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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

Akio said:
Alexander had asked the snake for a favor so while it was hissing and and seemed upset to be pulled out of its habitat it wasn't biting anyone though it seemed extremely annoyed. There was a louder hiss and Alexander's massive snake lazily slid into the clearing, sliding up to the snake causing the Kobra to bow it's head submissively. Alexanders snake personally didn't care if children climbed over it, it was a massive snake with a powerful body and the weight of anything that was not a full adult wouldn't even hinder its movements in the slightest. Having such a big predator near it would keep the Kobra calm, snakes were prickly about their pride but seeing a stronger snake endure would cause the Kobra from getting out of hand letting the children play with them in the most awkward decible at a wedding ever. Robert knew the massive snake was his as did everyone else so now the initial panic was over it was unlikely etheir of the snakes would be hurt as the children took the opportunity to play with the animals, Robert got his vow, he should not care all that much.
"I was investigating your brother, because certain things about your story didn't add up. You said you hadn't seen him in years but why is this necessary? With etheir apparition or the Flu network you could be at his side in moments if he wished or visa versa. If you were so close and he had a good relationship with your family then why did he never come to visit not once? It seemed odd." He said explaining his reasoning with a frown as he continued with his story. "His original disappearance was sudden so there wasn't much information on it so I tried looking at him through his job. I contacted his old runes teacher and chased down anyone who knew your brother. Spent a lot of time using the Flo network and flying all over the country which is why I was so tired." He said rubbing his eyes though that wasn't the truth. For the last 3 days whether to tell her or not and the idea of Robert doing the same thing to her nauseated him and made him feel fear he hadn't in years. He had been terrified of him doing the same to her. "I went to Rome, the wizarding world is smaller then one would think and especially after the name Knight rose to such prominence I learned I was not the only one to question what happened to your brother though for a different reason. I met someone who had been looking for your brother and he reveled to me the missing key." He said his voice quiet and low, speaking compassionately as if it would easy the blow he knew was coming.

"Nine months before his disappearance he went to Saint Mungo's in disguise to speak to a certain nurse there and also registered his name at a muggle hospital under a false name. After some questioning I extracted what he signed up for. A check simple check up which seemed odd given wizards healers are much more effective though the distance is closing with modern medicine it's not there yet. But what was most odd is he signed up for several check ups over a nine month period in advance, all of it well paid. After one of the later visits however he stopped coming and the nurse he spoke to disappeared as well. The nurse had few wizard family members and those she did have suddenly stopped investigating. I eventually tracked her to an unmarked grave in the forest, around a place where even years later while the forest had healed there was still sign of spell damage in the ground and rocks. There in an unmarked grave I found two skelatons. It's usually impossible to identify wizards with dental records or DNA but I was able to identify them both. One was the nurse he visited who was a muggle born by the name of Anna Lecrious who was registered a missing person by her muggle parents and the male as Adam Cavaliere, the Italian word for Knight, whos history showed signs of wizard forgery in the details and his lack of registration in the national registry proving it was newly made entry." He said half rambling, in truth he had known from the moment he looked at the registry and saw that he had the Italian word for Knight as his name, even if they hated their family they all seemed to have pride in the name. "And whos name could only be traced to Richard Knight. Your brother was killed by the killing curse and buried in an unmarked grave." He said his shoulders slooping. "The girl buried with him I believe was his lover, pregnant with his child which is why he scheduled in a muggle hospital for nine months of check ups. I believe Robert Knight found out and killed them both, he's the one who's been writing the letters ever since to hide the truth. I'm sorry." He said his voice breaking slightly.
Victoria didn't like where this conversation was going. Not only were they talking about her brother, something she wasn't comfortable about, he was revealing important information that could only lead to a horrifying conclusion, one she wanted to think about. She found herself trying to interrupt his words every time he opened his mouth, but she had nothing to say. As much as she dreaded this conversation, she wanted to know more about it. Richard had disappeared without a trace after all, it was natural for her to be curious about his whereabouts. Besides, Alexander was making some fair arguments. Richard was the golden child of the family, being the heir to Robert's position and fortune. The fact that Richard had just moved to Rome to study, something he'd never enjoyed in the first place, had always been a mystery for the members of the Knight family. However, no one dared to question the Minister so no one asked for details. Still, why hadn't he visited his siblings after moving to Rome? There was one thing everyone knew about Richard Knight and that was the fact that he loved his younger siblings to death. If someone even dared to hurt them they would have to deal with his wrath. Surely he wouldn't just abandon the siblings he loved so much just to study some runes.

When he mentioned a woman in his life, Victoria suddenly remembered the last year she'd spent with her brother. The guy had just graduated from Hogwarts and usually talked about the "woman of his dreams" in his letters. When asked about marriage, he'd always replied with a positive answer. So, obviously, everyone thought this mysterious woman was a pureblood. Their mother had been delighted to hear her son had gotten himself a girlfriend and Robert seemed proud of him for not having to depend on his parents to find a worthy wife. If the girl had been a pureblood, then why would she spend her time working in Saint Mungo's? While the place was filled with gifted healers, pureblood witches and wizards had private healers to make sure no one untrustworthy would find out about their injuries. It simply didn't add up, unless the girl wasn't the pureblood everyone thought she was. Thinking about his brother's girlfriend gave her a small feeling of hope. Maybe Richard had run away to live with his beloved wife and didn't want to tell the family in fear of his wife being killed. It was entirely possible and a good way to put an end to Victoria's distress. If her brother was happy, then so was she. Maybe she could visit this family after the honeymoon! If the girl had been able to win her brother's heart then she was surely a wonderful woman. Not to mention she was dying to meet her possible nephews and nieces. Just picturing herself with her brother's family made a small smile form in her face. She would be the nice aunt, giving the children toys and money whenever they wanted it. They would never have to worry about getting in trouble with Richard, for she would be there to protect them. Maybe the conversation wasn't bad at all! She was going to move to Rome with Logan and Charlotte after the war and they were going to be the happy family they were meant to be. Alexander was just sad because he knew she would be moving to Rome with her brother after the war came to an end, she mused.

