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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

Paige & Greyson Kingsley

Greyson gave a nod to Arnaldus, or...now Sebastian, then looked to Quinn who didnt seem too interested in introductions...maybe she couldnt think of a name. He waited for a quick moment before looking back to Logan, "Well thats everyone," he smiled, exhaling in the process."Im sure we'll all get along, and if you need anything, absolutely anything, let one of us know," he ruffled the younger boy's hair.

"So... is there anything you would like me to do? I don't want to be some extra weight for you lot so I intend to help. Just tell me anything you'd like me to do and I'll do it."

"Extra weight?" Greyson chuckled,"Alright, you want something to do, then?" He looked around, there really wasnt much that needed to be done. Greyson put one hand to his hip, the other under his chin while he thought. Paige did a pretty good job at keeping things tidy while they remained there. She did the cleaning while Greyson did the cooking. She knew how to cook as well but she hated doing so. Occasionally she would bake something for themselves but that was only when she felt like doing so. "Uhh...If you see a twelve foot snake wandering around...dont kill it," that wasnt exactly a job but Greyson felt responsible to let him know. The serpent had become Paige's new friend while Alexander was gone. She looked after it when she could, though the creature was pretty self sufficient. "I suppose we'll be needing some more wood for the fire later tonight, perhaps you could help my sister carry some in, later?" That seemed like an easy task. The siblings kept a supply of wood in the wild back yard. A yard that seemed to meet a forest of sorts, though Paige never wandered too far. With the crisp, end-of-winter/beginning-of-spring air, the nights were chilly and did indeed call for more firewood. Other than warmth, the fire provided its own form of comfort, which Arnaldus seemed to have taken a liking to.

Light foot steps thumped down the stairs as Paige made her way back down to her brother and the new ladbeside him. When she reached the bottom of the stairs she gathered her hair and twisted it, bringing it to the side, over her shoulder,"Its ready now," she smiled at Logan, her voice soft. Her eyes, temporarily regaining some of its azure luster, curved with the pull of her pink-lipped smile, her dark lashes helping to return their natural vibrancy,"Would you like to come see it now?" It was amazing how one young boy could change her attitude. Seeing Arnaldus alive also pepped her spirits as well, but there was something about children that really affected the girl. Was it their innocence? Their hilarious honesty? Or maybe it was the fact that always need love and care. And that is what Paige loved giving the most. Providing attention, protection, and compassion turned her stone heart back into its original softness. Paige extended a hand to the boy, the lad was almost as tall as her, if not at her height already. She was a tiny thing, and boys always hit growth spurts during their young years, and she was sure he had a few more to come, he was only thirteen after all. By fourteen or fifteen, he may be taller than her!

When he took her hand (granted, if he does) her fingers gently wrapped round his, holding him lightly while she pulled him along behind her, Greyson waving to him, thankful for the change Logan induced in his sister. The girl pulled him passed her taller brother and up the stairs,"If you would like it rearranged, please, dont hesitate to tell me. I want you to be comfortable while you stay with us." She informed him, leading the boy to the room, pushing the door open with one hand, and letting him go with the other. "This room wasnt being used until now. I tried dusting off most of it but there may still be some lingering around, I apologize," she said, moving to the window and opening it slightly so some dust particles can flow out. Paige turned around to face him, not really knowing what to do with herself now, and trying to avoid the awkwardness that always creeped up on her when talking to a new person. "If you need any extra clothes, maybe we can go into town and get you some, okay?" She smiled, then pointed to a wall to her left,"My room is right next door, so if you ever need anything, Im right there." Paige walked back to the door and stepped out into the hallway, pointing at several doors down the hallway,"The lavoratory is down that way, and there in another room down there, but that may go to our friends down stairs," she explained.

Downstairs, Greyson perked at the spund of a knock. Moving swiftly she went to the window with the curtains shut and subtley peeked to see who was on the porch. Grey gasped, shutting the curtain,"Its the headmaster," he whisper-yelled to Arnaldus,"What do I do?! He'll give us away," his eyes darted around trying tk think of a way to cover them up, how did the Headmaster know they were alive. Well, it doesnt matter, hes here, but what are they gonna do?

@Saru @Rui @thefan1 @Solemn Jester
Arnaldus observed for a moment noticing Greyson's nod or now Carter was it? He just remembered he didn't know Greyson's cover name for this operation of hiding details. "Oh yes.... We'd be happy to help." He spoke up after Greyson spoke of letting one of them know if he needed anything. He kept silent for awhile as Greyson spoke to the lad about the snake and what he could do for helping out around the house during his stay. All the while pondering of Quinn's silence and wondering if she was alright or perhaps she chose silence for a reason, maybe couldn't find a name for herself to use in place of her own true name while the lad was around. Or perhaps she wasn't all that comfortable yet being around people she just met and Arnaldus himself telling her little of the order before now when they were in hiding. Maybe he should have spoken more...... In fact there was no should, he simply had to tell her more about it all before now. She was after all tied to the order and in danger because of it, it was only right that Arnaldus tell her more then he had before now. Troubled or not it was something he should have done.

When Paige returned to the downstairs and noticing her smile and renewed look in her eyes. Arnaldus gave a smile though sure it was more because of the boy then anything, it was still good to see the old Paige he could remember from the earlier days in the order. When the pair left both Paige and Logan for the upstairs, Arnaldus now Sebastian for the time looked back to Greyson as he heard a knock at the door. As curious as Greyson was perked by the sound of the knock, he pondered of what or who was here and when Greyson mentioned it was the headmaster Arnaldus's mind leapt into thought of how to handle this situation. Greyson was right if handled incorrectly they would be given away, while on the other hand ignoring the door and not greeting the headmaster would be wrong as well and seem odd to the lad upstairs if he heard someone knock at the door or become aware of it. Not to mention the headmaster likely had good reason for coming and probably wanted to check on them after so much time had passed since they last seen one another.

Arnaldus looked to Greyson and gave a nod.
"If we don't answer it will seem odd for both sides. No? If Logan becomes aware he'll wonder why we didn't let him in or why we didn't answer. While the Headmaster himself could become curious as to what is going on. We may just have to risk it." Arnaldus spoke up in reply and turned to Paige for a moment giving a smile and gentle touch of his hand on her arm and sliding down as he walked for the door.

Looking to Greyson again and giving a smile, Arnaldus paused at the door for a moment and composed himself more certain of what to say now then he had at first.
"Let me see if I can smooth things over into mutual understanding and approach of the situation." He spoke trying to ease Greyson's mind for a moment while he went for the door and casually opened it and greeted the headmaster. " Ah long awaited greetings Headmaster, I hope you don't mind our situation here. A little catching up and approaching things carefully now days. Do come in though, please and welcome to our humble abode...." Arnaldus greeted and gestured for him to come in while hinting slightly to the situation they were in and keeping silent of the order and true names. "We.... Uh..... Well we're having quite the meeting today, some guests we just met and have with us here. Careful though still..... Approaching things just so as to avoid trouble. Especially with the times and all. Hope you understand and don't take it wrongly if we seem odd ... Sir I'm sure you'll see and understand soon enough." Arnaldus spoke with average volume but quiet enough to avoid being too loud for others upstairs to hear. He seemed rather calm and collected despite it all, rather smooth and coming up with it all on the spot while trying to keep hints running as they were needed and without causing them to be given away. "But.... Good to see you again Sir. It's been awhile and I'm sure you had quite the travel getting here. Everything well or as well as can be?" He asked and knew from his own experience with Quinn that it was likely a fair bit of looking before getting here, unless they were discovered sooner through a different method and in that case they could be in some trouble sooner or later if they were tracked somehow. Perhaps through magic? He thought recalling the ministry had the ability to track underage magic that was away from hogwarts. Remembering the incendio spell and wondering if that was it and if that could Identify them alone like a blood sample could match to someone in particular.

