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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

Andre smirked at the suggestion of a friendly quiddich game."Heh, it is never a friendly when we are playing, vic."He said chuckling a bit. "Heh, felt like ages since I played."
Alexander coldly snorted and was about to reply when suddenly someone walked out with them and he controlled his temper. He could have all the private arguments with Victoria as he pleased especially with such a powerful difference in opinion but that did not mean he would make it into a public matter, at least not right now anyway. His face cooled and became passive indifference though Victoria likely knew rage was bumbling under the surface. He looked towards Arnaldus. "Just a debate of opinions." He said coolly before going to grab a broom. He glanced a look at Victoria that was anything but merciful. "Who are the team captains?" He asked looking at the small gathering, particularly at the older man, he was the headmaster was he not? Had he thrown in with them as well?

@HoneyBear-Kat @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @indiedarling
"I trust I did not come here for only a quidditch match. There will be other challenges correct?" Theodore asked as he eyed all those in the group. He didn't think that this was safe. Out in the open like they were, but he didn't see them having much choice."I suppose that you'll be needing a referee? I'd be glad to volunteer being headmaster I think it would make things safest. Don't want anyone falling off their brooms and going splat now do we?" He asked in a dry tone.
thefan1 said:
Victoria began shaking her head again, already thinking multiple ways on how to make Alexander see what she wanted him to see. He had to understand her point and understand why she didn't want a single person going after their enemies to kill them. The danger the person would be put it didn't bother her, they were already in great danger just for being in the Order after all. However, she knew what killing could do to a person. Even if she hadn't killed anyone other than one poor man her father had caught one day, she knew how killing could damage one's soul. They had grown up with everyone at Hogwarts teaching them how to kill without a hint of remorse but that didn't mean they could become murderers in a second. "Support? Do you think that matters? When we become the new Ministry, well, the others wont be able to do anything about it and they'll slowly understand we're trying to help them. Besides, if no one has tried to fight against my father before us then why should anyone fight the ones trying to help them?" Victoria replied, finally noticing the others that were coming out of the house. She fixed Alexander with a cold glare before turning her attention to the others, the tests were about to begin and their conversation could wait.
"Well, it's good to see most of you are finally here." Victoria commented, looking at Johanna, Andre, Arnaldus and the Headmaster. She figured the older man was probably there to supervise the challenges she was about to make the others go through. She didn't pay much attention to him, what mattered was letting the others know what was about to happen. "Does anyone fancy a friendly game of Quidditch?"
Johanna immediately perked up as her ears detected the mention of her favorite word. She immediately squealed and ran right over to Victoria, practically bouncing up and down, a manic, overly excited smile plastered on her face , "I HEARD QUIDDITCH! I'M IN! I'M INNNNNNNN!" Anyone in the Order knew after spending so much time with her that while she put out a cold seriousness, she was really more of an excitable puppy then anything else "I love me some Quidditch, COUNT ME IN! I'M SEEKER! Obviously. BUT I CALL SEEKER! EEEEE!" She said again, hopping up and down, her green eyes shining. She then made a sound reminiscent of an owl screech and clapped a hand over her mouth wide eyed. She blinked, seeming to have calmed down almost instantly. "...Sorry 'bout that..." She said quietly, rubbing her head and blushing in embarrassment as she checked herself for sprouting feathers.

Did I forget to take my ADHD pill today? ... Probably.

