OCC Thread [Crucible: Dark Age of Imeria]

...Gah. I can't find my old posts about my character concept.
I remember the basics, but was he from Hrothgard or H'Kaer? You recommended one, I think, saying it would fit well with the idea of a character failing to live up to being the war hero he was supposed to be... for some reason I'm thinking it was Hrothgard, but H'Kaer seems to be the one involved in war.
It was H'kaer, for certain.
Oh, thanks. I'm not sure why I thought it was Hrothgard, but...

I'll be sure to get the background done tonight. I'm kind of suffering from writer's block right now, so it may not be as long as it could be, but... I can always add more detail tomorrow, or at least soon, I suppose.
...Wow, I actually finished something when I promised, for once.

I'll have to write a physical description tomorrow, if you want one. I'm getting too tired at the moment, and I was assuming you didn't need one as much as the backstory...
Yeah, that's fine. Take your time, man, sounds like it's been a rough month. I'll be getting back to everyone's preludes soon. I'll fit you in tomorrow, if you're feeling up to it.
Grey said:
Yeah, that's fine. Take your time, man, sounds like it's been a rough month.
It's mostly my fault that I've taken so long, to be honest. I have been busy with college, and I got sick twice this year, but... there were times when I could have gotten some work done. I just didn't take them...

I'm kind of tired today, but I think I can post. I'll try to put up a short description, too.
Sorry about disappearing like that. I've been drowning in a sudden deluge of work the past few days, mostly related to an Exalted game I wasn't expecting so soon... I should be back now, though.
I just edited a short physical description in. That took way longer than it should have, but... I was struggling with running an online Exalted game and the lack of sleep it caused, so at least I have an excuse this time.

Is there anything more I need to do?
I'll check and let you know.

Just a heads up - I am massively unlikely to post between tonight, and the 13th, but after that things will resume at full speed.
That's okay with me. I've been away from a lot of things, not just this, so I have a lot of catching up to do...

Also, Dwarf Fortress.
As an advance warning, I likely won't be able to start posting on the 13th... I have an exam on the 15th, and I'm a bit behind as usual, so I'll be kind of busy studying. I should be back soon after that, though
Random question: How much work does it take to design and write a roleplaying game such as Crucible? I've had a few ideas in the past, though I hope that I'm getting wise enough now to start spending a little time looking before I leap... I have no intention of trying to sell anything I make in the near future, so anything I did make would likely be rather smaller and simpler than most commercial games.
I'll start your thread off after the 15th, don't worry.

And as for desgin...

Well, the idea came to me a good six or seven years ago. The main thing that developed in all that time was the setting. It's not very clear from the rulebook, but there's far, far more to the world that what's there and what's posted here. So, to get it all down in writing and devise the system to the point it is now has taken a little over 12 months and maybe 200 hours of playtesting.

But it's not done.

All the feedback from this initial release means it won't be done for at least six more months, with the release of the definative edition - which may, I suppose, as well be second ed. At first it was just going to be expanded fluff and better written rule sections, now it looks set to have more skills, new rules, adjusted rules, and at least 100 more pages of setting information. And that's just the core!

tl;dr One man working alone for a few hours a day for one year can make a playable RPG

Also; The Development Blog
I'll start your thread off after the 15th, don't worry.
But... it's the 17th.

...Though I guess that doesn't make what you said any less accurate.

Don't worry about it, though. I don't mind waiting.

And as for desgin...
Well, the idea came to me a good six or seven years ago. The main thing that developed in all that time was the setting. It's not very clear from the rulebook, but there's far, far more to the world that what's there and what's posted here. So, to get it all down in writing and devise the system to the point it is now has taken a little over 12 months and maybe 200 hours of playtesting.

But it's not done.

All the feedback from this initial release means it won't be done for at least six more months, with the release of the definative edition - which may, I suppose, as well be second ed. At first it was just going to be expanded fluff and better written rule sections, now it looks set to have more skills, new rules, adjusted rules, and at least 100 more pages of setting information. And that's just the core!

tl;dr One man working alone for a few hours a day for one year can make a playable RPG
That's... not too bad, I guess.

At least the work. Getting myself to actually stick with one project for a year would be a nightmare...
Gah, sorry about this. My schedule has been messed up these past few days, so my sleep and ability to get anything done have been suffering a bit as a result... I should be back to normal soon.
Would have thought I would have been able to discern a little more than broken conversation with acedemics 3? Or is that just for read and writing in your own language?
Academics gives you access to Old Imperial - the only written human language in the game. At Academics 3, you can speak a little Old Imperial.

Congrats; you are essentially a Latin student. Dark Age, remember? Outside H'kaer only nobles and priests can read or write.

If you wanted other languages, you'd have to say something at chargen for the appropriate merit.
Oh no thats fine, I couldn t remember if academics was the old language or different languages.

Oh god, joining up all the charactors in Kains estate is going to be hell......
I'm sorry to keep putting this off, but would it be okay if I hold off until the end of the month? I'm feeling kind of overwhelmed again, what with having an exam at that time...
...Actually, I was wrong about the time of my exam. It's tomorrow, which... is pretty bad news for me, but on the plus side, I'll be able to post sooner.
Hey all! I'm back, new character though because Ayira moved on to new horizons (aka a tabletop game). No prelude though because she's a slightly nerfed carry over from a one shot. Grey, are they going to get xp at the end of their preludes or is that the 15xp you gave me to work with?

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