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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

Arnaldus continued walking about the hall minding his own for now. He had noticed Victoria at one point talking with the Addams siblings along with Alexander and Paige followed by Andrew and her father before being escorted outside for reasons Arnaldus could only imagine at the moment. He had his ideas of why such a scene happened but he only knew what his eyes saw and not the details of which had been confirmed yet. Awhile later he looked toward Greyson noticing he was present as well and his brother Ezekiel who was off conversing with some girl. It was becoming more and more clear where other order members were at the ball and who had shown up so far.

After walking around for and keeping his bow tie loosened a bit for his own comfort. Arnaldus walked around taking notice to Rey who he barely recognized for he didn't picture her as he dress wearing and ball attending type, though perhaps he was wrong? He gave a soft smile and stopped in place taking a look around the room and pondering a few thoughts.

Rey Adromeda Lupin

With a drink already in hand and a light smile on her place, Rey spoke quietly amongst two fellow's. Each of them were boys slightly older and each one believed she had become herself, knowing her for sometime before the ball (they were friends of Teddy's really) though Rey took no hint and she didn't want to, these two were like brothers in a way. Joshua and Cato were their names. The three were quite enjoying themselves talking, Joshua making the other two laugh enough that Rey had to attempt not to smudge her eye makeup. They were holding it in, attempting to be quiet best they could. "
Enough Joshua, honestly my eyes," Rey chuckled. Cato raised an eyebrow. "Wow, this place has changed you Rey-Rey." He looked her up and down with suggestive eyes. "For the better of course." Joshua nudged him and gave a look that said 'way to go. But dude no' This caused Rey to break out into a greatly humoured scoff and she kept her eyes on Cato with a pursed smirk. "Ah-ah-ah, I don't think so, Cat," she sassed back. "Besides, you're not my type." Cato looked between Joshua and her. "Please, I'm everyones type." Rey smirked only more, wiggling her eyebrows at Joshua, who chuckled. She brought her glass of divine sparkling to her lips and over the glass she sent Cato a wink, obviously satisfying the hormonal young man. "I'll see you too, much, later." "Au Revoir Lupin," Joshua farewelled, as he pulled along Cato, to go and pester some other girls.

Rey's heel's clicked against the marble floors, the sound only audible to her and those close by, amongst all the commotion. She still held her drink in hand, as she travelled back towards the drink table at her own pace. She was running low on juice, and if Adromeda wanted her granddaughter to last all night till she decided they leave (Merlin only new how long that would be) then she was going to drink to her hearts content. No alcohol though, that would be perposterous. Well, probably. She brought a hand down to feel at the gold fabric of her dress, its bodice fit oh so nicely, and if she didn't enjoy boots and sweaters so much she thought she might want to wear this kind of stuff everyday. Attend Ball's, marry a rich guy like Cato, all that fancy stuff.

Hey eyes were wandering everywhich way to spot the members of the order, and she had even spotted the couple of mishaps that had already broken out while talking to the boys. So far she had not seen her grandmother and brother since they entered, but she guessed that was ok. She knew it meant they trusted her enough to not seek her out, and that made Rey very glad. Eyes still wandering, she spotted Arnaldus. He was in Hufflepuff, Teddy's house (once upon a time), the house she was sure she would get into along with him like their mother, only to get Gryffindor like her father. The two were nicely acquinted, and the tests had probably muched helped that, but no way at all did they hold a dislike for eachother, did they?

This was a social event, a Ball, so what was the harm in talking. Minding her step she diverted her path and headed towards Arnaldus. Who knows, they could chat for a small bit. She sent him a light smile ehen she grew close to him, stopping at his side and raising her glass the lightest in greeting. "
Evening Arnaldus," she spoke. She gave him a quick looksy up and down. Typical. "You look dashing," she complimented. Same Rey as always at a fricken Ball.