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"Sheds relax, petite. It is a game not the world cup."Andre said smirking and shaking his head at Johanna before turning to Theodore."Come now relax, the match will be much suffer than whatever the order will have to go up against. Besides this is not the school you can relax a bit. Anyways, who need the grande ravenclaw keeper? I.e moi."
Arnaldus looked toward Joey as she appeared outside with them and asked what she had missed. He gave a shrug of his shoulders and quietly responded to her, "Well I couldn't exactly say for certain. It seems a lot has taken place since my last appearance last night. A number of new faces though that is for certain, my brother being one." He added softly in reply as he turned his attention toward Victoria as she mentioned quidditch, and noticing Andre and Apus appear along with the surprise appearance of the headmaster Theodore apirating in the back yard. " Quidditch huh? Well count me in, of course I'll be taking one of the roles as beater. I'll leave the seeker roles to my friends here and my brother if they care to take them. I'll stick with what I do best." Arnaldus spoke keeping a calm and level tone and expression about him. Still curious of what happened last night. Arnaldus then turned his gaze toward Alexander and took note of what he had said, "A debate? Sounds like a serious matter of discussion. Topics used for debate often are." He responded giving a curious look toward Victoria and back toward Alexander as he left to grab a broom.

Something worth the tension was likely spoken before he came outside to join them.
"Coming to join the fun, headmaster? We'll welcome a referee it might just help keep things nearly official even if it is for fun." Arnaldus spoke looking toward Theodore then over to Joey as she excitedly responded to the mention of quidditch, something Arnaldus knew quite well with Joey and her love for the sport. He smiled and pulled out his wand giving a flick and within moments his broom appeared before him as his other hand reached out to grab it, putting his wand back inside his coat. "I'm ready, just say what team has me and I'll be set. Though seeing how many captains of house teams we have present it would be tough to say, though if we need them I'll offer it. Being of captain status for house hufflepuff it won't be any trouble here. But it's up to you all for that decision, I'm cool either way." Arnaldus added before giving a look around at everyone.

@thefan1 @Akio @explosiveKitten @Solemn Jester @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

(Sorry for the late response am at work, so I'm limited here.)
Andrew finally decided it was time to join the others outside after hearing their loud voices. He slowly approached the group of teenagers and the Headmaster, who was apparently going to watch the match, and smiled at the mention of Quidditch. While he wasn't in the team and didn't play very often, he was skilled with a broom and loved flying. His flying skills had helped with his reputation in the school, they could help him with the order, right? Well, he certainly hoped they did. He was going to need everyone's approval to officially join the order and things weren't looking well for him. "Quidditch? I'd thought you'd never ask. Since the lovely girl over here has taken the spot for the Seeker," He paused to smile at Johanna, a girl he hadn't seen before. "I suppose I'll take the same spot for the other team. Victoria, what are the teams?"
Victoria cheered along with the others, clearly faking her fear of flying on one of the 'wooden death-sticks'. She would've done a better job at faking her fear if her friends didn't already know about her fear of heights, not to mention the game was supposed to be fake so her enthusiasm didn't have to be genuine either. When Theodore asked about the other challenges, Victoria simply smiled and began shaking her head. "There are no more challenges. This is the challenge!" Victoria declared loud enough for everyone else to hear. "Playing Quidditch will help us see your team working skills and courage, two very important values to have for members of the Order." She explained, hoping that would get rid of the confusion. "This is what's going to happen. We'll play Order against new recruits, the rules are the same and I'm sure you all know them so over going them would be pointless." She continued. As much as she would've loved to hear the rules before the match began, she felt like she would be the one who would have the honor of reminding everyone of the rules and she didn't know any of them. "Johanna, you're leading our team. Andrew, you're leading them. I'll be a Chaser." The girl finished, getting a broom and then returning to the group. Having Victoria Knight, one of the few cowards in Hogwarts who couldn't even think about flying without going pale, as a Chaser would doom their team, that would be no surprise. However, being a Chaser would give her the ability to fly around the field without raising any suspicion.

