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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

Satisfied with the conversation and the strength she'd seen in Alexander, Victoria joyfully walked down the stairs. The day seemed brighter now that she knew she had someone else to trust, maybe it wouldn't be as disastrous as she'd imagined it would be. When she was about to enter the kitchen, she noticed Andrew casually leaning against the wall and smiled. While she didn't want to think about the Potter's reaction to Andrew's appearance, she was glad he'd finally woken up. Even if the others couldn't comprehend their relationship, she was anxious to spend time with him after practically ignoring him for months. In her defense, she'd been too busy with the Order to pay attention to him, a reasonable excuse. She sped up her pace as she approached him and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. "I can't believe you finally woke up!" She exclaimed playfully, giving his left shoulder a weak slap. "I apologize for what happened with Alexander, he was a bit mad because of what happened yesterday. You might want to be nice to them from now on, seeing as you're not as popular as you are with our other classmates. That, and you might want to keep me out of most conversations. My friends can be a bit protective, especially when it comes to the man I'm supposed to marry." She explained, remembering Alexander's reaction when he'd seen his behavior last night.
Seeing the fact that they were in sight of the ones in the kitchen, Andrew decided to use this as an opportunity to make James' life even more miserable. With a small smirk, he made sure the ones in the kitchen could see him before pressing his lip's to Victoria's. Hey, they had to practice for the wedding right? After giving James and Alexander one last wink he stopped the kiss and grabbed Victoria's arm to take them out of their sight. Now that they weren't looking at them, he didn't feel like he had to act like he liked to treat Victoria that way. Not only did she scare him when she got angry and he'd seen her skills with a wand, he also respected her and genuinely liked her. "Victoria, I need you to be completely honest. Are you involved with the order? Is this the order?"
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Victoria didn't even move when Andrew kissed her. She knew exactly was he was trying to do, it wasn't hard to understand. He clearly didn't want his relationship with her friends to improve. Judging by the way he'd dragged her out of their sight. No one would dare to treat her like an object, it was practically a death wish. Not only would that unfortunate soul have to deal with her anger, he'd have to deal with the Minister himself. Andrew should consider himself lucky that she wasn't going to hurt him for pretending. Not like she was going to let him repeat the unnecessary stunt. When he asked her the question, she bit her bottom lip and sighed. He did not seem happy and that wasn't a good sign, especially if she wanted him to risk his life to fight with them. "Yes." She replied calmly. He was going to find out sooner or later and she already had a plan in case he decided to tell her father. The plan happened to involve his death but the Order was more important than their relationship, even if it hurt her.
EmilyPower said:
Seeing the fact that they were in sight of the ones in the kitchen, Andrew decided to use this as an opportunity to make James' life even more miserable. With a small smirk, he made sure the ones in the kitchen could see him before pressing his lip's to Victoria's. Hey, they had to practice for the wedding right? After giving James and Alexander one last wink he stopped the kiss and grabbed Victoria's arm to take them out of their sight. Now that they weren't looking at them, he didn't feel like he had to act like he liked to treat Victoria that way. Not only did she scare him when she got angry and she'd seen her skills with a wand, he also respected her and genuinely liked her. "Victoria, I need you to be completely honest. Are you involved with the order? Is this the order?"
When he had seen Victoria come down stairs he turned his gaze over to her, she seemed more cheerful then this morning and he considered that a plus as he served himself food. He say Andrew kiss Victoria but honestly didn't care much, while he didn't like Andrews arrogance yesterday he had gotten his revenge and it was far to early to judge his character and Victoria honestly seemed to be willing to spend time with him so he had to be worth something. Besides he would lose much if it was ever discovered by his parents that he came to a meeting like this so he had a spine to him, nor had he backed down to him and his snake. He could respect that, at least among the student's there weren't many who could face him down without much fear which was the initial reason he had become interested in learning about Victoria. However him grabbing her arm and dragging her off, at least to his eyes made him draw his eyebrow together, perhaps they were just doing off to kiss in the corner but he doubted that, since this Andrew seemed to like torturing James with a gleeful sinfulness and since the marriage was arranged he somehow doubted Victoria was letting him get under her skirts quite yet especially with James here. With some curiosity and perhaps some worry he asked to go to the bathroom and while thinking how much easier this would be with his wand snuck closer to listen to the two. @thefan1 @EmilyPower
Letting out a groan, Andrew angrily rubbed his forehead at Victoria's answer. Joining the order seemed like such a stupid thing to do, especially for someone like Victoria. Who loved power and was one of the most powerful and influential witches in the world. "You can't be serious" He breathed out, turning away from her to avoid seeing her expression. "You've got everything you could ever wish for and you decide to join the ones fighting against your father? Do you know what he'll do to you if he finds out you're a traitor? You've seen what he can do. Hell, your skills are not too far from his, so why are you ruining your life like this?"
Paige & Greyson Kingsley

