[Prologue] It all started when... [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]


Drunken master
Being a ruler of Creation is hard work. There are huge armies to command, vast trade fleets to manage, estates and holdings and investments over which to speculate. There are rivals to have put in their place, be that place on your serving staff or at the bottom of the Imperial River. Heirs to sire (and to remove ruthlessly should they embarrass or grow covetous of their parents' power).

Creation doesn't run itself. Especially since the Empress disappeared.

That's why hard-working Scions of the Empress play as hard as they work. Through diligent hard work (or perhaps merely blind luck) you have been fortunate enough to acquire a week's rest and relaxation at one of the Blessed Isle's most exclusive resorts, the Palace of Vistas and Recreations Supreme. All manner of activities await a noble Dragon-Blood. Hunting, poetry, song, dance, fine wines, pretty serving staff... The proprietor, Cynis Farah, is at hand to provide anything you want. Anything.

The Palace is situated on a mountainside on the Jade Coast, a popular tourist area with Dynasts. It offers a spectacular view of the sea 50 miles to the east, and boasts impressive forests and mountain trails in the other direction. A beautiful lake can be found at the southern foot of the mountain, where sailing and swimming are all catered for. The Palace proper contains opulent chambers for each guest, the floors carpeted and doors well-oiled so as not to disturb other guests in the dead of night. A lavishly decorated public hall allows for parties of all sorts.

Sit back, relax, take your pleasure from the selection of food, drink, men, women and demons (summoned and trained in the arts of pleasure by a fully licensed graduate of the Heptagram, of course) what could possibly be more perfect than a week of repose in the heart of the Realm..?
Cathak Yethet

The young officer stood on a balcony overlooking the sea, watching the sunlight play on the water. He felt slightly ill-at-ease, as though he should be doing something else. Stop that, Yethet. You need to relax, everyone tells you so. The Realm won't fall apart if you hang up your daiklave and relax for ten minutes...

Unable to convince himself, the young man walked over to a nearby chair and sat down. Pulling a text on counteracting guerilla warfare from his shirt pocket, he opened it at one of many bookmarks and began to read again.
There is a polite rapping at your chamber door just as you are about to reacquaint yourself with the hit-and-run tactics of certain desert barbarian tribes, interrupting your train of thought.

"My lord Cathak?"

The voice through the door is your hostess, Cynis Farah.

"My lord? I most sincerely hope I am not interrupting your relaxation. I felt it prudent to inform you that there shall be a musical performance in the public chambers within the hour. If it so pleases you, brave Talonlord, your presence would honour them, and I am certain you will find their talents most agreeable."
Cathak Yethet

Sighing softly, Yethet puts the book down again and opens the door. "Thank you, mistress. I will be honoured to attend."

About to request his privacy for the remaining time, he stops, thinking of something else. "Mistress, I wish to ask. Your hospitality is without equal, however I fear my skills will grow soft. I wish to ask whether you can provide some sparring partners? A soldier must always keep his skills sharper than his blade, and if I may indulge in a moment of arrogance," he says with a faint self-deprecating smile, "it's possible a display of martial talent may act as a diversion for some of the other guests..?"
You can almost see Mistress Farah's wry smile through the door.

"Honoured guest, indulgence is the very purpose of my establishment. I can offer a variety of martial challenges for your pleasure. I have many mortal guards skilled in fighting, though I am sure they would have to fight in numbers to be any fun. If one feels like indulging in more than a moment of arrogance, my sorcerer may bind a demon to spar with you without trying to kill you. A number of our other guests are martially inclined, perhaps they will willing to keep your skills sharp. And if I may be so bold, I confess to a degree of skill with fist and blade myself. I would be delighted to accommodate you in a match, steel against steel or", a pause so brief you almost miss it, "flesh against flesh".
Cathak Reisa

The redheaded Reisa almost couldn't remember why she was here, having herself laying on a cushion drinking a nice drink, listening to some soothing music. She wore a simple gown that was cut at her chest and her abdomen, showing off her cleavage and her slender shapely navel. A green ribbon was in her long hair. Though she could think of a million other things, like a bath, a good bath with oils and perfumes, yes that could relax her, as well as other things. This, though, was simple enough to take the edge off of the events of the past few months. "Ah yes, this is nice."
Cathak Yethet

Temperance roll: Results for 2 dice: **BOTCH** [ 1 4 ] (TN: 7) Woo-hoo!

A disciplined man though he was, Yethet is still a Dragon-Blood and a child of Hesiesh besides, and so his passions burn stronger than most. As do his desires...

"My lady, it would be my honour to stand in playful contest with you in the duelling ring. And my pleasure to engage in a duel of the flesh somewhere a little more... intimate, afterwards." The tone is unmistakable.
For Reisa:

The public chamber is most agreeable to a woman of your stature. The lighting from essence-powered crystal globes is warm and welcoming. The couches and cushions are soft as silk. Even though the musicians are merely warming up their tones are gentle as a caress, and the servants are not only pleasing to the eye, but uncanny at expecting your wishes. Every time you take a moment to look around you, you find someone has refilled your glass in your distraction. A selection of delicate and exotic fruit on a plate by your side is replenished when you're not looking.

