favorite child, Victoria taking the lead. If killing him had been hard, killing Victoria would be even harder. No, he wouldn't kill Victoria even if she decided to betray the Ministry. Making her change her mind couldn't be hard. "Now!" He said, his voice becoming louder and more angry. He quickly grabbed Victoria's arm and dragged her to the back yard, were the guests who had been there quickly walked away when they saw the angry Minister. Once there was no one on sight, Robert pulled out his wand and pressed it against Victoria's neck, raising her head with it as he stared into her eyes. "You've been befriending a mudblood? Do you have no shame, you stupid girl?" Robert spat, narrowing his eyes at the girl. "You better have a good explanation, or your new friend will be busy scrubbing your blood off the floor."
"Nice work, idiot" Andrew muttered as he watched Robert drag Victoria away from the party. He turned to Alexander with a smug grin and sighed. "I wonder what the Minister is doing to Victoria because of you. I wouldn't be surprised to hear her screams in a few minutes. Did you really think doing that was going to help you? Here I was, thinking you actually had a brain. Too bad I was wrong." Andrew spat out, the hate clearly visible in his brown eyes. He didn't actually want to see Victoria being tortured. He's seen it before and it wasn't a pretty sight. However, be couldn't deny the fact that being cruel to Alexander was incredibly entertaining despite the circumstances.
Alexander had thought Robert might turn his rage on him but instead it seemed Victoria was the one suffering for it causing his eyes to widen, apparently he was not even worth of acknowledgement. He was about to set off after her when Andrews voice broke his concentration causing him to move his cold eyes to him. Right now he didn't think he could despise the boy more. "You know what I find most pathetic about you Andrew?" He said disdain dripping from his voice as well as absolute disgust in the boys behavior. "That your all bark and no bite. If it was my future wife being pulled away I would confront the dark lord myself if only to have him use my body as his torture canvas instead of hers. You say you've heard her screams yet you sit here and make jokes instead of helping her. Tell me which one is more pathetic, I or you?" He spat out his voice absolutely cold before turning to Piage. "Stay with James or Grayson, I don't want you caught up into this nor do I want James doing something probably stupider then I am right now." He said much softer before racing off to find the two leaving the others behind swiftly.

When he found them he found Robert with a wand to her neck asking for an explanation and he nearly reached for his to attack the Dark Lord by surprise but he knew it would not work. Unless he killed the Dark Lord in one blow before he noticed he could hold him and even Victoria off if she helped long enough for his supporters to come out and kill them and the Order would be left floundering afterwards and would help no one. He searched his mind for something to distract the Dark Lord from his intended target, as well as give an excuse why Victoria might have been hanging around him and could only come up with one thing that separated him from any of the Dark Lords flunky's. "Your a temper mental Dark Lord aren't you." He said a bit dryly out loud high enough for Robert to hear him clearly though Parsaltongue usually sounded aggressive to most other people. How many times might have Robert heard Voldemort's Parsaltongue to Niagi? How could he mistake the language of snakes that only him and once Harry Potter through his connection to him could understand in those days. He played his trump card hoping it would be enough to catch the Dark Lord's interest in him. "If its me you hate shouldn't it be me you should be pointing your wand to?" He said clearly almost sounding bored as compared to before as he walked closer to the pair keeping his eyes from darting to the wand on Victoria's neck before switching back to Parsaltongue. "Or do you just get off torturing your own daughter?" He said with a strangled series of hisses as he stopped not far from them. Noe he just hoped Victoria was smart enough to use his Parsaltongue as an excuse to speak to him
For a moment, Robert found himself thinking Lord Voldemort had actually returned from the grave. He'd recognize that language everywhere and there was only one person capable of speaking it. That person had been dead for 19 years and Robert certainly didn't want that to change. He turned to see the mudblood speaking to him, his eyes turned into slits and he pressed his wand closer to Victoria's neck. He'd make sure to look into the boy after the ball was over, just to make sure he really was a mudblood. For now, he had to focus on keeping control over the situation. "I won't waste my time with a mudblood. However, since you seem so desperate to see my daughter safe, I suppose I'll have to teach you a lesson." Robert spoke with a malicious grin, he needed to make sure the boy knew who he was messing with. "Crucio." He whispered, taking his wand away after the curse began to take effect on the girl. Turning back to the boy, the pointed his wand at him and repeated the curse, the curse now hitting him in the chest. "This Victoria, better serve as a lesson."
Victoria couldn't concentrate on anything other than the pain. As soon as her father's curse hit her, she dropped to the ground and tried her best to stop herself from crying. She clenched her teeth and pulled her hair as she tried to distract herself from the intense pain but nothing seemed to work. Letting out a loud cry, Victoria slammed her fist against the ground a few times before she was able to bring herself to look up at Robert and Alexander. She saw the red flash entering Alexander's chest, telling her he'd been hit with the Cruciatus curse as well. There was only one thing she could do to stop them from being tortured and possibly killed, and that was ignoring the curse to properly speak to her father. It wasn't easy, but Victoria was able to straighten herself and look at her father in the eyes. "You-" She managed to say, before another wave of pain hit her and she was forced to bite her tongue to stop herself from screaming. It didn't stop her from trying to calm down her father. She'd been through this before and she knew she would be able to make him stop if she used enough strength. "Don't understand... the Order..." She muttered weakly, making a fake smile appear in her face. Moments like these were the ones that forced her to remember everything her father had taught her and one of the most important lessons was to never show weakness in front of the enemy. She wasn't going to forget that knowledge so easily.

