[Prologue] It all started when... [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

Cathak Duran

As Yethet rushes past, Duran's body twists with his cousin's blow- Letting loose a single arrow to catch him in the back of the knee. His cousin was brash and hot headed, something common with the Fire aspected, but it was also their downfall. Should the arrow strike true, his stance would break.

Single Called Shot, 3 personal spent for 6 dice on First Archery Excellency: Dex: +5, Archery +5, +3 sharpshooting specialty, +3 aiming, +1 accuracy, +3 hearthstone, +1 stunt: Duran rolled the following in his 21 dice: 3, 9, 1, 3, 4, 8, 6, 2, 9, 3, 7, 1, 10, 2, 1, 1, 9, 7, 1, 7, 7- 10 successes, -2 for the called shot: 8 To hit

Personal 9|11 Peripheral 14|25- Next action: Tick 8

DV: 4
Cathak Yethet

...just in time to see an arrow spinning for his knee. Cursing, he slams his daiklaive straight down, catching the arrow on the head and driving it, flat and unbroken, in to the earth, where it vibrated wildly for a moment before laying still.

Parry DV is 5, 1 willpower for +1, 3 motes peripheral for 5 dice with first melee excellency. +2 stunt dice

Results for 7 dice: 3 successes [ 1 8 7 6 1 5 9 ] (TN: 7)

DV reaches 9, attack JUST negated. willpower point regained.
Cathak Yethet

Laughing for the joy of an honest duel against an even opponent, Yethet decides to change tack. His daiklaive standing like a pillar out of the earth, tip embedded in the cobbles, he suddenly leaps off his feet, using it as a fulcrum with his hands he corkscrews around, lashing two blindingly fast kicks at the Wood Aspect before landing and pulling the sword clear of the cobblestones.

Attack 1: Dex 5 + MA 1 + Acc 0 -2= 4 dice. Results for 4 dice: 2 successes [ 4 4 5 0 ] (TN: 7) +2 stunt dice:Results for 2 dice: 0 successes [ 6 5 ] (TN: 7): Still misses

Attack 2: 3 dice, Willpower spent for automatic success, Results for 3 dice: 2 successes [ 7 6 9 ] (TN: 7), +2 stunt dice: Results for 2 dice: 3 successes [ 8 0 ] (TN: 7) 6 successess total.

Damage for attack 2: Strength 3 +3B +3 overkill - 3 soak = 6 dice. Results for 6 dice: 2 successes [ 1 1 2 7 2 0 ] (TN: 7) (damage/extra). 2 levels bashing damage inflicted.

Willpower regained, next action tick 11.
Cathak Duran

Duran staggers back as one of the kicks plants firmly into his shoulder. Jerking himself back into a fighting stance, he lets three fowling arrows fly- He did not much care where they hit, simply that they did. He needed to gain a bit of distance between he and his cousin, and this was the only way.

Three shots, 9 personal spent for 6 dice on First Archery Excellency for each attack: Dex: +5, Archery +5,+1 accuracy, +3 hearthstone, +6 from excellency, +1 stunt, -1 on each for wound penalty, and -3, -4, -5 multiple action penalty

Duran rolled the following in his 17 dice:

1, 6, 7, 1, 4, 8, 9, 8, 8, 9, 5, 4, 8, 5, 10, 6, 7

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 10 successes.

Damage: +10 overkill, +3 strength, +9 from Powerbow, +4 from Frog Crotch, -3 from soak: Duran rolled the following in his 23 dice:

2, 7, 8, 3, 8, 2, 8, 3, 2, 2, 3, 7, 9, 9, 7, 4, 6, 9, 3, 9, 1, 4, 10

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 11 successes.

Duran rolled the following in his 16 dice:

3, 5, 3, 4, 10, 5, 5, 9, 6, 1, 2, 2, 2, 7, 1, 10

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 6 successes.

Duran rolled the following in his 15 dice:

2, 8, 7, 7, 3, 7, 8, 6, 8, 5, 5, 3, 5, 3, 2

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 6 successes.

Personal 0|11 Peripheral 14|25- Next action: Tick 12

DV: 3

Health: -0: [X] -1: [X][] -2: [][] -4: [] I: []
Cathak Yethet

Swearing loudly as he sees the arrows fly toward him... I can't stop all of them... In the split second before they hit, he attempts to stop two of the arrows, his daiklave lashing out in a flurry of light that's almost fast enough... even as the arrows strike, he explodes into a bonfire of light and swirling flame.

