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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

"Why do you think?" He spat, breaking his gaze from Victoria to focus on Paige. Being mean to the girl probably seemed like a bad idea, but Andrew suspected Alexander told the girls about his reaction after they had left the room. He needed to make sure Paige thought he could get angry but he was still a kind person. With a sigh, he slid to the ground and hid his face in his hands. Did he look pathetic? Probably, but he couldn't care less. The Minister probably knew there was a reason behind his odd behavior, just like his followers. His image was clearly not going to suffer from this little act. "I'm sorry, you probably think I'm a monster. It's just... well, look at her!" He exclaimed, pointing at Victoria as she dragged Alexander into the center of the room. "She usually doesn't drink in public, she knows it makes her vulnerable. I should be there with her, I should be the one making sure no one takes advantage of her! But look at me, I'm a coward who can't even help her when she's in real trouble... now she hates me, as I'm sure you already know. I just... I really want this marriage to work but I keep messing everything up!"
thefan1 said:
"I can control myself and the amount of drinks I have, father," Victoria replied with a sly smile, grabbing one of the cups and drinking the last remaining drops of alcohol inside. As much as she didn't want to admit it, it sure felt nice to have someone worrying about her. It made her realize that she wasn't as alone as she'd thought she was and it was comforting to know Alexander wouldn't let her do anything stupid. With this in mind, she pushed away her concerns about not being able to dance in her current state and accepted Alexander's hand. "Oooh! I like this song!" She exclaimed and quickly dragged him to the center of the room where the other young couples were dancing. "I'm glad you didn't ask me to dance when the band was playing that boring song. Waltzing is fun but it gets incredibly boring after five drinks. Speaking about them, do you think there was some secret ingredient in them? I mean, they had an odd color and they tasted funny. Good funny, not bad funny like the alcohol in my house. My mother likes to drink some really disgusting beverages, did I tell you about that one time when I stole some bottles? Oh it was hilarious, you should've seen my brother after his seventh drink." Victoria rambled on, speaking and speaking like there was no tomorrow. The alcohol always seemed to make her loosen up, especially when it came to speaking. Not only did it make her forget when to stop speaking, it stopped her from thinking before she spoke, one of the main reasons she didn't like to get drunk when others were around, anyone with a brain would take it as an opportunity to hear some of her secrets.
"If it turns out I was your father all along Robert would have some serious explaining to do." He said dead panning as she all but dragged him to the center of the room. He made a note not to let her drink anymore then she had already. Never the less when they got onto the dance floor he fell quickly into habit. Victoria, even when drunk was a very good dancer as a result of all the parties she had gone to and her family had hosted. Perhaps by accident or the universes twisted design they quickly found themselves in the center of the room and the center of attention, to most others he was a mud blood though Robert likely now had supisons otherwise and likely wouldn't intervene but to some of his servants as well as probably some of Andrews friend probably were a bit dumbfolded as he danced comfortably with the ministers daughter who seemed happy keeping up a steady stream of words and conversation and perhaps Alexander was holding her more closely then necessary for a polite dance. Usually it took him hours of spending the day away and coxing to get her to speak one tenth of his much so he decided to take a little bit of an advantage of it and see what was troubling her. He smiled at her as she continued her story, amused by the telling and Victoria's near glowing expression. "You said your brother ran away right? Did he ever visit you?" He asked moving in time with her.
Victoria noticed the eyes of the other guests were on them, some of them were confused, others enraged and others looking at the Minister to see his reaction. Well, she couldn't blame them. The Minister's daughter, dancing close to a mudblood was shocking, to say the least. If her mind wasn't under the influence of the alcohol, Victoria would've pretended to be disgusted by Alexander to save herself from becoming a suspected member of the Order. Unfortunately, her mind alcohol-fueled mind couldn't care about how the other guests were looking at them. The chance of becoming a suspect was still in her mind but after discovering Alexander's ability to speak to snakes, she doubted her father would be bothered by the fact that she was dancing with this particular mudblood. She moved closer than necessary and pressed their bodies together to be able to whisper without anyone noticing. "Let's see how much we can hear them gasp before the song ends." She whispered, raising his hand to do a small twirl- something that she was proud of accomplishing considering she was half-drunk and wearing high heels. When Alexander mentioned her brother, Victoria's smile got wider as she remembered the fond memories she had of her brother. " 'Course he hasn't visited me, why would he? He's in Rome! So far away from this horrible world, I wish you could meet him, you two would've gotten along. You're both devils, ready to fight against my father. Richard was never open about this, but he gave me the idea of the Order when I was a little girl. He was supposed to found it but he just... well, disappeared!" She spoke, her eyes beaming as she told him about her brother. While the fact that he was no longer with her hurt her, speaking about him certainly helped. "I miss 'im, I really do. If the Ministry falls, I'm sure he'll come back. He loves us, I'm sure he wouldn't abandon us forever."
Paige Kingsley