Two other guests are lounging about in a similar fashion. One man is familiar by reputation, a merchant prince named Sesus Kiaan Oratu, who is rumoured to have bought his way into the Deliberative and has been making attempts to secure more influence for the trading arms of his House. He is a short, stocky man, the blessing of the Wood Dragon evident in his green hair and rough, brown-tinged skin. He nods acknowledgement in your direction (you must be known to him as well), unwilling to speak over the delightful music and ruin the atmosphere.

The other you do not know. She has a face that would be beautiful if it weren't so hard, And the cut of her gown shows a ragged scar from her right shoulder down across her chest, leading you to suspect a martial background. She clearly makes no attempt to hide the scar, suggesting a proud story behind its origin. Her eyes meet yours briefly, before flickering back to the musicians. Not unfriendly, just... Uncaring.

For Yethet:

"Alas, I have many duties to attend tonight, my lord, many guests are arriving or have just arrived, and I must see to their needs before the welcoming performance, as I'm sure you understand. Come tomorrow, I should be delighted to accommodate your... Requests, Talonlord."

You hear no footsteps on the carpeted corridors outside, but can hear Farah's all-business voice instructing servants to rooms further down, until you lose it in the distance. Leaving you alone again, with your book opened on concealment and misdirection tactics, feeling vaguely like you just lost a similar confrontation.
Cathak Yethet

Despite the heat in his blood, Yethet has to smile. Nevermind loveplay. I need to play that woman in a match of Gateway.

Still smiling wryly, Yethet summons servants, readying himself for tonight's festivities. Once his dress is complete, he straps on Firecracker (purely as a decoration, of course) and peace-knots the daiklaive in its sheath. Thus prepared, he sets out to the concert.
Cathak Reisa

Reisa sighs contently and returns the acknowledge nod from the Merchant Prince, she casts on final glance at the highly disciplined woman, or at least that was her current impression, before returning to her drink. Causually she drinks and eats exotic fruit, not yet even realizing that she'll be highly intoxicated and full before these glasses and bowls become empty. Not that she cared overly much anything... anything to forget those events in An-Teng, even for just a night.
Cathak Yethet

The impeccable line of his military uniform and bearing offset by his slightly obvious discomfort at the luxurious surroundings he finds himself in, Yethet walks in to the main hall, idly scanning the crowd for any familiar faces.
Ragara Vinii Dionis

Dionis is seated in a cushioned, high-backed chair in the quarters so graciously provided for him by Cynis Farah. He wears a simple long robe fashioned from deep blue silk with silver piping, and his normally long and wild hair has been drawn back into a simple but neat ponytail. He arches his fingers and smiles, enjoying the silence of his room, and recounts to himself what brought him to this veritable palace of pleasure.

He hadn't been planning on making a visit to the resort, after all; he knew it was one of the best, but at the moment, his disposable income was best put to other uses. However, a friend of a friend had done something stupid, and Dionis had been more than happy to get the Magistrates to back off the poor lad. What was his name again? Nellens something, yes, that was it! Nellens Jorell. The kid had barely graduated from the Spiral Academy, and already he was getting in trouble. He had been so gracious for the help that he gave Dionis an all-expenses paid week-long stay at the Palace of Vistas. Probably wiped out his entire House's treasuries doing so, but that wasn't any of Dionis' concern. If anything, he had taken a shine to ragged young Dynast for the display of gratitude. He'd have to remember to write Jorell and thank him again.

Dionis would be sure to take in the rest of the resort later, but for now, he is enjoying the quiet serenity of his quarters.
The musicians stop playing for a moment, to better arrange themselves for the evening's performance. The 4 on stage are joined by another 4, seating is rearranged, instruments retuned, and they begin again, with a lament that stirs memories of loves and battles lost, memories you were not aware you still possessed.

For Yethet:

Scanning the room Yethet sees a short Wood Aspect, A tough-looking woman of indeterminate breeding with a nasty scar across her chest, and...

roll Intelligence/Awareness (dif: 1) to recognise your old classmate (You guys get to decide whether you liked or hated eachother ^_^ )

For Reisa:

A very well-dressed young man enters the room, with a daiklave strapped to his waist in a peace-knot. He looks vaguely familiar...

Same roll, please, difficulty 2 due to being "merry". You don't have to roll if you don't want to think about where you know him. :)

For Dionis:

The Palace of Vistas is surely built most auspiciously, everything around you seems to contribute to easing your mood. The silence is not total; you can hear faint birdsong from the trees outside, the sound of the wind outside the windows is almost melodic, and while you can hear the music begin from the public hall down the corridor, it is not loud enough to disturb, but still enough to hint at a good time should one feel so inclined. The room just oozes relaxation. A silver bell lies on the bedside table for summoning servants, though it makes no physical sound.
Cathak Yethet

Results for 5 dice: 2 successes [ 9 1 8 6 5 ] (TN: 7)

Scanning the crowd, Yethet spots the familiar figure of Reisa. The old smile plays across his face. Well, I'll be... He walks over, grinning wider.

