[OOC] The Halls of Discussions [The Nightmare of Telistar]

In an attempt to be able to participate as soon as possible, the non-mechanical aspects of my character (picture, background) have been posted. Mechanics to follow ASAP.

Shadow, please let me know if you'd like any of it modified to fit your particular view of Solar-Lunar bonds, the one between the two of us in particular.
CrazyIvan said:
In an attempt to be able to participate as soon as possible, the non-mechanical aspects of my character (picture, background) have been posted. Mechanics to follow ASAP.
Shadow, please let me know if you'd like any of it modified to fit your particular view of Solar-Lunar bonds, the one between the two of us in particular.
It seems fine. Would be an interesting match for a bond, considering my character's focus on Earth, and Denansdor, and yours focused on the West, and Air. But it gives good roleplaying opportunities.

We can also work together, if our ST agrees, on how our former incarnations died.
Sorry for being so slow. I've been kind of struggling with my X-Com character, so I haven't been able to do much else...

Sail is used for piloting First Age vehicles in general, right?
Yes, although you'll also quite often need a certain rank in lore to be able to use them at all.
The fact that there's *no* mention of Sail in the Warbird's entry, and there is Ride (indeed, there is a required ride rating, and the claw attacks are Dex + Ride) and given the nature of the stearing of a Warbird - its mentioned that its done in a saddle by movements of the hands and thighs - all suggest Ride to me. If we were talking about Five Metal Shrike, or a Manta I'd agree that it was sail.

But if I need to change it to Sail, I will.

And this all assumes of course your question is rooted in my character sheet >.> Which upon further reading it may very well not be.
No, I was just wondering because I wanted my character to be able to pilot airships and things like that, but didn't particularly care about his ability to ride animals or sail ordinary ships.
No' date=' I was just wondering because I wanted my character to be able to pilot airships and things like that, but didn't particularly care about his ability to ride animals or sail ordinary ships.[/quote']
Flipping through Wonders of the Lost Age, generally you should have a few dots in Lore, and a few in Sail.
So how fiery does the crashed ship look to our characters? Would we probably burn to death if we tried to enter as things are now?
Heh, the twilights can enter easily enough they just need to get up to a full glow.....((See fridays Keychain of Creation))
The rain is dampening most of it, and most sections aren't as ablaze as others. (I shall amend a post to the condition of 'burning' ^^). In either case we can say that those that have descended have found the path of least burning.
I think its time I ask this.

How best do you think one should do the XP. Shall I do it a once a week affair like I have seen in others. Or a per Scene? (Which lends the questions :P Should this be A1 S2? xD )
I'll probably continue with the Scene to scene method. I would do something about this scene, we did shift scenes. Assuredly, but because I have a ton of new peeps I'll just fudge it and keep it Scene 1. After the ship will assuredly be Scene 2 xD
I prefer per week, simply because it's generally more frequent, and doesn't run into the problem of scenes not always having clear ending points.
So true. Well tell me what you all would like.

Per week, gives you a quicker XP groups.

Per Scene however will give you more XP (as I'll tally it through a scene's use rather than a Session's use)

So Far I have 1 who will go for either, and one for per week.
I'm a fan of per scene....per week has now bearing on the game itself and I find it odd that we would suddenly get a bunch of xp in the midst of a scene. At the end of each scene just seems logical..

Also it's generally a clear sign the scene is over when we get the xp.....
Chiming in after most of two weeks being either at GenCon or exhausted from GenCon:

I support the end of scene XP. It might be best to make each scene a thread. I like how we've done that in The Resurgent, but I'm not sure if Myllinnia has other plans with that.
Hey Myllinnia, there's a custom artefact that I've been thinking about for Shining Pilgrim. I was considering it when I made the character, but at that point I was more worried about finishing my character than approving some custom artefact. Basically I'm just looking for a single improved Smashfist, a Smashfist 2.0

I'm not sure what artefact rating Pilgrim could reasonably obtain for such a custom artefact. The relevant details are that Pilgrim has Arsenal 2 and that First Age non-essence discharging weapons are considered to be one dot lower than normal (So a Grand Daiklave would be artefact 2, for example).

Once I know what rating you think Pilgrim would be able to get without any trouble, I can look at what specific powers would be right for an artefact of that level providing they meet your approval. If I can't think of anything good in terms of powers, I'd probably be happy with just improvements to it's stats.
So, I should be able to get around to finishing my character sheet soon, since I'm finally almost caught up with everything...

Do we need someone with Investigation or Medicine? I was under that impression before, but I'm going to have to move some skills around since I didn't know of the requirements for Craft (Magitech)...

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