"Why do you think?" Andrew asked with a sharp tongue. Paige jumped back when he raised his voice, fluttering her eyes and looking away from him. She raised her hands infront of her defensively, lowering her head in submissio, trying to calm him down, and with a light voice said,"Im sorry." She felt stupid. Why did she even ask? She didnt have to. Andrew slid down, back still on the wall, to sit. She stood there for a moment, not really knowing what to do.

"I'm sorry, you probably think I'm a monster. It's just... well, look at her!" A monster? It took a lot for someone to be a monster in Paige's eyes. Granted, she didnt know a lot about Andrew, but what she has seen wasnt very monster material. Paige turned to look at Victoria pulling Alexander into a dance. She blinked, wondering if Andrew was jealous. "She usually doesn't drink in public, she knows it makes her vulnerable. I should be there with her, I should be the one making sure no one takes advantage of her! But look at me." Paige looked back at him on the ground, and (with some struggle in a dress) knelt beside him. Andrew continued, "I'm a coward who can't even help her when she's in real trouble... now she hates me, as I'm sure you already know. I just... I really want this marriage to work but I keep messing everything up!"

Paige shook her head,"Youre not a coward. You can stick up for her...just...," she thought of a way he could,"Next time shes ever in trouble...think about your love for her. Its funny, but in moments like that, your feelings of love," she put a hand over his heart, "tend to overpower your fear. Dont think about being a coward, think about how much you love her," she finished with a smile. But the smile faded when she saw the small cut on her neck. Her eyes went back to Andrews, she wanted to ask if Alexander did that, but assumed now wasnt the time. "A-As for Alexander," she forced a smile,"I dont think hes trying to take advantage of her. Shes just trying to have a little fun, theyre friends." Alexander wouldnt so such a thing....right?

