[OOC] The Halls of Discussions [The Nightmare of Telistar]

The Twilight is gonna focus more on Craft and Sorcery. It's nice to start with Celestial Circle right off the bat, anyone care for a 1-2 dot manse in a few weeks?
Well I didn't realize it but I have 5 sheets. I have checked them and I don't see any glaring errors, yet. ^^

So in a few days I shall start up the first thread. Of course for you that haven't sheets up I'll wait for just a bit. Hopefully those of you who haven't finished will get them up to post. I think Monday I'll put the post up, just enough I hope for tonight, tomorrow, and Monday Morning to get sheets up.
I've posted what I've got now, I really hope flesh out a background tommorrow, but for now it's just a sheet and a pic.
All peeps with sheets can post.

All those without backgrounds post those first to your sheets xD

And all those who still desiring to play but no sheet, well no rush get them done, you just will be inserted at the next opportune moment ^^
Sorry about the absence, I forgot to post and say that I'm taking my final exams. I should be able to get posts in tonight.
No need to rush....

And heh, good thing i hadn't entered sooner, I just had to juggle a few points since I forgot to pick up any dots in hearts blood.....

Out of curiosity though....How fast does a bird fly....? I would think it's faster than a normal ground bound move action but the only relevent item I have to go from is the Pteron Dragon-King.....(Which with my character would have me breaking the speed of sound in no time.....)
I'm almost worried I have lost everyone xD but, with one I know has been sick and another doing that evil finals thing I think I assume that is what has slowed us down to a crawl?
Hmmm I must ask, how many of you still remain? *ST's poke for life and health* ^^

Should I just push us along somehow? ^^
(Grumbles about Deathknights throwing posts into Oblivion.)

For our new players there are 6bps extra you can have, 3 for an appropriate pic and 3 for a background (Can be as short as a good 2 paragraphs) ^^

(Let's hope the forum doesn't eat this again.)
*waves to everyone*

Hello. I've almost got my character sorted out. I've just got to figure out some of the math, write a short background, and find a picture (which is turning out to be kind of difficult ^^; ;)

Anyhow, here's hoping we all survive for a bit.

Due to real life issues, I must withdraw from every game I am in. Feel free to take over my character or drop them completely. While I may be able to return one day I doubt it will happen in the near future. Have fun everyone.

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