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  1. H

    GSPs vs Deathknights

    Liminals are very much alive. Ish. Usually.
  2. H

    What are your thoughts on Dragon-Blooded?

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    Genesis Craft

    Craft creep is the enemy :P
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    Genesis Craft

    Egads! Spotted! Yeah, Craft (Genesis) is not going to be a 3e Ability, and most likely is going to be the province of sorcerers with Medicine to the degree that you can do it at all.
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    Alchemicals: Such a disapointment

    I hope you mean chapter 2 because otherwise this makes me so confused.
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    Disapointed with the Fair Folk

    You can stop being disappointed now ^^ (You can be even less disappointed when the next Scroll of Errata hits in a few days)
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    Return of the Scarlet Empress

    The Aftershock War, detailed in Dreams of the First Age.
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    Keychain #317-322

    I dig the new style. DIVIS MARENA HAS ARMS :shock:
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    Scroll of Errata

    No, VBoS was created when the Sidereals were. They've always had two Hero styles, basically.
  10. H

    Jukashi's Alchemical Chapter vs. 2nd Ed. Alchemicals

    KoC had only a little bit of influence on the 2e book. There's the Nova shout-out, of course; and Light-Etched Interceptor Barrier was pretty much a case of me looking at the comic and saying, "PCs should be able to do that." That's about it though.
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    Return of the Scarlet Empress

    I'd hate to see much of RotSE showing up in KoC. Not because RotSE is bad (it's awesome!), but simply because I check KoC to see someone else's take on Exalted. :P
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    Solars and the Unconquered Sun

    According to the 1e corebook, he's turned his face back to the world and is presently giving the Solars a second chance.
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    Keychain #296-300(!)

    Just dropping in to congratulate you on strip 300. It rocked the socks off of at least two Exalted writers that I know of. Awesomely handled.
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    What caste is Nova?

    All my Charms start out their lives as a Simple Charm called Glorious Solar Template.
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    Ink Monkeys

    There is no developer but the developer, and Chambers is his name :mrgreen:
  16. H

    Are we getting an Alchemicals hardback?

    Your local gaming shop probably has several copies on the shelf. Amazon is being retarded for some unfathomable reason.
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    Nova cameo in MoEP: Alchemicals.

    Someone finally stumbled into a keyboard and accidentally approved me after four or five months! Hurrah! And although it's now a year and a chapter past being topical, yes, we love the Keychain and especially Nova.
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    Ink Monkeys

    And have it you shall 8)
  19. H

    Akuma Abyssal

    Meticulous Owl is not akuma (as noted, per MoEP: Alchemicals, you can't do Abyssal akuma). He's a Moonshadow enjoying the perks of his anima power.