[Prologue] It all started when... [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

Cathak Duran

"Well... I suppose now would suffice? Or after dinner- Whichever is best for you. Though we should see if we could requisition a training sword and a practice bow.. No sense in killing each other.. Unless you prefer to use weapons we are both so very familiar with."
Cathak Yethet

On hearing this, Yethet lightens up and burts out laughing. "I misunderstood! I thought you meant a duel of military maneuvers, unit against unit. I would be happy to duel with you. And now is acceptable, if you wish." I'll show you fear. "I leave the choice of practice weapons or our preferred bow and blade to you. However, if you choose live steel, I promise not to do any lasting damage..." Still chuckling, he said "I've not duelled an archer before. This should be highly entertaining."
Cathak Duran

"Oh! War games? Perhaps one day, I do enjoy giving the men time off.. Though I do not know if I could ask them to demean themselves. Very well. We shall use our full armaments- though I have no desire to die, and I am certain neither do you, I'll use fowling arrows.. To keep things non-lethal, do you agree to either cover your blade with leather?"
Cathak Yethet

The young officer laughs. "I know you wouldn't be familiar with this, archer, but it would take more than a covering of leather to stop the blade of a Daiklave. However, I give my word of honour that you will not be cut by my blade any deeper than your skin if I do not wish it so. To make it fair, I willingly suggest you use your broadheads, I have no doubt you posess skill enough to inflict more than a graze if you so desire."
Cathak Duran

"Fair enough I suppose. And no, I do not know what it takes to stop a Daiklaive, nor do I intend to find out. I'll do my best to not show the world your ineptitude with a blade, or as a commander."
Cathak Reisa

Reisa glances between the two men and frowns just bit before just sliding back a bit and downing another glass. She could feel herself slipping from the amount a drink now in her, a part of her told her to go away, sleep or some such but not to stick around here. The other part wanted her to just run about the room with the oddest and pleasing thought of striping bear. Oh the shame that would bring the part reprimanded and so she just sat there while the two Cousins went on. A duel now would be interesting to watch. Perhaps and she giggles slightly.
Cathak Yethet

Yethet doesn't suppress the snarl this time. "Let's not keep the guests waiting." Standing, without another word he begins to stride toward the doors.
Cathak Yethet

Unbuttoning his tight formal shirt as he walks, he stops only to bow to Cynis Farah. "My lady, I have entertainment for your guests! Swordsman versus archer! Cousin Duran and I will be beginning shortly. Of course, this is not a part of the entertainment tomorrow, more a... sporting duel between two old friends. Do not interrupt the festivities unnecessarily if you have no desire to do so." With that, he continues out in to the gardens.
Cathak Duran

"For sake of keeping things controllable, would it be fair to ask to keep charms unused? The last thing any of our audience will want is our animas lashing out and wounding them, so keep things down- Agreed?"
Cathak Yethet

I'll not be beaten by the likes of you. "My anima will not be seen," Yethet swears solemnly.
Cathak Duran

Letting out a slow, cleansing breath, Duran smiles, "Any preference of distance, Cousin? It would be unfair if it was chosen by me."
Cathak Yethet

Allowing his shirt to fall to the ground, leaving him barechested in the moonlight, Yethet idly begins unknotting the peaceknot holding Firecracker in its sheath. "Twenty paces? That seems fair to me." Tossing the ribbon down to lie on his shirt, Yethet walks away a little bit and draws his weapon. His stance is flawless, and as he warms up, moving seamlessly from kata to kata, anyone watching can think only of a flame flickering.
Cathak Reisa

Having discarded the glass, Reisa followed the two men out. Absolutely would this be an interesting affair. Cousin Yethet seemed quite fired up. Tossing back her long hair she appraises the two men in their stances.
{Anyone NOT following Yethet and Duran into the gardens will find a pleasing 15-20 minutes of good music, good food, and any number of the very attractive staff willing to please them.}

The Gardens:

Most of the main hall seems to follow you out to the gardens, which are utterly exquisite, even in the dark. Some flowers are glowing with a soft blue radiance, illuminating the immediate surroundings.

Sesus Oratu and Mnemon Aia both amble out to the gardens to watch, along with fully half the staff. Cynis Farah rushes in between Yethet and Duran, her posture and tone perfectly calculated to convey fear of injury to both combatants equally. "My treasured guests, wait a moment, I implore you! Oaths to refrain from excessive force are all very well, but accidents can and do happen. I cannot allow this duel to take place until my mage has sanctified the ring."

She cups her hands together and whispers into them, blue essence coalescing within, which she than tosses casually skywards. The ball of essence fades from sight.

"Ledaal Catala Bei-Mei will be along shortly. She has the knowledge of insuring the lives of duellists against fatal harm. In the meantime, might I be so bold as to beg you to fight a little further away from the duskroses? They only blossomed and began glowing three nights ago, and they are rather precious to me..." She gestures to an empty cobblestone circle a little further on, "Perhaps this area would be more suitable, my lords? Solid ground, less chance to slip..."

Within minutes, a robed and hooded figure emerges from the Palace to confer in whispers with Cynis Farah. The hood falls away to reveal a stunningly beautiful face saddled with a faint, bemused smile.

Bei-Mei speaks. "If everyone could form a circle, except for the combatants, who must stand in the centre facing eachother, I would be most grateful, and could get this little tiff out of the way in time for a nice glass of wine and a nap."

The staff and guests begin to move out to surround the two soldiers.


{make me Stamina/Resistance rolls to fight the effects of the sake you've been drinking. Failure = -2 on all combat rolls}
Cathak Yethet

As the fire aspect steps on to the cobbles and breathes the night air, he focuses. Already the effects of alcohol are leaving him. Walking to the centre of the circle, he stands patiently, waiting for Duran to join him.