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"I know. Sometimes I wish my brother hadn't escaped to Rome, he'd be the one getting married to someone from another powerful family." Victoria breathed out, starting to relax as he skillfully brushed her long hair. While having someone brush her hair was odd, the feeling wasn't as uncomfortable as she'd imagined it would be. She had to admit Alexander was very talented with a brush and she wound herself wondering if he'd done that before. "Have you done this before? I can't imagine you with long hair so you must've done it with someone else. Who was it, casanova?" Victoria teased, trying to introduce a lighter mood in the conversation. Fortunately, he seemed to be in a good mood considering everything they'd gone through in the past ten minutes and Victoria couldn't help but chuckle when he mentioned a three day vacation. "As long as it doesn't involve another flying lesson, I'd be delighted to run away with you." She replied, gently running a hand through one of the hair strands that he'd just brushed. When he complimented her, Victoria's smile grew wider and she crossed her arms. Most people knew the Knights weren't modest and loved compliments, especially from friends and allies. So, instead of blushing like other girls would do when they received compliments from a boy, she decided to play along. "Oh, am I?" She asked in a fake, innocent voice. "Keep making comments like that and I'll toss Andrew over the balcony. Poor guy doesn't know how to compliment a girl. Speaking of which, did he tell you anything before you left? I mean, he should be the one helping me out. Not that you're not doing a good job."
thefan1 said:
"I know. Sometimes I wish my brother hadn't escaped to Rome, he'd be the one getting married to someone from another powerful family." Victoria breathed out, starting to relax as he skillfully brushed her long hair. While having someone brush her hair was odd, the feeling wasn't as uncomfortable as she'd imagined it would be. She had to admit Alexander was very talented with a brush and she wound herself wondering if he'd done that before. "Have you done this before? I can't imagine you with long hair so you must've done it with someone else. Who was it, casanova?" Victoria teased, trying to introduce a lighter mood in the conversation. Fortunately, he seemed to be in a good mood considering everything they'd gone through in the past ten minutes and Victoria couldn't help but chuckle when he mentioned a three day vacation. "As long as it doesn't involve another flying lesson, I'd be delighted to run away with you." She replied, gently running a hand through one of the hair strands that he'd just brushed. When he complimented her, Victoria's smile grew wider and she crossed her arms. Most people knew the Knights weren't modest and loved compliments, especially from friends and allies. So, instead of blushing like other girls would do when they received compliments from a boy, she decided to play along. "Oh, am I?" She asked in a fake, innocent voice. "Keep making comments like that and I'll toss Andrew over the balcony. Poor guy doesn't know how to compliment a girl. Speaking of which, did he tell you anything before you left? I mean, he should be the one helping me out. Not that you're not doing a good job."
He snorted. "I'm afraid to put you on a broom. Considering I nearly sent you flying to your death with a bludger I would be to worried that you'd aim your next disaster at me in vengeance." He said smiling as he continued to brush her hair. He had spent time with more then a few girls over the years attracted to his dark looks and power and was no virgin so he just gave Victoria a sly grin as the only response to that question. However at mention of Andrew all his good mood fell away and his face changed. He had shown disdain towards Andrew before and he had verbably sparred with him on more then one occasion but never seemed to truly hate him. It wasn't disdain on his face now, he looked downright murderous. "Andrew." He said such loathing in his tone she couldn't be sure if he hated him more then Robert himself. "Told me I shouldn't be surprised if I heard your scream in a few minutes while he sat there and laughed at me while you had a wand to your throat. Has that man helped you, even once in all the times he heard this?" He asked actually having to stop brushing as his hands shook with rage.
Victoria knew she'd done something wrong as soon as his sly smile fell at the mention of Andrew. She knew most of her friends hated Andrew, or at least her male friends did. They were usually fighting and shouting curses at each other, which usually lead to them going to Victoria to complain. She knew Alexander's face shouldn't surprise her, in fact, she'd been expecting a similar face as soon as she'd mentioned Andrew. However, she wasn't ready for such a murderous and hateful expression. He looked like a crazed killer, ready to kill Andrew in a second without any remorse. She'd seen the face before, it belonged to the ministry officials and the Minister himself. As much as she wanted to fool herself into thinking Andrew would never say such a thing, she couldn't bring herself to do it. Alexander's expression told her everything she needed to know and it did sound like something Andrew would say. "Andrew wouldn't-" She began, but quickly stopped herself. Andrew would say that, maybe not because he hated her but because he hated Alexander. Still, it was something that could come out of his mouth easily. His question caught her off guard and she clenched her fist in anger. Had he ever helped her? No, he hadn't. Granted, she'd never saved him from being tortured by her father but she'd always been there for him afterwards. Besides, when high ranking officials and professors used the cruciatus curse on him she'd always been there to help, which sometimes ended in them turning their wands on her. Had he ever done the same thing? No, he hadn't. "No." She spat out through clenched teeth. "No, he's never helped me, never." She whispered, narrowing her eyes and looking at the ground. "That bastard!" She finally shouted, loud enough for the guests outside to hear, maybe loud enough for the guests inside to hear. "I'll kill him! No, that'll be too easy. I'll lock him in the dungeons, show him what pain feels like. Maybe I'll make father throw him in Azkaban! He can marry a dementor if he wants to! They'll be a perfect match, both ugly and vile creatures!" She screamed, walking around and kicking everything she could find. A string of curses followed her rant and she continued insulting Andrew in every way possible.