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"Do you really think that will work?" Andrew asked innocently, taking his hands away from his face to give Paige a small smile. This was almost too easy, just a few more tears and Alexander would be kissing the girl good-bye. "I mean, I love her. I love her more than anything else in this world but... do you really think that will help me save her? Considering the trouble she gets in, considering who's the one who gets mad at her... I don't know if that will work. I would gladly throw myself in front of her to block any curse but that wouldn't end well for anyone. Robert would probably torture her to make me suffer for not following his orders and then kill us both." He replied with a sad tone and pretended to wipe some tears away from his eyes. "See! I can't even think about the consequences without breaking down! I'm hopeless!" He exclaimed, letting out a loud groan. He calmed down when Paige reassured him that Alexander wouldn't take advantage of her, he was about to reply when he saw how they were dancing and slapped his forehead. "Oh great! Merlin knows what he'll do to her now. I'm surprised he hasn't taken her to a room yet, it's just a matter of time before he does."
"He left us two years ago, do you really think he'll come back?" Victoria asked, hope filling her voice as she twirled with Alexander's help. The reason she never talked about her brother was simple, she didn't want to remember the fact that he'd abandoned her. It always got her in a foul mood and it was one of the few ways a person could get her to lose control. Thinking about the possibility of his return only added to her delight. She giggled and blushed as she twirled and yelped every time he pushed her away just to be pulled back to his chest. "It's good to know someone is enjoying this as much as I am" She replied with a sly smile, wrapping her leg around him to be swirled in the air. When her conversation with Arnaldus came up, Victoria simply shrugged and bit her lip. "The Order, the wedding, Hogwarts and a drinking contest. He wanted to make me feel better since I was feeling a bit down, hence the return of my drinking problem. Why? Did he tell you anything about me?"
thefan1 said:
"He left us two years ago, do you really think he'll come back?" Victoria asked, hope filling her voice as she twirled with Alexander's help. The reason she never talked about her brother was simple, she didn't want to remember the fact that he'd abandoned her. It always got her in a foul mood and it was one of the few ways a person could get her to lose control. Thinking about the possibility of his return only added to her delight. She giggled and blushed as she twirled and yelped every time he pushed her away just to be pulled back to his chest. "It's good to know someone is enjoying this as much as I am" She replied with a sly smile, wrapping her leg around him to be swirled in the air. When her conversation with Arnaldus came up, Victoria simply shrugged and bit her lip. "The Order, the wedding, Hogwarts and a drinking contest. He wanted to make me feel better since I was feeling a bit down, hence the return of my drinking problem. Why? Did he tell you anything about me?"
He rolled his eyes. "If he's around most likely he's avoiding your father, your father has kept you close since then so he may even think you might run away after your brother to be with him. If we kill your father he will have nothing to fear and likely want to come back." He said feeding her hope, in truth he didn't know whether he would come back or not be he swore once the war was over he would look for him during his world travels to bring Victoria to him. He didn't think he would be dead if he escaped Robert of all people. There was a disturbing possiblity in the back of his mind that flinted through his thought before he pushed it away. If Robert had killed him wouldn't he have used it to crush Victoria's resistance of they were so close? He didn't believe the man was dead. When she asked about Arnoldus he shrugged. "I havent spoken to him this entire party." He said his thoughts turning to the boy. He liked Arnoldus though their opinions differed at times, he was intelligent and intuitive to others feelings, it was like him to come help Victoria if he saw her acting down. "But I don't need anyone else to tell that your troubled." He said some concern on his eyes though his eyes as he looked at her eyes almost black. "That's why I came to ask you to dance." He said twirling her half off the ground before letting her fall into his arms, holding her before bringing gnher back up pressing her against his powerful body their foreheads nearly touching. "And the only thing I want is for you to enjoy the night." He said in a whisper to her as she could feel the strong steady beat of his heart and his arms on her waist and back holding her to him. He barley noticed Andrews pathetic crying act in the corner.

Paige Kingsley

"The only way you'll know itll work is if you try," Andrew looked at her with a smile, hope glinting in his eyes,"Prove it to her," she added with a nod. Andrew continued, describing his deep love for Victoria. As he talked the boy started to tear up, making his case even more belivable and making Paige frown. "See! I can't even think about the consequences without breaking down! I'm hopeless," he exclaimed. Paige moved her hand to his shoulder, shushing him quietly like any mother would for her upset child,"Crying does not mean youre hopeless," she corrected him. He looked back to Alexander and Victoria, and slapped the palm of his hand against him. Her heart went out to him now, she doesnt like seeing anyone this upset. "Oh great! Merlin knows what he'll do to her now. I'm surprised he hasn't taken her to a room yet, it's just a matter of time before he does." Paige shook her head again, his imagination was going too far for his own good, course she didnt know that.

She looked at them, a scowl on her face this time. Alexander knew Andrew really loved her, and that the two boys didnt get along, so why did he want to dance with the future bride? Maybe he didnt know that Andrew was feeling this way, but he had to. Paige decided she would wait until they were done, and bring Andrew's feelings to Alexander's attention."He wont do that.." she reassured herself more than Andrew.


