OCC Thread [Crucible: Dark Age of Imeria]

So, Perception roll... how do you want us to handle die rolls, again?

Also, I just remembered that I need to write down equipment... I'll see if I can get to that tomorrow.
I wouldn't worry too much about equipment. You still have your Purifier, which is rare.

And just use the diceroller of your choice, and post the results in a quotebox in your post. You're a good bunch of players, and I trust there will be no cheatyfaic.
So much paranoia. A witch would poison or cast a spell on the mead, so clearly I cannot choose the glass in front of me, but a witch would also know a witch hunter so clearly I cannot choose the glass in front of HER!
Alternatively, she's just some village wise-woman who has taken a shine to you.

No, wait, sorry, this is grimdark, not noblebright. Carry on with your paranoia.
...Oh, right. There's Awareness...

Results for 2 dice: 3 successes [ 8 0 ] (TN: 7)
I'm not sure about the TN or anything of the sort in Crucible compared to other Storyteller games, and I only have a few minutes left now, so... I just posted this as-is. I'll have to look that up later...
Assume 7 unless I say otherwise.

Tens count as 1 success, and are not rerolled.

Unless you become in some way magical.
""I'm sure it will."

Garret matched the toast, brought the mug to his lips, and pretended to drink."

Oh no it was contact toxin, you are now dead ;)
All right. Thanks.

...Should I continue with posting, or is there anything else you need to do first now that I've rolled?
I'll post, most likely just edit my last one to reflect the results. One moment...
I'll be tied up with real life and the quest to avoid becoming homeless over the next few days/weeks, posts from me will be... Sporadic.
Sorry for the delays, folks. Busy busy busy.

Will post for all in a short while.
I think we all are to be honest! I wouldn t worry about it, with regard to your Monday night game, would I talk to you about hwat the charactor is doing in my absense? Won t be able to make Mondays as I m going on holidays soon enough!
And... it looks like I should apologize too. I got sidetracked by other things about when you stopped posting, and I guess I kind of started to forget about checking this site...

My life, again, is kind of being a distraction, but at least I'm back now. I'll try to start posting again as soon as I can manage.
...I can't say when I'll be getting back to this.

Posting shouldn't take long if I can set my mind to it, but I haven't had a lot of time recently, and Stupid Useless Compassion has been keeping me up literally until morning whenever I think I will have time, so I don't know what's going to happen.

I suppose I'll just... try to redouble my posting efforts once I can finally return. But, if you want to replace me, you can go ahead. That's what the Sidereals seem to want...
Well, a few of the preludes are getting close to their end.

I hate to have already lost one good player, too. You've got a while yet, at least. Don't feel too bad, anyway, RL stuff has distracted me from a couple of games, too.
Sorry was on holidays for the past two weeks and couldn t remember the address for the website, will get back to pposting tomorrow

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