[OOC] The Halls of Discussions [The Nightmare of Telistar]

Nice, though you might want to edit your post to make it clearer you were addressing Ryu, because your acceptance of Adalron's invite makes it somewhat harder to understand.

The messed up quotes in Dax's post threw me off and made me think Dax was the one talking and that I hadn't yet replied. Fixed now.
Hey guys, sorry about the randomly not posting. I lost my job a couple of weeks ago, and have been scrambling to find a new one.

I promise to catch up as soon as I can.

It's a good thing that you all post frequently, I just need to get caught up. :)
Oh don't feel bad. Me and my troubleshooting and amateur repairs of my one and only router (that allows my home network at least pure connectivity of 4 computers xD ) has left me quiet blahed. I'll get the 'Big Guys' over to the party soonish (A day or so)
Wow and a day or soonish didn't happen, sorry I owe posties

Forgive me if they don't come soon. >> I'll attempt something, but I'm in a bad state of depression and honestly considered not to post. But then I got feather up my fanny and posted in other places so its fair only to tell you my situation.

Again apologies.
...I'm in kind of the same situation, so it's likely that I won't be able to finish my character soon, since there's a lot of reading I need to do before I can start. Again, I am really sorry; I'm really bad at doing things like this, and it seems like no matter how hard I try, I can't improve...

...I hope you get better soon, though, Myllinnia.
Okay, I'm pretty much in the green and I shall attempt to move us on. This scene is ready to close soon, so once it does I shall post XP. ^^

Anyway if there is anything I or any of the pesky NPCs need to do for those I have missed or forgotten please poke me.
Well they know there are other exalts here so most likely with the pomp and stuff of their station. And depending on the response with those with the survivor. They will be professional and calm, but they will be quick to be harsh.
kk, so I'm going to close this scene and finally *gasp* move us to A1 S2 xD . That means XP. Anyway before I do that, where is everyone going? (I figure most of you are going to Adalron's. What of our warstrider pilot? Anyone else going somewhere else in Meru?)
Well, Ash will try to find the place she was originally supposed to arrive at -- hopefully she and Spring Thunder won't knock over any buildings while bumbling around Meru.

Unless, of course, Thunder suggests a different course of action. He's been to Meru before, after all, and she hasn't. :wink:
I curse writer's block yes I do, and getting the next scene up is a big pain. But I will attempt to have it up tomorrow. In the mean time I am granting XP

Everyone will receive 12 xp. I shall annotate this in the XP thread shortly.
I'm amusing myself in the meantime by imagining Ash's Lunar mate. He appears to be a stereotypical Upper Class Twit, so much so that most of his Exalted peers are forced to conclude Luna got her files mixed up when he was chosen.

Of course, this is a sham: he's a cunning and resourceful fellow with ties to both mortal and Dragon-Blooded peacekeepers and criminal gangs (plus a lucrative career as a professional troubleshooter). However, his Bernie Wooster pose means nobody has bothered to inform him his spouse has finally reincarnated, so he hasn't got a clue -- yet. He's in for a surprise when he gets back to Meru...
Tarcen was 'taking his time'(Highly relative statement) so he's probably a minute or two behind the fliers, let me know when he arrives....
Sorry for my belated responses. I had spotty and unreliable patternspider connection. I couldn't last longer than a few moments, vexing. >> Anyway posts incoming (Hopefully this means I can post ^^)
GM dearest, you're spamming my AIM account with links to what looks like a Facebook emulating spyware site.
CrazyIvan said:
GM dearest, you're spamming my AIM account with links to what looks like a Facebook emulating spyware site.
Yeah, her account got hacked. Block 'Myllinnia' and add 'AltieriaSol' instead.
Okay I'm sure you all have noticed a complete halt in this game. My life isn't very nice right now and as such I have cut down on attentiveness to various things.

So I leave it up to you all. Wait it out or should I just shut down the game? I can't very well guarantee much after this month.

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