Victoria was about to throw a small statue off the balcony when Alexander decided it was time to stop her before she destroyed the manor. She began tossing and hitting his arms to make him drop her but it was no use, he was clearly determinate to stop her and she wasn't strong enough to make him drop her. "What do you mean not now?" She asked, giving up on fighting and taking a few breaths to calm herself. "Can't you see? We'll be married in less than a month and everything will go to hell! The Order will grow, there will be a war, people will die and I'll be trapped in a stupid manor with that monster doing who-knows-what. This might be my last chance to actually destroy something!" Victoria burst out, wiping a few stubborn tears that had escaped. She wasn't supposed to react like this. She was a Knight! Instead of throwing a fit, she should be getting her revenge against Andrew and being the leader she was supposed to be. Not just some teenage girl who didn't want to be part of a war. If she knew better than this, why was she reacting this way? Maybe it was because she felt so betrayed, or because the stress was finally breaking her spirit. Either way, she had to be strong. "You're right, he's not worth my time. I'll deal with him as time goes on but trust me, he won't have the same advantages he once had for being my fiance."
thefan1 said:
Victoria was about to throw a small statue off the balcony when Alexander decided it was time to stop her before she destroyed the manor. She began tossing and hitting his arms to make him drop her but it was no use, he was clearly determinate to stop her and she wasn't strong enough to make him drop her. "What do you mean not now?" She asked, giving up on fighting and taking a few breaths to calm herself. "Can't you see? We'll be married in less than a month and everything will go to hell! The Order will grow, there will be a war, people will die and I'll be trapped in a stupid manor with that monster doing who-knows-what. This might be my last chance to actually destroy something!" Victoria burst out, wiping a few stubborn tears that had escaped. She wasn't supposed to react like this. She was a Knight! Instead of throwing a fit, she should be getting her revenge against Andrew and being the leader she was supposed to be. Not just some teenage girl who didn't want to be part of a war. If she knew better than this, why was she reacting this way? Maybe it was because she felt so betrayed, or because the stress was finally breaking her spirit. Either way, she had to be strong. "You're right, he's not worth my time. I'll deal with him as time goes on but trust me, he won't have the same advantages he once had for being my fiance."
While she hit him hard enough to make him wince slightly but he held her all the tighter, he had to calm her down. "At least if we go to war they're will be plenty of time to destroy things, mainly your fathers things." He said to her, his voice half joking. "Besides did you think I was gonna let you stay in that mansion alone, I'd visit every day just to piss him off and maybe I'll just cockhold him for good measure." He said only half joking this time. "Didn't I say I wouldn't leave you alone?" He asked looking at her. The tears in her eyes only fueled his rage at Andrew even if they were simply tears of frustration. "Besides you don't need to marry him if you don't want to, and if you have to you can break ties with him after your father can no longer intervene, this doesn't need to be a permenant thing and you defiantly don't owe any loyalty to him." He said quietly as she slowly calmed down.
Victoria began taking deep breaths to calm down, Alexander's soothing words being a great help. His comforting words and promises to take care of her made her feel better, it was enough to make her forget her anger for just a few minutes. Being reminded of the fact that she could call off the marriage after the Minister's death made a small smile form in her face, it was good to know she wouldn't have to live with the bastard for long. "You're absolutely right." Victoria commented, turning around to give him a hug to show him her gratitude. "Thank you, Alexander. I really needed a friend. I'm glad to have you." She said softly, looking at the manor and sighing. She knew these good moments wouldn't last forever and everyone was probably wondering where they were. "We should head back inside. I don't want more trouble with my parents or Andrew."
thefan1 said:
Victoria began taking deep breaths to calm down, Alexander's soothing words being a great help. His comforting words and promises to take care of her made her feel better, it was enough to make her forget her anger for just a few minutes. Being reminded of the fact that she could call off the marriage after the Minister's death made a small smile form in her face, it was good to know she wouldn't have to live with the bastard for long. "You're absolutely right." Victoria commented, turning around to give him a hug to show him her gratitude. "Thank you, Alexander. I really needed a friend. I'm glad to have you." She said softly, looking at the manor and sighing. She knew these good moments wouldn't last forever and everyone was probably wondering where they were. "We should head back inside. I don't want more trouble with my parents or Andrew."
He hugged her tightly, keeping her in his powerful embrace for a few seconds. "Ya and I don't want to worry the actually decent members of our order wondering where we are, especially Piage who was with me. She might have come after me if I hadn't told her to stay away." He said resting his chin on the top of her head. "You'll always have a friend in me Victoria, except flying. Then you can stay away from me." He joked letting go of her reluctantly.
"Very funny,Alexander." Victoria replied sarcastically, wiping the smeared makeup with her arm and began walking towards the entrance of the manor. "I think I'm gonna have a chat with Andrew, please don't get involved, even if he hurts me. I'm more than capable of taking care of myself so please don't worry. Try to make this evening better for you, okay?" Victoria suggested with a sad smile as they walked inside the manor. She noticed her parents staring at her with disapproving glares but she simply didn't care. Why should she? They were going to die soon, what they thought about her didn't matter. The bastard, or Andrew, was still with the other members of the Order. Filled with determination, Victoria walked towards him and tapped his shoulder. "Andrew, could we have a word, please? In private, of course."
BeamMeUpScotty said:

Rey Adromeda Lupin

With a drink already in hand and a light smile on her place, Rey spoke quietly amongst two fellow's. Each of them were boys slightly older and each one believed she had become herself, knowing her for sometime before the ball (they were friends of Teddy's really) though Rey took no hint and she didn't want to, these two were like brothers in a way. Joshua and Cato were their names. The three were quite enjoying themselves talking, Joshua making the other two laugh enough that Rey had to attempt not to smudge her eye makeup. They were holding it in, attempting to be quiet best they could. "
Enough Joshua, honestly my eyes," Rey chuckled. Cato raised an eyebrow. "Wow, this place has changed you Rey-Rey." He looked her up and down with suggestive eyes. "For the better of course." Joshua nudged him and gave a look that said 'way to go. But dude no' This caused Rey to break out into a greatly humoured scoff and she kept her eyes on Cato with a pursed smirk. "Ah-ah-ah, I don't think so, Cat," she sassed back. "Besides, you're not my type." Cato looked between Joshua and her. "Please, I'm everyones type." Rey smirked only more, wiggling her eyebrows at Joshua, who chuckled. She brought her glass of divine sparkling to her lips and over the glass she sent Cato a wink, obviously satisfying the hormonal young man. "I'll see you too, much, later." "Au Revoir Lupin," Joshua farewelled, as he pulled along Cato, to go and pester some other girls.

Rey's heel's clicked against the marble floors, the sound only audible to her and those close by, amongst all the commotion. She still held her drink in hand, as she travelled back towards the drink table at her own pace. She was running low on juice, and if Adromeda wanted her granddaughter to last all night till she decided they leave (Merlin only new how long that would be) then she was going to drink to her hearts content. No alcohol though, that would be perposterous. Well, probably. She brought a hand down to feel at the gold fabric of her dress, its bodice fit oh so nicely, and if she didn't enjoy boots and sweaters so much she thought she might want to wear this kind of stuff everyday. Attend Ball's, marry a rich guy like Cato, all that fancy stuff.

Hey eyes were wandering everywhich way to spot the members of the order, and she had even spotted the couple of mishaps that had already broken out while talking to the boys. So far she had not seen her grandmother and brother since they entered, but she guessed that was ok. She knew it meant they trusted her enough to not seek her out, and that made Rey very glad. Eyes still wandering, she spotted Arnaldus. He was in Hufflepuff, Teddy's house (once upon a time), the house she was sure she would get into along with him like their mother, only to get Gryffindor like her father. The two were nicely acquinted, and the tests had probably muched helped that, but no way at all did they hold a dislike for eachother, did they?

