[Prologue] It all started when... [With nail & Eye of Autocthon]

Cathak Duran

As distasteful as it was to him, political hobnobbing was just another means of survival (and sometimes the only one) in a Dynast's life. Regardless of your position, Empress aside, you must suck up and kiss the ass of your financial and political superiors to get anywhere- Just look at Tepet Ejava.

And so, Duran took this impromptu vacation for two reasons. To possibly earn a bit more political clout, and to actually relax for once. The Falling Leaves were more than happy to have him gone so that they might rest themselves.

Wordlessly, Cathak Duran wandered the grounds before settling himself in with the musicians- The music whispering about him seemed as though thousands of birds were singing together in harmony. Dully, however, his eyes scanned the room for both familiar faces, and doing a bit of eavesdropping for the more... "threatening" Dynasts also in attendance here.
Cathak Reisa

Reisa blinks and glances at Dionis and frowns slightly then smiles, "Oh yes do join us. Though beware, sharp tongues abound," she says with a wink.
Ragara Vinii Dionis

[Perception + Awareness = 4 dice to notice merchant and the scarred woman. 9, 10, 10, 9. Holy shit.]

Dionis hears his name called out almost as soon as he begins scanning the room. Instinctively, he breaks into a grin as he turns toward the voice. He sees the face, and his mind whirls through lists of names and places, trying to match the person with the memories. Without missing a beat, he has it.

"Cathak Yethet! It's been a dog's age since I last saw you! Since primary school at least!" Dionis calls out, raising his arms in a gesture of recognition. "And Cathak Reisa," he says, walking over to the two fire aspects. "A pleasure to see you both, as always. Tell me, how have you both been? Yethet, I've heard murmurings of your success at the House of Bells, any truth to these accusations?" he asks with a chuckle.
Cathak Reisa

Reisa gives Yethet a playful sidelong glance her face flush, "Oh yes do tell us about your success at the House of Bells." She chuckles, "But I am doing well. I'm on vacation from vacation, An-Teng was... fun."
Cathak Yethet

Slightly drunk now, Yethet blushes slightly at this new topic of conversation. "I performed adequately. But enough of me, Dionis, it's been many years! How have you been? The Spiral Academy's finest, I have no doubt..." Yethet quietly hopes altering the course of compliments will change the topic of conversation.
For Duran:

Duran wanders into the main hall just in time to witness three familiar faces exclaiming surprised delight at bumping into eachother. A group of servants hover nearby with delicious-smelling foods and drinks at hand. There's a Wood-Aspect sitting in the corner minding his own business with admirable determination, and another woman eyeing the backs of your childhood acquaintances with a vaguely interested look on her face.

For Dionis:

You take in every detail of worth in a heartbeat. You meet the eyes of Sesus Oratu, a self-styled merchant prince who bought his way into politics in the Imperial City. Behind the scenes of course, you know that he traded favours as much as money, and your family was one of the parties with which he traded both, on not-quite-equal terms; He still owes various members of House Ragara a number of minor debts and moderate favours, and he's been slow to repay. By the startled look on his face you can tell he thinks you're here to collect.

As for the woman, you recognise her as Talonlord Mnemon Kellhus Aia, an odd character. She went for a military career, but instead of attending the House of Bells like all aspiring military Dynasts, she insisted on attending Pasiap's Stair, which is reserved for lost eggs and outcastes, and often thought of as the harsher school. She brought shame on her family for attending, but after graduating the stricter regime of the school with flying colours, wiped the shame clean and won a measure of respect for taking so humble a path to command. She has a reputation as an excellent officer, although you've heard some rumours that she might care for the soldiers under her a little more than is recommended by the Immaculate Philosophy...

For everyone else:

Seeing your happy reunion, the servants move a number of long couches towards you, arranged in a circle, and place a table full of cakes and tea, and fine wines in the centre. The band plays on, becoming an uplifting background to the happy scene. Dancers join the musicians on the stage, their sinuous movements a perfect compliment to every note. Cynis Farah, the proprietor, can be seen hovering about near a doorway, occasionally flitting away to attend some detail or other. The sun sets outside, casting a bloody hue across the distant sea.
Cathak Duran

"By the dragons, I had barely recognized any of you," Duran smiles as he approaches the gathering circle of his class mates, "Its been to long! Reisa, beautiful as always.. and its odd to see yourself away from your troops Yethet. If I did not know any better, I'd say we were having a family reunion- Minus the political squabbles of course."
Cathak Yethet

