[OOC] The Halls of Discussions [The Nightmare of Telistar]

I have middling medicine ability and some other guy has pretty good medicine skills. Don't know about investigation.
Craft Magitech has these requirements (Craft Fire 2, Craft Air 2) (Er... I think those are the only two Craft requirements)

Now as to the rating for the artifact. You have Arsenal 2? What is your Wealth? You can get anything up to Arsenal Rating in dots for stuff but if it equals your Wealth rating you will lose a dot in Wealth, and if it Exceeds it... Well the only reason you could do that then is if its on loan from the Deliberative (Which would mean Backing dots xD ))
Check which Ability is better equipped to deal with the insane, and go with that, but don't feel too compelled, it will ease our game, but I'm sure it won't be a game breaker if none of us has it right now.
Check which Ability is better equipped to deal with the insane, and go with that, but don't feel too compelled, it will ease our game, but I'm sure it won't be a game breaker if none of us has it right now.
I'd think that would be Medicine, though I suppose Investigation would be useful trying to get anything out of them... I should be fine just dropping Medicine, though, and I suppose it wouldn't hurt to pick up a few Investigation Charms.

Oh, and happy birthday.
Tarcen will stay with the pilgrim, no sense leaving a medic by himself on a strange and pseudo-alien vessel. Plus this way he has a quick evac should departure become neccesary.

Didn't seem enough to worry with an IC post.....
Happy Birthday!

Pilgrim should be able to get a two dot smashfist without any problems. As it's only a two dot, even if it is just a single weapon rather than a pair like usual smashfists, I don't think that really qualifies as high enough to have a cool unique power. What damage, accuracy, defence, etc bonuses do you think I could get for that

This talk of backgrounds also brings up another point. What method are we using to increase backgrounds? Spending exp or working for them IC?
So, I've finally gotten back to work on my character sheet...

I was hoping to give my character some kind of (preferably laser) gun-like weapon for his main weapon, but I'm not too familiar with the choices available and which are the best. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Also, I've been thinking of having an Ally, or some Background along those lines... if I do, what would need to be done? Would I need a separate character sheet, or would I just leave it up to the Storyteller? And on a related note, are there any artifacts that allow for long-distance communication?

EDIT: Any suggestions on Archery Charms would be appreciated, too. I'm not entirely confident in my ability to make a competent ranged combatant.
The standard 'laser' weapon would be an essence cannon at the two or maybe even threee dot rating. There other main option would be the five dot Fiery Solar Cannon, although there are less common choices like the Fire Lance.

All these are in Wonders of the Lost Age.
Oh, one thing I need to know before writing my character's backstory... what is the group doing at the moment, and how much contact do they have with the Deliberative?

...Also, I'll admit that I'm not particularly familiar with the First Age. What books should I read? I have the Dreams of the First Age books, but I'm not entirely sure if that has everything important...
The three books with the dreams of the lost age set are the mai thing, it doesn't hurt to be familiar with the artifacts in Wonders of the lost age as well...

By the way on a laser front, a nice utility weapon already in the custom section is the Blast Bracer...


Blast Bracers

Artifact 3

Repair 2

The Blast Bracers were designed as a form of compact multi-use Defense/Offense Weapon. Combining the features of a Hearthstone Bracer with a Very Small Concussive Essence Cannon. The magitech of the bracer leaves no room for a hearth stone, however, due to the fact that one Magical Metal fills such a predominant role in the Blast bracers construction the wearer gains the ranged benefits of the Magic Metal in question on the Essence Cannon in addition to the Bracer (Though only as though it were a thrown weapon).

As a field tool it is most often made of jade for Dragon-Blood Scouts, but it can and has been made of all the Magic Metals.

Jade Blast Bracers for instance add +3 dice to dodge attempts and reduce the speed of hand to hand and thrown attacks by -1, as well the essence cannon firing at -1 speed and +10 yrds.

Imprecisions of the use of mostly one Metal lead to the weapons higher repair rating....

Commitment 6 motes
Okay, thanks... it'll probably take me a bit to finish reading everything, so I may not be able to finish my character sheet for a few days or so.

Sorry about taking so long. I'm just really slow with this...
So, after reading the post concerning the pulsating gem I decided to take a look at my character to figure out how I was going to survive this. I noticed that I lack a perfect defense. For some reason I think that may have been a mistake that I won't live to regret.
Well, you're in good company, cause I don't have one either. My character was built as a scholar/manse designer, but I do keep hope that he might survive this, and be able to use his powers at least once, for all of our benefit.
Erm...Actually...I too lack a perfect....Though a stamina/dex excellency can be close at times....it's not the same...

Edit:I do have a perfect mental parry againgst CoDs...Not that that is at all applicaple vs. an essence core....

Edit 2: Many apologizes, my net is currently out so posts will be as I can beg net access from one point or another....It should be back in a few days
I'll post tomorrow, A plus if Ligier gets to it before me. Otherwise I'll get us moving with Adalron's side of the progress ^^

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