If only that were true.

Just as her heart began filling itself with all sorts of wonderful feelings that made her want to cry, Alexander hit her chest with a maze. Her heart shattered, she felt completely empty after hearing those dreadful words. No, it couldn't be true. Richard Knight wasn't dead, his father hand't killed him and he was with his family in Rome. They had a future, Richard had his whole life ahead of him. He simply wasn't gone, Alexander was lying. Yes, that was the only possible explanation. Alexander was simply playing a horrible joke on her, Richard couldn't be dead. "You- you should't say things like that. It's not funny," Victoria breathed out, her voice breaking as she tried to fool herself into thinking her brother was dead.

"No..." The girl whispered, bringing both of her hands to her forehead and squeezing her head. Maybe if she squeezed hard enough her brain would explode, that way she could be with her brother. Forget the war, forget the wedding, forget her family, forget everything that brought her any kind of pain. If she died, everything would be forgotten. She could look over the Order and her siblings right next to Richard, everything would be perfect. Victoria began slapping her forehead in frustration. It wasn't working, her brain was still intact and she wasn't dead. Maybe if she died her brother would come back to life. He could take care of the Order, he could take care of his family and he could bring down the Ministry. Richard deserved to live more than she did, the brilliant man deserved to have air on his lungs. Richard always smiled, dead people couldn't smile. The man deserved to smile, he deserved to be happy and deserved to live a long and happy life.

"No!" The Slytherin finally screamed, grabbing the nearest vase and throwing it on the ground. Was that the expensive vase her mother loved? She didn't care. Destroying things felt liberating, it was the balance she needed to refrain from jumping off the balcony. Her father destroyed her life, taking away the one person she had ever loved. Why couldn't she destroy his house? Yes, it was a lovely option. She could destroy everything that he ever loved. Kill his wife, kill his friends, burn down the manor and bring down the Ministry. She would force him to watch while everything he loved burned right before his eyes. Would she show any mercy? No, Robert hadn't shown any mercy when he killed his oldest son. The Minister would finally know how it felt to have everything taken away from him. In just a few minutes, everything in the room was destroyed and Victoria continued trying to rip the portraits from the walls. The manor should burn down, it held too many memories of Richard and Victoria couldn't bring herself to remember her brother.

Yet she did. Hundreds of happy memories flooded her mind just a few seconds after she'd ripped the portrait of her great grandmother. She could see herself playing with Richard in the same room they found themselves in. From learning how to fly without crying, to friendly duels to childish games she used to play with him. "There he is!" Victoria breathed out, too absorbed in the hallucination of her brother to realize she was pointing at the wall. "Look, we're playing with my old dolls. And- and there! There he's trying to teach me how to read. Look! we're repairing the vase after breaking it with that ball! Can't you see it? He's not dead! He's not dead!" She exclaimed, pointing at random corners of the room with tears flooding her face. How could her brother be dead when he was right there? "He's not dead! He's not dead! He's not dead!" She repeated, over and over until she collapsed in the middle of the room. Her mind was spinning, everything was spinning and she couldn't think properly. Victoria hid her face in her hands and began sobbing uncontrollably, repeating "he's not dead," over and over again.
thefan1 said:
Victoria didn't like where this conversation was going. Not only were they talking about her brother, something she wasn't comfortable about, he was revealing important information that could only lead to a horrifying conclusion, one she wanted to think about. She found herself trying to interrupt his words every time he opened his mouth, but she had nothing to say. As much as she dreaded this conversation, she wanted to know more about it. Richard had disappeared without a trace after all, it was natural for her to be curious about his whereabouts. Besides, Alexander was making some fair arguments. Richard was the golden child of the family, being the heir to Robert's position and fortune. The fact that Richard had just moved to Rome to study, something he'd never enjoyed in the first place, had always been a mystery for the members of the Knight family. However, no one dared to question the Minister so no one asked for details. Still, why hadn't he visited his siblings after moving to Rome? There was one thing everyone knew about Richard Knight and that was the fact that he loved his younger siblings to death. If someone even dared to hurt them they would have to deal with his wrath. Surely he wouldn't just abandon the siblings he loved so much just to study some runes.
When he mentioned a woman in his life, Victoria suddenly remembered the last year she'd spent with her brother. The guy had just graduated from Hogwarts and usually talked about the "woman of his dreams" in his letters. When asked about marriage, he'd always replied with a positive answer. So, obviously, everyone thought this mysterious woman was a pureblood. Their mother had been delighted to hear her son had gotten himself a girlfriend and Robert seemed proud of him for not having to depend on his parents to find a worthy wife. If the girl had been a pureblood, then why would she spend her time working in Saint Mungo's? While the place was filled with gifted healers, pureblood witches and wizards had private healers to make sure no one untrustworthy would find out about their injuries. It simply didn't add up, unless the girl wasn't the pureblood everyone thought she was. Thinking about his brother's girlfriend gave her a small feeling of hope. Maybe Richard had run away to live with his beloved wife and didn't want to tell the family in fear of his wife being killed. It was entirely possible and a good way to put an end to Victoria's distress. If her brother was happy, then so was she. Maybe she could visit this family after the honeymoon! If the girl had been able to win her brother's heart then she was surely a wonderful woman. Not to mention she was dying to meet her possible nephews and nieces. Just picturing herself with her brother's family made a small smile form in her face. She would be the nice aunt, giving the children toys and money whenever they wanted it. They would never have to worry about getting in trouble with Richard, for she would be there to protect them. Maybe the conversation wasn't bad at all! She was going to move to Rome with Logan and Charlotte after the war and they were going to be the happy family they were meant to be. Alexander was just sad because he knew she would be moving to Rome with her brother after the war came to an end, she mused.