First attack gets through. No defense attempt can stop it, so ehh...

Second attack, Parry DV is 4, spending 1 willpower for +1, 3 motes peripheral for 5 dice on 1st Melee excellency. Results for 5 dice: 2 successes [ 4 7 9 2 4 ] (TN: 7). Attack stopped.

Third Attack, Parry DV is 3, speding another willpower for +1 and another 3 motes for 5 dice on first melee excellency. Results for 5 dice: 3 successes [ 9 2 4 7 8 ] (TN: 7) attack stopped, barely.

3 willpower left, essence pool is 11/11, anima is flaring brightly. +1 stunt, so 2 motes regained, anima 11/13. Stunt has no benefit beyond essence regain, so not rolling it.

Two of the arrows explode into embers, but the third catches Yethet between the eyes with no time to react. Striking hard, his head snaps back with a force that should have broken his neck, and he slumps backwards, lying senseless on the ground. As he falls, his anima dims and goes out.
Cathak Duran

"Erm.. Shit.." Duran looks confused for a moment, quickly regaining his composure. "Can we get this man to a bed? I get the feeling he'll be out for a little bit." He'll smile, then bow to his unconscious cousin.

There is polite applause for the victor, and everyone feels the effects of Bei-Mei's sorcery wear off. The worst of Yethet's and Duran's bruises immediately lighten with a brief sparkle of essence. {Yethet and Duran heal bashing damage as normal now}

"Right" says Bei-Mei. "Shows over. Back to your revelry, folks." She wanders back to her chambers seeming oblivious to proceedings.

Cynis Farah kneels beside Yethet's body. She appears to be checking for serious injuries with the skill of a practised healer. Satisfied the sorcery worked its effects, she calls over two burly staff, which pick up Yethet. She turns to the crowd.

"Yes, treasured guests and friends, the night is young, and though the entertainment awaiting you is certainly less physical, it promises to be no less enjoyable! I must see to our fallen warrior's recovery, I am sure it will be swift for one so courageous. I will surely rejoin you all shortly. Please, enjoy! Healer Dal, come with me please..."

She leads the healer and the staff carrying Yethet off in the direction of the guest rooms. Inside, the music continues unabated.
Cathak Reisa

Reisa watches as Cousin Yethet is carried away, her eyes a little wide and her heart pounding a bit in her chest, that had to be one the most thrilling duels. She however didn't recall to many. "Cousin Duran, that was a wonderful display of archery and skill." She calls out to him with a wave and flushed face.
Cathak Duran

"It takes a great deal of practice to fight in such close quarters with the bow. Hell, I wasn't even sure I had remembered my training in such regards. Nonetheless, the night is still young! Care to join me for a few drinks? Perhaps a dance?"
Cathak Reisa

"I would love to. Too bad Cousin Yethet will not be able to join," she says with a slight frown but shakes it off and smiles. "I hope you know how to dance."
Cathak Duran

Duran grins, offering Reisa his arm, "I haven't the foggiest idea, but I'll certainly do my best!"
Cathak Reisa

Reisa chuckles, "Well I guess I'll have to give you a few pointers, just no stepping on my toes, kay?" She takes his arm with a sweet smile.
Cathak Duran

"I'm afraid I can't make any promises, though I will be honest. The goal is to sweep you off your feet, not step on your toes."
Cathak Reisa

"Sweep me off my feet eh," she says with a slight giggle. "That would be something new. I await your attempts." Briefly she wondered if she should allow such a thing, but it seemed like it would be fun, and so slowly she let him lead her inside.
Ragara Vinii Dionis

Dionis had remained inside during the duel, remaining on the balcony to finish his drink after Oratu had left, and then returning to one of the many empty seats in the lounge where the musicians were playing. He had never cared as much for combat when it was only used for posturing; it seemed somehow masturbatory, meaningless -- not that there was anything wrong with a little stimulation now and then.

As people begin to trickle in, Dionis grins. Maybe he will hit the dance floor; it seems like the right time of day for such an activity, not to mention the abundance of beautiful women about. Perhaps he'd be able to make a few new "connections" tonight. He chuckles inwardly at his own innuendo, flashing a toothy grin at any ladies who might be passing by.
Back inside:

The music gets more lively, the furniture is rearranged to look in upon a dance floor, the resident dancers take a well-earned rest and leave the floor open for the patrons. By this time a number of other guests have arrived and are making themselves known- Three new, richly dressed individuals are making their way into the room and slowly getting better acquainted with everyone. Only one stands out as a definite Dynast- His Slate-grey eyes and rough dark skin clearly mark him as chosen by Pasiap. The other two show no obvious signs of breeding, or lack thereof, apart from excellent clothing and a certain proud bearing.


