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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

Logan Knight

Children born into the Knight family were always told not to escape who they were and the life they'd been born in. To turn your back against the culture you grew up in, the people who raised you, was a crime worse than murder. The adults had clearly been unable to make the children learn the message, for three out of the four Knight children were now blood traitors. Logan Knight had never cared about this lesson, and Victoria's bad influence clearly didn't help his development as the perfect pureblood. He'd always thought that once he ran away from his family, there would be no going back. That life would be forgotten forever and he would never have to face his childhood ever again.

He was wrong.

Those were all lies. Lies created by the mind of a scared child who wanted nothing more than to run away from all of the troubles he'd faced in his short life. Lies he'd forced himself to believe during those cold nights were not even his siblings could save him from his father and the rest of the Ministry of Magic. It was easier to think that once he left no one would look for him, thank to think of all of the ways his past could haunt his future. However, he was now sitting right in front of the one person who could show the life he'd running away from so easily, that he had to force himself not to accuse her of using polyjuice potion. Arabella acted too much like his father for his comfort. From her proud stance, to the way she was trying to manipulate others into thinking they needed her. It was surprising how Logan had been able to restrain from taking out his wand and hexing her, for no one with such a stance could be willing to help the Order. The only thing that stopped him from erasing her memory and kicking her out was the fact that Arabella not only resembled Robert, she also resembled Logan himself.

How could he deny helping a woman who was trying to escape her past as much as he was trying to escape his? If he did hex her, it would give the other members of the Order the rights to hex him for being the Minister's son. The way she swallowed after Arnaldus called her a Death Eater was enough prove. Yes, she could be a good actress, but his gut was telling him otherwise. You see, Arabella had done exactly what Logan would have done if he had been labeled a Death Eater. He would've swallowed to keep himself from showing any kind of fear and, most importantly, to avoid going insane as he defended himself. There was nothing a blood traitor hated more than to be called the thing they held such a strong hatred for. Being called a Death Eater was not only insulting, but it was also frightening. And besides, hadn't Victoria been friends with her? Victoria was friends with a large number of purebloods, most of them children of powerful members of the Ministry, but Arabella was different. You see, Victoria never mentioned the friends she cared for- not even to her siblings. It could put them at risk in case she left the family and his father needed to question someone about her whereabouts. She, however, always mentioned her pureblood friends in front of the Minister and always complimented them in front of the rest of the Knight family. Why? Because she was using them as bait. Her parents would blame her friends if she ever did something wrong, and her pureblood elitist friends would receive the Minister's wrath while Victoria watched from a safe distance as her enemies destroyed each other. Arabella had only been mentioned in a few occasions, and Victoria always insulted her every time she spoke of her friend. This meant Victoria actually cared for her friend, and if Arabella was anything like Andrew then she would be right next to the Minister in this very moment.

"We should let her stay," Logan concluded, his eyes now focusing on Arnaldus to see if he had his approval. "Arabella's right, if she was with the Minister then she would've told him about this place hours ago. Besides, if my father does take me to Azkaban then he probably wont take me to see Victoria unless he's taking me to see how she's being tortured so I can 'learn from her mistakes.'" Logan explained, his voice turning low and grave as he mimicked his father. He'd seen people under the Cruciatus curse, but he wouldn't put it past his father to try some other method of torture on his failure of an heir. A shiver went down his spine as he recalled the tale's he'd heard from the Death Eaters that patrolled the Knight manor, tales of how the prisoners in Azkaban were treated. If their treatment was anything like the one he'd heard of from the guards, then he would be surprised if they managed to escape in one piece.

"We can't afford to lose more people, and we can't deny others from joining the Order," Logan stated, now raising an eyebrow at Arabella to see her reaction. One that he hoped would be gratitude, for he was going through the risk of disobeying the Order he'd joined mere minutes ago. "As much as I hate it, Arabella is all we have. And we can't throw our one and only opportunity out of the window."

@HoneyBear-Kat @Saru
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Shit. Sorry guys, I didn't have internet for a while. I would love to continue this but... I really can't do anything if no one posts.

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