"We've been gathering information from suspected members of the Order." She burst out, wrapping her arms around herself and scratching her own arms as the pain got stronger. "They think he's a mudblood. A special one, with the ability to speak to snakes. They think I'm a traitor." She explained, a plan slowly forming in her weak mind. "He's a distant relative of a pureblood family. The uh, Blacks. After the last member was killed, he was taken to a muggle orphanage. No mudblood would ever be allowed into the Slytherin now." She muttered weakly, hoping Alexander would follow the story she'd made up. Luckily, the only members of the Black family who could still breathe were all blood traitors so there would be no way to prove Alexander wasn't a part of the ancient family.
EmilyPower said:
For a moment, Robert found himself thinking Lord Voldemort had actually returned from the grave. He'd recognize that language everywhere and there was only one person capable of speaking it. That person had been dead for 19 years and Robert certainly didn't want that to change. He turned to see the mudblood speaking to him, his eyes turned into slits and he pressed his wand closer to Victoria's neck. He'd make sure to look into the boy after the ball was over, just to make sure he really was a mudblood. For now, he had to focus on keeping control over the situation. "I won't waste my time with a mudblood. However, since you seem so desperate to see my daughter safe, I suppose I'll have to teach you a lesson." Robert spoke with a malicious grin, he needed to make sure the boy knew who he was messing with. "Crucio." He whispered, taking his wand away after the curse began to take effect on the girl. Turning back to the boy, the pointed his wand at him and repeated the curse, the curse now hitting him in the chest. "This Victoria, better serve as a lesson."
thefan1 said:
Victoria couldn't concentrate on anything other than the pain. As soon as her father's curse hit her, she dropped to the ground and tried her best to stop herself from crying. She clenched her teeth and pulled her hair as she tried to distract herself from the intense pain but nothing seemed to work. Letting out a loud cry, Victoria slammed her fist against the ground a few times before she was able to bring herself to look up at Robert and Alexander. She saw the red flash entering Alexander's chest, telling her he'd been hit with the Cruciatus curse as well. There was only one thing she could do to stop them from being tortured and possibly killed, and that was ignoring the curse to properly speak to her father. It wasn't easy, but Victoria was able to straighten herself and look at her father in the eyes. "You-" She managed to say, before another wave of pain hit her and she was forced to bite her tongue to stop herself from screaming. It didn't stop her from trying to calm down her father. She'd been through this before and she knew she would be able to make him stop if she used enough strength. "Don't understand... the Order..." She muttered weakly, making a fake smile appear in her face. Moments like these were the ones that forced her to remember everything her father had taught her and one of the most important lessons was to never show weakness in front of the enemy. She wasn't going to forget that knowledge so easily.
"We've been gathering information from suspected members of the Order." She burst out, wrapping her arms around herself and scratching her own arms as the pain got stronger. "They think he's a mudblood. A special one, with the ability to speak to snakes. They think I'm a traitor." She explained, a plan slowly forming in her weak mind. "He's a distant relative of a pureblood family. The uh, Blacks. After the last member was killed, he was taken to a muggle orphanage. No mudblood would ever be allowed into the Slytherin now." She muttered weakly, hoping Alexander would follow the story she'd made up. Luckily, the only members of the Black family who could still breathe were all blood traitors so there would be no way to prove Alexander wasn't a part of the ancient family.
He hadn't had a chance to answer or defend Victoria as he turned the curse as her. However it seemed he had only gave her a taste of pain (considering the Cruciatus Curse only lasted as long as one focused before the curse was turned on him. His first instinct was to dodge since the spell much like the killing curse had no counter but he knew if he moved the curse may very well be turned back on her so he just let out a breath as it impacted his chest only to fall to one knee immediately afterwards a scream bubbling in his chest as he nearly went crossed eyed. He had studied the unforgivable curses, which had been used by both Death Eaters and Auroras in the war against Voldemort and off all spells he could say there were the most different from any spells he had ever seen. Knowing the spell and having the skill to cast it wasn't enough but it was concentrated will itself, only through a true will to kill your opponent, to torture, to control could they be cast properly. Even he when he tried to test it on animals had been hit or miss for all his ruthlessness though he had little doubt he could use them on a Death Eater or the man in front of him but it was different now having it used on him. He bit his tongue so hard he felt blood trickle into his mouth but he would not scream. A strong will could allow him to counter or show face yet the spell lifted after a second and was switched back to Victoria which caused him to stand against with great effort. He wanted to help Victoria but he was unsure what he could do at this point other then attempt to get them out of this as fast as possible. Victoria's story had a few holes in its planning, mainly centered around the magic of Parsaltongue. Parsaltongue could only be inherited in the line of Salazar Slytherin or so it was said though with the last of the Slytherin line was supposedly dead so he saw himself as a anomaly rather then the rule but the blacks while a noble pure blood family (at least in Roberts world other then Sirius Black) they were not known to have the blood of Slytherin in their veins. Being struck by the power he had researched it extensively so he moved to fill in the holes left behind by her testimony.