He gave a look to Greyson and Quinn for a moments glance and giving a small smile. He wasn't certain if he was getting through or if it would work it all came to him on the fly, but it was something and perhaps would work.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Rui @thefan1 @Solemn Jester
Quinn gave him a small smile in return, but her her eyes were darting as she took in the people, sorting them into good, bad, and maybe.
Saru said:
Arnaldus observed for a moment noticing Greyson's nod or now Carter was it? He just remembered he didn't know Greyson's cover name for this operation of hiding details. "Oh yes.... We'd be happy to help." He spoke up after Greyson spoke of letting one of them know if he needed anything. He kept silent for awhile as Greyson spoke to the lad about the snake and what he could do for helping out around the house during his stay. All the while pondering of Quinn's silence and wondering if she was alright or perhaps she chose silence for a reason, maybe couldn't find a name for herself to use in place of her own true name while the lad was around. Or perhaps she wasn't all that comfortable yet being around people she just met and Arnaldus himself telling her little of the order before now when they were in hiding. Maybe he should have spoken more...... In fact there was no should, he simply had to tell her more about it all before now. She was after all tied to the order and in danger because of it, it was only right that Arnaldus tell her more then he had before now. Troubled or not it was something he should have done.
When Paige returned to the downstairs and noticing her smile and renewed look in her eyes. Arnaldus gave a smile though sure it was more because of the boy then anything, it was still good to see the old Paige he could remember from the earlier days in the order. When the pair left both Paige and Logan for the upstairs, Arnaldus now Sebastian for the time looked back to Greyson as he heard a knock at the door. As curious as Greyson was perked by the sound of the knock, he pondered of what or who was here and when Greyson mentioned it was the headmaster Arnaldus's mind leapt into thought of how to handle this situation. Greyson was right if handled incorrectly they would be given away, while on the other hand ignoring the door and not greeting the headmaster would be wrong as well and seem odd to the lad upstairs if he heard someone knock at the door or become aware of it. Not to mention the headmaster likely had good reason for coming and probably wanted to check on them after so much time had passed since they last seen one another.

Arnaldus looked to Greyson and gave a nod.
"If we don't answer it will seem odd for both sides. No? If Logan becomes aware he'll wonder why we didn't let him in or why we didn't answer. While the Headmaster himself could become curious as to what is going on. We may just have to risk it." Arnaldus spoke up in reply and turned to Paige for a moment giving a smile and gentle touch of his hand on her arm and sliding down as he walked for the door.

Looking to Greyson again and giving a smile, Arnaldus paused at the door for a moment and composed himself more certain of what to say now then he had at first.
"Let me see if I can smooth things over into mutual understanding and approach of the situation." He spoke trying to ease Greyson's mind for a moment while he went for the door and casually opened it and greeted the headmaster. " Ah long awaited greetings Headmaster, I hope you don't mind our situation here. A little catching up and approaching things carefully now days. Do come in though, please and welcome to our humble abode...." Arnaldus greeted and gestured for him to come in while hinting slightly to the situation they were in and keeping silent of the order and true names. "We.... Uh..... Well we're having quite the meeting today, some guests we just met and have with us here. Careful though still..... Approaching things just so as to avoid trouble. Especially with the times and all. Hope you understand and don't take it wrongly if we seem odd ... Sir I'm sure you'll see and understand soon enough." Arnaldus spoke with average volume but quiet enough to avoid being too loud for others upstairs to hear. He seemed rather calm and collected despite it all, rather smooth and coming up with it all on the spot while trying to keep hints running as they were needed and without causing them to be given away. "But.... Good to see you again Sir. It's been awhile and I'm sure you had quite the travel getting here. Everything well or as well as can be?" He asked and knew from his own experience with Quinn that it was likely a fair bit of looking before getting here, unless they were discovered sooner through a different method and in that case they could be in some trouble sooner or later if they were tracked somehow. Perhaps through magic? He thought recalling the ministry had the ability to track underage magic that was away from hogwarts. Remembering the incendio spell and wondering if that was it and if that could Identify them alone like a blood sample could match to someone in particular.

He gave a look to Greyson and Quinn for a moments glance and giving a small smile. He wasn't certain if he was getting through or if it would work it all came to him on the fly, but it was something and perhaps would work.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Rui @thefan1 @Solemn Jester
Theodore walked inside without a word, eyeing all the inhabitants. He sighing as he half listened to to Arnaldus ramble on incoherently. After he finished Theodore spoke up but not in a very loud voice." My dear boy, I did not go through hell to track you all down. So you could talk nonsense, what your worried about I have no idea, this place is completely protected. I assured to that myself." Theodore said as he walked around looking at the house decor. The floor seemed to creak beneath his feet, and he took out his wand. With a single spell the creaking stopped," ah much better that was far to annoying. As I was saying, i would very much like to know what has happened since your escape, and more so what you plan to do next?" Theodore raised a eyebrow quizzically at them all."Please speak freely, your among Allies, and friends. But I'd advice you to change your location. I found you quite easily and I'm only headmaster, it shouldn't take much longer for the dark lord to find you. Unless you get a secret keeper that is, although only a skilled wizard would do. Otherwise they'd be captured to easily," Theodore finished and waited for them to speak in response his wand still in hand.

@Saru @HoneyBear-Kat @Rui @thefan1
Big Collab Post, read it all because i interupted homework and life to write this and fluffy made it possible

Adam Bouska crept quietly through the forests surrounding Azkaban, the world was quiet and still missing the songs of birds and nature that usually accompanied a deep wood. “This forest has an evil air, the influence of Azkaban does not end at its walls.” He mused to himself as he crept through the forest, carefully measuring every step. Any noise could draw attention and be fatal, dementors often stalked the skies as he learned from experience and dark creatures filled these forest. This trek was riskier than usual, penetrating close to the massive castle full of misery and death.

The beginnings of this idea lie with one of his father's acquaintances, a member of the prison guard of Azkaban. For some times Adam had been all but locked in the house frustrated by his lack of ability. He had wished to join the order since its creation but finding it was difficult though the fact he hadn’t found them perhaps this face had spared him when the ministry cracked down on the order killing many. He had dreaded the order was now extinct but the guards words revealed at least two of the legendary order was still alive. A girl, what's more one of the ruling Knight family was inexplicably in Azkaban. Why? Because she claimed to be a member of the order of the phoenix. In addition there was a man always at her side, who supposedly killed two guards with nothing but his fist. They even shared the same cell in an unprecedented arrangement. Their situation was unordinary, but also heavily watched. Now after days of effort of finding a clean way through he would approach the fortress to see if he could see them in person, if he could confirm their identities then perhaps he would be able to find the rest of the order, if they haven't given up their hiding spots.

Azkaban was dreadful, even for a witch or wizard that wasnt being held captive. The inside was dark and dingey with little to no lighting, the air was damp from the angry ocean waves surrounding it. The walls dripped with seeping ocean water. Arabella hated it here, but she had no choice. The Death Eaters watched the Order prisoners in intervals, and this week it was her family’s turn to stand guard. Aside from occasionally pacing infront of the cell, Ara had her own job. The spoiled pureblood never liked the idea of being on her feet for hours, exerting energy to pace back and forth. No. If she was going to waste energy it would be for more than just that. Her parents granted her the job of leaving the prison to scout for any surviors of the Order that managed to get away. Or, to locate any other organized groups that may be rising against the Minister.

Bella’s family contained a long line of animagi. It was tradition that as a coming of age initiation, you participate in the long-term, painstakingly tedious magic that made you an animagus, in your third year (when introduced to transfiguration). “Arabella, why dont you run along and do your little job,” her mother shooed her with her hand. Her luminous green eyes glared at the older woman, she hated when her parents talked to her like a child. Yet she said nothing. The girl leaned her back against the outside wall of Victoria’s and Alexander’s cell, her arms crossed, a bored expression on her face. When her mother told her to get going, she pushed off of it, and turned to walk down the long, clamy hallway. She strode with heavy intent, her expensive heeled boots, knocking on the cracked concrete floor, her blonde hair, tied up in a high pony tail, bounced on her back with each step, not a hair out of place. She wore a black dress, with long, see-through sleeves, and a high neckline, the bottom hem reaching down to her thigh, cinched at the waist. Her slender, fair neck, adorned with dazzling crystal heirlooms, and a matching bracelet on her right wrist, absolutely priceless. In a matter of seconds, her body condensed into that of a large raven. Black feathers, with hints of violet in the light, and a white feathery collar around the chest, mimicking her human fashion. The sound of flapping feathers wisped in the halls as she landed on one of the slitted windows of the prison. She stood there for a moment, talons gripping the edge, black eyes watching the ocean storm take place just outside. She was preparing herself, flying through a storm was never easy, and those dementors...they were nasty things. Time was wasting, and Arabella dove beak first off the window’s ledge, then opened her large wings to glide. Her body twisting and turning to fight against the changing wind currents, avoiding the dementors as much as she could, keeping a sharp eye for any Order members.

The two in the cells, Victoria and Alexander, had not made a habit of talking to the guards or even acknowledging other than Alexander's cold, almost snake like eyes and Victoria’s shifting attitudes as he own mind took her deeper into insanity. Alexander watched her leave now his eyes dark and lethal being one of the last things she saw before leaving the area of the cell. Meanwhile Adam blinked rain from his eyes as he cautiously stepped through the woods, it was always raining here, almost like the tears of those trapped into Azkaban were leaking to the outside world representing fear and loss. Adam knew he should probably be using the disillusionist charm but unfortunately he wasn’t the most powerful wizard in the world which made maintaining it difficult, he was a clever duelist but not a particularly strong one. But he did all he could to stay unnoticed, and wearing a dark black cloak in the rain and darkness of the night meant he was near impossible to see, at least for an ordinary person. His greatest fear was the dementors would sense him and catch him but from what he knew they were only let out at certain parts of the day for they affected the guards psyche as much as their prisoners.

