[OOC] The Halls of Discussions [The Nightmare of Telistar]

I honestly don't know too much about the akuma Solar #1.

I envisioned a quick boost for the First Incarnation Run of the Exalted Shards. Give a few months to beat the Primordials using turbo charged Essences and charms then subsequent incarnations take the road we all know. (So while you are Legendary you might be less than legendary in age. Honestly I cannot see a few 100 year old Solars, Lunars, Sidereals, and Dragonblooded taking down what they did with what little a few hundred years of training they did get. Oo Unless those artifacts really were the turning factor in that war. (I mean Merla killed a Primordial with her bare hands didn't she? I could very well be wrong and that might have been something I read on the Exalted Forum. :P )

Of course my twist involves changes (like small betrayals here and there from a select few) to the Primordial War itself. Of course though, that is the heart and soul of this epic story! That twist. ^^
Ah-ha! :mrgreen:

"Thrice-Damned Gorol was a Solar Prince and Night Caste assassin who slew a Primordial early in the War. In the final rasping breath of his nemesis, Gorol heard terrible blasphemies unveiling the inexorable inevitability of Oblivion. Believing that the Primordials alone could undo the curses of their slain kin, Gorol secretly betrayed the Exalted and became a spy for the Primordials throughout the latter part of the War. Whatever his intention, his treachery cost many hundreds of Chosen lives and might even have led the Primordials' soul-typhoon weapon to the hidden base where the Dragon King armies massed for a grand offensive. The full scope of Gorol's wickedness might never be known, but when his circlemates finally realized what he had become, more than a century after the War, they attempted to ambush him and bring him to justice. Sadly, the Lawgivers underestimated the depraved inventiveness of the Yozis who had rebuilt Thrice-Damned Gorol's body and soul with aspects of their own power. Armed with the element of surprise and a variety of hideous powers, the akuma effortlessly slew his former friends and escaped..."

...out of this story and into another. Cue the Tale of Calan's Loss. However, none of this would be known during the War, as you said -- the Exalted Host would know there was a traitor, but not who he was. So Dances on Clouds would still be either in "You killed my father! Prepare to die -- er, whoever you are!" or, if the Inigo Montoya/Luke Skywalker thing is a little too much, searching for an unknown father.
Are these Legendary Exalts allowed to wield Sorcery? I assume Necromancy isn't allowed.

Right now my idea is:

Legendary Solar: Copper Phoenix - A master sorcerer, this Twilight quickly mastered this Art when the Mother of All Spells brought it before the Solar Host. Also a strong swordsman, he blended the two arts to form a powerful combination. (Will be explored through a few custom Charms and Spells).

Beginning First Age Solar: Gawyn, the Sage - This young Twilight was blessed with knowledge that few beginning Solars attain, and he seeks to expand his knowledge. A reincarnation of a powerful legacy, he tries to carve his own path, and has barely began to learn Sorcery. He also much prefer the use of Martial Arts than Melee, and has eschewed the use of his former incarnation's powerful Daiklaive.

Starting Second Age Solar: The Keeper - An older man than most new Solars, he was a librarian in Whitewall, when he found intruders in the library about to torch it. Leaping into action to preserve the knowledge, he was granted an Exaltation. He held back the attackers, but suffered a nasty burn, which he refused to heal, keeping it as a reminder to his failure to save all of the knowledge. Taking the most important books with him, he left the city, intend on finding a place where he can create a safe place for all knowedge, and from there set out to collect all the knowledge he can get, to preserve it for future generations.
Oh. Ya. Sorcery is viable. Like Akuma #1 I'm not too clear when Sorcery got its start. But I like your Primordial War's Method for Sorcery and works well with an idea or two. Still without the Underworld and a few poked and proded Neverborn Necromancy won't get its start.

I shall put up a recruiting thread soon and see if I can drum up 2-3 three others. 2 if Artrius is up to playing as well ^^

In a bit I'll probably do a bit of spring cleaning ^^
Oh yay ^^. Read a few pages back. We're doing something new with this game (I've refined my Idea with Telistar and made it in my opinion easier to deal with.)
I'm not sure I can put together three decent ideas for characters but here goes...

The Mask and the Crown

Legendary: Orza Mi 'Een- In a time when other Solars were brightness and light, this fellow was shadow and gloom. While the Primordials were busy defending themselves against the Solar Host, Orza approached them unseen and struck vicious blows where they were weakest.

Beginning First Age: Luminous Shadow- even in the first age there were those who sought to commit crimes and perpetuate evil. Luminous Shadow fights against such creatures in the name of the Solar Deliberative and for the good of Creation.

Second Age: Furious Whisper- The Second Age needs heroes. Bright, shining, glorious heroes that will lead Creation back into greatness. Furious Whisper is not one of those heroes. he is an avenging devil that will leave the streets covered in the blood of the wicked until those heroes come.

What do you think?
I'm in....!

The Forest That Fights shall be the legendary war hero Lunar.....I'll scale him back since what with war prep and such he won't have been able to start his massive 1000+ year Trelan project yet....

TarCen, Hoofed Lightning will remain my character amidst the peace and splendor of the 1st Age.

Last but not least, in the age of sorrows a young plainsman from the taigas of the North will exalt, a skilled hunter wily and quick, Enhanced by Luna with the spirit of the fox....He now fights to save a world far removed from the remote icy village he came from inspired by even more remote memories of a shining golden age long lost...

By the way, for Solar characters going into the Age of sorrows.....Might there shards have ended up abyssal or infernal...or will you want to keep them all solars...?

Edit: By the way, sorry for the delay, home computer was in and out of commission and the school computer wasn't allowing me to post to the site for some reason....
Ok so I do or I don't have to put together a Legendary Solar?

What level Solar is the other First Age Solar?
Ya no need to start on the 2nd Age character quite yet. As events from the first age that your characters might do might change on what you might want to do with your 2nd age character.

If you do not wish to go the length (And I would not blame you for it) just find a set of high end charms that your legendary is possibly going to use (But do complete Attributes/Abillites/Backgrounds... ect per the charagen ^^)

On that. Good concepts all around. And I'm still reading on the spells but so far I am not unhappy with them.
What torture. First I have to put together a Solar that survived the Primordial War. You are talking the upper level of power in a game that's designed to stretch the boundaries of what is considered powerful. Then I need to put together a starting level Solar in the First Age. That is a drop in power of an untold magnitude. Finally, after having played this Starting First Age character for a while, I'll need to put together a starting level Second Age Solar. I am being ordered to go from having the power to slay primordials to barely being able to hold off three dragonbloods. That is just evil.

Best to get started now.
Might take me a bit of time, got the first two characters' dots assigned, but not much work done on the Charms, and my internet is spotty now. Will do my best to get things done ASAP.
This should be quite fun xD (Aside from the years of work one puts in just the Legendary 'pain in one's ass' Character) ^^

>> I've somehow forgotten how to moderate a forum so give me time as I get re-acquainted with the board's moderated system. :P I was out to delete the other two threads but it won't let me do that so I may just lock them and move them (Something else it hasn't let me do xD )

Edit: Nevermind I found it >< What one finds when one actually looks at the bottom of a thread Oo

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