"Or so the Blacks say." He said his voice a bit thick due to his now somewhat bloody tongue standing up again as if nothing had happened. "As I thought an unforgivable curse casted by a dark lord is in a different class entirely." He said almost to himself a bit disgusted this man wanted with such a will to harm his daughter so badly. "But I doubt the line of Salazar Slytherin is so easily passed around, they more likely then not are lying to improve on their own blood status. But as you well know the language of snakes can only be spoken by those directly related to Salazar Slytherin can speak the language of snakes, no muggle can emulate such a thing. I have little idea of who my parents were letting me be raised by muggles but when I met Victoria she educated me to my blood line. I stayed a mud blood however, to blend in easier with those behind us." He said inclining his head back to the ball. "No matter what spells I might use no one will expect a mud blood to side with the dark lord in the current regime." He said with a shrug. "But of course minister there is no reason to hide my allegiance now were alone, away from prying ears and eyes. Those back there think I'm their ally and I would like to keep it that way. So if you would allow us to speak we can tell you what we have found, which may prove significant to you more then anything your death eaters have managed to be unable to find." He said trying to keep calm while he was forced to watch Victoria all but attack herself to try and control the pain of the curse.
The Addams children (Carsa and Kota)

Carsa clicked her tongue when their conversation was interrupted by some more of their classmates. Rolling her eyes, her mother would later berate her for unladylike behavior, she wordlessly left. Soon she found herself being spun on the dance floor by one of her cousins. Kota himself just blended into the nearby crowds. Keeping his ears sharp. The small groups have been up to much since the ball at the beginning of the school year. He cast a small notice me not charm onto himself, aimed at the group, before turning his attention to the people around him. Laughing and talking with his relatives he kept his ears sharp for what the group was saying.
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Seeing Victoria struggling to speak with the curse being inflicted on her made Robert smile with pride. Now this was someone he was glad to have in his inner circle. Their story was believable and it did sound like something Victoria would do to gain information from the enemy. He'd look into the boy's lineage after the ball when everything was sorted out. While he didn't care much about the ability to speak to snakes, there was a chance that the boy was related to Slytherin himself and that meant recruiting him would be a good idea. Not able to contain himself, he made the curse more powerful to see how she would react while the boy talked. The curse stopped a few minutes after everyone had stopped talking. "I see." Spoke Robert, taking his eyes away from his daughter to Alexander. "Well, in that case I suppose you can leave. Victoria, Alexander, have a pleasant night." Robert replied with a smug smile and entered the castle.