Once the teams had been separated and everyone was planning their technique, Victoria arranged her team into a small group isolated from everyone else and grinned. "As you may already know, this isn't really a Quidditch game. Sorry Johanna." She spoke, giving the excitable girl a small smile and then glancing at the other team. "We will play against them for a few minutes. Don't pay attention to me, I'll be waiting to start the actual challenges. When they do begin, well, let's just say you're in for a wonderful surprise. I apologize for any injuries or traumas I might cause but then again, I've caused a lot of them already so you already know what's waiting for you." Victoria whispered with a wicked smile, the one she always wore when she had a devious idea. She briefly wondered if the others had been able to hear her due to her incredibly soft whispers but didn't think it would be a big problem. The only problem she had in mind was the one that involved getting on a broom and flying for more than ten minutes.
Andrew smiled smugly when he was chosen to be the leader of his team. Maybe it was because he was Victoria's favorite, for obvious reasons, but he didn't care. If everything went well, he would have the credit of leading his team to victory and gain respect from the members of the order. "Aren't you sweet?" Andrew asked, giving Victoria a small kiss on the mouth before leading his team to the other end of the field so they could make some sort of plan. "Alright then, I'm sure you all know how to play Quidditch and I assume you don't need me to go over the rules. Remember to be rough against the other team but still watch out for each other. That's what they want and that's what they'll get. Try to impress them though, help out a member of the opposite team if you have to. All suggestions are welcome."
"AWWWW YEAH I'M THE LEADER! WOOOO!" Joey shouted, shaking from how clearly excited she was, and followed Victoria over with the rest of her team. She pulled her wand out pf her pocket and summoned her broom, holding it in a hand. When Victoria said that it wasn't a real match, her elated emotions went crashing down, and she pouted and said, "Awwwww, damnit..." She mumbled, shoving her wand in her pocket again. "So we just play for a few minutes and when you start goin' bonkers we play along? Alright I can deal with that. Any amount of airtime is good with me."

Theodore sighed clearly not pleased."Team work is very important I won't deny you that, but you'll require more than that if you plan on standing against the Dark Lord." Theodore pointed out as he stood watching the others cheer about getting to be captain. "Of course as of now I am just an observer, so this is just free advice." He stated before raising and eyebrow."Do you have the five balls? If not I brought the ones from the school." He said waving his wand and making a case appear on the ground.
Alexander watched everyone react to the idea of a game with different degree's of enthusasim including one girl wildly celebrating them getting to have a game. This caused him to chuckle a bit as he walked over to the recruits side, keeping one ear out to hear Andrew's plan which pleasantly aligned with his own plans for once. He planned to test just how good of a chaser Victoria supposedly was. Of course he was completely unaware that she had no skill as a chaser which would likely end up as a very unlucky case for Victoria who managed to piss him off. "I'm a beater." He said simply looking at his group. "Ill keep them as controlled as I can." He stated simply looking at the other team.
Arnaldus looked up toward the headmaster for a moment slightly confused by his mention of five balls. "Five?........ I think you mean three Headmaster, Sir. But it's good to see we have the equipment just in case anything is missing." He spoke walking over to grab a bludger bat from the case. "No worries mate. We'll have more training to get ready for him, we always have." Arnaldus added in response to Theodore giving a small grin and chuckle, he was still piecing things together but as of now he atleast had enough info to tell himself these new faces were recruits for the order and must have cleared some sort of clearance before now. Though he had little doubt some checking and looking into had not been done, he was sure they had been knowing his friends as well as he did. He walked back over to his team and gave a silent nod and wink, it was going to be quite fun for him multi-tasking as he looked at it. Testing new recruits wih his fellow order members and warming up for Quidditch season when it would continue after the break and things cleared for it, at the same time. "I have a feeling there is more to this match then it appears. I figured you had something cooking but....... That smile tells me you have something big coming." He whispered with his back to the other team and a smile, looking toward Victoria and Joey. "Alright since the plan is set then let's make it happen. But one thing before we begin," he added looking around to Andre, Joey and to Victoria. "Keep nimble as you can on that broom Victoria, fly low when you can and watch for the bludger. Also keep hold of your strong grip to that broom and get creative with your flying. I'll take care of the defense and seeing they are kept busy......" He spoke in whisper trying to ease her fear with some tips and reassuring he would do his part in keeping his team safe from the bludgers. As the beater he had a duel role as defender and sending bludgers back at his opposing fellows. "Any tactics for the first few minutes, Captain Joey? Before Victoria adds in the elements of her plan." He asked with a smile