Yethet nearly fell with surprise at this voice. "Cathak Duran! Your surprise at seeing me here is nothing to my seeing you! I thought the leader of the Falling Leaves was tireless. You have done well for yourself, my cousin." He reaches out and clasps wrists with the wood-aspect. His tone betrays nothing of the slight sting of bitterness beneath his words. Black sheep made good. I shouldn't resent you, but you've achieved so much. And I've tried so hard, but never rewarded so...
Cathak Reisa

Reisa blushes slightly amongst her already flushed face at the compliment and smiles, "Good to see you Duran, doing well I hope, and I think its nice to be away from the politcal stuff every now and then. Its hard to reminice when ones have to fight through waves of alliances, failures, and success on the politcal arena."
Cathak Duran

"Ah, but my dear- one can never truly be rid of such things within the Dynasty! Why, I'm sure Yethet here has nothing but vulgarity on his mind- After all, who could resist the charm of both a Scion of Heshish bearing the sensuality of the very flame from which the dragons blessed you." Laughing heartily, he slaps Yethet playfully on the shoulder, "Ah! Where have my manners gone. I've been training day and night and missed seeing such a sight as yourself since we parted all those years ago!"
Cathak Yethet

Blushing much more obviously, Yethet drains the liquor in his glass and looks involuntarily over to where Cynis Farah is standing.

"I would do cousin Reisa no insult, but for the moment my attentions are... elsewhere."
Ragara Vinii Dionis

"My, this does seem to be becoming something of a family affair," Dionis says. "I don't want to intrude on your catching up, so I will attend to some business for a moment; I trust you won't mind if I return in a few minutes?"

Dionis had seen that merchant, Sesus Oratu, had seen the panic in his eyes. While catching up with old acquaintances was nice, Dionis felt he could not afford to pass up an opportunity such as this. After excusing himself again, Dionis walks over to the merchant-prince and his companion.

"Milady Mnemon Kellhus," he says with a flourishing bow to the two dynasts, "I am terribly sorry to interrupt your conversation, but may I borrow our esteemed friend Sesus Orata for a moment? It will not take long, I only wish to speak with him for a moment."
Cathak Reisa

Reisa blinks and smiles cunning, "Oh attentions spent elsewhere? Do tell, is this target of attentions capable of romantic inclinations or perhaps it really is something other than a tactic to devastate armies? If the latter, who is the assuredly pretty young woman and where did you meet her?"
For Dionis:

Sesus Oratu nearly chokes on his sake as you leave the group of Cathaks and walk straight over to him. Aia raises her eyebrows in mild surprise that you know her, and stands to greet you with a slight bow.

"Sir, you have me at a disadvantage."

A faint smile plays across her lips.

"Nevertheless, please, go ahead. The good merchant prince and I have long since run out of common ground for conversation. All he has left are anecdotes about the astronomical cost of ice in Gem, while I am reduced to stories about who defeated who at which battle. I'm sure he will relish the opportunity for a change of topic." She clearly knows what is going on, and appears to be quite enjoying watching Oratu squirm awkwardly.

Perhaps not trusting himself to speak, Oratu merely makes a sound like a choking kitten while nodding faintly. He rises, downs the rest of his drink in one gulp, bows to Aia and says "Er, perhaps the balcony there would suffice, sir? I would not want to be out of earshot of, um, such delightful music..."

Everyone else:

Cynis Farah takes the opportunity to glide silently over. She has changed into a splendid emerald evening gown with delicate silver embroidery along the baggy sleeves, and a black jade tiara with a beautiful milky-emerald gem in the centre {which is of course a hearthstone- make Temperance rolls or suffer -2 to social rolls/resistances in her presence from trying not to drool over her. Yes, including Reisa.}

"Cherished guests, how wonderful to see you all enjoying yourselves so! I am so looking forward to the exciting events for tomorrow! Did you know that Cathak Yethet has offered us a martial demonstration in the morning, and to spar with anyone wishing to test their skill against his? Whatever form his performance takes, I have no doubt it shall be breathtaking!"
Cathak Yethet

Results for 2 dice: 0 successes [ 6 5 ] (TN: 7)

Already somewhat enamoured with the sultry hostess, something about her dress and demeanour positively intoxicates Yethet this evening. The liquor isn't helping, either.

"Ah, hostess! It is but a trifle, a diversion... I trust you will still do me the honour of allowing me a duel..?"
Cathak Reisa

Reisa swallows hard and turns but nonetheless finds her own drink weakened mind to drive her eyes back to the woman. It had been awhile since she, herself, had even thought ... such thoughts that now brought her face an even redder color.

