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  1. Snuggly

    Things and stuff. [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

    It's all good. I suppose I have to be understanding, since I've been pretty sporadic myself lately. Apologies on that, by the way, my search for summer work has been consuming much more time than I thought it would : P
  2. Snuggly

    Things and stuff. [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

    Welcome aboard Xarvh! You'll like it down here! We all like it down here. :twisted:
  3. Snuggly

    [Prologue] It all started when... [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

    Ragara Vinii Dionis Dionis dances as best he can, his moves nearly frantic in their energy -- it is all he can do to keep up with Asera's maddening skill. He prided himself on his social graces normally, but as he dances, he reminds himself internally that a few more lessons could never hurt...
  4. Snuggly

    [Prologue] It all started when... [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

    Ragara Vinii Dionis Dionis takes Asera by the hand with a flourish and a bow. "It would be a pleasure, I assure you. I am Ragara Vinii Dionis, and it is quite good indeed to make your acquaintance," he says, still smiling rather cheekily.
  5. Snuggly

    [Prologue] It all started when... [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

    Ragara Vinii Dionis Dionis had remained inside during the duel, remaining on the balcony to finish his drink after Oratu had left, and then returning to one of the many empty seats in the lounge where the musicians were playing. He had never cared as much for combat when it was only used for...
  6. Snuggly

    OCC Thread [Crucible: Dark Age of Imeria]

    Sorry about the disappearance, finals week is just wrapping up here at school, so it shouldn't happen again.
  7. Snuggly

    [OOC] The Halls of Discussions [The Nightmare of Telistar]

    Sorry about the absence, I forgot to post and say that I'm taking my final exams. I should be able to get posts in tonight.
  8. Snuggly

    [Prologue] It all started when... [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

    Ragara Vinii Dionis "Tomorrow works, or whenever you so choose. Find me at your leisure, Sesus Oratu, and do forgive me for that last bit, about the personal favor. Old habits die hard, after all; I meant no offense. Now go, have fun!" Dionis tells the merchant. Dionis would have plenty of...
  9. Snuggly

    [Prologue] It all started when... [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

    Ragara Vinii Dionis "I am Ragara Vinii Dionis, milady," Dionis says to Aia, "and it is a pleasure to finally meet you; believe you me, your reputation precedes you." "But yes," Dionis says, turning to the nervous merchant, "I believe the balcony should do nicely. Excuse us." He begins to...
  10. Snuggly

    [Prologue] It all started when... [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

    Ragara Vinii Dionis "My, this does seem to be becoming something of a family affair," Dionis says. "I don't want to intrude on your catching up, so I will attend to some business for a moment; I trust you won't mind if I return in a few minutes?" Dionis had seen that merchant, Sesus Oratu...
  11. Snuggly

    OCC Thread [Crucible: Dark Age of Imeria]

    Okay, I've got Anders backstory up now. Hopefully everything is in order.
  12. Snuggly

    OCC Thread [Crucible: Dark Age of Imeria]

    Another quick question: are the clergy of Degra Veen allowed to marry, or are they required to stay single and celibate like Catholic priests? The answer may have some bearing on my background, but it won't have much an impact either way, I suppose.
  13. Snuggly

    Things and stuff. [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

    Sounds good to me, Chaka. I only ask about dice rollers because I know some PbP STs prefer checking on rolls. I use the one at Invisible Castle myself, since it allows you to link to rolls if needed.
  14. Snuggly

    [Prologue] It all started when... [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

    Ragara Vinii Dionis [Perception + Awareness = 4 dice to notice merchant and the scarred woman. 9, 10, 10, 9. Holy shit.] Dionis hears his name called out almost as soon as he begins scanning the room. Instinctively, he breaks into a grin as he turns toward the voice. He sees the face, and...
  15. Snuggly

    Things and stuff. [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

    The characters are all supposed to know each other, yes? If so, Dionis is probably going to be rather warm towards Yethet, and he thinks Yethet could probably stand to lighten up a bit. Regardless of whether or not he knows Yethet, he's heard of the Fire-Aspect's reputation and sees potential in...
  16. Snuggly

    [OOC] The Halls of Discussions [The Nightmare of Telistar]

    I just got back from my weekend trip, and I added a pic to my character profile. Woo!
  17. Snuggly

    [Prologue] It all started when... [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

    Ragara Vinii Dionis With a deep sigh, Dionis rises from his chair. The solitude was nice, but that wasn't really what he was here for, now was it? No, he was here to meet people, rub shoulders, all that good stuff. He wasn't the type that rejuvenated in quiet reflection anyway. Hearing the...
  18. Snuggly

    [Prologue] It all started when... [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

    Ragara Vinii Dionis Dionis is seated in a cushioned, high-backed chair in the quarters so graciously provided for him by Cynis Farah. He wears a simple long robe fashioned from deep blue silk with silver piping, and his normally long and wild hair has been drawn back into a simple but neat...
  19. Snuggly

    The Echoes of Absence

    I will be out of town from Saturday to midway through Monday. I will get what I can in before I leave, but my weekend will be MIA.
  20. Snuggly

    Games you'll never run... maybe.

    Funny you should mention this, because I played in a game eerily similar to this a number of years ago, only it used CtD rules, as Lost hadn't yet been released. It was, shall we say, interesting. I for one will never run Wyld Thing In the far North, Wyld Zones have begun appearing with...