@thefan1 @explosiveKitten @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Solemn Jester
Andre approached the members of his team and smirked, enjoying the excitement that eminated from everyone in the group. He was excitedoing to get going having not played for a while. It was funny to think that during his first year in hogwart he never even considered watching the sport, let alone play it. As he began warming up to English culture though, he was finally persuaded to take part, took a while to get a handle on it but he enjoyed it immensely and soon found his niche. "You will do fine, vic. Just keep your wits about you, I am sure you will manage."He said gently as well after Arnarldus spoke."Any last minute questions?"
Theodore looked towards Arnaldus a frowned."Actually I meant four balls, two bludgers, one Quaffle, and the snitch. I was testing to see if anyone was paying any attention." Theodore wasn't really confident about the order so far. He was sure they had plenty of potential, and that they were all fairly talented. But he was worried about how they would stack up against the Dark Lord and his death eaters. "So shall we get this started?" He asked his voice clearly impatientl.
"All I can really say considering I don't know their skill levels," Joey said as she glanced at the opposite team, "is to keep them off Victoria and the weaker fliers. Fly with them and try to score as you go, I'll be going for the snitch anyway." She looked at the group, then smiles confidently, "I got this." She shifted the broom in her hand and turned to look at the other team, her green eyes narrowed with that competitive gleam in them, "So are you ready or are we startin' without you?!"

@EmilyPower @Solemn Jester @thefan1 @Saru @Anyone else
"You might want to stay close to the ground, considering what's about to come out of that chest." Victoria added as the others began getting ready for the match. She had absolutely no idea of what would happen to the members of the Order after she opened the chest, hopefully falling off the broom wouldn't be a problem. Too bad Quidditch players were allowed to carry their wands during the games, she would've loved to see how the new recruits would act without their wands. Then again, defending themselves would be hard without their wands and she didn't want any major injuries. Giving the members of her team soft smiles after they all gave her some advice and reassured her that she wouldn't meet her fate, she walked towards the center of the field and waited for the other team to do the same. "May the best team win." Victoria spoke with false pride. She knew her team wasn't going to win, especially with the others trying their best to impress them which included having to hurt them. Even though she had a strategy for the game, facing her fears always made her fear uneasy. She had a strong feeling she would regret the creatures she'd chosen for the challenges once she opened the chest. "If this doesn't work I'll throw myself off the seventh floor." She muttered.
Arnaldus gave a smile and nod to Joey and her addition. "Sounds like a plan." He added in reply while looking around at the team and toward Victoria and Andre. "So the chest will be the key. Got it I'll keep an eye out and fly low when it comes." Arnaldus continued in response looking around at the make shift field and towards the other team, before back to his team. He gave a simple nod and turned around to face the team with his broom in hand and getting ready to mount and fly once the game would begin.
(Okay im just gonna post lol)

Paige Kingsley

After reading a few pages on the creatures of the magical world, Paige decided it was time for a break. She closed the tome, and set it on a table next to the chair she was sitting in, in front of the window. Stuffing her hands into the pockets of her vest, she stood up. The quiet girl made her way to the kitchen, moving a strand of her light brown hair behind her ear, mentally gathering the courage to speak up to the family in the kitchen. Paige removed her hands from her pockets and stiffly put them at her sides, clenched in fists. She stopped at the table, reaching over and cupping a saucer in one hand, while she poured herself a cup of tea with the other. The sound of the steady stream was soothing, and the herbal aroma wisping into her nose was relaxing. Her nerves felt a little more at ease. Paige picked up the tea cup and balanced it onto the saucer. "Um..." she started,"thank you...for all this Mr. And Mrs. Potter," she didnt mean just the breakfast, but allowing her and fellow students to use their very home as head quarters, that was something very special, and greatly appreciated. In the midst of trying to think of what else to talk about, her eyes glanced at the kitchen window. What were Victoria and Alexander doing outside? And with all that equipment? Not knowing what else to say, she shut her mouth, hung her head low, and made a brisk walk out the kitchen.