Greyson remained outside, some distance away from the house but still with in its property. Her turned slightly when he heard the door open and close not once but twice. When he turned to see who was coming out, It was Cassandra, followed by Andrew. Greyson grimaced at te sight of the male. He had nothing personally against him, but didnt like the way he was purposefully trying to get under James' skin, it bothered him. But instead of instigating he turned back around and ignored the lad, returning his attention to the world of white before him.

Inside, Paige's embarrassment had begun to slowly diminish. It wasnt completely gone, but the more she actually read the book (and not use it as something to behind) the more she was able to distract herself from the image of her tiny crush standing there shirtless. Long, dark lashes blinked as her eyes shifted from left to right, and repeating the sequence. The book she was reading was one of mythical creatures. It was never something she academically took a liking to, but being the studious Hufflepuff she was, it felt wrong to ignore the subject. Her stomach cried out in hunger, but she ignored, and will continue to do so until the Potters left the kitchen unoccupied. She felt...out of place around them. Not in a bad way, but growing up shes heard stories and other tales of the Harry Potter from her parent's time in Hogwarts. She felt....almost unworthy...

(there you are @Akio xD ...let the embarrassment begin...oh dear)
@Akio[/URL] xD ...let the embarrassment begin...oh dear)
He quickly found where Andrew had dragged Victoria, they had just gone out of sight and were not bothering being very quiet about this whole situation but he quickly decided unless it got violent or forceful he wouldn't get involved, Victoria was tough enough to handle herself and might not appreciate him intruding for no reason. He gazed at the room realizing he almost completely missed the girl sitting on the couch, He recognized her from last night, when she had come down the stairs when all the fighting almost started. She seemed to be reading a book and was she blushing? Raising an eyebrow he glanced at the book which she was reading, a book of mythical creatures that didn't seem to warrant that cute blush of hers unless it was about their mating habits. Curious and needing a reason to stick around he plopped himself on the couch next to her, stretching and putting an arm around the back of the headrest she was sitting again. "Blushing little bird? Something in that book to much for you?" He teased, the Slytherin grinning at her with a wicked smile and not leaving her much escape.
Paige Kingsley

Ignoring the voices around her she remained buried in her book. Footsteps grew close her way, and she took a quick glance. It was Alexander, headed in her direction. Before he could notice, she quickly averted her eyes, retreating back to the pages in her hand. The cushion beneath her bounced slightly when the weight of another body sat beside her, a little too close for comfort. With out turning her head, she looked at Alexander from the corner of his eye and could feel his arm slither behind her, on the couch just behind her neck. He was as sneaky as his own snake. Speaking of which where was the beast? Paige took a moment to look around, searching for the scaley beast, her mind wandering to the thought that Alexander was serving as a distraction and that the snake would pop out unexpectedly and swallow her whole. "Blushing little bird?" his voice gave every signal that her feelings of embarrassment were all too obvious, and it sent shivers down her spine,"Something in that book too much for you?" She hear the twisted grin with every word, and she didnt even look at him yet. The girl stiffened, her neck slowly sinking into her shoulders, she wanted to disappear.

Her cheeks, that had just cooled off, had a rose tint once again. She didnt want to look at him, she didnt dare. It was exactly what he wanted and she knew it. If she looked at him to respond, he'd see her face and know he was getting to her. If she just got up and walked away, she'd curse herself for being rude, even if he was trying to get to her. Paige inhaled through her nose, and hesitated to answer. During that hesitation she collected herself enough to softly reply,"No," with the calmest tone her honey sweet voice could muster. There was no escape now, she engaged in conversation and there was no turning back. Paige stopped looking for the serpent, only to realize it was sitting right beside her the whole time.....

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Paige Kingsley

Ignoring the voices around her she remained buried in her book. Footsteps grew close her way, and she took a quick glance. It was Alexander, headed in her direction. Before he could notice, she quickly averted her eyes, retreating back to the pages in her hand. The cushion beneath her bounced slightly when the weight of another body sat beside her, a little too close for comfort. With out turning her head, she looked at Alexander from the corner of his eye and could feel his arm slither behind her, on the couch just behind her neck. He was as sneaky as his own snake. Speaking of which where was the beast? Paige took a moment to look around, searching for the scaley beast, her mind wandering to the thought that Alexander was serving as a distraction and that the snake would pop out unexpectedly and swallow her whole. "Blushing little bird?" his voice gave every signal that her feelings of embarrassment were all too obvious, and it sent shivers down her spine,"Something in that book too much for you?" She hear the twisted grin with every word, and she didnt even look at him yet. The girl stiffened, her neck slowly sinking into her shoulders, she wanted to disappear.