Passing through the dementors was fairly easy, they learned to recognize her and in return saved her from any trouble amongst themselves. She flew for a long period of time. Reaching land after what felt like hours, the animagus entered a rural area inhabited by muggles. It was quiet, and the population didnt seem like much. She circled overhead, her eyes focusing on any movement down below. The most she saw was maybe a garden snake or two, and a rabbit hopping about, but other than that the sleepy little town was still. The houses had large amounts of land between them before reaching the next one. That is until, movement caught her eye. A humanoid figure in front of a house. The raven dove for a post attached to a wooden fence across the road that winded in front of the house. Her wings flapped to stop herself, claws gripping into the wood. She eyed the person with a sideways glance and when the door opened, her interest was piqued.

Adam was getting close, he could tell by the chill in the air, getting on the island was challenging every time, it was hard to remain completely undetected when you were approaching an island, at least it was always raining else it would probably be impossible to sneak up on the island on a beautiful summer day. He was just starting to unwrap his broom, unaware someone may be overhead already. Getting on his broom carefully he started rising in the storm doing his best to get steady. Azkaban was an island so this was the only way there for him. He got on his broom and took off into the storm. It didn't take long to reach the island itself on a firebolt but he was soaked, keeping his body warm with a spell he landed shivering not from the cold but the clamminess of the water on his skin.

The large bird watched from a distance, trying to listen in on the voices that came from the house on the empty street. When the door closed it was silent once again. She had to get a closer look. Flapping her wings she fluttered to the window sill next to the porch. The curtains of the window prevented her from looking inside but she could hear the muffled voices inside, mostly male voices. The window made it impossible to decipher what they were saying, she had to think of something else. Jumping off the thin ledge she flew around the house, stopping at the next window at the back. It belonged to the back door that led into the back yard. It was a small window, but see-through none of the less. Her talons gripped the wood as tightly as possible to stay leveled. Peering inside she looked past the kitchen and directly into the living room. ‘Three boys...and a girl?’ she thought. She recognized them somewhat, the one with the girl who clung to his arm every time she saw him, the other man, older...is that..the headmaster of hogwarts? And the last, tall, dark hair with blue eyes. Oh yes, he was the one who tried to hit on her at Victoria’s wedding...but.. didnt he have a sister? Her head turned when the creak of a window being opened caught her attention from the second floor,’So theres more…’ Arabella pushed off the door, moving up to the next floor. She landed on a part of the roof that covered the first floor, the open window right above it, so close someone could crawl through and sit on the roof’s ledge. She landed, taking a quick look, and sure enough there was the girl. Standing in the hallway pointing and talking a young boy. She was describe the inside of the house to him,’A new addition?’ Well she had all the evidence she needed, and she had to begin her journey back, despite her exhaustion.

Bella was lucky, for two months she had been searching and never went back to report anything. She had never thought to check this small neighborhood, she didnt think anyone would want to live here. But today, she was glad she did, and it paid off. But something bothered her. The decision of actually reporting it. Her black eyes blinking at the two, she couldnt bear the thought of having them attacked without preparing at least. Should she warn them? No, they wouldnt trust her, working under the death eaters and all. Besides, they were the only chance of freedom she had. If they managed to really bring down the Minister (and perhaps imprison her awful parents) then she would be granted the privilege of making her own choices. Ara envied them, they didnt have a ball and chain around both feet, their hands werent bound, they didnt have a tight leash around their neck, a leash the Minister and her family held tightly, nor was their mouth sewn shut, only to have others speak for her. Suppose thats why going out on these recon jobs wasnt a total drag, she was able to transfigure at will, into a creature that knows nothing but freedom. Arabella turned into something she wanted the most, and even then, she wasnt close to actually retaining it.

The black raven turned and flew off, she was gone for a while now, traveling farther than usual. She had to return before they grow suspicious, otherwise she would have earned herself a punishment. Time passed as she neared the prison again. Flying over a forest before it dropped into a cliff that lead to the everlasting ocean storm. The rain had started, thats how she knew she was close, mentally cursing the brutal weather. She hated rain, everything about it. Below her a small movement, on the island the prison rested on, distracted her. Nothing ever came this close to Azkaban, not even animals. The dementors emitted enough eerie feelings for both man and beast to turn tail and leave, and the Death Eaters remained inside to keep dry. But being the daughter of a family that worked for Death Eaters, it was part of her duty to guard the place as well, so she decided to scope it out. The rain ruffled her feathers while she dove at a high speed. And once she broke through the island’s forest canopy she could see that the distraction was a man. Unacceptable. She aimed for the ground in front of him, but before she fully landed she morphed back into her human form in a flurry of black shadow and feathers that touched the ground. Her wand was drawn and she took one or two steps closer to him, still keeping a cautious distance. The rain began to soak her immediately upon transfiguring. Her blonde ponytail, that was so perfect, turned clumpy, dripping at the ends onto her back and face. Her black dress, that was probably worth more than the trespasser's existence, was soaked, feeling heavy and sticking to her womanly form. And her shoes, oh those expensive, adorable shoes, they were ruined, her heel beginning to sink in the mud under her. But she didnt care, she stared at him, wand threateningly pointed his way, her green eyes looking annoyed, with a stance that kept her legs slightly apart,”You dont belong here…” her voice was demanding, interrogative, trying to speak loudly over the heavy pitter patter of rain hitting large leaves and the ground, or the rumbling thunder over head, green eyes as lush as the hydrated foliage around her were glued to him with eyebrows pinching together.

“So far so good.” He thought to himself as he crept through the woods without a sound, any noise he might have made masked by the noise of the storm. As far as he was concerned he was all but invisible, of course he had no idea that he was not being watched by the eyes of a human but a gaze far sharper than any of those were watching him. But the ability to change shapes was rare, how could he expect one such person to be in Azkaban and even out in this storm? Nevertheless whether through his bad luck or just pure coincidence they happened to pass the same area leading to him getting seen. The second he heard a voice behind him he started for a second but turned, pulling out his wand with a sinking feeling knowing if the person behind him hadn’t called out he could be dead right now. “Not a good start.” He thought to himself his eyes meeting the girls in front of him. His eyes were a gentle hazel, much harder to see then the girls brilliant green but were the color of honey and warm. Those very same eyes also couldn’t help slide across her form as her dress stuck to her, revealing all her curves in a way that left little imagination. He swallowed once, though whether from fear or something else was impossible to say even for him. “Do you? Not many willingly go into a storm.” He said kind of proud he kept his voice level, not sounding threatening but inquisitive and cool.

His question stunted her. Why would he ask that? Of course she did, why else would she tell him he didn't belong there. Still she stood her ground, her wand firm in her hand, and her face still unwavering with no emotion except irritation. She ignored his comment, taking a step closer and commanding,”Leave,” in a serious manner. She was granting him a second chance, if he was smart he would do as she said.

He was tempted to leave for the moment, he could easily try again another day and hopefully not have to deal with the one in a million chance of someone actually being around to see him. Nevertheless he narrowed his eyes, wand unwavering as he held his wand up confidently, at least he hoped. He might have been somewhat shivering in the rain even if he couldn’t feel the cold because of his spell his entire body felt clammy. “Afraid I can't do that,” He said carefully. “I'm here to find someone.” He said making his intentions clear, he would probably have to kill this girl to remain undiscovered. The thought made him sick to his stomach.

Well that was rather easy. Her next step was to ask what business he had, lurking about around Azkaban, but he did it for her. But who was he looking for? “Unless youre looking for certain death, then by all means,” the girl crossed her arms, turning her wand away from him,”Be my guest.” Arabella raised her head, holding it high while leaning to one side, ignoring the rain dumping on her as well as his wandering eyes over her soaked body. It irked her, and the only way she signified it was by grimacing at him. ”It’ll keep me from doing it myself and wasting my skill,” her green eyes looked at him up and down,”Youre not worth my effort anyway…” She turned from him, her arms falling back to her sides, preparing to transfigure once again and leave.

As she turned away her wand he couldn’t help but stare in disbelief for a moment, was she really letting him go like it was nothing? That was not the actions of a hardline death eater. Just exactly who was this girl? As he struggled to decide whether to flee or push forward he got the insane urge to question her motives of the girl who was probably sparing his life considering one dark mark fired into the air would reveal his position to the entire island. “Then can you tell me something, recently two high profile prisoners should have came in, one Victoria Knight and a boy with her, have you seen them? Are they still alive?” He questioned feeling reckless to let her know his goal and a bit stupid.