(decided to get him out of the way because I'm tired and I'm going to bed, see ya)
The second Roberts left he bolted for Victoria. She had been putting up a strong front to talk but after that Robert the sick bastard he was kept his wand on her almost to see her try and keep from screaming till it took every fiber of his body to stop himself from trying to kill the dark lord or dying in the attempt. He slid down not running about his suit as he came down in a near slide. He felt guilty because like Andrew said this had been his fault for challenging the minister, he felt an incredible rage that made his body shake almost as if he was sobbing as he tried to hold everything in, and lastly he felt a massive amount of concern that made him question what exactly he thought of Victoria. She was his closest friend but watching her being tortured like that made him feel he rather get the flesh flayed off his bones then ever see that happen again. He dropped to her side to check her condition, his face both worried but obviously trying to hide it. He knew Victoria would not want his pity but right now she knew him to well for him to hide it. They had spent quite some time in the last month in each others presence. "Bastard." He said venemously barely loud enough for both of them to hear and he wasn't sure if he was talking about Robert or Andrew for not helping her or himself for getting her into this mess. Most likely all three.

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When the pain of the curse began to increase, Victoria couldn't stop a few stubborn tears from leaving her eyes. She quickly hid her face in her hands to prevent her father from seeing her react in such a weak manner. Horrible pain flooded her veins and she began to frantically pull her hair as she lost control over her mind for a few seconds. She didn't even acknowledge the fact that her father had left and Alexander was right next to her until a few minutes had passed. The pain was mostly gone and she was left with a few twitching muscles and a metallic taste in her mouth. "Bastard," she repeated shorty after Alexander had called him a bastard and sighed. "We should... we should head back inside. The others are probably wondering where we are." Victoria spoke while rubbing her own arms to comfort herself. She weakly attempted to get up, ignoring the protest her legs were making, and sighed. "I'm going to kill him." She muttered, looking down at her friend with a frown. She didn't even want to think about what he was thinking about her. Did he think she was weak for crying? Even though she'd been able to hide her tears for a few minutes, her smeared make up gave her away. Did he pity her? She surely hoped not. Pity had never been something she'd wanted from others, even if they were close friends.
thefan1 said:
When the pain of the curse began to increase, Victoria couldn't stop a few stubborn tears from leaving her eyes. She quickly hid her face in her hands to prevent her father from seeing her react in such a weak manner. Horrible pain flooded her veins and she began to frantically pull her hair as she lost control over her mind for a few seconds. She didn't even acknowledge the fact that her father had left and Alexander was right next to her until a few minutes had passed. The pain was mostly gone and she was left with a few twitching muscles and a metallic taste in her mouth. "Bastard," she repeated shorty after Alexander had called him a bastard and sighed. "We should... we should head back inside. The others are probably wondering where we are." Victoria spoke while rubbing her own arms to comfort herself. She weakly attempted to get up, ignoring the protest her legs were making, and sighed. "I'm going to kill him." She muttered, looking down at her friend with a frown. She didn't even want to think about what he was thinking about her. Did he think she was weak for crying? Even though she'd been able to hide her tears for a few minutes, her smeared make up gave her away. Did he pity her? She surely hoped not. Pity had never been something she'd wanted from others, even if they were close friends.