Her cheeks, that had just cooled off, had a rose tint once again. She didnt want to look at him, she didnt dare. It was exactly what he wanted and she knew it. If she looked at him to respond, he'd see her face and know he was getting to her. If she just got up and walked away, she'd curse herself for being rude, even if he was trying to get to her. Paige inhaled through her nose, and hesitated to answer. During that hesitation she collected herself enough to softly reply,"No," with the calmest tone her honey sweet voice could muster. There was no escape now, she engaged in conversation and there was no turning back. Paige stopped looking for the serpent, only to realize it was sitting right beside her the whole time.....


Paige Kingsley

Too her surprise the creature did return. Paige flinched whens he noticed it so suddenly and leaned in the opposite direction of it, but it was no where near her. Her eyes met with the gaze of the snake, its tongue flickering with its head held high, almost at eye level with her s she sat. The blank stare made her heart palpate faster. "Shoo, go hunt already instead of thinking how hungry you are," Alexander laughed beside her. The girl widened her eyes and flashed a look of shock to the boy beside her, was the snake thinking about consuming her?! The snake left as soon as Alex spoke in parsel-tongue, what ever he said, she was glad it made the snake slither away.

Alexander returned his attention back to Paige, clearly amused by her. She wasnt sure with was worse, the snake or the human questioning her. Calling her 'little bird' made the girl pout for a moment before relaxing her face into its original soft state. She was delicate, yes, but the nickname made her feel weak. "Did something embarrass you in that book or was it back in the dining hall?" he pushed on. Paige looked back down at the book, at last deciding she was just going to ignore him,'Maybe he'll get bored if I dont answer,' she thought. She felt was weight shift through the couch, nearing closer to her. He was already too close to begin with, at least to someone who doesnt have many social interactions, let alone physical ones. She bit her lip, a sure sign of nervousness or anxiety growing with in. "I know James Potter was walking around shirtless back there," he taunted. That was it, the last straw, the wire snapped. Was the Slytherin boy reading her mind? His question made Paige jump, a surge of muscle tension went through her body, making her book snap close. She whipped her head around, her light brown, still messy hair following the motion when she looked at him with pleading eyes. Her eyes darted to the Potters in the kitchen then back at Alexander, she didnt say much but it wasnt hard to tell she wanted him to at least talk a little quieter.

Alexander grinned, he got her. Still how interesting, it seemed someone else had a crush on James Potter. He wondered what the man himself would think about it, after all the son of the boy who lived aught to be used to these kind of things shouldn't he? He laughed softly, showing he took some consideration about he wants though his voice had become low and quiet, as much as being able to pay attention to Victoria's words as well as respect the girls wishes his grin widened. "Your blushing red little bird, im guessing im right and further more I don't think he knows." He said his voice dripping with amusement. He was quite handsome, in no way inferior to James and this made him used to getting his way with woman but never the less messing with an innocent girl like this was quite fun for a boy like him. "You couldn't chose much better, attractive, intelligent, son of the famous Harry Potter and now that Victoria's getting married he's free. Ever think of confessing? I could for you if you wish." He said giving his offer with a wide grin as if he could already predict her reaction. "Your quite cute, im sure even the boy who live would love to spend some personal time with you." He said his voice slowly getting louder though not loud enough for the Potters to hear it was enough to hopefully alarm her slightly.
As soon as Cassandra was inside, she went into the first side room, waited for Andrew to pass, then went back outside. She had decided, from that last conversation, that he left a bad taste in her mouth. Maybe it was because of his issues with James-who she cared for as a brother- or maybe he just rubbed her the wrong way. Regardless of the reason, Cassandra wasn't going to blindly trust the guy.