Paige went back to her chair, picked up the book and tucked it between her side and her arm while her hands were busy with the tea. Alexander's previous talk about taking risks and such. She had to make a move at some point. No, not with James, with people in general. Lost in thought, the girl found herself making her way toward the door leading to the back yard. Well, its better to just go with it now.

Outside, Paige stepped into the snow, and shuddered when her step crunched under her. She walked further, making sure to skip over any holes in the snow. Up ahead she spotted Alexander, and being the only person she has talked to (so far) approached his side....quietly. "Whats all this about?" she whispered to him, then sipped the warm tea. The warmth running down her throat felt nice against the chill outside so early in the morning.


(Really crappy filler...and a way to bring her outside xD )
Andre prepared to fly positioning himself near the makeshift goat posts and climbed on his broom ready to fly. He listened to the plan and nodded "D'accord, let's do THIS! Old guard for the win!"He called out chuckling, before taping his feet before chanting a chat he remembered hearing once."Aux Armes! Aux Armes! Le jour de gloire est arrive! Et nous allons gagner, Allez mes aimes! Aux armes! Aux Armes!"
A pleasant meeting and introduction with Mr. Harry Potter and his lovely wife Mrs. Ginny Potter, joking with Arnaldus as always and saying hello to James and asking after Iggy. Ezekiel politely left the kitchen area heading for the door leading out to the outside, leading to the backyard. The sounds of what was happening caught his ear, his curiosity was peeked and interest at level. Ezekiel walked toward the door watching the others prepare for a quidditch match, a smile crossing his face as he looked on and walked outside to get a closer look. "What's this now? Quidditch is about to happen outside without me?" He laughed in question and used simple deduction to figure out how teams were sorted. It appeared this was some sort of connection to the testing the new order had put recruits through in efforts to ensure their future and safety. But he was still surprised that Quidditch was being used for it, or was connected to the test. Furthermore he had no idea of all the actual members in the order but he knew for certain a few, his brother and Victoria were two, he was sure James had been part of the order, after all he was a potter and it was his families house being used for such a gathering and Ezekiel was sure it was all in connection to the order. It had to be in Ezekiel's mind, but still questions remained buzzing through his curious mind. He could deduce and learn many a things by observing and putting two and two together, but he was far from a know it all. He could only discover so much without further investigation and information gathering. Such as he still never understood why his brother did not wish to go pro when he left school, become a professional Quidditch player. He had he skill to make it in the pro league in Ezekiel's view, watching the game about to start brought that memory to Ezekiel that conversation the brothers had some weeks back, months really. While Ezekiel desired to turn pro once he graduated and become a pro seeker, Arnaldus did not even as much as he loved Quidditch he instead spoke of his desire to continue the orders work. If the day would come and he lived through it all and the order was successful or even if it was not...... Arnaldus planned to become a auror or professor, do something where he can help others and protect the people as a whole in one form or another while teaching the next generation if he could though he had doubts in his ability to teach. He wanted to continue what the order has started up again even after this was all over and if he was still around to do something about it.

Much was said during the conversation, much still left from memory that was being recalled now, but all was remembered. It was one of the most serious and deepest conversations they ever had and it was how Ezekiel caught on to Arnaldus's involvement with the order and made him certain there was indeed an order. It also confirmed the differences and similarities both, that they had wih one another. While Ezekiel was all about fun, girls, Quidditch, jokes and making things lighthearted though he could get serious at times. While Arnaldus was well Arnaldus, he was so similar yet so different that it was odd for brothers to have such a similarity and contrast to one another. Ezekiel thinking of their past conversation watched the coming Quidditch match curious if it was to late to join or if he was suppose to be part of it all the whole time and he simply was late. Either way the younger smith had a smile on his face and light, curious and ready to jump in sort of look in his eyes as he gazed upon the others.