(Srry its short)
"What? Oh, you must be confused. My brother didn't escape as in he ran away from my dad, in fact, they had a pretty good relationship! Richard told my father he was going to Rome to study ancient runes, or at least that's what my father told us. I'm sure my father wouldn't hunt him down if he ever came back, he was the original heir after all." Victoria replied, her face forming into a small frown as she remembered the day when her father had given her the bad news. Her brother leaving his friends and family to go study seemed odd, especially after two years without any letters from him apart from the ones he sent her for her birthday. While her brother had been a good student and his favorite subject had been Ancient Runes, he had never shown any interest for his studies. In fact, she remember hearing him complain about his classes for hours as they walked around Hogwarts. When Alexander pressed her against him, she couldn't help but blush and look down. Victoria had never been a modest person and being so close to someone had never bothered her in the past, she even flirted a bit with some of her classmates during times like these. So why was she blushing like some child with Alexander? It was probably just the alcohol taking it's toll on her, there was no way her strong spirit could be broken by just a few dance moves. "Really? Thanks, I guess..." She whispered, biting her inner cheek to stop herself from letting out a nervous laugh. "So! Anything else you would like to talk about? There is so much to discuss..." She exclaimed nervously.
Andrew couldn't stop himself from looking at the couple one more time, a decision he immediately regretted just a few seconds after. They were twirling, holding and lifting each other as they became the center of attention. He saw his friends at the corner of his eyes look at him with something he could just describe as pity, to which he replied with a wink in their direction. Now he didn't even have to fake being hurt at their position, even if he was more angry than hurt. Oh, he was going to make Alexander pay. Victoria was supposed to be his bride! Not Alexander's! He would make sure to give him the best seats at the wedding, just to make sure he would be able to see their marriage as close to them as possible. "Of course he'll do it." He replied, sniffing a few times before resting the back of his head against the wall. "Look at how close they are, he clearly wants something with her. Who wouldn't she's intelligent, funny, mysterious, and beautiful! I don't even deserve her. Besides, Alexander was the one who made you wear that dress wasn't he? I saw you two talking when the party started and my friends heard some gossip about him giving you the dress, not that I'm saying you don't look great in it. I'm just trying to say that Alexander is clearly the type of guy who would do... well, that, with someone's fiancé."
He frowned when she mentioned that her brother had gone to study abroad but never visited and that hopefulness in her voice to want to see him let him know they had never met since two years ago. "Seems he likes ancient runes quite a bit if he didn't visit." He said keeping the smile on his face but inside he frowned, they were wizards. So why did her father never take her on side along apparition or FLU network to visit him, the puzzles pieces were not lining up in his mind and that dark thought was returning with a vengeance. Never the less he tried not to show it on his face as he danced with her. Still the embarrassment on her face peaked his interest and he honed in on the weakness in her usual tough facade like a missile. It wasn't that he particularly wanted to manipulate her but he sure as hell thought Andrew didn't deserve her and he had been a Slytherin for to long for such a moment to escape his grasp. His hands on her waist slid a little bit lower, not a lot maybe an inch or two but enough to slightly change the tone of the dance. He twirled her again faster now but this time when he pulled her towards him he wrapped both arms around her body, resting his hands on her hips while his arms with around her in a comforting and sensual embrace. "You know you look stunning in this dress." He said his voice husky. "Andrew doesn't deserve you." He said echoing his previous statement before but it seemed to mean much more now, his breath hot against her neck.