"Cathak Reisa... fancy seeing you here..." he stands in front of her and bows deeply. "I didn't think they let any second-rate cadets in here." The laughter in his eyes and tone belies any insult, an old joke referenced for the first time in too long.
Cathak Reisa

Reisa winces and frowns at him which turns slowly into a smile. Second Rate eh?

"Oh I don't know," she says swirling some drink in its glass her face is slightly flushed with drink, "I would have though the Social Allergic would have steered clear." She chuckles suddenly. "But I am glad to see you too Cathak Yethet. Good to see you are without a nose in a book." She looks up at him and smiles warmly as she takes another drink, one of who knows how many.


Of course I did roll ^^

Cathak Reisa rolls 7 dice to Recognize (Int+Aware) 1,7,3,8,5, 2,10 (4 successes)
Cathak Yethet

"Social Allergic?" Yethet laughs. "Don't make me tell the story about the Poison Oak... anyway, how've you been? It's been what, three, four years?" Yethet takes a drink from a passing tray, and drinks deeply, relishing the strong spirit. Maybe this'll be fun after all.
Cathak Reisa

Reisa chuckles and once again downs the last of the drink by now she was determined to make sure it was still empty but then Yethet did once again distract her. "No no, not the Poison Oak." She laughs and leans back. "I've been..." she halts for a moment pushing away the thoughts, "absolutely wonderful. Getting some time in An Teng is quite a veritable vacation. Though nothing matches the pure majesty of the Blessed Isle. So what have you been up to since graduating? Renovating a strategy or tactic to some modern bent?"
Cathak Yethet

Giving his elemental inclinations some free rein felt decidedly good, and the second glass of spirits was helping. He grinned. "An-Teng, huh? Nice, nothing but pirates and the Lintha. Still, I envy you the active post." His smile turns wry for a second. "I'm a talonlord now, which is a source of pride for me, and I think my parents also. But all my work is still theoretical... I haven't seen any action yet, you know? I feel... I dunno... well, I guess I'd like the chance to prove myself." Reflectively, he drained the last of the cup.

"Have you spoken to any of the others?"
Cathak Reisa

She shakes her head a momentary look of sorrow on her face before she shoves it away. her glass full she sips at it before answering, "No, I got sent back and then straight away here. And I've not seen anyone else since graduation. Sad almost that we'd so get get scattered."
Ragara Vinii Dionis

With a deep sigh, Dionis rises from his chair. The solitude was nice, but that wasn't really what he was here for, now was it? No, he was here to meet people, rub shoulders, all that good stuff. He wasn't the type that rejuvenated in quiet reflection anyway.

Hearing the music, he decides to leave the room, but not before taking a moment to listen to the sweet interplay of the birds singing outside his window and the melodies coming from within the building. The moment gone, he heads down the hallway and into the room where the music is being played he nods greetings to the gathered merry-makers and takes a glass of something that was almost certainly alcoholic from a passing servant.

Taking a sip, he feels a tingle of warmth flush through him, and scans the crowd, on the off-chance that he sees anyone he knows.
For everyone:

The musicians finish their lament, leaving a moment of sombre, reflective silence, before a smattering of polite applause. They launch into a much more upbeat melody which fills the room with good cheer (again, one might suspect sorcery, or at least highly auspicious geomancy). Conversation between patrons just feels... More natural. Servants begin bringing out more substantial food; strips of spiced, cooked or smoked meat, eggs, delicately scented rice, fish and the like.

The merchant and scarred woman both glance up at the new arrivals.

{Everyone: Per/Awareness to notice their reactions to the newcomers please}

For Dionis:

{Int/Awareness to recognise people in the room}

Dionis notes the merchant and the tough-looking woman, but the other two guests are doing most of the talking, and their discussion of old times, playful insults and mannerisms makes it clear who they are. You catch the tail-end of Reisa's regret about old friends drifting apart. How... Interesting.
Cathak Yethet

Enjoying the old banter and the strong drink, Yethet idly glances around at some of the others present, including the scarred woman and the merchant.

Results for 5 dice: 1 success [ 8 5 3 1 5 ] (TN: 7)
Nobody else rolling? Ok...

For Yethet:

1 Success: You notice recognition in the eyes of the merchant regarding someone behind you. Alarmed recognition. Turning, you see Ragara Dionis, yet another student from your old school. {with old classmates on your mind I'm not going to bother with rolls}. He hasn't changed much. Still youthful, still dressing down, eyes still possessing that shrewd cunning...
Cathak Reisa

Reisa breaks from partial melancholy and giggles for no other reason for a moment before glancing at Yethet as he turns.


(Drats didn't even see these last posts O.o , Ah well! Carrying on! ^^)
Cathak Yethet

Yethet raises an eyebrow. "Well, Reisa, looks like a little impromptu reunion is order..." Grinning, he waves at the water Aspect.

"Ragara Vinii Dionis! Welcome! Come, Reisa and I were just catching up."

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