Akuma Abyssal


One Thousand Club
A few questions about what would happen if you Akumatized an Abyssal Exalt:

Would that Abyssal still use necrotic Essence, or would it switch live Essence?

An Abyssal akuma would lose the ability to perform Necromancy unless it learned that one Ebon Dragon Charm, correct?

Would the Abyssal still have to deal with Resonance?

Would Akumatizing have any effect on the Abyssal's Monstrance of Celestial Portion?
The canon answer to the best of my understanding is that it is impossible, which makes the actual answer whatever the hell you want to happen.

Maybe roll Torment and Resonance all into one ball of WE ARE PISSED AT YOU?

Don't Akuma's retain the capacity for Necromancy? I thought only GSPs were Necroless.

As for the Monstrance, I can't think of anything cool, but if you do, do it.
magnificentmomo said:
The canon answer to the best of my understanding is that it is impossible, which makes the actual answer whatever the hell you want to happen.
I don't recall this. Do you have a page reference? :?
I didn't think it was impossible, but even if it was the Ebon Dragon could probably still do it.

Also I believe your initial hypothesis was correct regarding necromancy - akuma lose the ability to cast it unless their patron is the Ebon Dragon or some homebrew Yozi with a strong connection to death.

I'm really curious as to how it would work with the Monstrances though...
Kyeudo said:
magnificentmomo said:
The canon answer to the best of my understanding is that it is impossible, which makes the actual answer whatever the hell you want to happen.
I don't recall this. Do you have a page reference? :?
It's the intent of a few authors that you can only be "touched" by Primordial Essence once. So, Abyssals are off limits to the Yozis and Autochthon, akuma and Green Sun Princes are off limits to Autocthon and the Neverborn and Alchemicals are off limits to the Yozis and Neverborn. This was never actually put in a published product, but it might show up in Manual: Alchemicals, and if not there it will probably end up in the Scroll of Errata.
Tsuranis said:
I didn't think it was impossible, but even if it was the Ebon Dragon could probably still do it.
Akuma and Green Sun Princes can't use necromancy normally, unless they take advantage of something like the Ebon Dragon's Ultimate Darkness Internalization. This is covered in the Infernal Sorcery section at the end of the Infernal Charms chapter.
Scroll of Exalts has a possible example of one such, though it's possible Meticulous Owl, also known as Endless-Faced Spite is simply a Moonshadow who knows many Ebon Dragon charms and has the Ebon Dragon as his personal Mentor. Either way, at the least one Abyssal has been significantly suborned by a Yozi. Of course, like a few other characters, it's implied that he's one of those 'Hey, ST, it's up to you what's really going on or going to happen here' types, just like Ragara Myrrun and Thousand Faceted Nelumbo.

Edited Addendum:

The Infernal book at least specifically makes notes of the possibility of Alchemicals becoming Akuma, so the statement about 'One Primordial influence' doesn't seem to be backed up by the books. It is also stated that Akuma regain essence in Creation and Malfeas equally instead of whatever they did before, so the Abyssal in question would regain essence in Creation and Malfeas, instead of their natural tendency. The Abyssal in question likely would suffer Resonance the same as before, as it doesn't state such would be removed, and those who suffer the Great Curse do NOT have such removed by becoming Akuma.
It's the intent of a few authors that you can only be "touched" by Primordial Essence once.
This seems flawed - the infernal book also specifically states that an akuma can be made subject to investiture of infernal glory multiple times and that this is infact necessary for changing their Urge.
Tsuranis said:
It's the intent of a few authors that you can only be "touched" by Primordial Essence once.
This seems flawed - the infernal book also specifically states that an akuma can be made subject to investiture of infernal glory multiple times and that this is infact necessary for changing their Urge.
That's different. I'm not talking about actually being affected by titanic Essence only once, I'm talking about being claimed.
I explanation I recall from the author himself was that the Necrotic Essence is such the antithesis of the Primordials that the Abyssal Exaltation can't power the Primordial charms.
The only reference I can find is that eclipse and moonshadow castes cannot learn Investiture of Infernal Glory unless they are already akuma.
I see becomming an Akuma as being something of an overlay on top of whatever it is that the victim originally is. Ergo, I think that you could become an Abysal Akuma, and I don't think this would affect the Neverborn's hold over the Akuma. Though, I don't know that the Yozi would allow it, as something of a professional courtesy, but I think it'd work.

Similarly, I think you could make an Infernal Akuma, if such a thing wouldn't be fundamentally redundant and counter-intuitive to the Yozi's plan for the GSP's.
MrMephistopheles said:
jeriausx said:
There is nothing in the books that forbids it.
...except the sidebar in the St section of the Alchemicals book :)
Unfortunately I don't own the Alchemicals book.

Becomming Akuma is a choice of one's free will. I fail to see how an Abysal lacks the ability to make this choice?
Meticulous Owl is not akuma (as noted, per MoEP: Alchemicals, you can't do Abyssal akuma). He's a Moonshadow enjoying the perks of his anima power.
Well, it's a fine rule because really, an Abyssal akuma is for a person who wanted cake, tried to eat it, vomited on their shoes and then started piling more toppings on because they just can't give up the hope to have said cake and eat it too.
Kyeudo said:
Just remember: If it's a rule, the Ebon Dragon can break it.
No, that won't work for me. I'll just have to make an exception and hope it's cool enough to pass muster.
Gylthinel said:
MrMephistopheles said:
jeriausx said:
There is nothing in the books that forbids it.
...except the sidebar in the St section of the Alchemicals book :)
Unfortunately I don't own the Alchemicals book.

Becomming Akuma is a choice of one's free will. I fail to see how an Abysal lacks the ability to make this choice?
That's....oversimplifying things just a taaaaaad bit.

Free will or lack there of has nothing to do with why you can't have an Abyssal akuma.
I'd guess the Neverborn had built in safe guards. They and thier brother kinda have opposite agendas.
I figured it had something to do with the fact that the Akuma are artificial souls of the Yozi's, and that they can't handle the touch of Oblivion that is part of all Abyssals.
Aasharu said:
I figured it had something to do with the fact that the Akuma are artificial souls of the Yozi's, and that they can't handle the touch of Oblivion that is part of all Abyssals.
Somewhat correct. Abyssals, Alchemicals and GSP Exaltations can only harmonize the power of one Primordial distinction(living, dead, Yozis). The energy of the Primordials is too vast even for an Exaltation to contain more.
But becoming an akuma doesn't really need to affect the Exaltation, does it? Being an Abyssal is a condition on the shard itself: being akuma is something that's just on your body and your soul, since mortals can be akuma. When a Celestial Akuma dies, their shard escapes and reincarnates with no more effect than a past life memory would have.

An Abyssal shard, on the other hand, remains an Abyssal shard and its next incarnation will have no loyalty to the Neverborn if he happens to wander off before his DL gets to him.

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