[OOC] The Halls of Discussions [The Nightmare of Telistar]

Hrm. I'm sitting on a fence. And I have to know. Shall I reset this game or put it away? Cause I cannot even seem how to deal with the group and one member not at the same place. And its mostly my fault for thinking I can do both. And I am sorry I've left this one out there alone, cause for two weeks I haven't been able to think of any other ways around it.

And sooooo... uh... if you all wish a reset I've a fun way of redoing this game (Which may require you, the players a little more work than I think most games require. But I shall not put that idea out until... I know what you all wish xD )
Hells, two of you are more desiring it. xD Well okay. Here's the deal. We can keep your characters as is, after all we didn't get too far did we? I guess I can put up a recruiting line up. So here is the idea I'm putting it up for you. Do decide if you like where this game started (Aka Dreams) or this idea:

I have thought of a game crossing generations. (Primodrial War > Incarnated to Dreams > 2nd Age) This means at least 3 different Characters. With that said no one needs to make their 2nd Age character until the Usurpation part of this game happens. ^^ (I was going to Prelude you all at the End of the Primodial War where I have a twist to the deal that we all know)

Its a big idea that I think is quite fun (and in my opinion much better than the old Telistar idea) In either case if you wish to focus on one set of characters then its no matter. Out of three modular parts, I can just use the Dreams Arc.
That arc sounds awesome. Do we still play these characters, or can we make up new ones? i feel like this character wasn`t that well conceived.
If you wish to make a new character then go for it. (If we go with this larger idea with its Prelude and its 2nd age) Then Elders for the Prelude, Younger Generation for Dreams, and if we last this long Age of Sorrows Characters can be concieved ^^
I'm up for either; continuation or the new tri-arc idea.....Both sound good to me....

It should be noted that those elder characters can be quite time consuming...

For example, viewtopic.php?f=34&t=492

Poor fellow, all of that and the game ended up canceled, I'll probably simply convert him to the themes, ideas, and needs of our ST if we need to make an elder character

((also apologizes for the delay in replying, this week the school computers have been refusing to let me post and the home ones slow and buggy as all get out.....))
Hrm...thought I posted this already...

Tricky tricky. I'd have to make an entirely new concept for the Second Age character either way, since a starting PC in the Second Age is not going to have both a royal warstrider and enough Essence to attune it!

Poor Thunder...I guess he's going to get buried in mud again...ironic, since you know what 1st Ed. story he comes from!
Hrm. Tis a good point. Making the highest lvl solar, sidereal, lunar would be a pain in the butt. Anyway since you'll only have them for the Prelude (and possibly some other more vaguest point in the game maybe xD ) then you can stat out the abilities and attributes, a fancy stash of artifacts, and pick some of the highest charms you can acquire (Broken or not ><) in the DoTFA and Glories books. Just the ones you think you will use during the war. Considering what I think of the War low on Social and high on Physical charms... I'm sure there is some way to trick the Primodials into their weak points xD

Ahhh! Silver Key... I wish they hadn't canned it. >< My Lunar was my first Elder work and it took a week or two xD .

I have a fancy program that speeds it up now. (Well up to Glories no Ink Monkies in it.)

Hm...now that I think about it, I do have a Second Age Dawn Caste I've been itching to play...

...how do you feel about dinosaurs, er, Dragon Kings?
ED Exalted (http://www.edexalted.com/) grants the fun run from Starter to Elder xD With almost little to no issue. I believe there was something, oh Right they messed up Elder Sidereal, having an MA is a natural thing for them and the program forces me to only 3 MA Charms, But aside from that it works nicely.

Dragon Kings? I've never had one, or played one, but if the concept behind one is cool enough I could see it being viable. ^^ (I do have their books somewhere)
I originally posted the idea elsewhere on this site: a soldier Exalts as a Dawn Caste while fighting a stalker, enlightening him in the process, and the two end up fleeing the Wyld Hunt together. Guided by their past life memories, they find their way to the ruins of a First Age city, and as the hunt closes in prepare to make a last stand. The Essence released during the battle activates a nearby stasis chamber, bringing its ancient occupant(s) out of cold sleep...just in time to witness a young Solar and a young Dragon King about to get slaughtered. Exit the Dragon-Blooded, very bloodily indeed.

The Dawn Caste is mentored and equipped by the Dragon Kings, knows High Holy Speech and considers their cause her own. She quests in search of other Dragon King colonies and sleepers, while seeking to rebuild [whichever ruined city is closest to where the story takes place]. Almost everything she knows about the First Age, the gods and the role of the Exalted comes from her Dragon King teacher or teachers, and has been filtered through their, ahem, unique worldview.
Hm...how about a young warrior who was trained to avenge her father, a victim of Thrice-Damned Gorol's treachery...only to find out that Gorol is her father? ;-)

Of course, she'll have been raised by simple moisture farmers in the South, ignorant of her heritage and her destiny.

And she'll carry a beamklave. ;-)
Now I must invent a Martial Art that uses daiklaves for form weapons...

*steeples fingers, ponders*
Alrighty. One Exaltation, three Exalted...

Dances on Clouds, heroic daughter of an evil father. Grand Master of an order of paladins, er, I mean Golden Janissary-type monks whose Holy attacks burn creatures of darkness. Seeks to cleanse the Font of Mourning, which is a perpetual reminder of her father Gorol's crimes. Legendary Solar.

Weeping Golden Ash (to use her full name), ordinary teenage girl befriended by giant mech (see http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FallingIntoTheCockpit). Still struggling to find her place in Exalted society. Somewhat naive and idealistic. Starting First Age Solar.

Joyous Dove, human walking with dinosaurs. Quests for sleepers, forgotten colonies, ruined cities, lost technology -- anything that could help bring back Dragon King civilization. It might even be that the strike that destroyed most of the Dragon Kings' souls during the Primordial War was Gorol's doing, bringing the story full circle. Starting Second Age Solar.

I'm now thinking of adding another artifact -- something smaller than a warstrider, something a starting Exalt might conceivably have, like a regular daiklave -- that all three Exalts could carry at some point in the story, reinforcing the link between them.
I thought the Legendary Exalt had to be involved in the Primordial War. Not to rain on the parade, but Gorol's betrayal came to light I believe after the end of the Primordial War.
Would you be a Legendary Solar during the Primordial War?

In the beginning, she'd still be hunting the sinister agent of the Primordials who killed her parents, and whose true identity is still a mystery (though presumably known by a few, including whoever took her from their manse). If you want to stick strictly to canon, we can say she can kept hunting for him throughout the war and into the Ochre Fountain era, until she discovered that not only was she the unacknowledged daughter of the famous Night Caste Gorol, but Gorol himself was the traitor she sought...!

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