Once outside, Cassandra decided to take a walk, partially avoiding the creature that was breakfast. Knowing Ginny, she'd want her to eat, but Cassandra always got sick if she ate before noon, and no, it wasn't that morning sickness. It wasn't until she got to near the edge of the property that she noticed that someone else was skipping breakfast. "Greyson." She greeted. "I didn't expect you to be out here right now."
Paige & Greyson Kingsley

"Youre blushing, red little bird," he pointed out, only making her turn away from him, to hide the redness. "Im guessing Im right, and further more I dont think James knows," was Paige being threatened? The girl's eyebrows raised and she looked at Alexander with her eyebrows pinched together,'He wouldnt dare...' she thought. Alexander continued, talking about James and then mentioning the arranged engagement of Victoria and Andrew. Bringing it up tugged at Paige's heart, and she frowned. If it did mean he was free, as Alexander put it, it was clear Victoria and James had feelings for each other, besides, Paige sympathized with Victoria, having your spouse chosen for you was upsetting. "Ever think of confessing?" Alexander was manipulative and devious, and the innocent girl was treading on dangerous waters. She shook her head,"Not at all," she said,"The only reason he knows about me is because of my brother. If it werent for him, he wouldnt even know I ever existed," she explained. She wasnt complaining, and there was no hint of sadness in her voice, she was simply answering honestly. When Alexander offered telling James for her, her blush returned,"N-No!" she raised her voice. Yelling wasnt in her nature, but at this moment, it was necessary. "Youre quite cute, Im sure even the boy who live would love to spend some personal time with you," he raised his voice too. Paige raised her hands to her chest, motioning him to keep his voice down. her hands trembled and her face was completely flustered, no one had ever called her cute before, at least not to her face, most people never even approached her. Paige lowered her hands back down to her lap, gripping the spine of her book tightly. She may have been naive, but she certainly wasnt stupid,"Why are you so interested in my emotions?" she asked in a low whisper. She hoped the sudden, confrontational question would catch the boy off guard and perhaps change his mind on using her for sheer amusement. But one could only hope....


"Greyson," the familiar voice seemed genuinely surprised,"I didnt expect you to be out here right now." The young man turned around, hands still his pockets, kicking some snow while waiting for Cassandra to finish her question. He looked from the snow at his feet, to her face,"Just catching some fresh air, love," he explained,"The conversations that took place last night left me a little...." he shrugged his shoulders and scrunched his face in discomfort,"edgy...." Greyson looked at the house behind her and jerked his chin toward it, not wanting to take his hands out into the cold to point,"Why arent you in there?" he returned the question.

Cassandra nodded. After the fighting from the night before, she didn't blame him. And the new people didn't help matters. "Yeah, I get that." She nodded, crossing her arms. The sheath that her wand was in was a great reassurance right now. When he turned her question back on her, Cassandra scowled, scrunching up her nose. "If I do, I'll puke." She told him bluntly. "The company inside is less than appealing, and I'd rather be out here right now." She was honest as always, and she either didn't like or didn't know most others inside, and wasn't in the mood to change that just yet.
Victoria could believe her ears, was the person she was talking to really Andrew Williams? He couldn't be the brilliant, caring guy she cared about. After everything they'd gone through, after the horrible things they'd seen since they were children, he couldn't support her idea of betraying the Minister? No, Andrew wouldn't do that to her. She knew he cared about her, surely she could help him see how necessary it was to bring down the Ministry. The idea of killing him disgusted her and she wasn't going to give up on him so easily. "What life?" She asked. "Living in constant fear, knowing that he could kill me or torture me to insanity for one simple mistake? Knowing about the pain everyone else is going through while I happily read a book in front of a fireplace? Watching thousands of people die with their families screaming in my ear, looking savagely for my blood? Do you think that's life?" She spat out, not longer caring if the others could hear her. "What my father has done to the world is no better than what Voldemort did and you know it! The world needs our help! We have the power to free the world, Andrew. You know how the Ministry feels about the Order." She continued, her voice returning to her usual calm tone after her angry outburst. "Please, try to understand. I know you can help us."
Paige and Greyson Kingsley

Greyson chuckled at Cassandra's blunt honesty. "You'll puke, aye?" He looked back down at the snow, digging into it with the tip of his shoe. "The company inside is less than appealing, and I'd rather be out here right now," she explained. Greyson completely understood, he was never really good with emotional things. He was there to hear any one out but trying to give advice was a challenge. When James got as mad as he did, Greyson wasnt really sure what to do except give him some space. Girls usually knew what to say, and knew theyd be all over him to help, which was a good thing they did. But just cause he didnt say anything, didnt mean he didnt care about James. I suppose males and females just handle these things differently. "Yea..." he agreed, but his tone was a little solemn. Being careful not to let the poor emotion consume him he forced a smile and switched subjects, sort of, "I wonder if the flames have settled today?"