Arabella stopped, rolling her her eyes while she turned to look at him again. She stared him down, deciding whether or not to really tell him. She didn't care about his well being or what he would do with the information. He should count himself lucky she was letting him go, but she provided him the information he wanted, he would just get himself killed if he tried anything. But he wanted to leisurely walk into his own demise, who is she to stop him. Bella shrugged,”They probably won't be for long,” she broke the silence,”Not with the way they're being treated. Its sad really,” she sighed, looking down at her muddy shoes,”Fighting for a good cause but being treated as traitors, and by her own father too,” she said indifferently,”But that's not my problem,” she turned away from him again,”There's no point in hoping anymore…” her voice turned solemn now that she turned her back on him. And while she faced away, she dropped the stone cold act for a moment, her eyebrows furrowing in an almost worried manner, and a frown subtley playing on her lips. Truth be told, the Order provided a small chance to gain her freedom. But with Victoria captured....things seemed grim. .

After her answer he felt a sense of vindication. This trip was not a waste, two members of the order of the phoenix were actually here and one of the girls was Victoria Knight herself! He knew he needed to think clearly however and from the way she said it, it seemed they were in bad shape. Not to mention the way she spoke revealed while she guarded Azkaban or at least the island she was no hard core fanatic, he wondered what she was doing here. He dropped his wand, putting it back in his cloak before walking up, spreading his cloak over both their heads to cover their heads from the rain. “If there alive that’s something.” He said his voice positive and light. “Can we talk?” He asked his eyes meeting hers.

Arabella stood motionless, hearing him approach her. When he covered both him and herself with his cloak, her eyes looked up at it. Ara’s face automatically returned to its normal, cold state when his presence came back. She scowled at the cloak and stepped out from under it, getting away from him. He tried remaining positive, but she scoffed, they were going through more hell being alive than dead. In her opinion, the two prisoners were better off being put out of their misery. Even for the ice queen, that was serious torture, being kept barely alive...its just cruel. “What could you possibly talk about with me?”
Saru said:
As the headmaster walked in and responded, Arnaldus shook his head realizing his saying without saying was a failed attempt. Normally he could get through and speak far more effectively then this but perhaps he was losing his touch or merely out of practice for quick thought responses, either way the younger wizard put that behind him and listened to the headmaster speak. Giving a nod and looking toward the stairs to ensure Logan wasn't coming down quite yet, " You misunderstand headmaster sir..... We have guests who have yet realized who we are exactly and has not been told. A young lad who will be staying here for a time and would be best kept in the dark for now as to our true identities and status as wanted wizards and witches who oppose the ministry. He's unaware of our status as members of the order." Arnaldus cleared up what he had tried saying without actually stating it aloud before. "As for the seeing to our protection with a spell.... What do you mean? The caterwauling charm by chance?" Arnaldus asked out of curiousity pondering of the spell used to protect the place though the caterwauling charm was more of a alarm spell, it would have been a effective spell to alert them of other presences near and on the property. "Or perhaps protege maxima used along with the charm?..... Well no matter I suppose it doesn't matter. It's done and that's one thing off my mind. Thank you," he continued ending his curiosity as he knew well it wasn't important and merely was curious.
Arnaldus then took recollection of memories once more and replayed them over in his mind in rapid flashes and muffled voices speaking seemingly in fast forward. He soon placed a hand on his head and gave a slight shake to rid himself of the memories, while composing himself again to answer the question.
"Well headmaster...... I can't say for certain other then a few recently known discoveries about what Paige and Greyson have been doing. But I and Quinn well we escaped and hid out for a time, when my signal at the wedding of blasting the manor for multiple purposes didn't work as completely as planned, we fought off hose surrounding us and escaped hiding out at Quinn's manor.... When we arrived I tried another signal that also failed, by signing my signature of A.R and the rough drawing of a badger in the sky in red flares it didn't work either and luckily it was far enough away in the sky and general enough not to draw much attention of the unwanted kind. Since then I have been..... Uh...hmm" Arnaldus then paused realizing only a few were aware of that fact, actually knew of his animagus form and status, Paige, Camilla, Quinn, Apus and Victoria were the only ones besides his brother.

"Well.... I used my animagus form to wander around more freely in public and risky areas to try and find everyone, atleast signs and clues. I ended up trying places I long wrote off as possibilities due to their risks of being known to the ministry with their connection to us, after some time of looking and two months later Quinn and I finally found Paige and Greyson here today. That's what I and Quinn have been doing since the escape." Arnaldus answered the question and took a moment to really think of what was next for them. "Well sir in truth I don't believe we have anything solid yet. Until today and seeing one another we were quite certain the others were dead and still believe some are likely dead outside of us, no word and no signs and all its quite easy to see that sad possibility. We haven't discussed much about plans yet, regrouping is the start and finding answers to questions left unanswered would be another step.... Moving forward without knowing certain facts often leave tactics Ill prepared and full of holes, we could get caught off guard by something simple, if not fully thought out and prepared." He added

"Location wise..... Well that's a bit tricky right now. Magic could lead to our discovery if used and traveling about for long periods aimlessly is risky as well. What location could possibly be used that won't be known to the ministry and for certain is safe for us to use in the time being? Relatives, friends, hogwarts, prior used locations connected to the order are all out of the question. What's left headmaster?" Arnaldus posed the question to the headmaster Theodore. "Sir...... We are young yes and don't know everything quite yet in our world of magic and spells, but if weren't skilled and powerful young wizards and witches, we would have died long ago. I think I and anyone here could be a keeper well enough..... We have survived this long and accomplished more then most could at our age, some older haven't even got this far against the ministry. Or tried in some cases." He continued but soon shook his head. "But I know..... Sorry that wasn't your point. A keeper if used would need certain skills and level of ability to last long enough to do us any good...... Wait.... What about using a location that has connection to not our order but a previous order? Some would be likely long abandoned and forgotten by now." Arnaldus asked simply out of proposal, if they needed to change locations and few options were possible now. Turning to history and past wars may provide something useful for a time atleast in his mind.

@HoneyBear-Kat @thefan1 @Rui
Theodore was beginning to become slightly annoyed by the situation." Guest you say? So why would you have guest when you are indeed wanted wizard?" Theodore stood up and began Pacing the room." Who are your guest? Muggles, wizards? They must be pretty out of the loop if they're unaware of your status as wanted wizards. I'd assume that even the muggles would have been made aware of this fact." Theodore continued to pace contemplating things as he moved his wand fixing little things here and there." You are foolish, and arrogant if you believe any of you can last much longer. The dark lord must be very busy if he hasn't caught you yet. Most likely leaving you to his lackies, and even then without being well prepared you can only last so long. Not being able to use magic is a issue, but while I'm here I may be able to assist you with this. I cannot stay long, as you know I am still headmaster, and I cannot make it so that you can use magic. However I can help you by becoming secret keeper, whether for this place or another. That is for you to decide, I cannot think of a place to send you to. But if you do find a location inform me immediately, in whatever way possible. I'd suggest by owl, being headmaster I received owls all the time, so no one would be the wiser. As for your friends. I cannot say for sure whether all of them are safe, but they are for the most part alive." Theodore stopped pacing and turned back to Arnaldus, he looked down at him contemplating, then spoke again cooly." Well last i checked they were alive anyways, I doubt the dark lord would kill all of them. He probably intends to get information about your whereabouts from them. So I suppose the longer you take to make your next decision, the longer they get tortured, and the closer they get to death." Theodore put his wand away and thought of what they could do next." I have drawn a blank, so I wish to know what you've decided, as far as If you wish to stay here, or move to a different location. Whatever you choose I shall gladly assist you by becoming secret keeper."

@Saru @Rui @HoneyBear-Kat @thefan1
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Arnaldus eyed the headmaster curiously both pondering the words spoken by him and the opposite of Arnaldus himself being surprised in some ways by those very words. He couldn't answer for everything exactly in relation to the young wizard but did know atleast a small bit. "A guest so young and alone it's only natural to offer assistance even in such times and especially during such dangerous times. We haven't lost our humanity after all and though he's at risk with us..... It's a small advantage for him to have shelter and somewhere relatively safe to sleep and eat during a ongoing war, ministry and the order or what remains free and among the living. So why not have a guest among us?" He turned back the question in answer of the headmasters own. Though whether he was a wizard or muggle Arnaldus couldn't say for certain at the moment, but he had a feeling he was a wizard for some reason. If the pair appirated to the house and the lad didn't have any reactions to it, then it would lead one to believe he must be a wizard. "As for whether they are a wizard or muggle I can say with some belief he would be a wizard, based on certain facts. And whether they are out of the loop, playing along or simply has been to distracted to know. The fact is the young lad is unaware for now as far we can tell and that should suffice."