If only that were true.

Just as her heart began filling itself with all sorts of wonderful feelings that made her want to cry, Alexander hit her chest with a maze. Her heart shattered, she felt completely empty after hearing those dreadful words. No, it couldn't be true. Richard Knight wasn't dead, his father hand't killed him and he was with his family in Rome. They had a future, Richard had his whole life ahead of him. He simply wasn't gone, Alexander was lying. Yes, that was the only possible explanation. Alexander was simply playing a horrible joke on her, Richard couldn't be dead. "You- you should't say things like that. It's not funny," Victoria breathed out, her voice breaking as she tried to fool herself into thinking her brother was dead.

"No..." The girl whispered, bringing both of her hands to her forehead and squeezing her head. Maybe if she squeezed hard enough her brain would explode, that way she could be with her brother. Forget the war, forget the wedding, forget her family, forget everything that brought her any kind of pain. If she died, everything would be forgotten. She could look over the Order and her siblings right next to Richard, everything would be perfect. Victoria began slapping her forehead in frustration. It wasn't working, her brain was still intact and she wasn't dead. Maybe if she died her brother would come back to life. He could take care of the Order, he could take care of his family and he could bring down the Ministry. Richard deserved to live more than she did, the brilliant man deserved to have air on his lungs. Richard always smiled, dead people couldn't smile. The man deserved to smile, he deserved to be happy and deserved to live a long and happy life.

"No!" The Slytherin finally screamed, grabbing the nearest vase and throwing it on the ground. Was that the expensive vase her mother loved? She didn't care. Destroying things felt liberating, it was the balance she needed to refrain from jumping off the balcony. Her father destroyed her life, taking away the one person she had ever loved. Why couldn't she destroy his house? Yes, it was a lovely option. She could destroy everything that he ever loved. Kill his wife, kill his friends, burn down the manor and bring down the Ministry. She would force him to watch while everything he loved burned right before his eyes. Would she show any mercy? No, Robert hadn't shown any mercy when he killed his oldest son. The Minister would finally know how it felt to have everything taken away from him. In just a few minutes, everything in the room was destroyed and Victoria continued trying to rip the portraits from the walls. The manor should burn down, it held too many memories of Richard and Victoria couldn't bring herself to remember her brother.

Yet she did. Hundreds of happy memories flooded her mind just a few seconds after she'd ripped the portrait of her great grandmother. She could see herself playing with Richard in the same room they found themselves in. From learning how to fly without crying, to friendly duels to childish games she used to play with him. "There he is!" Victoria breathed out, too absorbed in the hallucination of her brother to realize she was pointing at the wall. "Look, we're playing with my old dolls. And- and there! There he's trying to teach me how to read. Look! we're repairing the vase after breaking it with that ball! Can't you see it? He's not dead! He's not dead!" She exclaimed, pointing at random corners of the room with tears flooding her face. How could her brother be dead when he was right there? "He's not dead! He's not dead! He's not dead!" She repeated, over and over until she collapsed in the middle of the room. Her mind was spinning, everything was spinning and she couldn't think properly. Victoria hid her face in her hands and began sobbing uncontrollably, repeating "he's not dead," over and over again.
As Alexander continued his narrative of the events he saw her face light up with hope for a moment, awful, cruel hope that nearly shattered his resolve to continue but could not stop the flood of words that left his mouth. He could pinpoint the exact moment her face fell and all hope left her eyes but the most desperate kind even she did not believe. She called him a liar and he couldn't say anything, there was no answer she would accept and none he could give that would bring her brother back and he turned away, averting his eyes, body shaking slightly as he beheld her grief.

He looked at her as he heard her rappidly smacking her head over and over as if trying to knock memories from her skull or break open her mind and cause all the pain to cease in an instant. He stepped forward as if to stop her yet he could barely move. Her pain at her brothers deaths was a tangible thing and he could feel her grief and pain and even if he never knew the man he felt a great feeling of loss from the world, not because he knew what he was but what his passing caused to a girl he cared for so he could feel the ache to the bottom of his own heart.

Then like last time she lashed out at her environment, kicking and screaming as she took out her rage on the Knight estate screaming. Alexander knew someone was gonna show up at any moment if things did not quiet done soon which was unlikely and casted the Imperturbable charm causing all sound to be unable to penetrate the spell as she tossed, smashed, and tore her way through the hallway as he let her vent less he be caught in the cross fire, not to mention he had no desire to save the pictures and valuables of house Knight.

However what truly broke his heart was when she started talking about happy memories, a truly careless time of playing with dolls, learning to read, when their biggest problem was knowing how to fix a vase with a spell and hide it from their parents. A time when she was happy. She sunk to the ground repeating that her brother was not dead as if it was the only matara keeping her sane. He walked up cautiously her sobs feeling as if they would shake him to pieces. He came behind her wrapping his arms around her crying form. "Your brother..." He said his voice heavy with sadness but also weight as if trying to get his point through to her, "Is gone." He said his voice carrying a note of finality.