"Well..." Alexander started. Paige looked back up at him. "James pinning after Victoria represents a divide in the in the order since she's getting married to Andrew which she plans to go through with for whatever reason, which is dangerous considering our opponents number is the ministry of magic itself. If James could change his mind then the order itself could be more peaceful for us all." The girl looked away, a frown on her face. If there was a rift in the Order, than maybe pushing her emotions onto the Potter boy wasnt such a good idea. It would only create more emotional turmoil. And Paige kept in mind the realistic probability that it may never happen, and she'd rather spare the heart break. Her objective wasnt to manipulate the boy, hes already gone through so much when it came to the subject of women,"I-I dont know..." she shook her head, hugging her book, nestling it in her chest. "Besides," he waved his hand. She pouted, was he disregarding her feelings? "Seeing a pretty girl sitting all alone always brings my interest, everyone needs affection beyond their family and you seem pleasant thus far," she had to admit, that a smooth answer. Her face softened again and looked aloof. 'Affection?' she thought. Like a comforting hug? Or a goodnight kiss on the forehead?

"Want me to teach you how to seduce James?" He sure wasnt beating around the bush, was he. "Wh-what?" she cocked her head back and stammered. What a question! She blinked at him in disbelief, her face remaining red. She has never, ever, tried to seduce any one and wouldnt even know where to begin. "'Seducing' just seemed like something a woman would do to her objectify herself to attract the opposite sex, where is the love in that?" she asked him, a tint of sadness in her silky sweet voice. Alexander pressed on, "He'll never be happy pinning after Victoria for the rest of his life, you could help him." Paige thought for a moment,"Help him?" uh oh...that seemed to have grabbed her attention. For once she considered it but quickly shook her head at the Slytherin boy,"It just doesnt seem right," she looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and sad, puppy-blue eyes,"Why would I persuade him into making him think he likes me when the feelings arent really there," Paige looked at her lap,"A person should be able to choose who they love, and let it happen naturally," after saying that, she glanced at Victoria,"Even if that person does not share mutual feelings, why should i steal the privilege of having a choice from him when some others are not granted the option," she said referring to the Knight girl in front of them. It was clear Paige wasnt easily persuaded, she was a quiet girl but her mind was active and always thinking. When people give her a chance and sit down to chat with her, like Alexander did, they would see that she cares about others before herself and that shes quite the deep thinker. She didnt have many friends, or know a lot of people, but she knows her heart and where she stands.


BroscaHasScars said:
After a while, Serenity went to the bathroom, changed her clothes, and washed her face. Feeling better, she went to the kitchen and smiled, seeing the Potters. "Morning..." She mumered, sitting at the table. She still wasn't feeling great. She glanced over at James, wanting to ask about last night's noise, but didn't want him to get in trouble with his parents, so instead, she asked something else. "Why aren't you wearing a shirt? Aren't you child?"

"Well..." Alexander started. Paige looked back up at him. "James pinning after Victoria represents a divide in the in the order since she's getting married to Andrew which she plans to go through with for whatever reason, which is dangerous considering our opponents number is the ministry of magic itself. If James could change his mind then the order itself could be more peaceful for us all." The girl looked away, a frown on her face. If there was a rift in the Order, than maybe pushing her emotions onto the Potter boy wasnt such a good idea. It would only create more emotional turmoil. And Paige kept in mind the realistic probability that it may never happen, and she'd rather spare the heart break. Her objective wasnt to manipulate the boy, hes already gone through so much when it came to the subject of women,"I-I dont know..." she shook her head, hugging her book, nestling it in her chest. "Besides," he waved his hand. She pouted, was he disregarding her feelings? "Seeing a pretty girl sitting all alone always brings my interest, everyone needs affection beyond their family and you seem pleasant thus far," she had to admit, that a smooth answer. Her face softened again and looked aloof. 'Affection?' she thought. Like a comforting hug? Or a goodnight kiss on the forehead?

"Want me to teach you how to seduce James?" He sure wasnt beating around the bush, was he. "Wh-what?" she cocked her head back and stammered. What a question! She blinked at him in disbelief, her face remaining red. She has never, ever, tried to seduce any one and wouldnt even know where to begin. "'Seducing' just seemed like something a woman would do to her objectify herself to attract the opposite sex, where is the love in that?" she asked him, a tint of sadness in her silky sweet voice. Alexander pressed on, "He'll never be happy pinning after Victoria for the rest of his life, you could help him." Paige thought for a moment,"Help him?" uh oh...that seemed to have grabbed her attention. For once she considered it but quickly shook her head at the Slytherin boy,"It just doesnt seem right," she looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and sad, puppy-blue eyes,"Why would I persuade him into making him think he likes me when the feelings arent really there," Paige looked at her lap,"A person should be able to choose who they love, and let it happen naturally," after saying that, she glanced at Victoria,"Even if that person does not share mutual feelings, why should i steal the privilege of having a choice from him when some others are not granted the option," she said referring to the Knight girl in front of them. It was clear Paige wasnt easily persuaded, she was a quiet girl but her mind was active and always thinking. When people give her a chance and sit down to chat with her, like Alexander did, they would see that she cares about others before herself and that shes quite the deep thinker. She didnt have many friends, or know a lot of people, but she knows her heart and where she stands.