Victoria gulped once she felt his hands going lower and his breath on her neck. Now she was certain that the alcohol had nothing to do with her nervousness. She had always been the one who flirted with boys, after all. Sure, some of them had tried to seduce her in the past but she'd always been in control of the situation. This time was different though, she didn't know how to react nor did she know what to say. It was a bizarre situation, one she wasn't ready to deal with. Well, at least until she remembered who she was dancing with, a Slytherin. A person who wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted, the thing he wanted just happened to be her. Well, she wasn't going to let him win so easily. Playing along wouldn't hurt anyone, right? "Please, tell me something I don't know." She purred with a wicked smile, throwing away her nervousness by pretending he was just another annoying boy who wanted to be with her. She couldn't just let someone control her, even she could understand that after five drinks. When he mentioned Andrew, Victoria simply chuckled and pressed her lips against his cheek. "No one does, my dear." She replied, stroking his cheek with her right hand while her left one was pressed against his chest.
thefan1 said:
Victoria gulped once she felt his hands going lower and his breath on her neck. Now she was certain that the alcohol had nothing to do with her nervousness. She had always been the one who flirted with boys, after all. Sure, some of them had tried to seduce her in the past but she'd always been in control of the situation. This time was different though, she didn't know how to react nor did she know what to say. It was a bizarre situation, one she wasn't ready to deal with. Well, at least until she remembered who she was dancing with, a Slytherin. A person who wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted, the thing he wanted just happened to be her. Well, she wasn't going to let him win so easily. Playing along wouldn't hurt anyone, right? "Please, tell me something I don't know." She purred with a wicked smile, throwing away her nervousness by pretending he was just another annoying boy who wanted to be with her. She couldn't just let someone control her, even she could understand that after five drinks. When he mentioned Andrew, Victoria simply chuckled and pressed her lips against his cheek. "No one does, my dear." She replied, stroking his cheek with her right hand while her left one was pressed against his chest.
He chuckled, reveling in the game she now started. He knew she had to get married to Andrew, Robert wouldn't settle for anything less and his own feeling on the complicated were confused, in a large part because of the girl next to Andrew didn't mean he couldn't flirt could he? She was beautiful and smart and defiantly worthy of his time even if she wasn't one of his best friends. His hands slid over the sides of her body, his fingers pressing in the most pleasurable spots beneath her skin like a skill massage artist and he let her off his chest only to cross into her personal bubble closing in on her, his finger tips lightly brushing on her neck as he stepped up cupping her cheek with his palm tilting her face up slightly to meet his eyes. He was an expert flirt, having many girlfriends over the years and even more random flings and one night stands despite his young age, and now he showed his experience. "Planning to stay inconqured forever, won't you get lonely?" He asked his voice husky. "Are you fine with a cold bed or just plan to take half a dozen lovers and enslave them to your wicked whims." He said pressing against the small of her back with his other hand.
Victoria let out a small gasp once he started massaging her back. She had to admit he was good, excellent actually. It took quite a lot of self control to stop herself from kissing him right in front of everyone in the room. Not only would that risk their friendship, it would risk their lives as well. Kissing him was clearly a terrible idea, but that didn't mean the game was over did it? "That's because I don't get conquered." Victoria whispered in a innocent tone, raising her hand to gently run a finger down his spine. "I'm the one who conquers." She said seductively and gently squeezed her hand around his neck. "I like your idea of enslaving a dozen lovers, not that I haven't done so already. Most men don't even know they're under my spell until I snap their necks." She whispered softly, her warm breath on his neck as she applied more pressure to it. "I can see you've done the same thing to your lovers before, it's no secret that you're quite the ladies man in Hogwarts."
thefan1 said:
Victoria let out a small gasp once he started massaging her back. She had to admit he was good, excellent actually. It took quite a lot of self control to stop herself from kissing him right in front of everyone in the room. Not only would that risk their friendship, it would risk their lives as well. Kissing him was clearly a terrible idea, but that didn't mean the game was over did it? "That's because I don't get conquered." Victoria whispered in a innocent tone, raising her hand to gently run a finger down his spine. "I'm the one who conquers." She said seductively and gently squeezed her hand around his neck. "I like your idea of enslaving a dozen lovers, not that I haven't done so already. Most men don't even know they're under my spell until I snap their necks." She whispered softly, her warm breath on his neck as she applied more pressure to it. "I can see you've done the same thing to your lovers before, it's no secret that you're quite the ladies man in Hogwarts."