He looked at her a fierce look in his eye. When she had been dead to the world he had stayed near her if he had not been touching her trying to work out why seeing her curled up in such pain made him want to make a bloody canvas of pain in return perfably with a knife. The position had been similar as to what he had been doing for Piage to protect her from the crowd but even more fierce and feral. Unlike Piage who hadn't been in any real danger Victoria had been tortured in front of him and there had been absolutely nothing he could do. He had never felt so helpless. Never the less when she got up he half wanted to protest, half amazed at her fierce pride. He knew she didn't want to be pitied however so when he stood up, his suit ruffled and a bit torn on the knees. "Were both gonna kill him, I want a piece of him. I'll hold down his arms so you can take your time." He said, he would not deny her right to kill her father nor would he pity her. "But we may want to clean up, were both a bit of a mess." He said looking at his ruffled suit trying to straighten it.
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"We'll find a time turner, kill him and then go back in time so we can kill him over and over again." Victoria replied with a twisted grin as she imagined the countless ways they could murder her father. Maybe they could open a business with that. Victims of her father's dictatorship would surely love to kill him over and over again. Too bad time turners were impossible to find, the idea was starting to make Victoria forget the torture she'd just experienced. When Alexander made a comment about their appearance, she looked down at herself and noticed how dirty her dress was. She probably looked like a complete maniac and she wasn't going to make a fool of herself because of her appearance. "Right... right. I don't know any charms that could help us with that, I suppose we'll have to do it the muggle way. Do you think our friends might have some brushes and make up to help us?"
thefan1 said:
"We'll find a time turner, kill him and then go back in time so we can kill him over and over again." Victoria replied with a twisted grin as she imagined the countless ways they could murder her father. Maybe they could open a business with that. Victims of her father's dictatorship would surely love to kill him over and over again. Too bad time turners were impossible to find, the idea was starting to make Victoria forget the torture she'd just experienced. When Alexander made a comment about their appearance, she looked down at herself and noticed how dirty her dress was. She probably looked like a complete maniac and she wasn't going to make a fool of herself because of her appearance. "Right... right. I don't know any charms that could help us with that, I suppose we'll have to do it the muggle way. Do you think our friends might have some brushes and make up to help us?"
" I would consider it if I wasn't worried about bringing down a time Paradox on our skulls. I'd be a bit worried eventually every version of your father would all come after us at once is one squished together blob." He joked putting a hand on her shoulder. When she mention about brushes almost sheepishly he dug into his suit and the small hidden infinite bag in it and pulled a brush. His hair had been nicely brushed and slicked back at the start. "I don't carry make up but I do have a brush for myself and my suit, perfection doesn't stay clean after all." He said sheepishly. He took out his wand and pointed at its turn suits knees. "Reparo." He declared in a powerful time fixing his pants legs from when he slid to get to her causing the fabric to mend itself. "Turn, I'm gonna brush your hair, I think you got a few twigs in it while you were flopping around." He said teasing her. Because most of their time was spent outside this was not the first time they had both gotten dirty though usually they didn't bother fixing it till a later date or at least he didn't. Never the less it wasn't exactly hard to brush hair making a motion for her to turn around. "As for make up I guess ill ask Piage since I made her bring some, and those friends you were talking to earlier may help out."