"He died depending his family against the Dark Lord. Tried and failed. But that's not the end. He lives in everything he's given you, your memories, your love, the Order, and helped raise you like his own." He said holding her trempling body his voice low in her ears. "We have taken the torch and we will avenge him, we will kill your father and end his cruel world as it crashes and burns around him. I think Richard would want you to be the one to overthrow your father and avenge him." He promised his voice powerful as he held her, letting her feel the strength of her body. "But for now grief for your brother and use my shoulder to cry on because I won't judge you, you don't always have to be strong. We'll get our vengeance one day, but for now think about only us." He said holding her as he tried to impart his strength and will to her, she'd be OK and if she didn't have the strength to endure he would lend her his. Right now he wanted her to think on just two things, only her and himself sitting in a room as he protected her from everything he could. Even the strong could break sometimes, he wouldn't let her break, not permently as long as he could.protected her from whatever he could, his body protective around her.

The King Kobra payed no attention to her trying to pull itself out of the trap the children had it end while the massive snake raised its head nearly unsettlingly a kid on his head tilting it's head slightly as if to say, "Who me?" As it tasted the air with its tongue, looking at her with unblinking eyes because well it lacked eyelids.
Quinn watched this play out, her green eyes, while ever bright and reptilian, somewhat mournful.

Poor girl...

She licked her maroon colored lips, the rouge tasting sweet against her tongue. She was dressed to the nines for this event, and found it all rather sobering, and simply boorish. She was more interested in when she could leave. She missed Lucille, and cursed herself yet again for not just bringing the large serpent with her. No one would really mind...

But then again, did she care if they did mind?

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Deciding it was time for a walk around the manor and feeling enough eyes looking toward him as it were. Arnaldus turned on his heel and headed for the front yard of the Knight manor, keeping a hand in his pocket and another keeping a hold of his glass that didn't seem to ever empty constantly drinking from it and eying the crowd and surroundings as he passed by taking a sip from once again. There was little do at this point but think and walk, drink some more and contemplate. He had several things to place his focus and use a deal of concentration, ranging from his creation that be a new spell to The order and Ministry. The people back home, his cousins and parents, his brother and goals, debating on what career he would select once he graduated after next year, if there was one. Perhaps selecting multiple careers and truly accomplishing much of what he wanted to accomplish. While it would occupy much of his time if he so chose to go that route and have more then one career, it was something he was used to doing. He was doing that now, Quidditch, studies, his adventures and the order, not to mention using his spare time if he had any to spare to work on creating spells and practicing his skills and reviewing tactics while thinking up new ones.

It wouldn't be much different for him and could be a easy enough transition, it wasn't like careers had no down time. Overall Arnaldus had plans and goals that seemed endless, reaching far into the future and deeply rooted within the present time. He was finding himself more and more occupied by them and little else, he still helped the younger students who were new to hogwarts and his house, he still did quite a bit and spread himself thin. But his mind was clearly overrun with thoughts and concerns about several things, never quiet and still instead always active. As Arnaldus walked toward the front yard of the manor and gazed at the horizon with soft and seemingly absent expression. He came to a pause standing quite still with a glass in one hand and the other in his pocket, simply looking ahead to the horizon and seemingly peering out and looking into the beyond as thoughts ran through his mind. "Casus Belli..." The words crossed his mind. The Latin expression that meant "an act or event that provoked war or justified it" a term that perfectly fit what was going on in this generation of wizards and witches, an era of which could define the future and set into stone for better or for worse the way of the world. They would be marked into history as Rebels of glory and success overthrowing the regime or they could be failed rebels who worsened things for all by trying to right the many wrongs. One way or the other it would all come to pass and reach a final conclusion. "Aequitas Nascetur." Arnaldus continued in thought once more thinking in Latin meaning, justice shall come.
Quinn, having also grown tired of the somber scene laid out before her, decided to walk off, her heeled boots clipping cheerfully against the pavement. She heard some Latin murmuring, and decided to investigate.

She was around the from of the house, and quickly deduced that the source of the foreign phrases was a man.

"Why, hello there."

She spoke eloquently and crisply, her speech perfected through years of tutelage.

"How do you do?"

She stood before him, green eyes gleaming in a vicious, vixen-like way, with cat-like curiousity, and all the beauty of a green dragon's scales.

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Deep in thought and seeming to attempt the impossible of achievements by looking beyond the clouds and blue skies onto the beyond. Arnaldus soon snapped out of it by the sounds of greeting from a fellow guest at the wedding. He turned with his hazel eyes fixing on the girl and giving a curious look in slight shock of her appearance out front with him, he wasn't really expecting it with the wedding and all assuming she would likely be with the others in the main area.... Though perhaps she too was having enough of the crowd and decided to wander about just as Arnaldus had done himself. He shifted his face and put on a common Arnaldus smile expressing a light and soft appearance crossing his face with a happy and fair look. It wasn't quite as charming as Arnaldus usually was and appeared, but still it showed traces of his charm. "Bonjour Mademmoiselle..." Arnaldus responded in his most charming of tone and trying a proper attempt of greeting the fair and beautiful woman before him in French. He had learned the language by picking up words and phrases from his friend and fellow founding or original member of this generations order, Andre over the years. He raised his glass while looking to her green eyes noticing their beauty and gave a gentle wave of his hand, the Suns light reflecting from the glass and causing a shine.... Keeping his corner smile formed at his mouth. "I fair well enough..... A beautiful horizon to gaze onto as thoughts cross your mind in deep thought." Arnaldus spoke with a gentle response and sound in his tone. He wasn't one to share often his thoughts easily and without reason and less so would he share his troubles. Instead Arnaldus wanting to keep pleasant company and converse in kind, appeared and sounded like himself or as close to himself as possible. Keeping a charm and gentle look with a kind and thoughtful way about him. Rarely overrun by emotion while in public and often balanced. "And yourself miss.... How do you fair this evening?" Arnaldus smiled to her and asked. @Rui
"I fair well, sir." She said quietly, and cocked her head to the side, taking him in. "And who might you be, charming sir? I may as well address you properly." She gave nothing away if she got nothing back. Her green orbs shimmered, speaking of mischief to be done.