He shivered his entire body on edge from her voice. God he was drunk, not drunk on wine but drunk with her. Their game was vastly entertaining and he had to remind himself several times that they were surrounded by several people who hated him to stop him from taking a step further out of the realm of teasing. Still her teasing threat did more to intune him then a dozen well made soft comments might of from her. They were like two fires feeding each other and setting all his senses on edge. His breath became of a bit swift as he felt his control slipping and decided to throw her off balance. As the song neared its end he suddenly put both hands on her back actually lightly tossing her into the air with a spin before he moved and caught her, her body laying almost parellel to the ground in his arms and his body leaning over hers while the only thing keeping her from falling were his powerful arms. "Maybe the reason I go threw a lot of woman, is because I haven't found that right one." He said his voice almost a purr. "And maybe I don't want to conquer you, but just want to take you for myself, I don't like sharing." He said putting a butterfly light kiss on the sensitive croof of her neck.
Victoria could feel his body shivering and she almost laughed at his reaction. She was winning this game, Alexander was going to see what happened when he tried to control her. She cherished that wonderful feeling of knowing she had power over someone, the same wonderful feeling the Knights were born to crave. For just a few minutes, everything seemed perfect. No Order, no war, no wedding and no stress. She wished she could stay there, dancing in Alexander's arms until her death. Unfortunately, wishes didn't come true that easily and the song began to reach it's end. She gave out a small yelp when he threw her on the air and sighed once he caught her once more, wrapping her arms around his neck she shivered at the feeling of his mouth on her neck. "Then you're gonna have to fight for me, aren't you?" She purred, leaving a small kiss on the crook of his neck as the song ended. With some effort, she wiggled away from his embrace and blew him a kiss as he noticed her parents were leaving. "I must go now, I'll miss you." She said with a sly smile, waving her hand at him before joining her parents and heading home.
thefan1 said:
Victoria could feel his body shivering and she almost laughed at his reaction. She was winning this game, Alexander was going to see what happened when he tried to control her. She cherished that wonderful feeling of knowing she had power over someone, the same wonderful feeling the Knights were born to crave. For just a few minutes, everything seemed perfect. No Order, no war, no wedding and no stress. She wished she could stay there, dancing in Alexander's arms until her death. Unfortunately, wishes didn't come true that easily and the song began to reach it's end. She gave out a small yelp when he threw her on the air and sighed once he caught her once more, wrapping her arms around his neck she shivered at the feeling of his mouth on her neck. "Then you're gonna have to fight for me, aren't you?" She purred, leaving a small kiss on the crook of his neck as the song ended. With some effort, she wiggled away from his embrace and blew him a kiss as he noticed her parents were leaving. "I must go now, I'll miss you." She said with a sly smile, waving her hand at him before joining her parents and heading home.
He grinned after her, letting her go after a little bit of a struggle as a small display of some of his own power over her before grinning. "Maybe I will, but first let's survive what's next." He said as she stepped away as he grinned letting her leave. He sent a cheeky smirk at some of the more openly upset pure bloods before seeing Piage look at him causing him to frown. Now that the rush of their game was over he was not sure what to say and he couldn't help but compare the two girls. Piage was sweet, kind, and thoughtful girl. Being around her smoothed his rough edges and helped him be aware of other people. Her being with him seemed as natural as the sun setting and rising. Victoria was challenging, intelligent, and fierce and when he was around her he questioned his beliefs and he felt like there was a fire in him that fed of her presence and her touches making his entire body on edge. Sometimes being around both of them at once was confusion, as if he was being pulled in both directions in a way he didn't recognize. With somewhat of a frown he walked up to Piage glancing at Andrew before turning back to her. "Are you glaring at me little bird?" He questioned kind of astonished, Andrew worked fast it seemed. "And my promise makes its exit." He thought sourly.
Wedding Day, Knight Manor