He waved his hand a bit dismissively though he was a bit more curious about this situation then he was originally, this girl was brighter then he gave her initial credit for. "I'll admit seducing was the wrong word, courting would probably fit better even if the term itself is old. Tell me do you think its possible that he never thought to see you that way? Not only had he focused his attentions on Victoria without knowing she was spoken for but he knew you before hand and as one of his friends he might have never had considered you might have seen him that way, for any number of reasons." He said of course not yet knowing that she was Greyson's sister, a fact which may now occur to her perhaps. "How can you say the feelings might not be there if you've never tried to ask him? Never let him know that such feelings may return in kind?" He looked in the direction of Victoria and Andrew. "Whatever reason they have those two are planning to stay together, for their families, for reputation, maybe even for the order. Their marriage is already arranged and James will likely need to learn to live without Victoria and right now Andrew is using her as a weapon against him as cruel as that sounds." He said thinking of an example he saw in the last few days, meeting her sad blue eyes which made him feel a bit more serious and tender about the situation, it was obvious she had some feelings for him and she seemed like a sweet and surprisingly aware girl. He found himself starting wanting to help her at least a little bit. "Yesterday when they announced their betrothal even if she hurt James she didn't back down from her decision, she made her choice already. But James can't get over it, his feelings are shattered and Andrew is shoving his relationship into James face to cause him more pain." He said highlighting some of James anguish, unaware she felt it more strongly then anyone else. "You can help him heal, even just by being there. I'm not suggesting that we slip a love potion into his drink, but perhaps you would at least like to try. It's obvious you like him and care for him, there would be few better suited to being able to heal his heart then you, your a sweet girl. Perhaps all he needs is a push to realize others care about him as well, even if he feels he lost someone else. And would you not regret it, if you never tried to tell him how you feel at least once?" He said persuasively, a little more earnestly this time. He could help her and still have his fun on the way, besides James being this devastated was a problem, for he affected everyone else in the order with his moods and the conflict between him and Andrew was a hassle. It would be a good thing if they two managed to have feelings for each other.
Andrew made a fist as Victoria finished her speech. He really wanted to punch her, that would probably erease her stupid ideas of a better world. The fact that he was able to keep himself from punching her was a miracle, well, thinking about the consequences certainly helped with his decision. Victoria was anything but fragile and she would surely hit him back if he ever hurt her, not to mention she was the leader of a group that would all hapilly kill him if he ever hurt their leader. He really didn't want to be a part of the order but declining the offer would probably get him thrown out of the house and he didn't want to explain why he wasn't taking care of Victoria to the Minister. It seemed like joining the order was his best option, not because he believed in the cause or he wanted to fight for a new world. For him, joining the order was just to keep the ones he cared about safe, for the time being. Besides, fighting with Victoria usually took certain priviledges away from him, fighting because of the order seeemed like a stupid thing to do. "Fine, I'll join the bloody order. Are you happy now?"
Paige & Greyson Kingsley

Footsteps crunched toward Grey and Cassandra. The boy took a moment to peek around Cassandra and see who was coming. It was Iggy, the girl who stole Alexander's wand, at least thats how Greyson put it, but not in a bad way. "Oh its that girl," he said in a hushed tone to Cassandra,"Any idea who she is?" he inquired, with curiosity in his voice, not taking his eyes off her. When Iggy finally reached them Greyson smiled at her,"Oh hi," she said. She was awfully comfortable with approaching people...well, so is Greyson. Now that she was closer to him, the lad got a good look at her. "Tell me, why was James hiding a beauty like you in his backyard," he flashed his charming, boyish smile that he always had when being flirtatious. Grey raised his eyebrows and looked away in a sudden realization,"Actually he has every right, if he knows Im coming around," he mumbled. The Griffyndor boy let go of a playful laugh and stuck his hands further into his pockets, shrugging his shoulders to keep the cold from hitting the back of his neck,"And last night," he nodded looking at Iggy,"Your quick thinking saved me," despite his flirty intentions he meant it. Iggy had came in hust in time to take Alexander's wand,"Surely I must know the name of my hero? To whom do I owe this pleasure?" he asked for her name, rather smoothly I must say.