When he headmaster continued and seemed to pace with a wand in hand mid motion as the elder wizard fixed things here and there. Arnaldus couldn't help but boil at the headmasters words.... Foolish, arrogant if they any of them could believe they could last much longer against the dark lord and his forces out there. The past few months has tested the younger wizard from hufflepuff, changing him in some ways and in potentially temporary ways or maybe permanent ways. The once calm, cool and collected Arnaldus was at war with his control of emotions, struggling to keep himself in tact..... And hearing the headmaster respond set his struggle into the fray once more. He turned for a moment and walked toward Quinn, Greyson and then toward the stairs where Paige had last been seen walking up with Logan. A odd timed smile crossing his face as memories of the early days came to mind, soon turning a look of sadness as the less happy memories came to him bringing back the recalled deaths of his fallen friends and fellow mates of the order.... His lips counting along as each face long since dead passed through his mind, their names mouthed by him as they passed on through his thoughts. Suddenly his head shook and his face showed a anger and rage not often seen from Arnaldus or even in his expression, feeling his blood boil seemingly as more memories came to him and the return to reality struck him.

Arnaldus clenched his fists and straightened himself back into somewhat a reasonable composed expression. While turning back to the headmaster releasing his clenched fists into open hands.
"Yes.... Foolish, arrogant even..... We're just that headmaster sir. If they believe as I do and I believe as they do that we have a chance to still live longer then we have already, that we can continue on and fight the damn corrupt regime that dictates our world, our future." He paused relaxing himself silently as to prevent venting his frustrations about it all, about everything. " Then we are all foolish and arrogant rebels who have a sense of belief that we may yet live on, fight on and raise bloody hell like always against a dark lord who yet has fully succeeded in bringing us all down permanently. We may be weakened in numbers, we may struggle internally, we may bloody argue amongst ourselves in difference..... But we live still. Paige and Greysom have been part of this for awhile now and they have fough and lived so far, Quinn has been allied to us for a couple of months and she lives, and I well.... I still live. We have fought, we have died, we have survived and we still hold some resilience and are resolute. So yes we are foolish, we may be arrogant but that's what has got this far against a enemy greater in power, number, age and experience. If not for the order who else would stand up and take the fight to the dark lord and his death eaters? If not for us arrogant fools who still remain at student age would take our place and fight? We started something months ago and have grown both in number and power and earned our experience with the loss of blood, sweat and tears all the while balancing ourselves and our schedules. But not only start.... But with potential living friends and fallen ones we intend to finish this damn war and turn this ray of hope into a reality. I know I intend see this through and see no reason why I should believe we'll die soon or otherwise. Or should the others believe it.... We live and have survived this long with some success and if others do then all the more reason to keep up our strength and confidence for without it we'll die all the same!" Arnaldus spoke adamant, passionate and softly as his tone would allow in such a worked up state. "We have one advantage sir..... Where the dark lord may be powerful and great in number, we hold growth and the unknown. Why we could use this place as a secret keeper location, we could also turn to old but effective tactics.... Keep moving and use this as a fail safe location for meetings and knowing where to look. Whether the dark lord is busy or not we have kept alive and it's not just luck headmaster....... We have our own abilities and strengths to keep us alive, this wouldn't be our first experience in dangerous situations less you have forgotten." He added

"However my opinion is one and I wouldn't place their lives in my hands through forcing a go along with my thought. A collective input would be welcomed and the best move going forward." Arnaldus spoke giving a pause and turning the room over to the others present in Greyson and Quinn while wondering if Paige was able to overhear anything going on downstairs with them or if Logan had caught anything.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Rui @Solemn Jester @thefan1
When Logan entered the room, he was greeted with a feeling he'd thought he would never feel, the feeling of having a home. The feeling of feeling welcome, the one of having someone to trust. The room wasn't as grand and big as his room in the Knight manor, but it was perfect. He didn't want a queen sized bed, he didn't want the largest desk in the world, he didn't t want a parlor in his room. He just wanted a simple place where he knew he would be able to feel like a normal child with a happy family. "It's perfect," Logan breathed our with a small smile plesteded upon his face. He gave Persephone a grateful smile and shrugged when she asked him if he wanted to go shopping for more clothes. "Do you think we can go afterwards? I promised your brother to help him with the wood. Then again, if we go now we can buy treats for everyone. I know a good sweet shop that hasn't been destroyed, yet." the boy suggested, his smile fading when he heard the commotion dowstairs.

"Did you hear that?" He asked, instantly taking out his wand in case they were going to face some kind of danger downstairs. He wasn't going to let the kind siblings who had taken him in so nicely be injured by anyone. It was odd, wanting to take care of some strangers. But then again, it was either them or going back to his family. Filled with determination, Logan didn't wait for the girl's reply and instead ran to the stairs, where he stopped to watch scene. "Headmaster?" The boy askee with a rather comicall shocked expression.

(I know the post is crappy, but I'm in a rehearsal and the director is going crazy)
(Oh i was waiting on you @thefan1 sorry...um...guess i could post for just Grey)


(Wait nevermind, guess i just didnt get the alert of your Logan post)
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Paige and Greyson Kingsley

Greyson's face scrunched at the nose when the headmaster decided to lecture them on their guest. Yes they were wanted wizards, considered traitors to the Ministry, but so were many others. The wanted "criminals" were anyone who conspired against the Ministry, and those under their current roof werent the only ones. No names were given, yet, and even if there was, the Order had fake names. They would really worry if faces were attached to said names in wanted ads posted everywhere. But for now it hasnt come to that yet, so there was no need to panic. Azure eyes watched the headmaster while he paced, straightening things as he went along, to fixing them to his liking. Grey was irked. Theodore was the head master, no doubt about that, and the lad had a high amount of respect for him, especially after paying them a visit during a time like this. He himself could be in a huge amount of trouble for that. But coming into the home and toddling with the objects in it, it just bothered him for some reason. "You are foolish and arrogant if you believe any of you can last much longer," Theodore scolded. Greyson huffed a scoff in his throat with crossed arms. He was annoyed now. Not only was the Order being but put on the spot, but so was Grey's ego. The lad gritted his teeth, the clenching made the outline of his jaw predominant, and looked to the side, away from the headmaster.

Theodore continued, telling them that it was a good idea to leave their current hide out. Greyson couldnt disagree, it was never smart to stay in one place for too long when on the run. But they couldnt leave. The Order has presumed Victoria and Alexander dead, but what if there was a small chance they are alive. Greyson hasnt quite given up on that optimisim, and for Paige's sake he cant.


How would she feel if they had to leave? This house was the closest thing she had to Alexander, the closest connection to him (beside his snake of course). She wouldnt want to part with him a second time. And Greyson wouldnt want her being more upset with him than she already is after forcing her to leave Alexander back at the wedding those two months ago. Greyson looked back the headmaster, his irritation growing into anger. But before he could say anything he might regret, Arnaldus broke in. Arnaldus couldnt have answered the Headmaster any better. The animagus had a knack for keeping a leveled head through times with tension. Definitely something everyone should have. Greyson bit his tongue, letting Arnaldus do the talking, and the boy couldnt agree more.

Grey had calmed a little after Arnaldus shared his piece and asked for additional input. Greyson paused for a moment, with arms still crossed, he nodded his head and looked at the two of them," I couldnt agree more," he unraveled his arms and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans,"We cant leave...not now. These are difficult times but not completely hopeless yet," he shook his head, trying to convince Theodore with a determined look in his eye. He looked to Arnaldus, and Quinn behind him, then back to the headmaster,"We can do this," Grey gave a curt nod, his face melting into seriousness, and the boy was never serious.

Upstairs Paige watched logan for a reaction. "Its perfect," he said with a small smile. Pauge returned the gesture, smiling with him, and feeling happy to know that Logan was satisfyed. But it was more than that, the look on his face made Paige feel warm again, remembering how it felt to love and care for someone that needed it. It was rewarding on its own. Logan asked Paige, er...Persephone, if they could go clothes shopping after they helped to gather wood for the fire place. Paige nodded,"Of course, we can both do it," she spoke gently. Logan continued, and thought that maybe they could go before hand so that they would have a chance to get a little something for everyone. Paige liked the idea, maybe something sweet in their mouths would pep everyone out. She smiled at him,"That sounds like a great idea."

Voice carried themselves up the stairs and through the corridor. Both Paige and Logan turned and looked at the same time. Both wondering what was taking place below them. "Did you hear that," Logan asked, almost whispering. Paige nodded, her eyes fixed on the open door of the room, staring into the hallway. But she snapped out of it, and looked to Logan,"I-Im sure everythings fi--" she stopped herself when Logan pulled his wand out and darted out the room,"Logan, wait," she called out, trying to reach for him only to have him already gone. Paige ran after him, out the door and down the hallway, seeing Logan had stopped at the top of the staircase. When she caught up, she stopped along side him, about to tell him not to go running off into unknown situations like that with out assessing it first, but she was stopped when she saw the headmaster visiting them. "Headmaster?" Logan spoke for both of them. Paige grew worried, was the Headmaster's presence going to give them away? After all why would the headmaster take the time visit a bunch of teens during chaotic times like these? That thought alone was enough to make anyone suspicious. Paige's concerned face hardened into a scolding one, aimed directly at her brother below.