Everything was ready for the long-awaited wedding. The house elves were running around the manor, setting the food on the tables and bringing drinks to the guests. The band was getting ready to play their best songs, fit for a royal wedding and the guests were gathered around the house. Socializing, gossiping, plotting against each other, they were doing everything to keep themselves entertained for the time being. There was one thing they were all waiting for, and that was for the wedding to begin. Robert Knight stood beside his wife, who had just checked on their daughter to make sure she was getting ready for her wedding. He scanned the room with his cold, blue eyes with a small grin. He had been waiting for this day for a long time now, the day the Knight and Williams family would finally be joined. Not like he cared much about the Williams family, for the Knights were far more powerful than they were. Everything was going to be just right.

Andrew Williams stood in front of the mirror in the elegant guest bedroom, fixing his hair and suit for the fourth time in the last hour. It wasn't strange for the groom to be nervous, he told himself every time he fixed his appearance. Even if the groomsmen told him that he looked more than fine, he still insisted on fixing his appearance. It was his wedding day after all! An event he'd been looking forward since he was eight years old and his parents had introduced him to Victoria. Luckily, he'd followed Paige's advice during the last few weeks and Victoria wasn't mad at him anymore. In fact, their relationship had returned to it's healthy state, even if he still felt those horrible pangs of jealousy every time he spotted Victoria with Alexander. Luckily, their groomsmen had gotten small flasks as gifts to have something to drink during the ceremony. Taking one of his friend's flasks, he took a few sips of the alcohol before fixing his eyes on his reflection again.
Theodore had arrived at the wedding looking rather bored. Weddings were one of the many events he didn't like. The vows the kissing all of it bothered him. Especially when it was more or less a forced marriage. He slowly made his was around dresses in dark blue robes with a Raven design on it. He looked around for Robert feeling rather chatty for once. He was interested in what the dark Lord was thinking at this moment. Was he even the slightest bit saddened that his daughter would be getting married? Or could he careless as long as he got something out of it. He quickly found robedt and walked over to him in a sort of gliding manner. He held out his arms and smiled coldly at him," dear Robert how wonderful it is to see you again, and your lovely wife." He said nodded to Robert wife politely," so tell me what's on your mind? Big day isn't if," he said dryly. @EmilyPower
Alexander was standing behind Victoria during the prologue to the wedding was on the girls said of the wedding brushing Victoria's hair with a rhythemic calming movement, a habit they had both gotten into after that one stressful yet wonderful day at the ball where if she was stressed or worried and lacking time he would take her aside and just brush her hair for a couple minutes. Calming her and him down. Recently her relationship with Alexander got better with some help from Piage, who had their first argument over Andrew of all people, who had gotten him to say he would let Andrew have a chance to win her over before he did anything, one of the first times he had ever conceded an argument to her. Since then he hasn't been overly flirtatious though they were still extremely close and to counter he had spent more time around Piage kind of countering the worse of Andrews manipulation along with his deal. But at the same time he had dived into research about Victoria's brother and his mytherious disappearance especially after a few details about the man came to light. What he had found out had shook him to the core and made him question whether to tell Victoria and all and for the last 3 days he had been sleeping less and less and nethier Piage or Victoria knew what was wrong with him. Because of this he had pernounced bags under his eyes but he had gone all out for the wedding and once again pulled it very very well looking like the devils handsomer brother. His snake that had beenissing during the ball now rested near Victoria's feet snoozing, he had left it behind for the last big event but had decided not to this time both to confirm to Robert he was a Parsaltongue and to protect him against attacks which was partly due to paranoia from figuring out what Robert had done to his son he had his snake following Victoria more and more. "Your still moving." He pointed out to Victoria as he ran the brush up through her hair glancing at Piage with amusement. He had mysteriously since their argument took the whole wedding in stride, planning to be there to support Victoria.