Though Greyson really didnt know her. As long as he knew James, he has never seen the girl in his life. Which was a surprise since the boy made it a point to go from girl to girl. But because he didnt know her, he wasnt sure if his chivalrous acts would get her swooning like the other,"easy, ditzy girls" as he would say. Sure those girls were cute and all, but they were almost too easy. Never gave him a reason to chase after them. Her reaction to his words would determine his next actions...



Paige listened to Alexander with undivided attention. When he threw out the idea that James knew her before he knew Victoria, she shook her head,"He only knew me because of my brother, up until now, Ive never been around him," she confessed. James was Greyson's friend, not hers. "How can you say the feelings might not be there if youve never tried to ask him," Alexander asked. Though he had a point, Paige retorted,"Because my brother and James are like...brothers! Which makes me nothing more than a little sister, if not that. It wouldnt be right to have feelings for your mate's sister," a frown pulled at the corner of her lips. These were things she typically only thought, shes never said them out loud, and doing so made the facts only seem to hurt more. Her soft eyes glossed over with forming tears, she blinked a few times and looked away, trying to get rid of them. She was a sensitive girl, and talking about her own feelings always brought out the cry baby in her.

Alexander continued, talking about Victoria's decision and the hurt James went through. Which was true, Paige saw it her self, he was wounded badly. But the next few things the Slytherin boy said made sense. James needed to know that just because one person had hurt him, others still care about him, including Victoria. Victoria may have been the one behind the gun but she still cares for James no less. But James was too hurt to notice that, so maybe...maybe hearing it from someone else would make him feel even the tiniest bit better. At this point, Paige's own feelings didnt matter to her anymore, Alexander made her realize she had the capability of restoring the feeling of being liked or loved. The shy girl glanced at James in the kitchen,"And would you not regret it, if you never tried to tell him at least once?" Paige looked to Alexander again,"Ive never even spoken to him," she admitted regretfully, with a hint of hoplessness written all over her face. Alexander's idea of helping James' emotions and restoring his ego and confidence woth women was great but how could the girl, who hardly spoke to anyone other than Greyson, even approach the Potter boy? "Besides...I think its a little too soon for more honest feelings for him..."

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Paige & Greyson Kingsley

Footsteps crunched toward Grey and Cassandra. The boy took a moment to peek around Cassandra and see who was coming. It was Iggy, the girl who stole Alexander's wand, at least thats how Greyson put it, but not in a bad way. "Oh its that girl," he said in a hushed tone to Cassandra,"Any idea who she is?" he inquired, with curiosity in his voice, not taking his eyes off her. When Iggy finally reached them Greyson smiled at her,"Oh hi," she said. She was awfully comfortable with approaching people...well, so is Greyson. Now that she was closer to him, the lad got a good look at her. "Tell me, why was James hiding a beauty like you in his backyard," he flashed his charming, boyish smile that he always had when being flirtatious. Grey raised his eyebrows and looked away in a sudden realization,"Actually he has every right, if he knows Im coming around," he mumbled. The Griffyndor boy let go of a playful laugh and stuck his hands further into his pockets, shrugging his shoulders to keep the cold from hitting the back of his neck,"And last night," he nodded looking at Iggy,"Your quick thinking saved me," despite his flirty intentions he meant it. Iggy had came in hust in time to take Alexander's wand,"Surely I must know the name of my hero? To whom do I owe this pleasure?" he asked for her name, rather smoothly I must say.

Though Greyson really didnt know her. As long as he knew James, he has never seen the girl in his life. Which was a surprise since the boy made it a point to go from girl to girl. But because he didnt know her, he wasnt sure if his chivalrous acts would get her swooning like the other,"easy, ditzy girls" as he would say. Sure those girls were cute and all, but they were almost too easy. Never gave him a reason to chase after them. Her reaction to his words would determine his next actions...