One of the richly dressed newcomers approaches. She is of a height with you, shoulder-length dark-brown hair and emerald green eyes with a faint sparkle to them. She wears a pendant or green jade bearing a symbol of Sextes Jylis. Matching your grin with a brief one of her own, she says "Hi. You look like you know how to dance. Care to join me? The name's V'neef Asera, incidentally..."

Duran and Reisa:

Other guests are dancing by the time you get back inside, to an upbeat, almost raucous tune. Even the servants seem to be getting into the party spirit (although they have the decency to do it where it won't inconvenience any guests, and there are still plenty on hand to serve food and drink)

{Sta+Resistance roll for Reisa, for the drink she's already had, failure = -2 penalty for the night. Dancing will be (Dex or App or Cha)+Performance for both, 2 successes required to not look like an amateur}


You come to with a splitting headache. there is a bruised lump between your eyes that hurts to touch, and although the pain is receding even now, raising your head causes the room to spin gently. You appear to be in your own rooms, in your bed. Your jacket is folded neatly beside you on a chair, your daiklave leaning tidily against it, re-wrapped in peace-knot.

{Per+Awareness roll, please}
Cathak Yethet

Groggily sitting up, Yethet winced at the splitting headache and the hard, painful lump on his forehead. Duran had been good, very good, but the loss still stung. I was being flashy for an audience. It cost me. Lesson learned. Groaning, he sits up and looks about the room.

Results for 5 dice: 2 successes [ 5 3 6 7 8 ] (TN: 7)

Once the fuzziness clears, you see Cynis Farah by the window, leafing through the book you were reading earlier in the day. She looks up and smiles. "Oh, that's a relief. Normally such duels don't end with such a forceful blow, I was wondering whether you'd wake up tonight at all. I've done what I can for the pain while you were out. I have prepared some tea with a few extra ingredients that will help further. She takes a steaming cup from a nearby table and offers it to you.
Cathak Yethet

Yethet takes the tea gratefully. "My thanks, mistress. You are far too kind." Sitting back against the wall, he sips the hot drink. "My lady, I thank you for your personal attentions, but surely you're missing the festivities..?"

The tea is refreshing, with an odd metallic aftertaste that floods your mouth before preading throughout your body, calming and relaxing. The pain between your eyes dulls to a faint throbbing ache as you finish the cup.

Farah waves a hand dismissively. "My guests are having quite a wonderful time without my presence, I am sure. The Palace of Vistas is uncanny at inspiring such moods in all who visit. It is more than the manse's geomancy, perhaps some age-old sorcery? No matter. My job is to attend to the needs of my guests. Right now you are the only one who was recently concussed. I think," she smiles, "that makes you something of a priority case, don't you?"
Cathak Yethet

Yethet is suddenly very aware he is shirtless. Throat dry, he simply bows (gently and very carefully) in his sitting position, and says "You honour me."
Cathak Reisa

Reisa gives Duran a graceful smile and taking a deep breath she begins to dance.


2009-06-01 18:43:30 Reisa rolls 10 dice to App+Perform 9,1,9,10,6, 7,8,10,8,9 (10 successes)

2009-06-01 18:42:09 Reisa rolls 3 dice to Sta+Res 5,10,10 (4 successes)

I rolled good for once ^^

Edit: Grammer xD
Cathak Duran

Assuredly, Duran was no stranger to the beauty and elegance of dancing- Preferring to stylize his movements like those of the trees rustling in the wind.

A graceful smile will part his lips as he whispers quietly to his parter, "You should have told me you were so good at this, now I feel like a bumbling fool."

Results for 10 dice: 6 successes [ 8 7 7 8 7 2 6 6 7 3 ] (Dex + Performance)
Cathak Reisa

"You're not so bad." She says with a gentle laugh and wide smile. "Not bad at all."
Cathak Duran

"When one is out in the field with nothing much to do.. you find yourself with a good deal of time to pick things up- Dancing happens to be one of them." He pauses for a moment, his eyes darting to the other vacationers, "I think we've caught a good deal of attention.."

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