At times, the siblings didnt need words to communicate to one another. Greyson took a double-take at his sister's glare. He pulled his hands out of his pockets and shrugged his shoulders, his hands open infront of him with his palms facing up. Grey shook his head, silently saying it wasnt his fault, then gestured toward Theodore to express that the headmaster came on his own.

@thefan1 @Rui @Solemn Jester @Saru
thefan1 said:
When Logan entered the room, he was greeted with a feeling he'd thought he would never feel, the feeling of having a home. The feeling of feeling welcome, the one of having someone to trust. The room wasn't as grand and big as his room in the Knight manor, but it was perfect. He didn't want a queen sized bed, he didn't want the largest desk in the world, he didn't t want a parlor in his room. He just wanted a simple place where he knew he would be able to feel like a normal child with a happy family. "It's perfect," Logan breathed our with a small smile plesteded upon his face. He gave Persephone a grateful smile and shrugged when she asked him if he wanted to go shopping for more clothes. "Do you think we can go afterwards? I promised your brother to help him with the wood. Then again, if we go now we can buy treats for everyone. I know a good sweet shop that hasn't been destroyed, yet." the boy suggested, his smile fading when he heard the commotion dowstairs.
"Did you hear that?" He asked, instantly taking out his wand in case they were going to face some kind of danger downstairs. He wasn't going to let the kind siblings who had taken him in so nicely be injured by anyone. It was odd, wanting to take care of some strangers. But then again, it was either them or going back to his family. Filled with determination, Logan didn't wait for the girl's reply and instead ran to the stairs, where he stopped to watch scene. "Headmaster?" The boy askee with a rather comicall shocked expression.

(I know the post is crappy, but I'm in a rehearsal and the director is going crazy)
Theodore was considering the responses given by Arnaldus." My dear boy, do not missenturprit my words. True while what you're doing is foolish, but it is also brave, and dare I say Noble. I do not wish to belittle you and the orders efforts, but if you wish to continue your war against the Dark Lord you'll require a better plan than you have this far." Theodore was about to say something when a boy called for him. "Headmaster?" The voice asked, Theodore turned his head towards the voice, and a Superised expression came across his face."Well, isnt this a surprise.This wouldn't happen to be the guest you spoke of would it? Because it is my duty to inform you, just in case your unaware. That this young man is Logan Knight." Theodores last words seemed to echo through the house for a bit as they sunk into everyones heads. Theodore raised a eye and looked around awaiting to see everyone response to this. Although he already had a idea of how they would react.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Saru
Arnaldus turned to look at Greyson happy to hear he was not alone in his adamant belief that the order was not through yet, that life still breathed signs of life and kept hope alive for another chapter in what would be, for better or for worse part of history and the tale of this generations order. "Right. It would be far to easy to just stand aside and cast ourselves into submission." He spoke in reply to Greyson's agreement with the Animagus of the order. Giving a nod to him and turning toward the headmaster who spoke in reply to them all and Arnaldus's own prior response to him. He gave a fair look and listened fully to the mans word before even thinking about replying to him, allowing a silence and understanding before chiming in. "Right Sir, of course your right. A plan greater then we have is required to continue our war against the dark lord of our time. But we have only just found one another so far........ It's but a start in our venture." Arnaldus simply responded giving answer to their lacking of plans. "In terms of plans it would be difficult with so much still unknown to us. Before were discovered we atleast had the unknown identities of our figures and the time to cover our tracks and plan our moves one by one and so forth, now we have just the unknown but our identities our well publicized. Just our movements and a few else remain unknown allowing some advantage that favors us." He paused then looking toward the voice who spoke and knowing it well enough to see they were in a troublesome position and likely found out now.

He looked toward Paige and then back to Logan giving a even more sharp gaze and closer look. As the headmaster spoke and revealed the boys identity to them all, nearly shocked at his own failure to notice sooner the similarities between Logan and his sister. He had known Victoria for years and knew her well all things considered..... How he could not see or recall sooner was beyond him and only added to his failure of feeling.
Logan Knight...... Victoria's younger brother? How foolish of me. It was him all along and I failed to see. But why is the lad here and does his father have hand in it? Arnaldus shook his head and bit his tongue to restrain his anger from showing, one after another seemed to pile within and now his struggled grasp of control seemed to not just boil to the surface and challenge him so, but it was bursting into a overflow. The errors, mistakes, failures, regrets, loss, near losses, tragedies and all that Arnaldus had seen over the past couple of years if not more were all breaking free from within their inner kept bottles fighting their way out of his control, emotions of all sorts ready to free themselves and cause the level head of Arnaldus to lose finally and for once not be so level and calm. "Logan knight........ Victoria's brother," he paused and looked toward him suspiciously and yet attempting to be fair at the same time, though he struggled to keep balanced. It was after the least he could do for Victoria, give her kid brother a fair chance.... After she was proof not all knights were the same. "I should've recognized you sooner..... Why have you come? Did your father play a part here, did he send you? What of his followers? Name your intent." Arnaldus spoke in question to the young knight, all the while in demand and producing his wand from his sleeve to his hand that was kept behind his back in a curved and folded fashion. He never liked the idea of harming a young lad or lass, a child and all younger then even that, not ever and especially after what he has personally seen. But this circumstance was not so simple, much was at risk and even more was on the line with just the presence alone of Logan and his revealed and noted status of being a knight.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Solemn Jester @Rui
Quinn watched the proceedings, still silent, still grim.

"Arnaldus." She murmured, grasping his hand.
Paige & Greyson Kingsley

"This young man is Logan Knight." The headmaster's words seemes to have drowned out every other noise with in a ten mile radius. No birds, no creaks of wood, even the crackling fire seemed quiet after a brief silence fell among the wizards in the room. Greyson scowled at the boy. How could he have been so blind. Now that it was mentioned, Logan resembled the Knights quite well. Not just with inheirited physical traits but by the way he carried himself, the way he talked. Greyson felt duped. He felt stupid for not recognizing it sooner. Had he just lead the Minister to what remained of the order, and in their hide out no less. Grey's arms dropped to their sides, his hands facing his body, like a cowboy waiting to draw his pistol at a stand off. He kept his hand near his concealed wand, and Paige quickly took notice.

When the younger sister noticed her brother's body language, and the harsh tone in Arnaldus' voice, she jumped, her hands instinctively gripping onto Logan's shoulders protectively, practically feeling their wands in their hands. She looked down at the other boys below. The animagus' words were harsh and interrogative. Even though his questions werent for her, she couldnt help but fear them a little. "Paige," Greyson called her from below, forgetting her fake name.in this situation,"Come down here now," he demanded. Paige didnt answer, she didnt know what to do. Her hands pulled him closer to her defensively, and away from the railing. She felt....conflicted. Logan seemed so innocent, so....different, than the rest of the Knights. Even Victoria had some Knight/Slytherin qualities but Logan didnt seem like he would fit into such a family. She almost felt like the boys were assuming the worst. Paige wanted to give him a chance,"Maybe Logan can give us the upper hand," she tried to reason, though sort of revealing their identity in the process...if the boys havent done so already. Paige grew quickly attached to children. It wasnt just motherly instinct that took over, it was a past memory that haunted her.

As mentioned, Paige loves thestrals, but everyone knows you must see death and accept it before you can see thestrals. Greyson and Paige were supposed to have a younger sibling. When Paige was nine (and Greyson ten), their youngest sibling, Hunter Kingsley, died at the age of seven due to an incurable illness. Both siblings watched him draw his last breath and that was though. The Kingsley family took it hard but cane to accept the fact, and now its shaped both Paige and Grey. Family means everything to them, after that experience, which is why the pair stay close to one another. Both Kingsley children, have developed a soft heart for the younger generation, and now with Logan appearing, its no doubt they have their late younger brother in mind with out verbal mention. Greyson looked up at his sister, watching how she instantly became protective over the boy. What was he to do? Logan could be the answer to her lonliness after the incident at the wedding and now he was going to pry her off him too? He could see their dead baby brother in Paige's pleading eyes, 'Shes thinking about him too,' he thought.

They never brought up their little brother. They didnt want pity, or people's sympathy. Whats done is done, theres no use fretting about it now. The family accepted it, and now they appreciate the youth and try to care for them in any way they can. But at this moment, their thinking was different from each other. Paige was thinking emotionally, and though some emotion swirled in Greyson's mind too, he thought more logically. What could housing a Knight here possibly bring to them? And like Arnaldus, Grey wanted to know what were Logan's true intentions. Had he known who they were all along?