Results for 5 dice: 2 successes [ 5 6 8 1 8 ] (TN: 7)
Cathak Duran

Duran frowns as he enters the stone circle, taking his place a few paces away from Yethet. "I was planning to hop into a tree, but it seems as though my plan to use plants as cover is now moot. Since there's no worry for destroying the place, or or audience, shall we forgo our earlier agreement and fight as we see fit? Especially since our lives have been... protected from accidents?"
The sorcerer Bei-Mei begins chanting under her breath, strange sounds you're not sure a functioning throat is normally able to make, and her hands twitch, inscribing arcane patterns in the air. The gardens are charged with static, the hairs on everyone's necks stand on end, and all of a sudden it's gone.

"It is done", says Bei-Mei, smiling faintly at some unseen joke all the while, "Neither party can kill the other until either one of you yields, or until sunrise, which is, ooh, about 9 hours away. While it would be fun to see you both slug it out for so long, it would be more fun to go back to bed with a nice book, or one of the stable hands. Go on, boys, best get it over with..."
Cathak Yethet

Yethet grins. "Full contact? Essence usage? Until the other yields? Duran old friend, I wouldn't have it any other way." Backing up to the edge of the circle once the spell is cast to give Duran some room, he faces him and brings the crossguard of his daiklave up before his face in salute, before whipping it down to his side in an easy, ready stance.

"Hesiesh guide my sword!"

Health: -0: [] -1: [][] -2: [][] -4: [] I: [] Willpower: [/][][][][]

Dodge DV (unarmoured): 5 Parry DV (unarmoured): 6 Soak: 3B/2L

Firecracker (Red Jade Reaper Daiklave): Speed: 3 Acc: +2 Dam: +5L Def:+1 Rate: 3

Punch: Speed: 5 Acc: +1 Damage: +0B Def: +2 Rate: 3

Kick: Speed: 5 Acc: +0 Damage: +3B Def: -2 Rate: 2

Clinch: Speed: 6 Acc: +0 Damage: +0B Def: -- Rate: 1

Essence Pool 11/17 (9 motes committed out of peripheral)

Join Battle: Results for 5 dice: 4 successes [ 8 7 3 9 9 ] (TN: 7) Tick 0.
Cathak Duran

A slow breath will part his lips as he notches a Frogcrotch arrow, "Then let us give them a show!"

Health: -0: [] -1: [][] -2: [][] -4: [] I: [] Willpower: [][][][][][]

Dodge DV (unarmoured): 6 Parry DV (unarmoured): 4 (With sword) Soak: 3B/2L

Thorn of Syxtes Jyles

Speed: 4, Accuracy: 17, Damage: +9L, Rate: 3, Range: 400

Broad head: 11L, Fowling: 11B, Frog Crotch: 13L (Double soak), Target: 9L Half soak

Straight Sword

Speed: 4, Accuracy: +7, Damage: +6L, Rate: 2, PDV: 4

Personal 11|11 Peripheral 14|25 (11 Committed)

Duran rolled the following in his 6 dice: 1, 1, 3, 4, 10, 8- 3 successes on initiative Tick: 1
Cathak Yethet

With a yell and an explosion of movement, Yethet begins pelting across the arena toward the archer. The distance is too great to cover before the archer can strike, however. Yethet stares intently at the wood aspect, readying his blade to deflect any incoming arrows.

Dash action. Next action tick 3.
Cathak Duran

His muscles tense as he brings his eye to stare across the tip shaft of the arrow, carefully watching his mark close the distance between them. Any shots now would need to be carefully fired- To stop a raging bull, remove its eyes. Well, the problem with that is you still have a raging bull, but at least its one that can't find you...

Aim action, speed 3- Next action tick: 4, DDV: 5
Cathak Yethet

Racing across the arena at blinding speed, Yethet leaps at the archer... and past him. As he leaps past trailing slight contrails of flame from his blade, hands and feet, he neatly hooks the tip of his daiklave in between powerbow and string, sliding it up until it caught. It won't break, but it doesn't need to... When it catches at the point where string meets bow, he twists... to lever the powerbow out of the wood-aspect's grasp.

2 motes peripheral spent on 1st Melee excelency for four dice. Dice Pool is : Dex 5+ Melee 5+ Accuracy: +2 Excellency +4 Stunt: +1 = 17 dice. 7 successes or better needed.

Results for 17 dice: 10 successes [ 1 6 2 4 4 0 7 0 7 5 0 8 6 7 1 5 4 ] (TN: 7) essence pool is 11/15, anima is barely flickering.
Cathak Duran

As the fox stalks the hare, the grass does not impede his passage. The stalks flow and twist.. they bend and twirl, it is just as much alive as the animals and mortals around it. In his heart, Duran was given a gift: The spark of Sextes Jylles. His arms will go limp, and with it his bow. With any luck, the two would simply brush past the raging Dragon- and remain untouched.

1-die stunt, Duran rolled the following in his 1 dice: 9 (DV is up to 6)

Wits + Archery vs. the net successes of 3, buying 4 dice with the first archery excellency... Duran rolled the following in his 14 dice: 10, 8, 1, 10, 7, 1, 9, 2, 9, 5, 3, 6, 2, 9 Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 9 successes.

Personal 11|11 Peripheral 14|25 (Regained the 2 motes from the stunt)
Cathak Yethet

Cursing softly as he misses, he lands slightly behind the archer and begins to turn...

Next action tick 6, Dodge DV: 4 currently, Parry DV: 5 currently.

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