[Prologue] It all started when... [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

Cathak Reisa

Reisa smiled brightly her eyes not leaving Duran's, "Well let them watch, I wouldn't dare to think to deprive them of the beauty and grace here, and of course," she chuckles a bit, "you as well."
Cathak Duran

"Ah! By no means did I mean for us to stop. Let them watch and seethe with jealous eyes! And well," he flashes her a wink, "I intend to enjoy every moment of this beauty, and every bit of her grace."
Ragara Vinii Dionis

Dionis takes Asera by the hand with a flourish and a bow. "It would be a pleasure, I assure you. I am Ragara Vinii Dionis, and it is quite good indeed to make your acquaintance," he says, still smiling rather cheekily.
Cathak Reisa

Reisa continues to dance smiling most proudly remarking only simply with a question. "So how are you enjoying this night, you have proven your skill, and have given me a better impression of you with your dancing."

"Nonsense, Cathak Yethet. It is my duty to look after someone injured in my home. Besides", her smile is not at all faint now, and with a shove you're on your back again, "you're not much use to me unconscious..."

{ That's the last you'll see of Farah or Yethet for the night (unless Yethet wants to risk botching a Sta+Performance roll?), and this little prologue!}


Asera whirls onto the dance floor, almost dragging you despite your willingness, and begins to bedazzle onlookers as much as the superlative skills of Cathak Reisa

{Dionis, roll Dexterity+Performance for dancin'.}

Asera: Dexterity+Performance- Results for 9 dice: 10 successes [ 0 0 4 9 4 0 0 5 8 ] (TN: 7)


The band plays several tunes back-to-back, before retiring for a rest, along with several of the guests. There is enthusiastic applause for such wonderful dancing, and flushed faces and covetous looks abound. Mnemon Aia, Sesus Oratu, and the others who didn't introduce themselves announce that they will be retiring to bed for the night, bow politely, and leave the room. The servants mingle again with more refreshments and foods. There is relative quiet, apart from some laughter in the direction of the gardens outside that suggests the staff, too, are getting their fun where they find it.
Cathak Duran

"Ah! I could not have asked for anyone better to spend such an exciting night with. But, do not think that I have shown you all my skills tonight.. I'm also quite skilled with the violin."
Cathak Reisa

"The violin eh? Do tell? Though my surprise shouldn't be much, a bow is merely a single stringed instrument." She says with a chuckle, "Will you play this night?"
Ragara Vinii Dionis

Dionis dances as best he can, his moves nearly frantic in their energy -- it is all he can do to keep up with Asera's maddening skill. He prided himself on his social graces normally, but as he dances, he reminds himself internally that a few more lessons could never hurt.

Dex + Performance = 5 dice. 9, 9, 5, 6, 5. Two successes
Cathak Reisa

"I would be pleased to listen to your playing," Reisa says with a slight girlish giggle. "I would not miss such actions from my own House."
Cathak Duran

"And perhaps you might be interested in a quiet meal once the festivities die down a bit more?"

"You're not bad." remarks Asera, brushing back a strand of hair dislodged by her magnificent display. "I get the feeling you'd like to disagree, but bear in mind I'll be terribly offended if you do." Again, the cheeky grin.

Reisa, Duran:

A servant appears at a respectful distance, gaze averted. "Honoured guests Lord Cathak Duran, Lady Cathak Reisa, Mistress Farah bade me inform you that Lord Cathak Yethet is recovered from the earlier duel with only minor injuries, but must rest until the morning. She shall keep watch on him for a while yet to be certain of his health, and so apologises deeply that she is unable to attend to her other guests at this time". She melts back into the sea of servants.
Cathak Reisa

Reisa frowns slightly but only a moment. Her cousin obviously was getting some first class care and in the end she just giggled and covered her face before turning to Duran and sobering herself as well as her heavy wine intake would allow. "Tragic that Cousin Yethet would not be able to enjoy the dancing and music, don't you think. Especially while the Hostess is busy with him."
Tepet Nehir

A rigid figure appears from the entrance.

A young Dynast, but too plainly dressed.

He's holding a glass full of water and looks around, ostentatiously unimpressed if not bored.

"Good job Nehir. You've a salary that would humiliate a peasant and you're here wasting your time with this inane people..."

The young man sighs and swallows the water.

"Oh, well, when you have fins, you have to swim..."
Cathak Duran

"Oh, I do not think he minds the hostess being busy with him one bit. Though, if it would help ease your mind we could see how he is doing- presuming he isn't busy with her as well.."
Tepet Nehir

As the servant is dismissed from the two Cathak, Nehir approaches her.

Just a few words, ended by Nehir with a brief nod. "I... I understand."

The young man hesitates slightly as he looks at the couple, then respectfully closes to them.

He looks first at him, then at her.

"I beg your pardon. Lady Reisa is to be informed of a mostly urgent matter."

A pause and an embarrassed, tentative smile.

"ehm... privately."
Cathak Reisa

Reisa shakes her head with a playful smile, "I'm sure that Cousin Yethet would be upset if we we're to interrupt now."

Then Nehir arrives and the young red head tilts her head a bit of confusion on her face. "Urgent, you say?" She turns to Duran with a regretful frown, "Forgive me cousin, I'll be hopefully just a moment." She then returns her attention to Nehir.

"Privately you say? Assuming you can find one where people are not." She frowns she wasn't about to bring a strange man to her own room, well at least not yet.


(And I swear... I could have responded to Duran a long while ago.... How I missed it is beyond me...)
Cathak Reisa

"I'll be Right back, I eagerly await your playing and the meal." Once again giving Duran an apologetic look she heads to the gardens with graceful if not slightly impatient steps.
Nehir, Reisa:

As you walk out into the gardens there is a yelp of shock and embarrassment, and you half-glimpse some semi-dressed figures darting off into the shadows. It is a beautiful night, the stars shine bright, the moon is nowhere to be seen, and the sounds of ornamental fountains and the distant sigh of a gentle wind through the forest further down the mountainside are thoroughly relaxing.

Back inside:

The musicians return to the stage, and the dancers take what few guests are still present by the hands, entreating them to dance with them with playful laughs and lazy smiles. The band begins a steady, sensuous tune with an almost hypnotic rhythm, and the lithe dancers begin to sway in a manner that would have an Immaculate Monk calling for the place to be burned to the ground.
Cathak Reisa

Reisa glances to the strange man with a smirk. "Surely you didn't think the gardens would be abandoned here did you?" Her curiosity was growing though, she hated 'important things that can only be told in a private place.' The one with the information always seemed to take forever.
Tepet Nehir

Nehir contemplates the night, lost in its beauty.

The music arrives softened by the distance, pushing an enjoying smile on his face.

In the darkness, he looks very relaxed.

Reisa's words wake him up from his blissful trance.

"..Uh? I beg your pardon, I was distracted..."

His smile is warm and just slightly embarrassed.
Cathak Reisa

Reisa resists an immediate outburst but she quickly calmed herself. Urgent... Matter.

"So... uh what was the urgent matter? I think we are pretty much ... alone here." She glances into the shadows wondering where those former playmates were.


And I thought to roll for this anyway xD

2009-06-17 16:59:15 Reisa rolls 7 dice to Looking for peepers/eavsdroppers 2,4,1,4,4, 9,2 (1 success)

There are a couple of servants to be seen, but they are busy tending some of the rare flowers that blossom only at night, and are well out of earshot unless one was to raise their voice to a shout. There is nothing suspicious that you can see or hear.

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