"Uh, oh, I... I didn't know he would." She elbows Yethet and smiles softly. "Out to impress anyone in the room are you?" She takes a drink a deep one before an answer can be had.


Temperance Roll: Reisa rolls 1 die to Temperance 4 (failure)
Cathak Yethet

Yethet smiles. "I simply wish to keep my skills sharp." Don't look at Farah's breasts, don't look at her breasts, don't... oooh... his eyes snap upright as quickly as possible before impropriety is noted. "Perhaps, cousin Reisa, you will also do me the honour of a sparring match? It's been a while since I had to remind you which end of a sword to hold."
Cathak Reisa

Reisa laughs hard though whether to drive her mind from such an alluring hostess or the implied weakness of her own skill it was hard to say even to herself. "Very well cousin Yethet, I will be pleased to spar with you. Such a chance I cannot pass up to show you just how far I have not fallen in my time in An-Teng." She brushes back strands of red hair and sits up straighter and smiles.
Ragara Vinii Dionis

"I am Ragara Vinii Dionis, milady," Dionis says to Aia, "and it is a pleasure to finally meet you; believe you me, your reputation precedes you."

"But yes," Dionis says, turning to the nervous merchant, "I believe the balcony should do nicely. Excuse us."

He begins to walk towards the balcony, trusting that Oratu will follow, and plucks another glass from a nearby tray. Once on the balcony, he turns and offers the second glass to the merchant, while taking another sip from his own glass. "I can see how uncomfortable you must be, sir. Perhaps a drink will help with your nerves."

"But to get to business, Oratu -- may I be so familiar with you? -- or rather, to not get to business, I'd like to tell you to relax. That is why you are here, is it not? So it is the case with myself as well. I know you must think that I am here to collect, but I can assure you, it is not my intent. I'd no sooner wish embarrassment on you here, in this place of pleasure, than I would wish it upon my grandmother. Enjoy your stay, Oratu; worry about your debts later."

Almost as an afterthought, Dionis adds with a wink, "Think of it as a personal favor, from me to you." He sips from his glass again, waiting for the merchant's reply.
For Dionis:

The tension that was leaving Oratu's face as you spoke has second thoughts when he hears your last line. "Ragara Vinii Dionis", he begins cautiously, "my thanks for your reassuring words. Of course I have every intention of making good on my promises to your House. It's just..." He gulps down half the glass. "I fear that some favours I have been recently asked would be better performed by someone more... I mean the thought occurs that we might be able to he... Ach, no, not tonight, I apologise for dragging up business in this place. Perhaps we could, uh, talk again tomorrow?"

Everyone else:

Cynis Farah claps her hands excitedly. "Oh my, how wonderful! First thing tomorrow I shall have my sorcerer prepare the main courtyard for a duel." A warm smile to the scarred woman." Perhaps other guests will feel similarly inclined" The woman considers for a moment, and nods with a smile. "Like the honourable Talonlord says, we soldiers must keep our skills sharp, even on holiday."

"Superb," exclaims Farah. "I'm sure it will draw a crowd! A soothing bath and massage to work out any bruises afterwards, perhaps? And I shall have my chef's finest meal prepared for the brave combatants."
Ragara Vinii Dionis

"Tomorrow works, or whenever you so choose. Find me at your leisure, Sesus Oratu, and do forgive me for that last bit, about the personal favor. Old habits die hard, after all; I meant no offense. Now go, have fun!" Dionis tells the merchant. Dionis would have plenty of time to get what he wanted from the man, but letting him twist in the wind a bit would remind him who was in charge in the relationship. It was just the way his grandmother liked it, and so, by extension, he enjoyed it thoroughly.
Cathak Duran

With a sly smile, he'll turn to Yethet, "You know, dear cousin, I've been dying to test myself against another commander. All my drills and training have been with my men. I'm not one for close quarters fighting, nor you for archers I surmise... So I feel a duel would be good for honing both our skills. Besides, it would give us a chance to show off to such a lovely woman." He'll pause to wink at Reisa, "Well, and I suppose you to whomever has caught your eye."
Cathak Yethet

Nodding to his cousin, Yethet smiled. "I would be happy to oblige you," and maybe take the Falling Leaves down a notch... "but I fear I don't bring my men on holiday. However, perhaps a game of Gateway or some other strategic test will suffice?"
Cathak Duran

"I suppose Gateway will suffice, but dear Cousin- Are you afraid to spar with the Commander of the Falling Leaves? I understand the fear you must feel for being challenged by such a superior opponent.. But I thought you'd be more graceful in refusing my offer." A wide smile spreads across Duran's face before once more slapping Yethet on the shoulder jokingly.

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