@thefan1 @Saru @Rui @Solemn Jester
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It was like time had stopped. Not a single sound could be heard, not a single breath was taken. Logan had known the opportunity of leaving his family was too good to be true. Logan was a Knight, and escaping the Knight family was nothing but a dream. Logan had expected the dream to end with his father coming in and killing everyone on sight, it wasn't supposed to end like this. Not with the Headmaster letting them know about his true identity, not with all eyes fixed on him, not with the older men with their hands way to close to their wands. They would surely kill him know, there was no doubt. The older boy's questions paralyzed him, and for the first time in a long time Logan didn't know what to say. Should he try to be a Knight? Maybe he could use all of the things his father had been trying to teach him for years, be the Knight he was meant to be. It always seemed to work when his parents and siblings did it, why couldn't he make it work? The boy tried to convince himself he had the power and the courage to do it, well, he would have the power if it weren't for the mention of his older sister. It could've been just a trick, maybe his mind had understood something else, but Logan was sure he'd mentioned Victoria. All thoughts of pretending to be a Knight immediately vanished from his mind, and Persephone's hands on his shoulders for comfort didn't help. Retreating his hand from his wand, Logan looked at the older boy who was interrogating him and tried to get closer to the railing to be able to speak with the man. "Victoria Knight? Do you know her?" He asked frantically, hoping the others would be able to understand him due to how quickly he was speaking. "I-I'm not with my father. Carver found me in a bar and decided to bring me here, I told him I don't have a family. But please, tell me everything you know about my sister. Has she spoken to you? D-do you have any news of her?" The young boy asked, his eyes turning from Persephone, to Carver, to the other man.

"Persephone" The boy thought, his eyes now fixed on the woman behind him. She'd been so kind to him upon his arrival... maybe she could convince the others that he wasn't a threat. She was already doing that, in an odd way. Give them an upper hand? Upper hand in what? What had these teenagers done against his family? Where they mudbloods? Maybe they were blood traitors! No, he wasn't supposed to be afraid of them. He needed to befriend them, he needed to escape his family. Logan was just not a Knight, he couldn't be as cruel as the rest of his family. He was not going to let himself be turned into a cold murderer like his father. Perhaps that was the only thing Logan shared with Slytherins, those cunning folk do any means to archive their ends. Was he ready to betray his family? Yes. Even if he had a funny feeling about the teenagers, especially now that Carver had called Persephone Paige, he still had to escape. And he was ready to do anything to leave the horrible world he'd been born to live in. "She's right!" The young Gryffindor exclaimed, giving the girl a grateful smile. "I can give you the upper hand! The upper hand in anything! Just... please, please tell me what you know about my sister." He pleaded.

Then a thought forced his way into his brain. What if they are Victoria's friends? He knew why Victoria was in Azkaban, everyone knew about the Order and everyone knew it had been formed by Victoria, a boy named Arnaldus and two deceased teenagers named Dorian and Thaddeus. What if these teens were part of the Order and managed to escape the wedding? It would explain why they were hiding, and it would explain why they hadn't killed him yet. Maybe they didn't want to kill him because of his sister, maybe they knew she wouldn't appreciate her friends killing her baby brother, especially not after what happened to Richard. "Were you her friends?" The boy asked innocently, his soft voice barely reaching the ears of the ones downstairs.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Solemn Jester @Rui @Saru
Quinn had tucked herself behind Arnaldus, avoiding the gazes of the others.

This isn't my place. I shouldn't be here.

They're good; I don't have that in me.

Escape, escape...

Quinn was very quiet, green eyes misty as she cowered behind Arnaldus.
Arnaldus felt his name reach his ear, the soft breath of quiet tone calling his name and grasping his hand. He could feel his heart slow down from its rapid beat and struggling over control of his cool. He closed his eyes for a moment listening to his name coming from Quinn's voice allowing a moment to try and regain himself..... This wasn't him, this wasn't the Arnaldus of old, he wasn't one to be harsh and willing to harm a young wizard or witch, he often had more control, more kindness to spare and open to trusting someone or giving them more of a opportunity to prove themselves...... Back hogwarts he looked out for younger years and fellow students, especially hufflepuffs for they were the least liked house under the current regime. He closed his eyes and tightened the grip on his wand for a moment, feeling it run against his skin as the grip was tight. Arnaldus, Arnaldus...... Come on..... Come on...... He's Victoria's brother, he could be more like her and not the Knights around them, not like her their parents. He shook his head and opened his eyes looking to Greyson and then toward Paige, taking note of both their reactions and taking closer, more keen note of Paige's reaction to his tone and Logan's shoulder, grasping them protectively.... Protecting the lad from him? Even Greyson's demand didn't bring her down the steps. Then came Paige's response... Maybe Logan can give us the upper hand, the words ran through his mind in repeat giving it some thought and trying to think objectively, to think more clearly then his mind had allowed lately.

He watched him, studied his mannerisms, his language, his motions and overall reaction. It was like he was speechless, like he didn't have a response yet to give..... Maybe his sisters name brought a second thought? Or perhaps it's effect was different. Suddenly he started to speak and speak quickly, frantically in response to him, in response to Arnaldus. The initial reaction was surprising..... Did he not know? Could he truly not know of them? Maybe he was more innocent then Arnaldus had thought. perhaps

He was more like his sister and not his father? Then his following words were spoken..... They seemed sincere, honest, he didn't know.
"Under a different name I was friends with Victoria for years, your sister. We may not have met formally but perhaps a name would suffice your memories recollection." Arnaldus spoke in response but more so in puzzle rather then clarity. First he needed more before taking any chances. "You mean to say your not with your father and that you act alone? No death eaters, followers, relatives, nobody is with you?" Arnaldus asked in question trying to quiet his tone into a more calm and reasonable voice. The look from Paige and the touch of Quinn's hand grasping his own..... Brought a spark of his old self even if only temporary it was more then he could have managed on his own. Between them and the asking from logan after his sister, if he had news...... Arnaldus could help it, he couldn't restrain it, tears started to well up into his eyes as he memories of it all flooded into his mind..... All his repressed, bottled and old and more recent memories started to poor in, flooding his mind at once.

The face of a young wizard from a few years ago, the faces of his friends known to have fallen, allies and family.... The face of Victoria one of his longest friends and the only other original member of the order who remained or possibly so. The more Logan spoke, the more Arnaldus listened, the more he couldn't doubt the boys story, his word any longer. "Not since the wedding have I heard from your sister, I've searched.... Please believe me, I have." He paused choking on his words for a moment, clenching his teeth and loosening the grip on his wand as he pinched the bridge of his nose and slyly cut off his tears with a finger swipe while his head bowed for a moment. Before looking to Logan and around to everyone again. "I tried looking for everyone.... Alexander, Greyson, Paige.... Everybody. Sadly I have none... No news to offer and only possibilities, she might be alive and captured or she may be dead perhaps both in a very.... Sad and unfortunate way." He continued responding to his plea but not yet bringing up anything about providing a upper hand.

In a way.... He wasn't certain if he could ask the boy to offer aid in helping them gain the upper hand. By the way Arnaldus saw it, he was to blame for one good knight and dear friends fate, he couldn't risk her young brothers life on his account or the order. His age alone made that difficult enough...... He had seen enough young wizards and witches suffer in person, seen their pain and witnessed it all for himself. He wouldn't see it done or risked a again. Not for as long as he could keep himself going, fighting, and himself.
"You might know me by another name.... Do you recall my saying that, Logan?" He asked pausing to look around to Greyson then to Paige his eyes becoming soft, gentle still a touch watery from his tears but having given in to the possibility, the sense of truth from the lad that he wasn't working with his father. He gently squeezed Quinn's hand and took a breath, "I've known your sister for years, dating back to our first year and became friends some time after. Their were four of us back then, more overtime...... But when this order started their was four and I am just a one of those four and perhaps aside from your sister the only other to remain." Arnaldus began to continue looking to him straight in the eyes. "I'm not Sebastian Damocles....... I'm Arnaldus, Arnaldus Smith. We here..... Are potentially all that remain of the order. I'll allow the others to choose introduce themselves or not... But yes I knew your sister, we all did and if you mean what you say about not working with your family, then perhaps I was wrong to act so harshly."