This was a social event, a Ball, so what was the harm in talking. Minding her step she diverted her path and headed towards Arnaldus. Who knows, they could chat for a small bit. She sent him a light smile ehen she grew close to him, stopping at his side and raising her glass the lightest in greeting. "
Evening Arnaldus," she spoke. She gave him a quick looksy up and down. Typical. "You look dashing," she complimented. Same Rey as always at a fricken Ball.


Arnaldus took a look over toward an approaching Rey. She looked quite good, as always Arnaldus thought when it came to seeing the many girls at the ball. He gave a nod and smile as she complimented him after looking up and down at his appearance. "Evening Rey." He responded and raised a glass to her in greeting. "Really? I'm glad atleast my looks are still dashing. I feel rather uncomfortable in this tux and the tie before I loosened it was quite bothersome. But anyways enough about my problems." He added with a chuckle before straightening his expression into something more relaxed. He had come to know Rey a little better over time since she joined the order and they more opportunities to speak. She was a gryffindor and though he wasn't certain of it, Arnaldus was quite sure they were in good terms at the very least. She hadn't displayed any dislike of him yet and he hasn't of her either. "Speaking of looking dashing. You Rey look quite beautiful tonight, the dress suits you well." He spoke kindly taking a drink from his glass despite being uncertain what exactly he was drinking. Going by the decor and what he knew of the Addams family, it could have been just about anything really. Or was that just his imagination and what he has heard getting the better of him? He couldn't tell for sure at the moment. "If i might say and perhaps it was wrong of me. But I hadn't pictured you as a girl who enjoyed balls and dressing up for such things, beautiful none the less however. How are you this evening, having any fun?" Arnaldus smiled and looked to her with his glass held still as the others carried on about the mansion, in both conversation and dancing and other social event kind of ways.

thefan1 said:
"Very funny,Alexander." Victoria replied sarcastically, wiping the smeared makeup with her arm and began walking towards the entrance of the manor. "I think I'm gonna have a chat with Andrew, please don't get involved, even if he hurts me. I'm more than capable of taking care of myself so please don't worry. Try to make this evening better for you, okay?" Victoria suggested with a sad smile as they walked inside the manor. She noticed her parents staring at her with disapproving glares but she simply didn't care. Why should she? They were going to die soon, what they thought about her didn't matter. The bastard, or Andrew, was still with the other members of the Order. Filled with determination, Victoria walked towards him and tapped his shoulder. "Andrew, could we have a word, please? In private, of course."
Alexander growled at her request. He didn't like the idea one bit to leave her alone with Andrew, no matter how well he knew she could defend herself. "Making my evening better would be getting my dance with you, and maybe Piage if she let me, and every other hot girl in the room but especially you, I want to make your night a bit better to." He said letting go of her and making no move to stop her. "I will not intervene but I will listen, please take care of yourself a little Victoria, sometimes I feel like your too reckless, you know that?" He said taking out his wand as she walked inside. Casting the Disillusionist charm on himself and walking inside, keeping one eye on her as he found Piage. "Piage its Alexander." He said low into her ear. "Come with me for a second and try not to make it to obvious little bird." He said fondly.
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"More dancin', more dresses, why do I put myself through this?"

In a brand new red dress, Joey stood somewhere near the middle of the crowd, adjusting the intricate gold laurel wreath hairpiece set right on the crown of her head, the golden piece looking more like copper sitting on her fiery red hair. She couldn't help feeling like she was totally out of place in this giant place full of purebloods in ultra fancy dresses. Hers looked nice and made her muscled figure evident, but it was nothing compared to the bedazzled dresses of the ladies and neat and clean tuxes of the men. Meanwhile here she was, standing in the middle of a huge crowd just waitin for someone to interact with her. Not that any of these purebloods would want to.
Paige Kingsley

The wandering girl left Andrew after Victoria and Alexander had disappeared. She didnt exactly know the guy, and wouldnt know what to say with out being awkward so she wandered the ballroom searching for her brother. How could he be hard to miss? Hes tall with black hair and crystal blue eyes as luminous as hers. "Where has he gone off to?" She whispered, a slight sense of desperation in her throat. At one point she was trapped between the dancing couples on the ballroom floor. She went near the tree, hung around the table set up with appetizers, the only place she didnt check was outside but she didnt want to go out there after the Minister pulled Victoria out there.

