OCC Thread [Crucible: Dark Age of Imeria]

Sorry, everyone seems so busy, I would've felt like a nag poking anyone. I thought I'd wait for things to quieten down and see.

I'll prod more in future.
Well, Brickwall didn't make the full roll, so we'll say you've picked up a couple of words - you can't really speak it at all yet, but you can get the gist of simple sentences.
So... how do I go about getting started here?

And when I'm done with my character, how would I introduce him/her into the current story?
We'll have to introduce the new one in the morning of the game.

Check out the character generation thread and character sheet template for an overview on how to make your character. Before that, though, I strongly suggest you read the setting information.
All right.

I'll... try to get around to it soon. Hopefully tomorrow night, if I can get this wretched assignment done before then.
...Well, okay, make that a couple of days. One of my other games is starting soon, so I need to finish my character for that.
I plan on rebooting the damn thing due to haemorraging players.

Game is on hiatus for one month. Feel free to create characters or edit existing ones in line with the new ruleset until then.

I'll be editing the existing thread like hell where necessary, feel free to revise your posts in response. Game will recommence with remaining and new players as they settle down for the night at the Inn at the next opportunity.
Should be near the bottom of the character sheet template thread right now.

Also an expanded setting thread is coming.

Magic thread has been updated with new rules, too.

Ranged combat mechanics have changed to a hit dicepool of Dex + Perception as opposed to standard Combat Pool.
Soon. Very soon.

Consider yourself to be playing the quickstart, and privy to a discount copy of the core book next month.
I was begining to worry that this had died. It would of been a pity. Count't me in for the reboot.
So... I'm actually back now, I think.

It's too bad this didn't turn out to be an actual playtest, though. I was hoping to be a bit of help...
This game will be restarting from scratch. I suggest you take a look at the wealth of revised setting information and stat out a character. :)
Okay, thanks.

Not sure when I'll be able to get to it, as I'm still behind in a lot of things, like always... I've been getting better to push myself to work harder, though. And I'll be sure to get to it once one or two more players finish theirs, at the latest, to be sure I don't hold up the game.
Hey, thanks for letting me join the group :)

Just been skimming through everything and it looks pretty swell so far, be looking into it with greater detail tomorrow. Just a question though: What's the adventure going to be about, and are there any requirements/restrictions for chargen (e.g. concept/behaviour)
No real restrictions, I can easily fit virtually any character in.

I run very sandbox games, so a strong character motivation is good to have.

Almost anything could come up, so any character type could prove useful.

And don't forget your mutation roll...
Hmm... are composure and willpower considered attributes for the sake of allocating bars? Thinking of playing a character who spent his early life living on the edges of the Black Forest. He's learnt to jump at shadows, because there shadows will kill you if you aren't too careful. Kinda like the cowardly survivalist who gets caught up in adventures against his own will.
Composure and Willpower are indeed attributes to distribute bars into. However, they don't govern any skills - unless you're a Mage...

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