"Hush, don't you know taking away a girls dreams is rude?" Victoria joked, turning around to give him access to her messy hair as she pleased herself with more images of her father's death. "Too bad you don't carry any make up around though, that would've been lovely." She muttered, patting her dress to get rid of some of the dirt. Luckily, she couldn't see any holes in the fabric so she didn't bother asking for his wand to fix it. When he made the joke about the twigs in her hair, she gave him a pained laugh and looked down. Alexander meant well, she knew that he wouldn't try to hurt her with stupid jokes. However, being reminded of why she'd been tossing around didn't make her exactly comfortable. "Just... make sure you don't pull my hair. I'll ask Paige for some make up afterwards." She commented, looking down at her dirty dress and sighing. "This was supposed to be our break from everything that has been going on." She commented solemnly, her smile now completely gone. "The Order, the Ministry, the stupid wedding... don't we deserve a break from all of it? I mean, I know we have to work hard to get what we desire but don't you feel you're going insane? I know I do, but that's not a big surprise now is it?"
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thefan1 said:
"Hush, don't you know taking away a girls dreams is rude?" Victoria joked, turning around to give him access to her messy hair as she pleased herself with more images of her father's death. "Too bad you don't carry any make up around though, that would've been lovely." She muttered, patting her dress to get rid of some of the dirt. Luckily, she couldn't see any wholes in the fabric so she didn't bother asking for his wand to fix it. When he made the joke about the twigs in her hair, she gave him a pained laugh and looked down. Alexander meant well, she knew that he wouldn't try to hurt her with stupid jokes. However, being reminded of why she'd been tossing around didn't make her exactly comfortable. "Just... make sure you don't pull my hair. I'll ask Paige for some make up afterwards." She commented, looking down at her dirty dress and sighing. "This was supposed to be our break from everything that has been going on." She commented solemnly, her smile now completely gone. "The Order, the Ministry, the stupid wedding... don't we deserve a break from all of it? I mean, I know we have to work hard to get what we desire but don't you feel you're going insane? I know I do, but that's not a big surprise now is it?"
"Your our leader, the stress on you is likely hire especially with that idiotic wedding." He said sourly and it was obvious his opinion on the wedding and likely Andrew had taken a steep dive to the worse. He had been somewhat exasperated at it already considering it had not been her choice and his general opinion of Andrew but he could tolerate it. Obviously that tolerance had eroded in the last 5 minutes. He started brushing her hair and was surprisingly good at it. It didn't seem like he was just pulling the brush through her hair but he did it gently and comfortably setting a nice rythem and this was probably not the first time he had brushed long hair. He got dirt and the twig he mentioned out of her hair. "Besides I'm pretty sure the night will improve and if it doesn't I'm taking you on another vacation for at least three days." He teased, whenever he had snuck her out of the house to help her relax he called it a vacation and tended not to tell her or anyone for that matter where they were going which tended to lead to some interesting adventures. "You know you could always forgo the makeup, your quite beautiful even without it so I'm sure no one will have any complaints." He said continuing to brush out her long hair.

Paige Kingsley

"You know I'm not gonna let you hide behind me all day, I didn't pick out such a nice dress for nothing. Besides if you hang so close my arm people will think were dating." Alexander pointed out. Paige leaned away from him, her soft, lipstick-tinted lips forming a pout. Obviously she opposed the idea, so in turn, distanced her self a tad. Alexander had dragged the socially awkward girl to a small group of people, two of them being Andrew and Victoria, the others were young and Paige didnt recognize them. Instinctively, she went back to sticking close to Alexander as they neared the group. Her stomach started to churn, her eyes were averting and avoiding any eye contact, and her hands gripped her clutch bag nervously tight. What was she going to do? What was she going to say? Paige was a petite girl, and most were taller and generally bigger than she was, but on this special occassion she was a little taller thanks to the inventioj of high heels. So, at least hieght intimidation from others was out of the picture...right?

In anycase, when Alexander greeted Victoria, the young girl smiled as a hello. Then Alex moved aside, revealing the young witch and all of her obvious discomfort. She raised her arms, clutch in hand, to cover her chest and...low neckline of the dress that was picked out for her, trying to hold onto some modesty. When the Minister appeared, suddenly she felt so small again. Not only in height but his presence was just so...large, it was over bearing. She felt every bit of hope and light with in her, shrivel, shrink, and die. Paige raised her head look at him, eyebrows furrowed with fear, and she unawaringly took a step back. Alexander beside her complimented Victoria, managing to distract her for a brief moment. Her sapphire eyes moved to Minister's daughter, having the chance to get a good look at her. And she was...beautiful. The metallic luster of her silver dress really complimented the wearer's skin. "You look wonderful, Paige," Victoria's words embarassed her further. The girl fluttered her eyes, tearing away frok the gorgeous dress and looking at Victoria in front of her,"Oh no no!" she shook her head,"Compared to you--" she moved her hand up and down, gesturing to Victoria's whole look,"You are absolutely stunning," she finished with her soft spoken voice, forming a warm, geniuine smile.

When Alexander tried introducing himself to the minister, she tensed again. It was clear the Minister wanted nothing to do woth the boy. Knowing why was a mystery, perhaps it was the fact that Alexander was a muggle. That was probably it. Suddenly the grouo moved outside, and with instruction, Paige looked for Greyson, not wanting to be stuck in an awkward silence with Andrew....

@Akio @thefan1

Mentioned: @EmilyPower

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