The Addams Family Christmas Ball

It was well known that despite their rather morbid views and broken minds the Addams family loved to host balls and throw parties. For any event that they believed called for one. Like a member being accepted into Hogwarts, a holiday, or one of their own being sent to prison on death row. No event was to small. Most were not strangers to their parties, or balls, as they loved to invite any and all. Though many declined unless it was an important event where their standing would be affected. Such as a holiday ball. Which typically involved members of the ministry as well as well known families.

Tonight all invited decided to show and as always all were awed by the splendid ball room. It was a large place that surpassed even the great hall at Hogwarts. Black marble pillars lined the walls, decorated in dark green, silver, and red lights, and touched the arched ceiling which held a glass center so one could see into the sky, snow seemed to fall from it and into the room. Many danced upon the marble floor or lounged in the small sitting area that contained the beverage table and tree. A tall thing that brushed the ceiling. It was half dead and strangely black. Silver lights decorated the tree and among them fluttered fanged pixies, a darker breed of the normal pixie, and ornaments made of bone like material. Or real bone. A giant crystal spider laid on top. Shadows were cast upon the room by the large chandelier, and the torches that lined the walls while candles floated above them. Several house elves as well as a tall figure walked among the crowd with beverages. Some of which looked like blood or glowed with a strange color.

If the room itself was not enough to awe or disturb you then the occupants were. A hand with no body crawled around and several strange figures danced among the crowd. Some strangely beautiful or just inhuman in appearance. Rather they be strangely tall with a hunched back, covered in hair so thick no face could be seen underneath, or adjoined from shoulder to hip. The entire Addams family was mingling and dancing without seeming to notice the rather put out guest among them. Kota and Carsa were no different. They charmed their guest and danced with relatives or started up a few games with the children their age.
It was no secret that Victoria Knight loved attending to the Addams family balls. It was impossible not to like them, from the odd behaviors from the members of the family to the beautiful decorations, their balls were certainly some of the best in Europe. This particular Christmas ball was serving as her salvation, which only added to the long list of why the ball was so wonderful. Between training the new members of the Order, attacking the Ministry and planning the wedding, Victoria was surprised by the fact that her sanity was still intact. Recruiting and training members had been even more stressful than usual due to their latest attacks against the Ministry. There had been countless of articles in the Daily Prophet regarding the new "Group of Delinquents" who wanted to bring down the Ministry and, according to the Prophet, bring down the world as well. Fortunately, a small group of citizens had been able to see past the Prophet's harsh words and the Order had gained new followers. It was a big advantage for them and a step closer to archiving their goal. Even thought Victoria was still overjoyed and her happiness always seemed to increase every time she heard her father's angry rants against the Order, the new improvements had left them mountains of work. From finding safe places to hide in case something went wrong, to training first years how to fight against dark wizards, this holiday break hadn't been relaxing for the Order. Especially for Victoria and Andrew, who were going to marry in a month and still had to finish planning the wedding. Technically, their parents' and their last minute changes were to blame but no one seemed to care about that as long as they could blame the teens for making their lives impossible. Victoria was glad to forget about everything that had happened in the last month for one night.

As she walked through the marvelous ball room, she focused on socializing with the guests and stopping her younger siblings from causing any more trouble. With their parents being busy focusing on the Order, the Knight children had gone out of control and caused more mayhem than usual. They were simply getting the childhood they had never been able to experience due to Robert's strict rules and severe consequences, anyone could understand that. However, that innocent excuse wasn't enough for their parents and Victoria now found herself taking care of two hyperactive children. Oh well, they were busy messing with the house elves at the moment so Victoria had a few precious minutes for herself. For the first time, Victoria found herself enjoying dancing with the men who wanted to dance with her. This had always annoyed her in the other balls, it turned out trying to enjoy every single aspect of the ball worked better than she thought it would. This night was her one and only break from her stressful schedule and she was not going to waste it.

