[OOC] The Halls of Discussions [The Nightmare of Telistar]

Is a warstrider with auxillery systems bought as seperate artifacts w.r.t. wealth and arsenal?
The manse for Solars has contradictory parts.

Under the Manse background description, it says all Solars have a one-dot manse in Meru, Earth or Air aspected. In the Solar creation summary, it says they have one dot Manse rating by default.
Snuggly said:
Check the Solar Summary in Lords of Creation, under Step Four: Advantages; it says explicitly that starting Solars gain Manse 1 for free.
This conflicts with the Manse background description, but it's a score of 2 entries to 1, so I'm guessing that it's 1 free dot.

Let it be known that White Wolf are inconsistent assholes, as usual.
Solars do get 1 Manse dot free (an Air or Earth Manse somewhere in Meru) Unless its upgraded it is Air/Earth and in Meru. This assumes I didn't read it wrong. ^^


However It appears it works like this

Arsenal for Weapons, Armor, various other military minded stuff

Wealth Supports it, it appears

Panoply for your MP3 players and minor non military gear xD

So while I am -not- sure if you could get a Warstrider and its various sub Assemblies via both Backgrounds. It appears though that you can get a Warstrider at two dots and higher, (and Wealth appears to be used to arm your armies by your lonesome instead of the organization you are borrowing the forces from ^^)

Edit: And it appears that there are inconsitencies... darn the section.
Solars getting a free one-dot Manse rating sounds like the best solution. It represents that default manse they get, and they can upgrade it with background or BP like usual. If we go by what the Manse background says however, they'd have to pay for an extra dot because it starts off at 0 dots. Thus, starting them off with a free one-dot Earth or Air manse is the best solution methinks.
Thanks for choking my assignment.

I hope no one's bothered that Gold-Shadowed Arrow is Neneh's Mentor. I'm quite familiar with canon fluff, and in DotFA, it's said he runs a criminal empire, and in Infernals, he goes on a killing spree of suspected infernalists. I figure he'd delegate some of those to his new apprentice.
Is a warstrider with auxillery systems bought as seperate artifacts w.r.t. wealth and arsenal?
Also unfamilair with W.R.T.

But basicaly, Arsenal says what military goods your authorized for, Panoply what non-military stuff you have the connections to get, Wealth acts as resources except dealing with artifacts...Thus with Wealth 2 you could have a theoretically infinite number of level 1 artifacts or get one level 2 (which would drop your wealth rating)

thus, with wealth 4 and Arsenal 3 you could easily have a common or scout strider with most of the goodies, or most of the goodies and a single Noble strider (and a wealth one less than you actually purchased....)
w.r.t. is with respect to, seems I need to be less lazy ;)

Since it doesn't seem to be 100% clear from the text, what do you rule? Does a warstrider with upgrades count as one big-ass artifact (easily getting to rank 7) or several (4 for a noble, 3 for a fight system, 2 for camouflage etc.)?
Rank 7? O.o

A war strider even with a full load out of gear (which by the way is a hefty drain to the essence reserves) Is a Artifact of a level according to type, with the extras as just that, extras....

As long as your arsenal and wealth are high enough it's just like puchasing a suit of mundane armor with resources, if you want to buy a nice sword, a matching cape, and a helmet to go with it, each is still bought seperatly...

Otherwise the description of the add-ons wouldn't bother describing the seperate point costs and instead just list how much it increases the cost of the armor by.
I'm pretty sure that, as with resources, you're allowed to start with one thing equal to your Wealth level without losing a dot.
TherealBrickwall said:
I'm pretty sure that, as with resources, you're allowed to start with one thing equal to your Wealth level without losing a dot.
The heartbeat (progress) check ^^

I know several of you are busy, but lets see who is still alive.
I saw that, I was like oooh ah, read. And nicely done.

Once we have sheets all done (At least if I get 5 of the 8 of you by next weekend), I'll donate BPs for pics and backstories.
TherealBrickwall said:
My character sheets are pretty much done, but I still haven't figured out which would be best to play.
*Evil grin* Flip a coin xD (Ya I spent a few days just not saying anything) With that said I think the Researcher would a fun choice but I must try to remember if we have 1 in the Solar Side. >>
We have a Twilight Caste, but we also have an Eclipse. Either of those characters would add a new dimension to either role. A subtler, Vizier-like dimension.

Here's the question: would you allow my Secrets to look exactly like Jupiter without any explanation? It seems like a fun plot hook.

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