OCC Thread [Crucible: Dark Age of Imeria]

My mistake, I'll change it as soon as I have an internet connection that remains stable for longer than 30 seconds.
Home, babysitting my brother, and stuck with crappy countryside connection. At moments like this, I loathe this country.

I will fix it as soon as I can.
I appear to have moderator status here. I'm willing to bet so does everyone else. She could change it herself with but a click of the mouse...
Oh, you kids.

Sorry Brickwall, but don't you worry of overmotion - I'm cunning at keeping timelines consistent.

Ask Risa - I once maintained narrative coherency on a pbp where the characters spent their first dozen posts seperated by about three weeks.
Consider the 'PAUSE' button pressed.

The next in-game hour will see the closing of the gates, so I'm going to be waiting for fhgwdads, Snuggly, and Cyl to join us before any further GM posts, wherein the town will lock up for the night.
No worries. I didn't anticipate getting even this far until Sunday night, so it's going well. :)

I can cheerfully wait for the last three party members to get in and get settled at the Eel.

I'm especially looking forward to Garret telling Hanse and 'his woman' to repent their sinful ways.
I've been keeping a leash on the righteous fury for the moment, but I suspect a few willpower tests in Garret's immediate future (Suspicion of course being far less heretical than foresight).
I'd ask Hanse for lessons so you can actually start. It's not a fast process, though. He started learning Laman years ago, and he'll still have trouble with more difficult stuff (don't expect him to be poetic too often).
Right, I'll devise some rolls for you to make during 'camp' scenes to learn the language. It'll also improve with time and immersion. Hanse's Laman Low Speak will also improve. Bear in mind Ayira will only know Ke'Yan - but it's the primary language of most Frontiersmen, and she'll be able to understand snatches of Tradestongue.

Oh, and now that I've finished the Hunter rulebook, I'm going to allow you to branch into Hunter classes with time.

Freelancer and Bloodhunter will be the easiest to branch into, Inquisitor will be difficult. Warrior-Monk is locked to all but perhaps Hanse (assuming he's about his mid-teens). Ayira may be guided by the Spirit of Fate to become a Dreamchaser, we'll see (current Dreamchaser build allows them to upgrade the Spirits bound into their weapons and armour into minor Gods with enough XP). There's a secret sixth Hunter class that anyone could join, but that has one very special pre-requisite. Garret actually seems like a stunning candidate for that one.
Alright, each time you want a lesson in language, it'll take three rolls.

Hanse will roll Intellect + 3 with a difficulty of 9 to teach Ke'Yan to Ayira.

In turn, Ayira will roll Intuition + Intellect for the lesson to sink in, difficulty 9.

The difficulties will decrease by 1 each lesson.

For Hanse to learn Laman, the rolls are reversed - however Hanse's starting difficulty will be 8 to represent what he knows already.
Information of Mutations and the College Arcane has been collected and posted in The Historian's Desk.

The Lie of the Land has been updated to a better format and more detail.
Another quick question: are the clergy of Degra Veen allowed to marry, or are they required to stay single and celibate like Catholic priests? The answer may have some bearing on my background, but it won't have much an impact either way, I suppose.
I'm afraid priests of the Earth Father don't marry, but Inquisitors are lay-brothers so they can, if that helps.
Ah, but if you don't marry, who will take up the daemonhammer and follow in your footsteps over the fallen bodies of heretics?

I'm now gleefully anticipating the lasy three players.

Oh, such a fun scene I have laid out for you when the last one arrives...
Grey said:
Ah, but if you don't marry, who will take up the daemonhammer and follow in your footsteps over the fallen bodies of heretics?

I say, boy!

All right, fine, I'll sire someone to carry on the good fight. But I won't enjoy it!
"I say, priestly chap? You appear to be pouring holy water upon my leg."

"Ah, well, it seems to me, that you're an unholy beast suffering the wrath of my holy water."

"Be that as it may, eventually your bottle shall be rendered empty, leaving me the victor."

"Hmm, I say, boy! I'll give you a penny to run down the church, and bring me back a half-litre of holy water."

Ach, I'm not recreating that whole scene right now.

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