She finally found the Addams children, Kota and Carsa, socializing with some of the guests and decided to talk to them. After all, she hadn't thanked them for her invitation and not doing so would be considered rude. The last thing she needed was more negative attention. Victoria quickly made her way through the crowd and tapped the boy on the shoulder, expecting him to turn around and acknowledge her presence. "Kota and Carsa Addams!" She exclaimed, her usual fake smile now replaced with a genuine expression of happiness. "It's always wonderful to see you. Thank you for your invitation, you know how much I love these Christmas celebrations."

@Crimson smile
Carsa and Kota Addams

"Of course you were invited. " Carsa snorted, not meanly, crossing her arms over her chest. She wore her hair wild around her head and a short black dress with ripped tights and sneakers. A strange assemble if you didn't know an Addams. They could get stranger. "Why wouldn't you be? Everyone is invited. The different circles coming together for a night makes the shadows sing with delight. Making for a positively morbid evening."

Kota nodded in agreement with his sisters words as he greeted the girl with a smile. He himself wore dragon hide pants and knee high dragon hide boots with a white long sleeved dress shirt. The top few buttons undone to showcase his black choker with the magic numbers on it. A black cloak that brushed his ankles was worn over it. It's sleeves were tight and covered in buckles. Black eyeliner was smeared around his eyes and his hair was glamoured a bright blue. "Exactly. It is a pleasure to see that you decided to come though. The more the bloodier. Later on tonight you should join us. We are gathering some of the other's from school to go do a ritual to celebrate yule. Nothing major just as a way to honor our origins and magic herself. "

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Garbed in his latest tuxedo and bow tie a traditional color scheme of black and white with a newer fashion design. The common black dress shoes and blonde messy hair completing his look, while Arnaldus walked around the ball seemingly uncomfortable to the trained eye that may notice and know him. While his left eye was black from unknown source and reason as of yet only Arnaldus himself knew how he got it and he seemed quiet about it so far. The past few months have been increasingly more difficult for him and his adventures in his animagus form, helping train, plan and assist the order in every way he possibly could split with his responsibilities as Quidditch captain for house hufflepuff and as a student, additionally the attacks the order had orchestrated and successfully pulled off. In truth his schedule was full to the brim and his continued adventures while in his badger form was becoming more difficult to pull off without being caught or his identity discovered, Arnaldus was certain people were catching on that a black badger with white stripes running around hogwarts and other locations was more then just a animal, that it was a witch or wizard causing trouble and sneaking about. Each time out it got more and more difficult, every time he went out to gather more information it became more difficult, every time he went out to fight the small battles to help those in need it became more difficult and since the order it only got worse in level of difficulty. Not that Arnaldus would complain, it was a challenge and he knew the risks well. it was also one of his roles so that only cemented the fact he wouldn't complain nor mention his troubles. After all they all had difficulties and troubles especially since they formed the order and began their fight against the order and orchestrating their attacks.

Tugging at his bow tie Arnaldus walked about the ball looking around at the decorations and unique manner of ball that was thrown and hosted by the Addams family. It was truly unique and well done. He wasn't certain what he wanted to do for now, but he did have a certain desire to rid himself of the tight and constricting feeling that nagged him. His tie felt like a snake wrapped around his neck and tightening its grasp while his suit was not as comfortable as he would have liked, perhaps it was merely due it being new and not being used to it yet, but still it was uncomfortable at the moment. Keeping quiet and observing the room casually Arnaldus walked about and kept a simple, common smile on his face and gave a nod to various women he walked past and the other guests he saw about the room.
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