Arnaldus smiled and took a drink from his glass. " Always a pleasant sight to see a woman.... Who fairs well. It would be a shame if anything less were to be true." He spoke, while quietly observing the woman, looks were obvious but she had a certain way about her hat caught his eye and peeked his curiosity. She could have been a kind and well mannered and educated woman with a outgoing manner.... But maybe she was after something or merely had something in mind? Her eyes seemed to tell there were more to her then met the eye. "Me? I dear miss am Arnaldus..... Arnaldus Smith." He cast a smile and turned his curious look from his eyes as he observed her and took in the young woman. " And you? May I ask after your name and learn of your story? If just to know of how one another came to be here at such a event as this wedding." Arnaldus posed the question in turn. While slightly turning his gaze to better look around without breaking contact with Quinn. He was cautious but carefully so, not desiring it being obvious to others. It would alert people's attention if they noticed and when so many members of the ministry were about, it just might end poorly and cause them to wonder what he was up to or why he was acting as he would have been..... Cautious. So he kept his wits about him and hid his caution by keeping eye contact but noticing in observation his surroundings at the same time. Perhaps it was unnecessary even despite the event and all, but as time went on and his risks and adventures and role in the order.... It may prove wise to remain aware and cautious especially in events such as these. @Rui
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Victoria could do nothing but give him a simple nod as she tried to wipe the tears away from her eyes. The fact that her brother was gone was painful to even think about, in fact, she was tempted to beg Alexander to erase her memory so she wouldn't have to cope with the death of her brother. Fortunately, Alexander knew exactly what to say to the grieving girl to make her feel better. The promise of her father's death have her a small amount of hope. Yes, they were capable of bringing down the Ministry and avenge her brother and the other unfortunate rebels who died before having the opportunity to see the Ministry falling. Victoria found herself with a mental image of her father's decapitated body serving as a statue in the Knight manor as his head hung outside the window for everyone to see.

Reductanly, Victoria bit her lip as she tried to control her sobbing. Knights didn't cry, they weren't supposed to let their enemies know that they were capable of shading tears. Unfortunately, no one had bothered to explain how to control her tears when faced with death, so she found herself sobbing uncontrollably in Alexander's shoulder. It felt good to have someone so close to her, helping her in a time of need. Seeing Victoria Knight crying was a rare occurrence after all, even if she wanted to bawl her eyes out every time she was faced with another dangerous situation. Another dark wizard, another torture session, another attack on the Order. Sometimes, it was too much on the girl. But Alexander had seen her crying twice this month, and he'd been nothing but supportive those two times. Was this how it felt to be loved? To feel protected and safe in the arms of the one that caused butterflies to fly around her stomach? If that was what love felt like, love was probably not a bad thing after all.

"We'll kill them, we'll kill them all and burn down their world." Victoria found herself growling into his shoulder as more violent fantasies involving ner father's death entered her mind. She was glad that Alexander knew what she wanted and what she needed, because she was sure he wouldn't mind helping her fulfill her violent dreams. "Thank you, thank you so much." She whispered, rubbing small circled in his back as her sobs became easier to control. "You've got no idea how much I needed this."
"My name? It is Quinn, Mr. Smith." She smiled slightly, her eyes practically sparkling now. "Quinn Carrow."

There is much power in a name.

Especially one like hers, knowing her family.

She played idly with the snake-collar she wore, an artifact her mother told her to wear. Something about protection from the dark...

She often wore it to parties, any event her family suspected there could be danger; A widely recognized mark of her family.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.8491c394f8342290fb91bd780b7fa5a3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121478" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.8491c394f8342290fb91bd780b7fa5a3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Arnaldus greeted the introduction in kind while observing the young woman. Her eyes certainly caught One's attention and were capable keeping it, as they about sparkled and captured ones attention. Just as her name quickly caught Arnaldus ear. "A pleasure Miss Carrow, truly." Arnaldus spoke in reply keeping a smile and taking a sip from his glass as Quinn seemed to play with her snake collar of which she wore around her neck. Something quite familiar about it, he couldn't have seen it before had he? Perhaps it simply reminded him of the slytherin house and bore the green eyes to match its wearer and the house itself. Both after all had that which were green. "Tell me Miss Carrow or may I call you Quinn?" He asked before continuing and allowing her a chance to speak in answer. "Are you enjoying yourself this evening? The wedding was quite....... Grand. Wasn't it?" Arnaldus posed the question though he did not exactly have his full support in favor of the wedding, he knew well the arranged marriage business the pureblood families or most of them atleast still use and match with other families to keep their purity and find worthy matches for their family and children. He was after all a pureblood himself though luckily his family did not believe in such ways themselves. But none less the Knight family knew how to have such events and weddings often going all out. @Rui
"Oh yes, it was splendid." She began, ignoring the name; she really had no preference, "I hope to have one, a bit grander, if I may say so." She smiled to herself, "I too will have an arranged marriage, similar to this one, to keep our bloodline pure." She watching him, "and you sir, what of your marriage? Or, are you already spoken for?" @Saru
He nodded with a smile and seeing she mustn't of had a preference since no name was mentioned in answer to his question. "I'm sure it will be one for the records. A grand wedding for all weddings perhaps." He spoke in kind and took another drink from his glass. While listening to Quinn speak of her marriage and how it will go. "Ah I see..... Arranged marriages do seem popular these days or in all days past as well. But I wish you the best of luck in your future marriage, hopefully it will be all you could desire to have." Arnaldus continued though caught off guard by her following question. He wasn't quite expecting that one, he never did actually. He rarely thought of his own marriage or what it would be like when it happened. If it happened. "Me? Well....... Um, no I have no plans or arrangements set in place. Nor am I spoken for as far as I can tell. Though I imagine a busy schedule keeps such things off ones mind. But maybe one day....." He smiled starting off rather at a loss but soon recovered from his stumbling out of the gates in response to Quinn's question. He thought about even adding a joke in there somewhere but decided against it. @Rui
thefan1 said:
Victoria could do nothing but give him a simple nod as she tried to wipe the tears away from her eyes. The fact that her brother was gone was painful to even think about, in fact, she was tempted to beg Alexander to erase her memory so she wouldn't have to cope with the death of her brother. Fortunately, Alexander knew exactly what to say to the grieving girl to make her feel better. The promise of her father's death have her a small amount of hope. Yes, they were capable of bringing down the Ministry and avenge her brother and the other unfortunate rebels who died before having the opportunity to see the Ministry falling. Victoria found herself with a mental image of her father's decapitated body serving as a statue in the Knight manor as his head hung outside the window for everyone to see.
Reductanly, Victoria bit her lip as she tried to control her sobbing. Knights didn't cry, they weren't supposed to let their enemies know that they were capable of shading tears. Unfortunately, no one had bothered to explain how to control her tears when faced with death, so she found herself sobbing uncontrollably in Alexander's shoulder. It felt good to have someone so close to her, helping her in a time of need. Seeing Victoria Knight crying was a rare occurrence after all, even if she wanted to bawl her eyes out every time she was faced with another dangerous situation. Another dark wizard, another torture session, another attack on the Order. Sometimes, it was too much on the girl. But Alexander had seen her crying twice this month, and he'd been nothing but supportive those two times. Was this how it felt to be loved? To feel protected and safe in the arms of the one that caused butterflies to fly around her stomach? If that was what love felt like, love was probably not a bad thing after all.