Feeling Quinn duck further behind him, seemingly wishing to avoid them or perhaps the others. He moved his hand that held hers as it grasped onto his hand, raising it toward his chest and gave her hand a kiss and gently tightened its grasp in attempt to comfort her while taking time to observe and listen to the boys response and the response from Paige and Greyson and the headmaster.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Rui @Solemn Jester



Louis had been in school when the war broke out again. He had been frantic in his escape from the castle, his family name enough to ensure that he was seen as a traitor from the

beginning. He had gone underground, He had no news of his sisters or parents but he knew he could not just stay hidden. He had to find out where the order would be and how to join the

cause and fight.
He been on the run since then, never staying in a place for long. He could not be of use on the move, so he began to listen for information. Moving in on possible clues, looking for the order or even finding his family.

Eventually his search led him to Azkaban, his sister Dominique was being held there. He cracked his knuckles as he sat in his small camp in the forests on the shore before he would go to Azkaban. It was a dangerous move but he had no other choice, Dominque was the first lead he heard about. While in the forest he could not help but feel like he was being watched by someone but every time he looked there was nobody there.

Shaking his head, he stood to his feet and cracked his neck. It was now or never. Just as he was about to head for the prison he got practically run over. It was his sister. Looking on in total shock, he heard her explain that someone had broken in before he got there and she managed to get away. She was holding onto a wand that clearly was not hers. Nodding, he pulled out a portkey from his pocket, disguised as a simple quill.

"It will take you to our grandparents house in france, you need to go Dom"

He gave her a kiss on the forehead before standing back and a few seconds later she was gone. With a sigh he packed up his bag and in a flash he apparated away. He would find the order and he would join their ranks, like his parents did before him. Any signs of his family would be a bonus.

(leaving it open for anyone to interact)
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"This is getting out of hand," Robert Knight thought as the guards ran around the prison, frantically searching for whoever had gotten one of the prisoners out. It was hard to consentrate with the mayhem the other prisoners were causing, all of them begging to be let out. With the war going on, the prisoners were going even more insane now that they knew their loved ones were all dead. But Robert only cared about two prisoners, and none of them could go insane. Well, Victoria was crazy enough. Insane people weren't good Death Eaters, and he didn't want an insane weapon and an insane second-in-command. It seemed like Andrer agreed on this fact, for he was already unlocking their cell. Robert made it very clear that he would let them free if they proved to be trustworthy enough, they needed to be completely brainwashed.

"Get up," Andrew growled, looking down at the prisoners with a triumphant smile. He couldn't care less about Alexander, but Victoria was a completely different story. He finally had her right where he wanted her, Victoria Knight would turn into the girl she once was, and Andrew was not letting her go ever again. In all honesty, he missed his friend. Sure, making her life a living hell was not the way to gain her heart, but it had to be done. Victoria was meant to be his wife since they were children, and she was going to fulfill her destiny. "You, go with Robert. Victoria, you're coming with me." He spoke forcefully, looking back at Robert who was moving the corpse of the guard who'd been in charge of this part of the prison.

@Akio @thefan1
Logan Knight

"I'm not a Knight," The young boy growled, his lips curling at the mere mention of the name. Even after betraying her family, Victoria had managed to maintain the Knight name, she had always been proud of being a Knight. Logan was a completely different story. If he was going to betray his family, he was going to do it right. He would not carry the name that brought so much pain to the world, he would not be a monster. "The Minister couldn't care less if I left, that's why I didn't have any protection in the pub. He's tried to turn me into one of the heirs he desires, it has all been in vain. You could say he's given up on me. In other words, no, I am not with any Death Eaters or other relatives." Logan answered, looking down at the teenagers who were probably still expecting answers from him. While his words were harsh, his stare wasn't. The young boy looked down at the group with respect and admiration, any friend of Victoria was probably more than trustworthy. "Victoria never mentioned her friends when she was younger," Logan commented in response to the Sebastian's puzzling reply. "She said she didn't want us to know about her friends, or we would try to spend time with you and get in trouble with the teachers. So, no, I don't know who she was friends with before the Order." Logan explained, his eyes watering at the memories of his sister. Thinking about the few Knights he cared about usually helped him forget the war, but it was definitely not helping under these circumstances.

Then he spoke about the possibility of her death, and Logan's eyes widened. He'd forgotten about the few details the public had gotten from the battle in the wedding. Only a few people know where Victoria and Alexander were, and their old friends surely wouldn't know about their whereabouts. It was the perfect opportunity to show he was worth keeping, to show he could help them by providing information. "Of course you don't know," Logan breathed out, mentally preparing himself to tell them where Victoria and Alexander were rotting. "I haven't heard anything about her since the wedding, but I thought you might have some extra information. They're smart people, I thought they might be with their friends. Well, it's not like it's easy to escape from that fortress in the first place." Logan explained, his mouth now forming a small frown. All hope of his sister escaping from Azkaban were nothing but dreams, and it had been a mistake to think Victoria had been able to escape.

The young Gryffindor let out a small, relieved sigh when Sebastian (or Arnaldus) revealed they were the remaining members of the Order. He was in front of everyone's heroes, the young teenagers who had given up their lives for the greater good. As a Gryffindor, bravery was a trait Logan considered to be extremely important, and there was no braver group than the Order. Where they accepting new members? Logan didn't care, he was going to join them no matter what. A new sense of hope filled his body. If they were the Order, they could surely bring back his sister. "As the Order, you would help the innocent, right?" Logan asked innocently, his grey eyes filled with hope. "My sister and Alexander, they were captured and taken to Azkaban the day of the wedding. I don't know much about what happened afterwards, but I know they've been visited by Andrew and the Minister for these past two months. You'll bring them back, wont you? You need them to take over the Ministry!" Logan exclaimed, pleading for their help. He was so desperate to get his sister back that he was ready to get them out himself.


Victoria Knight

"COME BACK! COME BACK YOU FUCKING COWARD!" Screamed Victoria Knight, now clutching the small bars adorning the small window in the door. She'd seen him, she knew it wasn't just another hallucination, not this time. The man didn't have horns, or wings, or oddly colored skin. No, the man had been a human, and Victoria's hallucinations never involved humans. They should, considering humans were more terrifying than her hallucinations, but that's the human brain for you. It wasn't giving Victoria what she wanted, but she'd learned how to live with it. She'd learned how to separate fantasy from reality, which was quite hard and something she didn't do often. She knew her brain enough to understand that the man had been real. The blonde man who looked about as old as she was, he had been there. He had helped another prisoner escape, and Victoria had seen it all. Why wasn't he coming back for the others? He had to come back for her! Still, even as she waited, a small voice in her head told her he wasn't coming back. The world no longer cared for her, she was just another fallen soldier in a cruel war. "IS THIS HOW YOU PAY ME?" Victoria screamed at the door, not caring if she could see someone on the other side or not. "I GAVE UP MY LIFE TO SAVE YOU, AND THIS IS HOW YOU PAY ME?" The broken girl screamed, pointing an accusing finger at the door.

Life wasn't fair. Why was she rotting away in Azkaban for trying to help a bunch of worthless mudbloods and blood traitors? It wasn't because she was stupid, oh no, Knights were not stupid. It was all their fault. Yes... the war was their fault. Filthy, worthless creatures who'd lured her into their world like sirens luring sailors to the sea. She'd fallen for them, fallen for their tricks and helped them face against the Ministry. Ha! As if that were possible. There was no one more powerful than her father, the Order was no match for the Ministry. They were nothing more than criminals, criminals who'd taken advantage of a respectable pureblood girl. But Victoria knew the tables would soon turn. She was going to leave the hellish hole people called Azkaban, she was going back to society, and she was going to make them pain. "Oh Vicky! Must you hurt us like this? Why are you causing us so much pain? We're our friends! Sweet, little Vicky wouldn't kill her friends, sweet little Vicky wouldn't hurt her friends!" Victoria muttered to herself, now frantically pulling her hair as she repeated the last sentence over and over again.

After what seemed like an eternity, the door was opened to reveal Andrew and Robert on the other side. It wasn't the blonde boy who'd helped the other prisoner escape, but it was close enough. She was ready to do anything to get out of the cell, anything. "It seems like my dear husband hasn't forgotten me!" Victoria exclaimed with a wicked smile, slowly walking towards Andrew and placing a hand on his shoulder. "I'm ready, ready to go. Would you let me escape? I know you would, no one should be in Azkaban. Well, no one from the Knight family at least. I shouldn't be here, I need to leave." Victoria whispered, her gaze blank as she rested her head on Andrew's shoulder and drifted into her own world for a couple of minutes.

@EmilyPower @Akio
Quinn blushed at the affectionate gesture and ducked further behind Arnaldus, pressing her cheek into his back.

Come on...hurry up. I want to leave!

She was mentally strangling him, though she refused to let her frustration and awkwardness show. She was sitting here, listening to the life stories of everyone despite not really knowing a soul, and being fairly certain the girl from earlier was a tad jealous of her and Arnaldus.

Fine, let her be.

She sighed, closing her eyes and tuning out. This was getting lengthy.
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