@HoneyBear-Kat @thefan1 @EmilyPower
Victoria Knight couldn't recognize the woman in the mirror. She had brown hair, hazel eyes and was dressed in a white wedding gown. Her lips were formed into a weak smile as strong hands carefully brushed her long hair. The woman did seem familiar, but Victoria couldn't quite put her finger on it. Maybe they'd met in school? Yes, that was probably it. She'd glanced at her in the hallways once and her image was stuck in her brain. Why else would she know someone so different from her? When she at her reflection in the small mirror on her desk, she could see a young child with some of her teeth missing, her brown hair arranged into two braids and a big smile stuck on her face. That was the girl she wanted to be. The small, naive six year old child with no care for the world. Not this woman leading a revolution, worrying about death instead of handsome boys like any other seventeen- year-old teenager should. She smiled, thinking she could remain in this fake reality. To go back to a time were everything seemed perfect. Suddenly, the idea of being stuck in her own mind for the rest of her life didn't seem to horrible.

"You're still moving." Alexander pointed out, causing Victoria to return to the real world, much to her dismay. The little girl was gone and the woman with the weak smile had taken her place. The bride sighed as she remembered where she really was, and remembered the only reminder of her childhood was an old picture settled on top of her wardrobe. "I'm sorry, it's just hard to stay still. I'll try to calm down now." Victoria replied, her tone disinterested and bored. She still couldn't believe she was actually getting married. Of course, she'd been waiting for this day since she'd been introduced to Andrew but her wedding seemed so far from the wedding she'd dreamed of during her childhood. While she was marrying a good friend, she wasn't marrying someone she loved. This hadn't seemed like a problem before but it was a completely different story now that she found herself hours away from her marriage. At least her relationship with Andrew had improved now that the fights with Alexander decreased, thanks to Paige. Marrying an angry Andrew probably would've ended in a disastrous wedding. "Someone please say something, I can't stand the silence." Victoria commented, tapping her foot against the floor to show her distress.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-24_20-20-46.png.329aea5e502b57cc92f2a4b289dc48dd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120520" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-24_20-20-46.png.329aea5e502b57cc92f2a4b289dc48dd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Robert turned around and gave the Headmaster a smile as he shook his hand. He was surprised that the Headmaster had accepted the invitation in the first place, thinking he wouldn't agree with marrying his students at such a young age. Still, the man was here and he was glad to see that he wasn't there to cause any trouble. "Theodore! It's wonderful to have you here." Robert exclaimed as his wife walked away to make sure that their children weren't causing any trouble. "Ah yes, big day. It seems like it was only yesterday when Victoria was sorted into Slytherin. Children grow up so quickly, good think Victoria is ready to fulfill her marriage with Andrew. I know how horrible it is to father a child who won't... cooperate. You understand what I'm saying don't you? You do work with children, after all."
thefan1 said:
Victoria Knight couldn't recognize the woman in the mirror. She had brown hair, hazel eyes and was dressed in a white wedding gown. Her lips were formed into a weak smile as strong hands carefully brushed her long hair. The woman did seem familiar, but Victoria couldn't quite put her finger on it. Maybe they'd met in school? Yes, that was probably it. She'd glanced at her in the hallways once and her image was stuck in her brain. Why else would she know someone so different from her? When she at her reflection in the small mirror on her desk, she could see a young child with some of her teeth missing, her brown hair arranged into two braids and a big smile stuck on her face. That was the girl she wanted to be. The small, naive six year old child with no care for the world. Not this woman leading a revolution, worrying about death instead of handsome boys like any other seventeen- year-old teenager should. She smiled, thinking she could remain in this fake reality. To go back to a time were everything seemed perfect. Suddenly, the idea of being stuck in her own mind for the rest of her life didn't seem to horrible.
"You're still moving." Alexander pointed out, causing Victoria to return to the real world, much to her dismay. The little girl was gone and the woman with the weak smile had taken her place. The bride sighed as she remembered where she really was, and remembered the only reminder of her childhood was an old picture settled on top of her wardrobe. "I'm sorry, it's just hard to stay still. I'll try to calm down now." Victoria replied, her tone disinterested and bored. She still couldn't believe she was actually getting married. Of course, she'd been waiting for this day since she'd been introduced to Andrew but her wedding seemed so far from the wedding she'd dreamed of during her childhood. While she was marrying a good friend, she wasn't marrying someone she loved. This hadn't seemed like a problem before but it was a completely different story now that she found herself hours away from her marriage. At least her relationship with Andrew had improved now that the fights with Alexander decreased, thanks to Paige. Marrying an angry Andrew probably would've ended in a disastrous wedding. "Someone please say something, I can't stand the silence." Victoria commented, tapping her foot against the floor to show her distress.

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Alexander sighed putting aside the brush, her hair was as good as it ever was gonna get and it obviously wasn't doing much to sooth her. Its like all her stress from the last couple of months was compounding into today. If he were not pretty sure Robert would kill her if she walked out on Andrew she might of already. They were friendly but they weren't in love. Once again any will he had to tell her about her brother shriveled and died, how could he add to her problems further? "You..." He said started to massage her tense her shoulders to loosen the knots in them with his skilled fingers. "Are thinking to much. Its a wedding if not an optimal one and people get divorced all the time." He joked quietly as he tried to ease her fears. The dark circles around his eyes were very evident in the mirror, his eyes almost black as well. "You can make your own choices. For now you just have to get through this and act like the blushing bride and look good in the dress your wearing, look your already succeeding at one of those things so your half way there." He said working on the knots in her shoulders starting to become well aware of the knots in his own back, this last week had been stressing to say the least.

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