[Prologue] It all started when... [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

Tepet Nehir

Nehir looks still lost in the bliss of the moment.

"Urgent... ah, that..."

He looks at Reisa, as his eyes genuinely smile with his lips, and shrugs.

"I lied."
Cathak Reisa

Reisa turns on the man her eyes narrowing. "Wha...you... why...." Taking a deep breath she runs her hands through her long red hair. "I don't know whether to slice you to ribbons or... congratulate you on such fine maneuvering. Now... why me? Cousin Duran might take great offense to such actions."
Tepet Nehit

"Why you?"

His eyes sparkling in the warm night, the young Dynast looks surprised and amused.

"Aren't you woman enough to know?"
Reisa, Nehir:

{ Perception+Awareness rolls please, difficulty 3, while you're both deciding whether or not Nehir's audacious play will end in tears :) }
Cathak Reisa

Reisa opens her mouth and closes it. Men. She turns quickly her long red hair flying around her to settle like fiery red silk. "And you have a horrible sense about you. You're as subtle as a landslide and about as astute as one." Nehir definitely wasn't anything like her cousin, at least Duran had the sense for a compliment or two even without prodding. Did he expect that she didn't know what he was about?


2009-06-19 10:52:46 Reisa rolls 7 dice to Per+Aware 5,5,2,1,2, 5,5 (botch x 1)

--Yay... a Botch... not a failure but a Botch, she is quite miffed then
Tepet Nehir

{ ooh... burned! }

Nehir explodes in a loud laughter.

"Ahahah, Lady Reisa! You're right! I would embarrass a Cynis!"

With a gentle and measured pressure on the shoulder, the water aspect invites the girl back inside.

"I'm sure Cathak Duran knows patience more than me, I had a bad day!"

With an arcing gesture of his left end, Nehir points to Duran.
Cathak Reisa

She glances at the young man. "A bad day you say?" Still... She sighs heavily and tilts her head as she glances back inside. "Perhaps... I was a bit hard and unfair. T, this is a place to relax and ... enjoy ones self yes? I... if you want merely some time with me out here and relax, to let the... cruelties of the day to melt away, then I ... I suppose I could just be a good girl and stand here." Oh how that grated... "Cousin Duran can wait a bit I suppose."

In the silence following your laughter and apology, you hear... Something discordant. Almost like the faint whisper of the wind started whispering for real, in a thousand voices, each saying something different. It's far too faint to make out anything, and it's gone in an instant, but for reasons you can't explain it makes you shiver. The shadows that hid lustful indiscretion look a little less welcoming, the night sky that a moment before looked beautiful now just looks cold and distant. Neither Reisa nor anyone else out in the garden seems to have noticed.
Tepet Nehir

Nehir looks around with worry eyes.

His gaze encounters back Reisa's.

"I just felt something strange and worrysome... Like..."

He falters.

"Oh, never mind! This must be just bad karma hitting back at me. Indeed I do tend to be a naughty boy, from time to time. Lady Reisa, your kindness truly breaks my heart. Please forgive once more my foolishness."

He recollects his poise.

"I sense bitterness in your words... While it is definitely not my business, I do wonder whether I am the only one at this fair party with some recent past to forget..."
Cathak Reisa

She smiles a little weakly, "You could say that I am here to forget something in the most rest past." She shakes her head. "Something that... I couldn't avoid."
Tepet Nehir

Nehir blinks.

Then smiles, and answers:

"Well, I guess we'll have to thank the Five Dragons for our challenges, and through them, strive for perfection!"

He stops caught by a sudden realization and chokes a laughter.

"I don't believe myself what I'm saying... You know what? Fuck the problems, fuck the Dragons, let's get back inside and crash down this party! I'm eager to listen to that Duran cousin of yours!"

Pushing uncerimoniously the girl, Nehir hastens toward the porch.
Cathak Reisa

Reisa gasped in surprise as she was pushed. "You didn't catch me a person who wanted to listen before. Though I have a tendency to agree, to Malfeas with them both." Though this sudden shift does cause her a bit of concern. "Cousin Duran," she calls and waves to him, but he seems a bit preoccupied.
Tepet Nehir

As the couple joins back the illustrious crowd of the Manse and too many eyes mind not their own business, Nehir restores his rigid poise.

He turns to Reisa and with a formal bow he politely dismisses.

"Lady Reisa, I have absolute confidence in your ability to handle the matters at hand."

His eyes stop for an heartbeat on Reisa's, then turn away along with the young Water Aspect, that disappears in the crowd.
Cathak Reisa

Reisa frowns as the young man leaves a part of her was relieve another part worried. He had tried very hard to get out there and now he was countering that? She stands there feeling now quite alone despite being around so many. Something had happened... but what?
Tepet Nehir

In a dark corner of the hall Nehir swiftly grabs the heaviest drink he's offered, washes his mouth with it, and discretely spits everything back in the glass.

His mind goes to his body.

Slowly, relaxes all his muscles one by one, until he feels numb and heavy.

Deepening the meditation, he detaches himself ever so slightly from reality.

He allows the sensation of euphoria take over.

Then he starts crossing the room, staggering and barely bouncing against the crowd.

Towards the end of his path, he lands a less then appropriate comment to a young lady.

"Shorry.. eep.. Shorry I shaid!!! Ehh! Why shuch a hot cake ish sho angry now?"

Walking backwards, hands defensively open against the girl, he collides with Sesus Kiaan Oratu.

"Heeeeeey!!! Why theet ugly fashe? Thish ish a peerty, gotta haffun!!"

Nehir hugs the man, dropping his whole weight on him.

An idiotic smile and semi-closed eyelids stare carelessly at the merchant.

{ Roll to pickpocket the merchant. Nehir is interested, more than in the cash, in any document of financial interest, even if not directly of monetary value.

Anything that could be the equivalent of modern Id, credit card or bank checks and booklets.

I'm trying to pull this off with Manipulation rather than Dexterity, especially the stare is for distraction.

Man+Larceny = 9, rolled 2 successes.


If I got any stunt dice please roll it for me, it's going to be desperately needed. =)

Anyway, if Nehir is caught I know how to handle the consequences.

At least, I hope. oO }

{I'll allow it, you get one stunt die, result=success. So, 3 successes total.}

Nehir's fingers close around a slip of paper in Oratu's pocket. Oratu himself is rather drunk and quite nervous besides, and flinches at your hug instead of being suspicious. He does not appear to have noticed the pickpocketing. Once you get a moment to examine it in private, you will discover it is a receipt of sorts. It reads as follows:

Here's your damned invitation to the Palace, you treacherous viper. Our business is over, and if you ever threaten me or my family again, I swear by the Dragons I will have your head on a plate.

Ragara Calla.


The music goes on into the small hours, until everyone has had their fill of fine food and drink. The remaining guests eventually head off to bed, sometimes with one or more servants, most of them leaving instructions as to being woken up or being served breakfast in their rooms. As you walk to your rooms you catch one or two giggles or gasps from beind the doors of other guests.

The first night of relaxation at the Palace of Vistas and Recreations Supreme is over. Sleep well.

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