After a good search she finally spotted him near the drinks....of course... Paige's soft face lit up with a smile at the sight of her brother. She pinched her dress at her thighs and raised it slightly so she could move faster. But she didnt even take a step when she heard,"Paige its Alexander." The girl jumped at the familiar voice, and feeling of his warm breath hit her ear and neck. She didnt even hear him come near her, or see him approach her. With a gasp she turned around quickly...but he wasnt there. "Come with me for a second and try not to make it obvious little bird," he commanded. His nickname for her making her pout again. 'Disillusionment charm.. ' she thought. Charms were her specialty. "Um...how do I follow you if I cant exactly...see...you.." she whispered as discreetly as she could.


(Sorry its a tad short >.<)
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Andrew let out a long breath in relief when Victoria finally returned. He was glad that the awkward conversation with Paige was over and relieved to see that Victoria hadn't passed out and looked alright. Even if he didn't want to help her face her father, for obvious reasons, he still cared for her and didn't like to see her hurt. As a matter of fact, he'd never actually seen her in pain before. At least not helping her had it's perks. "Come on Vic, don't you want to dance? The night's almost over and I haven't been able to dance with you even once!" Andrew replied with a sly smile, gently grabbing her hand and gently rubbing her fingers. His smile faded when he noticed how solemn her expression was and he realized she wasn't kidding. "Alright, Vicky. Let's go." He replied and lead her to one of the guest rooms upstairs. Not bothering to lock the door since he knew no one would be there. "Something tells me we're not here for fun so... what happened? Did Alexander say anything?"
Perhaps not punching Andrew was the hardest thing she'd ever done in her entire life. Victoria didn't know what to say when he suggested dancing when she very clearly wanted to talk. Dancing after being tortured? She'd been though worse and most of the pain was gone now but everyone knew dancing was not a good idea after suffering the pain of the Cruciatus curse. Fortunately for him, Andrew realized she wasn't in the mood for dancing and took her to one of the guest rooms. Victoria didn't know if she should start by cursing him, killing him or slapping him. Maybe she could do all three? Well, she'd have to deal with the consequences of hurting him in the middle of a party and she wasn't looking for another "lecture" from her father. Andrew was lucky, she mused. Lucky to be in a place where she couldn't hurt him, for now. "Andrew, we've known each other for more than ten years." She began, looking at him straight in the eyes with her hands behind her back. "We've both gone through a lot of pain, we've heard each other screaming..." She continued, narrowing her eyes as she quoted what he'd said to Alexander just a few minutes ago. "I've tried to help you. Begging my father to stop, getting you out of the dungeon, helping you after he was done with you... I just can't understand one little thing. If I can help you then why have you never helped me when guys I've known for less than a month can? Seems odd, doesn't it? I know you're not a coward and I know you don't hate me so why couldn't you help me for once in your miserable life?"
"Why haven't I helped you? Victoria, have you seen your father? He'd kill me! We both know why he tortures people who are close to him, he does it to put them in their place. What do you think would happen if I decided to ask him to let you go? It's not my fault that Alexander decided to go on a bloody suicide mission for you!" Andrew shouted back, no longer caring if the others could hear him. Shouting at Victoria when she was already angry was probably not a good idea but he wouldn't let her treat him like a fool. He was stronger than that and Victoria was being foolish, probably because of the garbage Alexander filled her head with. "Victoria, you know I love you but this is stupid. Why do you want to argue right before our wedding? Do you want to suffer?"
Paige Kingsley

He was silent for a moment, making her wonder if he was still even there. Her eyes looked around, side to side then she cupped a hand around her mouth and leaned in a little,"Hello?" Suddenly she felt fingers wrap around her wrist and began being pulled away from the rest of the members enjoying the ball, a little too fast for a girl not used to heels,"W-Wait a second! Whoa--" she stumbled a little but caught her footing...not so gracefully. She was pulled into a dark part of the large room, which wasnt too hard to fin since the room was pretty dark already. Her small frame was being pulled across the ballroom till she was whipped around and pinned to the wall. When her back collided to the wall, Paige let out a small wince from the uncomfortable feeling. Her first instinct was to resist, she tightened her fists and tried to push against him but his grip was firm and she was..well.. not that physically strong.