"We'll kill them, we'll kill them all and burn down their world." Victoria found herself growling into his shoulder as more violent fantasies involving ner father's death entered her mind. She was glad that Alexander knew what she wanted and what she needed, because she was sure he wouldn't mind helping her fulfill her violent dreams. "Thank you, thank you so much." She whispered, rubbing small circled in his back as her sobs became easier to control. "You've got no idea how much I needed this."
"And I'll protect you all the while, oh and bring lighter fluid." He said with a low voice in her ear as his arm wrapped tighter around her. He would protect her, just as he would protect the rest but especially her. Because she was the strongest and most stubborn of them, who would put the entire burden of the world on her shoulder without a word of complaint. She would try to keep everything to herself. He would be her pillar, and her strength to make up where the world was crushing down to hard around her. When she thanked him he raised her head so he could look at her in the eyes and smiled.

"Your so strong Victoria. You fight so hard and shove everything back and hold everything on your shoulders. But as I told you before even the strong can show weakness sometimes. Even if you can't show it to anyone else because everyone expects you to be strong you can show it to me. Allow me to be your pillar, and prop you up when you feel weak and stand with you when you feel strong." He leaned his forehead against her own breathing in her scent. "Don't be afraid to ask me for help, you don't have to go through it all alone. We'll stand together and protect each other, you never have to be alone." He said holding her close to him, making his promises and vows he'd know he would keep, because he cared for her and she for him. The very air seemed charged around them and a large part of him wanted to kiss her, Piage who he had just kissed earlier who probably still liked James regardless and he didn't want to take advantage of Victorias grief so be held himself back, body lightly trembling. @thefan1
Paige and Greyson Kingsley

The wedding ceremony was over and the guests immediately left from their seats. Everyone must be itching to get started with the reception. Still in a bit of a distracted daze Paige was the last to stand from her seat. "Are you sure youre alright?" Greyson smiled at her. Paige nodded then waved her hand dismissively,"Yes, im fine, im fine," rising to a stand. Paige watched as Alexander approached Victoria, then she looked to Greyson, "What now?" she asked, waiting for her brother to make the first move. Even as children, Paige always followed her older her brother, where ever he went and what ever he did, they were in it together. She would feel lost with out him, he provided a sense of security for her, even while away from home.

Greyson's lips gradually spread into a cheeky smile he couldnt contain,"Well, I dont know about you, but those drinks over there are calling my name," he chuckled.

Paige tried to discreetly look at the beverage table surrounded by purebloods, even if they were busy mingling amongst themselves she felt like if they caught her just looking at them, something would go wrong, and nevermind the minister. Her luminous blue eyes wandered over to the table then immediately back to her older brother,"Really? Past all those purebloods," she asked with indifference. Her doubts had just put him up to the challenge,"Im not afraid of them Paige, and you shouldnt be either, even if we are--" Greyson stopped, realizing what he was about to spill out. His charming smile snapping into a regretful look, a sigh blowing out of his lungs.

"Even if we are....what," Paige asked him, with a worried face. She wanted him to continue. Somewhere deep in her gut, she was suspicious she already knew the answer,"Grey,even if we are what," she pushed again, her voice a lot like a stern mother this time, trying to squeeze the truth out of her child.

"Paige," he grabbed her hands and positiones himself so that his back was to the pureblood family,"Mother and father told us we were purebloods so we believed it," his deep voice in a low, hushed volume.

Paige shook her head,"I dont understand! Why would they--" her voice raised slightly.

"Shhh!" Greyson brought a finger to his lips, then moved his hands to her shoulders,"Keep your voice down," he whispered. Paige crossed her arms, jerking her head back with raised eyebrows and a tint of sass. "Look, you have to understand, they were just trying to protect us. They didnt want us teased for what we are."

"For who we are," the small sibling corrected.

"Right," he agreed,"Just dont be upset, okay?"

"What do you mean 'dont be upset'...of course im upset," her hands moved to her hips,"Ive been lied to all my life," she tilted her head down and pinched the bridge of her nose with her fingers,"Who is it then?"