"Very happy," Victoria breathed out, wrapping her arms firmly around Andrew as she mentally praised herself. She'd known convincing Andrew to join the Order would be a piece of cake. Her euphoria caused by her victory was so strong that she didn't feel disappointed for not being able to use one of her many excuses. She'd spent hours making up different speeches and plans that could convince the others to join, hours that should've been used to rest considering her catastrophic schedule. Now that Andrew was willing to support the Order, the best part of the recruitment was closer than ever. While others found them incredibly hard, cruel and sightly traumatic- she had to admit they'd gotten out of hand in more than one occasion- she found them entertaining and fascinating. Seeing everyone's reaction to the different tests was always a delight and the challenges she'd planned were just fantastic. Luckily, everyone had been asleep when she'd sneaked a chest full of equipment inside. Remembering how excited everyone had been to play Quidditch, she got an idea to make everything even more interesting. "Just in time too, I'm about to set everything for the recruitment process. You stay here and prepare yourself, no peeking!" She exclaimed excitedly, sprinting upstairs to get everything she'd gotten to test the new recruits. It was a noisy and difficult journey, but Victoria finally found herself with her equipment in the backyard and got to work.
Paige Kingsely

'His own decision?' Well as long as he has his own decision in the end, its not really manipulation is it? Alexander commented that Grey would want her to be happy as well as his buddy, James, and that it wouldnt be hard for Greyson to approve of the boy...or would it? James was like the brother Greyson never had, but he also knew of James' flirtatious tendencies. Like himself, women played a big part in the Potter's ego. Would Greyson really want his dear little sister mixed up in that? Of course...Paige didnt know that about James. "I-I suppose..." she said softly, tilting her head in thought.

"Allow me to help you," Alexander offered. Paige was taken aback, why would a Slytherin boy, who only just met the Hufflepuff girl, want to help her. Whats the incentive, surely there must be something he'll be getting out of the whole thing. The girl raised an eyebrow curiously, feeling indifferent toward the boy now. Its not very Slytherin-like to just...want to help people. But the idea of that philosophy being a stereotype popped into her head. Alexander presented his last few claims before finally asking the question,"What do you have to lose?" he asked so nonchalantly. 'Oh, nothing...Just my heart...' she thought. But he was right, shed rather take a risk and find out than keeping things where they are now. Even if the boy doesnt share mutual feelings, she could help in some way by letting him know hes still admired, and perhaps the experience will bring closure, and who knows she might just move on. Paige looked at him for a moment, contemplating all these things and taking them in. Finally she close her eyes and sighed,"Alright.." she whispered reluctantly. 'I feel like I have just made a deal with the devil himself....'

Closing the discussion, the girl stood up from the couch, pulling down her nightgown to keep things modest,"I should change..." she said, more to herself than Alexander and with out another word or a reply from the Slytherin lad, she made her way to the stairs and climbed, her book in one hand. At the top she sighed, thinking if she made the right choice back downstairs. Paige didnt know the first thing about romance and "courting" as Alexander put it, was this really the best idea? She opened the door to the room she was staying in, placed the book back down on the night-stand and rummaged through her things for a set of clothes that werent her pajamas. She picked out a pair of jeans, a plain, burgundy longsleeved shirt, and a puffy vest to go with her brown, lace-up, boots. Paige didnt know a lot about 'fashion' and typically dressed according to her value of modesty. The short was tight fitting, and she wasnt too comfortable with it, so she zipped up the vest all the way up to her neck. She moved to the bed to slip on the boots and lace them, aglet by aglet. Till she reached the top where she pulled tight and tied them. The boots made her a teeny bit taller, and thats what she loved about them, she was a pretty small girl compared to most others her age. When she finished she stood up again, running her hands along her neck and pulling her brown hair that was under the vest she had put on, only to let it fall back down on her back, swishing with the motion. She was ready, and once again she picked up her book and left the bedroom, the book cracked open to where she left off...

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Alexander grinned as she agreed to his plan and rubbed his palms together in anticipation. He had probably just signed himself up for a long and tedious project that would take up a lot of her time and his but this was probably gonna be the most fun he had in years. "Certainly." He said to her promising himself the first thing he would do is change her wardrobe when he had the time, he had seen less modest monks before. Still she had surprised him earlier, she was stronger willed and more intelligent then might have expected at first glance, it had taken him awhile to convince he of anything. He would try to hook her up with James Potter, the poor girl seemed to deserve it though she might not completely thank him for the process with how shy she was. Well at least, not until he got them together. Despite what he said earlier he never entertained the idea of failure for entertaining the idea of failure meant that he believed he could be defeated. He would not allow that, those of his house we not allowed to fail.

Now done and since the conversation behind him was done as well he had no reason to delay here further and found himself kind of wondering where Victoria sprinted off to. He glanced at Andrew, his reluctance had been noted and he reminded himself to keep an eye on him. Standing, with a slight groan as he popped his back he stood to go find Victoria. It wasnt hard to find her, she was making some god awful noise is the backyard and he walked out spying her working on... Something. "Do I even want to ask?" He commented dryly looking at her. @HoneyBear\-Kat

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