"Victoria may need our help little bird and I need you to be my excuse." he explained. Paige pouted again, for a brief moment, then raised an eyebrow,"Help? I dont know if I can do much but..." even though she was timid, if someone needed her help she was more than willing to step up to the plate,"I'll try... what do you mean by excuse?" But before an answer was given, they were on the move once again. Alexander grabbed her by hand and lead her away from the ballroom entirely and up the stairs. "What are you doing?!" She whispered sternly,"I dont think we're allowed up here," her tone went back to its natural timid self. She silenced herself when she realized Alexander was trying to keep quiet too.

She'd had enough. Andrew had finally crossed the line and Victoria had finally forgotten everything about being heard by the adults downstairs. Throwing Andrew off the window seemed like such a good idea, seeing as he was talking about how rescuing her would be suicide. Showing him that treating her in such a horrible way could also be seen as suicide. Unfortunately, a small voice in her head kept telling her that she couldn't kill her fiance because of one argument. That didn't mean she couldn't hurt him though... maybe a slap could help him return to the Andrew she knew. Or at least thought she knew. She was in front of him in a second and it took another second for her to raise her hand to bring it down on Andrew's cheek. "Suicide? You're telling me saving the person you love from torture is suicide?" She spat, looking at him with a murderous glare. "Maybe I do want to suffer before our wedding! Who cares? You certainly don't. Besides, I know I'll suffer more once we're finally married."
Andrew immediately placed the palm of his hand on his stinging cheek after the slap. He couldn't believe Victoria had actually slapped him, and for such a stupid argument! He knew Victoria was smarter than that, he knew she would be able to forgive him soon enough but be wasn't going to sit there and do nothing while she slapped him like a house elf. "Look, my dear." He sneered, grabbing the hand that she had slapped him with and twisting it behind her back. "I love you, more than I have loved anyone else in this world. It hurts me to see you in pain and know I can't do anything about it. Yes, I never help you personally but you have no idea how many times I've persuaded your father to let you go. Do you know how many times I've lied to him, telling him I'll take over your punishment when in reality I just take you on a date? I suggest you stop this foolish act before one of us gets out of here with bruises." He growled in her ear. While what he was saying was true, he knew he'd done that to win points with the Minister instead of saving his daughter, but Victoria didn't have to know that.

(Anyone can interfere, by the way.)
Victoria yelped when her wrist was twisted and brought behind her back. The angry tone in Andrew's voice told her she wasn't going to get out of the room without any injuries. Neither was he, if he wanted to hurt her then she would do the same thing. Someone had to teach him she wasn't just a doll he could play with whenever he wanted to. She wasn't his property and wasn't going to let him win the fight. "Y-you really did that for me?" Victoria muttered, trying to sound as innocent as possible. She was glad that Andrew couldn't see her face in that position, faking her inoccence would be even harder that way. "Oh, Andrew... I had no idea..." She continued, sniffing a few times to make him think she was actually sobbing. "Thank you, thank you so much! I love you too..." She whispered, slowly freeing her wrist from his gasp and turning around to face him. "I... I want to repay you. For being so good to me and loving me after everything I've gone... what do you say?" She whispered seductively in his ear, moving her head to kiss his lips. As they kissed, Victoria smiled wickedly and quickly slammed her knee between Andrew's legs. "Whoops! Was that painful, dear?" She asked mockingly, firmly taking a hold of his collar and shaking him. "Now you listen to me, Williams. Don't forget the power I have over you, don't ever forget who you're talking to. I could end your miserable life in a matter of seconds with no negative consequences. Think about that the next time you try to manipulate me with your 'love'. Next time, you won't be so lucky."
Alexander got to the door just as Victoria questioned why he never helped her. He squeezed Piages hand as if telling her to be silent no matter what happens here. The door was unlocked so very carefully he twisted the door handle letting it open slightly so that in his invisible state it looked like it had not been shut all the way and swung open by itself though not by much. He peaked around the corner getting getting a chance to look at them as they crouched near the door. Andrews blatant threat and excuses made his mouth go into a thin line though the meaty sound of Victoria smacking him nearly made him cheer. However his reaction had him reaching for his wand but he hesitated, she said not to interfere even if she had been hurt, he trusted her enough that he would give her a chance to retaliate. He answer however dumbfolded him, there was no way she was falling for this spittle. However was tipped him off was the sobbing. Victoria didn't cry. He actually winced and an exale of air left his lungs. He almost felt sorry for Andrew as Victoria shook him like a disobedient dog.

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