Greyson flinched at the question and replied with,"What?" Playing dumb.

"Who is it?" She shut her eyes and grew impatient.

"Father..." Greyson looked at her, waiting for a reaction.

Paige snapped her head to look at her taller brother,"Of course!" She shook her head,"Hes a liar, of course its him!" Her father had a reputation of lying after a certain 'unfaithful' incident that was a real shock to the family. Luckily they were able to get past it, but they never forgot about it, and Paige tried not to, but she resented him a little. And now this, being lied to about her identity, it was enough to set anyone off. It wasnt the fact that she was a half-blood that upset her, that didnt matter to her at all, she was upset that she had no idea about it all her life.

Greyson put his hands up then lowered them, trying to calm her down,"Do you want a drink? You look...you look like you need one," he asked, pointing to the table and inching his way over. Paige shook her head,"Go on," she told him. Just as Grey was about to walk off, there was a commotion coming from the purebloods. Appearently a snake was loose and causing people to panic. Paige narrowed her eyes, having an idea of whos fault that was.

A few minutes passed and Paige ended up sitting back down in her seat when the ceremony was taking place. Greyson was at the table, being social as he always was. She couldnt believe him, being a halfblood and having no fear, having knowledge of the truth now, she feared the purebloods and the minister even more than she did before.

"Um, Excuse me."

A small voice distracted her. When paige looked up, there was a little girl standing infront of her. Paige had seen some children running about earlier, though she had no idea who they were. "Yes, love?" Paige smiled, children were special to her and she loved being around them. They were sweet, and innocent, and always full of laughter.

"I was playing with the snake over there, when one of the boys pulled my hair, and now my braids come undone," she frowned, sounding upset as she explained.

Paige turned the girl to face her back,"Dont worry darling, you still look beautiful, but I'll fix it for you, alright? So no more frowning, pretty girls shouldnt frown," her hands gently pulled apart what was left of the dishoveled braid to start over. One over the other she laced the locks till she reached the bottom,"There we are," she whispered, finishing up,"All done!" The little girl turned around with a grin,"Oh my goodness, you are absolutely gorgeous!" The child grew bashful at the compliment but quickly switched attitudes as she grabbed Paige's hand and pulled her out of her seat,"Lets go see the snake!"

"The snake?" Paige questioned, her voice a little shakey. She never liked snakes too much, she didnt know why, they just look so cunning it concerns her. She was led off to the side of the party were the snakes rested, the children climbing all over them and touching them. Paige let go of the girls hand to let her play while she stopped and watched. 'Isnt that...Alexander's snake,' she thought. The young girl called Paige over and she quickly obeyed. The child grabbed Paige's hand and led it to the creature,"Like this," she instructed the older girl as how to pet the serpent. Bending down Paige gave a nod and stroked the scales lightly.

(Filler post! Whoop whoooooop!)
Quinn giggled at his awkward stumbling, and smirked.

"I'm glad you aren't taken."

She winked, a small grin gracing her goddess-esq features.

She pushed back a lock of her silver-blonde hair, which curled down her back.

"What are you drinking, if you don't mind my asking?"

Arnaldus smiled and looked toward her curiously. Her selection of words caught his attention almost instantly and caused him to smile with a charming and cheeky way. "Really? Maybe you and I should talk more often, maybe over a drink sometime." He spoke in a flirtatious way. While looking at Quinn with remaining smile while noticing her push back a lock of her silver blonde hair. "Oh this? Well it's fire whiskey actually and no I don't mind you asking." Arnaldus continued in response and gave a gentle look from his eye to Quinn as they spoke. @Rui
"Mind if I steal a sip?" She asked, looking at him beneath dark thick lashes, which batted seductivly. She leaned into one hip, which jutted out, displaying feminine curves. She knew this game, and was a rather good player. She licked her lips, eyeing him.

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"I wouldn't mind at all." Arnaldus responded with a dashing smile as he offered his glass. A slow raise of the whiskey before him in offering while playfully responding to Quinn's batting eyes. "I'd say beneath the horizon.... You shine like a star. Though Beauty and intelligence often make for a formidable combination." He spoke with a touch of charm and certain look in his eye as Quinn displayed her curves and seemed to play the game. To which Arnaldus caught on to early and kept up his own skill of the game. "I'm sure it will prove a challenge for me...... Wouldn't it?" He spoke with smile and appearing more then capable of meeting it. He could tell by observing her and watching display of curves and licking of her lips, she knew what she was doing and was quite good at this game. The way she batted her eyes beneath those dark lashes and eyed him, she would be his match. But none the less he would enjoy this game and see just where it ends up. @Rui
She took her lip, relishing the burn. Call her a masochist, but she rather enjoyed pain. Particularly that of alcohol running down your throat. She sighed softly, handing him back the glass.

"Lovely." She pursed her lips, returning a smirk.

"You flatter me, Sir, and I simply adore a challenge."
Arnaldus accepted the glass back after Quinn took a drink. "Hmm..... A pleasant and smooth drink with just the right amount of kick. No?" He spoke often had he been one to favor fire whiskey to the more common butter beer or pumpkin juice. While further taking into thought a number of things but mostly did he focus on Quinn and keep contact with her through the eyes. "I merely speak the truth. Often it can flatter, if one knows where to find it and how to wield it." Arnaldus spoke smoothly with a corner grin and sharp eyes yet remained gentle enough in their gaze. " Good.... I do enjoy them as well. A challenge met is one thoroughly enjoyed especially when it's matched with a capable pair." He phrased his response using the truth of his own view on challenges and the fun that could be had with their own challenge of one another in this game. Perhaps already was? Either way Arnaldus took a drink and savored the whiskey and its fiery kick as it went down. " If I may Miss Quinn.... What brings you out front? Though I do not complain at all for your company for its quite pleasant. But most here have stayed with the crowd and mingled publicly." He asked leaning just a bit against a tree as he spoke with the young woman from the Carrow family. @Rui
She gazed back towards the side of the house, then locked eyes with him once more.

"People bore me. There are few that are actually interesting. They're all...plain. I see no reason to further diminish myself by mingling, offering false courtesies to those I don't know or care to know." She drew closer, her black nails tracing invisible patterns across his shirtfront, at his shoulder.

"You interest me. This is rare."

She looked at him, really looked, green eyes burning in their intensity, like summer lighting through the smoggy London clouds, and the green grass freshly cut on the green belts.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're quite beautiful, Mr. Arnaldus?"

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Akio said:
"And I'll protect you all the while, oh and bring lighter fluid." He said with a low voice in her ear as his arm wrapped tighter around her. He would protect her, just as he would protect the rest but especially her. Because she was the strongest and most stubborn of them, who would put the entire burden of the world on her shoulder without a word of complaint. She would try to keep everything to herself. He would be her pillar, and her strength to make up where the world was crushing down to hard around her. When she thanked him he raised her head so he could look at her in the eyes and smiled.
"Your so strong Victoria. You fight so hard and shove everything back and hold everything on your shoulders. But as I told you before even the strong can show weakness sometimes. Even if you can't show it to anyone else because everyone expects you to be strong you can show it to me. Allow me to be your pillar, and prop you up when you feel weak and stand with you when you feel strong." He leaned his forehead against her own breathing in her scent. "Don't be afraid to ask me for help, you don't have to go through it all alone. We'll stand together and protect each other, you never have to be alone." He said holding her close to him, making his promises and vows he'd know he would keep, because he cared for her and she for him. The very air seemed charged around them and a large part of him wanted to kiss her, Piage who he had just kissed earlier who probably still liked James regardless and he didn't want to take advantage of Victorias grief so be held himself back, body lightly trembling. @thefan1
Apparently, the urge to kiss one another was extremely contagious, for Victoria found herself pressing her lips against his a few minutes after he finished speaking. She was just so grateful to have someone who would always be by her side. Someone who she could trust with her feelings and human emotions she never showed in public. He was right, she was fighting too hard for the Order and would probably fall apart if she didn't give herself a break. After all, she was still a human. A human who had a breaking point just like everyone else. She broke the kiss shorty after it'd started but didn't seem ashamed as she stared into his beautiful blue eyes.

"I should apologize for that, should I?" She asked, running her hand over her chest as she rested her head over his strong chest. She was glad the others were too occupied enjoying the grand festivities going on in the other side of the manor, she wouldn't want anything to ruin this moment. "Well, I'm not sorry. I don't know why I did that, perhaps I'll never know. But I know that there was nothing in the world I needed other than that. I know it might seem odd, but I truly care about you. I want to be your pillar as well, Alexander. That is, if you let me of course."
Arnaldus couldn't help but notice Quinn's gaze to the side of the house then locking eyes with him, as he met her gaze locking onto hers and even looking deeply into the green emerald jewels that were her eyes as they met his hazel eyes that seemed to darken in its shade of green going from a light color to something more intense, more dark as they Quinn's. It's rarity in color and hues showcasing beautifully in the light yet strongly. "I must admit if not for my friends.... I wouldn't be here. But even then, something drew me out here away from the very mingling and people of who you speak." He spoke in reply understanding her point of view and not entirely far from that same view himself. There was much he would rather do or would rather be..... But his friends were here and one friend was getting married, so he certainly would come to support her and be there. Though the heavy presence of the ministry and looks he would receive from time to time didn't garner his favor any. "So I quite understand. I was growing rather bored myself, not to mention the view out front is quite natural and beautiful to look at and marvel. A fire that burns so yet can hardly be felt in its truest form." He added somewhat poetically

Feeling her draw close, drawing near with her nails tracing patterns at his front and shoulder. He smiled and slightly moved at her touch but pleased by it bringing a slow response from him but did not retreat from it.
"I'd say it was because I am unlike most you may meet. But couldn't say why..... It's a smooth calmness with a little charm perhaps or maybe I'm just more entertaining to converse with, maybe I'm both with a little mystery.... An aura that catches your eye." Arnaldus spoke in suggestion of a few reasons why though being low key about it at the same time, charmingly yet without true boast. It was a way to lead into his next move as his hand raised and gently slid down her arm and stopped at her elbow. While looking into her intense green eyes that were to him darker and more beautiful then emeralds of which he compared them. "As for you I am simply entranced by your burning deep eyes that are so green and sharp. Your beauty and fair long hair shining beneath the settling fire above. It must be common to receive such attention...." He playfully spoke in a smooth and softened tone while looking into her eyes with his own. While a small but sharp smile crossed his lips as she spoke to him. "I've danced with many ladies... Spoken with beauty and received much in turn in the way of words and what they describe of me. But beautiful has yet be one..... Until now." Arnaldus replied setting his glass down on a near surface and slowly moving the free hand to her cheek and gently brushing aside a lock of her hair while his other hand remained in paused motion against her elbow gently pressing against it after moving down her arm with the back of his hand. "Flattering me now, Miss Quinn?" He returned the question giving a flirtation of tone and look as he did. @Rui
Her smirk grew, morphing partly into a cheeky smile,

"I'm a shameless flatterer when it comes to pretty men." She murmured, her gaze searing. She always had a gift for seeing people as they were, and from here, she liked the view.

She decided to address what first came to mind, allowing herself a split second of impulsiveness. She leaned into him, lips brushing his own; not quite a kiss, but certainly something. She placed a proper kiss on his cheek, and next his jawline.

"Mm," she kept eye contact all the while, having found it improved the effects of her seduction for most.


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